Пример #1
def mercator_point_to_coord(z, x, y):
    coord = Coordinate(
        column=x + half_earth_circum,
        row=half_earth_circum - y,
    coord = coord.zoomTo(z).container()
    return coord
Пример #2
def mercator_point_to_coord_fractional(z, x, y):
    coord = Coordinate(
        column=x + half_earth_circum,
        row=half_earth_circum - y,
    coord = coord.zoomTo(z)
    return coord
Пример #3
def mercator_point_to_coord(z, x, y):
    coord = Coordinate(
        column=x + half_earth_circum,
        row=half_earth_circum - y,
    coord = coord.zoomTo(z).container()
    return coord
Пример #4
def mercator_point_to_coord_fractional(z, x, y):
    coord = Coordinate(
        column=x + half_earth_circum,
        row=half_earth_circum - y,
    coord = coord.zoomTo(z)
    return coord
Пример #5
    def _fetch_data(self, shape_fn, source_table):
        from tilequeue.query.common import LayerInfo
        from tilequeue.query.rawr import make_rawr_data_fetcher
        from tilequeue.tile import coord_to_mercator_bounds
        from ModestMaps.Core import Coordinate

        top_zoom = 10
        max_zoom = top_zoom + 6

        def min_zoom_fn(shape, props, fid, meta):
            return top_zoom

        def props_fn(shape, props, fid, meta):
            return {'kind': 'country'}

        z, x, y = (max_zoom, 0, 0)
        tile = Coordinate(zoom=z, column=x, row=y)
        top_tile = tile.zoomTo(top_zoom).container()

        bounds = coord_to_mercator_bounds(tile)
        shape = shape_fn(bounds)

        props = {
            'name': 'Foo',
            'admin_level': '2',
            'boundary': 'administrative',

        source = 'test'
        tables = TestGetTable({
            source_table: [
                (1, shape.wkb, props),
        }, source)

        layers = {
            'boundaries': LayerInfo(min_zoom_fn, props_fn),
        storage = ConstantStorage(tables)
        fetch = make_rawr_data_fetcher(top_zoom, max_zoom, storage, layers,

        for fetcher, _ in fetch.fetch_tiles(_wrap(top_tile)):
            read_rows = fetcher(tile.zoom, coord_to_mercator_bounds(tile))

        return read_rows
Пример #6
    def test_tilequeue_explode_and_intersect(self):
        from tilequeue.command import explode_and_intersect
        from tilequeue.tile import coord_marshall_int
        from tilequeue.tile import coord_unmarshall_int
        from ModestMaps.Core import Coordinate
        sample_coord = Coordinate(zoom=14, column=250, row=250)
        sample_coord_int = coord_marshall_int(sample_coord)
        tiles_of_interest = [sample_coord_int]
        for i in (10, 11, 12, 13):
            coord = sample_coord.zoomTo(i)
            coord_int = coord_marshall_int(coord)
        exploded = explode_and_intersect([sample_coord_int], tiles_of_interest,
        coord_ints = list(exploded)
        for coord_int in coord_ints:
            coord = coord_unmarshall_int(coord_int)
            self.failUnless(coord.zoom > 10)

        self.assertEqual(4, len(coord_ints))
Пример #7
    def _test(self, layer_name, props):
        from ModestMaps.Core import Coordinate
        from tilequeue.tile import coord_to_mercator_bounds
        from shapely.geometry import box
        from tilequeue.query.rawr import TilePyramid

        top_zoom = 10
        max_zoom = top_zoom + 6

        def min_zoom_fn(shape, props, fid, meta):
            return top_zoom

        tile = Coordinate(zoom=15, column=0, row=0)
        top_tile = tile.zoomTo(top_zoom).container()
        tile_pyramid = TilePyramid(top_zoom, top_tile.column, top_tile.row,

        bounds = coord_to_mercator_bounds(tile)
        shape = box(*bounds)
        tables = TestGetTable(
            {'planet_osm_polygon': [
                (1, shape.wkb, props),

        label_placement_layers = {
            'polygon': set([layer_name]),
        fetch = self._make(min_zoom_fn,

        for fetcher, _ in fetch.fetch_tiles(_wrap(top_tile)):
            read_rows = fetcher(tile.zoom, bounds)
        return read_rows
Пример #8
    def test_tilequeue_explode_and_intersect(self):
        from tilequeue.command import explode_and_intersect
        from tilequeue.tile import coord_marshall_int
        from tilequeue.tile import coord_unmarshall_int
        from ModestMaps.Core import Coordinate
        sample_coord = Coordinate(zoom=14, column=250, row=250)
        sample_coord_int = coord_marshall_int(sample_coord)
        tiles_of_interest = [sample_coord_int]
        for i in (10, 11, 12, 13):
            coord = sample_coord.zoomTo(i)
            coord_int = coord_marshall_int(coord)
        exploded, metrics = explode_and_intersect(
            [sample_coord_int], tiles_of_interest, until=11)
        coord_ints = list(exploded)
        for coord_int in coord_ints:
            coord = coord_unmarshall_int(coord_int)
            self.failUnless(coord.zoom > 10)

        self.assertEqual(4, len(coord_ints))

        self.assertEqual(4, metrics['hits'])
        self.assertEqual(0, metrics['misses'])
        self.assertEqual(4, metrics['total'])
Пример #9
    def test_buffered_land(self):
        # the buffered land is a polygon in the boundaries table (sort of),
        # but we shouldn't turn it into linestrings of the exterior ring. it
        # should stay as a polygon otherwise the border features won't be
        # correctly assigned maritime boundary properties, and they'll all
        # appear to be maritime boundaries. :-(
        from tilequeue.query.common import LayerInfo
        from tilequeue.query.rawr import make_rawr_data_fetcher
        from tilequeue.tile import coord_to_mercator_bounds
        from ModestMaps.Core import Coordinate
        from shapely.geometry import Polygon
        import shapely.wkb

        top_zoom = 10
        max_zoom = top_zoom + 6

        def min_zoom_fn(shape, props, fid, meta):
            return 8

        def props_fn(shape, props, fid, meta):
            props['kind'] = 'maritime'
            return props

        z, x, y = (max_zoom, 0, 0)
        tile = Coordinate(zoom=z, column=x, row=y)
        top_tile = tile.zoomTo(top_zoom).container()

        bounds = coord_to_mercator_bounds(tile)
        shape = Polygon([
            [bounds[0], bounds[1]],
            [bounds[0], bounds[3]],
            [bounds[2], bounds[1]],
            [bounds[0], bounds[1]],

        props = {
            'kind': 'maritime',
            'maritime_boundary': True,
            'source': 'tilezen.org',
            'min_zoom': 0,

        source = 'tilezen.org'
        tables = TestGetTable({
            'buffered_land': [
                (1, shape.wkb, props),
        }, source)

        layers = {
            'boundaries': LayerInfo(min_zoom_fn, props_fn),
        storage = ConstantStorage(tables)
        index_cfg = [{
            'type': 'simple',
            'table': 'buffered_land',
            'layer': 'boundaries',
        fetch = make_rawr_data_fetcher(top_zoom, max_zoom, storage, layers,

        for fetcher, _ in fetch.fetch_tiles(_wrap(top_tile)):
            read_rows = fetcher(tile.zoom, coord_to_mercator_bounds(tile))

        self.assertEqual(len(read_rows), 1)
        props = read_rows[0]['__boundaries_properties__']

        self.assertEqual(props.get('kind'), 'maritime')
        # check no special boundaries geometry - should just be the polygon

        shape = shapely.wkb.loads(read_rows[0]['__geometry__'])
        self.assertEqual(shape.geom_type, 'Polygon')