Пример #1
def test_combine_no_dominant_color() -> None:
    d = Block((0, 0), 500, None, 0, 1)
    d.children = [Block(d._children_positions()[0], 250, COLOUR_LIST[1], 1, 1),
                  Block(d._children_positions()[1], 250, COLOUR_LIST[1], 1, 1),
                  Block(d._children_positions()[2], 250, COLOUR_LIST[2], 1, 1),
                  Block(d._children_positions()[3], 250, COLOUR_LIST[2], 1, 1)]
    assert not d.combine()
Пример #2
def test_smash_block_with_children() -> None:
    b = Block((0, 0), 500, None, 0, 2)
    b.children = [Block(b._children_positions()[0], 200, None, 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[1], 200, None, 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[2], 200, None, 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[3], 200, None, 1, 2)]
    assert not b.smash()
Пример #3
def test_rotate_clockwise_max_level_2() -> None:
    b = Block((0, 0), 500, None, 0, 2)
    b.children = [Block(b._children_positions()[0], 250, None, 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[1], 250, COLOUR_LIST[1], 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[2], 250, COLOUR_LIST[2], 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[3], 250, COLOUR_LIST[3], 1, 2)]
    b.children[0].children = [Block(b.children[0]._children_positions()[0], 125,
                                    COLOUR_LIST[2], 2, 2),
                                    125, COLOUR_LIST[0], 2, 2),
                              Block(b.children[0]._children_positions()[2], 125,
                                    COLOUR_LIST[2], 2, 2),
                              Block(b.children[0]._children_positions()[3], 125,
                                    COLOUR_LIST[3], 2, 2)]
    assert b.rotate(1)
    c = Block((0, 0), 500, None, 0, 2)
    c.children = [Block((250, 0), 250, COLOUR_LIST[1], 1, 2),
                  Block((0, 0), 250, COLOUR_LIST[2], 1, 2),
                  Block((0, 250), 250, COLOUR_LIST[3], 1, 2),
                  Block((250, 250), 250, None, 1, 2)]
    c.children[3].children = [Block((375, 250), 125,
                                    COLOUR_LIST[0], 2, 2),
                              Block((250, 250),
                                    125, COLOUR_LIST[2], 2, 2),
                              Block((250, 375), 125,
                                    COLOUR_LIST[3], 2, 2),
                              Block((375, 375), 125,
                                    COLOUR_LIST[2], 2, 2)]
    assert b == c
Пример #4
def test_update_children_position():
    # Update regular positions
    b1 = Block((44, 44), 750, None, 0, 1)
    b2 = Block((0, 0), 750, COLOUR_LIST[0], 0, 1)
    b3 = Block((0, 0), 750, COLOUR_LIST[1], 0, 1)
    b4 = Block((0, 0), 750, COLOUR_LIST[2], 0, 1)
    b5 = Block((0, 0), 750, COLOUR_LIST[3], 0, 1)
    b1.children = [b2, b3, b4, b5]

    b1._update_children_positions((0, 0))
    pos = b1._children_positions()
    lst = []
    for child in b1.children:
    assert lst == pos

    # Update positions with children
    b6 = Block((0, 0), 750, COLOUR_LIST[3], 0, 1)
    b7 = Block((0, 0), 750, COLOUR_LIST[3], 0, 1)
    b8 = Block((0, 0), 750, COLOUR_LIST[3], 0, 1)
    b9 = Block((0, 0), 750, COLOUR_LIST[3], 0, 1)
    b2.children = [b6, b7, b8, b9]

    b1._update_children_positions((657, 5334))
    pos = b2._children_positions()
    lst = []
    for child in b2.children:
    assert lst == pos
Пример #5
def test_swap_invalid_direction() -> None:
    b = Block((0, 0), 500, None, 0, 2)
    b.children = [Block(b._children_positions()[0], 250, None, 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[1], 250, None, 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[2], 250, None, 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[3], 250, None, 1, 2)]
    assert not b.swap(2)
    assert not b.swap(5)
Пример #6
def test_combine_4_vs_0() -> None:
    d = Block((0, 0), 500, None, 0, 1)
    d.children = [Block(d._children_positions()[0], 250, COLOUR_LIST[1], 1, 1),
                  Block(d._children_positions()[1], 250, COLOUR_LIST[1], 1, 1),
                  Block(d._children_positions()[2], 250, COLOUR_LIST[1], 1, 1),
                  Block(d._children_positions()[3], 250, COLOUR_LIST[1], 1, 1)]
    assert d.combine()
    assert d.colour == COLOUR_LIST[1]
Пример #7
def test_paint_invalid_cases() -> None:
    # Not at max_depth
    c = Block((0, 0), 500, COLOUR_LIST[1], 0, 1)
    assert not c.paint(COLOUR_LIST[1])
    # Not a leaf
    b = Block((0, 0), 500, None, 0, 2)
    b.children = [Block(b._children_positions()[0], 250, None, 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[1], 250, COLOUR_LIST[1], 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[2], 250, COLOUR_LIST[2], 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[3], 250, COLOUR_LIST[3], 1, 2)]
    assert not c.paint(COLOUR_LIST[1])
    # Already has target color
    a = Block((0, 0), 500, COLOUR_LIST[1], 0, 0)
    assert not a.paint(COLOUR_LIST[1])
Пример #8
def test_paint_at_level_2() -> None:
    b = Block((0, 0), 500, None, 0, 2)
    b.children = [Block(b._children_positions()[0], 250, None, 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[1], 250, COLOUR_LIST[1], 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[2], 250, COLOUR_LIST[2], 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[3], 250, COLOUR_LIST[3], 1, 2)]
    b.children[0].children = [Block(b.children[0]._children_positions()[0], 125,
                                    COLOUR_LIST[2], 2, 2),
                                    125, COLOUR_LIST[0], 2, 2),
                              Block(b.children[0]._children_positions()[2], 125,
                                    COLOUR_LIST[2], 2, 2),
                              Block(b.children[0]._children_positions()[3], 125,
                                    COLOUR_LIST[3], 2, 2)]
    assert b.children[0].children[0].paint(COLOUR_LIST[0])
    assert b.children[0].children[0].colour == COLOUR_LIST[0]
    assert not b.children[1].paint(COLOUR_LIST[0])
Пример #9
def test_score_perimeter_goal() -> None:
    b = Block((0, 0), 500, None, 0, 2)
    b.children = [Block(b._children_positions()[0], 250, None, 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[1], 250, COLOUR_LIST[1], 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[2], 250, COLOUR_LIST[2], 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[3], 250, COLOUR_LIST[3], 1, 2)]
    b.children[0].children = [Block(b.children[0]._children_positions()[0], 125,
                                    COLOUR_LIST[2], 2, 2),
                                    125, COLOUR_LIST[0], 2, 2),
                              Block(b.children[0]._children_positions()[2], 125,
                                    COLOUR_LIST[2], 2, 2),
                              Block(b.children[0]._children_positions()[3], 125,
                                    COLOUR_LIST[3], 2, 2)]
    P = PerimeterGoal(COLOUR_LIST[3])
    assert P.score(b) == 5
    assert P.score(b) == 7
Пример #10
def test_smash():
    # Test for when function will NOT smash
    b1 = Block((44, 44), 750, None, 0, 1)
    b2 = Block((0, 0), 750, COLOUR_LIST[0], 0, 1)
    b3 = Block((0, 0), 750, COLOUR_LIST[1], 0, 1)
    b4 = Block((0, 0), 750, COLOUR_LIST[2], 0, 1)
    b5 = Block((0, 0), 750, COLOUR_LIST[3], 0, 1)
    b1.children = [b2, b3, b4, b5]

    assert b1.smash() is False
    assert b2.position and b3.position and \
           b4.position and b5.position == (0, 0)

    b6 = Block((44, 44), 750, COLOUR_LIST[0], 1, 1)
    assert b6.smash() is False

    # Test for function WILL smash
    b7 = Block((0, 0), 750, COLOUR_LIST[0], 0, 1)
    assert len(b7.children) == 0
    assert b7.colour is COLOUR_LIST[0]
    assert len(b7.children) == 4
    assert b7.colour is None
    assert b7.max_depth == 1
    assert b7.level == 0

    lst = []
    for child in b7.children:
        assert child.level == 1
        assert child.max_depth == 1
        assert child.size == round(b7.size/2)
        assert child.smash() is False
    assert lst == b7._children_positions()
    assert b7.smash() is False

    b8 = Block((0, 0), 750, COLOUR_LIST[0], 0, 5)
    b8.smash() # Level 1
    b8.children[1].smash() # 2
    b8.children[1].children[1].smash() # 3
    b8.children[1].children[1].children[1].smash() # 4
    b8.children[1].children[1].children[1].children[1].smash() # 5
    assert b8.children[1].children[1].children[1].children[1]\
        .children[1].smash() is False # 6

    b9 = b8.children[1].children[1].children[1].children[1].children[1]
    b10 = b8.children[1].children[1].children[1].children[1]
    assert b9.position == (0, 0)
    assert b8.colour is None
    assert b10.colour is None
    assert b10.level == 4
    for child in b10.children:
        assert child.level == 5
        assert child.max_depth == 5
        assert child.smash() is False
        assert child.size == round(b10.size/2)
Пример #11
def test_score_blob_goal_02() -> None:
    b = Block((0, 0), 500, None, 0, 2)
    b.children = [Block(b._children_positions()[0], 250, None, 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[1], 250, COLOUR_LIST[1], 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[2], 250, COLOUR_LIST[2], 1, 2),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[3], 250, COLOUR_LIST[3], 1, 2)]
    b.children[0].children = [Block(b.children[0]._children_positions()[0], 125,
                                    COLOUR_LIST[2], 2, 2),
                                    125, COLOUR_LIST[0], 2, 2),
                              Block(b.children[0]._children_positions()[2], 125,
                                    COLOUR_LIST[2], 2, 2),
                              Block(b.children[0]._children_positions()[3], 125,
                                    COLOUR_LIST[3], 2, 2)]
    P = BlobGoal(COLOUR_LIST[3])
    assert P.score(b) == 5
    assert P.score(b) == 6
    b.children[1].colour = COLOUR_LIST[3]
    assert P.score(b) == 10
def set_children(block: Block, colours: List[Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]]]) \
        -> None:
    """Set the children at <level> for <block> using the given <colours>.

        - len(colours) == 4
        - block.level + 1 <= block.max_depth
    size = block._child_size()
    positions = block._children_positions()
    level = block.level + 1
    depth = block.max_depth

    block.children = []  # Potentially discard children
    for i in range(4):
        b = Block(positions[i], size, colours[i], level, depth)
Пример #13
def test_swap_v_block_max_level_1() -> None:
    b = Block((0, 0), 500, None, 0, 1)
    b.children = [Block(b._children_positions()[0], 250, COLOUR_LIST[0], 1, 1),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[1], 250, COLOUR_LIST[1], 1, 1),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[2], 250, COLOUR_LIST[2], 1, 1),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[3], 250, COLOUR_LIST[3], 1, 1)]
    assert b.swap(1)
    assert b.children == [Block(b._children_positions()[0], 250,
                                COLOUR_LIST[3], 1, 1),
                          Block(b._children_positions()[1], 250,
                                COLOUR_LIST[2], 1, 1),
                          Block(b._children_positions()[2], 250,
                                COLOUR_LIST[1], 1, 1),
                          Block(b._children_positions()[3], 250,
                                COLOUR_LIST[0], 1, 1)]
Пример #14
def test_rotate_clockwise_max_level_1() -> None:
    b = Block((0, 0), 500, None, 0, 1)
    b.children = [Block(b._children_positions()[0], 250, COLOUR_LIST[0], 1, 1),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[1], 250, COLOUR_LIST[1], 1, 1),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[2], 250, COLOUR_LIST[2], 1, 1),
                  Block(b._children_positions()[3], 250, COLOUR_LIST[3], 1, 1)]
    assert b.rotate(1)
    assert b.children == [Block(b._children_positions()[0], 250,
                                COLOUR_LIST[1], 1, 1),
                          Block(b._children_positions()[1], 250,
                                COLOUR_LIST[2], 1, 1),
                          Block(b._children_positions()[2], 250,
                                COLOUR_LIST[3], 1, 1),
                          Block(b._children_positions()[3], 250,
                                COLOUR_LIST[0], 1, 1)]