Пример #1
  def handle_failure(self, msg):
    Log the specified error message and raise an AgentRuntimeException

      msg An error message to be logged and included in the raised exception

      AgentRuntimeException Contains the input error message
    raise AgentRuntimeException(msg)
Пример #2
  def configure_instance_security(self, parameters):
    Setup EC2 security keys and groups. Required input values are read from
    the parameters dictionary. More specifically, this method expects to
    find a 'keyname' parameter and a 'group' parameter in the parameters
    dictionary. Using these provided values, this method will create a new
    EC2 key-pair and a security group. Security group will be granted permissions
    to access any port on the instantiated VMs. (Also see documentation for the
    BaseAgent class)

      parameters  A dictionary of parameters
    keyname = parameters[self.PARAM_KEYNAME]
    #keyname = "stochss-keypair"
    group = parameters[self.PARAM_GROUP]
    #group = "stochss-security-group"

    key_path = '{0}.key'.format(keyname)
    ssh_key = os.path.abspath(key_path)
    utils.log('About to spawn EC2 instances - ' \
              'Expecting to find a key at {0}'.format(ssh_key))
      #return False

      conn = self.open_connection(parameters)
      if os.path.exists(ssh_key):
          utils.log('SSH keys found in the local system - '
                'Not initializing EC2 security')
          utils.log('Creating key pair: ' + keyname)
          key_pair = conn.create_key_pair(keyname)
          utils.write_key_file(ssh_key, key_pair.material)

      security_groups = conn.get_all_security_groups()
      group_exists = False
      for security_group in security_groups:
        if security_group.name == group:
          group_exists = True

      if not group_exists:
        utils.log('Creating security group: ' + group)
        newgroup = conn.create_security_group(group, 'stochSS security group')
        newgroup.authorize('tcp', 22, 22, '')
        newgroup.authorize('tcp', 5672, 5672, '')
        newgroup.authorize('tcp', 6379, 6379, '')
        newgroup.authorize('tcp', 11211, 11211, '')
        newgroup.authorize('tcp', 55672, 55672, '')
      return True
    except EC2ResponseError as exception:
      self.handle_failure('EC2 response error while initializing '
                          'security: ' + exception.error_message)
    except Exception as exception:
      self.handle_failure('Error while initializing EC2 '
                          'security: ' + exception.message)
Пример #3
  def terminate_instances(self, parameters):
    Stop one of more EC2 instances using. The input instance IDs are
    fetched from the 'instance_ids' parameters in the input map. (Also
    see documentation for the BaseAgent class)

      parameters  A dictionary of parameters
    conn = self.open_connection(parameters)
    instance_ids = []
    reservations = conn.get_all_instances()
    instances = [i for r in reservations for i in r.instances]
    for i in instances:
    terminated_instances = conn.terminate_instances(instance_ids)
    for instance in terminated_instances:
      utils.log('Instance {0} was terminated'.format(instance.id))
Пример #4
  def run_instances(self, count, parameters, security_configured):
    Spawns the specified number of EC2 instances using the parameters
    provided. This method is blocking in that it waits until the
    requested VMs are properly booted up. However if the requested
    VMs cannot be procured within 1800 seconds, this method will treat
    it as an error and return. (Also see documentation for the BaseAgent

      count               No. of VMs to spawned
      parameters          A dictionary of parameters. This must contain 'keyname',
                          'group', 'image_id' and 'instance_type' parameters.
      security_configured Uses this boolean value as an heuristic to
                          detect brand new AppScale deployments.

      A tuple of the form (instances, public_ips, private_ips)
    image_id = parameters[self.PARAM_IMAGE_ID]
    instance_type = parameters[self.PARAM_INSTANCE_TYPE]
    keyname = parameters[self.PARAM_KEYNAME]
    group = parameters[self.PARAM_GROUP]
    spot = parameters[self.PARAM_SPOT]

    utils.log('[{0}] [{1}] [{2}] [{3}] [ec2] [{4}] [{5}]'.format(count,
      image_id, instance_type, keyname, group, spot))

    credentials = parameters[self.PARAM_CREDENTIALS]
    creds = parameters['credentials']
    f = open('userfile','w')
    userstr  = """#!/bin/bash \nset -x\nexec > >(tee /var/log/user-data.log|logger -t user-data -s 2>/dev/console) 2>&1\ntouch anand3.txt\necho "testing logfile"\necho BEGIN\ndate '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'\necho END\ntouch anand2.txt\n"""
    userstr+='export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={0}\n'.format(str(credentials['EC2_ACCESS_KEY']))
    userstr+='export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={0}\n'.format( str(credentials['EC2_SECRET_KEY']))
    userstr+='echo export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={0} >> ~/.bashrc\n'.format(str(credentials['EC2_ACCESS_KEY']))
    userstr+='echo export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={0} >> ~/.bashrc\n'.format( str(credentials['EC2_SECRET_KEY']))
    userstr+='echo export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={0} >> /home/ubuntu/.bashrc\n'.format(str(credentials['EC2_ACCESS_KEY']))   
    userstr+='echo export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={0} >> /home/ubuntu/.bashrc\n'.format( str(credentials['EC2_SECRET_KEY']))

    userstr+='export STOCHKIT_HOME={0}\n'.format('/home/ubuntu/StochKit/')
    userstr+='export STOCHKIT_ODE={0}\n'.format('/home/ubuntu/ode/')
    userstr+='echo export STOCHKIT_HOME={0} >> ~/.bashrc\n'.format("/home/ubuntu/StochKit/")
    userstr+='echo export STOCHKIT_HOME={0} >> /home/ubuntu/.bashrc\n'.format("/home/ubuntu/StochKit/")
    userstr+='echo export STOCHKIT_ODE={0} >> ~/.bashrc\n'.format("/home/ubuntu/ode/")
    userstr+='echo export STOCHKIT_ODE={0} >> /home/ubuntu/.bashrc\n'.format("/home/ubuntu/ode/")
    userstr+='source ~/.bashrc \n'
    userstr+='source /home/ubuntu/.bashrc \n'
    userstr+="nohup celery -A tasks worker --autoreload --loglevel=info -n {0} --workdir /home/ubuntu > /home/ubuntu/nohup.log 2>&1 & \n".format(str(uuid.uuid4()))
    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    active_public_ips = []
    active_private_ips = []
    active_instances = []

      attempts = 1
      while True:
        instance_info = self.describe_instances_old(parameters)
        active_public_ips = instance_info[0]
        active_private_ips = instance_info[1]
        active_instances = instance_info[2]

        # If security has been configured on this agent just now,
        # that's an indication that this is a fresh cloud deployment.
        # As such it's not expected to have any running VMs.
        if len(active_instances) > 0 or security_configured:
        elif attempts == self.DESCRIBE_INSTANCES_RETRY_COUNT:
          self.handle_failure('Failed to invoke describe_instances')
        attempts += 1

      conn = self.open_connection(parameters)
      if spot == 'True':
        price = parameters[self.PARAM_SPOT_PRICE]
        conn.request_spot_instances(str(price), image_id, key_name=keyname,
          security_groups=[group], instance_type=instance_type, count=count, user_data = userstr)
        conn.run_instances(image_id, count, count, key_name=keyname,
          security_groups=[group], instance_type=instance_type, user_data=userstr)

      instance_ids = []
      public_ips = []
      private_ips = []
      end_time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(0,
      now = datetime.datetime.now()

      while now < end_time:
        time_left = (end_time - now).seconds
        utils.log('[{0}] {1} seconds left...'.format(now, time_left))
        instance_info = self.describe_instances_old(parameters)
        public_ips = instance_info[0]
        private_ips = instance_info[1]
        instance_ids = instance_info[2]
        public_ips = utils.diff(public_ips, active_public_ips)
        private_ips = utils.diff(private_ips, active_private_ips)
        instance_ids = utils.diff(instance_ids, active_instances)
        if count == len(public_ips):
        now = datetime.datetime.now()

      if not public_ips:
        self.handle_failure('No public IPs were able to be procured '
                            'within the time limit')

      if len(public_ips) != count:
        for index in range(0, len(public_ips)):
          if public_ips[index] == '':
            instance_to_term = instance_ids[index]
            utils.log('Instance {0} failed to get a public IP address and' \
                      ' is being terminated'.format(instance_to_term))

      end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
      total_time = end_time - start_time
      if spot:
        utils.log('TIMING: It took {0} seconds to spawn {1} spot ' \
                  'instances'.format(total_time.seconds, count))
        utils.log('TIMING: It took {0} seconds to spawn {1} ' \
                  'regular instances'.format(total_time.seconds, count))
        utils.log('Creating Alarms for the instances')
        for machineid in instance_ids:
            self.make_sleepy(parameters, machineid)   
      return instance_ids, public_ips, private_ips
    except EC2ResponseError as exception:
      self.handle_failure('EC2 response error while starting VMs: ' +
    except Exception as exception:
      if isinstance(exception, AgentRuntimeException):
        raise exception
        self.handle_failure('Error while starting VMs: ' + exception.message)