def paintEvent(self, event): rect = QRect(10, 20, 80, 60) path = QPainterPath() path.moveTo(20, 80) path.lineTo(20, 30) path.cubicTo(80, 0, 50, 50, 80, 80) startAngle = 30 * 16 arcLength = 120 * 16 painter = QPainter(self) painter.setPen(self.pen) painter.setBrush(self.brush) if self.antialiased: painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) for x in range(0, self.width(), 100): for y in range(0, self.height(), 100): painter.translate(x, y) if self.transformed: painter.translate(50, 50) painter.rotate(60.0) painter.scale(0.6, 0.9) painter.translate(-50, -50) if self.shape == RenderArea.Line: painter.drawLine(rect.bottomLeft(), rect.topRight()) elif self.shape == RenderArea.Points: painter.drawPoints(RenderArea.points) elif self.shape == RenderArea.Polyline: painter.drawPolyline(RenderArea.points) elif self.shape == RenderArea.Polygon: painter.drawPolygon(RenderArea.points) elif self.shape == RenderArea.Rect: painter.drawRect(rect) elif self.shape == RenderArea.RoundedRect: painter.drawRoundedRect(rect, 25, 25, Qt.RelativeSize) elif self.shape == RenderArea.Ellipse: painter.drawEllipse(rect) elif self.shape == RenderArea.Arc: painter.drawArc(rect, startAngle, arcLength) elif self.shape == RenderArea.Chord: painter.drawChord(rect, startAngle, arcLength) elif self.shape == RenderArea.Pie: painter.drawPie(rect, startAngle, arcLength) elif self.shape == RenderArea.Path: painter.drawPath(path) elif self.shape == RenderArea.Text: painter.drawText(rect, Qt.AlignCenter, "PySide 2\nQt %s" % qVersion()) elif self.shape == RenderArea.Pixmap: painter.drawPixmap(10, 10, self.pixmap) painter.restore() painter.setPen(self.palette().dark().color()) painter.setBrush(Qt.NoBrush) painter.drawRect(QRect(0, 0, self.width() - 1, self.height() - 1))
def paint_with_opacity(pixmap: QPixmap, opacity: float): transparent_image = QImage(QSize(36, 36), QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) transparent_image.fill(Qt.transparent) painter = QPainter(transparent_image) painter.setOpacity(opacity) painter.drawPixmap(18 - pixmap.width() / 2, 18 - pixmap.height() / 2, pixmap) painter.end() return QPixmap.fromImage(transparent_image)
def paintEvent(self, event): super(Profile, self).paintEvent(event) # DRAW BACKGROUND IMAGE p = QPainter(self) p.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) image = QPixmap() image.load("res/img/back.jpg") image = image.scaled(self.width(), self.height(), Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation) p.drawPixmap(self.rect(), image)
def assert_equal(self): __tracebackhide__ = True self.end() self.different_pixels = 0 actual_image: QImage = self.actual.device().toImage() expected_image: QImage = self.expected.device().toImage() diff_pixmap = QPixmap(actual_image.width(), actual_image.height()) diff = QPainter(diff_pixmap) try: white = QColor('white') diff.fillRect(0, 0, actual_image.width(), actual_image.height(), white) for x in range(actual_image.width()): for y in range(actual_image.height()): actual_colour = actual_image.pixelColor(x, y) expected_colour = expected_image.pixelColor(x, y) diff.setPen( self.diff_colour(actual_colour, expected_colour, x, y)) diff.drawPoint(x, y) finally: diff.end() diff_image: QImage = diff.device().toImage() display_diff(actual_image, diff_image, expected_image, self.different_pixels) if self.different_pixels == 0: return / ( + '_actual.png'))) / ( + '_expected.png'))) diff_path = self.work_dir / ( + '_diff.png') is_saved = diff_width = self.diff_max_x - self.diff_min_x + 1 diff_height = self.diff_max_y - self.diff_min_y + 1 diff_section = QImage(diff_width, diff_height, QImage.Format_RGB32) diff_section_painter = QPainter(diff_section) try: diff_section_painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, diff_width, diff_height, QPixmap.fromImage(diff_image), self.diff_min_x, self.diff_min_y, diff_width, diff_height) finally: diff_section_painter.end() # To see an image dumped in the Travis CI log, copy the text from the # log, and paste it in test_pixmap_differ.test_decode_image. print(f'Encoded image of differing section ' f'({self.diff_min_x}, {self.diff_min_y}) - ' f'({self.diff_max_x}, {self.diff_max_y}):') print(encode_image(diff_section)) message = f'Found {self.different_pixels} different pixels, ' message += f'see' if is_saved else 'could not write' message += f' {diff_path.relative_to(Path(__file__).parent.parent)}.' assert self.different_pixels == 0, message
def show_synced(self, is_sync: bool) -> None: p1 = QPixmap(self.icon().pixmap(self.icon().actualSize(QSize(1024, 1024)))) p2 = self.get_icon(is_sync) mode = QPainter.CompositionMode_SourceOver s = p1.size().expandedTo(p2.size()) result = QPixmap(s) result.fill(Qt.transparent) painter = QPainter(result) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) painter.drawPixmap(QPoint(), p1) painter.setCompositionMode(mode) painter.drawPixmap(result.rect(), p2, p2.rect()) painter.end() self.setIcon(QIcon(result))
def paintEvent(self, event): """ Paint the widget. """ super(WaTorWidget, self).paintEvent(event) painter = QPainter(self) for y in range(self._size.height()): for x in range(self._size.width()): pos = QPoint(x, y) * self._scale painter.drawPixmap(pos, self._water.pixmap) for pos, mob in self._world.mobs.items(): painter.drawPixmap(pos * self._scale, mob.pixmap) painter.end()
def assert_equal(self): __tracebackhide__ = True self.end() self.different_pixels = 0 actual_image: QImage = self.actual.device().toImage() expected_image: QImage = self.expected.device().toImage() diff_pixmap = QPixmap(actual_image.width(), actual_image.height()) diff = QPainter(diff_pixmap) try: white = QColor('white') diff.fillRect(0, 0, actual_image.width(), actual_image.height(), white) for x in range(actual_image.width()): for y in range(actual_image.height()): actual_colour = actual_image.pixelColor(x, y) expected_colour = expected_image.pixelColor(x, y) diff.setPen( self.diff_colour(actual_colour, expected_colour, x, y)) diff.drawPoint(x, y) finally: diff.end() diff_image: QImage = diff.device().toImage() display_diff(actual_image, diff_image, expected_image, self.different_pixels) if self.different_pixels == 0: return / ( + '_actual.png'))) / ( + '_expected.png'))) diff_path = self.work_dir / ( + '_diff.png') is_saved = diff_width = self.diff_max_x - self.diff_min_x + 1 diff_height = self.diff_max_y - self.diff_min_y + 1 diff_section = QImage(diff_width, diff_height, QImage.Format_RGB32) diff_section_painter = QPainter(diff_section) try: diff_section_painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, diff_width, diff_height, QPixmap.fromImage(diff_image), self.diff_min_x, self.diff_min_y, diff_width, diff_height) finally: diff_section_painter.end() message = f'Found {self.different_pixels} different pixels.' assert self.different_pixels == 0, message
def main(): parser = parse_args() pov_file: Path = parser.pov_file stem = pov_file.stem shadow_stem = re.sub(r'-(\d+)$', r'-shadow-\1', stem) temp_file = pov_file.parent / (stem + '-temp.png') temp_shadow_file = pov_file.parent / (shadow_stem + '-temp.png') png_file = pov_file.parent / (shadow_stem + '.png') current_images = Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'shibumi_images' current_file = current_images / if current_file.exists(): png_file = current_file args = ['povray', '-D', f'+I{pov_file}', '+V', '-W640', '-H480', '+ua', f'+O{temp_file}'] run(args, check=True) app = QApplication() images_path = Path(__file__).parent shadow_file = images_path / 'ball-r-shadow-1.png' shadow = QPixmap(str(shadow_file)) rendered = QPixmap(str(temp_file)) cropped = rendered.copy(120, 20, 400, 400) scaled = cropped.scaled(98, 102, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation) painter = QPainter(shadow) try: painter.drawPixmap(7, 2, scaled) finally: painter.end() assert app, 'png') temp_file.unlink() temp_shadow_file.rename(png_file) print(f'Generated {png_file} from {pov_file}.')
def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QPainter(self) painter.fillRect(self.rect(), if self.pixmap.isNull(): painter.setPen(Qt.white) painter.drawText(self.rect(), Qt.AlignCenter, "Rendering initial image, please wait...") return if self.curScale == self.pixmapScale: painter.drawPixmap(self.pixmapOffset, self.pixmap) else: scaleFactor = self.pixmapScale / self.curScale newWidth = int(self.pixmap.width() * scaleFactor) newHeight = int(self.pixmap.height() * scaleFactor) newX = self.pixmapOffset.x() + (self.pixmap.width() - newWidth) / 2 newY = self.pixmapOffset.y() + (self.pixmap.height() - newHeight) / 2 painter.translate(newX, newY) painter.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor) exposed, _ = painter.transform().inverted() exposed = exposed.mapRect(self.rect()).adjusted(-1, -1, 1, 1) painter.drawPixmap(exposed, self.pixmap, exposed) painter.restore() text = "Use mouse wheel or the '+' and '-' keys to zoom. Press and " \ "hold left mouse button to scroll." metrics = painter.fontMetrics() textWidth = metrics.horizontalAdvance(text) painter.setPen(Qt.NoPen) painter.setBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0, 127)) painter.drawRect((self.width() - textWidth) / 2 - 5, 0, textWidth + 10, metrics.lineSpacing() + 5) painter.setPen(Qt.white) painter.drawText((self.width() - textWidth) / 2, metrics.leading() + metrics.ascent(), text)
def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QPainter(self) painter.drawPixmap(QRect(0, 0, self.pixmap.width(), self.pixmap.height()), self.pixmap)
def assemble_board(self) -> QPixmap: full_board = self.load_pixmap('board-1.png') board_size = self.start_state.size if board_size == 4: return full_board full_height = full_board.height() full_width = full_board.width() left_width = round(full_width * 0.28) mid_width = round(full_width * 0.22) right_width = round(full_width * 0.279) top_height = round(full_height * 0.28) mid_height = round(full_height * 0.21) bottom_height = round(full_height * 0.29) final_width = left_width + (board_size - 2) * mid_width + right_width final_height = top_height + (board_size - 2) * mid_height + bottom_height assembled_board = QPixmap(final_width, final_height) assembled_board.fill(Qt.transparent) assembled_painter = QPainter(assembled_board) # top left assembled_painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, left_width, top_height, full_board, 0, 0, left_width, top_height) for j in range(board_size - 2): # top middle assembled_painter.drawPixmap(left_width + j * mid_width, 0, mid_width, top_height, full_board, left_width, 0, mid_width, top_height) # top right assembled_painter.drawPixmap(final_width - right_width, 0, right_width, top_height, full_board, full_width - right_width, 0, right_width, top_height) for i in range(board_size - 2): # left middle assembled_painter.drawPixmap(0, top_height + i * mid_height, left_width, mid_height, full_board, 0, top_height, left_width, mid_height) for j in range(board_size - 2): # middle middle assembled_painter.drawPixmap(left_width + j * mid_width, top_height + i * mid_height, mid_width, mid_height, full_board, left_width, top_height, mid_width, mid_height) # right middle assembled_painter.drawPixmap(final_width - right_width, top_height + i * mid_height, right_width, mid_height, full_board, full_width - right_width, top_height, right_width, mid_height) # bottom left assembled_painter.drawPixmap(0, final_height - bottom_height, left_width, bottom_height, full_board, 0, full_height - bottom_height, left_width, bottom_height) for j in range(board_size - 2): # bottom middle assembled_painter.drawPixmap(left_width + j * mid_width, final_height - bottom_height, mid_width, bottom_height, full_board, left_width, full_height - bottom_height, mid_width, bottom_height) # bottom right assembled_painter.drawPixmap(final_width - right_width, final_height - bottom_height, right_width, bottom_height, full_board, full_width - right_width, full_height - bottom_height, right_width, bottom_height) return assembled_board
def paintEvent(self, event: QPaintEvent) -> None: if self.resizeTimer.isActive(): painter = QPainter(self.viewport()) painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, self.viewportCache) else: super().paintEvent(event)
def paintEvent(self, event: PySide6.QtGui.QPaintEvent) -> None: painter = QPainter(self) pixmap = pixmap = pixmap.scaled(self.my_size) painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, pixmap)
def test_board_size_3(pixmap_differ: PixmapDiffer): actual: QPainter expected: QPainter with pixmap_differ.create_painters(240, 240, 'margo_board_size_3') as (actual, expected): expected_scene = QGraphicsScene(0, 0, 240, 240) full_board = MargoDisplay.load_pixmap('board-1.png') width = full_board.width() height = full_board.height() top_height = round(height * 0.28) mid_height = round(height * 0.21) bottom_height = round(height * 0.29) left_width = round(width * 0.28) mid_width = round(width * 0.22) right_width = round(width * 0.279) assembled_board = QPixmap(left_width + mid_width + right_width, top_height + mid_height + bottom_height) assembled_board.fill(Qt.transparent) assembled_painter = QPainter(assembled_board) # top left assembled_painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, left_width, top_height, full_board, 0, 0, left_width, top_height) # top middle assembled_painter.drawPixmap(left_width, 0, mid_width, top_height, full_board, left_width, 0, mid_width, top_height) # top right assembled_painter.drawPixmap(left_width + mid_width, 0, right_width, top_height, full_board, width - right_width, 0, right_width, top_height) # left middle assembled_painter.drawPixmap(0, top_height, left_width, mid_height, full_board, 0, top_height, left_width, mid_height) # middle middle assembled_painter.drawPixmap(left_width, top_height, mid_width, mid_height, full_board, left_width, top_height, mid_width, mid_height) # right middle assembled_painter.drawPixmap(left_width + mid_width, top_height, right_width, mid_height, full_board, width - right_width, top_height, right_width, mid_height) # bottom left assembled_painter.drawPixmap(0, top_height + mid_height, left_width, bottom_height, full_board, 0, height - bottom_height, left_width, bottom_height) # bottom middle assembled_painter.drawPixmap(left_width, top_height + mid_height, mid_width, bottom_height, full_board, left_width, height - bottom_height, mid_width, bottom_height) # bottom right assembled_painter.drawPixmap(left_width + mid_width, top_height + mid_height, right_width, bottom_height, full_board, width - right_width, height - bottom_height, right_width, bottom_height) assembled_painter.end() scaled_board = assembled_board.scaled(240, 240, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation) board_item = expected_scene.addPixmap(scaled_board) board_item.setPos(2, 0) white_ball = MargoDisplay.load_pixmap('ball-w-shadow-1.png', QSize(76, 76)) black_ball = MargoDisplay.load_pixmap('ball-b-shadow-1.png', QSize(76, 76)) expected_scene.addPixmap(white_ball).setPos(15, 145) expected_scene.addPixmap(black_ball).setPos(81, 79) expected_scene.render(expected) display = MargoDisplay(size=3) display.resize(348, 264) board_text = """\ A C E 5 . . . 5 3 . B . 3 1 W . . 1 A C E >B """ display.update_board(SpargoState(board_text, size=3)) render_display(display, actual)
def test_board_size_2(pixmap_differ: PixmapDiffer): actual: QPainter expected: QPainter with pixmap_differ.create_painters(240, 240, 'margo_board_size_2') as (actual, expected): expected_scene = QGraphicsScene(0, 0, 240, 240) full_board = MargoDisplay.load_pixmap('board-1.png') width = full_board.width() height = full_board.height() top_height = round(height * 0.28) left_width = round(width * 0.28) right_width = round(width * 0.279) bottom_height = round(height * 0.29) assembled_board = QPixmap(left_width + right_width, top_height + bottom_height) assembled_board.fill(Qt.transparent) assembled_painter = QPainter(assembled_board) # top left assembled_painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, left_width, top_height, full_board, 0, 0, left_width, top_height) # top right assembled_painter.drawPixmap(left_width, 0, right_width, top_height, full_board, width - right_width, 0, right_width, top_height) # bottom left assembled_painter.drawPixmap(0, top_height, left_width, bottom_height, full_board, 0, height - bottom_height, left_width, bottom_height) # bottom right assembled_painter.drawPixmap(left_width, top_height, right_width, bottom_height, full_board, width - right_width, height - bottom_height, right_width, bottom_height) assembled_painter.end() scaled_board = assembled_board.scaled(232, 240, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation) board_item = expected_scene.addPixmap(scaled_board) board_item.setPos(4, 0) white_ball = MargoDisplay.load_pixmap('ball-w-shadow-1.png', QSize(103, 103)) black_ball = MargoDisplay.load_pixmap('ball-b-shadow-1.png', QSize(103, 103)) expected_scene.addPixmap(white_ball).setPos(23, 108) expected_scene.addPixmap(black_ball).setPos(113, 18) expected_scene.render(expected) display = MargoDisplay(size=2) trigger_resize(display, 292, 240) display.resize(348, 264) board_text = """\ A C 3 . B 3 1 W . 1 A C >B """ display.update_board(SpargoState(board_text, size=2)) render_display(display, actual)