Пример #1
def freeze(options, args):
    rosrs = ROSRS_Session(options["rosrs_uri"], options["rosrs_access_token"])
    service_uri = urljoin(options["rosrs_uri"], "../evo/finalize/")
    body = {
        'target': args[2],
    body = json.dumps(body)
    reqheaders = {}
    (status, reason, headers,
     data) = response = rosrs.doRequest(uripath=service_uri,
    if "location" in headers:
        while print_job_status(parse_job(rosrs, headers['location']), options,
        print "freeze operation finished successfully"
        return 0
        print status
        print reason
        print headers
        print data
        print "Given URI isn't correct"
        return -1
Пример #2
def copy_operation(options, args, ro_type):
    rosrs = ROSRS_Session(options["rosrs_uri"], options["rosrs_access_token"])
    service_uri = urljoin(options["rosrs_uri"], "../evo/copy/")
    body = {
        'copyfrom': args[2],
        'type': ro_type,
        'finalize': ("%s" % options['freeze']).lower()
    body = json.dumps(body)
    reqheaders = {'Slug': args[3]}
    response = rosrs.doRequest(uripath=service_uri,
    if response[0] != 201:
        return handle_copy_error(options, rosrs, response, ro_type)
    if not options["asynchronous"]:
        return handle_synchronous_copy_operation_with_esc_option(
            options, rosrs, response, ro_type)
    if options["asynchronous"]:
        return handle_asynchronous_copy_operation(options, rosrs, response,
    return 0
Пример #3
 def testArchive(self):
     rosrs = ROSRS_Session(ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN)
     (copy_status, archiveUri) = self.createArchive(self.TEST_CREATED_RO_ID, self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID, False) 
     assert copy_status == "DONE"
     (status, reason, data, evo_type) = rosrs.getROEvolution(archiveUri)
     assert  evo_type == 3
     (status, reason, data, evo_type) = rosrs.getROEvolution(archiveUri)
     assert  evo_type == 2
     (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_CREATED_RO_ID)
     (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(archiveUri)
Пример #4
 def freeze(self, ro_uri):
     rosrs = ROSRS_Session(ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN)
     service_uri = urljoin(ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, "../evo/finalize/")
     body = {
             'target': ro_uri,
     body = json.dumps(body)
     reqheaders = {}
     (status, reason, headers, data) = rosrs.doRequest(uripath=service_uri, method="POST", body=body, ctype="application/json", reqheaders=reqheaders)
     job_location = get_location(headers)
     status = "RUNNING"
     while status == "RUNNING":
         (status, id) = parse_job(rosrs, job_location)
     return status
 def setUp(self):
     super(TestROSRSMetadata, self).setUp()
     self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(Config.ROSRS_API_URI,
     # Clean up from previous runs
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, roconfig, roref, dummysetupfortest=False):
        Initialize: read manifest from object at given directory into local RDF graph

        roconfig    is the research object manager configuration, supplied as a dictionary
        roref       a URI reference that refers to the Research Object to be accessed, or
                    relative path name (see ro_uriutils.resolveFileAsUri for interpretation)
        dummysetupfortest is an optional parameter that, if True, suppresses some aspects of
                    the setup (does not attempt to read a RO manifest) for isolated testing.
        self.roconfig = roconfig
        self.roref    = roref
        self.dummyfortest  = dummysetupfortest
        self.manifestgraph = None
        self.roannotations = None
        self.registries = None
        uri = resolveFileAsUri(roref)
        if not uri.endswith("/"): uri += "/"
        self.rouri    = rdflib.URIRef(uri)
        if self._isLocal():
            self.rosrs = None
            self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(
        # Get RO URI from manifest
        # May be different from computed value if manifest has absolute URI
        self.rouri = self.manifestgraph.value(None, RDF.type, RO.ResearchObject)
        # Check that the manifest contained at least one RO URI
        assert self.rouri is not None
Пример #7
 def setUp(self):
     super(TestEvoCommands, self).setUp()
     self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, accesskey=ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN)
     (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_RO_ID+"/")
     (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.rosrs.createRO(self.TEST_RO_ID,
         "Test RO for ROEVO", "Test Creator", "2012-09-06")
     self.CREATED_RO = rouri;
Пример #8
 def setUp(self):
     super(TestROSRS_Session, self).setUp()
     self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(Config.ROSRS_API_URI,
     # Clean up from previous runs
     self.rosrs.deleteRO(Config.TEST_RO_PATH, purge=True)
     self.createdTestRO = None
Пример #9
 def setUp(self):
     super(TestROSRSMetadata, self).setUp()
     self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(Config.ROSRS_API_URI,
     self.roname = Config.TEST_RO_NAME
     self.ropath = self.roname + "/"
     # Clean up from previous runs
     self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.ropath, purge=True)
Пример #10
class TestEvo(TestROEVOSupport.TestROEVOSupport):
    TEST_RO_ID = "ro-manager-evo-test-ro"
    TEST_SNAPHOT_RO_ID = "ro-manager-test-evo-snaphot-ro"
    TEST_SNAPHOT_ID = "ro-manager-test-evo-snaphot"
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestEvo, self).setUp()
        self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, accesskey=ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN)
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_RO_ID+"/")
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.rosrs.createRO(self.TEST_RO_ID,
            "Test RO for ROEVO", "Test Creator", "2012-09-06")
        self.TEST_CREATED_RO_ID = rouri

    def tearDown(self):
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_RO_ID+"/")
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID+"/")
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_CREATED_RO_ID)
        super(TestEvo, self).tearDown()
    def testSnapshot(self):
        rosrs = ROSRS_Session(ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN)
        (copy_status, snapshot_uri) = self.createSnapshot(self.TEST_CREATED_RO_ID, self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID, False) 
        assert copy_status == "DONE"
        (status, reason, data, evo_type) = rosrs.getROEvolution(snapshot_uri)
        assert  evo_type == 3
        (status, reason, data, evo_type) = rosrs.getROEvolution(snapshot_uri)
        assert  evo_type == 1
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_CREATED_RO_ID)
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(snapshot_uri)
    def testArchive(self):
        rosrs = ROSRS_Session(ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN)
        (copy_status, archiveUri) = self.createArchive(self.TEST_CREATED_RO_ID, self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID, False) 
        assert copy_status == "DONE"
        (status, reason, data, evo_type) = rosrs.getROEvolution(archiveUri)
        assert  evo_type == 3
        (status, reason, data, evo_type) = rosrs.getROEvolution(archiveUri)
        assert  evo_type == 2
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_CREATED_RO_ID)
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(archiveUri)
Пример #11
def freeze(options, args):
    rosrs = ROSRS_Session(options["rosrs_uri"], options["rosrs_access_token"])
    service_uri = urljoin(options["rosrs_uri"], "../evo/finalize/")
    body = {
        'target': args[2],
    body = json.dumps(body)
    reqheaders = {}
    (status, reason, headers, data) = response = rosrs.doRequest(uripath=service_uri, method="POST", body=body, ctype="application/json", reqheaders=reqheaders)
    if "location" in headers:
        while print_job_status(parse_job(rosrs, headers['location']), options, True):
        print "freeze operation finished successfully"
        return 0
        print status
        print reason
        print headers
        print data
        print "Given URI isn't correct"
        return -1
Пример #12
def copy_operation(options, args, ro_type):
    rosrs = ROSRS_Session(options["rosrs_uri"], options["rosrs_access_token"])
    service_uri = urljoin(options["rosrs_uri"], "../evo/copy/")
    body = {
        'copyfrom': args[2],
        'type': ro_type,
        'finalize': ( "%s" % options['freeze']).lower()
    body = json.dumps(body)
    reqheaders = {
        'Slug' : args[3]
    response = rosrs.doRequest(uripath=service_uri, method="POST", body=body, ctype="application/json", reqheaders=reqheaders)
    if response[0] != 201:
        return handle_copy_error(options, rosrs, response, ro_type)
    if not options["asynchronous"]:
        return handle_synchronous_copy_operation_with_esc_option(options, rosrs, response, ro_type)
    if options["asynchronous"]:
        return handle_asynchronous_copy_operation(options, rosrs, response, ro_type)
    return 0
Пример #13
 def createArchive(self, live_name,sp_name,freeze = True):
     service_uri = urljoin(ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, "../evo/copy/")
     body = {
             'copyfrom': live_name,
             'target': sp_name,
             'type': "ARCHIVE",
             'finalize': ( "%s" % freeze).lower()
     body = json.dumps(body)
     reqheaders = {
         'token': ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN,
         'Slug' : sp_name,
     rosrs = ROSRS_Session(ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN)
     (status, reason, headers, data) = rosrs.doRequest(uripath=service_uri, method="POST", body=body, ctype="application/json", reqheaders=reqheaders)
     job_location = get_location(headers)
     status = "RUNNING"
     while status == "RUNNING":
         (status, id) = parse_job(rosrs, job_location)
     return (status, id)
Пример #14
    def __init__(self, roconfig, roref, dummysetupfortest=False):
        Initialize: read manifest from object at given directory into local RDF graph

        roconfig    is the research object manager configuration, supplied as a dictionary
        roref       a URI reference that refers to the Research Object to be accessed, or
                    relative path name (see ro_uriutils.resolveFileAsUri for interpretation)
        dummysetupfortest is an optional parameter that, if True, suppresses some aspects of
                    the setup (does not attempt to read a RO manifest) for isolated testing.
        self.roconfig = roconfig
        self.roref = roref
        self.dummyfortest = dummysetupfortest
        self.manifestgraph = None
        self.roannotations = None
        self.registries = None
        uri = resolveFileAsUri(roref)
        if not uri.endswith("/"): uri += "/"
        self.rouri = rdflib.URIRef(uri)
        if self._isLocal():
            self.rosrs = None
            self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(self.roconfig["rosrs_uri"],
        # Get RO URI from manifest
        # May be different from computed value if manifest has absolute URI
        # Nested URIs may be present; ours is the one described by the manifest URI,
        # which is determined by the _loadManifest() method.
        for s in self.manifestgraph.subjects(RDF.type, RO.ResearchObject):
            if self.manifestgraph.value(s,
                                        ORE.isDescribedBy) == self.manifesturi:
                self.rouri = s
        # Check that the manifest contained at least one RO URI
        assert self.rouri is not None
Пример #15
 def testRemoteStatusWithWrongUriGiven(self):
     self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, accesskey=ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN)
     self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_RO_ID + "/")
     args = [
         "ro", "status", ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI + "some-strange-uri/",
         "-r", ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, 
         "-t", ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN,
     with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
         status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
         outtxt = self.outstr.getvalue()
         assert status == -1
         self.assertEqual(outtxt.count("Wrong URI was given"), 1)
     self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_RO_ID + "/")
Пример #16
 def testRemoteStatusLiveRO(self):
     self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, accesskey=ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN)
     (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_RO_ID+"/")
     (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.rosrs.createRO(self.TEST_RO_ID,
         "Test RO for ROEVO", "Test Creator", "2012-09-06")
     args = [
         "ro", "status", str(rouri),
         "-r", ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, 
         "-t", ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN,
     with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
         status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
         assert status == 0
         outtxt = self.outstr.getvalue()
         self.assertEqual(outtxt.count("LIVE"), 1)
     (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(rouri)
Пример #17
class TestEvoCommands(TestROEVOSupport.TestROEVOSupport):
    TEST_RO_ID = "ro-manger-evo-test-ro"
    TEST_SNAPHOT_ID = "ro-manager-evo-test-snaphot"
    TEST_ARCHIVE_ID = "ro-manager-evo-test-archive-id"
    TEST_UNDEFINED_ID = "ro-manager-evo-test-undefined-id"
    CREATED_RO = ""
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestEvoCommands, self).setUp()
        self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, accesskey=ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN)
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_RO_ID+"/")
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.rosrs.createRO(self.TEST_RO_ID,
            "Test RO for ROEVO", "Test Creator", "2012-09-06")
        self.CREATED_RO = rouri;

    def tearDown(self):
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_RO_ID+"/")
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID+"/")
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.CREATED_RO)
        super(TestEvoCommands, self).tearDown()
    def testSnapshot(self):
        snapshot <live-RO> <snapshot-id> [ --asynchronous ] [ --freeze ] [ -t <access_token> ] [ -t <token> ]
    def testSnapshotAsynchronous(self):
        args = [
            "ro", "snapshot" , str(self.CREATED_RO), self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID, 
            "-t", ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN,
            "-r", ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI,
        outLines = ""
        with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
            status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
            assert status == 0
            # simple check if the verbouse mode works well            
            for word in ("ro snapshot --asynchronous "+ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI + self.TEST_RO_ID + " " + self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID).split(" "):
                self.assertTrue(self.outstr.getvalue().count(word+ " ") or self.outstr.getvalue().count(" " + word), "snapshot command wasn't parse well")
            self.assertEqual(self.outstr.getvalue().count("Job Status: "), 1)
            self.assertEqual(self.outstr.getvalue().count("Job URI: "), 1)
            self.assertEqual(self.outstr.getvalue().count("Target URI: "), 1)
            self.assertEqual(self.outstr.getvalue().count("Target Name: "), 1)
            self.assertEqual(self.outstr.getvalue().count("Response Status: "), 1)
            self.assertEqual(self.outstr.getvalue().count("Response Reason: "), 1)
            outLines = self.outstr.getvalue().split("\n")
        for line in outLines:
            if "Job URI:" in line:
                jobLocation = line.split("Job URI:")[1].strip()
                status = "RUNNING"
                while status == "RUNNING":
                    (status, id) = parse_job(self.rosrs, jobLocation)
                assert status == "DONE"
    def testSnapshotSynchronous(self):
        args = [
            "ro", "snapshot", self.CREATED_RO, self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID, 
            "-t", ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN,
            "-r", ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI,
        outLines = ""
        with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
            status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
            assert status == 0
            # simple check if the verbouse mode works well
            for word in ("ro snaphot "+ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI + self.TEST_RO_ID + " " + self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID).split(" "):
                    self.assertTrue(self.outstr.getvalue().count(word+ " ") or self.outstr.getvalue().count(" " + word), "snapshot command wasn't parse well")
            self.assertEqual(self.outstr.getvalue().count("Target URI: "), 1)
            outLines = self.outstr.getvalue().split("\n")
        for line in outLines:
            if "Target URI:" in line:
                id = line.split("Target URI:")[1].strip()

    def testSnapshotWithEscOption(self):
        args = [
            "ro", "snapshot", self.CREATED_RO,  self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID, 
            "-t", ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN,
            "-r", ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI,
        outLines = ""
        with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
            status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
            assert status == 0
            # simple check if the verbouse mode works well
            self.assertEqual(self.outstr.getvalue().count("--asynchronous"), 0, "shouldn't be asynchronous")
            outLines = self.outstr.getvalue().split("\n")
        for line in outLines:
            if "Target URI:" in line:
                id = line.split("Target URI:")[1].strip()
    def testArchive(self):
        archive <live-RO> <snapshot-id> [ --asynchronous ] [ --freeze ] [ -t <access_token> ] [ -t <token> ]
    def testArchiveAsynchronous(self):
        args = [
            "ro", "archive" , str(self.CREATED_RO), self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID, 
            "-t", ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN,
            "-r", ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI,
        outLines = ""
        with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
            status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
            assert status == 0
            # simple check if the verbouse mode works well            
            for word in ("ro archive --asynchronous "+ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI + self.TEST_RO_ID + " " + self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID).split(" "):
                self.assertTrue(self.outstr.getvalue().count(word+ " ") or self.outstr.getvalue().count(" " + word), "snapshot command wasn't parse well")
            self.assertEqual(self.outstr.getvalue().count("Job Status: "), 1)
            self.assertEqual(self.outstr.getvalue().count("Job URI: "), 1)
            self.assertEqual(self.outstr.getvalue().count("Target URI: "), 1)
            self.assertEqual(self.outstr.getvalue().count("Target Name: "), 1)
            self.assertEqual(self.outstr.getvalue().count("Response Status: "), 1)
            self.assertEqual(self.outstr.getvalue().count("Response Reason: "), 1)
            outLines = self.outstr.getvalue().split("\n")
        for line in outLines:
            if "Job URI:" in line:
                jobLocation = line.split("Job URI:")[1].strip()
                status = "RUNNING"
                while status == "RUNNING":
                    (status, id) = parse_job(self.rosrs, jobLocation)
                assert status == "DONE"
    def testArchiveSynchronous(self):
        args = [
            "ro", "archive", ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI + self.TEST_RO_ID, ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI + self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID, 
            "-t", ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN,
            "-r", ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI,
        outLines = ""
        with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
            status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
            assert status == 0
            # simple check if the verbouse mode works well
            self.assertEqual(self.outstr.getvalue().count("--asynchronous"), 0, "shouldn't be asynchronous")
            outLines = self.outstr.getvalue().split("\n")
        for line in outLines:
            if "Target URI:" in line:
                id = line.split("Target URI:")[1].strip()
    def testFreeze(self):
        freeze <RO-id> 
        #preapre snaphot
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_RO_ID+"/")
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID+"/")

        (status, reason, createdRoUri, manifest) = self.rosrs.createRO(self.TEST_RO_ID,
            "Test RO for ROEVO", "Test Creator", "2012-09-06")        
        (createdSnapshotStatus, createdSnapshotId) =  self.createSnapshot(createdRoUri, self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID, False)
        args = [
            "ro", "freeze",str(createdSnapshotId), 
            "-t", ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN,
            "-r", ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI,
        with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
            status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
            assert status == 0
            self.assertEqual(self.outstr.getvalue().count("freeze operation finished successfully"), 1)
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(createdRoUri)
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(createdSnapshotId)
    def FreezeNonExistetSnaphot(self):
        freeze <RO-id> 
        #preapre snaphot
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_RO_ID+"/")
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID+"/")

        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.rosrs.createRO(self.TEST_RO_ID,
            "Test RO for ROEVO", "Test Creator", "2012-09-06")        
        self.createSnapshot(self.TEST_RO_ID+"/", self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID, True)
        args = [
            "ro", "freeze", self.TEST_SNAPHOT_RO_ID + "non exited", 
            "-t", ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN,
            "-r", ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI,
        with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
            status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
            assert status == -1
            self.assertEqual(self.outstr.getvalue().count("Given URI isn't correct"), 0)
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID+"/")
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_RO_ID+"/")
    def testRemoteStatusSnapshotRO(self):
        self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, accesskey=ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN)
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_RO_ID+"/")
        (status, reason, createdRoUri, manifest) = self.rosrs.createRO(self.TEST_RO_ID,
            "Test RO for ROEVO", "Test Creator", "2012-09-06")
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID + "/")
        (createdSnapshotStatus, createdSnapshotUri) = self.createSnapshot(createdRoUri, self.TEST_SNAPHOT_ID, True)
        args = [
            "ro", "status", str(createdSnapshotUri),
            "-r", ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, 
            "-t", ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN,
        with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
            status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
            assert status == 0
            outtxt = self.outstr.getvalue()
            self.assertEqual(outtxt.count("SNAPSHOT"), 1)
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(createdSnapshotUri)
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(createdRoUri)

    def testRemoteStatusArchiveRO(self):
        self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, accesskey=ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN)
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_RO_ID+"/")
        (status, reason, createdRoUri, manifest) = self.rosrs.createRO(self.TEST_RO_ID,
            "Test RO for ROEVO", "Test Creator", "2012-09-06")
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_ARCHIVE_ID + "/")
        (createdArchiveStatus, createdArchiveUri) = self.createArchive(createdRoUri, self.TEST_ARCHIVE_ID, True)
        args = [
            "ro", "status", str(createdArchiveUri),
            "-r", ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI,
            "-t", ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN,
        with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
            status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
            assert status == 0
            outtxt = self.outstr.getvalue()
            self.assertEqual(outtxt.count("ARCHIVE"), 1)
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(createdArchiveUri)
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(createdRoUri)

    def testRemoteStatusUndefinedRO(self):
        self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, accesskey=ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN)
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_RO_ID+"/")
        (status, reason, createdRoUri, manifest) = self.rosrs.createRO(self.TEST_RO_ID,
            "Test RO for ROEVO", "Test Creator", "2012-09-06")
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_ARCHIVE_ID + "/")
        (createdArchiveStatus, createdArchiveUri) = self.createArchive(createdRoUri, self.TEST_ARCHIVE_ID, False)
        args = [
            "ro", "status", str(createdArchiveUri),
            "-r", ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, 
            "-t", ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN,
        with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
            status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
            assert status == 0
            outtxt = self.outstr.getvalue()
            self.assertEqual(outtxt.count("UNDEFINED"), 1)
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(createdArchiveUri)
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(createdRoUri)

    def testRemoteStatusLiveRO(self):
        self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, accesskey=ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN)
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_RO_ID+"/")
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.rosrs.createRO(self.TEST_RO_ID,
            "Test RO for ROEVO", "Test Creator", "2012-09-06")
        args = [
            "ro", "status", str(rouri),
            "-r", ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, 
            "-t", ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN,
        with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
            status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
            assert status == 0
            outtxt = self.outstr.getvalue()
            self.assertEqual(outtxt.count("LIVE"), 1)
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(rouri)
    def testRemoteStatusWithWrongUriGiven(self):
        self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, accesskey=ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN)
        self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_RO_ID + "/")
        args = [
            "ro", "status", ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI + "some-strange-uri/",
            "-r", ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, 
            "-t", ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN,
        with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
            status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
            outtxt = self.outstr.getvalue()
            assert status == -1
            self.assertEqual(outtxt.count("Wrong URI was given"), 1)
        self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.TEST_RO_ID + "/")
Пример #18
 def remote_status(self, ro_uri):
     rosrs = ROSRS_Session(ro_test_config.ROSRS_URI, ro_test_config.ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN)
     service_uri = ro_uri
     (status, reason, headers, data) = rosrs.doRequest(uripath=service_uri, method="POST", body="", ctype="application/json", reqheaders={})
     return status, reason, headers, data
            <roterms:resource rdf:resource="&BUNDLE;workflow/Create_SNP_Set/in/Entrez_ID" />
            <roterms:resource rdf:resource="&BUNDLE;workflow/Create_SNP_Set/in/set_width" />
            <roterms:resource rdf:resource="&BUNDLE;workflow/Create_SNP_Set/in/path_to_output_file" />

# Main program script

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Set up ROSRS session and key values
    rosrs   = ROSRS_Session(ROSRS_API_URI, accesskey=ROSRS_ACCESS_TOKEN)
    rouri   = getResourceUri(ROSRS_API_URI, RO_PATH)
    resuri  = getResourceUri(rouri, RES_PATH)
    # Add annotation
    updateAnnotation(rosrs, rouri, resuri, ANNOTATION_PATH, ANNOTATION_BODY)
    # Finish up
Пример #20
class ro_metadata(object):
    Class for accessing RO metadata

    def __init__(self, roconfig, roref, dummysetupfortest=False):
        Initialize: read manifest from object at given directory into local RDF graph

        roconfig    is the research object manager configuration, supplied as a dictionary
        roref       a URI reference that refers to the Research Object to be accessed, or
                    relative path name (see ro_uriutils.resolveFileAsUri for interpretation)
        dummysetupfortest is an optional parameter that, if True, suppresses some aspects of
                    the setup (does not attempt to read a RO manifest) for isolated testing.
        self.roconfig = roconfig
        self.roref    = roref
        self.dummyfortest  = dummysetupfortest
        self.manifestgraph = None
        self.roannotations = None
        self.registries = None
        uri = resolveFileAsUri(roref)
        if not uri.endswith("/"): uri += "/"
        self.rouri    = rdflib.URIRef(uri)
        if self._isLocal():
            self.rosrs = None
            self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(
        # Get RO URI from manifest
        # May be different from computed value if manifest has absolute URI
        self.rouri = self.manifestgraph.value(None, RDF.type, RO.ResearchObject)
        # Check that the manifest contained at least one RO URI
        assert self.rouri is not None

    def _isLocal(self):
        return isFileUri(self.rouri)

    def _getManifestUri(self):
        assert self._isLocal()
        return self.getComponentUri(ro_settings.MANIFEST_DIR+"/"+ro_settings.MANIFEST_FILE)

    def _loadManifest(self):
        if self.manifestgraph: return self.manifestgraph
        if self.dummyfortest:
            # Fake minimal manifest graph for testing
            self.manifestgraph = rdflib.Graph()
            self.manifestgraph.add( (self.rouri, RDF.type, RO.ResearchObject) )
        elif self._isLocal():
            # Read manifest graph
            self.manifestgraph = rdflib.Graph()
            (status, reason, _h, _u, manifest) = self.rosrs.getROManifest(self.rouri)
            assert status == 200,  ("ro_metadata: Can't access manifest for %s (%03d %s)"%
                                    (str(self.rouri), status, reason))
            self.manifestgraph = manifest 
        return self.manifestgraph

    def _updateManifest(self):
        Write updated manifest file for research object
        assert self._isLocal()
            destination=self.getManifestFilename(), format='xml',
            base=self.rouri, xml_base="..")

    def _iterAnnotations(self, subject=None):
        Return iterator over annotation stubs in the current RO, either for
        the specified subject resource, or for all annotations in the RO
        subject is URI of subject whose annotations are returned, or None.
        manifest = self._loadManifest()
        if self._isLocal():
            for (anode, p, subject) in manifest:
                if p in [RO.annotatesAggregatedResource, AO.annotatesResource]:
                    yield anode
            for anode in self.rosrs.getROAnnotationUris(self.getRoUri(), subject):
                yield anode

    def isAggregatedResource(self, rofile):
        Returns true if the manifest says that the research object aggregates the
        resource. Resource URI is resolved against the RO URI unless it's absolute.
        resuri = self.getComponentUriAbs(rofile)
        return (self.rouri, ORE.aggregates, resuri) in self.manifestgraph

    def _loadAnnotations(self):
        if self.roannotations: return self.roannotations
        # Assemble annotation graph
        # NOTE: the manifest itself is included as an annotation by the RO setup
        if self._isLocal():
            manifest = self._loadManifest()
            self.roannotations = rdflib.Graph()
            annotation_uris_loaded = set()
            for anode in self._iterAnnotations():
                auri = manifest.value(subject=anode, predicate=AO.body)
                if auri not in annotation_uris_loaded:
                    self._readAnnotationBody(auri, self.roannotations)
            self.roannotations = self.rosrs.getROAnnotationGraph(self.rouri)
        log.debug("roannotations graph:\n"+self.roannotations.serialize())
        return self.roannotations

    def isInternalResource(self, resuri):
        Check if the resource is internal, i.e. should the resource content be uploaded
        to the ROSR service. Returns true if the resource URI has the RO URI as a prefix.
        return resuri.startswith(self.rouri)

    def isExternalResource(self, resuri):
        Check if the resource is external, i.e. can be aggregated as a URI reference.
        Returns true if the URI has 'http' or 'https' scheme.
        parseduri = urlparse.urlsplit(resuri)
        return parseduri.scheme in ["http", "https"]
    def _createAnnotationBody(self, roresource, attrdict, defaultType="string"):
        Create a new annotation body for a single resource in a research object, based
        on a supplied graph value.

        Existing annotations for the same resource are not touched; if an annotation is being
        added or replaced, it is the calling program'sresponsibility to update the manifest to
        reference the active annotations.  A new name is allocated for the created annotation,
        graph which is returned as the result of this function.

        roresource  is the name of the Research Object component to be annotated,
                    possibly relative to the RO root directory.
        attrdict    is a dictionary of attributes to be saved in the annotation body.
                    Dictionary keys are attribute names that can be resolved via

        Returns the name of the annotation body created relative to the RO directory.
        assert self._isLocal()
        af = ro_annotation.createAnnotationBody(
            self.roconfig, self.getRoFilename(), roresource, attrdict, defaultType)
        return os.path.join(ro_settings.MANIFEST_DIR+"/", af)

    def _createAnnotationGraphBody(self, roresource, anngraph):
        Create a new annotation body for a single resource in a research object, based
        on a supplied graph value.

        Existing annotations for the same resource are not touched; if an annotation is being
        added or replaced, it is the calling program'sresponsibility to update the manifest to
        reference the active annotations.  A new name is allocated for the created annotation,
        graph which is returned as the result of this function.

        roresource  is the name of the Research Object component to be annotated,
                    possibly relative to the RO root directory.
        anngraph    is an annotation graph that is to be saved.

        Returns the name of the annotation body created relative to the RO
        manifest and metadata directory.
        assert self._isLocal()
        af = ro_annotation.createAnnotationGraphBody(
            self.roconfig, self.getRoFilename(), roresource, anngraph)
        return os.path.join(ro_settings.MANIFEST_DIR+"/", af)

    def _readAnnotationBody(self, annotationref, anngr=None):
        Read annotation body from indicated resource, return RDF Graph of annotation values.

        annotationref   is a URI reference of an annotation, possibly relative to the RO base URI
                        (e.g. as returned by _createAnnotationBody method).
        anngr           if supplied, if an RDF graph to which the annotations are added
        assert self._isLocal()
        log.debug("_readAnnotationBody %s"%(annotationref))
        annotationuri    = self.getComponentUri(annotationref)
        annotationformat = "xml"
        # Look at file extension to figure format
        # (rdflib.Graph.parse says;
        #   "used if format can not be determined from the source")
        if re.search("\.(ttl|n3)$", annotationuri): annotationformat="n3"
        if anngr == None:
            log.debug("_readAnnotationBody: new graph")
            anngr = rdflib.Graph()
            anngr.parse(annotationuri, format=annotationformat)
            log.debug("_readAnnotationBody parse %s, len %i"%(annotationuri, len(anngr)))
        except IOError, e:
            log.debug("_readAnnotationBody "+annotationref+", "+repr(e))
            anngr = None
        return anngr
Пример #21
class TestROSRS_Session(unittest.TestCase):
    This test suite tests the ROSRS_Session client implementation of the ROSRS API

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestROSRS_Session, self).setUp()
        self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(Config.ROSRS_API_URI,
        # Clean up from previous runs
        self.rosrs.deleteRO(Config.TEST_RO_PATH, purge=True)
        self.createdTestRO = None

    def tearDown(self):
        super(TestROSRS_Session, self).tearDown()
        # Clean up
        if self.createdTestRO:
            self.rosrs.deleteRO(self.createdTestRO, purge=True)

    def createTestRO(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.rosrs.createRO(Config.TEST_RO_NAME,
            "Test RO for ROSRS_Session", "TestROSRS_Session.py", "2012-09-06")
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        self.createdTestRO = rouri
        return (status, reason, rouri, manifest)

    # Actual tests follow

    def testHelpers(self):

    def testListROs(self):
        ros = self.rosrs.listROs()

    def testCreateRO(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "Created")
        self.assertEqual(str(rouri)[:len(Config.TEST_RO_URI)-1]+"/", Config.TEST_RO_URI)
        self.assertIn((rouri, RDF.type, RO.ResearchObject), manifest)
        rolist = self.rosrs.listROs()
        self.assertIn(str(rouri), [ r["uri"] for r in rolist ])

    def testDeleteRO(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Test that new RO is in collection
        rolist = self.rosrs.listROs()
        self.assertIn(str(rouri), [ r["uri"] for r in rolist ])
        # Delete RO
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(rouri)
        self.assertEqual(status, 204)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "No Content")
        # Test that new RO is not in collection
        rolist = self.rosrs.listROs()
        self.assertNotIn(str(rouri), [ r["uri"] for r in rolist ])
        # Delete again
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.deleteRO(rouri)
        self.assertEqual(status, 404)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "Not Found")

    def testGetROManifest(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Get manifest
        (status, reason, headers, manifesturi, manifest) = self.rosrs.getROManifest(rouri)
        self.assertEqual(status, 200)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "OK")
        self.assertEqual(headers["content-type"], "application/rdf+xml")
        # Check manifest RDF graph
        self.assertIn((rouri, RDF.type, RO.ResearchObject), manifest)
        self.assertIn((rouri, DCTERMS.creator, None), manifest)
        self.assertIn((rouri, DCTERMS.created, None), manifest)
        self.assertIn((rouri, ORE.isDescribedBy, manifesturi), manifest)

    def testGetROPage(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Get landing page
        (status, reason, headers, pageuri, page) = self.rosrs.getROLandingPage(rouri)
        self.assertEqual(status, 200)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "OK")
        self.assertEqual(headers["content-type"], "text/html;charset=UTF-8")

    def testGetROZip(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Get manifest
        (status, reason, headers, datauri, data) = self.rosrs.getROZip(rouri)
        self.assertEqual(status, 200)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "OK")
        self.assertEqual(headers["content-type"], "application/zip")
        # @@TODO test content of zip (data)?

    def testAggregateResourceInt(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Aggregate internal resource
        rescontent = "Resource content\n"
        (status, reason, proxyuri, resuri) = self.rosrs.aggregateResourceInt(
            rouri, "test/path", ctype="text/plain", body=rescontent)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "Created")
        self.assertEqual(str(resuri), str(rouri)+"test/path")
        # GET content
        (status, reason, headers, uri, data) = self.rosrs.getROResource(
            "test/path", rouri)
        self.assertEqual(status, 200)
        self.assertEqual(headers["content-type"], "text/plain")
        self.assertEqual(data, rescontent)
        # GET proxy
        (getproxyuri, manifest) = self.rosrs.getROResourceProxy(
            "test/path", rouri=rouri)
        self.assertEqual(getproxyuri, proxyuri)

    def testDeleteResourceInt(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Create test resource
        rescontent = "Resource content\n"
        (status, reason, proxyuri, resuri) = self.rosrs.aggregateResourceInt(
            rouri, "test/path", ctype="text/plain", body=rescontent)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # GET content
        (status, reason, headers, uri, data) = self.rosrs.getROResource(
            "test/path", rouri)
        self.assertEqual(status, 200)
        # Delete resource
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.removeResource(rouri, resuri)
        self.assertEqual(status, 204)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "No Content")
        # Check that resource is no longer available
        (status, reason, headers, uri, data) = self.rosrs.getROResource(resuri)
        self.assertEqual(status, 404)

    def testAggregateResourceExt(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Aggregate external resource
        externaluri = rdflib.URIRef("http://example.com/external/resource.txt")
        (status, reason, proxyuri, resuri) = self.rosrs.aggregateResourceExt(
            rouri, externaluri)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "Created")
        self.assertEqual(resuri, externaluri)
        # GET proxy (note: using rdflib.URIRef value for path)
        (getproxyuri, manifest) = self.rosrs.getROResourceProxy(
            externaluri, rouri)
        self.assertEqual(getproxyuri, proxyuri)

    def testDeleteResourceExt(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Create test resource
        externaluri = rdflib.URIRef("http://example.com/external/resource.txt")
        (status, reason, proxyuri, resuri) = self.rosrs.aggregateResourceExt(
            rouri, externaluri)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        self.assertEqual(resuri, externaluri)
        # GET proxy (note: using rdflib.URIRef for path)
        (getproxyuri, manifest) = self.rosrs.getROResourceProxy(
            externaluri, rouri)
        self.assertEqual(getproxyuri, proxyuri)
        # Delete resource
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.removeResource(rouri, resuri)
        self.assertEqual(status, 204)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "No Content")
        (getproxyuri, manifest) = self.rosrs.getROResourceProxy(
            externaluri, rouri)

    def testGetROResource(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Create test resource
        rescontent = "Resource content\n"
        (status, reason, proxyuri, resuri) = self.rosrs.aggregateResourceInt(
            rouri, "test/path", ctype="text/plain", body=rescontent)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # GET content
        (status, reason, headers, uri, data) = self.rosrs.getROResource(
            "test/path", rouri)
        self.assertEqual(status, 200)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "OK")
        self.assertEqual(headers["content-type"], "text/plain")
        self.assertEqual(data, rescontent)

    def testGetROResourceRDF(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Create internal test resource
        rescontent = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://example.org/file1.txt">
                <dct:title>Title for file1.txt</dct:title>
        (status, reason, proxyuri, resuri) = self.rosrs.aggregateResourceInt(
            rouri, "test/file1.rdf", ctype="application/rdf+xml", body=rescontent)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Get resource content
        (status, reason, headers, uri, graph)= self.rosrs.getROResourceRDF(
            "test/file1.rdf", rouri=rouri)
        self.assertEqual(status, 200)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "OK")
        self.assertEqual(headers["content-type"], "application/rdf+xml")
        s = rdflib.URIRef("http://example.org/file1.txt")
        self.assertIn((s, DCTERMS.title, rdflib.Literal("Title for file1.txt")), graph)

    def testGetROResourceProxy(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Create internal test resource
        rescontent = "Resource content\n"
        (status, reason, proxyuri, resuri) = self.rosrs.aggregateResourceInt(
            rouri, "test/path", ctype="text/plain", body=rescontent)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Get resource proxy
        (getproxyuri, manifest) = self.rosrs.getROResourceProxy(
            "test/path", rouri=rouri)
        self.assertEqual(getproxyuri, proxyuri)

    def testCreateROAnnotationInt(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Create internal test resource
        rescontent = "Resource content\n"
        (status, reason, proxyuri, resuri) = self.rosrs.aggregateResourceInt(
            rouri, "test/file.txt", ctype="text/plain", body=rescontent)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Create internal annotation
        annbody = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <rdf:Description rdf:about="test/file.txt">
                <dct:title>Title for test/file.txt</dct:title>
                <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http://example.org/test" />
        agraph = rdflib.graph.Graph()
        agraph.parse(data=annbody, format="xml")
        (status, reason, annuri, bodyuri) = self.rosrs.createROAnnotationInt(
            rouri, resuri, agraph)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "Created")
        # Retrieve annotation URIs
        auris = list(self.rosrs.getROAnnotationUris(rouri, resuri))
        self.assertIn(annuri, auris)
        buris = list(self.rosrs.getROAnnotationBodyUris(rouri, resuri))
        ### self.assertIn(bodyuri, buris)
        # Retrieve annotation
        (status, reason, bodyuri, anngr) = self.rosrs.getROAnnotation(annuri)
        self.assertEqual(status, 200)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "OK")
        self.assertIn((resuri, DCTERMS.title, rdflib.Literal("Title for test/file.txt")), anngr)
        self.assertIn((resuri, RDFS.seeAlso,  rdflib.URIRef("http://example.org/test")),  anngr)

    def testGetROAnnotationGraph(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Create internal test resource
        rescontent = "Resource content\n"
        (status, reason, proxyuri, resuri) = self.rosrs.aggregateResourceInt(
            rouri, "test/file.txt", ctype="text/plain", body=rescontent)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Create internal annotation
        annbody = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <rdf:Description rdf:about="test/file.txt">
                <dct:title>Title for test/file.txt</dct:title>
                <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http://example.org/test" />
        agraph = rdflib.graph.Graph()
        agraph.parse(data=annbody, format="xml")
        (status, reason, annuri, bodyuri) = self.rosrs.createROAnnotationInt(
            rouri, resuri, agraph)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "Created")
        # Retrieve merged annotations
        anngr = self.rosrs.getROAnnotationGraph(rouri, resuri)
        annts = list(anngr.triples((None, None, None)))
        self.assertIn((resuri, DCTERMS.title, rdflib.Literal("Title for test/file.txt")), annts)
        self.assertIn((resuri, RDFS.seeAlso,  rdflib.URIRef("http://example.org/test")),  annts)

    def testCreateROAnnotationExt(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Create external test resource
        (status, reason, proxyuri, resuri) = self.rosrs.aggregateResourceExt(
            rouri, rdflib.URIRef("http://example.org/ext"))
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Create annotation using external body reference
        bodyuri = rdflib.URIRef("http://example.org/ext/ann.rdf")
        (status, reason, annuri) = self.rosrs.createROAnnotationExt(rouri, resuri, bodyuri)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "Created")
        # Retrieve annotation URIs
        auris = list(self.rosrs.getROAnnotationUris(rouri, resuri))
        self.assertIn(annuri, auris)
        buris = list(self.rosrs.getROAnnotationBodyUris(rouri, resuri))
        ### self.assertIn(bodyuri, buris)

    def testUpdateROAnnotationInt(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Create internal test resource
        rescontent = "Resource content\n"
        (status, reason, proxyuri, resuri) = self.rosrs.aggregateResourceInt(
            rouri, "test/file.txt", ctype="text/plain", body=rescontent)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Create internal annotation
        annbody1 = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <rdf:Description rdf:about="test/file.txt">
                <dct:title>Title 1</dct:title>
                <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http://example.org/test1" />
        agraph1 = rdflib.graph.Graph()
        agraph1.parse(data=annbody1, format="xml")
        (status, reason, annuri, bodyuri1) = self.rosrs.createROAnnotationInt(
            rouri, resuri, agraph1)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "Created")
        # Retrieve annotation URIs
        auris1 = list(self.rosrs.getROAnnotationUris(rouri, resuri))
        self.assertIn(annuri, auris1)
        buris1 = list(self.rosrs.getROAnnotationBodyUris(rouri, resuri))
        ### self.assertIn(bodyuri1, buris1)
        # Retrieve annotation
        (status, reason, auri1, anngr1a) = self.rosrs.getROAnnotation(annuri)
        self.assertEqual(status, 200)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "OK")
        annts1a = list(anngr1a.triples((None, None, None)))
        self.assertIn((resuri, DCTERMS.title, rdflib.Literal("Title 1")),                 annts1a)
        self.assertIn((resuri, RDFS.seeAlso,  rdflib.URIRef("http://example.org/test1")), annts1a)
        # Retrieve merged annotations
        anngr1b = self.rosrs.getROAnnotationGraph(rouri, resuri)
        annts1b = list(anngr1b.triples((None, None, None)))
        self.assertIn((resuri, DCTERMS.title, rdflib.Literal("Title 1")),                 annts1b)
        self.assertIn((resuri, RDFS.seeAlso,  rdflib.URIRef("http://example.org/test1")), annts1b)
        # Update internal annotation
        annbody2 = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <rdf:Description rdf:about="test/file.txt">
                <dct:title>Title 2</dct:title>
                <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http://example.org/test2" />
        agraph2 = rdflib.graph.Graph()
        agraph2.parse(data=annbody2, format="xml")
        (status, reason, bodyuri2) = self.rosrs.updateROAnnotationInt(
            rouri, annuri, resuri, agraph2)
        self.assertEqual(status, 200)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "OK")
        # Retrieve annotation URIs
        auris2 = list(self.rosrs.getROAnnotationUris(rouri, resuri))
        self.assertIn(annuri, auris2)
        buris2 = list(self.rosrs.getROAnnotationBodyUris(rouri, resuri))
        ### self.assertIn(bodyuri2, buris2)
        # Retrieve annotation
        (status, reason, auri2a, anngr2a) = self.rosrs.getROAnnotation(annuri)
        annts2a = list(anngr2a.triples((None, None, None)))
        self.assertEqual(status, 200)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "OK")
        self.assertNotIn((resuri, DCTERMS.title, rdflib.Literal("Title 1")),                 annts2a)
        self.assertNotIn((resuri, RDFS.seeAlso,  rdflib.URIRef("http://example.org/test1")), annts2a)
        self.assertIn((resuri, DCTERMS.title, rdflib.Literal("Title 2")),                    annts2a)
        self.assertIn((resuri, RDFS.seeAlso,  rdflib.URIRef("http://example.org/test2")),    annts2a)
        # Retrieve merged annotations
        anngr2b = self.rosrs.getROAnnotationGraph(rouri, resuri)
        annts2b = list(anngr2b.triples((None, None, None)))
        self.assertNotIn((resuri, DCTERMS.title, rdflib.Literal("Title 1")),                 annts2b)
        self.assertNotIn((resuri, RDFS.seeAlso,  rdflib.URIRef("http://example.org/test1")), annts2b)
        self.assertIn((resuri, DCTERMS.title, rdflib.Literal("Title 2")),                    annts2b)
        self.assertIn((resuri, RDFS.seeAlso,  rdflib.URIRef("http://example.org/test2")),    annts2b)

    def testUpdateROAnnotationExt(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Create external test resource
        (status, reason, proxyuri, resuri) = self.rosrs.aggregateResourceExt(
            rouri, rdflib.URIRef("http://example.org/ext"))
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Create annotation using external body reference
        bodyuri1 = rdflib.URIRef("http://example.org/ext/ann1.rdf")
        (status, reason, annuri) = self.rosrs.createROAnnotationExt(rouri, resuri, bodyuri1)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "Created")
        # Retrieve annotation URIs
        auris1 = list(self.rosrs.getROAnnotationUris(rouri, resuri))
        self.assertIn(annuri, auris1)
        buris1 = list(self.rosrs.getROAnnotationBodyUris(rouri, resuri))
        self.assertIn(bodyuri1, buris1)
        # Update annotation using external body reference
        # @@TODO - this doesn't check that old annotation is removed.
        # @@TODO - currently, update is not fully implemented (2013-05).
        bodyuri2 = rdflib.URIRef("http://example.org/ext/ann2.rdf")
        (status, reason, annuri) = self.rosrs.createROAnnotationExt(rouri, resuri, bodyuri2)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "Created")
        # Retrieve annotation URIs
        auris2 = list(self.rosrs.getROAnnotationUris(rouri, resuri))
        self.assertIn(annuri, auris2)
        buris2 = list(self.rosrs.getROAnnotationBodyUris(rouri, resuri))
        self.assertIn(bodyuri1, buris2)

    def testRemoveROAnnotation(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Create internal test resource
        rescontent = "Resource content\n"
        (status, reason, proxyuri, resuri) = self.rosrs.aggregateResourceInt(
            rouri, "test/file.txt", ctype="text/plain", body=rescontent)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Create internal annotation
        annbody = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <rdf:Description rdf:about="test/file.txt">
                <dct:title>Title for test/file.txt</dct:title>
                <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http://example.org/test" />
        agraph = rdflib.graph.Graph()
        agraph.parse(data=annbody, format="xml")
        (status, reason, annuri, bodyuri) = self.rosrs.createROAnnotationInt(
            rouri, resuri, agraph)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "Created")
        # Retrieve annotation URIs
        auris = list(self.rosrs.getROAnnotationUris(rouri, resuri))
        self.assertIn(annuri, auris)
        buris = list(self.rosrs.getROAnnotationBodyUris(rouri, resuri))
        ### self.assertIn(bodyuri, buris)
        # Remove the annotation
        (status, reason) = self.rosrs.removeROAnnotation(rouri, annuri)
        self.assertEqual(status, 204)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "No Content")
        # Retrieve annotation URIs
        auris = list(self.rosrs.getROAnnotationUris(rouri, resuri))
        self.assertNotIn(annuri, auris)
        buris = list(self.rosrs.getROAnnotationBodyUris(rouri, resuri))
        ### self.assertNotIn(bodyuri, buris)

    # Evolution tests

    def testCopyRO(self):

    def testCancelCopyRO(self):

    def testUpdateROStatus(self):

    def testGetROEvolution(self):

    # Sentinel/placeholder tests

    def testUnits(self):
        assert (True)

    def testComponents(self):
        assert (True)

    def testIntegration(self):
        assert (True)

    def testPending(self):
        assert (False), "Pending tests follow"
Пример #22
class ro_metadata(object):
    Class for accessing RO metadata
    def __init__(self, roconfig, roref, dummysetupfortest=False):
        Initialize: read manifest from object at given directory into local RDF graph

        roconfig    is the research object manager configuration, supplied as a dictionary
        roref       a URI reference that refers to the Research Object to be accessed, or
                    relative path name (see ro_uriutils.resolveFileAsUri for interpretation)
        dummysetupfortest is an optional parameter that, if True, suppresses some aspects of
                    the setup (does not attempt to read a RO manifest) for isolated testing.
        self.roconfig = roconfig
        self.roref = roref
        self.dummyfortest = dummysetupfortest
        self.manifestgraph = None
        self.roannotations = None
        self.registries = None
        uri = resolveFileAsUri(roref)
        if not uri.endswith("/"): uri += "/"
        self.rouri = rdflib.URIRef(uri)
        if self._isLocal():
            self.rosrs = None
            self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(self.roconfig["rosrs_uri"],
        # Get RO URI from manifest
        # May be different from computed value if manifest has absolute URI
        # Nested URIs may be present; ours is the one described by the manifest URI,
        # which is determined by the _loadManifest() method.
        for s in self.manifestgraph.subjects(RDF.type, RO.ResearchObject):
            if self.manifestgraph.value(s,
                                        ORE.isDescribedBy) == self.manifesturi:
                self.rouri = s
        # Check that the manifest contained at least one RO URI
        assert self.rouri is not None

    def _isLocal(self):
        return isFileUri(self.rouri)

    def _getLocalManifestUri(self):
        return self.getComponentUri(ro_settings.MANIFEST_DIR + "/" +

    def _loadManifest(self):
        if self.manifestgraph != None: return self.manifestgraph
        if self.dummyfortest:
            # Fake minimal manifest graph for testing
            self.manifestgraph = rdflib.Graph()
            self.manifestgraph.add((self.rouri, RDF.type, RO.ResearchObject))
            self.manifesturi = self.rouri
        elif self._isLocal():
            # Read manifest graph
            self.manifestgraph = rdflib.Graph()
            for (prefix, uri) in ro_prefixes.prefixes:
            self.manifesturi = self._getLocalManifestUri()
            (status, reason, _h, manifesturi,
             manifest) = self.rosrs.getROManifest(self.rouri)
            if status != 200:
                msg = ("Can't access RO manifest (%03d %s)" % (status, reason))
                raise ROSRS_Error(msg=msg, srsuri=self.rouri)
            self.manifestgraph = manifest
            self.manifesturi = manifesturi
        # log.debug("romanifest graph:\n"+self.manifestgraph.serialize())
        return self.manifestgraph

    def getManifestGraph(self):
        Returns the manifest graph
        return self._loadManifest()

    def _updateManifest(self):
        Write updated manifest file for research object
        assert self._isLocal()

    def _iterAnnotations(self, subject=None):
        Return iterator over annotation stubs in the current RO, either for
        the specified subject resource, or for all annotations in the RO
        subject is URI of subject whose annotations are returned, or None.
        manifest = self._loadManifest()
        if self._isLocal():
            for (anode, p, subject) in manifest:
                if p in [RO.annotatesAggregatedResource, AO.annotatesResource]:
                    yield anode
            for anode in self.rosrs.getROAnnotationUris(
                    self.getRoUri(), subject):
                yield anode

    def isAggregatedResource(self, rofile):
        Returns true if the manifest says that the research object aggregates the
        resource. Resource URI is resolved against the RO URI unless it's absolute.
        resuri = self.getComponentUriAbs(rofile)
        return (self.rouri, ORE.aggregates, resuri) in self.manifestgraph

    def _loadAnnotations(self):
        if self.roannotations: return self.roannotations
        # Assemble annotation graph
        # NOTE: the manifest itself is included as an annotation by the RO setup
        if self._isLocal():
            manifest = self._loadManifest()
            self.roannotations = rdflib.Graph()
            annotation_uris_loaded = set()
            for anode in self._iterAnnotations():
                auri = manifest.value(subject=anode, predicate=AO.body)
                if auri not in annotation_uris_loaded:
                    aref = self.getComponentUriRel(auri)
                    log.debug("_loadAnnotations: aref " + str(aref))
                    self._readAnnotationBody(aref, self.roannotations)
            self.roannotations = self.rosrs.getROAnnotationGraph(self.rouri)
        # log.debug("roannotations graph:\n"+self.roannotations.serialize())
        for (prefix, uri) in ro_prefixes.prefixes:
            self.manifestgraph.bind(prefix, rdflib.namespace.Namespace(uri))
        return self.roannotations

    def isInternalResource(self, resuri):
        Check if the resource is internal, i.e. should the resource content be uploaded
        to the ROSR service. Returns true if the resource URI has the RO URI as a prefix.
        return resuri.startswith(self.rouri)

    def isExternalResource(self, resuri):
        Check if the resource is external, i.e. can be aggregated as a URI reference.
        Returns true if the URI has 'http' or 'https' scheme.
        parseduri = urlparse.urlsplit(resuri)
        return parseduri.scheme in ["http", "https"]

    def _createAnnotationBody(self,
        Create a new annotation body for a single resource in a research object, based
        on a supplied graph value.

        Existing annotations for the same resource are not touched; if an annotation is being
        added or replaced, it is the calling program'sresponsibility to update the manifest to
        reference the active annotations.  A new name is allocated for the created annotation,
        graph which is returned as the result of this function.

        roresource  is the name of the Research Object component to be annotated,
                    possibly relative to the RO root directory.
        attrdict    is a dictionary of attributes to be saved in the annotation body.
                    Dictionary keys are attribute names that can be resolved via

        Returns the name of the annotation body created relative to the RO directory.
        assert self._isLocal()
        af = ro_annotation.createAnnotationBody(self.roconfig,
                                                roresource, attrdict,
        return os.path.join(ro_settings.MANIFEST_DIR + "/", af)

    def _createAnnotationGraphBody(self, roresource, anngraph):
        Create a new annotation body for a single resource in a research object, based
        on a supplied graph value.

        Existing annotations for the same resource are not touched; if an annotation is being
        added or replaced, it is the calling program'sresponsibility to update the manifest to
        reference the active annotations.  A new name is allocated for the created annotation,
        graph which is returned as the result of this function.

        roresource  is the name of the Research Object component to be annotated,
                    possibly relative to the RO root directory.
        anngraph    is an annotation graph that is to be saved.

        Returns the name of the annotation body created relative to the RO
        manifest and metadata directory.
        assert self._isLocal()
        af = ro_annotation.createAnnotationGraphBody(self.roconfig,
                                                     roresource, anngraph)
        return os.path.join(ro_settings.MANIFEST_DIR + "/", af)

    def _readAnnotationBody(self, annotationref, anngr=None):
        Read annotation body from indicated resource, return RDF Graph of annotation values.

        annotationref   is a URI reference of an annotation, possibly relative to the RO base URI
                        (e.g. as returned by _createAnnotationBody method).
        anngr           if supplied, if an RDF graph to which the annotations are added
        assert self._isLocal()
        log.debug("_readAnnotationBody %s" % (annotationref))
        annotationuri = self.getComponentUri(annotationref)
        annotationformat = "xml"
        # Look at file extension to figure format
        # (rdflib.Graph.parse says;
        #   "used if format can not be determined from the source")
        if re.search("\.(ttl|n3)$", annotationuri): annotationformat = "n3"
        if anngr == None:
            log.debug("_readAnnotationBody: new graph")
            anngr = rdflib.Graph()
            anngr.parse(annotationuri, format=annotationformat)
            log.debug("_readAnnotationBody parse %s, len %i" %
                      (annotationuri, len(anngr)))
        except IOError as e:
            log.debug("_readAnnotationBody %s, %s" %
                      (str(annotationref), repr(e)))
            anngr = None
        except Exception as e:
            log.debug("Failed to load annotation %s as %s" %
                      (annotationuri, annotationformat))
            log.debug("Exception %s" % (repr(e)))
            anngr = None
        return anngr

    def _addAnnotationToManifest(self, rofile, annfile):
        Add a new annotation body to an RO graph

        rofile      is the research object resource being annotated
        annfile     is the file name of the annotation body to be added,
                    possibly relative to the RO URI, with special characters
                    already URI-escaped.
        assert self._isLocal()
        # <ore:aggregates>
        #   <ro:AggregatedAnnotation>
        #     <ro:annotatesAggregatedResource rdf:resource="data/UserRequirements-astro.ods" />
        #     <ao:body rdf:resource=".ro/(annotation).rdf" />
        #   </ro:AggregatedAnnotation>
        # </ore:aggregates>
        log.debug("_addAnnotationToManifest annfile %s" % (annfile))
        ann = rdflib.BNode()
        resuri = self.getComponentUri(rofile)
        bodyuri = self.getComponentUriAbs(annfile)
        self.manifestgraph.add((ann, RDF.type, RO.AggregatedAnnotation))
        self.manifestgraph.add((ann, RO.annotatesAggregatedResource, resuri))
        self.manifestgraph.add((ann, AO.body, bodyuri))
        # Aggregate the annotation
        self.manifestgraph.add((self.getRoUri(), ORE.aggregates, ann))
        # Aggregate annotation body if it is RO metadata.
        # Otherwise aggregation is the caller's responsibility
        if self.isRoMetadataRef(bodyuri):
            self.manifestgraph.add((self.getRoUri(), ORE.aggregates, bodyuri))
        self.roannotations = None  # Flush cached annotation graph

    def _removeAnnotationFromManifest(self, ann):
        Remove references to an annotation from an RO graph

        ann         is the the annotation node to be removed
        assert self._isLocal()
        bodyuri = self.manifestgraph.value(subject=ann, predicate=AO.body)
        self.manifestgraph.remove((ann, None, None))
        # If annotation body is RO Metadata, and there are no other uses as an annotation,
        # remove it from the RO aggregation.
        if self.isRoMetadataRef(bodyuri):
            if not self.manifestgraph.value(subject=ann, predicate=AO.body):
                self.manifestgraph.remove((None, ORE.aggregates, bodyuri))
        self.roannotations = None  # Flush cached annotation graph

    def addAggregatedResources(self, ro_file, recurse=True, includeDirs=False):
        Scan a local directory and add files found to the RO aggregation
        assert self._isLocal()

        def notHidden(f):
            return re.match("\.|.*/\.", f) == None

        log.debug("addAggregatedResources: roref %s, file %s" %
                  (self.roref, ro_file))
        self.getRoFilename()  # Check that we have one
        basedir = os.path.abspath(self.roref) + os.path.sep
        ### print "- ro_file: %s"%(ro_file)
        if os.path.isdir(ro_file):
            ro_file = os.path.abspath(ro_file) + os.path.sep
            ### print "- ro_file: %s"%(ro_file)
            ### print "- basedir: %s"%(basedir)
            #if ro_file.endswith(os.path.sep):
            #    ro_file = ro_file[0:-1]
            if recurse:
                rofiles = filter(
                log.debug("- rofiles: %s" % (repr(rofiles)))
                rofiles = [ro_file.split(basedir + os.path.sep, 1)[-1]]
            rofiles = [self.getComponentUriRel(ro_file)]
        s = self.getRoUri()
        for f in rofiles:
            ### print "- file %s"%f
            log.debug("- file %s" % f)
            stmt = (s, ORE.aggregates, self.getComponentUri(f))
            if stmt not in self.manifestgraph: self.manifestgraph.add(stmt)

    def removeAggregatedResource(self, resuri):
        Remove a specified resource.
        resref is the URI of a resource to remove
        assert self._isLocal()
        resuri = rdflib.URIRef(resuri)
        log.debug("removeAggregatedResource: roref %s, resuri %s" %
                  (self.roref, str(resuri)))
        manifest = self._loadManifest()
        for anode in self._iterAnnotations(subject=resuri):
        manifest.remove((None, ORE.aggregates, resuri))

    def getAggregatedResources(self):
        Returns iterator over all resources aggregated by a manifest.

        Each value returned by the iterator is an aggregated resource URI
        log.debug("getAggregatedResources: uri %s" % (self.rouri))
        for r in self._loadManifest().objects(subject=self.rouri,
            if not isinstance(r, rdflib.BNode):
                yield r

    def addGraphAnnotation(self, rofile, graph):
        Add an annotation graph for a named resource.  Unlike addSimpleAnnotation, this
        method adds an annotation to the manifest using an existing RDF graph (which is
        presumably itself in the RO structure).

        rofile      names the file or resource to be annotated, possibly relative to the RO.
                    Note that no checks are performed to ensure that the graph itself actually
                    refers to this resource - that's up the the creator of the graph.  This
                    identifies the resourfce with which the annotation body is associated in
                    the RO manifest.
        graph       names the file or resource containing the annotation body.
        assert self._isLocal()
        ro_graph = self._loadManifest()
        self._addAnnotationToManifest(rofile, graph)

    def isAnnotationNode(self, respath):
        Returns true if the manifest says that the research object aggregates the
        annotation and it is an ro:AggregatedAnnotation.
        Resource URI is resolved against the RO URI unless it's absolute.
        resuri = self.getComponentUriAbs(respath)
        log.debug("isAnnotationNode: ro uri %s res uri %s" %
                  (self.rouri, resuri))
        return (self.rouri, ORE.aggregates, resuri) in self.manifestgraph and \
            (resuri, RDF.type, RO.AggregatedAnnotation) in self.manifestgraph

    def addSimpleAnnotation(self,
        Add a simple annotation to a file in a research object.

        rofile      names the file or resource to be annotated, possibly relative to the RO.
        attrname    names the attribute in a form recognized by getAnnotationByName
        attrvalue   is a value to be associated with the attribute
        assert self._isLocal()
        ro_dir = self.getRoFilename()
        annfile = self._createAnnotationBody(rofile, {attrname: attrvalue},
        self._addAnnotationToManifest(rofile, annfile)
        return annfile

    def removeSimpleAnnotation(self, rofile, attrname, attrvalue):
        Remove a simple annotation or multiple matching annotations a research object.

        rofile      names the annotated file or resource, possibly relative to the RO.
        attrname    names the attribute in a form recognized by getAnnotationByName
        attrvalue   is the attribute value to be deleted, or Nomne to delete all vaues
        assert self._isLocal()
        ro_dir = self.getRoFilename()
        ro_graph = self._loadManifest()
        subject = self.getComponentUri(rofile)
         valtype) = ro_annotation.getAnnotationByName(self.roconfig, attrname)
        val = attrvalue and ro_annotation.makeAnnotationValue(
            self.roconfig, attrvalue, valtype)
        add_annotations = []
        remove_annotations = []
        log.debug("removeSimpleAnnotation subject %s, predicate %s, val %s" %
                  (str(subject), str(predicate), val))
        # Scan for annotation graph resources containing this annotation
        for ann_node in self._iterAnnotations(subject=subject):
            ann_uri = ro_graph.value(subject=ann_node, predicate=AO.body)
            log.debug("removeSimpleAnnotation ann_uri %s" % (str(ann_uri)))
            if self.isRoMetadataRef(ann_uri):
                ann_graph = self._readAnnotationBody(
                log.debug("removeSimpleAnnotation ann_graph %s" % (ann_graph))
                if (subject, predicate, val) in ann_graph:
                    ann_graph.remove((subject, predicate, val))
                    if (subject, None, None) in ann_graph:
                        # Triples remain in annotation body: write new body and update RO graph
                        ann_name = self._createAnnotationGraphBody(
                            rofile, ann_graph)
                        # Remove annotation from RO graph
        # Update RO manifest graph if needed
        if add_annotations or remove_annotations:
            for a in remove_annotations:
            for a in add_annotations:
                self._addAnnotationToManifest(rofile, a)

    def replaceSimpleAnnotation(self, rofile, attrname, attrvalue):
        Replace a simple annotation in a research object.

        rofile      names the file or resource to be annotated, possibly relative to the RO.
        attrname    names the attribute in a form recognized by getAnnotationByName
        attrvalue   is a new value to be associated with the attribute
        assert self._isLocal()
        ro_dir = self.getRoFilename()
        ro_graph = self._loadManifest()
        subject = self.getComponentUri(rofile)
         valtype) = ro_annotation.getAnnotationByName(self.roconfig, attrname)
        log.debug("Replace annotation: subject %s, predicate %s, value %s" %
                  (repr(subject), repr(predicate), repr(attrvalue)))
        ro_graph.remove((subject, predicate, None))
            (subject, predicate,
             ro_annotation.makeAnnotationValue(self.roconfig, attrvalue,
        self.roannotations = None  # Flush cached annotation graph

    def iterateAnnotations(self, subject=None, property=None):
        Returns an iterator over annotations of the current RO that match the
        supplied subject and/or property.
        log.debug("iterateAnnotations s:%s, p:%s" %
                  (str(subject), str(property)))
        ann_graph = self._loadAnnotations()
        for (s, p, v) in ann_graph.triples((subject, property, None)):
            if not isinstance(s, rdflib.BNode):
                if not self.isRoMetadataRef(s):
                    log.debug("Triple: %s %s %s" % (s, p, v))
                    yield (s, p, v)

    def getRoAnnotations(self):
        Returns iterator over annotations applied to the RO as an entity.

        Each value returned by the iterator is a (subject,predicate,object) triple.
        return self.iterateAnnotations(subject=self.getRoUri())

    def getFileAnnotations(self, rofile):
        Returns iterator over annotations applied to a specified component in the RO

        Each value returned by the iterator is a (subject,predicate,object) triple.
        return self.iterateAnnotations(subject=self.getComponentUri(rofile))

    def getAllAnnotations(self):
        Returns iterator over all annotations associated with the RO

        Each value returned by the iterator is a (subject,predicate,object) triple.
        return self.iterateAnnotations()

    def getAllAnnotationNodes(self):
        Returns iterator over all annotations aggregated within the RO

        Each value returned by the iterator is a (annuri, bodyuri, target) triple.
        annotations = self.manifestgraph.subject_objects(
        for (ann_node, ann_target) in annotations:
            ann_body = self.manifestgraph.value(subject=ann_node,
            yield (ann_node, ann_body, ann_target)

    def getAnnotationValues(self, rofile, attrname):
        Returns iterator over annotation values for given subject and attribute
         valtype) = ro_annotation.getAnnotationByName(self.roconfig, attrname)
        resuri = self.getComponentUri(rofile)
        return (v for (
            s, p,
            v) in self.iterateAnnotations(subject=resuri, property=predicate))

    def queryAnnotations(self, query, initBindings={}):
        Runs a query over the combined annotation graphs (including the manifest)
        and returns True or False (for ASK queries) or a list of dictionaries of
        query results (for SELECT queries).
        log.debug("queryAnnotations: \n----\n%s\n--------\n" % (query))
        ann_gr = self._loadAnnotations()
        # log.debug("queryAnnotations graph: \n----\n%s\n--------\n"%(ann_gr.serialize(format='xml')))
            resp = ann_gr.query(query, initBindings=initBindings)
            log.info("queryAnnotations failed query: \n----\n%s\n--------\n" %
        if resp.type == 'ASK':
            return resp.askAnswer
        elif resp.type == 'SELECT':
            return resp.bindings
            assert False, "Unexpected query response type %s" % resp.type
        return None

    def getAnnotationGraph(self):
        Returns the combined annotation graphs (including the manifest)
        return self._loadAnnotations()

    def getAnnotationValue(self, resource, predicate):
        Returns a single annotation value for a resource and the indicated predicate,
        or None
        return self._loadAnnotations().value(subject=resource,

    def showAnnotations(self, annotations, outstr):
        ro_annotation.showAnnotations(self.roconfig, self.getRoFilename(),
                                      annotations, outstr)

    def replaceUri(self, ann_node, remote_ann_node_uri):
        for (p, o) in self.manifestgraph.predicate_objects(subject=ann_node):
            self.manifestgraph.remove((ann_node, p, o))
            self.manifestgraph.add((remote_ann_node_uri, p, o))
        for (s, p) in self.manifestgraph.subject_predicates(object=ann_node):
            self.manifestgraph.remove((s, p, ann_node))
            self.manifestgraph.add((s, p, remote_ann_node_uri))

    # Support methods for accessing the manifest graph

    def roManifestContains(self, stmt):
        Returns True if the RO manifest contains a statement matching the supplied triple.
        return stmt in self._loadManifest()

    def getResourceValue(self, resource, predicate):
        Returns value for resource whose URI is supplied assocfiated with indicated predicate
        return self._loadManifest().value(subject=resource,

    def getResourceType(self, resource):
        Returns type of resource whose URI is supplied
        return self.getResourceValue(resource, RDF.type)

    def hasResourceType(self, resource, rdfType):
        Check if the resource whose URI is supplied has a provided RDF type.
        return self.roManifestContains((resource, RDF.type, rdfType))

    def getRoMetadataDict(self):
        Returns dictionary of metadata about the RO from the manifest graph
        assert self._isLocal()
        strsubject = ""
        if isinstance(self.rouri, rdflib.URIRef): strsubject = str(self.rouri)
        manifestDict = {
            self.getResourceValue(self.rouri, DCTERMS.identifier),
            self.getResourceValue(self.rouri, DCTERMS.title),
            self.getResourceValue(self.rouri, DCTERMS.creator),
            self.getResourceValue(self.rouri, DCTERMS.created),
            self.getResourceValue(self.rouri, DCTERMS.description),
        return manifestDict

    # Support methods for accessing RO and component URIs

    def getRoRef(self):
        Returns RO URI reference supplied (which may be a local file directory string)
        return self.roref

    def getRoUri(self):
        return self.rouri

    def getComponentUri(self, path):
        Return URI for component where relative reference is treated as a file path
        if urlparse.urlsplit(path).scheme == "":
            path = resolveUri("", str(self.getRoUri()), path)
        return rdflib.URIRef(path)

    def getComponentUriAbs(self, path):
        Return absolute URI for component where relative reference is treated as a URI reference
        return rdflib.URIRef(urlparse.urljoin(str(self.getRoUri()), path))

    def getComponentUriRel(self, path):
        Return reference relative to RO for a supplied URI
        file_uri = urlparse.urlunsplit(
        ro_uri = urlparse.urlunsplit(urlparse.urlsplit(str(self.getRoUri())))
        if ro_uri is not None and file_uri.startswith(ro_uri):
            file_uri_rel = file_uri.replace(ro_uri, "", 1)
            file_uri_rel = path
        return rdflib.URIRef(file_uri_rel)

    def isRoMetadataRef(self, uri):
        Test if supplied URI is a reference to the current RO metadata area
        urirel = self.getComponentUriRel(uri)
        return str(urirel).startswith(ro_settings.MANIFEST_DIR + "/")

    def isLocalFileRo(self):
        Test current RO URI to see if it is a local file system reference
        return isFileUri(self.getRoUri())

    def getRoFilename(self):
        assert self._isLocal()
        return getFilenameFromUri(self.getRoUri())

    def getManifestFilename(self):
        Return manifest file name: used for local updates
        assert self._isLocal()
        return os.path.join(self.getRoFilename(),
                            ro_settings.MANIFEST_DIR + "/",

    def getRegistries(self):
        Load a dictionary of synchronization data from memory or from a JSON file.
        log.debug("Get registries")
        if self.registries:
            return self.registries
            rf = open(
                             ro_settings.REGISTRIES_FILE), 'r')
            self.registries = json.load(rf)
        except IOError:
            self.registries = dict()
        except Exception as e:
            self.registries = dict()
        return self.registries

    def saveRegistries(self):
        Save a dictionary of synchronization data to a JSON file.
        log.debug("Save registries")
        rf = open(
            os.path.join(self.getRoFilename(), ro_settings.REGISTRIES_FILE),
        if self.registries:
            json.dump(self.registries, rf)

    def calculateChecksum(self, rofile):
        Calculate a file checksum.
        m = hashlib.md5()
        with open(rofile) as f:
            for line in f:
        return m.hexdigest()
Пример #23
class ro_metadata(object):
    Class for accessing RO metadata

    def __init__(self, roconfig, roref, dummysetupfortest=False):
        Initialize: read manifest from object at given directory into local RDF graph

        roconfig    is the research object manager configuration, supplied as a dictionary
        roref       a URI reference that refers to the Research Object to be accessed, or
                    relative path name (see ro_uriutils.resolveFileAsUri for interpretation)
        dummysetupfortest is an optional parameter that, if True, suppresses some aspects of
                    the setup (does not attempt to read a RO manifest) for isolated testing.
        self.roconfig = roconfig
        self.roref    = roref
        self.dummyfortest  = dummysetupfortest
        self.manifestgraph = None
        self.roannotations = None
        self.registries = None
        uri = resolveFileAsUri(roref)
        if not uri.endswith("/"): uri += "/"
        self.rouri    = rdflib.URIRef(uri)
        if self._isLocal():
            self.rosrs = None
            self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(
        # Get RO URI from manifest
        # May be different from computed value if manifest has absolute URI
        # Nested URIs may be present; ours is the one described by the manifest URI,
        # which is determined by the _loadManifest() method.
        for s in self.manifestgraph.subjects(RDF.type, RO.ResearchObject):
            if self.manifestgraph.value(s, ORE.isDescribedBy) == self.manifesturi:
                self.rouri = s
        # Check that the manifest contained at least one RO URI
        assert self.rouri is not None

    def _isLocal(self):
        return isFileUri(self.rouri)

    def _getLocalManifestUri(self):
        return self.getComponentUri(ro_settings.MANIFEST_DIR+"/"+ro_settings.MANIFEST_FILE)

    def _loadManifest(self):
        if self.manifestgraph != None: return self.manifestgraph
        if self.dummyfortest:
            # Fake minimal manifest graph for testing
            self.manifestgraph = rdflib.Graph()
            self.manifestgraph.add( (self.rouri, RDF.type, RO.ResearchObject) )
            self.manifesturi   = self.rouri
        elif self._isLocal():
            # Read manifest graph
            self.manifestgraph = rdflib.Graph()
            for (prefix, uri) in ro_prefixes.prefixes:
                self.manifestgraph.bind(prefix, rdflib.namespace.Namespace(uri))
            self.manifesturi   = self._getLocalManifestUri()
            (status, reason, _h, manifesturi, manifest) = self.rosrs.getROManifest(self.rouri)
            if status != 200:
                msg = ("Can't access RO manifest (%03d %s)"%(status, reason))
                raise ROSRS_Error(msg=msg, srsuri=self.rouri)
            self.manifestgraph = manifest 
            self.manifesturi   = manifesturi
        # log.debug("romanifest graph:\n"+self.manifestgraph.serialize())
        return self.manifestgraph

    def getManifestGraph(self):
        Returns the manifest graph
        return self._loadManifest()

    def _updateManifest(self):
        Write updated manifest file for research object
        assert self._isLocal()
            destination=self.getManifestFilename(), format='xml',
            base=self.rouri, xml_base="..")

    def _iterAnnotations(self, subject=None):
        Return iterator over annotation stubs in the current RO, either for
        the specified subject resource, or for all annotations in the RO
        subject is URI of subject whose annotations are returned, or None.
        manifest = self._loadManifest()
        if self._isLocal():
            for (anode, p, subject) in manifest:
                if p in [RO.annotatesAggregatedResource, AO.annotatesResource]:
                    yield anode
            for anode in self.rosrs.getROAnnotationUris(self.getRoUri(), subject):
                yield anode

    def isAggregatedResource(self, rofile):
        Returns true if the manifest says that the research object aggregates the
        resource. Resource URI is resolved against the RO URI unless it's absolute.
        resuri = self.getComponentUriAbs(rofile)
        return (self.rouri, ORE.aggregates, resuri) in self.manifestgraph

    def _loadAnnotations(self):
        if self.roannotations: return self.roannotations
        # Assemble annotation graph
        # NOTE: the manifest itself is included as an annotation by the RO setup
        if self._isLocal():
            manifest = self._loadManifest()
            self.roannotations = rdflib.Graph()
            annotation_uris_loaded = set()
            for anode in self._iterAnnotations():
                auri = manifest.value(subject=anode, predicate=AO.body)
                if auri not in annotation_uris_loaded:
                    aref = self.getComponentUriRel(auri)
                    log.debug("_loadAnnotations: aref "+str(aref))
                    self._readAnnotationBody(aref, self.roannotations)
            self.roannotations = self.rosrs.getROAnnotationGraph(self.rouri)
        # log.debug("roannotations graph:\n"+self.roannotations.serialize())
        for (prefix, uri) in ro_prefixes.prefixes:
            self.manifestgraph.bind(prefix, rdflib.namespace.Namespace(uri))
        return self.roannotations

    def isInternalResource(self, resuri):
        Check if the resource is internal, i.e. should the resource content be uploaded
        to the ROSR service. Returns true if the resource URI has the RO URI as a prefix.
        return resuri.startswith(self.rouri)

    def isExternalResource(self, resuri):
        Check if the resource is external, i.e. can be aggregated as a URI reference.
        Returns true if the URI has 'http' or 'https' scheme.
        parseduri = urlparse.urlsplit(resuri)
        return parseduri.scheme in ["http", "https"]
    def _createAnnotationBody(self, roresource, attrdict, defaultType="string"):
        Create a new annotation body for a single resource in a research object, based
        on a supplied graph value.

        Existing annotations for the same resource are not touched; if an annotation is being
        added or replaced, it is the calling program'sresponsibility to update the manifest to
        reference the active annotations.  A new name is allocated for the created annotation,
        graph which is returned as the result of this function.

        roresource  is the name of the Research Object component to be annotated,
                    possibly relative to the RO root directory.
        attrdict    is a dictionary of attributes to be saved in the annotation body.
                    Dictionary keys are attribute names that can be resolved via

        Returns the name of the annotation body created relative to the RO directory.
        assert self._isLocal()
        af = ro_annotation.createAnnotationBody(
            self.roconfig, self.getRoFilename(), roresource, attrdict, defaultType)
        return os.path.join(ro_settings.MANIFEST_DIR+"/", af)

    def _createAnnotationGraphBody(self, roresource, anngraph):
        Create a new annotation body for a single resource in a research object, based
        on a supplied graph value.

        Existing annotations for the same resource are not touched; if an annotation is being
        added or replaced, it is the calling program'sresponsibility to update the manifest to
        reference the active annotations.  A new name is allocated for the created annotation,
        graph which is returned as the result of this function.

        roresource  is the name of the Research Object component to be annotated,
                    possibly relative to the RO root directory.
        anngraph    is an annotation graph that is to be saved.

        Returns the name of the annotation body created relative to the RO
        manifest and metadata directory.
        assert self._isLocal()
        af = ro_annotation.createAnnotationGraphBody(
            self.roconfig, self.getRoFilename(), roresource, anngraph)
        return os.path.join(ro_settings.MANIFEST_DIR+"/", af)

    def _readAnnotationBody(self, annotationref, anngr=None):
        Read annotation body from indicated resource, return RDF Graph of annotation values.

        annotationref   is a URI reference of an annotation, possibly relative to the RO base URI
                        (e.g. as returned by _createAnnotationBody method).
        anngr           if supplied, if an RDF graph to which the annotations are added
        assert self._isLocal()
        log.debug("_readAnnotationBody %s"%(annotationref))
        annotationuri    = self.getComponentUri(annotationref)
        annotationformat = "xml"
        # Look at file extension to figure format
        # (rdflib.Graph.parse says;
        #   "used if format can not be determined from the source")
        if re.search("\.(ttl|n3)$", annotationuri): annotationformat="n3"
        if anngr == None:
            log.debug("_readAnnotationBody: new graph")
            anngr = rdflib.Graph()
            anngr.parse(annotationuri, format=annotationformat)
            log.debug("_readAnnotationBody parse %s, len %i"%(annotationuri, len(anngr)))
        except IOError as e:
            log.debug("_readAnnotationBody %s, %s"%(str(annotationref), repr(e)))
            anngr = None
        except Exception as e:
            log.debug("Failed to load annotation %s as %s"%(annotationuri, annotationformat))
            log.debug("Exception %s"%(repr(e)))
            anngr = None
        return anngr

    def _addAnnotationToManifest(self, rofile, annfile):
        Add a new annotation body to an RO graph

        rofile      is the research object resource being annotated
        annfile     is the file name of the annotation body to be added,
                    possibly relative to the RO URI, with special characters
                    already URI-escaped.
        assert self._isLocal()
        # <ore:aggregates>
        #   <ro:AggregatedAnnotation>
        #     <ro:annotatesAggregatedResource rdf:resource="data/UserRequirements-astro.ods" />
        #     <ao:body rdf:resource=".ro/(annotation).rdf" />
        #   </ro:AggregatedAnnotation>
        # </ore:aggregates>
        log.debug("_addAnnotationToManifest annfile %s"%(annfile))
        ann     = rdflib.BNode()
        resuri  = self.getComponentUri(rofile)
        bodyuri = self.getComponentUriAbs(annfile)
        self.manifestgraph.add((ann, RDF.type, RO.AggregatedAnnotation))
        self.manifestgraph.add((ann, RO.annotatesAggregatedResource, resuri))
        self.manifestgraph.add((ann, AO.body, bodyuri))
        # Aggregate the annotation
        self.manifestgraph.add((self.getRoUri(), ORE.aggregates, ann))
        # Aggregate annotation body if it is RO metadata.
        # Otherwise aggregation is the caller's responsibility
        if self.isRoMetadataRef(bodyuri):
            self.manifestgraph.add((self.getRoUri(), ORE.aggregates, bodyuri))
        self.roannotations = None   # Flush cached annotation graph

    def _removeAnnotationFromManifest(self, ann):
        Remove references to an annotation from an RO graph

        ann         is the the annotation node to be removed
        assert self._isLocal()
        bodyuri = self.manifestgraph.value(subject=ann, predicate=AO.body)
        self.manifestgraph.remove((ann, None, None   ))
        # If annotation body is RO Metadata, and there are no other uses as an annotation,
        # remove it from the RO aggregation.
        if self.isRoMetadataRef(bodyuri):
            if not self.manifestgraph.value(subject=ann, predicate=AO.body):
                self.manifestgraph.remove((None, ORE.aggregates, bodyuri))
        self.roannotations = None   # Flush cached annotation graph

    def addAggregatedResources(self, ro_file, recurse=True, includeDirs=False):
        Scan a local directory and add files found to the RO aggregation
        assert self._isLocal()
        def notHidden(f):
            return re.match("\.|.*/\.", f) == None
        log.debug("addAggregatedResources: roref %s, file %s"%(self.roref, ro_file))
        self.getRoFilename()  # Check that we have one
        basedir = os.path.abspath(self.roref)+os.path.sep
        ### print "- ro_file: %s"%(ro_file)
        if os.path.isdir(ro_file):
            ro_file = os.path.abspath(ro_file)+os.path.sep
            ### print "- ro_file: %s"%(ro_file)
            ### print "- basedir: %s"%(basedir)
            #if ro_file.endswith(os.path.sep):
            #    ro_file = ro_file[0:-1]
            if recurse:
                rofiles = filter(notHidden,
                log.debug("- rofiles: %s"%(repr(rofiles)))
                rofiles = [ro_file.split(basedir+os.path.sep,1)[-1]]
            rofiles = [self.getComponentUriRel(ro_file)]
        s = self.getRoUri()
        for f in rofiles:
            ### print "- file %s"%f
            log.debug("- file %s"%f)
            stmt = (s, ORE.aggregates, self.getComponentUri(f))
            if stmt not in self.manifestgraph: self.manifestgraph.add(stmt)

    def removeAggregatedResource(self, resuri):
        Remove a specified resource.
        resref is the URI of a resource to remove
        assert self._isLocal()
        resuri = rdflib.URIRef(resuri)
        log.debug("removeAggregatedResource: roref %s, resuri %s"%(self.roref, str(resuri)))
        manifest = self._loadManifest()
        for anode in self._iterAnnotations(subject=resuri):
        manifest.remove((None, ORE.aggregates, resuri))

    def getAggregatedResources(self):
        Returns iterator over all resources aggregated by a manifest.

        Each value returned by the iterator is an aggregated resource URI
        log.debug("getAggregatedResources: uri %s"%(self.rouri))
        for r in self._loadManifest().objects(subject=self.rouri, predicate=ORE.aggregates):
            if not isinstance(r, rdflib.BNode):
                yield r

    def addGraphAnnotation(self, rofile, graph):
        Add an annotation graph for a named resource.  Unlike addSimpleAnnotation, this
        method adds an annotation to the manifest using an existing RDF graph (which is
        presumably itself in the RO structure).

        rofile      names the file or resource to be annotated, possibly relative to the RO.
                    Note that no checks are performed to ensure that the graph itself actually
                    refers to this resource - that's up the the creator of the graph.  This
                    identifies the resourfce with which the annotation body is associated in
                    the RO manifest.
        graph       names the file or resource containing the annotation body.
        assert self._isLocal()
        ro_graph = self._loadManifest()
        self._addAnnotationToManifest(rofile, graph)

    def isAnnotationNode(self, respath):
        Returns true if the manifest says that the research object aggregates the
        annotation and it is an ro:AggregatedAnnotation.
        Resource URI is resolved against the RO URI unless it's absolute.
        resuri = self.getComponentUriAbs(respath)
        log.debug("isAnnotationNode: ro uri %s res uri %s"%(self.rouri, resuri))
        return (self.rouri, ORE.aggregates, resuri) in self.manifestgraph and \
            (resuri, RDF.type, RO.AggregatedAnnotation) in self.manifestgraph

    def addSimpleAnnotation(self, rofile, attrname, attrvalue, defaultType="string"):
        Add a simple annotation to a file in a research object.

        rofile      names the file or resource to be annotated, possibly relative to the RO.
        attrname    names the attribute in a form recognized by getAnnotationByName
        attrvalue   is a value to be associated with the attribute
        assert self._isLocal()
        ro_dir   = self.getRoFilename()
        annfile  = self._createAnnotationBody(rofile, {attrname: attrvalue}, defaultType)
        self._addAnnotationToManifest(rofile, annfile)
        return annfile

    def removeSimpleAnnotation(self, rofile, attrname, attrvalue):
        Remove a simple annotation or multiple matching annotations a research object.

        rofile      names the annotated file or resource, possibly relative to the RO.
        attrname    names the attribute in a form recognized by getAnnotationByName
        attrvalue   is the attribute value to be deleted, or Nomne to delete all vaues
        assert self._isLocal()
        ro_dir    = self.getRoFilename()
        ro_graph  = self._loadManifest()
        subject     = self.getComponentUri(rofile)
        (predicate,valtype) = ro_annotation.getAnnotationByName(self.roconfig, attrname)
        val         = attrvalue and ro_annotation.makeAnnotationValue(self.roconfig, attrvalue, valtype)
        add_annotations    = []
        remove_annotations = []
        log.debug("removeSimpleAnnotation subject %s, predicate %s, val %s"%
                  (str(subject), str(predicate), val))
        # Scan for annotation graph resources containing this annotation
        for ann_node in self._iterAnnotations(subject=subject):
            ann_uri   = ro_graph.value(subject=ann_node, predicate=AO.body)
            log.debug("removeSimpleAnnotation ann_uri %s"%(str(ann_uri)))
            if self.isRoMetadataRef(ann_uri):
                ann_graph = self._readAnnotationBody(self.getComponentUriRel(ann_uri))
                log.debug("removeSimpleAnnotation ann_graph %s"%(ann_graph))
                if (subject, predicate, val) in ann_graph:
                    ann_graph.remove((subject, predicate, val))
                    if (subject, None, None) in ann_graph:
                        # Triples remain in annotation body: write new body and update RO graph
                        ann_name = self._createAnnotationGraphBody(rofile, ann_graph)
                        # Remove annotation from RO graph
        # Update RO manifest graph if needed
        if add_annotations or remove_annotations:
            for a in remove_annotations:
            for a in add_annotations:
                self._addAnnotationToManifest(rofile, a)

    def replaceSimpleAnnotation(self, rofile, attrname, attrvalue):
        Replace a simple annotation in a research object.

        rofile      names the file or resource to be annotated, possibly relative to the RO.
        attrname    names the attribute in a form recognized by getAnnotationByName
        attrvalue   is a new value to be associated with the attribute
        assert self._isLocal()
        ro_dir   = self.getRoFilename()
        ro_graph = self._loadManifest()
        subject  = self.getComponentUri(rofile)
        (predicate,valtype) = ro_annotation.getAnnotationByName(self.roconfig, attrname)
        log.debug("Replace annotation: subject %s, predicate %s, value %s"%
                  (repr(subject), repr(predicate), repr(attrvalue)))
        ro_graph.remove((subject, predicate, None))
        ro_graph.add((subject, predicate,
                      ro_annotation.makeAnnotationValue(self.roconfig, attrvalue, valtype)))
        self.roannotations = None   # Flush cached annotation graph

    def iterateAnnotations(self, subject=None, property=None):
        Returns an iterator over annotations of the current RO that match the
        supplied subject and/or property.
        log.debug("iterateAnnotations s:%s, p:%s"%(str(subject),str(property)))
        ann_graph = self._loadAnnotations()
        for (s, p, v) in ann_graph.triples((subject, property, None)):
            if not isinstance(s, rdflib.BNode):
                if not self.isRoMetadataRef(s):
                    log.debug("Triple: %s %s %s"%(s,p,v))
                    yield (s, p, v)

    def getRoAnnotations(self):
        Returns iterator over annotations applied to the RO as an entity.

        Each value returned by the iterator is a (subject,predicate,object) triple.
        return self.iterateAnnotations(subject=self.getRoUri())

    def getFileAnnotations(self, rofile):
        Returns iterator over annotations applied to a specified component in the RO

        Each value returned by the iterator is a (subject,predicate,object) triple.
        return self.iterateAnnotations(subject=self.getComponentUri(rofile))

    def getAllAnnotations(self):
        Returns iterator over all annotations associated with the RO

        Each value returned by the iterator is a (subject,predicate,object) triple.
        return self.iterateAnnotations()

    def getAllAnnotationNodes(self):
        Returns iterator over all annotations aggregated within the RO

        Each value returned by the iterator is a (annuri, bodyuri, target) triple.
        annotations = self.manifestgraph.subject_objects(predicate=RO.annotatesAggregatedResource)
        for (ann_node, ann_target) in annotations:
            ann_body   = self.manifestgraph.value(subject=ann_node, predicate=AO.body)
            yield (ann_node, ann_body, ann_target)

    def getAnnotationValues(self, rofile, attrname):
        Returns iterator over annotation values for given subject and attribute
        (predicate,valtype) = ro_annotation.getAnnotationByName(self.roconfig, attrname)
        resuri = self.getComponentUri(rofile)
        return ( v for (s,p,v) in self.iterateAnnotations(subject=resuri, property=predicate) )

    def queryAnnotations(self, query, initBindings={}):
        Runs a query over the combined annotation graphs (including the manifest)
        and returns True or False (for ASK queries) or a list of dictionaries of
        query results (for SELECT queries).
        log.debug("queryAnnotations: \n----\n%s\n--------\n"%(query))
        ann_gr = self._loadAnnotations()
        # log.debug("queryAnnotations graph: \n----\n%s\n--------\n"%(ann_gr.serialize(format='xml')))
            resp = ann_gr.query(query,initBindings=initBindings)
            log.info("queryAnnotations failed query: \n----\n%s\n--------\n"%(query))
        if resp.type == 'ASK':
            return resp.askAnswer
        elif resp.type == 'SELECT':
            return resp.bindings
            assert False, "Unexpected query response type %s"%resp.type
        return None

    def getAnnotationGraph(self):
        Returns the combined annotation graphs (including the manifest)
        return self._loadAnnotations()

    def getAnnotationValue(self, resource, predicate):
        Returns a single annotation value for a resource and the indicated predicate,
        or None
        return self._loadAnnotations().value(subject=resource, predicate=predicate, object=None)

    def showAnnotations(self, annotations, outstr):
        ro_annotation.showAnnotations(self.roconfig, self.getRoFilename(), annotations, outstr)
    def replaceUri(self, ann_node, remote_ann_node_uri):
        for (p, o) in self.manifestgraph.predicate_objects(subject = ann_node):
            self.manifestgraph.remove((ann_node, p, o))
            self.manifestgraph.add((remote_ann_node_uri, p, o))
        for (s, p) in self.manifestgraph.subject_predicates(object = ann_node):
            self.manifestgraph.remove((s, p, ann_node))
            self.manifestgraph.add((s, p, remote_ann_node_uri))

    # Support methods for accessing the manifest graph

    def roManifestContains(self, stmt):
        Returns True if the RO manifest contains a statement matching the supplied triple.
        return stmt in self._loadManifest()

    def getResourceValue(self, resource, predicate):
        Returns value for resource whose URI is supplied assocfiated with indicated predicate
        return self._loadManifest().value(subject=resource, predicate=predicate, object=None)

    def getResourceType(self, resource):
        Returns type of resource whose URI is supplied
        return self.getResourceValue(resource, RDF.type)

    def hasResourceType(self, resource, rdfType):
        Check if the resource whose URI is supplied has a provided RDF type.
        return self.roManifestContains((resource, RDF.type, rdfType))

    def getRoMetadataDict(self):
        Returns dictionary of metadata about the RO from the manifest graph
        assert self._isLocal()
        strsubject = ""
        if isinstance(self.rouri, rdflib.URIRef): strsubject = str(self.rouri)
        manifestDict = {
            'ropath':         self.getRoFilename(),
            'rouri':          strsubject,
            'roident':        self.getResourceValue(self.rouri, DCTERMS.identifier  ),
            'rotitle':        self.getResourceValue(self.rouri, DCTERMS.title       ),
            'rocreator':      self.getResourceValue(self.rouri, DCTERMS.creator     ),
            'rocreated':      self.getResourceValue(self.rouri, DCTERMS.created     ),
            'rodescription':  self.getResourceValue(self.rouri, DCTERMS.description ),
        return manifestDict

    # Support methods for accessing RO and component URIs

    def getRoRef(self):
        Returns RO URI reference supplied (which may be a local file directory string)
        return self.roref

    def getRoUri(self):
        return self.rouri

    def getComponentUri(self, path):
        Return URI for component where relative reference is treated as a file path
        if urlparse.urlsplit(path).scheme == "":
            path = resolveUri("", str(self.getRoUri()), path)
        return rdflib.URIRef(path)

    def getComponentUriAbs(self, path):
        Return absolute URI for component where relative reference is treated as a URI reference
        return rdflib.URIRef(urlparse.urljoin(str(self.getRoUri()), path))

    def getComponentUriRel(self, path):
        Return reference relative to RO for a supplied URI
        file_uri = urlparse.urlunsplit(urlparse.urlsplit(str(self.getComponentUriAbs(path))))
        ro_uri   = urlparse.urlunsplit(urlparse.urlsplit(str(self.getRoUri())))
        if ro_uri is not None and file_uri.startswith(ro_uri):
            file_uri_rel = file_uri.replace(ro_uri, "", 1)
            file_uri_rel = path
        return rdflib.URIRef(file_uri_rel)

    def isRoMetadataRef(self, uri):
        Test if supplied URI is a reference to the current RO metadata area
        urirel = self.getComponentUriRel(uri)
        return str(urirel).startswith(ro_settings.MANIFEST_DIR+"/")

    def isLocalFileRo(self):
        Test current RO URI to see if it is a local file system reference
        return isFileUri(self.getRoUri())

    def getRoFilename(self):
        assert self._isLocal()
        return getFilenameFromUri(self.getRoUri())

    def getManifestFilename(self):
        Return manifest file name: used for local updates
        assert self._isLocal()
        return os.path.join(self.getRoFilename(), ro_settings.MANIFEST_DIR+"/",
    def getRegistries(self):
        Load a dictionary of synchronization data from memory or from a JSON file.
        log.debug("Get registries")
        if self.registries:
            return self.registries
            rf = open(os.path.join(self.getRoFilename(), ro_settings.REGISTRIES_FILE), 'r')
            self.registries = json.load(rf)
        except IOError:
            self.registries = dict()
        except Exception as e:
            self.registries = dict()
        return self.registries
    def saveRegistries(self):
        Save a dictionary of synchronization data to a JSON file.
        log.debug("Save registries")
        rf = open(os.path.join(self.getRoFilename(), ro_settings.REGISTRIES_FILE), 'w')
        if self.registries:
            json.dump(self.registries, rf)
    def calculateChecksum(self, rofile):
        Calculate a file checksum.
        m = hashlib.md5()
        with open(rofile) as f:
            for line in f:
        return m.hexdigest()
class TestROSRSMetadata(TestROSupport.TestROSupport):
    Test ro metadata access via ROSRS API

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestROSRSMetadata, self).setUp()
        self.rosrs = ROSRS_Session(Config.ROSRS_API_URI,
        # Clean up from previous runs

    def tearDown(self):
        super(TestROSRSMetadata, self).tearDown()
        # Clean up

    def createTestRO(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.rosrs.createRO(Config.TEST_RO_NAME,
            "Test RO for ROSRSMetadata", "TestROSRSMetadata.py", "2012-09-11")
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Include manifest as annotation of RO
        (s1, r1, h1, manifesturi, manifest) = self.rosrs.getROManifest(rouri)
        self.assertEqual(s1, 200)
        (s2, r2, annuri) = self.rosrs.createROAnnotationExt(
            rouri, rouri, manifesturi)
        self.assertEqual(s2, 201)
        # Aggregate internal resource
        rescontent = "Resource content\n"
        (s3, r3, proxyuri, resuri) = self.rosrs.aggregateResourceInt(
            rouri, Config.TEST_RESOURCE, ctype="text/plain", body=rescontent)
        self.assertEqual(s3, 201)
        self.assertEqual(r3, "Created")
        self.assertEqual(str(resuri), str(rouri)+Config.TEST_RESOURCE)
        # Aggregate external resource
        externaluri = rdflib.URIRef(Config.TEST_EXTERNAL)
        (s4, r4, proxyuri, resuri) = self.rosrs.aggregateResourceExt(
            rouri, externaluri)
        self.assertEqual(s4, 201)
        self.assertEqual(r4, "Created")
        self.assertEqual(str(resuri), Config.TEST_EXTERNAL)
        return (status, reason, rouri, manifest)

    def createTestAnnotation(self, rouri, resuri, resref):
        annbody = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <rdf:Description rdf:about="%(resuri)s">
                <dct:title>Title for %(resref)s</dct:title>
                <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http://example.org/test" />
            """%{"rouri": str(rouri), "resuri": str(resuri), "resref": resref}
        agraph = rdflib.graph.Graph()
        agraph.parse(data=annbody, format="xml")
        (status, reason, annuri, bodyuri) = self.rosrs.createROAnnotationInt(
            rouri, resuri, agraph)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        return (status, reason, annuri, bodyuri)

    # Actual tests follow

    def testNull(self):
        assert True, 'Null test failed'

    def testCreateRoMetadata(self):
        Test creation of ro_metadata object, and basic access to manifest content
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "Created")
        self.assertEqual(str(rouri), Config.TEST_RO_URI)
        self.assertIn((rouri, RDF.type, RO.ResearchObject), manifest)
        romd   = ro_metadata.ro_metadata(ro_config, rouri)
        resuri = romd.getComponentUriAbs(Config.TEST_RESOURCE)
        exturi = romd.getComponentUriAbs(Config.TEST_EXTERNAL)
        resref = Config.TEST_RESOURCE
        (status, reason, annuri, bodyuri) = self.createTestAnnotation(rouri, resuri, resref)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        self.assertEqual(reason, "Created")
        self.assertEquals(romd.rouri, rouri)
        self.assertTrue(romd.roManifestContains((rouri, RDF.type, RO.ResearchObject)))
        self.assertTrue(romd.roManifestContains((rouri, ORE.aggregates, resuri)))
        self.assertTrue(romd.roManifestContains((rouri, ORE.aggregates, exturi)))

    def testReadRoAnnotationBody(self):
        Test function to create & read a simple annotation body on an RO
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        romd   = ro_metadata.ro_metadata(ro_config, rouri)
        resuri = romd.getComponentUriAbs(Config.TEST_RESOURCE)
        resref = Config.TEST_RESOURCE
        (status, reason, bodyuri, agraph) = self.createTestAnnotation(rouri, resuri, resref)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Retrieve annotations
        anns = list(romd.getFileAnnotations(Config.TEST_RESOURCE))
        self.assertIn((resuri, DCTERMS.title, rdflib.Literal("Title for "+Config.TEST_RESOURCE)), anns)
        self.assertIn((resuri, RDFS.seeAlso,  rdflib.URIRef("http://example.org/test")),  anns)

    def testGetInitialRoAnnotations(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        romd   = ro_metadata.ro_metadata(ro_config, rouri)
        # Retrieve the anotations
        annotations = romd.getRoAnnotations()
        rouri = romd.getRoUri()
        expected_annotations = (
            [ (rouri, RDF.type,             RO.ResearchObject)
            , (rouri, RDF.type,             ROEVO.LiveRO)
            , (rouri, ORE.isDescribedBy,    romd.getComponentUriAbs(ro_test_config.ROMANIFESTPATH))
            #, (rouri, DCTERMS.description,  rdflib.Literal('Test init RO annotation'))
            #, (rouri, DCTERMS.title,        rdflib.Literal('Test init RO annotation'))
            #, (rouri, DCTERMS.created,      rdflib.Literal('unknown'))
            #, (rouri, DCTERMS.creator,      rdflib.Literal('Test User'))
            #, (rouri, DCTERMS.identifier,   rdflib.Literal('ro-testRoAnnotate'))
        count = 0
        for next in list(annotations):
            if ( not isinstance(next[2], rdflib.BNode) and
                 not next[1] in [ORE.aggregates, DCTERMS.created, DCTERMS.creator] ):
                log.debug("- next %s"%(str(next[0])) )
                log.debug("       - (%s, %s)"%(str(next[1]),str(next[2])) )
                if next in expected_annotations:
                    count += 1
                    self.assertTrue(False, "Not expected (%d) %s"%(count, repr(next)))

    def testQueryAnnotations(self):
        (status, reason, rouri, manifest) = self.createTestRO()
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        romd   = ro_metadata.ro_metadata(ro_config, rouri)
        resuri = romd.getComponentUriAbs(Config.TEST_RESOURCE)
        resref = Config.TEST_RESOURCE
        (status, reason, bodyuri, agraph) = self.createTestAnnotation(rouri, resuri, resref)
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        # Query the file anotations
        queryprefixes = """
            PREFIX rdf:        <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
            PREFIX ro:         <http://purl.org/wf4ever/ro#>
            PREFIX ore:        <http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/>
            PREFIX ao:         <http://purl.org/ao/>
            PREFIX dcterms:    <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>
            PREFIX roterms:    <http://ro.example.org/ro/terms/>
        query = (queryprefixes +
                ?ro rdf:type ro:ResearchObject ;
                    dcterms:creator ?user .
        resp = romd.queryAnnotations(query)
        self.assertTrue(resp, "Expected 'True' result for query: %s"%(query))
        query = (queryprefixes +
                <%(resuri)s> dcterms:title ?title .
            """%{"resuri": str(resuri)})
        resp = romd.queryAnnotations(query)
        self.assertTrue(resp, "Expected 'True' result for query: %s"%(query))
        query = (queryprefixes +
                ?ro rdf:type ro:ResearchObject ;
                    dcterms:creator "Not user" .
        resp = romd.queryAnnotations(query)
        self.assertFalse(resp, "Expected 'False' result for query: %s"%(query))
        query = (queryprefixes +
            SELECT * WHERE
                ?ro rdf:type ro:ResearchObject ;
                    ore:aggregates ?file .
                ?file dcterms:title ?title .
        rouri       = romd.getRoUri()
        resp = romd.queryAnnotations(query)
        self.assertEqual(resp[0]['ro'],    rouri)
        self.assertEqual(resp[0]['file'],  resuri)
        self.assertEqual(resp[0]['title'], rdflib.Literal("Title for %s"%(Config.TEST_RESOURCE)))

    # Sentinel/placeholder tests

    def testUnits(self):
        assert (True)

    def testComponents(self):
        assert (True)

    def testIntegration(self):
        assert (True)

    def testPending(self):
        assert (False), "Pending tests follow"