Пример #1
    def __init__(self, corpus_path, corpus_files):
        Construct a Tagger object
        :param corpus_path: path to corpus files
        :param corpus_files: list of corpus files

        # object for working with corpus data
        self.tb = Treebank(corpus_path, corpus_files)

        # will contain a list of tags in training corpus
        self.pos_tags = False

        # will be object for running the Hidden Markov Model for tagging
        self.hmm = False

        # use PennTags
        self.tags = PennTags

        # will hold conditional frequency distribution for P(Wi|Ck)
        self.words_given_pos = False

        # will hold conditional frequency distribution for P(Ci+1|Ci)
        self.pos2_given_pos1 = False
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, corpus_path, corpus_files, test_files):
        Construct a Tagger object
        :param corpus_path: path to corpus files
        :param corpus_files: list of corpus files
        # object for working with training data
        self.training = Treebank(corpus_path, corpus_files)

        # object for working with testing data
        self.testing = Treebank(corpus_path, test_files)

        # will contain a list of tags in training corpus
        self.pos_tags = False 
        # will be object for running the Hidden Markov Model for tagging
        self.hmm = False
        # use PennTags
        self.tags = PennTags
        # will hold conditional frequency distribution for P(Wi|Ck)
        self.words_given_pos = False
        # will hold conditional frequency distribution for P(Ci+1|Ci) 
        self.pos2_given_pos1 = False
Пример #3
class Tagger:
    A class for POS-tagging text and evaluating the result
    ######### CLASS VARIABLES #########
    # a fake START tag to add to the beginning of sentences to help with tagging
    start_tag = '^'
    # number of times for a POS tagging mistake to occur in order to show it to user
    mistake_threshold = 50
    # x-fold cross-validation
    test_cycles = 2
    def __init__(self, corpus_path, corpus_files, test_files):
        Construct a Tagger object
        :param corpus_path: path to corpus files
        :param corpus_files: list of corpus files
        # object for working with training data
        self.training = Treebank(corpus_path, corpus_files)

        # object for working with testing data
        self.testing = Treebank(corpus_path, test_files)

        # will contain a list of tags in training corpus
        self.pos_tags = False 
        # will be object for running the Hidden Markov Model for tagging
        self.hmm = False
        # use PennTags
        self.tags = PennTags
        # will hold conditional frequency distribution for P(Wi|Ck)
        self.words_given_pos = False
        # will hold conditional frequency distribution for P(Ci+1|Ci) 
        self.pos2_given_pos1 = False
    ######### `PUBLIC' FUNCTIONS #########
    def run_test_cycles(self):
        Run the test cycles for training and testing the tagger.
        Specifically, employ ten-fold cross-validation to train/test on different
        segments of the corpus.
        total_time_start = time.time() # keep track of time
        rights = [] # array to hold number of correctly-tagged words for each test
        wrongs = [] # array to hold number of incorrectly-tagged words for each test
        totals = [] # array to hold number of total words for each test
        all_missed = [] # array to hold incorrect tag information for each test
        sep = ''.join(["-" for i in range(50)]) + "\n" # logging s

        # returns tagged sentences
        training_sents = self.training.tagged_sents


        # returns untagged sentences
        testing_tagged_sents = self.testing.tagged_sents

        testing_untagged_sents = self.testing.sents

        testing_sents = (testing_untagged_sents, testing_tagged_sents)

        (right, wrong, missed) = self.test(testing_sents)

        # gather accuracy statistics for this test
        total = right + wrong
        rights.append(right) # store the correct count for this test cycle
        wrongs.append(wrong) # store the incorrect count for this test cycle
        totals.append(total) # store the total words tested for this test cycle
        all_missed += missed # add incorrect tag information from this cycle

        msg("Total words: %d\n" % total)
        msg("Correct tags: %d (%0.2f%%)\n" % (right, right / total * 100))
        msg("Incorrect tags: %d (%0.2f%%)\n" % (wrong, wrong / total * 100))

        msg("%s%s" % (sep,sep))
        # calculate and output statistics for the entire test
        print "Total tests run: %d" % len(totals)
        print "Total time taken: %0.2f seconds" % (time.time() - total_time_start)
        print "Average correct tags: %0.2f%%" % (sum(rights) / sum(totals) * 100)
        print "Average incorrect tags: %0.2f%%" % (sum(wrongs) / sum(totals) * 100)
        # give the option of inspecting incorrect tags
        if raw_input("Examine bad tags? ") in ['y','Y']:
    def train(self, sents):
        Train the tagger on a set of tagged sentences
        :param sents: list of tagged sentences
        # collect POS tags from our corpus
        self.pos_tags = self.training.pos_tags()
        # add start markers to help with bigram tagging
        msg("Adjusting POS tags...")
        sents = self._adjust_pos(sents)
        # create 2 conditional frequency distributions (from the NLTK) that store
        # observed probabilities that a given word has a certain POS, one for
        # lowercase-normalized words and one for words as they appear in the text
        msg("Training (Wi|Ck)...")
        # create a CFD for words normalized to lowercase
        self.words_given_pos = ConditionalFreqDist((wp[1], wp[0].lower()) for \
            sent in sents for wp in sent)
        # create a CFD for words left in their original capitalization
        self.words_given_pos_upper = ConditionalFreqDist((wp[1], wp[0]) for \
            sent in sents for wp in sent)
        # create another CFD that stores probabilities that stores observed
        # probabilities that one POS follows another POS
        msg("Training (Ci+1|Ci)...")
        self.pos2_given_pos1 = ConditionalFreqDist((sent[i-1][1], sent[i][1]) for \
            sent in sents for i in range(1,len(sent)))

    def test(self, sent_set):
        Use a Hidden Markov Model to tag a set of sentences, and evaluate accuracy.
        :param sent_set: tuple like (untagged sentences, gold standard sentences)
        untagged_sents = sent_set[0] # recover untagged sentences
        gold_tagged_sents = sent_set[1] # recover gold standard tagged sentences
        # initialize an HMM object with necessary parameters
        self.hmm = HMM(untagged_sents, self.pos_tags, self.words_given_pos, \
            self.words_given_pos_upper, self.pos2_given_pos1, Tagger.start_tag)
        # get HMM-tagged sentences
        hmm_tagged_sents = self.hmm.tag()
        # evaluate against gold standard and return accuracy data
        return self.evaluate(hmm_tagged_sents, gold_tagged_sents)
    def evaluate(self, hmm_tagged_sents, gold_tagged_sents):
        Evaluate one set of tagged sentences against another set
        :param hmm_tagged_sents: list of tagged sentences
        :param gold_tagged_sents: list of tagged sentences used as gold standard
        # ensure our sentence sets have the same length
        if len(hmm_tagged_sents) != len(gold_tagged_sents):
            raise Exception("HMM-tagged sentence set did not match gold \
                standard sentence set!")
        right = 0 # initialize counter of correct tags
        wrong = 0 # initialize counter of incorrect tags
        missed = [] # initialize array of tagged words we didn't get right
        # loop through sentence sets
        for i in range(len(gold_tagged_sents)):
            # ensure our sentences have the same length
            if len(hmm_tagged_sents[i]) != len(gold_tagged_sents[i]):
                raise Exception("HMM-tagged sentence did not match gold \
                    standard sentence!")
            # loop through words in sentence
            for j in range(len(gold_tagged_sents[i])):
                gold_tagged_word = gold_tagged_sents[i][j]
                hmm_tagged_word = hmm_tagged_sents[i][j]
                # ensure the words are the same between the sets
                if gold_tagged_word[0] != hmm_tagged_word[0]:
                    raise Exception("HMM-tagged word did not match gold \
                        standard word!")

                # increment counters based on tag correctness
                if gold_tagged_word[1] == hmm_tagged_word[1]:
                    right += 1
                    missed.append((hmm_tagged_word, gold_tagged_word, \
                        hmm_tagged_sents[i], gold_tagged_sents[i]))
                    wrong += 1
            # end words loop
        # end sentences loop
        # return a tuple of correct vs incorrect tags
        return (right, wrong, missed)
    def inspect(self, missed):
        Inspect a testing session, and print data about tag accuracy
        :param missed: list of tuples of missed tags like:
            (hmm_tagged_word, gold_tagged_word, hmm_context, gold_context)
        # create a CFD so we can examine a matrix of incorrect vs correct tags
        # ms[1][1] = tag of a gold_tagged_word
        # ms[0][1] = tag of an hmm_tagged_word
        cfd = ConditionalFreqDist((ms[1][1], ms[0][1]) for ms in missed)
        # initialize a hash to store mistakes by frequency
        mistakes = {}
        # print a table showing mistake frequency
        # loop through mistake frequencies by gold standard tag, i.e., if we are
        # examining gold-standard 'IN', count what we incorrectly tagged it as
        conds = cfd.conditions()
        for g_tag in conds:
            for hmm_tag in cfd[g_tag].keys():
                # how many times did we incorrectly say g_tag was hmm_tag?
                count = cfd[g_tag][hmm_tag]
                # add these mistakes to the count
                if count not in mistakes.keys():
                    mistakes[count] = []
                mistakes[count].append((hmm_tag, g_tag))
        # get a list of all mistake types that occurred over a threshold, worst first
        mistake_counts = set([count for (count, mistake_set) in \
            mistakes.iteritems() if count > Tagger.mistake_threshold])
        mistake_counts = reversed(sorted(mistake_counts))
        # now create a list of mistake types to show the user, i.e., loop 
        # through all types and if they are of a high-frequency type, add to list
        mistakes_to_halt = []
        for count in mistake_counts:
            mistake_set = mistakes[count]
            for mistake_tuple in mistake_set:
                msg("%d\t%s\twas really\t%s\n" % (count, mistake_tuple[0], \
        # create separators used when outputting missed word contexts
        sep_big = "---------------------------------------------------\n"
        sep_small = "\n-----------------------------------------\n"
        # loop through individual mistakes and, if they match the kind of error
        # we want to halt for, show the user the mistake as well as the sentence
        # context for both the gold-standard sentence and the hmm-tagged sentence
        response = None
        for missed_set in missed:
            if response not in ['q','Q']:
                (hmm_tagged_word, gold_tagged_word, hmm_tagged_sent, \
                    gold_tagged_sent) = missed_set
                should_halt = False
                # determine whether the current mistake matches a mistake type
                # we want to halt for
                for pair in mistakes_to_halt:
                    if hmm_tagged_word[1] == pair[0] and \
                        gold_tagged_word[1] == pair[1]:
                        should_halt = True
                if should_halt:
                    msg("%sTagged '%s' with %s when it should have been %s.%s" %\
                    (sep_big, hmm_tagged_word[0], hmm_tagged_word[1],\
                        gold_tagged_word[1], sep_small))
                    msg("Gold: " + (' '.join([(w[0] + "/" + w[1]) for w in \
                    msg("Mine: " + (' '.join([(w[0] + "/" + w[1]) for w in \
                    # get user input to decide whether to keep going
                    response = raw_input("\n\nEnter to continue, Q to quit: ")

    ######### `PRIVATE' FUNCTIONS #########
    def _adjust_pos(self, sents):
        Insert start markers (word and tag tuple) in each sentence of a list.
        Add any other tags that need adding
        :param sents: list of tagged sentences
        new_sents = [] # initialize array of start-marked sentences
        # loop through tagged sentences
        for sent in sents:
            # add a new start-marked sentence to our array
            new_sents.append([(Tagger.start_tag, Tagger.start_tag)] + sent)
        # make sure our start marker tag gets added to the POS list
        # also take the opportunity to add other tags to the list
        # which we may not have encountered in testing
        for tag in self.tags.rare_tags:
            if tag not in self.pos_tags:
        return new_sents
Пример #4
class Tagger:
    A class for POS-tagging text and evaluating the result

    ######### CLASS VARIABLES #########

    # a fake START tag to add to the beginning of sentences to help with tagging
    start_tag = '^'

    # number of times for a POS tagging mistake to occur in order to show it to user
    mistake_threshold = 50

    # x-fold cross-validation
    test_cycles = 10

    def __init__(self, corpus_path, corpus_files):
        Construct a Tagger object
        :param corpus_path: path to corpus files
        :param corpus_files: list of corpus files

        # object for working with corpus data
        self.tb = Treebank(corpus_path, corpus_files)

        # will contain a list of tags in training corpus
        self.pos_tags = False

        # will be object for running the Hidden Markov Model for tagging
        self.hmm = False

        # use PennTags
        self.tags = PennTags

        # will hold conditional frequency distribution for P(Wi|Ck)
        self.words_given_pos = False

        # will hold conditional frequency distribution for P(Ci+1|Ci)
        self.pos2_given_pos1 = False

    ######### `PUBLIC' FUNCTIONS #########

    def run_test_cycles(self):
        Run the test cycles for training and testing the tagger.
        Specifically, employ ten-fold cross-validation to train/test on different
        segments of the corpus.

        total_time_start = time.time()  # keep track of time
        pct_step = int(100 / Tagger.test_cycles)  # cycle steps in pct
        test_pct = pct_step  # percentage of the corpus to test the tagger on
        train_pct = 100 - test_pct  # percentage of the corpus to train the tagger on
        rights = [
        ]  # array to hold number of correctly-tagged words for each test
        wrongs = [
        ]  # array to hold number of incorrectly-tagged words for each test
        totals = []  # array to hold number of total words for each test
        all_missed = [
        ]  # array to hold incorrect tag information for each test
        sep = ''.join(["-" for i in range(50)]) + "\n"  # logging separator

        # loop from 0-90 (step size 10)
        for start_train_pct in [
                x * pct_step for x in range(Tagger.test_cycles)
            msg("%sSTARTING TEST CYCLE %d\n%s" % (sep, (start_train_pct/pct_step)+1,\

            # find the percent point to start collecting test sentences
            # may be > 100, so circle round
            start_test_pct = (start_train_pct + train_pct) % 100

            # train the tagger on sentences from the corpus matching our range
            training_sents = self.tb.training_sents(train_pct, start_train_pct)

            # test the tagger on the rest of the sentences
            testing_sents = self.tb.testing_sents(test_pct, start_test_pct)
            (right, wrong, missed) = self.test(testing_sents)

            # gather accuracy statistics for this test
            total = right + wrong
            rights.append(right)  # store the correct count for this test cycle
                wrong)  # store the incorrect count for this test cycle
                total)  # store the total words tested for this test cycle
            all_missed += missed  # add incorrect tag information from this cycle

            msg("Total words: %d\n" % total)
            msg("Correct tags: %d (%0.2f%%)\n" % (right, right / total * 100))
            msg("Incorrect tags: %d (%0.2f%%)\n" %
                (wrong, wrong / total * 100))
        # end: test cycle

        msg("%s%s" % (sep, sep))

        # calculate and output statistics for the entire test
        print "Total tests run: %d" % len(totals)
        print "Total time taken: %0.2f seconds" % (time.time() -
        print "Average correct tags: %0.2f%%" % (sum(rights) / sum(totals) *
        print "Average incorrect tags: %0.2f%%" % (sum(wrongs) / sum(totals) *

        # give the option of inspecting incorrect tags
        if raw_input("Examine bad tags? ") in ['y', 'Y']:

    def train(self, sents):
        Train the tagger on a set of tagged sentences
        :param sents: list of tagged sentences

        # collect POS tags from our corpus
        self.pos_tags = self.tb.pos_tags()

        # add start markers to help with bigram tagging
        msg("Adjusting POS tags...")
        sents = self._adjust_pos(sents)

        # create 2 conditional frequency distributions (from the NLTK) that store
        # observed probabilities that a given word has a certain POS, one for
        # lowercase-normalized words and one for words as they appear in the text
        msg("Training (Wi|Ck)...")

        # create a CFD for words normalized to lowercase
        self.words_given_pos = ConditionalFreqDist((wp[1], wp[0].lower()) for \
            sent in sents for wp in sent)

        # create a CFD for words left in their original capitalization
        self.words_given_pos_upper = ConditionalFreqDist((wp[1], wp[0]) for \
            sent in sents for wp in sent)

        # create another CFD that stores probabilities that stores observed
        # probabilities that one POS follows another POS
        msg("Training (Ci+1|Ci)...")
        self.pos2_given_pos1 = ConditionalFreqDist((sent[i-1][1], sent[i][1]) for \
            sent in sents for i in range(1,len(sent)))


    def test(self, sent_set):
        Use a Hidden Markov Model to tag a set of sentences, and evaluate accuracy.
        :param sent_set: tuple like (untagged sentences, gold standard sentences)

        untagged_sents = sent_set[0]  # recover untagged sentences
        gold_tagged_sents = sent_set[
            1]  # recover gold standard tagged sentences

        # initialize an HMM object with necessary parameters
        self.hmm = HMM(untagged_sents, self.pos_tags, self.words_given_pos, \
            self.words_given_pos_upper, self.pos2_given_pos1, Tagger.start_tag)

        # get HMM-tagged sentences
        hmm_tagged_sents = self.hmm.tag()

        # evaluate against gold standard and return accuracy data
        return self.evaluate(hmm_tagged_sents, gold_tagged_sents)

    def evaluate(self, hmm_tagged_sents, gold_tagged_sents):
        Evaluate one set of tagged sentences against another set
        :param hmm_tagged_sents: list of tagged sentences
        :param gold_tagged_sents: list of tagged sentences used as gold standard

        # ensure our sentence sets have the same length
        if len(hmm_tagged_sents) != len(gold_tagged_sents):
            raise Exception("HMM-tagged sentence set did not match gold \
                standard sentence set!")

        right = 0  # initialize counter of correct tags
        wrong = 0  # initialize counter of incorrect tags
        missed = []  # initialize array of tagged words we didn't get right

        # loop through sentence sets
        for i in range(len(gold_tagged_sents)):

            # ensure our sentences have the same length
            if len(hmm_tagged_sents[i]) != len(gold_tagged_sents[i]):
                raise Exception("HMM-tagged sentence did not match gold \
                    standard sentence!")

            # loop through words in sentence
            for j in range(len(gold_tagged_sents[i])):
                gold_tagged_word = gold_tagged_sents[i][j]
                hmm_tagged_word = hmm_tagged_sents[i][j]

                # ensure the words are the same between the sets
                if gold_tagged_word[0] != hmm_tagged_word[0]:
                    raise Exception("HMM-tagged word did not match gold \
                        standard word!")

                # increment counters based on tag correctness
                if gold_tagged_word[1] == hmm_tagged_word[1]:
                    right += 1
                    missed.append((hmm_tagged_word, gold_tagged_word, \
                        hmm_tagged_sents[i], gold_tagged_sents[i]))
                    wrong += 1
            # end words loop
        # end sentences loop

        # return a tuple of correct vs incorrect tags
        return (right, wrong, missed)

    def inspect(self, missed):
        Inspect a testing session, and print data about tag accuracy
        :param missed: list of tuples of missed tags like:
            (hmm_tagged_word, gold_tagged_word, hmm_context, gold_context)

        # create a CFD so we can examine a matrix of incorrect vs correct tags
        # ms[1][1] = tag of a gold_tagged_word
        # ms[0][1] = tag of an hmm_tagged_word
        cfd = ConditionalFreqDist((ms[1][1], ms[0][1]) for ms in missed)

        # initialize a hash to store mistakes by frequency
        mistakes = {}

        # print a table showing mistake frequency

        # loop through mistake frequencies by gold standard tag, i.e., if we are
        # examining gold-standard 'IN', count what we incorrectly tagged it as
        conds = cfd.conditions()
        for g_tag in conds:
            for hmm_tag in cfd[g_tag].keys():
                # how many times did we incorrectly say g_tag was hmm_tag?
                count = cfd[g_tag][hmm_tag]

                # add these mistakes to the count
                if count not in mistakes.keys():
                    mistakes[count] = []
                mistakes[count].append((hmm_tag, g_tag))

        # get a list of all mistake types that occurred over a threshold, worst first
        mistake_counts = set([count for (count, mistake_set) in \
            mistakes.iteritems() if count > Tagger.mistake_threshold])
        mistake_counts = reversed(sorted(mistake_counts))

        # now create a list of mistake types to show the user, i.e., loop
        # through all types and if they are of a high-frequency type, add to list
        mistakes_to_halt = []
        for count in mistake_counts:
            mistake_set = mistakes[count]
            for mistake_tuple in mistake_set:
                msg("%d\t%s\twas really\t%s\n" % (count, mistake_tuple[0], \

        # create separators used when outputting missed word contexts
        sep_big = "---------------------------------------------------\n"
        sep_small = "\n-----------------------------------------\n"

        # loop through individual mistakes and, if they match the kind of error
        # we want to halt for, show the user the mistake as well as the sentence
        # context for both the gold-standard sentence and the hmm-tagged sentence
        response = None
        for missed_set in missed:
            if response not in ['q', 'Q']:
                (hmm_tagged_word, gold_tagged_word, hmm_tagged_sent, \
                    gold_tagged_sent) = missed_set
                should_halt = False
                # determine whether the current mistake matches a mistake type
                # we want to halt for
                for pair in mistakes_to_halt:
                    if hmm_tagged_word[1] == pair[0] and \
                        gold_tagged_word[1] == pair[1]:
                        should_halt = True
                if should_halt:
                    msg("%sTagged '%s' with %s when it should have been %s.%s" %\
                    (sep_big, hmm_tagged_word[0], hmm_tagged_word[1],\
                        gold_tagged_word[1], sep_small))

                    msg("Gold: " + (' '.join([(w[0] + "/" + w[1]) for w in \
                    msg("Mine: " + (' '.join([(w[0] + "/" + w[1]) for w in \

                    # get user input to decide whether to keep going
                    response = raw_input("\n\nEnter to continue, Q to quit: ")

    ######### `PRIVATE' FUNCTIONS #########

    def _adjust_pos(self, sents):
        Insert start markers (word and tag tuple) in each sentence of a list.
        Add any other tags that need adding
        :param sents: list of tagged sentences

        new_sents = []  # initialize array of start-marked sentences

        # loop through tagged sentences
        for sent in sents:
            # add a new start-marked sentence to our array
            new_sents.append([(Tagger.start_tag, Tagger.start_tag)] + sent)

        # make sure our start marker tag gets added to the POS list

        # also take the opportunity to add other tags to the list
        # which we may not have encountered in testing
        for tag in self.tags.rare_tags:
            if tag not in self.pos_tags:

        return new_sents