Пример #1
class TestVariantPy(unittest.TestCase):
    """ test Variant objects and their methods
    def setUp(self):
        """ define a default variant (currently a SNV)
        chrom = "1"
        pos = "15000000"
        snp_id = "."
        ref = "A"
        alt = "G"
        qual = "1000"
        filt = "PASS"
        info = 'AC=1;HGNC=TEST'
        keys = 'GT:DP:AD'
        sample = '0/1:40:10,10'

        self.var = Variant(chrom, pos, snp_id, ref, alt, qual, filt, info,
                           keys, sample)

    def test_set_gender_unknown(self):
        """ tests set_gender(), and its implications on the inheritance type

        # raise error for unknown gender
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

    def test_set_gender_autosomal(self):
        """test gender on autosomal chroms

        # check all the legitimate gender codes
        gender_codes = ["1", "m", "M", "male", "2", "f", "F", "female"]
        for gender in gender_codes:
            self.assertEqual(self.var.get_inheritance_type(), "autosomal")

    def test_set_gender_allosomal(self):
        """ test gender on the X chromosome

        # check the allosomal chroms
        self.var.chrom = "X"
        self.assertEqual(self.var.get_inheritance_type(), "XChrMale")

        self.assertEqual(self.var.get_inheritance_type(), "XChrFemale")

        # check the allosomal chroms
        self.var.chrom = "Y"
        self.assertEqual(self.var.get_inheritance_type(), "YChrMale")

        self.assertEqual(self.var.get_inheritance_type(), "YChrFemale")

    def test_set_gender_pseudoautosomal(self):
        """ test gender on a pseudoautosomal region

        # now check a variant in the pseudoautosomal regions
        self.var.chrom = "X"
        self.var.position = 2699510
        self.assertEqual(self.var.get_inheritance_type(), "autosomal")

        self.assertEqual(self.var.get_inheritance_type(), "autosomal")

    def test_get_chrom(self):
        """ tests that the chrom returns correctly

        # check that the chrom is the default chrom
        self.assertEqual(self.var.get_chrom(), "1")

        # check that we can change the chrom and it still returns correctly
        self.var.chrom = "X"
        self.assertEqual(self.var.get_chrom(), "X")

    def test_get_position(self):
        """ tests that the position returns correctly

        # check the default position
        self.assertEqual(self.var.get_position(), 15000000)

        # check that we can change the chrom and it still returns correctly
        self.var.position = 123456789
        self.assertEqual(self.var.get_position(), 123456789)

    def test_get_mutation_id(self):
        """ test that the mutation ID is parsed correctly
        var = self.var

        # check a null ID value
        self.assertEqual(var.get_mutation_id(), "NA")

        # check a rsID value
        self.assertEqual(var.get_mutation_id(), "NA")

        # check a rsID and a mutation ID
        self.assertEqual(var.get_mutation_id(), "CM0001")

        # check multiple mutation IDs
        self.assertEqual(var.get_mutation_id(), "CM0001,CM0002")

    def test_get_vcf_line(self):
        """ tests that the vcf line string returns correctly

        vcf_line = [
            "1", "15000000", ".", "A", "G", "50", "PASS", "AB=0.41;AC=1;AN=2",
            "GT:gatk_PL:GQ", "0/1:736,0,356:99"
        self.assertEqual(self.var.get_vcf_line(), vcf_line)

    def test_get_low_depth_alleles(self):
        ''' test that get_low_depth_alleles() works correctly

        # check with a single allele whre it is non-zero
        self.var.info = Info('AC=1')
        alts = ('C', )
        self.assertEqual(self.var.get_low_depth_alleles('G', alts), [])

        # check with a single allele with zero count
        self.var.info = Info('AC=0')
        alts = ('C', )
        self.assertEqual(self.var.get_low_depth_alleles('G', alts), ['C'])

        # check with multiallelic, where both are nonzero
        self.var.info = Info('AC=1,1')
        self.var.format = {'AD': '5,10,10'}
        alts = ('C', 'G')
        self.assertEqual(self.var.get_low_depth_alleles('G', alts), [])

        # check with multiallelic, where one a has zero count
        self.var.info = Info('AC=1,0')
        self.var.format = {'AD': '5,10,10'}
        alts = ('C', 'G')
        self.assertEqual(self.var.get_low_depth_alleles('G', alts), ['G'])

    def test_get_low_depth_alleles_bad_indel(self):
        ''' test that get_low_depth_alleles() works for indels with depth=1
        # check with multiallelic, where all should pass, since none are indels
        self.var.info = Info('AC=1,1')
        self.var.format = {'AD': '5,10,1'}
        alts = ('C', 'G')
        self.assertEqual(self.var.get_low_depth_alleles('G', alts), [])

        # but if we have an indel alt, and the corresponding depth is bad, fail
        alts = ('C', 'GG')
        self.assertEqual(self.var.get_low_depth_alleles('G', alts), ['GG'])