Пример #1
    def __init__(self, name, params):
        MooseObject.__init__(self, name, params)
        self.specs = params

        # Initialize the status bucket class
        self.status = util.TestStatus()

        # Enumerate the buckets here so ther are easier to work with in the tester class
        self.bucket_success = self.status.bucket_success
        self.bucket_fail    = self.status.bucket_fail
        self.bucket_diff    = self.status.bucket_diff
        self.bucket_pbs     = self.status.bucket_pbs
        self.bucket_pending = self.status.bucket_pending
        self.bucket_deleted = self.status.bucket_deleted
        self.bucket_skip    = self.status.bucket_skip
        self.bucket_silent  = self.status.bucket_silent

        # Initialize the tester with a pending status
        self.setStatus('launched', self.bucket_pending)

        # Set the status message
        if self.specs['check_input']:
            self.success_message = 'SYNTAX PASS'
            self.success_message = self.specs['success_message']

        # Set up common paramaters
        self.should_execute = self.specs['should_execute']
        self.check_input = self.specs['check_input']
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, name, params):
        MooseObject.__init__(self, name, params)
        self.specs = params

        # Initialize the status bucket class
        self.status = util.TestStatus()

        # Enumerate the buckets here so ther are easier to work with in the tester class
        self.bucket_success = self.status.bucket_success
        self.bucket_fail = self.status.bucket_fail
        self.bucket_diff = self.status.bucket_diff
        self.bucket_pbs = self.status.bucket_pbs
        self.bucket_pending = self.status.bucket_pending
        self.bucket_deleted = self.status.bucket_deleted
        self.bucket_skip = self.status.bucket_skip
        self.bucket_silent = self.status.bucket_silent

        # Initialize the tester with a pending status
        self.setStatus('launched', self.bucket_pending)

        # Set the status message
        if self.specs['check_input']:
            self.success_message = 'SYNTAX PASS'
            self.success_message = self.specs['success_message']

        # Set up common paramaters
        self.should_execute = self.specs['should_execute']
        self.check_input = self.specs['check_input']
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, name, params):
        MooseObject.__init__(self, name, params)
        self.specs = params

        # Bool if test can run
        self._runnable = None

        # Initialize the status bucket class
        self.status = util.TestStatus()

        # Enumerate the buckets here so ther are easier to work with in the tester class
        self.bucket_initialized = self.status.bucket_initialized
        self.bucket_success = self.status.bucket_success
        self.bucket_fail = self.status.bucket_fail
        self.bucket_diff = self.status.bucket_diff
        self.bucket_pending = self.status.bucket_pending
        self.bucket_finished = self.status.bucket_finished
        self.bucket_deleted = self.status.bucket_deleted
        self.bucket_skip = self.status.bucket_skip
        self.bucket_silent = self.status.bucket_silent

        # Set the status message
        if self.specs['check_input']:
            self.success_message = 'SYNTAX PASS'
            self.success_message = self.specs['success_message']

        # Set up common paramaters
        self.should_execute = self.specs['should_execute']
        self.check_input = self.specs['check_input']

        if self.specs["allow_test_objects"]:
Пример #4
  def __init__(self, name, params):
    MooseObject.__init__(self, name, params)
    self.specs = params

    # mesh_mode has a few deprecated options
    # TODO: We need to print out a deprecated warning in the future
    mesh_mode = self.specs['mesh_mode']
    replacement_list = []
    for i, item in enumerate(mesh_mode):
      if item.upper() == 'PARALLEL':
        mesh_mode[i] = 'DISTRIBUTED'
      if item.upper() == 'SERIAL':
        mesh_mode[i] = 'REPLICATED'
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, name, params):
        MooseObject.__init__(self, name, params)
        self.specs = params

        # mesh_mode has a few deprecated options
        # TODO: We need to print out a deprecated warning in the future
        mesh_mode = self.specs['mesh_mode']
        replacement_list = []
        for i, item in enumerate(mesh_mode):
            if item.upper() == 'PARALLEL':
                mesh_mode[i] = 'DISTRIBUTED'
            if item.upper() == 'SERIAL':
                mesh_mode[i] = 'REPLICATED'
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, harness, params):
        MooseObject.__init__(self, harness, params)

        ## The test harness to run callbacks on
        self.harness = harness

        # Retrieve and store the TestHarness options for use in this object
        self.options = harness.getOptions()

        # The Scheduler class can be initialized with no "max_processes" argument and it'll default
        # to a soft limit. If however a max_processes is passed we'll treat it as a hard limit.
        # The difference is whether or not we allow single jobs to exceed the number of slots.
        if params['max_processes'] == None:
            self.available_slots = 1
            self.soft_limit = True
            self.available_slots = params['max_processes'] # hard limit
            self.soft_limit = False

        # Requested average load level to stay below
        self.average_load = params['average_load']

        # The time the status queue reported no activity to the TestHarness
        self.last_reported = clock()

        # A set containing jobs that have been reported
        self.jobs_reported = set([])

        # Initialize run_pool based on available slots
        self.run_pool = ThreadPool(processes=self.available_slots)

        # Initialize status_pool to only use 1 process (to prevent status messages from getting clobbered)
        self.status_pool = ThreadPool(processes=1)

        # Slot Lock when processing resource allocations
        self.slot_lock = threading.Lock()

        # DAG Lock when processing the DAG
        self.dag_lock = threading.Lock()

        # Workers in use (single job might request multiple slots)
        self.slots_in_use = 0

        # Jobs waiting to finish (includes actively running jobs)
        self.job_queue_count = 0

        # Set containing our TesterData containers. We use this in the event of a KeyboardInterrupt to
        # iterate over and kill any subprocesses
        self.tester_datas = set([])
Пример #7
  def validParams():
    params = MooseObject.validParams()

    # Common Options
    params.addRequiredParam('type', "The type of test of Tester to create for this test.")
    params.addParam('max_time',   300, "The maximum in seconds that the test will be allowed to run.")
    params.addParam('min_reported_time', "The minimum time elapsed before a test is reported as taking to long to run.")
    params.addParam('skip',     "Provide a reason this test will be skipped.")
    params.addParam('deleted',         "Tests that only show up when using the '-e' option (Permanently skipped or not implemented).")

    params.addParam('heavy',    False, "Set to True if this test should only be run when the '--heavy' option is used.")
    params.addParam('group',       [], "A list of groups for which this test belongs.")
    params.addParam('prereq',      [], "A list of prereq tests that need to run successfully before launching this test.")
    params.addParam('skip_checks', False, "Tells the TestHarness to skip additional checks (This parameter is set automatically by the TestHarness during recovery tests)")
    params.addParam('scale_refine',    0, "The number of refinements to do when scaling")

    params.addParam('cli_args',       [], "Additional arguments to be passed to the test.")

    params.addParam('valgrind', 'NONE', "Set to (NONE, NORMAL, HEAVY) to determine which configurations where valgrind will run.")

    # Test Filters
    params.addParam('platform',      ['ALL'], "A list of platforms for which this test will run on. ('ALL', 'DARWIN', 'LINUX', 'SL', 'LION', 'ML')")
    params.addParam('compiler',      ['ALL'], "A list of compilers for which this test is valid on. ('ALL', 'GCC', 'INTEL', 'CLANG')")
    params.addParam('petsc_version', ['ALL'], "A list of petsc versions for which this test will run on, supports normal comparison operators ('<', '>', etc...)")
    params.addParam('mesh_mode',     ['ALL'], "A list of mesh modes for which this test will run ('PARALLEL', 'SERIAL')")
    params.addParam('method',        ['ALL'], "A test that runs under certain executable configurations ('ALL', 'OPT', 'DBG', 'DEVEL', 'OPROF', 'PRO')")
    params.addParam('library_mode',  ['ALL'], "A test that only runs when libraries are built under certain configurations ('ALL', 'STATIC', 'DYNAMIC')")
    params.addParam('dtk',           ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if DTK is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
    params.addParam('unique_ids',    ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if UNIQUE_IDs are enabled ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
    params.addParam('recover',       True,    "A test that runs with '--recover' mode enabled")
    params.addParam('vtk',           ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if VTK is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
    params.addParam('tecplot',       ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if Tecplot is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")

    return params
Пример #8
    def validParams():
        params = MooseObject.validParams()

        # Common Options
        params.addRequiredParam('type', "The type of test of Tester to create for this test.")
        params.addParam('max_time',   300, "The maximum in seconds that the test will be allowed to run.")
        params.addParam('min_reported_time', "The minimum time elapsed before a test is reported as taking to long to run.")
        params.addParam('skip',     "Provide a reason this test will be skipped.")
        params.addParam('deleted',         "Tests that only show up when using the '-e' option (Permanently skipped or not implemented).")

        params.addParam('heavy',    False, "Set to True if this test should only be run when the '--heavy' option is used.")
        params.addParam('group',       [], "A list of groups for which this test belongs.")
        params.addParam('prereq',      [], "A list of prereq tests that need to run successfully before launching this test.")
        params.addParam('skip_checks', False, "Tells the TestHarness to skip additional checks (This parameter is set automatically by the TestHarness during recovery tests)")
        params.addParam('scale_refine',    0, "The number of refinements to do when scaling")
        params.addParam('success_message', 'OK', "The successful message")

        params.addParam('cli_args',       [], "Additional arguments to be passed to the test.")

        params.addParam('valgrind', 'NONE', "Set to (NONE, NORMAL, HEAVY) to determine which configurations where valgrind will run.")

        # Test Filters
        params.addParam('platform',      ['ALL'], "A list of platforms for which this test will run on. ('ALL', 'DARWIN', 'LINUX', 'SL', 'LION', 'ML')")
        params.addParam('compiler',      ['ALL'], "A list of compilers for which this test is valid on. ('ALL', 'GCC', 'INTEL', 'CLANG')")
        params.addParam('petsc_version', ['ALL'], "A list of petsc versions for which this test will run on, supports normal comparison operators ('<', '>', etc...)")
        params.addParam('mesh_mode',     ['ALL'], "A list of mesh modes for which this test will run ('DISTRIBUTED', 'REPLICATED')")
        params.addParam('method',        ['ALL'], "A test that runs under certain executable configurations ('ALL', 'OPT', 'DBG', 'DEVEL', 'OPROF', 'PRO')")
        params.addParam('library_mode',  ['ALL'], "A test that only runs when libraries are built under certain configurations ('ALL', 'STATIC', 'DYNAMIC')")
        params.addParam('dtk',           ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if DTK is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
        params.addParam('unique_ids',    ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if UNIQUE_IDs are enabled ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
        params.addParam('recover',       True,    "A test that runs with '--recover' mode enabled")
        params.addParam('vtk',           ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if VTK is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
        params.addParam('tecplot',       ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if Tecplot is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
        params.addParam('dof_id_bytes',  ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if libmesh is configured --with-dof-id-bytes = a specific number, e.g. '4', '8'")
        params.addParam('petsc_debug',   ['ALL'], "{False,True} -> test only runs when PETSc is configured with --with-debugging={0,1}, otherwise test always runs.")
        params.addParam('curl',          ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if CURL is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
        params.addParam('tbb',           ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if TBB is available ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
        params.addParam('superlu',       ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if SuperLU is available via PETSc ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
        params.addParam('slepc',         ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if SLEPc is available ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
        params.addParam('unique_id',     ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if libmesh is configured with --enable-unique-id ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
        params.addParam('cxx11',         ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if CXX11 is available ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
        params.addParam('asio',          ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if ASIO is available ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
        params.addParam('depend_files',  [], "A test that only runs if all depend files exist (files listed are expected to be relative to the base directory, not the test directory")
        params.addParam('env_vars',      [], "A test that only runs if all the environment variables listed exist")
        params.addParam('should_execute', True, 'Whether or not the executable needs to be run.  Use this to chain together multiple tests based off of one executeable invocation')
        params.addParam('required_submodule', [], "A list of initialized submodules for which this test requires.")
        params.addParam('check_input',    False, "Check for correct input file syntax")
        params.addParam('display_required', False, "The test requires and active display for rendering (i.e., ImageDiff tests).")

        return params
Пример #9
  def validParams():
    params = MooseObject.validParams()

    # Common Options
    params.addRequiredParam('type', "The type of test of Tester to create for this test.")
    params.addParam('max_time',   300, "The maximum in seconds that the test will be allowed to run.")
    params.addParam('min_reported_time', "The minimum time elapsed before a test is reported as taking to long to run.")
    params.addParam('skip',     "Provide a reason this test will be skipped.")
    params.addParam('deleted',         "Tests that only show up when using the '-e' option (Permanently skipped or not implemented).")

    params.addParam('heavy',    False, "Set to True if this test should only be run when the '--heavy' option is used.")
    params.addParam('group',       [], "A list of groups for which this test belongs.")
    params.addParam('prereq',      [], "A list of prereq tests that need to run successfully before launching this test.")
    params.addParam('skip_checks', False, "Tells the TestHarness to skip additional checks (This parameter is set automatically by the TestHarness during recovery tests)")
    params.addParam('scale_refine',    0, "The number of refinements to do when scaling")

    params.addParam('cli_args',       [], "Additional arguments to be passed to the test.")

    params.addParam('valgrind', 'NONE', "Set to (NONE, NORMAL, HEAVY) to determine which configurations where valgrind will run.")

    # Test Filters
    params.addParam('platform',      ['ALL'], "A list of platforms for which this test will run on. ('ALL', 'DARWIN', 'LINUX', 'SL', 'LION', 'ML')")
    params.addParam('compiler',      ['ALL'], "A list of compilers for which this test is valid on. ('ALL', 'GCC', 'INTEL', 'CLANG')")
    params.addParam('petsc_version', ['ALL'], "A list of petsc versions for which this test will run on, supports normal comparison operators ('<', '>', etc...)")
    params.addParam('mesh_mode',     ['ALL'], "A list of mesh modes for which this test will run ('PARALLEL', 'SERIAL')")
    params.addParam('method',        ['ALL'], "A test that runs under certain executable configurations ('ALL', 'OPT', 'DBG', 'DEVEL', 'OPROF', 'PRO')")
    params.addParam('library_mode',  ['ALL'], "A test that only runs when libraries are built under certain configurations ('ALL', 'STATIC', 'DYNAMIC')")
    params.addParam('dtk',           ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if DTK is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
    params.addParam('unique_ids',    ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if UNIQUE_IDs are enabled ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
    params.addParam('recover',       True,    "A test that runs with '--recover' mode enabled")
    params.addParam('vtk',           ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if VTK is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
    params.addParam('tecplot',       ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if Tecplot is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
    params.addParam('dof_id_bytes',  ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if libmesh is configured --with-dof-id-bytes = a specific number, e.g. '4', '8'")
    params.addParam('petsc_debug',   ['ALL'], "{False,True} -> test only runs when PETSc is configured with --with-debugging={0,1}, otherwise test always runs.")
    params.addParam('curl',          ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if CURL is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
    params.addParam('tbb',           ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if TBB is available ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
    params.addParam('superlu',       ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if SuperLU is available via PETSc ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
    params.addParam('unique_id',     ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if libmesh is configured with --enable-unique-id ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
    params.addParam('cxx11',         ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if CXX11 is available ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
    params.addParam('asio',          ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if ASIO is available ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
    params.addParam('depend_files',  [], "A test that only runs if all depend files exist (files listed are expected to be relative to the base directory, not the test directory")
    params.addParam('env_vars',      [], "A test that only runs if all the environment variables listed exist")

    return params
Пример #10
 def __init__(self, name, params):
   MooseObject.__init__(self, name, params)
   self.specs = params
Пример #11
 def __init__(self, name, params):
     MooseObject.__init__(self, name, params)
     self.specs = params
Пример #12
    def validParams():
        params = MooseObject.validParams()

        # Common Options
            'type', "The type of test of Tester to create for this test.")
            'max_time', 300,
            "The maximum in seconds that the test will be allowed to run.")
            "The minimum time elapsed before a test is reported as taking to long to run."
        params.addParam('skip', "Provide a reason this test will be skipped.")
            "Tests that only show up when using the '-e' option (Permanently skipped or not implemented)."

            'heavy', False,
            "Set to True if this test should only be run when the '--heavy' option is used."
        params.addParam('group', [],
                        "A list of groups for which this test belongs.")
            'prereq', [],
            "A list of prereq tests that need to run successfully before launching this test."
            'skip_checks', False,
            "Tells the TestHarness to skip additional checks (This parameter is set automatically by the TestHarness during recovery tests)"

        # Test Filters
            'platform', ['ALL'],
            "A list of platforms for which this test will run on. ('ALL', 'DARWIN', 'LINUX', 'SL', 'LION', 'ML')"
            'compiler', ['ALL'],
            "A list of compilers for which this test is valid on. ('ALL', 'GCC', 'INTEL', 'CLANG')"
            'petsc_version', ['ALL'],
            "A list of petsc versions for which this test will run on, supports normal comparison operators ('<', '>', etc...)"
            'mesh_mode', ['ALL'],
            "A list of mesh modes for which this test will run ('PARALLEL', 'SERIAL')"
            'method', ['ALL'],
            "A test that runs under certain executable configurations ('ALL', 'OPT', 'DBG', 'DEVEL', 'OPROF', 'PRO')"
            'library_mode', ['ALL'],
            "A test that only runs when libraries are built under certain configurations ('ALL', 'STATIC', 'DYNAMIC')"
            'dtk', ['ALL'],
            "A test that runs only if DTK is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')"
            'unique_ids', ['ALL'],
            "A test that runs only if UNIQUE_IDs are enabled ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')"
        params.addParam('recover', True,
                        "A test that runs with '--recover' mode enabled")
            'vtk', ['ALL'],
            "A test that runs only if VTK is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')"
            'tecplot', ['ALL'],
            "A test that runs only if Tecplot is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')"

        return params
Пример #13
    def validParams():
        params = MooseObject.validParams()
        params.addRequiredParam('average_load',  64.0, "Average load to allow")
        params.addRequiredParam('max_processes', None, "Hard limit of maxium processes to use")

        return params