Пример #1
def convertBlackWhite(input_image):
    grayscale_image = image.EmptyImage(input_image.getWidth(),

    for col in range(input_image.getWidth()):
        for row in range(input_image.getHeight()):
            p = input_image.getPixel(col, row)

            red = p.getRed()
            green = p.getGreen()
            blue = p.getBlue()

            avg = (red + green + blue) / 3.0

            newpixel = image.Pixel(avg, avg, avg)
            grayscale_image.setPixel(col, row, newpixel)

    blackwhite_image = image.EmptyImage(input_image.getWidth(),
    for col in range(input_image.getWidth()):
        for row in range(input_image.getHeight()):
            p = grayscale_image.getPixel(col, row)
            red = p.getRed()
            if red > 140:
                val = 255
                val = 0

            newpixel = image.Pixel(val, val, val)
            blackwhite_image.setPixel(col, row, newpixel)
    return blackwhite_image
def preto_branco_pixel(pixel):
    pixel_aux = cinzento_pixel(pixel)
    if pixel_aux.getRed() < 128 :
        novo_pixel = cImage.Pixel(0,0,0)
        novo_pixel = cImage.Pixel(255,255,255) 
    return novo_pixel
def main():

    answer = input(
        "Would you like to Red Channel, Grayscale, or Invert the images pixels?    red/gray/invert:    "

    for row in range(img.getHeight()):
        for col in range(img.getWidth()):

            p = img.getPixel(col, row)

            if answer.lower() == 'red':
                R = p.getRed()
                noG = (p.getRed() * 0 + p.getGreen() * 0 + p.getBlue() * 0)
                noB = (p.getRed() * 0 + p.getGreen() * 0 + p.getBlue() * 0)
                newpixel = image.Pixel(R, noG, noB)

            elif answer.lower() == 'gray':
                grayR = ((p.getRed() + p.getGreen() + p.getBlue()) / 3)
                grayG = ((p.getRed() + p.getGreen() + p.getBlue()) / 3)
                grayB = ((p.getRed() + p.getGreen() + p.getBlue()) / 3)
                newpixel = image.Pixel(grayR, grayG, grayB)

                invR = (255 - p.getRed())
                invG = (255 - p.getGreen())
                invB = (255 - p.getBlue())
                newpixel = image.Pixel(invR, invG, invB)

            img.setPixel(col, row, newpixel)
Пример #4
def convolution(filename):
    img = image.Image(filename)
    win = image.ImageWin(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight())
    for row in range(img.getHeight()):
        for col in range(img.getWidth()):
            p = img.getPixel(col, row)
            oldpixel = image.Pixel(p.getRed(), p.getGreen(), p.getBlue())
            pixel_list = []
            if ((col and row) > 0) and (col + 1 < img.getWidth()) and (
                    row + 1 < img.getHeight()
            ):  #working with all but the edges for simplicity
                for nearcol in range(col, col + 2):
                    for nearrow in range(row, row + 2):
                        nearp = img.getPixel(nearcol, nearrow)
                        greynearp = greyscale(nearp)
                        greypvalue = greynearp.getRed()
                        pixel_list = pixel_list + [greypvalue]
                    print('start', pixel_list, 'end')
                nearmatrix = int(pixel_list[0]) + int(pixel_list[1]) * 0 - int(
                outputpixel = image.Pixel(255 - nearmatrix, 255 - nearmatrix,
                                          255 - nearmatrix)
                img.setPixel(col, row, outputpixel)
                img.setPixel(col, row, oldpixel)
Пример #5
def change_pixels():
    img = image.Image("Husky.gif")
    img2 = image.EmptyImage(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight())

    win = image.ImageWin()
    win2 = image.ImageWin()

    for y in range(img.getHeight()):
        for x in range(img.getWidth()):
            pix = img.getPixel(x, y)

            red = pix.getRed()
            green = pix.getGreen()
            blue = pix.getBlue()

            brightness = int(red + green + blue)

            if brightness >= 470:
                new_pix = image.Pixel(
                    254, 228, 169)  #converts pixels to new color scheme
            elif brightness >= 370:  # depending on brightness.
                new_pix = image.Pixel(112, 152, 162)
            elif brightness >= 270:
                new_pix = image.Pixel(215, 26, 33)
                new_pix = image.Pixel(0, 50, 77)

            img2.setPixel(x, y, new_pix)  #puts appropriate color into pixel

Пример #6
def pixelMapper(image, pMapping):

    img = cImage.Image(image)
    newimg = cImage.EmptyImage(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight())
    win = cImage.ImageWin()

    for col in range(img.getWidth()):
        for row in range(img.getHeight()):
            p = img.getPixel(col, row)

            red = p.getRed()
            green = p.getGreen()
            blue = p.getBlue()
            new_value = (red + green + blue) / 3
            white = cImage.Pixel(255, 255, 255)
            black = cImage.Pixel(0, 0, 0)
            pMapping = cImage.Pixel(128, 128, 128)

            if new_value < (255 / 3):
                newimg.setPixel(col, row, black)
            elif new_value > (255 / 3) and new_value < (255 * 2) / 3:
                newimg.setPixel(col, row, pMapping)
                newimg.setPixel(col, row, white)

Пример #7
def obamafy(img):
    ''' ( ) -> NoneType
        Description here.

    obamafy_image = img.copy()
    w = img.getWidth()
    h = img.getHeight()
    for x in range(w):
        for y in range(h):
            pixel = img.getPixel(x, y)

            red = pixel.getRed()
            green = pixel.getGreen()
            blue = pixel.getBlue()

            total_color = int((red + green + blue) / 3)

            yellow = image.Pixel(252, 227, 166)
            darkblue = image.Pixel(0, 51, 76)
            lightblue = image.Pixel(112, 150, 158)
            obamared = image.Pixel(217, 26, 33)

            if total_color <= 121 and total_color >= 61:
                obamafy_image.setPixel(x, y, obamared)
            if total_color >= 182:
                obamafy_image.setPixel(x, y, yellow)
            if total_color <= 60:
                obamafy_image.setPixel(x, y, darkblue)
            if total_color <= 182 and total_color >= 122:
                obamafy_image.setPixel(x, y, lightblue)

    return obamafy_image
def prepara_pixel(immagine):
    new_pixel = image.Pixel(255, 255, 255)
    riga = immagine.getWidth()
    colonna = immagine.getHeight()
    while riga % 4 != 0:
        riga -= 1
    while colonna % 4 != 0:
        colonna -= 1
    riga_def = (riga // 4) - 1
    colonna_def = (colonna // 4) - 1
    win = image.ImageWin(height=colonna - 1, width=riga - 1)
    lista_pos = []
    lista_punti = []
    lista_verifica = []
    for col in range(colonna):
        for row in range(riga):
            flag = 0
            if row == 0 or row == riga_def or row == (riga_def * 2) or row == (
                    riga_def * 3) or row == (riga_def * 4):
                immagine.setPixel(row, col, new_pixel)
                flag += 1
            if col == 0 or col == colonna_def or col == (
                    colonna_def * 2) or col == (colonna_def *
                                                3) or col == (colonna_def * 4):
                immagine.setPixel(row, col, new_pixel)
                flag += 1
            if flag == 2:
                lista_pos.append((row, col))

    for i in range(len(lista_pos) - 6):
        if not ((lista_pos[i][0] == 0 and lista_pos[i][1] == colonna_def * 4)
                or lista_pos[i][0] == riga_def * 4):
            lista_punti.append([(lista_pos[i][0] + 1, lista_pos[i][1] + 1),
                                (lista_pos[i + 6][0] - 1,
                                 lista_pos[i + 6][1] - 1), False])
            lista_verifica.append([(lista_pos[i][0] + 1, lista_pos[i][1] + 1),
                                   (lista_pos[i + 6][0] - 1,
                                    lista_pos[i + 6][1] - 1), False])


    i = random.randrange(0, 16, 1)
    new_pixel = image.Pixel(255, 255, 255)
    for col in range(colonna):
        for row in range(riga):
            if (lista_punti[i][0][0] < row < lista_punti[i][1][0]
                    and lista_punti[i][0][1] < col < lista_punti[i][1][1]):
                immagine.setPixel(row, col, new_pixel)
                lista_punti[i][2] = True
                lista_verifica[i][2] = True

    return [
        immagine, lista_punti, colonna_def, riga_def, win, lista_verifica,
        riga, colonna
Пример #9
def preto_branco_pixel(pixel, limiar):
    #pixel_aux = pixel_cinzento(pixel)
    preto = cImage.Pixel(0, 0, 0)
    branco = cImage.Pixel(255, 255, 255)
    if pixel.getRed() < limiar:
        novo_pixel = branco
        novo_pixel = preto
    return novo_pixel
Пример #10
def preto_branco_pixel(pixel, limiar):
    """Admite pixel na escala de cinzentos."""
    preto = cImage.Pixel(0, 0, 0)
    branco = cImage.Pixel(255, 255, 255)
    if pixel.getRed() < limiar:
        novo_pixel = preto
        novo_pixel = branco
    return novo_pixel
Пример #11
def cria_forma_1(largura,altura, r,g,b):
    imagem = cImage.EmptyImage(largura,altura)
    pixel = cImage.Pixel(r,g,b)
    for linha in range(altura):
    for coluna in range(1,largura):
        for linha in range(altura):
    return imagem
Пример #12
def distancia_palete(cor, palete):
    """Qual a cor mais próxima."""
    distancia_min = distancia_cores(cImage.Pixel(0,0,0), cImage.Pixel(255,255,255))
    cor_min = cor
    for pal_cor in palete:
        cor_pixel = cImage.Pixel(pal_cor[0],pal_cor[1], pal_cor[2])
        distancia = distancia_cores(cor,cor_pixel)
        if distancia < distancia_min:
            distancia_min = distancia
            cor_min = cor_pixel	    
    return cor_min
def DrawLine(img):
    #win = cImage.ImageWin('test',300,300)
    im = cImage.EmptyImage(300,300)
    p = cImage.Pixel(255,0,0)
    for i in range(300):
    p2 = cImage.Pixel(234,154,125)
    for l in range(250):
Пример #14
def preto_branco(pixel):
    """Converte para preto e branco. Limiar fixo."""
    r = pixel.getRed()
    g = pixel.getGreen()
    b = pixel.getBlue()

    cor_media = (r + g + b) / 3

    if cor_media < 128:
        novo_pixel = cImage.Pixel(0, 0, 0)
        novo_pixel = cImage.Pixel(255, 255, 255)
    return novo_pixel
Пример #15
def convolucao_pb(x, y, imagem, filtro, limiar):
    """Imagem em escala de cinzentos."""
    index = len(filtro) // 2
    r = 0
    for i in range(-index, index + 1):
        for j in range(-index, index + 1):
            pixel = imagem.getPixel(x + j, y + i)
            r += pixel.getRed() * filtro[j + index][i + index]
    r = restringe(int(r), 0, 255)
    if r < limiar:
        novo_pixel = cImage.Pixel(255, 255, 255)
        novo_pixel = cImage.Pixel(0, 0, 0)
    return novo_pixel
Пример #16
def main():
    img = cImage.Image("summer.jpg")
    newimg = cImage.EmptyImage(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight())
    win = cImage.ImageWin()
    for col in range(int((img.getWidth() / 2))):
        for row in range(int((img.getHeight() / 2))):
            p = img.getPixel(col, row)
            green = 255 - p.getGreen()
            blue = 255 - p.getBlue()
            red = 255 - p.getRed()
            newpixel = cImage.Pixel(red, green, blue)
            newimg.setPixel(col, row, newpixel)
    for col in range(int((img.getWidth() / 2)), img.getWidth()):
        for row in range(int((img.getHeight() / 2))):
            p = img.getPixel(col, row)
            green = p.getGreen()
            blue = p.getBlue()
            red = p.getRed()
            newcolor = int((red + green + blue) / 3)
            newpixel = cImage.Pixel(newcolor, newcolor, newcolor)
            newimg.setPixel(col, row, newpixel)
    for col in range(int((img.getWidth() / 2)), img.getWidth()):
        for row in range(int((img.getHeight() / 2)), img.getHeight()):
            p = img.getPixel(col, row)
            green = p.getGreen()
            blue = p.getBlue()
            red = p.getRed()
            newcolor = int((red + green + blue) / 3)
            newpixel = cImage.Pixel(newcolor, newcolor, newcolor)
            newimg.setPixel(col, row, newpixel)
    for col in range(int((img.getWidth() / 2)), img.getWidth()):
        for row in range(int((img.getHeight() / 2)), img.getHeight()):
            p = img.getPixel(col, row)
            red = p.getRed()
            if red > 140:
                val = 255
                val = 0
            newpixel = cImage.Pixel(val, val, val)
            newimg.setPixel(col, row, newpixel)
    for col in range(int((img.getWidth() / 2))):
        for row in range(int((img.getHeight() / 2)), img.getHeight()):
            p = img.getPixel(col, row)
            green = 0
            blue = p.getBlue()
            red = p.getRed()
            newpixel = cImage.Pixel(red, green, blue)
            newimg.setPixel(col, row, newpixel)
Пример #17
def pixel_negativo(pixel):
    """Passa ao negativo."""
    r = 255 - pixel.getRed()
    g = 255 - pixel.getGreen()
    b = 255 - pixel.getBlue()
    pixel = cImage.Pixel(r, g, b)
    return pixel
Пример #18
def cria_arco(raio, amplitude, pos):
    Desenha (um arco de circunfer�ncia) com amplitude e raio.
    largura = raio + 1
    altura = raio + 1
    imagem = cImage.EmptyImage(largura, altura)
    # define a cor foregroung como branco
    pixel_branco = cImage.Pixel(255, 255, 255)
    for coluna in range(largura):
        for linha in range(altura):
            imagem.setPixel(coluna, linha, pixel_branco)

    # define a cor do pixel
    pixel = cria_random_pixel()

    # posiciona
    imagem.setPosition(pos[0], pos[1])

    # cria
    for angulo in range(amplitude):
        cordx = int(raio * math.cos(math.radians(angulo)))
        cordy = int(raio * math.sin(math.radians(angulo)))
        imagem.setPixel(cordx, cordy, pixel)
    return imagem
    def __init__(self, problem, imageFilename):
        '''Takes a SlidingPuzzle and the filename for a GIF image and initializes the display.'''
        self.__problem = problem
        self.__totalScore = 0
        numRows, numCols = problem.getDim()

        image = cImage.FileImage(imageFilename)
        self.__tileHeight = image.getHeight() // numRows
        self.__tileWidth = image.getWidth() // numCols
        self.__tileList = []
        for i in range(numRows * numCols):
                cImage.EmptyImage(self.__tileWidth, self.__tileHeight))

        t = 0
        for r in range(numRows):
            for c in range(numCols):
                for x in range(self.__tileWidth):
                    for y in range(self.__tileHeight):
                            x, y,
                            image.getPixel(c * self.__tileWidth + x,
                                           r * self.__tileHeight + y))
                t = t + 1

        for x in range(self.__tileWidth):
            for y in range(self.__tileHeight):
                    x, y, cImage.Pixel(255, 255, 255))

        self.__win = cImage.ImageWin("Sliding Puzzle!",
                                     numCols * self.__tileWidth,
                                     numRows * self.__tileHeight)
Пример #20
def Pixelize(astring, r, g, b):
    f = str(ord(astring))
    if (len(f) < 3):
        f = "0" + f
    r = str(r)
    if (len(r) < 3):
        r = "0" + r
    g = str(g)
    if (len(g) < 3):
        g = "0" + g
    b = str(b)
    if (len(b) < 3):
        b = "0" + b
    r = r[:2] + f[0]
    g = g[:2] + f[1]
    b = b[:2] + f[2]
    r = int(r)
    if (r > 255):
        r = r - 10
    g = int(g)
    if (g > 255):
        g = g - 10
    b = int(b)
    if (b > 255):
        b = b - 10
    p = cImage.Pixel(r, g, b)
    return p
Пример #21
def load(img):
    img = image.Image(img)
    iDim = img.getWidth(), img.getHeight()
    newimg = image.EmptyImage(iDim[0], iDim[1])

    win = image.ImageWin(iDim[0], iDim[1])

    # newimg.setDelay(0) #no animation
    # newimg.setDelay(1,100) #animated
    print "Loading..."
    for y in range(iDim[1]):
        for x in range(iDim[0]):
            #pix = img.getPixel(x, y)

            # try calling a function here to change the rgb values
            # maybe call function from image.Pixel

            newb = Filter.invert(img, x, y)
            newpixel = image.Pixel(newb[0], newb[1], newb[2])
            newimg.setPixel(x, y, newpixel)
        )  #remove this for no animation, chrome sees it as frozen (is not)
Пример #22
def sepia():
    img = cImage.Image("elliot.gif")

    for row in range(img.getHeight()):
        for col in range(img.getWidth()):
            p = img.getPixel(col, row)
            newRed = int((.393 * p.getRed()) + (.769 * p.getGreen()) +
                         (.189 * p.getBlue()))
            newGreen = int((.349 * p.getRed()) + (.686 * p.getGreen()) +
                           (.168 * p.getBlue()))
            newBlue = int((.272 * p.getRed()) + (.534 * p.getGreen()) +
                          (.131 * p.getBlue()))
            if newRed > 255:
                newRed = 255
            elif newRed < 0:
                newRed = 0
            if newGreen > 255:
                newGreen = 255
            elif newGreen < 0:
                newGreen = 0
            if newBlue > 255:
                newBlue = 255
            elif newBlue < 0:
                newBlue = 0
            newPixel = cImage.Pixel(newRed, newGreen, newBlue)
            img.setPixel(col, row, newPixel)
Пример #23
def cria_forma(largura, altura, r, g, b):
    imagem = cImage.EmptyImage(largura, altura)
    pixel = cImage.Pixel(r, g, b)
    for coluna in range(largura):
        for linha in range(altura):
            imagem.setPixel(coluna, linha, pixel)
    return imagem
def taglio(img, win):
    new_pixel = image.Pixel(255, 255, 255)
    click_1 = win.getMouse()
    click_2 = win.getMouse()
    click_1_x = click_1[0]
    click_1_y = click_1[1]
    click_2_x = click_2[0]
    click_2_y = click_2[1]
    for col in range(img.getHeight()):
        for row in range(img.getWidth()):

            if click_1_x <= click_2_x and click_1_y <= click_2_y:
                if not (click_1_x < row < click_2_x
                        and click_1_y < col < click_2_y):
                    img.setPixel(row, col, new_pixel)

            if click_1_x >= click_2_x and click_1_y <= click_2_y:
                if not (click_2_x < row < click_1_x
                        and click_1_y < col < click_2_y):
                    img.setPixel(row, col, new_pixel)

            if click_1_x >= click_2_x and click_1_y >= click_2_y:
                if not (click_2_x < row < click_1_x
                        and click_2_y < col < click_1_y):
                    img.setPixel(row, col, new_pixel)

            if click_1_x <= click_2_x and click_1_y >= click_2_y:
                if not (click_1_x < row < click_2_x
                        and click_2_y < col < click_1_y):
                    img.setPixel(row, col, new_pixel)
def sepiaPixel(oldPixel):
    Convert a given pixel to its sepia equivalent value

        oldPixel: one pixel of a graphics image

        The sepia tone version of the given pixel

    r = oldPixel.getRed()
    g = oldPixel.getGreen()
    b = oldPixel.getBlue()

    newRed = 0.393 * r + 0.769 * g + 0.189 * b
    newGreen = 0.349 * r + 0.686 * g + 0.168 * b
    newBlue = 0.272 * r + 0.534 * g + 0.131 * b
    if newRed > 255:
        newRed = 255
    if newGreen > 255:
        newGreen = 255
    if newBlue > 255:
        newBlue = 255
    newPixel = cImage.Pixel(int(newRed), int(newGreen), int(newBlue))
    return newPixel
Пример #26
def manipula_cor(imagem_fich, val_r, val_g, val_b):
    """ Manipula cores. Altera de modo independente os
    três canais de cor."""

    imagem = cImage.FileImage(imagem_fich)
    largura = imagem.getWidth()
    altura = imagem.getHeight()

    janela = cImage.ImageWin('Manipula cores', 2 * largura, altura)
    nova_imagem = cImage.EmptyImage(largura, altura)

    for coluna in range(largura):
        for linha in range(altura):
            pixel = imagem.getPixel(coluna, linha)
            r = pixel.getRed()
            g = pixel.getGreen()
            b = pixel.getBlue()
            novo_r = max(r, r + ((val_r * r) % 255))
            novo_g = max(g, g + ((val_g * g) % 255))
            novo_b = max(r, r + ((val_b * b) % 255))
            novo_pixel = cImage.Pixel(novo_r, novo_g, novo_b)
            nova_imagem.setPixel(coluna, linha, novo_pixel)
    nova_imagem.setPosition(largura + 1, 0)
Пример #27
def noise(im, width, height, param={}):
    import cImage, random
    newImage = cImage.EmptyImage(width, height)

    mag = param.get('Mag', 0.05)
    magType = param.get('Type', "multiplicative")
    for row in range(height):
        for col in range(width):
            old_pixel = im.getPixel(col, row)
            if magType == "additive":
                red = old_pixel.getRed() + (random.random() - 0.5) * mag * 255
                green = old_pixel.getGreen() + (random.random() -
                                                0.5) * mag * 255
                blue = old_pixel.getBlue() + (random.random() -
                                              0.5) * mag * 255
                red = old_pixel.getRed() * (1 + (random.random() - 0.5) * mag)
                green = old_pixel.getGreen() * (1 +
                                                (random.random() - 0.5) * mag)
                blue = old_pixel.getBlue() * (1 +
                                              (random.random() - 0.5) * mag)
            rgbList = [int(red), int(green), int(blue)]
            for i in range(len(rgbList)):
                rgb = rgbList[i]
                if rgb < 0:
                    rgb = 0
                elif rgb > 255:
                    rgb = 255
                rgbList[i] = rgb
            new_pixel = cImage.Pixel(rgbList[0], rgbList[1], rgbList[2])
            newImage.setPixel(col, row, new_pixel)
    return newImage
Пример #28
def blur(input_image):
    new_image = image.EmptyImage(input_image.getWidth(),

    #loop over all pixels in input_image
    for col in range(1, input_image.getWidth() - 1):
        for row in range(1, input_image.getHeight() - 1):
            #get this pixel and its neighbors
            pixel = input_image.getPixel(col, row)
            left = input_image.getPixel(col - 1, row)
            right = input_image.getPixel(col + 1, row)
            up = input_image.getPixel(col, row - 1)
            down = input_image.getPixel(col, row + 1)

            #compute the new color components
            new_r = int((pixel.getRed() + left.getRed() + right.getRed() +
                         up.getRed() + down.getRed()) / 5)
            new_g = int(
                (pixel.getGreen() + left.getGreen() + right.getGreen() +
                 up.getGreen() + down.getGreen()) / 5)
            new_b = int((pixel.getBlue() + left.getBlue() + right.getBlue() +
                         up.getBlue() + down.getBlue()) / 5)

            #set the pixel in the new image
            new_pixel = image.Pixel(new_r, new_g, new_b)
            new_image.setPixel(col, row, new_pixel)

    return new_image
Пример #29
def muda_pixel(pixel):
    """ Muda pixel de modo aleatório."""
    r = (pixel.getRed() + random.randint(0, 25)) % 255
    g = (pixel.getGreen() + random.randint(0, 25)) % 255
    b = (pixel.getBlue() + random.randint(0, 25)) % 255
    novo_pixel = cImage.Pixel(r, g, b)
    return novo_pixel
Пример #30
def pixel_cinzento(pixel):
    """ Converte um pixel para escala de cinzentos tendo em atenção a diferença dos canais."""
    vermelho = pixel.getRed()
    verde = pixel.getGreen()
    azul = pixel.getBlue()
    int_media = (vermelho + verde + azul) // 3
    novo_pixel = cImage.Pixel(int_media, int_media, int_media)
    return novo_pixel