Пример #1
def generateSubquads(row, column, zoom):
    row0, col0, row1, col1, zoom1 \
        = row*2, column*2, row*2+1, column*2+1, zoom+1

    count = 4

    offset = 0

    for r in range(2):
        for c in range(2):
            if r == 0 and c == 0:
                coord = Coordinate(row0, col0, zoom1)
            if r == 0 and c == 1:
                coord = Coordinate(row0, col1, zoom1)
            if r == 1 and c == 0:
                coord = Coordinate(row1, col0, zoom1)
            if r == 1 and c == 1:
                coord = Coordinate(row1, col1, zoom1)

            #print coord

            # Ensure we only yield coords in the area of interest
            #if extentContainsCoord( render_bbox, coord ):
            #print '\t', coord
            yield (offset, count, coord)
            #    continue

            offset += 1
Пример #2
    def test_make_metatiles_multiple_coordinates(self):
        # we need to be able to handle this so that we can do "cut out"
        # overzoomed tiles at z>16.

        json = "{\"json\":true}"
        tiles = [
            dict(tile=json, coord=Coordinate(17, 123, 456),
                 format=json_format, layer='all'),
            dict(tile=json, coord=Coordinate(17, 123, 457),
                 format=json_format, layer='all'),

        metatiles = make_metatiles(1, tiles)
        self.assertEqual(2, len(metatiles))
        coords = set([Coordinate(17, 123, 456), Coordinate(17, 123, 457)])
        for meta in metatiles:
            self.assertTrue(meta['coord'] in coords)

            self.assertEqual('all', meta['layer'])
            self.assertEqual(zip_format, meta['format'])
            buf = StringIO.StringIO(meta['tile'])
            with zipfile.ZipFile(buf, mode='r') as z:
                self.assertEqual(json, z.open('0/0/0.json').read())

        # check all coords were consumed
        self.assertEqual(0, len(coords))
Пример #3
 def test_tilequeue_intersect_does_not_enqueue_coords(self):
     from mock import MagicMock
     from tilequeue.command import tilequeue_intersect
     from ModestMaps.Core import Coordinate
     from tilequeue.tile import serialize_coord
     cfg_mock = MagicMock()
     cfg_mock.queue_type = 'sqs'
     periperals_mock = MagicMock()
     c0 = Coordinate(row=0, column=0, zoom=0)
     c1 = Coordinate(row=1, column=1, zoom=1)
     periperals_mock.redis_cache_index = MagicMock(
         intersect=lambda x, y: ([]))
     queue_mock = MagicMock()
     periperals_mock.queue = queue_mock
     queue_mock.enqueue = self.fake_enqueue
     queue_mock.enqueue_batch = self.fake_enqueue_batch
     import os
     with tempdir() as expired_tiles_location:
         expected_file = os.path.join(expired_tiles_location,
         with open(expected_file, "w+") as fp:
             fp.write(serialize_coord(c0) + "\n" + serialize_coord(c1))
         cfg_mock.intersect_expired_tiles_location = expired_tiles_location
         cfg_mock.logconfig = None
         tilequeue_intersect(cfg_mock, periperals_mock)
     self.assertNotIn(c0, self.enqueued_list)
     self.assertNotIn(c1, self.enqueued_list)
Пример #4
 def test_2x2_tile_nominal_1(self):
     from tilequeue.process import metatile_children_with_size
     coord = Coordinate(zoom=0, column=0, row=0)
     result = metatile_children_with_size(coord, 1, 0, 256)
         Coordinate(zoom=0, column=0, row=0),
     ]), set(result))
Пример #5
 def test_tilequeue_intersect_enqueues_coords(self):
     from mock import MagicMock
     from tilequeue.command import tilequeue_intersect
     from ModestMaps.Core import Coordinate
     from tilequeue.tile import serialize_coord
     from tilequeue.tile import coord_marshall_int
     cfg_mock = MagicMock()
     cfg_mock.queue_type = 'sqs'
     periperals_mock = MagicMock()
     c0 = Coordinate(row=0, column=0, zoom=0)
     c1 = Coordinate(row=1, column=1, zoom=1)
     coords = (c0, c1)
     periperals_mock.redis_cache_index = MagicMock(
         fetch_tiles_of_interest=lambda: set(
             map(coord_marshall_int, coords)))
     queue_mock = MagicMock()
     periperals_mock.queue = queue_mock
     queue_mock.enqueue = self.fake_enqueue
     queue_mock.enqueue_batch = self.fake_enqueue_batch
     import os
     with tempdir() as expired_tiles_location:
         expected_file = os.path.join(expired_tiles_location,
         with open(expected_file, "w+") as fp:
             fp.write('\n'.join(map(serialize_coord, coords)))
         cfg_mock.intersect_expired_tiles_location = expired_tiles_location
         cfg_mock.logconfig = None
         tilequeue_intersect(cfg_mock, periperals_mock)
     self.assertIn(c0, self.enqueued_list)
     self.assertIn(c1, self.enqueued_list)
Пример #6
def tile(key, x, y, z):

    dbo = resolve_dbo(key)
    if key is None:
        return abort(404)

    start = time()
    # TODO Add z limit -> 204 No Content
    c = Coordinate(y, x, z)
    nw = OSM.coordinateLocation(c)
    se = OSM.coordinateLocation(c.down().right())
    box = as_bbox(se, nw, 4326)
    query = dbo.Feature.query.filter(Feature.geom.intersects(box))
    features = []
    for f in query:
        feature = {
            'type': 'Feature',
            'id': f.id,
            'properties': f.properties,
            'geometry': f.shape.__geo_interface__
    data_time = time() - start
    response = jsonify({
            'type': 'FeatureCollection',
            'features': features
    serialize_time = time() - start - data_time
    # print (x,y,z), "Data:", data_time, "Serialize:", serialize_time
    return response
Пример #7
def tile(key, x, y, z):

    dbo = resolve_dbo(key)
    if key is None:
        return abort(404)

    start = time()
    # TODO Add z limit -> 204 No Content
    c = Coordinate(y, x, z)
    nw = OSM.coordinateLocation(c)
    se = OSM.coordinateLocation(c.down().right())
    box = as_bbox(se, nw, 4326)
    query = dbo.Feature.query.filter(Feature.geom.intersects(box))
    features = []
    for f in query:
        feature = {
            'type': 'Feature',
            'id': f.id,
            'properties': f.properties,
            'geometry': f.shape.__geo_interface__
    data_time = time() - start
    response = jsonify({'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': features})
    serialize_time = time() - start - data_time
    # print (x,y,z), "Data:", data_time, "Serialize:", serialize_time
    return response
Пример #8
def tile(x, y, z):

  # start = time()
  # TODO Add z limit -> 204 No Content
  c = Coordinate(y, x, z)
  nw = OSM.coordinateLocation(c)
  se = OSM.coordinateLocation(c.down().right())
  box = as_bbox(se, nw, 4326)
  query = Commune.query.filter(Commune.centroid.intersects(box))
  features = []
  for f in query:
    feature = {
      'type': 'Feature',
      'id': f.id,
      'properties': f.properties,
      'geometry': f.shape.__geo_interface__
  # data_time = time() - start
  response = jsonify({
    'type': 'FeatureCollection',
    'features': features
  # serialize_time = time() - start - data_time
  # print (x,y,z), "Data:", data_time, "Serialize:", serialize_time
  return response
Пример #9
def bounds_to_coords(bounds, zoom):
    minx, miny, maxx, maxy = bounds
    topleft_lng = minx
    topleft_lat = maxy
    bottomright_lat = miny
    bottomright_lng = maxx

    topleftx, toplefty = deg2num(topleft_lat, topleft_lng, zoom)
    bottomrightx, bottomrighty = deg2num(bottomright_lat, bottomright_lng,

    # clamp max values
    maxval = int(math.pow(2, zoom) - 1)
    bottomrightx = min(maxval, bottomrightx)
    bottomrighty = min(maxval, bottomrighty)

    topleftcoord = Coordinate(row=toplefty, column=topleftx, zoom=zoom)
    # check if one coordinate subsumes the whole bounds at this zoom
    if topleftx == bottomrightx and toplefty == bottomrighty:
        return [topleftcoord]

    # we have two inclusive coordinates representing the range
    bottomrightcoord = Coordinate(row=bottomrighty,
    return topleftcoord, bottomrightcoord
Пример #10
def mercator_point_to_coord_fractional(z, x, y):
    coord = Coordinate(
        column=x + half_earth_circum,
        row=half_earth_circum - y,
    coord = coord.zoomTo(z)
    return coord
Пример #11
def mercator_point_to_coord_fractional(z, x, y):
    coord = Coordinate(
        column=x + half_earth_circum,
        row=half_earth_circum - y,
    coord = coord.zoomTo(z)
    return coord
Пример #12
def mercator_point_to_coord(z, x, y):
    coord = Coordinate(
        column=x + half_earth_circum,
        row=half_earth_circum - y,
    coord = coord.zoomTo(z).container()
    return coord
Пример #13
def mercator_point_to_coord(z, x, y):
    coord = Coordinate(
        column=x + half_earth_circum,
        row=half_earth_circum - y,
    coord = coord.zoomTo(z).container()
    return coord
Пример #14
def iterate_squares(ds, zoom):
    xoff, xstride, _, yoff, _, ystride = ds.GetGeoTransform()
    minlon, maxlat = xoff, yoff
    maxlon = xoff + ds.RasterXSize * xstride
    minlat = yoff + ds.RasterYSize * ystride
    if zoom > 11:
        maxlat = min(58, maxlat)
    osm = Provider()
    ul = osm.locationCoordinate(Location(maxlat, minlon)).zoomTo(zoom)
    lr = osm.locationCoordinate(Location(minlat, maxlon)).zoomTo(zoom)
    #lr = osm.locationCoordinate(Location(20, -60)).zoomTo(zoom)
    row = int(ul.row)
    while row < lr.row:
        lat = osm.coordinateLocation(Coordinate(row, 0, zoom)).lat
        print >> sys.stderr, 'lat:', round(lat, 2)
        col = int(ul.column)
        while col < lr.column:
            coord = Coordinate(row, col, zoom)
            sw = osm.coordinateLocation(coord.down())
            ne = osm.coordinateLocation(coord.right())
            west = max(minlon, sw.lon)
            north = min(maxlat, ne.lat)
            east = min(maxlon, ne.lon)
            south = max(minlat, sw.lat)
            left = round((west - xoff) / xstride)
            top = round((north - yoff) / ystride)
            width = round((east - xoff) / xstride) - left
            height = round((south - yoff) / ystride) - top
            yield (coord, south, north, int(left), int(top), int(width), int(height))
            col += 1
        row += 1
    x = xmin
    while x < xmax:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'lon:', x
        y = ymin
        while y < ymax:
            left = round((x - xoff) / xstride)
            top = round((y + size - yoff) / ystride)
            width, height = round(size / xstride), round(size / -ystride)

            yield (round(x, 2), round(y, 2), int(left), int(top), int(width), int(height))
            y += size
        x += size
Пример #15
 def test_tiles_children(self):
     from tilequeue.tile import coord_children
     from ModestMaps.Core import Coordinate
     coord = Coordinate(0, 0, 0)
     children = coord_children(coord)
     self.assertEqual(4, len(children))
     self.assertEqual(Coordinate(0, 0, 1), children[0])
     self.assertEqual(Coordinate(1, 0, 1), children[1])
     self.assertEqual(Coordinate(0, 1, 1), children[2])
     self.assertEqual(Coordinate(1, 1, 1), children[3])
Пример #16
 def test_zoom_1(self):
     tiles = self._call_fut(1)
     self.assertEqual(5, len(tiles))
     expected_tiles = [
         Coordinate(0, 0, 0),
         Coordinate(0, 0, 1),
         Coordinate(1, 0, 1),
         Coordinate(0, 1, 1),
         Coordinate(1, 1, 1),
     self._assert_tilelist(expected_tiles, tiles)
Пример #17
 def test_enqueue_batch_does_not_add_redundant_tile_in_flight(self):
     coords = [
         Coordinate(row=1, column=1, zoom=1),
         Coordinate(row=2, column=2, zoom=2)
     mock = MagicMock()
     mock.side_effect = [True, False]
     self.mockRedis.sismember = mock
     self.assertEqual(1, len(self.message_tuples))
     self.assertEqual(self.message_tuples[0][1], "2/2/2")
Пример #18
def coordinates(zoom):
    osm = Provider()

    for (col, row) in product(range(2 ** zoom), range(2 ** zoom)):
        coord = Coordinate(row, col, zoom)

        sw = osm.coordinateLocation(coord.down())
        ne = osm.coordinateLocation(coord.right())

        yield coord, sw, ne
Пример #19
 def test_make_metatiles_single(self):
     json = "{\"json\":true}"
     tiles = [dict(tile=json, coord=Coordinate(0, 0, 0),
                   format=json_format, layer='all')]
     metatiles = make_metatiles(1, tiles)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(metatiles))
     self.assertEqual(Coordinate(0, 0, 0), metatiles[0]['coord'])
     self.assertEqual('all', metatiles[0]['layer'])
     self.assertEqual(zip_format, metatiles[0]['format'])
     buf = StringIO.StringIO(metatiles[0]['tile'])
     with zipfile.ZipFile(buf, mode='r') as z:
         self.assertEqual(json, z.open('0/0/0.json').read())
Пример #20
def coordinates(zoom):
    osm = Provider()

    for (col, row) in product(range(2**zoom), range(2**zoom)):
        coord = Coordinate(row, col, zoom)

        sw = osm.coordinateLocation(coord.down())
        ne = osm.coordinateLocation(coord.right())

        yield coord, sw, ne
Пример #21
 def test_enqueue_batch_adds_tiles(self):
     coords = [
         Coordinate(row=1, column=1, zoom=1),
         Coordinate(row=2, column=2, zoom=2)
     mock = MagicMock()
     mock.side_effect = [False, False]
     self.mockRedis.sismember = mock
     self.assertEqual(2, len(self.message_tuples))
     self.assertEqual(self.message_tuples[0][1], "1/1/1")
     self.assertEqual(self.message_tuples[1][1], "2/2/2")
Пример #22
    def projCoordinate(self, point):
        """ Convert from Point object in EPSG:3857 to a Coordinate object
        # the zoom at which we're dealing with meters on the ground
        diameter = 2 * _pi * 6378137
        zoom = _log(diameter) / _log(2)

        # global offsets
        coord = Coordinate(point.y, point.x, zoom)
        coord.column = coord.column + diameter/2
        coord.row = diameter/2 - coord.row
        return coord
Пример #23
    def projCoordinate(self, point):
        """ Convert from Point object in EPSG:900913 to a Coordinate object
        # the zoom at which we're dealing with meters on the ground
        diameter = 2 * _pi * 6378137
        zoom = _log(diameter) / _log(2)

        # global offsets
        coord = Coordinate(point.y, point.x, zoom)
        coord.column = coord.column + diameter/2
        coord.row = diameter/2 - coord.row
        return coord
Пример #24
 def test_enqueue_batch_adds_tiles_as_in_flight(self):
     from tilequeue.tile import coord_marshall_int
     coords = [
         Coordinate(row=1, column=1, zoom=1),
         Coordinate(row=2, column=2, zoom=2)
     mock = MagicMock()
     mock.side_effect = [False, False]
     self.mockRedis.sismember = mock
     self.mockRedis.sadd = self.fake_sadd
     self.assertEqual(self.key_name, self.sqs.inflight_key)
     exp_values = map(coord_marshall_int, coords)
     self.assertEqual(exp_values, self.values)
Пример #25
def bbox_polygon(bbox, provider, zoom):

    rectangle = bbox.envelope.exterior
    (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = rectangle.coords[0], rectangle.coords[2]

    coord1 = Coordinate(y1, x1, zoom + 8)
    coord2 = Coordinate(y2, x2, zoom + 8)

    location1 = provider.coordinateLocation(coord1)
    location2 = provider.coordinateLocation(coord2)
    lat1, lon1 = location1.lat, location1.lon
    lat2, lon2 = location2.lat, location2.lon
    return Polygon(((lon1, lat1), (lon1, lat2), (lon2, lat2), (lon2, lat1), (lon1, lat1)))
 def test_roundtrip_serialization(self):
     from tilequeue.tile import coord_marshall_int
     from tilequeue.tile import coord_unmarshall_int
     from tilequeue.tile import seed_tiles
     from ModestMaps.Core import Coordinate
     from itertools import chain
     seed_coords = seed_tiles(0, 5)
     example_coords = [
         Coordinate(zoom=20, column=1002463, row=312816),
         Coordinate(zoom=30, column=12345678, row=12345678),
     coords = chain(seed_coords, example_coords)
     for coord in coords:
Пример #27
    def get(self, kernel_id, layer_name, x, y, z, extension, **kwargs):

        config = self.ktile_config_manager[kernel_id]

        layer = config.layers[layer_name]
        coord = Coordinate(int(y), int(x), int(z))

        # To run synchronously:
        # status_code, headers, content = layer.getTileResponse(
        #     coord, extension)

        status_code, headers, content = yield self.client.getTileResponse(
            layer, coord, extension)

        if layer.max_cache_age is not None:
            expires = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(
            headers['Expires'] = expires.strftime('%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')
            headers['Cache-Control'] = 'public, max-age=%d' \
                % layer.max_cache_age
            headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'
            headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'
            headers['Expires'] = '0'

        # Force allow cross origin access
        headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"

        # Fill tornado handler properties with ktile code/header/content
        for k, v in headers.items():
            self.set_header(k, v)


Пример #28
    def doRequest(self):


        configDict = settings.TILESTACHE_CONFIG_BASE
        configDict['layers'][self.layer_name] = Layer.objects.get(project_id=self.projectId, name=self.layer_name).tilestache_conf

        configDict['layers']['rt'] = {
            "provider": {
                "name": "url template",
                "template": "http://www502.regione.toscana.it/wmsraster/com.rt.wms.RTmap/wms?map=wmspiapae&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&VERSION=1.3.0&LAYERS=rt_piapae.carta_dei_caratteri_del_paesaggio.50k.ct.rt&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=undefined&CRS=EPSG:3857&WIDTH=$width&HEIGHT=$height&bbox=$xmin,$ymin,$xmax,$ymax"
            "projection": "spherical mercator"
        config = Config.buildConfiguration(configDict)
        layer = config.layers[self.layer_name]
        coord = Coordinate(int(self.tile_row), int(self.tile_column), int(self.tile_zoom))
        tile_mimetype, tile_content = getTile(layer, coord, self.tile_format, ignore_cached=False)

        return HttpResponse(content_type=tile_mimetype, content=tile_content)
Пример #29
    def test_road_no_repeated_points(self):
        from ModestMaps.Core import Coordinate
        from tilequeue.tile import coord_to_bounds

        z, x, y = 16, 17885, 27755
        coord = Coordinate(zoom=z, column=x, row=y)
        bounds = coord_to_bounds(coord)

        # have to reorder the bounds from conventional order to the unusual
        # scheme that overpass expects (south,west,north,east).
        bbox = "%f,%f,%f,%f" % (bounds[1], bounds[0], bounds[3], bounds[2])
        overpass = "******"
        query = "way(" + bbox + ")[highway]%3B>%3B"

        self.load_fixtures([overpass + query])

        num_tested = 0
        with self.features_in_tile_layer(z, x, y, 'roads') as features:
            for feature in features:
                gtype = feature['geometry']['type']

                if gtype == 'LineString':
                    num_tested += 1

                elif gtype == 'MultiLineString':
                    for linestring in feature['geometry']['coordinates']:
                    num_tested += 1

        self.assertTrue(num_tested != 0,
                        "Expected at least one testable feature.")
Пример #30
def _overpass_element(layer_name, query_fn, args):
    import json

    result = query_fn(args.query)
    pos = result.position
    x, y = tile.deg2num(pos[0], pos[1], args.zoom)
    coord = Coordinate(zoom=args.zoom, column=x, row=y)
    expect = json.loads(args.expect) if args.expect else None

    if expect:
        name = '_'.join(_make_ident(v) for v in expect.values())
        name = 'FIXME'
    name = name + '_' + result.element_type()

    tags = result.tags
    tags['source'] = 'openstreetmap.org'

    params = dict(

    output = _render_template('overpass_test', params)
    print output.encode('utf-8')
Пример #31
def way_full(way_id, zoom=16):
    url = 'https://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/way/%d/full' % (way_id,)
    headers = {'user-agent': 'mktest.py/0.0.1 (https://github.com/tilezen)'}
    r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    root = ET.fromstring(r.content)
    assert root.tag == 'osm'

    nodes = {}
    nds = []
    tags = {}

    for child in root:
        if child.tag == 'node':
            node_id = int(child.attrib['id'])
            nodes[node_id] = child

        elif child.tag == 'way':
            assert way_id == int(child.attrib['id'])
            for wchild in child:
                if wchild.tag == 'nd':
                elif wchild.tag == 'tag':
                    k = wchild.attrib['k']
                    v = wchild.attrib['v']
                    tags[k] = v

    assert nds
    first_node = nodes[nds[0]]
    lat = float(first_node.attrib['lat'])
    lon = float(first_node.attrib['lon'])
    x, y = tile.deg2num(lat, lon, zoom)

    tags['source'] = 'openstreetmap.org'

    return Coordinate(zoom=zoom, column=x, row=y), tags
Пример #32
def node_test(args):
    import json

    position, node_tags = node(args.node_id, args.zoom)
    x, y = tile.deg2num(position[1], position[0], args.zoom)
    coord = Coordinate(zoom=args.zoom, column=x, row=y)
    expect = json.loads(args.expect) if args.expect else None

    if expect:
        name = '_'.join(_make_ident(v) for v in expect.values())
        name = 'FIXME'

    args = dict(

    output = _render_template('node_test', args)
    print output.encode('utf-8')
Пример #33
 def _areaQuads(self, area):
     xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = area.bounds
     ul = Coordinate(ymin, xmin, self.zpixel).zoomTo(self.zgroup).container()
     lr = Coordinate(ymax, xmax, self.zpixel).zoomTo(self.zgroup).container()
     quads = set()
     for x in range(int(1 + lr.column - ul.column)):
         for y in range(int(1 + lr.row - ul.row)):
             coord = ul.right(x).down(y)
     return quads
Пример #34
def fit_in_tile(z, x, y, shape):
    Fit shape into the tile. Shape should be a Shapely geometry or WKT string
    with coordinates between 0 and 1. This unit square is then remapped into
    the tile z/x/y.

    from ModestMaps.Core import Coordinate
    from shapely.ops import transform
    from shapely.wkt import loads as wkt_loads
    from tilequeue.tile import coord_to_mercator_bounds
    from tilequeue.tile import reproject_mercator_to_lnglat

    bounds = coord_to_mercator_bounds(Coordinate(zoom=z, column=x, row=y))

    if isinstance(shape, (str, unicode)):
        shape = wkt_loads(shape)

    # check shape fits within unit square, so we can transform it to fit
    # within the tile.
    assert shape.bounds[0] >= 0
    assert shape.bounds[1] >= 0
    assert shape.bounds[2] <= 1
    assert shape.bounds[3] <= 1

    def _transform(x, y, *unused_coords):
        return (
            x * (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) + bounds[0],
            y * (bounds[3] - bounds[1]) + bounds[1],

    merc_shape = transform(_transform, shape)
    return transform(reproject_mercator_to_lnglat, merc_shape)
Пример #35
    def test_metatile_file_timing(self):
        from time import gmtime, time
        from tilequeue.metatile import metatiles_are_equal

        # tilequeue's "GET before PUT" optimisation relies on being able to
        # fetch a tile from S3 and compare it to the one that was just
        # generated. to do this, we should try to make the tiles as similar
        # as possible across multiple runs.

        json = "{\"json\":true}"
        tiles = [
                 coord=Coordinate(0, 0, 0),

        when_will_then_be_now = 10
        t = time()
        now = gmtime(t)[0:6]
        then = gmtime(t - when_will_then_be_now)[0:6]

        metatile_1 = make_metatiles(1, tiles, then)
        metatile_2 = make_metatiles(1, tiles, now)

            metatiles_are_equal(metatile_1[0]['tile'], metatile_2[0]['tile']))
Пример #36
def request(config_content, layer_name, format, row, column, zoom):
    Helper method to write config_file to disk and do
    if sys.version_info.major == 2:
        is_string = isinstance(config_content, str)
        is_string = isinstance(config_content, (str, bytes))

    if is_string:
        absolute_file_name = create_temp_file(config_content)
        config = parseConfig(absolute_file_name)

        config = parseConfig(config_content)

    layer = config.layers[layer_name]
    coord = Coordinate(int(row), int(column), int(zoom))
    mime_type, tile_content = getTile(layer, coord, format)

    if is_string:

    return mime_type, tile_content
Пример #37
def generateCoordinates(ul, lr, zooms, padding):
    """ Generate a stream of (offset, count, coordinate) tuples for seeding.

        Flood-fill coordinates based on two corners, a list of zooms and padding.
    # start with a simple total of all the coordinates we will need.
    count = 0

    for zoom in zooms:
        ul_ = ul.zoomTo(zoom).container().left(padding).up(padding)
        lr_ = lr.zoomTo(zoom).container().right(padding).down(padding)

        rows = lr_.row + 1 - ul_.row
        cols = lr_.column + 1 - ul_.column

        count += int(rows * cols)

    # now generate the actual coordinates.
    # offset starts at zero
    offset = 0

    for zoom in zooms:
        ul_ = ul.zoomTo(zoom).container().left(padding).up(padding)
        lr_ = lr.zoomTo(zoom).container().right(padding).down(padding)

        range_ = xrange if PY2 else range

        for row in range_(int(ul_.row), int(lr_.row + 1)):
            for column in range_(int(ul_.column), int(lr_.column + 1)):
                coord = Coordinate(row, column, zoom)

                yield (offset, count, coord)

                offset += 1
Пример #38
    def test_tilequeue_explode_and_intersect(self):
        from tilequeue.command import explode_and_intersect
        from tilequeue.tile import coord_marshall_int
        from tilequeue.tile import coord_unmarshall_int
        from ModestMaps.Core import Coordinate
        sample_coord = Coordinate(zoom=14, column=250, row=250)
        sample_coord_int = coord_marshall_int(sample_coord)
        tiles_of_interest = [sample_coord_int]
        for i in (10, 11, 12, 13):
            coord = sample_coord.zoomTo(i)
            coord_int = coord_marshall_int(coord)
        exploded, metrics = explode_and_intersect(
            [sample_coord_int], tiles_of_interest, until=11)
        coord_ints = list(exploded)
        for coord_int in coord_ints:
            coord = coord_unmarshall_int(coord_int)
            self.failUnless(coord.zoom > 10)

        self.assertEqual(4, len(coord_ints))

        self.assertEqual(4, metrics['hits'])
        self.assertEqual(0, metrics['misses'])
        self.assertEqual(4, metrics['total'])
    def renderTile(self, width, height, srs, coord):
        img = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), colors[0])
        draw = ImageDraw(img)
        interactivity_array = []
        base_zoom = coord.zoom
        base_row = coord.row
        base_column = coord.column
        #We're showing detail for three zooms in from here, as fat pixels (32 pix)
        #256 pixels / tile = 8 pixels / tile = 32 pixels (which is 2^5)

        tile_pixel_width = 256
        #print 'coord:', coord
        #print 'base_zoom:', base_zoom
        # 256 pixel tile == 2^8 pixel tile, so this is a constant
        tile_power_of_two = 8
        # we want 8x8 fatbits == 2^3 pixel fatbits
        #TODO: use self.cell_size to find log of 2 to x?
        pixel_power_of_two = int(log( self.cell_size, 2 ))
        fat_pixel_width = 2**pixel_power_of_two
        self.fat_pixel_count = 2**(tile_power_of_two - pixel_power_of_two)

        # adjust the coord to be the pixel zoom
        coord = coord.zoomBy(tile_power_of_two - pixel_power_of_two)
        #print "fat_pixel_count: ", fat_pixel_count
        #print "coord: ", coord       
        #print 'over_sample_zoom_tile_width: ', over_sample_zoom_tile_width
        #find the fat_pixel with the maximum photo count
        max_count = 0
        top_count = 0
        top_margin = 0
        #We should be seeing 64 cells (8x8) output image
        for row in range( self.fat_pixel_count ):
            for col in range( self.fat_pixel_count ):
                ul = coord.right(col).down(row)
                lr = ul.right().down()
                #Calculate key for the size dict
                subquad = Coordinate(ul.row, ul.column, ul.zoom)
                #print 'subquad:', subquad
                # these values should always be within (0, 256)
                x1 = col * fat_pixel_width
                x2 = (col + 1) * fat_pixel_width
                y1 = row * fat_pixel_width
                y2 = (row + 1) * fat_pixel_width
                #Draw fat pixel based on the returned color based on count (size) in that subquad in the dictionary
                #Implied that no-data is color[0], above where the img is instantiated
                enumeration = count_votes( self, subquad )
                if max_count < enumeration["photo_count_total"]:
                    max_count = enumeration["photo_count_total"]
                if top_count < enumeration["photo_count0"]:
                    top_count = enumeration["photo_count0"]
                if self.output_format == "utf_grid":
                    nw = osm.coordinateLocation(subquad)
                    se = osm.coordinateLocation(subquad.right().down())

                    lat = (nw.lat - se.lat) / 2 + se.lat
                    lon = (se.lon - nw.lon) / 2 + nw.lon
                    interactivity_array.append( {   "photo_count_total":enumeration["photo_count_total"], 
                                                    "x1": str(nw.lon),
                                                    "y1": str(se.lat),
                                                    "x2": str(se.lon),
                                                    "y2": str(nw.lat),
                                                    "row":str(base_row + row),
                                                    "col":str(base_column + col),
                                                    "zoom": coord.zoom } )
                elif self.method == "size_log":
                    draw.rectangle((x1, y1, x2, y2), size_color_log(int( enumeration[self.input_field]) ))
                elif self.method == "size":
                    draw.rectangle((x1, y1, x2, y2), size_color(int( enumeration[self.input_field]) ))
                elif self.method == "unique_id":
                    draw.rectangle((x1, y1, x2, y2), size_color_unique_id(int( enumeration[self.input_field]) )) 

        if self.output_format == "utf_grid":
            #print "interactivity_array: ", interactivity_array
            #grid_utf = create_utf_grid( self, interactivity_array )
            grid_utf = { 'grid':['','.'] }
            if max_count == 0:
                raise NothingToSeeHere()
            is_saveable = False
            # Are we at the last requested zoom?
            if coord.zoom == self.max_zoom:
                is_saveable = True
            # Are we at the minimum viable zoom but with little to no data?
            if (coord.zoom >= self.min_zoom) and (max_count <= self.min_size):
                is_saveable = True
            # Are we viable zoom, viable count, and no ambiguity as to the 100% within margin the winner?
            if (coord.zoom >= (self.min_zoom + 2)) and (max_count > self.max_size) and ((top_count >= (max_count * self.margin_percent)) or ((max_count - top_count) < self.min_size)):
                is_saveable = True
            # Don't want to dig for needles
            #if coord.zoom == 17 and base_row == 50816 and base_column == 21045:
            #    print '(coord.zoom >= (self.min_zoom + 1)) and ((max_count - top_count) < self.min_size):'
            #    print coord.zoom,(self.min_zoom + 1),max_count, top_count, self.min_size
            if (coord.zoom >= (self.min_zoom + 1)) and ((max_count - top_count) < self.min_size):
            #(max_count > self.min_size) and 
                is_saveable = True

            # and (interactivity_array["margin"] >= self.margin_percent)

            if is_saveable:
                #print "should save to DB"
                #print "interactivity_array: ", interactivity_array                
                saveTileToDatabase( self, interactivity_array )
                raise NothingMoreToSeeHere( SaveableResponse(json.dumps(grid_utf)) )
                return SaveableResponse(json.dumps(grid_utf))
        elif self.output_format == "geojson":
            grid_utf = create_utf_grid( self, interactivity_array )
            return SaveableResponse(json.dumps(grid_utf))
            return img
Пример #40

paths = [urlparse(href).path for href in hrefs]
tiles = [splitext(path)[0].lstrip('/') for path in paths]
values = [map(int, tile.split('/', 2)) for tile in tiles]
rows, cols = zip(*[(y, x) for (z, x, y) in values])

rows_cols = []

for row in range(min(rows), max(rows) + 1):
    for col in range(min(cols), max(cols) + 1):
        rows_cols.append((row, col))

for (index, (row, col)) in enumerate(rows_cols):
    coord = Coordinate(row, col, zoom)

    filename = '%(output_dir)s/%(zoom)d-%(col)d-%(row)d.tif' % locals()
    print 'echo', '-' * 80, index, 'of', len(rows_cols), filename

    ll = mercator.coordinateProj(coord.down())
    ur = mercator.coordinateProj(coord.right())
    print 'gdalwarp',
    print '-t_srs "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over"',
    print '-te', ll.x, ll.y, ur.x, ur.y,
    print '-tr', scale, scale,
    print '-tps -r cubicspline',
    print '-co COMPRESS=JPEG',
    print 'landcover-1km-to-merc.vrt',
    print filename