Пример #1
def standalone_comment_split(
    line: Line, features: Collection[Feature] = ()
) -> Iterator[Line]:
    """Split standalone comments from the rest of the line."""
    if not line.contains_standalone_comments(0):
        raise CannotSplit("Line does not have any standalone comments")

    current_line = Line(
        mode=line.mode, depth=line.depth, inside_brackets=line.inside_brackets

    def append_to_line(leaf: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Append `leaf` to current line or to new line if appending impossible."""
        nonlocal current_line
            current_line.append_safe(leaf, preformatted=True)
        except ValueError:
            yield current_line

            current_line = Line(
                line.mode, depth=line.depth, inside_brackets=line.inside_brackets

    for leaf in line.leaves:
        yield from append_to_line(leaf)

        for comment_after in line.comments_after(leaf):
            yield from append_to_line(comment_after)

    if current_line:
        yield current_line
Пример #2
    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        """You are in a twisty little maze of passages."""
        self.current_line = Line(mode=self.mode)

        v = self.visit_stmt
        Ø: Set[str] = set()
        self.visit_assert_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"assert"}, parens={"assert", ","})
        self.visit_if_stmt = partial(
            v, keywords={"if", "else", "elif"}, parens={"if", "elif"}
        self.visit_while_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"while", "else"}, parens={"while"})
        self.visit_for_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"for", "else"}, parens={"for", "in"})
        self.visit_try_stmt = partial(
            v, keywords={"try", "except", "else", "finally"}, parens=Ø
        self.visit_except_clause = partial(v, keywords={"except"}, parens=Ø)
        self.visit_with_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"with"}, parens=Ø)
        self.visit_funcdef = partial(v, keywords={"def"}, parens=Ø)
        self.visit_classdef = partial(v, keywords={"class"}, parens=Ø)
        self.visit_expr_stmt = partial(v, keywords=Ø, parens=ASSIGNMENTS)
        self.visit_return_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"return"}, parens={"return"})
        self.visit_import_from = partial(v, keywords=Ø, parens={"import"})
        self.visit_del_stmt = partial(v, keywords=Ø, parens={"del"})
        self.visit_async_funcdef = self.visit_async_stmt
        self.visit_decorated = self.visit_decorators

        # PEP 634
        self.visit_match_stmt = self.visit_match_case
        self.visit_case_block = self.visit_match_case
Пример #3
    def append_to_line(leaf: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Append `leaf` to current line or to new line if appending impossible."""
        nonlocal current_line
            current_line.append_safe(leaf, preformatted=True)
        except ValueError:
            yield current_line

            current_line = Line(
                line.mode, depth=line.depth, inside_brackets=line.inside_brackets
Пример #4
def bracket_split_build_line(
    leaves: List[Leaf], original: Line, opening_bracket: Leaf, *, is_body: bool = False
) -> Line:
    """Return a new line with given `leaves` and respective comments from `original`.

    If `is_body` is True, the result line is one-indented inside brackets and as such
    has its first leaf's prefix normalized and a trailing comma added when expected.
    result = Line(mode=original.mode, depth=original.depth)
    if is_body:
        result.inside_brackets = True
        result.depth += 1
        if leaves:
            # Since body is a new indent level, remove spurious leading whitespace.
            normalize_prefix(leaves[0], inside_brackets=True)
            # Ensure a trailing comma for imports and standalone function arguments, but
            # be careful not to add one after any comments or within type annotations.
            no_commas = (
                and opening_bracket.value == "("
                and not any(leaf.type == token.COMMA for leaf in leaves)
                # In particular, don't add one within a parenthesized return annotation.
                # Unfortunately the indicator we're in a return annotation (RARROW) may
                # be defined directly in the parent node, the parent of the parent ...
                # and so on depending on how complex the return annotation is.
                # This isn't perfect and there's some false negatives but they are in
                # contexts were a comma is actually fine.
                and not any(
                    node.prev_sibling.type == RARROW
                    for node in (
                        getattr(leaves[0].parent, "parent", None),
                    if isinstance(node, Node) and isinstance(node.prev_sibling, Leaf)

            if original.is_import or no_commas:
                for i in range(len(leaves) - 1, -1, -1):
                    if leaves[i].type == STANDALONE_COMMENT:

                    if leaves[i].type != token.COMMA:
                        new_comma = Leaf(token.COMMA, ",")
                        leaves.insert(i + 1, new_comma)

    # Populate the line
    for leaf in leaves:
        result.append(leaf, preformatted=True)
        for comment_after in original.comments_after(leaf):
            result.append(comment_after, preformatted=True)
    if is_body and should_split_line(result, opening_bracket):
        result.should_split_rhs = True
    return result
Пример #5
    def line(self, indent: int = 0) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Generate a line.

        If the line is empty, only emit if it makes sense.
        If the line is too long, split it first and then generate.

        If any lines were generated, set up a new current_line.
        if not self.current_line:
            self.current_line.depth += indent
            return  # Line is empty, don't emit. Creating a new one unnecessary.

        complete_line = self.current_line
        self.current_line = Line(mode=self.mode, depth=complete_line.depth + indent)
        yield complete_line
Пример #6
def _format_str_once(src_contents: str, *, mode: Mode) -> str:
    src_node = lib2to3_parse(src_contents.lstrip(), mode.target_versions)
    dst_contents = []
    future_imports = get_future_imports(src_node)
    if mode.target_versions:
        versions = mode.target_versions
        versions = detect_target_versions(src_node,

    normalize_fmt_off(src_node, preview=mode.preview)
    lines = LineGenerator(mode=mode)
    elt = EmptyLineTracker(is_pyi=mode.is_pyi)
    empty_line = Line(mode=mode)
    after = 0
    split_line_features = {
        for feature in
        if supports_feature(versions, feature)
    for current_line in lines.visit(src_node):
        dst_contents.append(str(empty_line) * after)
        before, after = elt.maybe_empty_lines(current_line)
        dst_contents.append(str(empty_line) * before)
        for line in transform_line(current_line,
    return "".join(dst_contents)
Пример #7
def format_str(src_contents: str, *, mode: Mode) -> FileContent:
    """Reformat a string and return new contents.

    `mode` determines formatting options, such as how many characters per line are
    allowed.  Example:

    >>> import black
    >>> print(black.format_str("def f(arg:str='')->None:...", mode=black.Mode()))
    def f(arg: str = "") -> None:

    A more complex example:

    >>> print(
    ...   black.format_str(
    ...     "def f(arg:str='')->None: hey",
    ...     mode=black.Mode(
    ...       target_versions={black.TargetVersion.PY36},
    ...       line_length=10,
    ...       string_normalization=False,
    ...       is_pyi=False,
    ...     ),
    ...   ),
    ... )
    def f(
        arg: str = '',
    ) -> None:

    src_node = lib2to3_parse(src_contents.lstrip(), mode.target_versions)
    dst_contents = []
    future_imports = get_future_imports(src_node)
    if mode.target_versions:
        versions = mode.target_versions
        versions = detect_target_versions(src_node)
    lines = LineGenerator(
        remove_u_prefix="unicode_literals" in future_imports
        or supports_feature(versions, Feature.UNICODE_LITERALS),
    elt = EmptyLineTracker(is_pyi=mode.is_pyi)
    empty_line = Line(mode=mode)
    after = 0
    split_line_features = {
        for feature in {Feature.TRAILING_COMMA_IN_CALL, Feature.TRAILING_COMMA_IN_DEF}
        if supports_feature(versions, feature)
    for current_line in lines.visit(src_node):
        dst_contents.append(str(empty_line) * after)
        before, after = elt.maybe_empty_lines(current_line)
        dst_contents.append(str(empty_line) * before)
        for line in transform_line(
            current_line, mode=mode, features=split_line_features
    return "".join(dst_contents)
Пример #8
def run_transformer(
    line: Line,
    transform: Transformer,
    mode: Mode,
    features: Collection[Feature],
    line_str: str = "",
) -> List[Line]:
    if not line_str:
        line_str = line_to_string(line)
    result: List[Line] = []
    for transformed_line in transform(line, features):
        if str(transformed_line).strip("\n") == line_str:
            raise CannotTransform(
                "Line transformer returned an unchanged result")

            transform_line(transformed_line, mode=mode, features=features))

    if (transform.__class__.__name__ != "rhs"
            or not line.bracket_tracker.invisible
            or any(bracket.value for bracket in line.bracket_tracker.invisible)
            or line.contains_multiline_strings()
            or result[0].contains_uncollapsable_type_comments()
            or result[0].contains_unsplittable_type_ignore()
            or is_line_short_enough(result[0], line_length=mode.line_length)
            # If any leaves have no parents (which _can_ occur since
            # `transform(line)` potentially destroys the line's underlying node
            # structure), then we can't proceed. Doing so would cause the below
            # call to `append_leaves()` to fail.
            or any(leaf.parent is None for leaf in line.leaves)):
        return result

    line_copy = line.clone()
    append_leaves(line_copy, line, line.leaves)
    features_fop = set(features) | {Feature.FORCE_OPTIONAL_PARENTHESES}
    second_opinion = run_transformer(line_copy,
    if all(
            is_line_short_enough(ln, line_length=mode.line_length)
            for ln in second_opinion):
        result = second_opinion
    return result
Пример #9
def run_transformer(
    line: Line,
    transform: Transformer,
    mode: Mode,
    features: Collection[Feature],
    line_str: str = "",
) -> List[Line]:
    if not line_str:
        line_str = line_to_string(line)
    result: List[Line] = []
    for transformed_line in transform(line, features):
        if str(transformed_line).strip("\n") == line_str:
            raise CannotTransform(
                "Line transformer returned an unchanged result")

            transform_line(transformed_line, mode=mode, features=features))

    if not (transform.__name__ == "rhs" and line.bracket_tracker.invisible
            and not any(bracket.value
                        for bracket in line.bracket_tracker.invisible)
            and not line.contains_multiline_strings()
            and not result[0].contains_uncollapsable_type_comments()
            and not result[0].contains_unsplittable_type_ignore() and
            not is_line_short_enough(result[0], line_length=mode.line_length)):
        return result

    line_copy = line.clone()
    append_leaves(line_copy, line, line.leaves)
    features_fop = set(features) | {Feature.FORCE_OPTIONAL_PARENTHESES}
    second_opinion = run_transformer(line_copy,
    if all(
            is_line_short_enough(ln, line_length=mode.line_length)
            for ln in second_opinion):
        result = second_opinion
    return result
Пример #10
def bracket_split_build_line(leaves: List[Leaf],
                             original: Line,
                             opening_bracket: Leaf,
                             is_body: bool = False) -> Line:
    """Return a new line with given `leaves` and respective comments from `original`.

    If `is_body` is True, the result line is one-indented inside brackets and as such
    has its first leaf's prefix normalized and a trailing comma added when expected.
    result = Line(mode=original.mode, depth=original.depth)
    if is_body:
        result.inside_brackets = True
        result.depth += 1
        if leaves:
            # Since body is a new indent level, remove spurious leading whitespace.
            normalize_prefix(leaves[0], inside_brackets=True)
            # Ensure a trailing comma for imports and standalone function arguments, but
            # be careful not to add one after any comments or within type annotations.
            no_commas = (original.is_def and opening_bracket.value == "("
                         and not any(leaf.type == token.COMMA
                                     for leaf in leaves))

            if original.is_import or no_commas:
                for i in range(len(leaves) - 1, -1, -1):
                    if leaves[i].type == STANDALONE_COMMENT:

                    if leaves[i].type != token.COMMA and not original.is_import:
                        new_comma = Leaf(token.COMMA, ",")
                        leaves.insert(i + 1, new_comma)

    # Populate the line
    for leaf in leaves:
        result.append(leaf, preformatted=True)
        for comment_after in original.comments_after(leaf):
            result.append(comment_after, preformatted=True)
    if is_body and should_split_line(result, opening_bracket):
        result.should_split_rhs = True
    return result
Пример #11
def generate_trailers_to_omit(line: Line, line_length: int) -> Iterator[Set[LeafID]]:
    """Generate sets of closing bracket IDs that should be omitted in a RHS.

    Brackets can be omitted if the entire trailer up to and including
    a preceding closing bracket fits in one line.

    Yielded sets are cumulative (contain results of previous yields, too).  First
    set is empty, unless the line should explode, in which case bracket pairs until
    the one that needs to explode are omitted.

    omit: Set[LeafID] = set()
    if not line.magic_trailing_comma:
        yield omit

    length = 4 * line.depth
    opening_bracket: Optional[Leaf] = None
    closing_bracket: Optional[Leaf] = None
    inner_brackets: Set[LeafID] = set()
    for index, leaf, leaf_length in line.enumerate_with_length(reversed=True):
        length += leaf_length
        if length > line_length:

        has_inline_comment = leaf_length > len(leaf.value) + len(leaf.prefix)
        if leaf.type == STANDALONE_COMMENT or has_inline_comment:

        if opening_bracket:
            if leaf is opening_bracket:
                opening_bracket = None
            elif leaf.type in CLOSING_BRACKETS:
                prev = line.leaves[index - 1] if index > 0 else None
                if (
                    and prev.type == token.COMMA
                    and leaf.opening_bracket is not None
                    and not is_one_tuple_between(
                        leaf.opening_bracket, leaf, line.leaves
                    # Never omit bracket pairs with trailing commas.
                    # We need to explode on those.

        elif leaf.type in CLOSING_BRACKETS:
            prev = line.leaves[index - 1] if index > 0 else None
            if prev and prev.type in OPENING_BRACKETS:
                # Empty brackets would fail a split so treat them as "inner"
                # brackets (e.g. only add them to the `omit` set if another
                # pair of brackets was good enough.

            if closing_bracket:
                yield omit

            if (
                and prev.type == token.COMMA
                and leaf.opening_bracket is not None
                and not is_one_tuple_between(leaf.opening_bracket, leaf, line.leaves)
                # Never omit bracket pairs with trailing commas.
                # We need to explode on those.

            if leaf.value:
                opening_bracket = leaf.opening_bracket
                closing_bracket = leaf
Пример #12
def delimiter_split(line: Line, features: Collection[Feature] = ()) -> Iterator[Line]:
    """Split according to delimiters of the highest priority.

    If the appropriate Features are given, the split will add trailing commas
    also in function signatures and calls that contain `*` and `**`.
        last_leaf = line.leaves[-1]
    except IndexError:
        raise CannotSplit("Line empty") from None

    bt = line.bracket_tracker
        delimiter_priority = bt.max_delimiter_priority(exclude={id(last_leaf)})
    except ValueError:
        raise CannotSplit("No delimiters found") from None

    if delimiter_priority == DOT_PRIORITY:
        if bt.delimiter_count_with_priority(delimiter_priority) == 1:
            raise CannotSplit("Splitting a single attribute from its owner looks wrong")

    current_line = Line(
        mode=line.mode, depth=line.depth, inside_brackets=line.inside_brackets
    lowest_depth = sys.maxsize
    trailing_comma_safe = True

    def append_to_line(leaf: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Append `leaf` to current line or to new line if appending impossible."""
        nonlocal current_line
            current_line.append_safe(leaf, preformatted=True)
        except ValueError:
            yield current_line

            current_line = Line(
                mode=line.mode, depth=line.depth, inside_brackets=line.inside_brackets

    for leaf in line.leaves:
        yield from append_to_line(leaf)

        for comment_after in line.comments_after(leaf):
            yield from append_to_line(comment_after)

        lowest_depth = min(lowest_depth, leaf.bracket_depth)
        if leaf.bracket_depth == lowest_depth:
            if is_vararg(leaf, within={syms.typedargslist}):
                trailing_comma_safe = (
                    trailing_comma_safe and Feature.TRAILING_COMMA_IN_DEF in features
            elif is_vararg(leaf, within={syms.arglist, syms.argument}):
                trailing_comma_safe = (
                    trailing_comma_safe and Feature.TRAILING_COMMA_IN_CALL in features

        leaf_priority = bt.delimiters.get(id(leaf))
        if leaf_priority == delimiter_priority:
            yield current_line

            current_line = Line(
                mode=line.mode, depth=line.depth, inside_brackets=line.inside_brackets
    if current_line:
        if (
            and delimiter_priority == COMMA_PRIORITY
            and current_line.leaves[-1].type != token.COMMA
            and current_line.leaves[-1].type != STANDALONE_COMMENT
            new_comma = Leaf(token.COMMA, ",")
        yield current_line
Пример #13
class LineGenerator(Visitor[Line]):
    """Generates reformatted Line objects.  Empty lines are not emitted.

    Note: destroys the tree it's visiting by mutating prefixes of its leaves
    in ways that will no longer stringify to valid Python code on the tree.

    def __init__(self, mode: Mode) -> None:
        self.mode = mode
        self.current_line: Line

    def line(self, indent: int = 0) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Generate a line.

        If the line is empty, only emit if it makes sense.
        If the line is too long, split it first and then generate.

        If any lines were generated, set up a new current_line.
        if not self.current_line:
            self.current_line.depth += indent
            return  # Line is empty, don't emit. Creating a new one unnecessary.

        complete_line = self.current_line
        self.current_line = Line(mode=self.mode, depth=complete_line.depth + indent)
        yield complete_line

    def visit_default(self, node: LN) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Default `visit_*()` implementation. Recurses to children of `node`."""
        if isinstance(node, Leaf):
            any_open_brackets = self.current_line.bracket_tracker.any_open_brackets()
            for comment in generate_comments(node):
                if any_open_brackets:
                    # any comment within brackets is subject to splitting
                elif comment.type == token.COMMENT:
                    # regular trailing comment
                    yield from self.line()

                    # regular standalone comment
                    yield from self.line()

                    yield from self.line()

            normalize_prefix(node, inside_brackets=any_open_brackets)
            if self.mode.string_normalization and node.type == token.STRING:
                node.value = normalize_string_prefix(node.value)
                node.value = normalize_string_quotes(node.value)
            if node.type == token.NUMBER:
            if node.type not in WHITESPACE:
        yield from super().visit_default(node)

    def visit_INDENT(self, node: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Increase indentation level, maybe yield a line."""
        # In blib2to3 INDENT never holds comments.
        yield from self.line(+1)
        yield from self.visit_default(node)

    def visit_DEDENT(self, node: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Decrease indentation level, maybe yield a line."""
        # The current line might still wait for trailing comments.  At DEDENT time
        # there won't be any (they would be prefixes on the preceding NEWLINE).
        # Emit the line then.
        yield from self.line()

        # While DEDENT has no value, its prefix may contain standalone comments
        # that belong to the current indentation level.  Get 'em.
        yield from self.visit_default(node)

        # Finally, emit the dedent.
        yield from self.line(-1)

    def visit_stmt(
        self, node: Node, keywords: Set[str], parens: Set[str]
    ) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Visit a statement.

        This implementation is shared for `if`, `while`, `for`, `try`, `except`,
        `def`, `with`, `class`, `assert`, and assignments.

        The relevant Python language `keywords` for a given statement will be
        NAME leaves within it. This methods puts those on a separate line.

        `parens` holds a set of string leaf values immediately after which
        invisible parens should be put.
        normalize_invisible_parens(node, parens_after=parens)
        for child in node.children:
            if is_name_token(child) and child.value in keywords:
                yield from self.line()

            yield from self.visit(child)

    def visit_match_case(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Visit either a match or case statement."""
        normalize_invisible_parens(node, parens_after=set())

        yield from self.line()
        for child in node.children:
            yield from self.visit(child)

    def visit_suite(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Visit a suite."""
        if self.mode.is_pyi and is_stub_suite(node):
            yield from self.visit(node.children[2])
            yield from self.visit_default(node)

    def visit_simple_stmt(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Visit a statement without nested statements."""
        prev_type: Optional[int] = None
        for child in node.children:
            if (prev_type is None or prev_type == token.SEMI) and is_arith_like(child):
                wrap_in_parentheses(node, child, visible=False)
            prev_type = child.type

        is_suite_like = node.parent and node.parent.type in STATEMENT
        if is_suite_like:
            if self.mode.is_pyi and is_stub_body(node):
                yield from self.visit_default(node)
                yield from self.line(+1)
                yield from self.visit_default(node)
                yield from self.line(-1)

            if (
                not self.mode.is_pyi
                or not node.parent
                or not is_stub_suite(node.parent)
                yield from self.line()
            yield from self.visit_default(node)

    def visit_async_stmt(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Visit `async def`, `async for`, `async with`."""
        yield from self.line()

        children = iter(node.children)
        for child in children:
            yield from self.visit(child)

            if child.type == token.ASYNC:

        internal_stmt = next(children)
        for child in internal_stmt.children:
            yield from self.visit(child)

    def visit_decorators(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Visit decorators."""
        for child in node.children:
            yield from self.line()
            yield from self.visit(child)

    def visit_power(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]:
        for idx, leaf in enumerate(node.children[:-1]):
            next_leaf = node.children[idx + 1]

            if not isinstance(leaf, Leaf):

            value = leaf.value.lower()
            if (
                leaf.type == token.NUMBER
                and next_leaf.type == syms.trailer
                # Ensure that we are in an attribute trailer
                and next_leaf.children[0].type == token.DOT
                # It shouldn't wrap hexadecimal, binary and octal literals
                and not value.startswith(("0x", "0b", "0o"))
                # It shouldn't wrap complex literals
                and "j" not in value
                wrap_in_parentheses(node, leaf)

        yield from self.visit_default(node)

    def visit_SEMI(self, leaf: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Remove a semicolon and put the other statement on a separate line."""
        yield from self.line()

    def visit_ENDMARKER(self, leaf: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """End of file. Process outstanding comments and end with a newline."""
        yield from self.visit_default(leaf)
        yield from self.line()

    def visit_STANDALONE_COMMENT(self, leaf: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
        if not self.current_line.bracket_tracker.any_open_brackets():
            yield from self.line()
        yield from self.visit_default(leaf)

    def visit_factor(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Force parentheses between a unary op and a binary power:

        -2 ** 8 -> -(2 ** 8)
        _operator, operand = node.children
        if (
            operand.type == syms.power
            and len(operand.children) == 3
            and operand.children[1].type == token.DOUBLESTAR
            lpar = Leaf(token.LPAR, "(")
            rpar = Leaf(token.RPAR, ")")
            index = operand.remove() or 0
            node.insert_child(index, Node(syms.atom, [lpar, operand, rpar]))
        yield from self.visit_default(node)

    def visit_STRING(self, leaf: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
        if is_docstring(leaf) and "\\\n" not in leaf.value:
            # We're ignoring docstrings with backslash newline escapes because changing
            # indentation of those changes the AST representation of the code.
            docstring = normalize_string_prefix(leaf.value)
            prefix = get_string_prefix(docstring)
            docstring = docstring[len(prefix) :]  # Remove the prefix
            quote_char = docstring[0]
            # A natural way to remove the outer quotes is to do:
            #   docstring = docstring.strip(quote_char)
            # but that breaks on """""x""" (which is '""x').
            # So we actually need to remove the first character and the next two
            # characters but only if they are the same as the first.
            quote_len = 1 if docstring[1] != quote_char else 3
            docstring = docstring[quote_len:-quote_len]
            docstring_started_empty = not docstring

            if is_multiline_string(leaf):
                indent = " " * 4 * self.current_line.depth
                docstring = fix_docstring(docstring, indent)
                docstring = docstring.strip()

            if docstring:
                # Add some padding if the docstring starts / ends with a quote mark.
                if docstring[0] == quote_char:
                    docstring = " " + docstring
                if docstring[-1] == quote_char:
                    docstring += " "
                if docstring[-1] == "\\":
                    backslash_count = len(docstring) - len(docstring.rstrip("\\"))
                    if backslash_count % 2:
                        # Odd number of tailing backslashes, add some padding to
                        # avoid escaping the closing string quote.
                        docstring += " "
            elif not docstring_started_empty:
                docstring = " "

            # We could enforce triple quotes at this point.
            quote = quote_char * quote_len
            leaf.value = prefix + quote + docstring + quote

        yield from self.visit_default(leaf)

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        """You are in a twisty little maze of passages."""
        self.current_line = Line(mode=self.mode)

        v = self.visit_stmt
        Ø: Set[str] = set()
        self.visit_assert_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"assert"}, parens={"assert", ","})
        self.visit_if_stmt = partial(
            v, keywords={"if", "else", "elif"}, parens={"if", "elif"}
        self.visit_while_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"while", "else"}, parens={"while"})
        self.visit_for_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"for", "else"}, parens={"for", "in"})
        self.visit_try_stmt = partial(
            v, keywords={"try", "except", "else", "finally"}, parens=Ø
        self.visit_except_clause = partial(v, keywords={"except"}, parens=Ø)
        self.visit_with_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"with"}, parens=Ø)
        self.visit_funcdef = partial(v, keywords={"def"}, parens=Ø)
        self.visit_classdef = partial(v, keywords={"class"}, parens=Ø)
        self.visit_expr_stmt = partial(v, keywords=Ø, parens=ASSIGNMENTS)
        self.visit_return_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"return"}, parens={"return"})
        self.visit_import_from = partial(v, keywords=Ø, parens={"import"})
        self.visit_del_stmt = partial(v, keywords=Ø, parens={"del"})
        self.visit_async_funcdef = self.visit_async_stmt
        self.visit_decorated = self.visit_decorators

        # PEP 634
        self.visit_match_stmt = self.visit_match_case
        self.visit_case_block = self.visit_match_case
Пример #14
def transform_line(
    line: Line, mode: Mode, features: Collection[Feature] = ()
) -> Iterator[Line]:
    """Transform a `line`, potentially splitting it into many lines.

    They should fit in the allotted `line_length` but might not be able to.

    `features` are syntactical features that may be used in the output.
    if line.is_comment:
        yield line

    line_str = line_to_string(line)

    ll = mode.line_length
    sn = mode.string_normalization
    string_merge = StringMerger(ll, sn)
    string_paren_strip = StringParenStripper(ll, sn)
    string_split = StringSplitter(ll, sn)
    string_paren_wrap = StringParenWrapper(ll, sn)

    transformers: List[Transformer]
    if (
        not line.contains_uncollapsable_type_comments()
        and not line.should_split_rhs
        and not line.magic_trailing_comma
        and (
            is_line_short_enough(line, line_length=mode.line_length, line_str=line_str)
            or line.contains_unsplittable_type_ignore()
        and not (line.inside_brackets and line.contains_standalone_comments())
        # Only apply basic string preprocessing, since lines shouldn't be split here.
        if Preview.string_processing in mode:
            transformers = [string_merge, string_paren_strip]
            transformers = []
    elif line.is_def:
        transformers = [left_hand_split]

        def _rhs(
            self: object, line: Line, features: Collection[Feature]
        ) -> Iterator[Line]:
            """Wraps calls to `right_hand_split`.

            The calls increasingly `omit` right-hand trailers (bracket pairs with
            content), meaning the trailers get glued together to split on another
            bracket pair instead.
            for omit in generate_trailers_to_omit(line, mode.line_length):
                lines = list(
                    right_hand_split(line, mode.line_length, features, omit=omit)
                # Note: this check is only able to figure out if the first line of the
                # *current* transformation fits in the line length.  This is true only
                # for simple cases.  All others require running more transforms via
                # `transform_line()`.  This check doesn't know if those would succeed.
                if is_line_short_enough(lines[0], line_length=mode.line_length):
                    yield from lines

            # All splits failed, best effort split with no omits.
            # This mostly happens to multiline strings that are by definition
            # reported as not fitting a single line, as well as lines that contain
            # trailing commas (those have to be exploded).
            yield from right_hand_split(
                line, line_length=mode.line_length, features=features

        # HACK: nested functions (like _rhs) compiled by mypyc don't retain their
        # __name__ attribute which is needed in `run_transformer` further down.
        # Unfortunately a nested class breaks mypyc too. So a class must be created
        # via type ... https://github.com/mypyc/mypyc/issues/884
        rhs = type("rhs", (), {"__call__": _rhs})()

        if Preview.string_processing in mode:
            if line.inside_brackets:
                transformers = [
                transformers = [
            if line.inside_brackets:
                transformers = [delimiter_split, standalone_comment_split, rhs]
                transformers = [rhs]
    # It's always safe to attempt hugging of power operations and pretty much every line
    # could match.

    for transform in transformers:
        # We are accumulating lines in `result` because we might want to abort
        # mission and return the original line in the end, or attempt a different
        # split altogether.
            result = run_transformer(line, transform, mode, features, line_str=line_str)
        except CannotTransform:
            yield from result

        yield line
Пример #15
def transform_line(
    line: Line, mode: Mode,
    features: Collection[Feature] = ()) -> Iterator[Line]:
    """Transform a `line`, potentially splitting it into many lines.

    They should fit in the allotted `line_length` but might not be able to.

    `features` are syntactical features that may be used in the output.
    if line.is_comment:
        yield line

    line_str = line_to_string(line)

    ll = mode.line_length
    sn = mode.string_normalization
    string_merge = StringMerger(ll, sn)
    string_paren_strip = StringParenStripper(ll, sn)
    string_split = StringSplitter(ll, sn)
    string_paren_wrap = StringParenWrapper(ll, sn)

    transformers: List[Transformer]
    if (not line.contains_uncollapsable_type_comments()
            and not line.should_split_rhs and not line.magic_trailing_comma
            and (is_line_short_enough(
                line, line_length=mode.line_length, line_str=line_str)
                 or line.contains_unsplittable_type_ignore())
            and not (line.inside_brackets
                     and line.contains_standalone_comments())):
        # Only apply basic string preprocessing, since lines shouldn't be split here.
        if mode.experimental_string_processing:
            transformers = [string_merge, string_paren_strip]
            transformers = []
    elif line.is_def:
        transformers = [left_hand_split]

        def rhs(line: Line, features: Collection[Feature]) -> Iterator[Line]:
            """Wraps calls to `right_hand_split`.

            The calls increasingly `omit` right-hand trailers (bracket pairs with
            content), meaning the trailers get glued together to split on another
            bracket pair instead.
            for omit in generate_trailers_to_omit(line, mode.line_length):
                lines = list(
                # Note: this check is only able to figure out if the first line of the
                # *current* transformation fits in the line length.  This is true only
                # for simple cases.  All others require running more transforms via
                # `transform_line()`.  This check doesn't know if those would succeed.
                if is_line_short_enough(lines[0],
                    yield from lines

            # All splits failed, best effort split with no omits.
            # This mostly happens to multiline strings that are by definition
            # reported as not fitting a single line, as well as lines that contain
            # trailing commas (those have to be exploded).
            yield from right_hand_split(line,

        if mode.experimental_string_processing:
            if line.inside_brackets:
                transformers = [
                transformers = [
            if line.inside_brackets:
                transformers = [delimiter_split, standalone_comment_split, rhs]
                transformers = [rhs]

    for transform in transformers:
        # We are accumulating lines in `result` because we might want to abort
        # mission and return the original line in the end, or attempt a different
        # split altogether.
            result = run_transformer(line,
        except CannotTransform:
            yield from result

        yield line