Пример #1
    def __call__(self, x, s1, s2):
        h = F.relu(self.conv1(x))
        self.r = self.conv2(h)

        q = self.conv3(self.r)
        self.v = F.max(q, axis=1, keepdims=True)

        for i in xrange(self.k - 1):
            q = self.conv3(self.r) + self.conv3b(self.v)
            self.v = F.max(q, axis=1, keepdims=True)

        q = self.conv3(self.r) + self.conv3b(self.v)

        t = s2 * q.data.shape[3] + s1
        q = F.reshape(q, (q.data.shape[0], q.data.shape[1], -1))
        q = F.rollaxis(q, 2, 1)

        t_data_cpu = chainer.cuda.to_cpu(t.data)
        w = np.zeros(q.data.shape, dtype=np.float32)
        w[six.moves.range(t_data_cpu.size), t_data_cpu] = 1.0

        if isinstance(q.data, chainer.cuda.ndarray):
            w = chainer.cuda.to_gpu(w)

        w = chainer.Variable(w, volatile=not self.train)
        q_out = F.sum(w * q, axis=1)
        self.ret = self.l3(q_out)
        return self.ret
Пример #2
    def predict(self,
        xs0, xs1 = xs  # premise, hypothesis
        if get_embed:
            ys0, exs0 = self.encoder(xs0, get_embed=True)
            ys1, exs1 = self.encoder(xs1, get_embed=True)
            ys0 = self.encoder(xs0, get_embed=False)
            ys1 = self.encoder(xs1, get_embed=False)

        ys0 = [F.max(y, axis=0) for y in ys0]
        ys1 = [F.max(y, axis=0) for y in ys1]
        ratio = 0.0 if no_dropout else self.dropout
        ys0 = F.dropout(F.stack(ys0, axis=0), ratio=ratio)
        ys1 = F.dropout(F.stack(ys1, axis=0), ratio=ratio)
        ys = F.concat([ys0, ys1, F.absolute(ys0 - ys1), ys0 * ys1], axis=1)
        ys = self.output(ys, no_dropout)
        if softmax:
            ys = F.softmax(ys).data
        elif argmax:
            ys = self.xp.argmax(ys.data, axis=1)
        if get_embed:
            return ys, exs0, exs1
        return ys
Пример #3
 def __call__(self, exs):
     h_w3 = F.max(self.cnn_w3(exs), axis=2)
     h_w4 = F.max(self.cnn_w4(exs), axis=2)
     h_w5 = F.max(self.cnn_w5(exs), axis=2)
     h = F.concat([h_w3, h_w4, h_w5], axis=1)
     h = F.relu(h)
     return h
Пример #4
def compute_shifts(cell, pbc, cutoff):
    xp = cell.xp
    reciprocal_cell = F.batch_inv(cell)
    inv_distances = F.max(F.sqrt(F.sum(reciprocal_cell**2, axis=1)), axis=0)
    num_repeats = F.ceil(cutoff * inv_distances)
    num_repeats = F.where(pbc, num_repeats, xp.zeros_like(num_repeats.data))
    num_repeats = F.max(num_repeats, axis=0)
    r1 = xp.arange(1, num_repeats.data[0] + 1)
    r2 = xp.arange(1, num_repeats.data[1] + 1)
    r3 = xp.arange(1, num_repeats.data[2] + 1)
    o = xp.zeros(1, dtype=r1.dtype)
    return F.vstack([
        xp.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]),
        cartesian_prod(r1, r2, r3),
        cartesian_prod(r1, r2, o),
        cartesian_prod(r1, r2, -r3),
        cartesian_prod(r1, o, r3),
        cartesian_prod(r1, o, o),
        cartesian_prod(r1, o, -r3),
        cartesian_prod(r1, -r2, r3),
        cartesian_prod(r1, -r2, o),
        cartesian_prod(r1, -r2, -r3),
        cartesian_prod(o, r2, r3),
        cartesian_prod(o, r2, o),
        cartesian_prod(o, r2, -r3),
        cartesian_prod(o, o, r3),
    def __call__(self, xs):
        self.logger.debug("The length of the batch is {}".format(len(xs)))

        ## Concat the samples in the batch so they are are the same size, for shorter sentences, use -1 to indicate no word
        x_block = chainer.dataset.convert.concat_examples(xs, padding=-1)
        self.logger.debug("The shape  of the concatenated batch is {}".format(
            "The  block shape [0] of the concatenated set is {}".format(

        ex_block = block_embed(self.embed, x_block, self.dropout)
            "The embedded block shape of the concatenated set is {}".format(
        self.logger.debug("The first embedded data shape is {}".format(

        h_w3 = F.max(self.cnn_w3(ex_block), axis=2)
        self.logger.debug("The first h_w3[0] data shape is {}".format(
        self.logger.debug("The first h_w3 data shape is {}".format(h_w3.shape))

        h_w4 = F.max(self.cnn_w4(ex_block), axis=2)

        h_w5 = F.max(self.cnn_w5(ex_block), axis=2)
        h = F.concat([h_w3, h_w4, h_w5], axis=1)
        h = F.relu(h)
        h = F.dropout(h, ratio=self.dropout)
        h = self.mlp(h)
        return h
Пример #6
        def _do_one(inputs):
            t, qvs, nqvs, result, mask, hopeful, terminate = inputs

            if terminate or mask != 1:
                return None, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, True

            action = int(F.argmax(qvs).data)
            if action == 1:
                terminate = True

            reward = 0
            if action == 1:
                if result == 1:
                    reward = self.r_correct
                    reward = self.r_rush if hopeful else self.r_wrong
            elif t == length - 1 and hopeful:
                reward = self.r_late

            qv = F.max(qvalues)
            nqv = F.max(nqvs).data
            if action == 1:
                loss = F.square(reward - qv)
                loss = F.square(reward + 0.5 * nqv - qv)

            r = 0
            if action == 1:
                r = 10 if result == 1 else -5
            r_hope = r if hopeful else 0
            correct = int(action and result == 1)
            rush = 1 if (result != 1 and action and hopeful) else 0
            late = 1 if (t == length - 1 and not action and hopeful) else 0
            return loss, r, r_hope, action, correct, rush, late, terminate
Пример #7
    def __call__(self, x, t, train=True, finetune=False):

        h = self.l1(x, train, finetune)  # (3, 20, 26, 26)
        h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = self.l2(h, train, finetune)  # (3, 20, 24, 24)

        h = F.max_pooling_2d(h,
                             use_cudnn=True)  # (3, 20, 12, 12)

        h = self.l3(h, train, finetune)  # (3, 20, 10, 10)
        h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = self.l4(h, train, finetune)  # (3, 20, 8, 8)
        h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = self.l5(h, train, finetune)  # (3, 20, 6, 6)
        h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = self.l6(h, train, finetune)  # (3, 20, 4, 4)
        h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)

        h = self.top(h)  # (3, 10, 1, 1)

        h = F.max(h, axis=-1, keepdims=False)  # (3, 10, 1)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-1, keepdims=False)  # (3, 10)

        return F.softmax_cross_entropy(h, t), F.accuracy(h, t)
Пример #8
    def calc(self, x):
        # --- input transform ---
        k = self.k
        gpu = self.gpu
        edge_feature = ec.edge_conv(x, k, gpu)
        h, t1 = self.input_transform_net(edge_feature, x)

        h = ec.edge_conv(h, k, gpu)
        h = self.conv_block1(h)
        h = F.max(h, axis=3, keepdims=True)
        h1 = h

        h = ec.edge_conv(h, k, gpu)
        h = self.conv_block2(h)
        h = F.max(h, axis=3, keepdims=True)
        h2 = h

        h = ec.edge_conv(h, k, gpu)
        h = self.conv_block3(h)
        h = F.max(h, axis=3, keepdims=True)
        h3 = h

        h = ec.edge_conv(h, k, gpu)
        h = self.conv_block4(h)
        h = F.max(h, axis=3, keepdims=True)
        h4 = h

        h = self.conv_block5(F.concat((h1, h2, h3, h4)))
        h = F.max(h, axis=2, keepdims=True)

        h = self.fc_block6(h)
        h = self.fc_block7(h)
        h = self.fc8(h)

        return h, t1
Пример #9
 def spartial_pyramid_pooling(self, x):
     padding = Variable(np.zeros((1, x.shape[2]), dtype=np.float32))
     h = [F.expand_dims(F.flatten(F.max(x, axis=3)), axis=0)]
     length = x.shape[3]
     for i in range(1, self.spp_level):
         division = 2**i
         window_size = length // division
         if window_size > 0:
             for j in range(i):
                         F.max(x[:, :, :,
                                 (window_size * j):(window_size * (j + 1))],
                     F.max(x[:, :, :, (window_size * i):], axis=3)),
             for j in range(length):
                 h.append(F.expand_dims(F.flatten(x[:, :, :, j]), axis=0))
             extend = division - length
             for j in range(extend):
     return (h)
Пример #10
    def __call__(self, x, t, train=True, finetune=False):

        h = self.l1(x, train, finetune)
        # h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = self.l2(h, train, finetune)

        h = plane_group_spatial_max_pooling(h,

        h = self.l3(h, train, finetune)
        # h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = self.l4(h, train, finetune)
        # h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = self.l5(h, train, finetune)
        # h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = self.l6(h, train, finetune)

        h = self.top(h)

        h = F.max(h, axis=-3, keepdims=False)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-1, keepdims=False)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-1, keepdims=False)

        return F.softmax_cross_entropy(h, t), F.accuracy(h, t)
Пример #11
    def _compute_target_q_value(self, batch):
        with chainer.using_config('train', False), \
                chainer.using_config('enable_backprop', False):
            (_, _, r, s_next, non_terminal) = batch
            r = F.reshape(r, shape=(*r.shape, 1))
            non_terminal = F.reshape(non_terminal,
                                     shape=(*non_terminal.shape, 1))

            s_next_rep = F.repeat(x=s_next,
            a_next_rep = self._vae._decode(s_next_rep)
            perturbed_action = self._target_perturbator(s_next_rep, a_next_rep)
            q_values = F.stack([
                q_target(s_next_rep, perturbed_action)
                for q_target in self._target_q_ensembles
            assert q_values.shape == (self._num_q_ensembles, self._batch_size *
                                      self._num_action_samples, 1)

            weighted_q_minmax = self._lambda * F.min(q_values, axis=0) \
                + (1 - self._lambda) * F.max(q_values, axis=0)
            assert weighted_q_minmax.shape == (self._batch_size *
                                               self._num_action_samples, 1)
            next_q_value = F.max(F.reshape(weighted_q_minmax,
                                           shape=(self._batch_size, -1)),
            assert next_q_value.shape == (self._batch_size, 1)
            target_q_value = r + self._gamma * next_q_value * non_terminal
            assert target_q_value.shape == (self._batch_size, 1)
        return target_q_value
Пример #12
 def get_grad(self, xs):
     x_block = chainer.dataset.convert.concat_examples(xs, padding=-1)
     ex_block = block_embed(self.embed, x_block, dropout=0.)
     h_w3 = F.max(self.cnn_w3(ex_block), axis=2)
     h_w4 = F.max(self.cnn_w4(ex_block), axis=2)
     h_w5 = F.max(self.cnn_w5(ex_block), axis=2)
     h = F.concat([h_w3, h_w4, h_w5], axis=1)
     h = F.relu(h)
     return self.mlp(h, no_dropout=True), ex_block
Пример #13
 def __call__(self, xs):
     xs = chainer.dataset.convert.concat_examples(xs, padding=0)
     xs = xs[:,None,:,:]
     h_w3 = F.max(self.cnn_w3(xs), axis=2)
     h_w4 = F.max(self.cnn_w4(xs), axis=2)
     h_w5 = F.max(self.cnn_w5(xs), axis=2)
     h = F.concat([h_w3,h_w4,h_w5],axis=1)
     h = F.dropout(F.relu(h),ratio=self.dpout_enc)
     h = F.squeeze(h)
     return h
Пример #14
    def __call__(self, x, t, train=True, finetune=False):

        h = self.l1(x, train, finetune)
        # h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-3, keepdims=False)

        h = self.l2(h, train, finetune)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-3, keepdims=False)

        h = F.max_pooling_2d(h, ksize=2, stride=2, pad=0)

        h = self.l3(h, train, finetune)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-3, keepdims=False)

        # h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = self.l4(h, train, finetune)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-3, keepdims=False)
        # h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = self.l5(h, train, finetune)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-3, keepdims=False)
        # h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = self.l6(h, train, finetune)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-3, keepdims=False)

        h = self.top(h)

        h = F.max(h, axis=-3, keepdims=False)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-1, keepdims=False)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-1, keepdims=False)

        return F.softmax_cross_entropy(h, t), F.accuracy(h, t)
Пример #15
    def __call__(self, x, t, train=True, finetune=False):

        h = self.l1(x, train, finetune)
        # h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-3, keepdims=False)

        h = self.l2(h, train, finetune)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-3, keepdims=False)

        h = F.max_pooling_2d(h, ksize=2, stride=2, pad=0)

        h = self.l3(h, train, finetune)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-3, keepdims=False)

        # h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = self.l4(h, train, finetune)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-3, keepdims=False)
        # h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = self.l5(h, train, finetune)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-3, keepdims=False)
        # h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = self.l6(h, train, finetune)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-3, keepdims=False)

        h = self.top(h)

        h = F.max(h, axis=-3, keepdims=False)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-1, keepdims=False)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-1, keepdims=False)

        return F.softmax_cross_entropy(h, t), F.accuracy(h, t)
Пример #16
 def __call__(self, xs):
     x_block = chainer.dataset.convert.concat_examples(xs, padding=-1)
     ex_block = block_embed(self.embed, x_block, self.dropout)
     h_w3 = F.max(self.cnn_w3(ex_block), axis=2)
     h_w4 = F.max(self.cnn_w4(ex_block), axis=2)
     h_w5 = F.max(self.cnn_w5(ex_block), axis=2)
     h = F.concat([h_w3, h_w4, h_w5], axis=1)
     h = F.relu(h)
     h = F.dropout(h, ratio=self.dropout)
     h = self.mlp(h)
     return h
Пример #17
 def forward(self, xs):
     x_block = chainer.dataset.convert.concat_examples(xs, padding=-1)
     ex_block = block_embed(self.embed, x_block, self.dropout)
     h_w3 = F.max(self.cnn_w3(ex_block), axis=2)
     h_w4 = F.max(self.cnn_w4(ex_block), axis=2)
     h_w5 = F.max(self.cnn_w5(ex_block), axis=2)
     h = F.concat([h_w3, h_w4, h_w5], axis=1)
     h = F.relu(h)
     h = F.dropout(h, ratio=self.dropout)
     h = self.mlp(h)
     return h
Пример #18
def readout(a, mode='sum', axis=1):
    if mode == 'sum':
        a = functions.sum(a, axis=axis)
    elif mode == 'max':
        a = functions.max(a, axis=axis)
    elif mode == 'summax':
        a_sum = functions.sum(a, axis=axis)
        a_max = functions.max(a, axis=axis)
        a = functions.concat((a_sum, a_max), axis=axis)
        raise ValueError('mode {} is not supported'.format(mode))
    return a
Пример #19
    def __call__(self, x, s1, s2):
        h = F.relu(self.conv(x))
        self.r = self.conv2(h)

        q = self.conv3(self.r)
        self.v = F.max(q, axis=1, keepdims=True)

        for i in xrange(self.k - 1):
            q = self.conv3(self.r) + self.conv3b(self.v)
            self.v = F.max(q, asix=1, keepdims=True)

        q = self.conv3(self.r) + self.conv3b(self.v)
def categorical_kl(params0, params1):
    params0 = params0[0]
    params1 = params1[0]
    assert params0.shape == params1.shape
    a0 = params0 - F.tile(F.max(params0, axis=1, keepdims=True), (1, 4))
    a1 = params1 - F.tile(F.max(params1, axis=1, keepdims=True), (1, 4))
    ea0 = F.exp(a0)
    ea1 = F.exp(a1)
    z0 = F.tile(F.sum(ea0, axis=1, keepdims=True), (1, 4))
    z1 = F.tile(F.sum(ea1, axis=1, keepdims=True), (1, 4))
    p0 = ea0 / z0
    return F.sum(p0 * (a0 - F.log(z0) - a1 + F.log(z1)), axis=1)
Пример #21
    def __call__(self, doc, word):
        doc = F.relu(self.conv_doc(doc))
        doc = F.max(doc, axis=2)

        word = F.relu(self.conv_word(word))
        word = F.max(word, axis=2)

        clayer = F.concat((doc, word))
        clayer = F.squeeze(clayer)
        y = F.relu(clayer)
        y = self.l_final(y)

        return y
Пример #22
    def __call__(self, x, e=None):
        gap = F.average(x, axis=(2, 3))
        gmp = F.max(x, axis=(2, 3))
        gap = self.ext(F.relu(self.sqz(gap)))
        gmp = self.ext(F.relu(self.sqz(gmp)))
        x = F.sigmoid(gap + gmp)[:, :, None, None] * x

        gap = F.average(x, axis=1)[:, None]
        gmp = F.max(x, axis=1)[:, None]
        h = self.conv(F.concat([gap, gmp]))
        h = F.sigmoid(h) * x

        return h
Пример #23
 def __call__(self, xs, labels=None):
     x_block = chainer.dataset.convert.concat_examples(xs, padding=-1)
     ex_block = block_embed(self.embed, x_block, self.dropout)
     if self.use_predict_embed and chainer.config.train:
         ex_block = self.embed.embed_xs_with_prediction(
             xs, labels=labels, batch='concat')
     h_w3 = F.max(self.cnn_w3(ex_block), axis=2)
     h_w4 = F.max(self.cnn_w4(ex_block), axis=2)
     h_w5 = F.max(self.cnn_w5(ex_block), axis=2)
     h = F.concat([h_w3, h_w4, h_w5], axis=1)
     h = F.relu(h)
     h = F.dropout(h, ratio=self.dropout)
     h = self.mlp(h)
     return h
Пример #24
    def _predict_depth_chainer_backend(self, bgr, depth_bgr=None):
        bgr_data = np.array([bgr], dtype=np.float32)
        depth_bgr_data = np.array([depth_bgr], dtype=np.float32)
        if self.gpu != -1:
            bgr_data = cuda.to_gpu(bgr_data, device=self.gpu)
            depth_bgr_data = cuda.to_gpu(depth_bgr_data, device=self.gpu)
        if LooseVersion(chainer.__version__) < LooseVersion('2.0.0'):
            bgr = chainer.Variable(bgr_data, volatile=True)
            depth_bgr = chainer.Variable(depth_bgr_data, volatile=True)
            self.model(bgr, depth_bgr)
            with chainer.using_config('train', False):
                with chainer.no_backprop_mode():
                    bgr = chainer.Variable(bgr_data)
                    depth_bgr = chainer.Variable(depth_bgr_data)
                    self.model(bgr, depth_bgr)

        proba_img = F.softmax(self.model.mask_score)
        label_pred = F.argmax(self.model.mask_score, axis=1)
        depth_pred = F.sigmoid(self.model.depth_score)
        proba_img = F.transpose(proba_img, (0, 2, 3, 1))
        max_proba_img = F.max(proba_img, axis=-1)
        # squeeze batch axis, gpu -> cpu
        proba_img = cuda.to_cpu(proba_img.data)[0]
        max_proba_img = cuda.to_cpu(max_proba_img.data)[0]
        label_pred = cuda.to_cpu(label_pred.data)[0]
        depth_pred = cuda.to_cpu(depth_pred.data)[0]
        # uncertain because the probability is low
        label_pred[max_proba_img < self.proba_threshold] = self.bg_label
        # get depth image
        depth_pred = depth_pred[0, :, :]
        depth_pred *= (self.model.max_depth - self.model.min_depth)
        depth_pred += self.model.min_depth

        return label_pred, proba_img, depth_pred
Пример #25
    def compute_vecs(self, word_ids, word_boundaries, phrase_num,
        word_ids = my_variable(word_ids, volatile=not self.train)
        word_embs = self.emb(word_ids)     # total_len x dim
        word_embs_reshape = F.reshape(word_embs, (1, 1, -1, self.emb_dim))

        if self.word_level_flag and char_vecs is not None:
            # print char_vecs.data.shape
            # print word_embs.data.shape
            word_embs = F.concat([word_embs, char_vecs], axis=1)
            # print word_embs.data.shape
            dim = self.emb_dim + self.add_dim
            word_embs_reshape = F.reshape(word_embs, (1, 1, -1, dim))

        # 1 x 1 x total_len x dim
        # convolution
        word_emb_conv = self.conv(word_embs_reshape)
        # 1 x dim x total_len x 1
        word_emb_conv_reshape = F.reshape(word_emb_conv,
                                          (self.hidden_dim, -1))
        # max
        word_emb_conv_reshape = F.split_axis(word_emb_conv_reshape,
                                             word_boundaries, axis=1)

        embs = [F.max(word_emb_conv_word, axis=1) for i, word_emb_conv_word in
                enumerate(word_emb_conv_reshape) if i % 2 == 1]
        embs = F.concat(embs, axis=0)
        phrase_emb_conv = F.reshape(embs,
                                    (phrase_num, self.hidden_dim))
        return phrase_emb_conv
Пример #26
def update(Q, target_Q, opt, samples, gamma=0.99, target_type='double_dqn'):
    """Update a Q-function with given samples and a target Q-function."""
    dtype = chainer.get_dtype()
    xp = Q.xp
    obs = xp.asarray([sample[0] for sample in samples], dtype=dtype)
    action = xp.asarray([sample[1] for sample in samples], dtype=np.int32)
    reward = xp.asarray([sample[2] for sample in samples], dtype=dtype)
    done = xp.asarray([sample[3] for sample in samples], dtype=dtype)
    obs_next = xp.asarray([sample[4] for sample in samples], dtype=dtype)
    # Predicted values: Q(s,a)
    y = F.select_item(Q(obs), action)
    # Target values: r + gamma * max_b Q(s',b)
    with chainer.no_backprop_mode():
        if target_type == 'dqn':
            next_q = F.max(target_Q(obs_next), axis=1)
        elif target_type == 'double_dqn':
            next_q = F.select_item(target_Q(obs_next),
                                   F.argmax(Q(obs_next), axis=1))
            raise ValueError('Unsupported target_type: {}'.format(target_type))
        target = reward + gamma * (1 - done) * next_q
    loss = mean_clipped_loss(y, target)
Пример #27
 def _train_batch(self, j):
     j1 = j + 1
     s_j = (Variable(self.xp.asarray(self.state_pool[j].astype(np.float32)))
            / 127.5) - 1
     s_j1 = (Variable(
         self.xp.asarray(self.state_pool[j + 1].astype(np.float32))) /
             127.5) - 1
     Qhat = self.target_q(s_j1, train=False)
     max_Q = cuda.to_cpu(F.max(Qhat, axis=1).data)
     #    max_Q = cuda.to_cpu(self.xp.max(Qhat.data, axis=1))
     y_j = Variable(
         self.xp.asarray(self.reward_pool[j] +
                         (1 - self.terminal_pool[j]) * self.gamma * max_Q))
     a_j = Variable(self.xp.asarray(self.action_pool[j]))
     qs = self.action_q(s_j)
     q_preds = F.select_item(qs, a_j)
     loss = F.mean_squared_error(y_j, q_preds)
     res = loss.backward()
     qp_cpu = qs.data
     #    print "loss", loss.data
     #    print np.mean(qp_cpu, axis=0)
     #    print(res)
     return np.mean(cuda.to_cpu(q_preds.data))
Пример #28
 def check_backward(self, x_data, y_grad, axis=None, keepdims=False):
         lambda x: functions.max(x, axis, keepdims),
Пример #29
 def check_forward(self, x_data, axis=None, keepdims=False):
     x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
     y = functions.max(x, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
     self.assertEqual(y.data.dtype, numpy.float32)
     y_expect = self.x.max(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
     self.assertEqual(y.data.shape, y_expect.shape)
     testing.assert_allclose(y_expect, y.data)
Пример #30
    def _predict(self, img_bgr, depth_bgr):
        img_bgr_batch = self.xp.array([img_bgr], dtype=self.xp.float32)
        depth_bgr_batch = self.xp.array([depth_bgr], dtype=self.xp.float32)
        if self.gpu >= 0:
            img_bgr_batch = cuda.to_gpu(img_bgr_batch, device=self.gpu)
            depth_bgr_batch = cuda.to_gpu(depth_bgr_batch, device=self.gpu)

        with chainer.using_config('train', False):
            with chainer.no_backprop_mode():
                img_bgr_variable = chainer.Variable(img_bgr_batch)
                depth_bgr_variable = chainer.Variable(depth_bgr_batch)
                # Do inference
                self.model(img_bgr_variable, depth_bgr_variable, None, None)

        # Get proba_img, pred_label, pred_depth
        proba_img = F.softmax(self.model.score_label)
        proba_img = F.transpose(proba_img, (0, 2, 3, 1))
        max_proba_img = F.max(proba_img, axis=-1)
        pred_label = F.argmax(self.model.score_label, axis=1)
        pred_depth = self.model.depth_pred

        # Squeeze batch axis, gpu -> cpu
        proba_img = cuda.to_cpu(proba_img.data)[0]
        max_proba_img = cuda.to_cpu(max_proba_img.data)[0]
        pred_label = cuda.to_cpu(pred_label.data)[0]
        pred_depth = cuda.to_cpu(pred_depth.data)[0, 0]

        # Uncertain because the probability is low
        pred_label[max_proba_img < self.proba_threshold] = self.bg_label

        return pred_label, proba_img, pred_depth
Пример #31
        def _do_both(inputs):
            t, qvs, nqvs, result, mask, hopeful, terminate = inputs

            if terminate or mask != 1:
                return None, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, True

            action = int(F.argmax(qvs).data)
            # if action == 1:
            #     terminate = True

            reward = [0, 0]
            if result == 1:
                reward[1] = self.r_correct
                reward[1] = self.r_rush if hopeful else self.r_wrong
            if t == length - 1 and hopeful:
                reward[0] = self.r_late
            nqv = F.max(nqvs).data
            loss = F.square(reward[0] + 0.3 * nqv - qvs[0])
            loss += F.square(reward[1] - qvs[1])

            r = 0
            if action == 1:
                r = 10 if result == 1 else -5
            r_hope = r if hopeful else 0
            correct = int(action and result == 1)
            rush = 1 if (result != 1 and action and hopeful) else 0
            late = 1 if (t == length - 1 and not action and hopeful) else 0
            return loss, r, r_hope, action, correct, rush, late, terminate
Пример #32
    def update_model(self):
        (s, action, reward, s_next, is_terminal) = self.memory.sample_minibatch(self.minibatch_size)

        # compute Q targets (max_a' Q_hat(s_next, a'))
        Q_hat = self.target_network(s_next)
        Q_hat_max = F.max(Q_hat, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        y = (1-is_terminal)*self.gamma*Q_hat_max + reward

        # compute Q(s, action)
        Q = self.model_network(s)
        Q_subset = F.reshape(F.select_item(Q, action), (self.minibatch_size, 1))

        # compute Huber loss
        error = y - Q_subset
        loss_clipped = abs(error) * (abs(error.data) > 1) + (error**2) * (abs(error.data) <= 1)
        loss = F.sum(loss_clipped) / self.minibatch_size

        # perform model update
        self.model_network.zerograds() ## zero out the accumulated gradients in all network parameters

        # target network tracks the model
        for dst, src in zip(self.target_network.params(), self.model_network.params()):
            dst.data = self.tau * src.data + (1 - self.tau) * dst.data

        return loss.data
Пример #33
    def compute_q_learning_loss(self, l_obs, l_act, l_rew, l_next_obs, l_done):
        :param l_obs: A chainer variable holding a list of observations. Should be of shape N * |S|.
        :param l_act: A chainer variable holding a list of actions. Should be of shape N.
        :param l_rew: A chainer variable holding a list of rewards. Should be of shape N.
        :param l_next_obs: A chainer variable holding a list of observations at the next time step. Should be of
        shape N * |S|.
        :param l_done: A chainer variable holding a list of binary values (indicating whether episode ended after this
        time step). Should be of shape N.
        :return: A chainer variable holding a scalar loss.
        # Hint: You may want to make use of the following fields: self._discount, self._q, self._qt
        # Hint2: Q-function can be called by self._q.forward(argument)
        # Hint3: You might also find https://docs.chainer.org/en/stable/reference/generated/chainer.functions.select_item.html useful
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        # Ideal next action per state, maximizing value.
        Qt_greedy = F.max(self._qt.forward(l_next_obs), -1)

        # Find y
        y = l_rew + (1 - l_done) * (self._discount * Qt_greedy)

        # Find Q, our current model.
        Q = F.select_item(self._q.forward(l_obs), l_act)

        # Find the total loss from this iteration.
        loss = F.mean((y - Q) ** 2)

        return loss
Пример #34
 def train_batch(self):
     j =  \
       np.random.permutation(min(self.frame, self.pool_size - self.train_term))[:self.batch_size] % self.pool_size
     j1 = j + 1
     s_j = (Variable(self.xp.asarray(self.state_pool[j].astype(np.float32)))
            / 127.5) - 1
     s_j1 = (Variable(
         self.xp.asarray(self.state_pool[j + 1].astype(np.float32))) /
             127.5) - 1
     Qhat = self.target_q(s_j1, train=False)
     max_Q = cuda.to_cpu(F.max(Qhat, axis=1).data)
     #    max_Q = cuda.to_cpu(self.xp.max(Qhat.data, axis=1))
     y_j = Variable(
         self.xp.asarray(self.reward_pool[j] +
                         (1 - self.terminal_pool[j]) * self.gamma * max_Q))
     a_j = Variable(self.xp.asarray(self.action_pool[j]))
     qs = self.action_q(s_j)
     q_preds = F.select_item(qs, a_j)
     loss = F.mean_squared_error(y_j, q_preds)
     qp_cpu = qs.data
     print "Q", np.mean(q_preds.data)
     print "loss", loss.data
     print np.mean(qp_cpu, axis=0)
Пример #35
    def compute_q_learning_loss(self, l_obs, l_act, l_rew, l_next_obs, l_done):
        :param l_obs: A chainer variable holding a list of observations. Should be of shape N * |S|.
        :param l_act: A chainer variable holding a list of actions. Should be of shape N.
        :param l_rew: A chainer variable holding a list of rewards. Should be of shape N.
        :param l_next_obs: A chainer variable holding a list of observations at the next time step. Should be of
        shape N * |S|.
        :param l_done: A chainer variable holding a list of binary values (indicating whether episode ended after this
        time step). Should be of shape N.
        :return: A chainer variable holding a scalar loss.
        # Hint: You may want to make use of the following fields: self._discount, self._q, self._qt
        # Hint2: Q-function can be called by self._q.forward(argument)
        # Hint3: You might also find
        # https://docs.chainer.org/en/stable/reference/generated/chainer.functions.select_item.html
        # useful
        # loss = C.Variable(np.array([0.]))

        # compute target q value named y
        q_next = self._qt.forward(l_next_obs)  # (N, |A|)
        q_act_next = F.max(q_next, axis=1)

        y = l_rew + self._discount * q_act_next * (1 - l_done)  # (N,)

        # compute mean square loss function
        q = self._q.forward(l_obs)  # (N, |A|)

        q_act = F.select_item(q, l_act)

        loss = F.mean(F.square(q_act - y))
        assert isinstance(loss, C.Variable)

        return loss
Пример #36
 def check_forward(self, x_data, axis=None, keepdims=False):
     x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
     y = functions.max(x, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
     self.assertEqual(y.data.dtype, numpy.float32)
     y_expect = self.x.max(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
     self.assertEqual(y.data.shape, y_expect.shape)
     gradient_check.assert_allclose(y_expect, y.data)
Пример #37
 def check_forward(self, x_data):
     x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
     y = functions.max(x, axis=self.axis, keepdims=self.keepdims)
     self.assertEqual(y.data.dtype, numpy.float32)
     y_expect = self.y_expect
     self.assertEqual(y.data.shape, y_expect.shape)
     testing.assert_allclose(y_expect, y.data)
Пример #38
 def normalize_linearly(self, h):
     """Normalize h linearly over dimensions in [0, 1]
     h_max = F.max(h, axis=1, keepdims=True)
     h_min = F.min(h, axis=1, keepdims=True)
     h_norm = (h - h_min) / (h_max - h_min + 1e-10)
     return h_norm
Пример #39
    def __call__(self, x, axis=1):
        if self.activation is not None:
            h = self.activation(x)
            h = x

        if self.mode == 'sum':
            y = functions.sum(h, axis=axis)
        elif self.mode == 'max':
            y = functions.max(h, axis=axis)
        elif self.mode == 'summax':
            h_sum = functions.sum(h, axis=axis)
            h_max = functions.max(h, axis=axis)
            y = functions.concat((h_sum, h_max), axis=axis)
            raise ValueError('mode {} is not supported'.format(self.mode))
        return y
Пример #40
def get_normalized_vector(d, xp=None):
    shape = tuple(range(1, len(d.shape)))
    if xp is not None:
        d /= (1e-12 + xp.max(xp.abs(d), shape, keepdims=True))
        d /= xp.sqrt(1e-6 + xp.sum(d ** 2, shape, keepdims=True))
        d_term = 1e-12 + F.max(F.absolute(d), shape, keepdims=True)
        d /= F.broadcast_to(d_term, d.shape)
        d_term = F.sqrt(1e-6 + F.sum(d ** 2, shape, keepdims=True))
        d /= F.broadcast_to(d_term, d.shape)
    return d
Пример #41
    def check_backward(self, x_data, y_grad, axis=None, keepdims=False):
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
        y = functions.max(x, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)

        y.grad = y_grad

        func = y.creator
        f = lambda: func.forward((x.data.copy(),))
        gx, = gradient_check.numerical_grad(f, (x.data,), (y.grad,), eps=1e-5)
        gradient_check.assert_allclose(gx, x.grad, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
Пример #42
    def calculate_score(self, h, pos, neg, pos_score=None, neg_score=None, multipos=False):
        #h_pro = self.act1(self.W_predict(h))
        h_pro = h
        if multipos:
            # If multiple positive vectors are given,
            # max score is picked up. (other ones are not propagated)
            pos_scoreL = [F.batch_matmul(h_pro, pos_one, transa=True) for pos_one in pos]
            pos_score = F.max(F.concat(pos_scoreL, axis=1), axis=1, keepdims=True)
            pos_score = F.batch_matmul(h_pro, pos, transa=True)
        neg_score = F.batch_matmul(h_pro, neg, transa=True)

        return pos_score, neg_score
Пример #43
    def __call__(self, x, t, train=True, finetune=False):

        h = self.l1(x, train, finetune)
        # h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = self.l2(h, train, finetune)

        h = plane_group_spatial_max_pooling(h, ksize=2, stride=2, pad=0, cover_all=True, use_cudnn=True)

        h = self.l3(h, train, finetune)
        # h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = self.l4(h, train, finetune)
        # h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = self.l5(h, train, finetune)
        # h = F.dropout(h, self.dr, train)
        h = self.l6(h, train, finetune)

        h = self.top(h)

        h = F.max(h, axis=-3, keepdims=False)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-1, keepdims=False)
        h = F.max(h, axis=-1, keepdims=False)

        return F.softmax_cross_entropy(h, t), F.accuracy(h, t)
Пример #44
    def predict(self, xs):
        # Encoding
        logits, exs = self._encode(xs)

        # Discretization
        D = F.gumbel_softmax(logits, self.tau, axis=2)
        gumbel_output = D.reshape(-1, self.M * self.K)
        with chainer.no_backprop_mode():
            maxp = F.mean(F.max(D, axis=2))
            reporter.report({'maxp': maxp.data}, self)

        # Decoding
        y_hat = self._decode(gumbel_output)
        return y_hat, exs
Пример #45
    def solve(self, docD, train=True):
        old2newD, e2sD = self.initialize_entities(docD["entities"], self.args.max_ent_id, train=train)
        e2dLD = dict((e, [s]) for (e, s) in e2sD.items())
        sentences = self.reload_sentences(docD["sentences"], old2newD)

        for sent in sentences:
            i2sD = OrderedDict()
            e2iLD = defaultdict(list)
            for i, token in enumerate(sent):
                if token in e2sD:
                    i2sD[i] = e2sD[token]
            if not i2sD:  # skip sentences without any entities
            e2iLD = OrderedDict(e2iLD)

            concat_h_L = self.encode_context(sent, i2sD, e2iLD, train=train)
            for e, concat_h in zip(e2iLD.keys(), concat_h_L):
                e2sD[e] = F.max(F.concat([e2sD[e], e2dLD[e][-1]], axis=0), axis=0, keepdims=True)

        EPS = sys.float_info.epsilon
        accum_loss_doc, TorFs, subTorFs = 0, 0, 0

        for query, answer in zip(docD["queries"], docD["answers"]):
            query = self.reload_sentence(query, old2newD)
            answer = old2newD[int(answer)]
            i2sD = dict([(i, e2sD[token]) for i, token in enumerate(query) if token in e2sD])
            u_Dq, q = self.encode_query(query, i2sD, train=train)
            eL, sL = zip(*list(e2sD.items()))
            pre_vL = [self.attention_history(e2dLD[e], q, train=train) for e in eL]
            v_eDq = self.W_dv(F.concat(pre_vL, axis=0))
            answer_idx = eL.index(answer)

            p = self.predict_answer(u_Dq, v_eDq, [True if token in query else False for token in eL], train=train) + EPS
            t = chainer.Variable(self.xp.array([answer_idx]).astype(np.int32), volatile=not train)
            accum_loss_doc += F.softmax_cross_entropy(p, t)

            p_data = p.data[0, :]
            max_idx = self.xp.argmax(p_data)
            TorFs += (max_idx == answer_idx)
            if max_idx != answer_idx:
                for sub_ans in [k for k, e in enumerate(eL) if e in query]:
                    p_data[sub_ans] = -10000000
                subTorFs += (self.xp.argmax(p_data) == answer_idx)

        return accum_loss_doc, TorFs, subTorFs
Пример #46
def ordinal_loss(y, mask):
    xp = cuda.get_array_module(y.data)
    volatile = y.volatile
    b, c, n = y.data.shape
    max_y = F.broadcast_to(F.max(y, axis=1, keepdims=True), y.data.shape)
    y = y - max_y
    sum_y = F.broadcast_to(F.expand_dims(F.sum(y, axis=1), 1), y.data.shape)
    down_tri = np.tri(c, dtype=np.float32)
    up_tri = down_tri.T
    w1 = Variable(xp.asarray(down_tri.reshape(c, c, 1, 1)), volatile=volatile)
    w2 = Variable(xp.asarray(up_tri.reshape(c, c, 1, 1)), volatile=volatile)
    h = F.exp(F.expand_dims(y, -1))
    h1 = F.convolution_2d(h, w1)
    h1 = F.convolution_2d(F.log(h1), w1)
    h2 = F.convolution_2d(h, w2)
    h2 = F.convolution_2d(F.log(h2), w2)
    h = F.reshape(h1 + h2, (b, c, n))
    return F.sum((h - sum_y - y) * mask) / b
Пример #47
  def forward(self, x_data, y_data, train=True, gpu=-1):

    if gpu >= 0:
      x_data = cuda.to_gpu(x_data)
      y_data = cuda.to_gpu(y_data)

    # ipdb.set_trace()
    x, t = Variable(x_data), Variable(y_data)
    # tanhを適用しているけど,sigmoidのほうがいいかも?
    h1 = F.max(F.tanh(self.conv1(x)), axis=3, keepdims=True)
    # h2 = F.max(F.sigmoid(self.conv2(x2)), axis=3, keepdims=True)
    h = F.dropout(F.sigmoid(self.l2(h1)), train=train, ratio=self.drop_ratio)
    y = self.lo(h)
    return y,F.softmax_cross_entropy(y, t), F.accuracy(y,t)

# class CNNModel(FunctionSet):
#     def __init__(self, n_vocab=1000, n_units=25, train=True, ratio=0.5, conv_width=3, unit_length=100):
#         super(ConvolutionEncoder, self).__init__(
#             n_vocab=n_vocab, n_emb=n_emb, train=train,ratio=ratio
#         )
#         self.conv_width = conv_width
#         self.vec_len = unit_length
#         self.n_filters = n_units
#         self.n_units   = n_units
#         #print(n_units, n_emb)
#         self.add_link('conv1',L.Convolution2D(1, self.n_filters, (self.conv_width, self.unit_length), stride=(1, self.unit_length), use_cudnn=False))
#         #self.to_init.append(self.conv1)
#         #self.add_link('conv1',L.Convolution2D(1, self.n_filters, (self.conv_width, n_units), stride=(1, n_units), use_cudnn=False))

#     def forward(self, x_data, y_data, train=True, gpu=-1):
#         batchsize=10
#         e = F.dropout(self.embed(chainer.Variable(sequence)), train=train)
#         # shape が,(sequence length, batchsize, vectorlength) になっていたので、
#         # swapaxes で(batchsize, sequence length, vectorlength) に修正
#         e = F.swapaxes(e,0,1)
#         #print(e.data.shape)
#         #e = F.reshape(e, (batchsize, 1, len(sequence), self.vec_len))
#         e = F.reshape(e, (batchsize, 1, len(sequence), self.vec_len))
#         e = F.tanh(e)
#         c = self.conv1(e)
#         h = F.reshape(F.max(c, axis=2), (batchsize, self.n_filters))
#         return h
Пример #48
    def compute_q_learning_loss(self, l_obs, l_act, l_rew, l_next_obs, l_done):
        :param l_obs: A chainer variable holding a list of observations. Should be of shape N * |S|.
        :param l_act: A chainer variable holding a list of actions. Should be of shape N.
        :param l_rew: A chainer variable holding a list of rewards. Should be of shape N.
        :param l_next_obs: A chainer variable holding a list of observations at the next time step. Should be of
        shape N * |S|.
        :param l_done: A chainer variable holding a list of binary values (indicating whether episode ended after this
        time step). Should be of shape N.
        :return: A chainer variable holding a scalar loss.
        # Hint: You may want to make use of the following fields: self._discount, self._q, self._qt
        # Hint2: Q-function can be called by self._q.forward(argument)
        # Hint3: You might also find https://docs.chainer.org/en/stable/reference/generated/chainer.functions.select_item.html useful
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        y = l_rew + (1 - l_done) * self._discount * F.max(self._qt.forward(l_next_obs), axis=1)
        q = F.select_item(self._q.forward(l_obs), l_act)
        loss = F.mean_squared_error(y, q)

        return loss
Пример #49
    def __call__(self, batch):
        word_ids, (char_ids, char_boundaries) = batch
        batch_size = word_ids.data.shape[0]

        # word lookup table
        word_embs = self.word_emb(word_ids)     # batch x len x dim

        if self.use_char:
            # character lookup table
            char_embs = self.char_emb(char_ids)     # total_len x dim
            char_embs_reshape = F.reshape(char_embs, (1, 1, -1, self.char_emb_dim))     # 1 x 1 x total_len x dim

            # convolution
            char_emb_conv = self.char_conv(char_embs_reshape)     # 1 x dim x total_len x 1
            char_emb_conv_reshape = F.reshape(char_emb_conv, (self.char_hidden_dim, -1))     # dim x total_len

            # max
            embs = []
            for i, char_emb_conv_word in enumerate(F.split_axis(char_emb_conv_reshape, char_boundaries, axis=1)):
                if i % 2 == 1:
                    # not pad
                    embs.append(F.max(char_emb_conv_word, axis=1))
            char_emb_conv = F.reshape(F.concat(embs, axis=0), (batch_size, -1, self.char_hidden_dim))

            # concatenate
            word_embs = F.concat([word_embs, char_emb_conv], axis=2)     # batch x len x dim

        word_embs_reshape = F.reshape(word_embs, (batch_size, 1, -1, self.word_dim))

        h = self.word_conv(word_embs_reshape)   # batch x dim x len x 1
        #h_transpose = F.swapaxes(h, 1, 2)  # TODO: maybe inefficient
        h_transpose = F.transpose(h, (0, 2, 1, 3))  # TODO: maybe inefficient
        h_reshape = F.reshape(h_transpose, (-1, self.word_hidden_dim))

        y = self.linear(F.relu(h_reshape))

        return y
Пример #50
 def check_backward(self, x_data, y_grad):
         lambda x: functions.max(x, self.axis, self.keepdims),
         x_data, y_grad, dtype='d',
Пример #51
 def f(x):
     return functions.max(x, self.axis, self.keepdims)
Пример #52
    def forward(self, inputs):
        Compute context insensitive token embeddings for ELMo representations.

        inputs: ``torch.autograd.Variable``
            Shape ``(batch_size, sequence_length, 50)`` of character ids representing the
            current batch.

        Dict with keys:
        ``'token_embedding'``: ``torch.autograd.Variable``
            Shape ``(batch_size, sequence_length + 2, embedding_dim)`` tensor with context
            insensitive token representations.
        ``'mask'``:  ``torch.autograd.Variable``
            Shape ``(batch_size, sequence_length + 2)`` long tensor with sequence mask.
        # Add BOS/EOS
        mask = ((inputs > 0).sum(axis=-1) > 0)

        character_ids_with_bos_eos, mask_with_bos_eos = add_sentence_boundary_token_ids(

        # the character id embedding
        max_chars_per_token = self._options['char_cnn']['max_characters_per_token']
        # (batch_size * sequence_length, max_chars_per_token, embed_dim)
        character_embedding = F.embed_id(
            character_ids_with_bos_eos.reshape((-1, max_chars_per_token)),

        # run convolutions
        cnn_options = self._options['char_cnn']
        if cnn_options['activation'] == 'tanh':
            activation = F.tanh
        elif cnn_options['activation'] == 'relu':
            activation = F.relu
            raise ConfigurationError("Unknown activation")

        # (batch_size * sequence_length, embed_dim, max_chars_per_token)
        character_embedding = F.transpose(character_embedding, (0, 2, 1))
        character_embedding = character_embedding[:, :, :, None]
        convs = []
        for i in range(len(self._convolutions)):
            conv = getattr(self, 'char_conv_{}'.format(i))
            convolved = conv(character_embedding)
            # (batch_size * sequence_length, n_filters for this width)
            convolved = F.max(convolved, axis=(2, 3))
            convolved = activation(convolved)

        # (batch_size * sequence_length, n_filters)
        token_embedding = F.concat(convs, axis=-1)

        # apply the highway layers (batch_size * sequence_length, n_filters)
        token_embedding = self._highways.forward(token_embedding)

        # final projection  (batch_size * sequence_length, embedding_dim)
        token_embedding = self._projection(token_embedding)

        # reshape to (batch_size, sequence_length, embedding_dim)
        batch_size, sequence_length, _ = character_ids_with_bos_eos.shape

        return {
            'mask': mask_with_bos_eos,
            'token_embedding': token_embedding.reshape((batch_size, sequence_length, -1))
Пример #53
 def test_invalid_axis_type_in_tuple(self):
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         functions.max(self.x, (1, 'x'))
Пример #54
 def check_backward(self, x_data, y_grad, axis=None, keepdims=False):
         lambda x: functions.max(x, axis, keepdims),
         x_data, y_grad, dtype='d',
Пример #55
 def test_duplicate_axis(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         functions.max(self.x, (0, 0))
Пример #56
 def f(x):
     x = functions.max(x, axis, keepdims)
     return x * x
Пример #57
 def test_invalid_axis_type(self):
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         functions.max(self.x, [0])
Пример #58
    def train(self, par=None):

        self.pr = min(1.0, 0.02 + self.random_exp / (self.idx + 1.0))
        self.upd = self.upd + 1

        # generate dataset from replay buffer
        if self.upd % 3 == 0:

        # save the buffer if any
        if self.r:
            self.r = []
        # process batches
        for repeat in range(self.batches):

            X = []
            A = []
            Y = []

            ln = len(self.r_buff)

            I = np.random.choice(ln, min(ln, self.batch), replace=False)

            XQ = []

            for i in I:
                game = self.r_buff[i]
                for x, a, r in reversed(game):

            XQ = tv(np.row_stack(XQ), v=flag.ON)

            Qmax = F.max( self.Qp(XQ), axis=1)
            Qmax = Qmax.data

            idx = 0

            for i in I:
                game = self.r_buff[i]
                q_max = 0.0

                for x, a, r in reversed(game):

                    y = q_max + r


                    # update q max
                    q_max = self.d * Qmax[idx]
                    idx += 1

            X = tv(np.row_stack(X))
            Y = tv(np.squeeze(np.row_stack(Y)))

            loss = self.loss(X, Y, A, self.Q)

            # update the parameters of the agent
Пример #59
 def test_pos_neg_duplicate_axis(self):
     x_data = numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, (3, 2, 4)).astype(numpy.float32)
     x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         functions.max(x, axis=(1, -2))
Пример #60
 def f(x):
     x = functions.max(x, self.axis, self.keepdims)
     return x * x