def paintEvent(self, event): """ Reimplementation of paintEvent to allow for style sheets See: """ opt = QtWidgets.QStyleOption() opt.initFrom(self) painter = QtGui.QPainter(self), opt, painter, self) painter.end()
def createIconFromSvg(self, svg, color=None, colorsToBeReplaced=None): """ Creates a QIcon given an SVG string. Optionally replaces the colors in colorsToBeReplaced by color. :param svg: string containing Scalable Vector Graphics XML :param color: '#RRGGBB' string (e.g. '#FF0000' for red) :param colorsToBeReplaced: optional list of colors to be replaced by color If None, it will be set to the fill colors of the snip-icon libary :return: QtGui.QIcon """ if colorsToBeReplaced is None: colorsToBeReplaced = self.colorsToBeReplaced if color: for oldColor in colorsToBeReplaced: svg = svg.replace(oldColor, color) # From qByteArray = QtCore.QByteArray(svg.encode('utf-8')) # qByteArray = QtCore.QByteArray() # the old PyQt way # qByteArray.append(svg) svgRenderer = QtSvg.QSvgRenderer(qByteArray) icon = QtGui.QIcon() for size in self.renderSizes: pixMap = QtGui.QPixmap(QtCore.QSize(size, size)) pixMap.fill(Qt.transparent) pixPainter = QtGui.QPainter(pixMap) pixPainter.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.TextAntialiasing, True) pixPainter.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing, True) svgRenderer.render(pixPainter) pixPainter.end() icon.addPixmap(pixMap) return icon