def test_placement_ik(agent, blocks): """ To make sure that the platform is in a good position, make sure the IK is feasible for some grasp position. """ get_block_pose = tamp.primitives.get_stable_gen_block( [agent.table, agent.platform]) get_grasp = tamp.primitives.get_grasp_gen(agent.robot) get_ik = tamp.primitives.get_ik_fn(agent.robot, [agent.platform, agent.table]) for r in list(rotation_group()): r = list(rotation_group())[4] action = PlaceAction(pos=None, rot=r, block=blocks[0]) blocks[0].set_pose(Pose(ZERO_POS, Quaternion(*action.rot.as_quat()))) rotated_block = get_rotated_block(blocks[0]) x = action.pos[0] y = action.pos[1] z = agent.platform.get_dimensions( )[2] / 2 + rotated_block.dimensions[2] / 2 + 1e-5 tform = numpy.array([[1., 0., 0., x], [0., 1., 0., y], [0., 0., 1., z], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) tform[0:3, 0:3] = action.rot.as_matrix() platform_pose = pb_robot.vobj.BodyPose( agent.platform, agent.platform.get_base_link_pose()) start_pose = pb_robot.vobj.BodyPose( agent.pddl_blocks[0], agent.pddl_blocks[0].get_base_link_pose()) placement_pose = get_block_pose(agent.pddl_blocks[0], agent.platform, platform_pose, tform)[0] ik_found = False for grasp in get_grasp(agent.pddl_blocks[0]): ik_start = get_ik(agent.pddl_blocks[0], start_pose, grasp[0]) ik_placement = get_ik(agent.pddl_blocks[0], placement_pose, grasp[0]) if ik_start is not None: print('Y', end='') else: print('N', end='') if ik_placement is not None: ik_found = True print('Y', end=' ') else: print('N', end=' ') if ik_found: print('Found IK.') else: print('No IK.') break
def test_return_to_start(blocks, n_placements=5, rot_ix=0, block_ix=1): """ Let a block fall off the platform and check that we can successfully pick it up and return it to the starting position. """ numpy.random.seed(10) rot = list(rotation_group())[rot_ix] for _ in range(n_placements): # Create agent. agent = PandaAgent(blocks) original_pose = agent.pddl_blocks[block_ix].get_base_link_pose() # Create a random action. new_dims = numpy.abs(rot.apply(blocks[block_ix].dimensions)) place_pos = new_dims * (-0.5 * numpy.random.rand(3)) x, y, _ = place_pos + numpy.array(agent.platform.get_dimensions()) / 2 action = PlaceAction(pos=None, rot=rot, block=blocks[block_ix]) # Teleport block to platform. blocks[block_ix].set_pose( Pose(ZERO_POS, Quaternion(*action.rot.as_quat()))) rotated_block = get_rotated_block(blocks[block_ix]) platform_pose = agent.platform.get_base_link_pose() platform_tform = pb_robot.geometry.tform_from_pose(platform_pose) z = agent.platform.get_dimensions( )[2] / 2 + rotated_block.dimensions[2] / 2 + 1e-5 tform = numpy.array([[1., 0., 0., action.pos[0]], [0., 1., 0., action.pos[1]], [0., 0., 1., z], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) tform[0:3, 0:3] = action.rot.as_matrix() body_tform = platform_tform @ tform pose = pb_robot.geometry.pose_from_tform(body_tform) agent.pddl_blocks[block_ix].set_base_link_pose(pose) # Execute action. p.setGravity(0, 0, -10) for _ in range(500): p.stepSimulation() time.sleep(0.01) check_ungraspable_block(agent) # Solve PDDL Problem. pddl_block = agent.pddl_blocks[block_ix] init = agent._get_initial_pddl_state() goal_pose = pb_robot.vobj.BodyPose(pddl_block, original_pose) init += [('Pose', pddl_block, goal_pose), ('Supported', pddl_block, goal_pose, agent.table, agent.table_pose)] goal = ('and', ('AtPose', pddl_block, goal_pose), ('On', pddl_block, agent.table)) # Solve the PDDLStream problem. print('Init:', init) print('Goal:', goal) agent._solve_and_execute_pddl(init, goal) p.disconnect()
def test_place_action(blocks, block_ix): """ Test method to try placing the given blocks on the platform. """ agent = PandaAgent(blocks, NOISE, teleport=False) for r in list(rotation_group())[:]: action = PlaceAction(pos=None, rot=r, block=blocks[block_ix]) agent.simulate_action(action, block_ix)
def visualize_grasps(agent, blocks): """ Test method to visualize the grasps. Helps check for potential problems due to collisions with table or underspecified grasp set. """ get_block_pose = tamp.primitives.get_stable_gen_table( [agent.table, agent.platform_leg, agent.platform_table]) get_grasp = tamp.primitives.get_grasp_gen(agent.robot) get_ik = tamp.primitives.get_ik_fn( agent.robot, [agent.platform_leg, agent.platform_table, agent.table]) block_ix = 3 for r in list(rotation_group())[5:]: table_pose = pb_robot.vobj.BodyPose(agent.table, agent.table.get_base_link_pose()) pose = agent.pddl_blocks[block_ix].get_base_link_pose() pose = ((pose[0][0] - 0.1, pose[0][1], pose[0][2] + 0.2), pose[1]) start_pose = pb_robot.vobj.BodyPose(agent.pddl_blocks[block_ix], pose) agent.execute() agent.pddl_blocks[block_ix].set_base_link_pose(pose) agent.plan() agent.pddl_blocks[block_ix].set_base_link_pose(pose) ix = 0 for grasp in list(get_grasp(agent.pddl_blocks[block_ix])): ik_start = get_ik(agent.pddl_blocks[block_ix], start_pose, grasp[0]) import time if ik_start is not None: print(ix, 'Y') agent.execute() agent.robot.arm.SetJointValues(ik_start[1][0].path[-1]) agent.plan() agent.robot.arm.SetJointValues(ik_start[1][0].path[-1]) import time time.sleep(2) else: print(ix, 'N') ix += 1
def test_observations(blocks, block_ix): """ Test method to try placing the given blocks on the platform. """ agent = PandaAgent(blocks, NOISE) for r in list(rotation_group())[0:]: action = PlaceAction(pos=None, rot=r, block=blocks[block_ix]) obs = agent.simulate_action(action, block_ix, T=50) # TODO: Check that the simulated observation agrees with the true observation. particle_block = deepcopy(blocks[block_ix]) world = make_platform_world(particle_block, action) env = Environment([world], vis_sim=False) if False: env.step(action=action) length, lifeTime = 0.2, 0.0 pos = end_pose = world.get_pose(world.objects[1])[0] quat = action.rot.as_quat() new_x = transformation([length, 0.0, 0.0], pos, quat) new_y = transformation([0.0, length, 0.0], pos, quat) new_z = transformation([0.0, 0.0, length], pos, quat) p.addUserDebugLine(pos, new_x, [1, 0, 0], lifeTime=lifeTime) p.addUserDebugLine(pos, new_y, [0, 1, 0], lifeTime=lifeTime) p.addUserDebugLine(pos, new_z, [0, 0, 1], lifeTime=lifeTime) input('Continue') for _ in range(50): env.step(action=action) end_pose = world.get_pose(world.objects[1]) print('Simulated Pose:', end_pose) print('TAMP Pose:', obs[2]) input('Continue?')
def filter_block(p_true_block, exp_type, args): if args.plot: plt.ion() fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) com_particle_dist = None experience = [] estimated_coms = [] for i in range(I): print('Explore action %d/%d' % (i, I)) true_block = copy.deepcopy(p_true_block) if args.plot: setup_ax(ax, true_world.objects[1]) # create particle worlds for obj_b's COM com_ranges = get_com_ranges(true_block) if com_particle_dist is None: com_particle_dist = create_uniform_particles(N, D, com_ranges) else: # update the distribution with the new weights print(weights) com_particle_dist = ParticleDistribution( com_particle_dist.particles, weights) # and resample the distribution com_particle_dist = sample_and_wiggle(com_particle_dist, experience, OBS_MODEL_COV, true_block, com_ranges) weights = com_particle_dist.weights particle_blocks = [ copy.deepcopy(true_block) for particle in com_particle_dist.particles ] for (com, particle_block) in zip(com_particle_dist.particles, particle_blocks): = com # Choose action to maximize variance of particles. if exp_type == 'reduce_var': rot, direc = plan_action(particle_blocks) elif exp_type == 'random': rot = random.choice(list(rotation_group())) direc = PushAction.get_random_dir() true_world = make_platform_world(true_block, rot) particle_worlds = [ make_platform_world(pb, rot) for pb in particle_blocks ] env = Environment([true_world] + particle_worlds, vis_sim=args.vis) # action to apply to all worlds action = PushAction(block_pos=true_world.get_pose( true_world.objects[1]).pos, direction=direc, timesteps=T) for t in range(T): env.step(action=action) # get ground truth object_b pose (observation) objb_pose = true_world.get_pose(true_world.objects[1]) objb_pose = add_noise(objb_pose) experience.append((action, rot, T, objb_pose)) # update all particle weights new_weights = [] for pi, (particle_world, old_weight) in enumerate(zip(particle_worlds, weights)): particle_objb_pose = particle_world.get_pose( particle_world.objects[1]) obs_model = multivariate_normal.pdf(objb_pose.pos, mean=particle_objb_pose.pos, cov=OBS_MODEL_COV) new_weight = old_weight * obs_model new_weights.append(new_weight) # normalize particle weights weights_sum = sum(new_weights) weights = np.divide(new_weights, weights_sum) # print('max particle weight: ', max(weights)) if args.plot and not t % 5: # visualize particles (it's very slow) plot_particles(ax, com_particle_dist.particles, weights, t=t) com = np.array(com_particle_dist.particles).T print( 'Mean COM', com @ weights, np.diag( np.cov(com_particle_dist.particles, rowvar=False, aweights=weights + 1e-3))) print('True COM', print('Error COM', np.linalg.norm( - com @ weights)) estimated_coms.append(com @ weights) env.disconnect() env.cleanup() return ParticleDistribution(com_particle_dist.particles, weights), estimated_coms
def plan_action(belief, k=1, exp_type='reduce_var', action_type='push'): """ Given a set of particles, choose the action that maximizes the observed variance. :param particle_block: A list of the current set of particles instantiated as blocks. :param k: Number of pushes to do for each orientation. """ if action_type == 'push': if exp_type == 'reduce_var': print('Finding variance reducing push action') results = [] for rot in rotation_group(): for _ in range(k): action = PushAction(rot=rot, timesteps=50, block=belief.block) # create a bunch of blocks with the same geometry where each COM # for each block is set to one of the particles particle_blocks = [copy.deepcopy(belief.block) for particle in belief.particles.particles] for (com, particle_block) in zip(belief.particles.particles, particle_blocks): = com particle_worlds = [make_platform_world(pb, action) for pb in particle_blocks] env = Environment(particle_worlds, vis_sim=False) # get the the position of the block to set the start position of the push action # action.set_push_start_pos(particle_worlds[0].get_pose(particle_worlds[0].objects[1]).pos) for _ in range(50): env.step(action=action) # Get end pose of all particle blocks. poses = np.array([w.get_pose(w.objects[1]).pos for w in particle_worlds]) var = np.var(poses, axis=0) score = np.mean(var) print(var, score) results.append((action, score)) env.disconnect() env.cleanup() return max(results, key=itemgetter(1))[0] else: print('Finding random push action') rs = [r for r in rotation_group()] ix = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(rs))) rot = rs[ix] push_action = PushAction(rot=rot, block=belief.block) return push_action else: if exp_type == 'reduce_var': print('Finding variance reducing place action') results = [] for rot in rotation_group(): for _ in range(k): action = PlaceAction(rot=rot, pos=None, block=belief.block) # create a bunch of blocks with the same geometry where each COM # for each block is set to one of the particles particle_blocks = [copy.deepcopy(belief.block) for particle in belief.particles.particles] for (com, particle_block) in zip(belief.particles.particles, particle_blocks): = com particle_worlds = [make_platform_world(pb, action) for pb in particle_blocks] env = Environment(particle_worlds, vis_sim=False) # get the the position of the block to set the start position of the push action # action.set_push_start_pos(particle_worlds[0].get_pose(particle_worlds[0].objects[1]).pos) for _ in range(50): env.step(action=action) # Get end pose of all particle blocks. poses = np.array([w.get_pose(w.objects[1]).pos for w in particle_worlds]) var = np.var(poses, axis=0) score = np.max(var) cov = np.cov(poses, rowvar=False) w, v = np.linalg.eig(cov) #print(w) score = np.max(w) #print(var, score) results.append((action, score)) env.disconnect() env.cleanup() return max(results, key=itemgetter(1))[0] else: print('Finding random place action') # pick a random rotation rs = [r for r in rotation_group()] ix = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(rs))) rot = rs[ix] # construct the corresponding place action place_action = PlaceAction(rot=rot, pos=None, block=belief.block) return place_action
if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--action-type', choices=['push', 'place'], required=True) parser.add_argument('--agent-type', choices=['teleport', 'panda'], required=True) args = parser.parse_args() # Create the block. true_com = Position(x=0., y=0., z=0.) block = Object(name='block', dimensions=Dimensions(x=0.05, y=0.1, z=0.05), mass=1, com=true_com, color=Color(r=1., g=0., b=0.)) # Test the action for all rotations. for r in rotation_group(): # Create the action. if args.action_type == 'push': action = PushAction(direction=None, timesteps=50, rot=r, block=block) elif args.action_type == 'place': action = PlaceAction(pos=None, rot=r) else: raise NotImplementedError() # Make worlds for each block and test using different CoMs. true_world = make_platform_world(block, action) com_ranges = get_com_ranges(true_world.objects[1])