Пример #1
class NPuzzle(Problem):
    NPuzzle - Problem representation for an N-tile puzzle
    Provides implementations for Problem actions specific to N tile puzzles.
    def __init__(self, n, force_state=None, **kwargs):
        """"__init__(n, force_state, **kwargs)
        NPuzzle constructor.  Creates an initial TileBoard of size n.
        If force_state is not None, the puzzle is initialized to the
        specified state instead of being generated randomly.
        The parent's class constructor is then called with the TileBoard
        instance any any remaining arguments captured in **kwargs.

        # Note on **kwargs:
        # **kwargs is Python construct that captures any remaining arguments
        # into a dictionary.  The dictionary can be accessed like any other
        # dictionary, e.g. kwargs["keyname"], or passed to another function
        # as if each entry was a keyword argument:
        #    e.g. foobar(arg1, arg2, …, argn, **kwargs).

        self.size = n
        self.tileBoard = TileBoard(self.size, False, force_state)
                         **kwargs)  #call parent class with tileboard?


    def getInitialBoardState(self):
        return self.tileBoard.state_tuple()

    def generateDebugBoard(self, state):
        return TileBoard(self.size, False, state)

    def actions(self, state):
        "actions(state) - find a set of actions applicable to specified state"
        actionBoard = TileBoard(self.size, False, state)
        actions = actionBoard.get_actions()
        return actions

    def result(self, state, action):
        "result(state, action)- apply action to state and return new state"
        actionBoard = TileBoard(self.size, False, state)
        newboard = actionBoard.move(action)
        return newboard.state_tuple()

    def goal_test(self, state):
        "goal_test(state) - Is state a goal?"
        testBoard = TileBoard(self.size, False, state)
        if (testBoard.solved()):
            return True
            return False
Пример #2
def driver():
    start_overall_time = tic()
    sec_per_min = 60.0
    number_of_tileboard_instances = 2
    puzzle_size = 8
    methods = [BreadthFirst, DepthFirst, Manhattan]
    list_of_paths = list()
    list_of_number_of_nodes_explored = list()
    list_of_times = list()

    for n in range(number_of_tileboard_instances):
        board = TileBoard(puzzle_size)
        state_tuple = board.state_tuple(
        )  # do this becuase we din't want to modify the original board
        for method in methods:
            puzzle = NPuzzle(puzzle_size,
            (list_of_paths[n], list_of_number_of_nodes_explored[n],
             list_of_times[n]) = solve(puzzle)
Пример #3
def driver():
    manTime = [] 
    manLength = []
    manNodes = []
    depTime = []
    depLength = []
    depNodes = []
    breadTime = []
    breadLength = []
    breadNodes = []
    for i in range(0,31):
        tb = TileBoard(8)
        #starting with manhattan
        manprobs = NPuzzle(8,tb.state_tuple(),g=Manhattan.g,h=Manhattan.h)
        curTime = tic() #current time
        manList = graph_search(manprobs) #CONSIDER OTHER PARAMETERS LATER
        #depth_first search
        depprobs = NPuzzle(8,tb.state_tuple(),g=DepthFirst.g,h=DepthFirst.h)
        curTime = tic() #current time
        depList = graph_search(depprobs) #CONSIDER OTHER PARAMETERS LATER
        #breadth_first search
        breadprobs = NPuzzle(8,tb.state_tuple(),g=BreadthFirst.g,h=BreadthFirst.h)
        curTime = tic() #current time
        breadList = graph_search(breadprobs) #CONSIDER OTHER PARAMETERS LATER
    #calculate mean and stdevs for each list generated at beginning
    #manhattan statistics
    meanmantime = mean(manTime)
    stdmantime = stdev(manTime,meanmantime)
    meanmanlength = mean(manLength)
    stdmanlength = stdev(manLength,meanmanlength)
    meanmannodes = mean(manNodes)
    stdmannodes = stdev(manNodes,meanmannodes)

    #depth-first statistics
    meandeptime = mean(depTime)
    stddeptime = stdev(depTime)
    meandeplength = mean(depLength)
    stddeplength = stdev(depLength)
    meandepnodes = mean(depNodes)
    stddepnodes = stdev(depNodes)
    #breadth-first statistics
    meanbreadtime = mean(breadTime)
    stdbreadtime = stdev(breadTime)
    meanbreadlength = mean(breadLength)
    stdbreadlength = stdev(breadLength)
    meanbreadnodes = mean(breadNodes)
    stdbreadnodes = stdev(breadNodes)
    print("Manhattan Statistics - Mean Time: ", meanmantime, "StDev Time: ", stdmantime)
    print("Manhattan Statistics - Mean Length: ", meanmanlength, "StDev Length: ", stdmanlength)
    print("Manhattan Statistics - Mean Nodes: ", meanmannodes, "StDev Nodes: ", stdmannodes)

    print("Depth-First Statistics - Mean Time: ", meandeptime, "StDev Time: ", stddeptime)
    print("Depth-First Statistics - Mean Length: ", meandeplength, "StDev Length: ", stddeplength)
    print("Depth-First Statistics - Mean Nodes: ", meandepnodes, "StDev Nodes: ", stddepnodes)
    print("Breadth-First Statistics - Mean Time: ", meanbreadtime, "StDev Time: ", stdbreadtime)
    print("Breadth-First Statistics - Mean Length: ", meanbreadlength, "StDev Length: ", stdbreadlength)
    print("Breadth-First Statistics - Mean Nodes: ", meanbreadnodes, "StDev Nodes: ", stdbreadnodes)    
Пример #4
def driver() :
    bfsLengthList = []
    bfsNodesExpandedList = []
    bfsTimeList = []

    dfsLengthList = []
    dfsNodesExpandedList = []
    dfsTimeList = []

    manLengthList = []
    manNodesExpandedList = []
    manTimeList = []

    for i in range(2):      #change back to 31
        tempBoard = TileBoard(8)        #force_state=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,None)

        #Breadth First Search
        bfs = NPuzzle(8,g=BreadthFirst.g,force_state=tempBoard.state_tuple())
        tempTimer = Timer()
        path,numNodes = graph_search(bfs, verbose=True)

        #Depth First Search
        dfs = NPuzzle(8,g=DepthFirst.g,force_state=tempBoard.state_tuple())
        tempTimer = Timer()
        path,numNodes = graph_search(dfs, verbose=True)

        #Manhattan Search
        manhattan = NPuzzle(8, h=Manhattan.h, force_state=tempBoard.state_tuple())
        tempTimer = Timer()
        path, numNodes = graph_search(manhattan, verbose=True)

    print("BFS Average Path Length:",mean(bfsLengthList))
    print("BFS Average Nodes Expanded:",mean(bfsNodesExpandedList))
    print("BFS Average Time Elapsed:",mean(bfsTimeList))

    print("DFS Average Path Length:", mean(dfsLengthList))
    print("DFS Average Nodes Expanded:",mean(dfsNodesExpandedList))
    print("DFS Average Time Elapsed:",mean(dfsTimeList))

    print("Manhattan Average Path Length:", mean(manLengthList))
    print("Manhattan Average Nodes Expanded:", mean(manNodesExpandedList))
    print("Manhattan Average Time Elapsed:", mean(manTimeList))

    print("BFS Standard Deviation Path Length:", stdev(bfsLengthList))
    print("BFS Standard Deviation Nodes Expanded:", stdev(bfsNodesExpandedList))
    print("BFS Standard Deviation Time Elapsed:", stdev(bfsTimeList))
    print("DFS Standard Deviation Path Length:", stdev(dfsLengthList))
    print("DFS Standard Deviation Nodes Expanded:", stdev(dfsNodesExpandedList))
    print("DFS Standard Deviation Time Elapsed:", stdev(dfsTimeList))

    print("Manhattan Standard Deviation Path Length:", stdev(manLengthList))
    print("Manhattan Standard Deviation Nodes Expanded:", stdev(manNodesExpandedList))
    print("Manhattan Standard Deviation Time Elapsed:", stdev(manTimeList))
Пример #5
class NPuzzle(Problem):
    NPuzzle - Problem representation for an N-tile puzzle
    Provides implementations for Problem actions specific to N tile puzzles.
    def __init__(self, n, force_state=None, **kwargs):
        """"__init__(n, force_state, **kwargs)
        NPuzzle constructor.  Creates an initial TileBoard of size n.
        If force_state is not None, the puzzle is initialized to the
        specified state instead of being generated randomly.
        The parent's class constructor is then called with the TileBoard
        instance and any remaining arguments captured in **kwargs.

        # Instantiate Tileboard
        self.puzzle = TileBoard(n, force_state=force_state)

        # Initialize parent class
        super().__init__(self.puzzle.state_tuple(), self.puzzle.goals,
                         kwargs["g"], kwargs["h"])

        # Note on **kwargs:
        # **kwargs is Python construct that captures any remaining arguments
        # into a dictionary.  The dictionary can be accessed like any other
        # dictionary, e.g. kwargs["keyname"], or passed to another function
        # as if each entry was a keyword argument:
        #    e.g. foobar(arg1, arg2, …, argn, **kwargs).

    def actions(self, state):
        """actions(state) - find a set of actions applicable to specified state"""
        # Convert state tuple to 2D list
        boarddims = [self.puzzle.get_rows(), self.puzzle.get_cols()]
        state_list = [
            state[i:i + boarddims[0]]
            for i in range(0, len(state), boarddims[0])

        # Find empty tile coordinates
        found = False
        for y in range(len(state_list)):
            for x in range(len(state_list[y])):
                if state_list[y][x] is None:
                    empty = [y, x]
                    found = True
            if found:

        actions = []  # Initialize empty list for actions

        for dim in [0, 1]:  # rows, then columns
            # Append offsets to the actions list,
            # e.g. move left --> (0, -1)
            #      move down --> (1, 0)
            # Note that when we append to the list of actions,
            # we use list( ) to make a copy of the list, otherwise
            # we just get a pointer to it and modification of offset
            # will change copies in the list.
            offset = [0, 0]
            # Add if we don't go off the top or left
            if empty[dim] - 1 >= 0:
                offset[dim] = -1
            # Append if we don't go off the bottom or right
            if empty[dim] + 1 < boarddims[dim]:
                offset[dim] = 1

        return actions

    def result(self, state, action):
        """result(state, action)- apply action to state and return new state"""
        # Convert tuple into 2D list
        n = self.puzzle.get_rows()
        state_list = [list(state[i:i + n]) for i in range(0, len(state), n)]

        # Find empty tile coordinates
        r = c = 0
        found = False
        for y in range(len(state_list)):
            for x in range(len(state_list[y])):
                if state_list[y][x] is None:
                    r, c = y, x
                    found = True
            if found:

        [delta_r, delta_c] = action

        # Validate actions
        rprime = r + delta_r
        cprime = c + delta_c
        if rprime < 0 or cprime < 0 or \
                rprime >= n or cprime >= n:
            raise ValueError("Illegal move (%d,%d) from (%d,%d)" %
                             (delta_r, delta_c, r, c))

        # Apply move offset accordingly
        if delta_r != 0:
            # Move up or down
            state_list[r][c] = state_list[rprime][c]
            state_list[rprime][c] = None
        elif delta_c != 0:
            # Move left or right
            state_list[r][c] = state_list[r][cprime]
            state_list[r][cprime] = None

        # Create new state after moving empty
        new_state = [item for sublist in state_list for item in sublist]
        # Convert to tuple (hashable) and return
        return tuple(new_state)

    def goal_test(self, state):
        """goal_test(state) - Is state a goal?"""
        # If state is in puzzle goals, return True
        goal = state in self.puzzle.goals
        return goal

    def value(self, state):