def abort(self): """This should stop everything.""" acsc.stopBuffer(self.hc, 19) acsc.halt(self.hc, 4) self.acsdaqthread.stop() self.daqthread.clear() self.aborted = True
def abort(self): """This should stop everything.""" print("Aborting turbine tow") self.aborted = True acsc.stopBuffer(self.hc, 19) acsc.halt(self.hc, 0) acsc.halt(self.hc, 1) acsc.halt(self.hc, 4) acsc.halt(self.hc, 5)
def autoabort(self): """This should stop everything and return carriage and turbine back to zero.""" self.autoaborted = True acsc.stopBuffer(self.hc, 19) acsc.halt(self.hc, 0) acsc.halt(self.hc, 1) acsc.halt(self.hc, 4) acsc.halt(self.hc, 5) acsc.toPoint(self.hc, None, 4, 0.0) acsc.setVelocity(self.hc, 5, 0.5) acsc.toPoint(self.hc, None, 5, 0.0)
def on_halt(self): acsc.writeInteger(self.hcomm, "move", 0) acsc.stopBuffer(self.hcomm, 19) acsc.halt(self.hcomm, self.axis)
def on_pbJogPlus_release(self): acsc.halt(self.hcomm, self.axis)