Пример #1
    def calc_kA(self, silent=False):
        msg('Calculating kA... ', level=2, silent=silent)
        model = self.model
        a = self.a
        b = self.b
        r = self.r
        m = self.m
        n = self.n
        num = panmDB.db[self.model]['num']
        size = self.get_size()

        if self.beta is None:
            if self.Mach < 1:
                raise ValueError('Mach number must be >= 1')
            elif self.Mach == 1:
                self.Mach = 1.0001
            M = self.Mach
            beta = self.rho_air * self.V**2 / (M**2 - 1)**0.5
            gamma = beta*1./(2.*self.r*(M**2 - 1)**0.5)
            ainf = self.speed_sound
            aeromu = beta/(M*ainf)*(M**2 - 2)/(M**2 - 1)
            beta = self.beta
            gamma = self.gamma if self.gamma is not None else 0.
            aeromu = self.aeromu if self.aeromu is not None else 0.

        # contributions from panels
        #TODO summing up coo_matrix objects may be slow!
        p = self.panels[0]
        #TODO if the initialization of panel is correct, the line below is
        #     unnecessary
        p.flow = self.flow
        p.calc_kA(silent=silent, finalize=False)

        kA = p.kA

        assert np.any(np.isnan(kA.data)) == False
        assert np.any(np.isinf(kA.data)) == False
        kA = csr_matrix(make_skew_symmetric(kA))

        self.kA = kA

        #NOTE forcing Python garbage collector to clean the memory
        #     it DOES make a difference! There is a memory leak not
        #     identified, probably in the csr_matrix process

        msg('finished!', level=2, silent=silent)
Пример #2
def tstiff2d_1stiff_flutter(a, b, ys, bb, bf, defect_a, mu, plyt,
        laminaprop, stack_skin, stack_base, stack_flange,
        air_speed=None, rho_air=None, Mach=None, speed_sound=None, flow='x',
        Nxx_skin=None, Nxx_base=None, Nxx_flange=None, run_static_case=True,
        r=None, m=8, n=8, mb=None, nb=None, mf=None, nf=None):
    r"""Flutter of T-Stiffened Panel with possible defect at middle

    For more details about each parameter and the aerodynamic formulation see
    Ref. [castro2016FlutterPanel]_ .

    The panel assembly looks like::

         _________ _____ _________
        |         |     |         |
        |         |     |         |
        |   p01   | p02 |   p03   |
        |         |     |         |
        |   p04   | p05 |   p06   |      /\  x
        |_________|_____|_________|       |
        |         |     |         |       |
        |         |     |         |       |
        |   p07   | p08 |   p09   |
        |         |     |         |
        |         |     |         |
               loaded edge

                  base            flange
                   _____           _____
                  |     |         |     |
                  |     |         |     |
                  | p10 |         | p11 |
                  |     |         |     |
                  |_____|         |_____|
                  | p12 |         | p13 |
                  |_____|         |_____|
                  |     |         |     |
                  |     |         |     |
                  | p14 |         | p15 |
                  |     |         |     |
                  |     |         |     |
                  |_____|         |_____|
               loaded edge     loaded edge


    a : float
        Total length of the assembly (along `x`).
    b : float
        Total width of the assembly (along `y`).
    ys : float
        Position of the stiffener along `y`.
    bb : float
        Stiffener's base width.
    bf : float
        Stiffener's flange width.
    defect_a : float
        Debonding defect/assembly length ratio.
    mu : float
        Material density.
    plyt : float
        Ply thickness.
    laminaprop : list or tuple
        Orthotropic lamina properties: `E_1, E_2, \nu_{12}, G_{12}, G_{13}, G_{23}`.
    stack_skin : list or tuple
        Stacking sequence for the skin.
    stack_base : list or tuple
        Stacking sequence for the stiffener's base.
    stack_flange : list or tuple
        Stacking sequence for the stiffener's flange.
    air_speed : float
        Airflow speed.
    rho_air : float
        Air density.
    Mach : float
        Mach number.
    speed_sound : float
        Speed of sound.
    flow : "x" or "y"
        Direction of airflow.
    Nxx_skin : float
        Skin load distributed at the assembly edge at `x=0`.
    Nxx_base : float
        Stiffener's base load distributed at the assembly edge at `x=0`.
    Nxx_flange : float
        Stiffener's flange load distributed at the assembly edge at `x=0`.
    run_static_case : bool, optional
        If True a static analysis is run before the linear buckling analysis
        to compute the real membrane stress state along the domain, otherwise
        it is assumed constant values of `N_{xx}` for all components.
    r : float or None, optional
        Radius of the stiffened panel.
    m, n : int, optional
        Number of terms of the approximation function for the skin.
    mb, nb : int, optional
        Number of terms of the approximation function for the stiffener's base.
    mf, nf : int, optional
        Number of terms of the approximation function for the stiffener's


    The following example is one of the test cases:

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../../compmech/panel/assembly/tests/test_tstiff2d_assembly.py
        :pyobject: test_tstiff2d_1stiff_flutter

    defect = defect_a * a
    has_defect = True if defect > 0 else False
    defect = 0.33*a if defect == 0 else defect # to avoid weird domains
    aup = (a - defect)/2.
    alow = (a - defect)/2.
    bleft = b - ys - bb/2.
    bright = ys - bb/2.
    mb = m if mb is None else mb
    nb = n if nb is None else nb
    mf = m if mf is None else mf
    nf = n if nf is None else nf
    # skin panels
    p01 = Panel(group='skin', Nxx=Nxx_skin, x0=alow+defect, y0=ys+bb/2., a=aup, b=bleft, r=r, m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_skin, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu, rho_air=rho_air, speed_sound=speed_sound, Mach=Mach, V=air_speed, flow=flow)
    p02 = Panel(group='skin', Nxx=Nxx_skin, x0=alow+defect, y0=ys-bb/2., a=aup, b=bb, r=r, m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_skin, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu, rho_air=rho_air, speed_sound=speed_sound, Mach=Mach, V=air_speed, flow=flow)
    p03 = Panel(group='skin', Nxx=Nxx_skin, x0=alow+defect, y0=0, a=aup, b=bright, r=r, m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_skin, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu, rho_air=rho_air, speed_sound=speed_sound, Mach=Mach, V=air_speed, flow=flow)
    # defect
    p04 = Panel(group='skin', Nxx=Nxx_skin, x0=alow, y0=ys+bb/2., a=defect, b=bleft, r=r, m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_skin, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu, rho_air=rho_air, speed_sound=speed_sound, Mach=Mach, V=air_speed, flow=flow)
    p05 = Panel(group='skin', Nxx=Nxx_skin, x0=alow, y0=ys-bb/2., a=defect, b=bb, r=r, m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_skin, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu, rho_air=rho_air, speed_sound=speed_sound, Mach=Mach, V=air_speed, flow=flow)
    p06 = Panel(group='skin', Nxx=Nxx_skin, x0=alow, y0=0, a=defect, b=bright, r=r, m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_skin, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu, rho_air=rho_air, speed_sound=speed_sound, Mach=Mach, V=air_speed, flow=flow)
    p07 = Panel(group='skin', Nxx=Nxx_skin, x0=0, y0=ys+bb/2., a=alow, b=bleft, r=r, m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_skin, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu, rho_air=rho_air, speed_sound=speed_sound, Mach=Mach, V=air_speed, flow=flow)
    p08 = Panel(group='skin', Nxx=Nxx_skin, x0=0, y0=ys-bb/2., a=alow, b=bb, r=r, m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_skin, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu, rho_air=rho_air, speed_sound=speed_sound, Mach=Mach, V=air_speed, flow=flow)
    p09 = Panel(group='skin', Nxx=Nxx_skin, x0=0, y0=0, a=alow, b=bright, r=r, m=m, n=n, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_skin, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu, rho_air=rho_air, speed_sound=speed_sound, Mach=Mach, V=air_speed, flow=flow)

    # stiffeners
    p10 = Panel(group='base', Nxx=Nxx_base, x0=alow+defect, y0=ys-bb/2., a=aup, b=bb, r=r, m=mb, n=nb, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_base, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu)
    p11 = Panel(group='flange', Nxx=Nxx_flange, x0=alow+defect, y0=0,        a=aup, b=bf, m=mf, n=nf, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_flange, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu)
    # defect
    p12 = Panel(group='base', Nxx=Nxx_base, x0=alow, y0=ys-bb/2., a=defect, b=bb, r=r, m=mb, n=nb, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_base, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu)
    p13 = Panel(group='flange', Nxx=Nxx_flange, x0=alow, y0=0,        a=defect, b=bf, m=mf, n=nf, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_flange, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu)
    p14 = Panel(group='base', Nxx=Nxx_base, x0=0, y0=ys-bb/2., a=alow, b=bb, r=r, m=mb, n=nb, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_base, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu)
    p15 = Panel(group='flange', Nxx=Nxx_flange, x0=0, y0=0,        a=alow, b=bf, m=mf, n=nf, plyt=plyt, stack=stack_flange, laminaprop=laminaprop, mu=mu)

    # boundary conditions
    p01.u1tx = 1 ; p01.u1rx = 1 ; p01.u2tx = 0 ; p01.u2rx = 1
    p01.v1tx = 1 ; p01.v1rx = 1 ; p01.v2tx = 0 ; p01.v2rx = 1
    p01.w1tx = 1 ; p01.w1rx = 1 ; p01.w2tx = 0 ; p01.w2rx = 1
    p01.u1ty = 1 ; p01.u1ry = 1 ; p01.u2ty = 1 ; p01.u2ry = 1
    p01.v1ty = 1 ; p01.v1ry = 1 ; p01.v2ty = 0 ; p01.v2ry = 1
    p01.w1ty = 1 ; p01.w1ry = 1 ; p01.w2ty = 0 ; p01.w2ry = 1

    p02.u1tx = 1 ; p02.u1rx = 1 ; p02.u2tx = 0 ; p02.u2rx = 1
    p02.v1tx = 1 ; p02.v1rx = 1 ; p02.v2tx = 0 ; p02.v2rx = 1
    p02.w1tx = 1 ; p02.w1rx = 1 ; p02.w2tx = 0 ; p02.w2rx = 1
    p02.u1ty = 1 ; p02.u1ry = 1 ; p02.u2ty = 1 ; p02.u2ry = 1
    p02.v1ty = 1 ; p02.v1ry = 1 ; p02.v2ty = 1 ; p02.v2ry = 1
    p02.w1ty = 1 ; p02.w1ry = 1 ; p02.w2ty = 1 ; p02.w2ry = 1

    p03.u1tx = 1 ; p03.u1rx = 1 ; p03.u2tx = 0 ; p03.u2rx = 1
    p03.v1tx = 1 ; p03.v1rx = 1 ; p03.v2tx = 0 ; p03.v2rx = 1
    p03.w1tx = 1 ; p03.w1rx = 1 ; p03.w2tx = 0 ; p03.w2rx = 1
    p03.u1ty = 1 ; p03.u1ry = 1 ; p03.u2ty = 1 ; p03.u2ry = 1
    p03.v1ty = 0 ; p03.v1ry = 1 ; p03.v2ty = 1 ; p03.v2ry = 1
    p03.w1ty = 0 ; p03.w1ry = 1 ; p03.w2ty = 1 ; p03.w2ry = 1

    p04.u1tx = 1 ; p04.u1rx = 1 ; p04.u2tx = 1 ; p04.u2rx = 1
    p04.v1tx = 1 ; p04.v1rx = 1 ; p04.v2tx = 1 ; p04.v2rx = 1
    p04.w1tx = 1 ; p04.w1rx = 1 ; p04.w2tx = 1 ; p04.w2rx = 1
    p04.u1ty = 1 ; p04.u1ry = 1 ; p04.u2ty = 1 ; p04.u2ry = 1
    p04.v1ty = 1 ; p04.v1ry = 1 ; p04.v2ty = 0 ; p04.v2ry = 1
    p04.w1ty = 1 ; p04.w1ry = 1 ; p04.w2ty = 0 ; p04.w2ry = 1

    p05.u1tx = 1 ; p05.u1rx = 1 ; p05.u2tx = 1 ; p05.u2rx = 1
    p05.v1tx = 1 ; p05.v1rx = 1 ; p05.v2tx = 1 ; p05.v2rx = 1
    p05.w1tx = 1 ; p05.w1rx = 1 ; p05.w2tx = 1 ; p05.w2rx = 1
    p05.u1ty = 1 ; p05.u1ry = 1 ; p05.u2ty = 1 ; p05.u2ry = 1
    p05.v1ty = 1 ; p05.v1ry = 1 ; p05.v2ty = 1 ; p05.v2ry = 1
    p05.w1ty = 1 ; p05.w1ry = 1 ; p05.w2ty = 1 ; p05.w2ry = 1

    p06.u1tx = 1 ; p06.u1rx = 1 ; p06.u2tx = 1 ; p06.u2rx = 1
    p06.v1tx = 1 ; p06.v1rx = 1 ; p06.v2tx = 1 ; p06.v2rx = 1
    p06.w1tx = 1 ; p06.w1rx = 1 ; p06.w2tx = 1 ; p06.w2rx = 1
    p06.u1ty = 1 ; p06.u1ry = 1 ; p06.u2ty = 1 ; p06.u2ry = 1
    p06.v1ty = 0 ; p06.v1ry = 1 ; p06.v2ty = 1 ; p06.v2ry = 1
    p06.w1ty = 0 ; p06.w1ry = 1 ; p06.w2ty = 1 ; p06.w2ry = 1

    p07.u1tx = 1 ; p07.u1rx = 1 ; p07.u2tx = 1 ; p07.u2rx = 1
    p07.v1tx = 0 ; p07.v1rx = 1 ; p07.v2tx = 1 ; p07.v2rx = 1
    p07.w1tx = 0 ; p07.w1rx = 1 ; p07.w2tx = 1 ; p07.w2rx = 1
    p07.u1ty = 1 ; p07.u1ry = 1 ; p07.u2ty = 1 ; p07.u2ry = 1
    p07.v1ty = 1 ; p07.v1ry = 1 ; p07.v2ty = 0 ; p07.v2ry = 1
    p07.w1ty = 1 ; p07.w1ry = 1 ; p07.w2ty = 0 ; p07.w2ry = 1

    p08.u1tx = 1 ; p08.u1rx = 1 ; p08.u2tx = 1 ; p08.u2rx = 1
    p08.v1tx = 0 ; p08.v1rx = 1 ; p08.v2tx = 1 ; p08.v2rx = 1
    p08.w1tx = 0 ; p08.w1rx = 1 ; p08.w2tx = 1 ; p08.w2rx = 1
    p08.u1ty = 1 ; p08.u1ry = 1 ; p08.u2ty = 1 ; p08.u2ry = 1
    p08.v1ty = 1 ; p08.v1ry = 1 ; p08.v2ty = 1 ; p08.v2ry = 1
    p08.w1ty = 1 ; p08.w1ry = 1 ; p08.w2ty = 1 ; p08.w2ry = 1

    p09.u1tx = 1 ; p09.u1rx = 1 ; p09.u2tx = 1 ; p09.u2rx = 1
    p09.v1tx = 0 ; p09.v1rx = 1 ; p09.v2tx = 1 ; p09.v2rx = 1
    p09.w1tx = 0 ; p09.w1rx = 1 ; p09.w2tx = 1 ; p09.w2rx = 1
    p09.u1ty = 1 ; p09.u1ry = 1 ; p09.u2ty = 1 ; p09.u2ry = 1
    p09.v1ty = 0 ; p09.v1ry = 1 ; p09.v2ty = 1 ; p09.v2ry = 1
    p09.w1ty = 0 ; p09.w1ry = 1 ; p09.w2ty = 1 ; p09.w2ry = 1

    # base up
    p10.u1tx = 1 ; p10.u1rx = 1 ; p10.u2tx = 1 ; p10.u2rx = 1
    p10.v1tx = 1 ; p10.v1rx = 1 ; p10.v2tx = 1 ; p10.v2rx = 1
    p10.w1tx = 1 ; p10.w1rx = 1 ; p10.w2tx = 1 ; p10.w2rx = 1
    p10.u1ty = 1 ; p10.u1ry = 1 ; p10.u2ty = 1 ; p10.u2ry = 1
    p10.v1ty = 1 ; p10.v1ry = 1 ; p10.v2ty = 1 ; p10.v2ry = 1
    p10.w1ty = 1 ; p10.w1ry = 1 ; p10.w2ty = 1 ; p10.w2ry = 1

    # flange up
    p11.u1tx = 1 ; p11.u1rx = 1 ; p11.u2tx = 0 ; p11.u2rx = 1
    p11.v1tx = 1 ; p11.v1rx = 1 ; p11.v2tx = 0 ; p11.v2rx = 1
    p11.w1tx = 1 ; p11.w1rx = 1 ; p11.w2tx = 0 ; p11.w2rx = 1
    p11.u1ty = 1 ; p11.u1ry = 1 ; p11.u2ty = 1 ; p11.u2ry = 1
    p11.v1ty = 1 ; p11.v1ry = 1 ; p11.v2ty = 1 ; p11.v2ry = 1
    p11.w1ty = 1 ; p11.w1ry = 1 ; p11.w2ty = 1 ; p11.w2ry = 1

    # base mid
    p12.u1tx = 1 ; p12.u1rx = 1 ; p12.u2tx = 1 ; p12.u2rx = 1
    p12.v1tx = 1 ; p12.v1rx = 1 ; p12.v2tx = 1 ; p12.v2rx = 1
    p12.w1tx = 1 ; p12.w1rx = 1 ; p12.w2tx = 1 ; p12.w2rx = 1
    p12.u1ty = 1 ; p12.u1ry = 1 ; p12.u2ty = 1 ; p12.u2ry = 1
    p12.v1ty = 1 ; p12.v1ry = 1 ; p12.v2ty = 1 ; p12.v2ry = 1
    p12.w1ty = 1 ; p12.w1ry = 1 ; p12.w2ty = 1 ; p12.w2ry = 1

    # flange mid
    p13.u1tx = 1 ; p13.u1rx = 1 ; p13.u2tx = 1 ; p13.u2rx = 1
    p13.v1tx = 1 ; p13.v1rx = 1 ; p13.v2tx = 1 ; p13.v2rx = 1
    p13.w1tx = 1 ; p13.w1rx = 1 ; p13.w2tx = 1 ; p13.w2rx = 1
    p13.u1ty = 1 ; p13.u1ry = 1 ; p13.u2ty = 1 ; p13.u2ry = 1
    p13.v1ty = 1 ; p13.v1ry = 1 ; p13.v2ty = 1 ; p13.v2ry = 1
    p13.w1ty = 1 ; p13.w1ry = 1 ; p13.w2ty = 1 ; p13.w2ry = 1

    # base low
    p14.u1tx = 1 ; p14.u1rx = 1 ; p14.u2tx = 1 ; p14.u2rx = 1
    p14.v1tx = 1 ; p14.v1rx = 1 ; p14.v2tx = 1 ; p14.v2rx = 1
    p14.w1tx = 1 ; p14.w1rx = 1 ; p14.w2tx = 1 ; p14.w2rx = 1
    p14.u1ty = 1 ; p14.u1ry = 1 ; p14.u2ty = 1 ; p14.u2ry = 1
    p14.v1ty = 1 ; p14.v1ry = 1 ; p14.v2ty = 1 ; p14.v2ry = 1
    p14.w1ty = 1 ; p14.w1ry = 1 ; p14.w2ty = 1 ; p14.w2ry = 1

    # flange low
    p15.u1tx = 1 ; p15.u1rx = 1 ; p15.u2tx = 1 ; p15.u2rx = 1
    p15.v1tx = 0 ; p15.v1rx = 1 ; p15.v2tx = 1 ; p15.v2rx = 1
    p15.w1tx = 0 ; p15.w1rx = 1 ; p15.w2tx = 1 ; p15.w2rx = 1
    p15.u1ty = 1 ; p15.u1ry = 1 ; p15.u2ty = 1 ; p15.u2ry = 1
    p15.v1ty = 1 ; p15.v1ry = 1 ; p15.v2ty = 1 ; p15.v2ry = 1
    p15.w1ty = 1 ; p15.w1ry = 1 ; p15.w2ty = 1 ; p15.w2ry = 1

    conn = [
        # skin-skin
        dict(p1=p01, p2=p02, func='SSycte', ycte1=0, ycte2=p02.b),
        dict(p1=p01, p2=p04, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p04.a),
        dict(p1=p02, p2=p03, func='SSycte', ycte1=0, ycte2=p03.b),
        dict(p1=p02, p2=p05, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p05.a),
        dict(p1=p03, p2=p06, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p06.a),
        dict(p1=p04, p2=p05, func='SSycte', ycte1=0, ycte2=p05.b),
        dict(p1=p04, p2=p07, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p07.a),
        dict(p1=p05, p2=p06, func='SSycte', ycte1=0, ycte2=p06.b),
        dict(p1=p05, p2=p08, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p08.a),
        dict(p1=p06, p2=p09, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p09.a),
        dict(p1=p07, p2=p08, func='SSycte', ycte1=0, ycte2=p08.b),
        dict(p1=p08, p2=p09, func='SSycte', ycte1=0, ycte2=p09.b),

        # skin-base
        dict(p1=p02, p2=p10, func='SB'),
        dict(p1=p05, p2=p12, func='SB', has_defect=has_defect), # defect
        dict(p1=p08, p2=p14, func='SB'),

        # base-base
        dict(p1=p10, p2=p12, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p12.a),
        dict(p1=p12, p2=p14, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p14.a),

        # base-flange
        dict(p1=p10, p2=p11, func='BFycte', ycte1=p10.b/2., ycte2=0),
        dict(p1=p12, p2=p13, func='BFycte', ycte1=p12.b/2., ycte2=0),
        dict(p1=p14, p2=p15, func='BFycte', ycte1=p14.b/2., ycte2=0),

        # flange-flange
        dict(p1=p11, p2=p13, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p13.a),
        dict(p1=p13, p2=p15, func='SSxcte', xcte1=0, xcte2=p15.a),

    panels = [p01, p02, p03, p04, p05, p06, p07, p08, p09,
            p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15]
    skin = [p01, p02, p03, p04, p05, p06, p07, p08, p09]

    assy = PanelAssembly(panels)

    size = assy.get_size()

    valid_conn = []
    for connecti in conn:
        if connecti.get('has_defect'): # connecting if there is no defect

    k0 = assy.calc_k0(valid_conn)
    c = None
    if (run_static_case and not
            (Nxx_skin is None and Nxx_base is None and Nxx_flange is None)):
        fext = np.zeros(size)
        for p in [p07, p08, p09, p14, p15]:
            Nforces = 100
            fx = p.Nxx*p.b/(Nforces-1.)
            for i in range(Nforces):
                y = i*p.b/(Nforces-1.)
                if i == 0 or i == (Nforces - 1):
                    p.add_force(0, y, fx/2., 0, 0)
                    p.add_force(0, y, fx, 0, 0)
            fext[p.col_start: p.col_end] = p.calc_fext(silent=True)

        incs, cs = static(k0, -fext, silent=True)
        c = cs[0]

    kM = assy.calc_kM()
    kG = assy.calc_kG0(c=c)

    kA = 0
    for p in skin:
        # TODO the current approach has somewhat hiden settings
        #     check this strategy:
        #     - define module aerodynamics
        #     - function calc_kA inside a module piston_theory
        #     - pass piston_theory parameters and compute kA
        kA += p.calc_kA(size=size, row0=p.row_start, col0=p.col_start, silent=True, finalize=False)

    assert np.any(np.isnan(kA.data)) == False
    assert np.any(np.isinf(kA.data)) == False
    kA = csr_matrix(make_skew_symmetric(kA))

    eigvals, eigvecs = freq((k0 + kG + kA), kM, tol=0, sparse_solver=True, silent=True,
             sort=True, reduced_dof=False,
             num_eigvalues=25, num_eigvalues_print=5)

    if run_static_case:
        return assy, c, eigvals, eigvecs
        return assy, eigvals, eigvecs
Пример #3
    def calc_linear_matrices(self, combined_load_case=None, silent=False,
            calc_kG0=True, calc_kA=True, calc_kM=True):
        msg('Calculating linear matrices... ', level=2, silent=silent)

        fk0, fkG0, fkA, fkM, k0edges = modelDB.get_linear_matrices(self)
        model = self.model
        a = self.a
        b = self.b
        m1 = self.m1
        n1 = self.n1
        laminaprops = self.laminaprops
        plyts = self.plyts
        h = sum(plyts)
        stack = self.stack
        mu = self.mu
        if calc_kA and self.beta is None:
            if self.M < 1:
                raise ValueError('Mach number must be >= 1')
            elif self.M == 1:
                self.M = 1.0001
            self.beta = self.rho * self.V**2 / (self.M**2 - 1)**0.5
        beta = self.beta

        if stack != []:
            lam = laminate.read_stack(stack, plyts=plyts,

        if 'clpt' in model:
            if lam is not None:
                F = lam.ABD

        elif 'fsdt' in model:
            if lam is not None:
                F = lam.ABDE
                F[6:, 6:] *= self.K

        if self.force_orthotropic_laminate:
            msg('Forcing orthotropic laminate...', level=2)
            F[0, 2] = 0. # A16
            F[1, 2] = 0. # A26
            F[2, 0] = 0. # A61
            F[2, 1] = 0. # A62

            F[0, 5] = 0. # B16
            F[5, 0] = 0. # B61
            F[1, 5] = 0. # B26
            F[5, 1] = 0. # B62

            F[3, 2] = 0. # B16
            F[2, 3] = 0. # B61
            F[4, 2] = 0. # B26
            F[2, 4] = 0. # B62

            F[3, 5] = 0. # D16
            F[4, 5] = 0. # D26
            F[5, 3] = 0. # D61
            F[5, 4] = 0. # D62

            if F.shape[0] == 8:
                F[6, 7] = 0. # A45
                F[7, 6] = 0. # A54

        self.lam = lam
        self.F = F

        k0 = fk0(a, b, F, m1, n1)
        if calc_kA:
            kA = fkA(beta, a, b, m1, n1)
        if calc_kM:
            kM = fkM(mu, h, a, b, m1, n1)

        if calc_kG0:
            Fx = self.Fx if self.Fx is not None else 0.
            Fy = self.Fy if self.Fy is not None else 0.
            Fxy = self.Fxy if self.Fxy is not None else 0.
            Fyx = self.Fyx if self.Fyx is not None else 0.

            if not combined_load_case:
                kG0 = fkG0(Fx, Fy, Fxy, Fyx, a, b, m1, n1)
                kG0_Fx = fkG0(Fx, 0, 0, 0, a, b, m1, n1)
                kG0_Fy = fkG0(0, Fy, 0, 0, a, b, m1, n1)
                kG0_Fxy = fkG0(0, 0, Fxy, 0, a, b, m1, n1)
                kG0_Fyx = fkG0(0, 0, 0, Fyx, a, b, m1, n1)

        # performing checks for the linear stiffness matrices

        assert np.any(np.isnan(k0.data)) == False
        assert np.any(np.isnan(k0.data)) == False

        if calc_kA:
            assert np.any(np.isinf(kA.data)) == False
            assert np.any(np.isinf(kA.data)) == False

        if calc_kM:
            assert np.any(np.isinf(kM.data)) == False
            assert np.any(np.isinf(kM.data)) == False

        k0 = csr_matrix(make_symmetric(k0))
        if calc_kA:
            kA = csr_matrix(make_skew_symmetric(kA))
        if calc_kM:
            kM = csr_matrix(make_symmetric(kM))

        if k0edges is not None:
            assert np.any((np.isnan(k0edges.data)
                           | np.isinf(k0edges.data))) == False
            k0edges = csr_matrix(make_symmetric(k0edges))

        if k0edges is not None:
            k0 = k0 + k0edges

        self.k0 = k0
        if calc_kA:
            self.kA = kA
        if calc_kM:
            self.kM = kM

        if calc_kG0:
            if not combined_load_case:
                assert np.any((np.isnan(kG0.data) | np.isinf(kG0.data))) == False
                kG0 = csr_matrix(make_symmetric(kG0))
                self.kG0 = kG0

                assert np.any((np.isnan(kG0_Fx.data)
                               | np.isinf(kG0_Fx.data))) == False
                assert np.any((np.isnan(kG0_Fy.data)
                               | np.isinf(kG0_Fy.data))) == False
                assert np.any((np.isnan(kG0_Fxy.data)
                               | np.isinf(kG0_Fxy.data))) == False
                assert np.any((np.isnan(kG0_Fyx.data)
                               | np.isinf(kG0_Fyx.data))) == False

                kG0_Fx = csr_matrix(make_symmetric(kG0_Fx))
                kG0_Fy = csr_matrix(make_symmetric(kG0_Fy))
                kG0_Fxy = csr_matrix(make_symmetric(kG0_Fxy))
                kG0_Fyx = csr_matrix(make_symmetric(kG0_Fyx))

                self.kG0_Fx = kG0_Fx
                self.kG0_Fy = kG0_Fy
                self.kG0_Fxy = kG0_Fxy
                self.kG0_Fyx = kG0_Fyx

        #NOTE forcing Python garbage collector to clean the memory
        #     it DOES make a difference! There is a memory leak not
        #     identified, probably in the csr_matrix process


        msg('finished!', level=2, silent=silent)
Пример #4
    def calc_linear_matrices(self, combined_load_case=None, silent=False,
            calc_kG0=True, calc_kA=True, calc_kM=True):
        msg('Calculating linear matrices... ', level=2, silent=silent)

        fk0, fkG0, fkAx, fkAy, fcA, fkM, fk0edges, fk0sb, fk0sf, fk0sf2, fkMsb, fkMsf = \
        model = self.model
        a = self.a
        b = self.b
        r = self.r
        m1 = self.m1
        n1 = self.n1
        laminaprops = self.laminaprops
        plyts = self.plyts
        h = sum(plyts)
        stack = self.stack
        mu = self.mu
        if calc_kA and self.beta is None:
            if self.Mach < 1:
                raise ValueError('Mach number must be >= 1')
            elif self.Mach == 1:
                self.Mach = 1.0001
            M = self.Mach
            beta = self.rho_air * self.V**2 / (M**2 - 1)**0.5
            gamma = beta*1./(2.*r*(M**2 - 1)**0.5)
            ainf = self.speed_sound
            aeromu = beta/(M*ainf)*(M**2 - 2)/(M**2 - 1)
        elif calc_kA and self.beta is not None:
            beta = self.beta
            gamma = self.gamma if self.gamma is not None else 0.
            aeromu = self.aeromu if self.aeromu is not None else 0.
        elif not calc_kA:
            raise NotImplementedError('check here')

        if stack != []:
            lam = laminate.read_stack(stack, plyts=plyts,

        if 'clpt' in model:
            if lam is not None:
                F = lam.ABD

        elif 'fsdt' in model:
            if lam is not None:
                F = lam.ABDE
                F[6:, 6:] *= self.K

        self.lam = lam
        self.F = F

        k0 = fk0(a, b, r, F, m1, n1)

        if (self.model == 'clpt_donnell_bc1'
        or  self.model == 'clpt_sanders_bc1'):
            k0edges = fk0edges(m1, n1, a, b,
                               self.kphixBot, self.kphixTop,
                               self.kphiyLeft, self.kphiyRight)
        elif self.model == 'fsdt_donnell_bc1':
            k0edges = fk0edges(m1, n1, a, b,
                               self.kphixBot, self.kphixTop,
                               self.kphiyBot, self.kphiyTop,
                               self.kphixLeft, self.kphixRight,
                               self.kphiyLeft, self.kphiyRight)

        if calc_kA:
            if self.flow == 'x':
                kA = fkAx(beta, gamma, a, b, m1, n1)
            elif self.flow == 'y':
                kA = fkAy(beta, a, b, m1, n1)
            if fcA is None:
                cA = None
                cA = fcA(aeromu, a, b, m1, n1)
                cA = cA*(0+1j)
        if calc_kM:
            if self.model == 'fsdt_donnell_bc1':
                raise NotImplementedError('There is a bug with kM for model %s'
                        % self.model)
            kM = fkM(mu, h, a, b, m1, n1)

        if calc_kG0:
            Fx = self.Fx if self.Fx is not None else 0.
            Fy = self.Fy if self.Fy is not None else 0.
            Fxy = self.Fxy if self.Fxy is not None else 0.
            Fyx = self.Fyx if self.Fyx is not None else 0.

            if not combined_load_case:
                kG0 = fkG0(Fx, Fy, Fxy, Fyx, a, b, r, m1, n1)
                kG0_Fx = fkG0(Fx, 0, 0, 0, a, b, r, m1, n1)
                kG0_Fy = fkG0(0, Fy, 0, 0, a, b, r, m1, n1)
                kG0_Fxy = fkG0(0, 0, Fxy, 0, a, b, r, m1, n1)
                kG0_Fyx = fkG0(0, 0, 0, Fyx, a, b, r, m1, n1)

        # contributions from stiffeners
        #TODO summing up coo_matrix objects may be very slow!
        for s in self.stiffeners:
            if s.blam is not None:
                Fsb = s.blam.ABD
                k0 += fk0sb(s.ys, s.bb, a, b, r, m1, n1, Fsb)
            if s.flange_formulation == 1:
                k0 += fk0sf(s.ys, a, b, r, m1, n1, s.Exx, s.Gxy, s.Jxx, s.Iyy)
            elif s.flange_formulation == 2:
                k0 += fk0sf2(s.bf, s.df, s.ys, a, b, r, m1, n1, s.E1, s.F1,
                             s.S1, s.Jxx)

            if s.blam is not None:
                kM += fkMsb(s.mu, s.ys, s.db, s.hb, a, b, m1, n1)
            kM += fkMsf(s.mu, s.ys, s.df, s.Asf, a, b, s.Iyy, s.Jxx, m1, n1)

        # performing checks for the linear stiffness matrices

        assert np.any(np.isnan(k0.data)) == False
        assert np.any(np.isinf(k0.data)) == False

        if calc_kA:
            assert np.any(np.isnan(kA.data)) == False
            assert np.any(np.isinf(kA.data)) == False
            if cA is not None:
                assert np.any(np.isnan(cA.data)) == False
                assert np.any(np.isinf(cA.data)) == False

        if calc_kM:
            assert np.any(np.isnan(kM.data)) == False
            assert np.any(np.isinf(kM.data)) == False

        k0 = csr_matrix(make_symmetric(k0))
        if calc_kA:
            kA = csr_matrix(make_skew_symmetric(kA))
            if cA is not None:
                cA = csr_matrix(make_symmetric(cA))
        if calc_kM:
            kM = csr_matrix(make_symmetric(kM))

        assert np.any(np.isnan(k0edges.data)) == False
        assert np.any(np.isinf(k0edges.data)) == False
        k0edges = csr_matrix(make_symmetric(k0edges))

        k0 = k0 + k0edges

        self.k0 = k0
        if calc_kA:
            self.kA = kA
            self.cA = cA
        if calc_kM:
            self.kM = kM

        if calc_kG0:
            if not combined_load_case:
                assert np.any((np.isnan(kG0.data) | np.isinf(kG0.data))) == False
                kG0 = csr_matrix(make_symmetric(kG0))
                self.kG0 = kG0

                assert np.any((np.isnan(kG0_Fx.data)
                               | np.isinf(kG0_Fx.data))) == False
                assert np.any((np.isnan(kG0_Fy.data)
                               | np.isinf(kG0_Fy.data))) == False
                assert np.any((np.isnan(kG0_Fxy.data)
                               | np.isinf(kG0_Fxy.data))) == False
                assert np.any((np.isnan(kG0_Fyx.data)
                               | np.isinf(kG0_Fyx.data))) == False

                kG0_Fx = csr_matrix(make_symmetric(kG0_Fx))
                kG0_Fy = csr_matrix(make_symmetric(kG0_Fy))
                kG0_Fxy = csr_matrix(make_symmetric(kG0_Fxy))
                kG0_Fyx = csr_matrix(make_symmetric(kG0_Fyx))

                self.kG0_Fx = kG0_Fx
                self.kG0_Fy = kG0_Fy
                self.kG0_Fxy = kG0_Fxy
                self.kG0_Fyx = kG0_Fyx

        #NOTE forcing Python garbage collector to clean the memory
        #     it DOES make a difference! There is a memory leak not
        #     identified, probably in the csr_matrix process


        msg('finished!', level=2, silent=silent)