class CameraFeedScreen(BaseScreen): try: camera = PiCamera(resolution=(2240,1840)) except: pass try: camera.exif_tags['IFD0.Artist']=str(config.get('operator', 0)) camera.exif_tags['IFD0.ImageDescription']=str('PLOT: ' + str(config.get('plot_num', 0)) + ', HEIGHT: ' + str(config.get('height', 0))) camera.exif_tags['IFD0.Copyright'] = 'Copyright (c) 2019 BYU Crop Biomechanics Laboratory' except: pass # print('No Operator Data Added') def on_pre_enter(self): sensor = Sensor() sensor.clear_gps_memory() def on_enter(self): try:,fullscreen=False,window=(230,10,560,460)) except: pass # print('No Camera Found') def captureImage(self): try: def decdeg2dms(dd): dd = abs(dd) minutes,seconds = divmod(dd*3600,60) degrees,minutes = divmod(minutes,60) return (degrees,minutes,seconds) sensor = Sensor() sensor.get_header_data() sensor_data = sensor.get_sensor_data() location = [sensor_data["Location"][0], sensor_data["Location"][1]] latdms = decdeg2dms(location[0]) londms = decdeg2dms(location[1]) except: # print('Location Data not found') location = [0, 0] try:['GPS.GPSLatitudeRef'] = 'N' if location[0] > 0 else 'S'['GPS.GPSLongitudeRef'] = 'E' if location[1] > 0 else 'W'['GPS.GPSLatitude'] = '%d/1,%d/1,%d/100' % (latdms[0], latdms[1], latdms[2])['GPS.GPSLongitude'] = '%d/1,%d/1,%d/100' % (londms[0], londms[1], londms[2]) except: pass # print('Location Data not added') try: dt = filename = 'Images/Stalk_' + dt.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S') + '.jpg' except: pass # print('Taking Imaginary Picture') def on_leave(self): try: except: pass
def login(self): print('Trying to authorize at VK...') login_result = self.vkapi.log_in( configurator.get('VK_LOGIN'), configurator.get('VK_PASS'), configurator.get('VK_APP_ID'), 'audio' ) if login_result: print('VK auth succeeded!') else: print('VK auth failed.') self.last_login = time.time()
def on_pre_enter(self): """Before the Screen loads, read the configuration file to get the current list of notes. Show the default buttons.""" self.event = Clock.schedule_interval(self.update_time, ONE_SEC) self.height_num = str(config.get('height',0)) self.plot = str(config.get('plot_num',0)) self.operator = str(config.get('operator','N/A')) self.time ="%I:%M:%S %p") # Get notes from config file notes = config.get('notes', { "pretest": [], "posttest": [], "bank": [] }) # Set the data self.ids['pretest'].list_data = notes["pretest"] self.ids['posttest'].list_data = notes["posttest"]
def on_pre_leave(self): self.event.cancel() ts = TestSingleton() ts.clear_all() ts.set_height(str(config.get('height', ""))) ts.set_plot(str(config.get('plot_num', ""))) config.set('break_height', "N/A") #ts.set_pre_notes(str(config.get('height', ""))) #ts.set_post_notes(str(config.get('height', ""))) ts.set_operator(str(config.get('operator', ""))) ts.set_timestamp(self.start_timestamp) ts.set_datasets(self.datasets) self.datasets = [] self.graph1.remove_plot(self.plot1) self.graph1._clear_buffer() self.graph2.remove_plot(self.plot2) self.graph2._clear_buffer()
def on_pre_enter(self): self.event = Clock.schedule_interval(self.update_data, ONE_SEC / 2) self.sensor = Sensor() self.config_data = config.get('sensors', {}) if 'IMU Angle' in self.config_data: self.offset = self.config_data['IMU Angle']['offset'] else: self.offset = 0
def on_pre_enter(self): sensor = Sensor() sensor.clear_gps_memory() # Get notes from config file notes = config.get('notes', {"posttest": []}) # Set the data self.ids['posttest'].list_data = notes["posttest"]
def on_pre_enter(self): """Prior to the screen loading, check if barcode needs to be scanned""" use_barcode = config.get('barcode_scan', "OFF") barcode = self.ids['barcode'] barcode.text = "" if use_barcode == "OFF": self.save_test() super(SaveScreen, self).move_to('testing_screen')
def __init__(self): self.config_data = config.get('sensors', {}) self.load = 0.0 self.load_adc = 0.0 try: self.slope = self.config_data['Y Load']['slope'] self.intercept = self.config_data['Y Load']['intercept'] except: self.slope = 1.0 self.intercept = 0
def set_sensor(self, name): self.sensor_name = name self.config_data = config.get('sensors', {}) if name in self.config_data: self.points_list = self.config_data[name]['points_list'] self.slope = self.config_data[name]['slope'] self.intercept = self.config_data[name]['intercept'] else: self.points_list = [] self.slope = 1 self.intercept = 0
def run(self): try: gags =[::-1] for gag in gags: match ='SELECT * FROM gags WHERE gag="{}"'.format( if not match: # New gag! db.execute( 'INSERT INTO gags(gag, kind) VALUES("{}", "{}")'. format(, gag.kind)) if gag.kind == 'image': self.engine.telegram.sendPhoto( chat_id=configurator.get('CHAT_ID'), photo=gag.img['src'], elif gag.kind == 'gif': import urllib2 from random import random data = urllib2.urlopen(gag.animated['data-mp4']).read() tmp = open( '/tmp/{}.mp4'.format(str(int(random() * 1000000))), 'w+b') tmp.write(data) self.engine.telegram.sendVideo( chat_id=configurator.get('CHAT_ID'), video=tmp, elif gag.kind == 'article': self.engine.telegram.sendPhoto( chat_id=configurator.get('CHAT_ID'), photo=gag.img['href'], caption=u'Full version: {}'.format( # print '' self.start_later(3) except: traceback.print_exc() self.start_later(60)
def run(self): try: gags =[::-1] for gag in gags: match ='SELECT * FROM gags WHERE gag="{}"'.format( if not match: # New gag! db.execute('INSERT INTO gags(gag, kind) VALUES("{}", "{}")'.format(, gag.kind)) if gag.kind == 'image': self.engine.telegram.sendPhoto( chat_id=configurator.get('CHAT_ID'), photo=gag.img['src'], ) elif gag.kind == 'gif': import urllib2 from random import random data = urllib2.urlopen(gag.animated['data-mp4']).read() tmp = open('/tmp/{}.mp4'.format(str(int(random() * 1000000))), 'w+b') tmp.write(data) self.engine.telegram.sendVideo( chat_id=configurator.get('CHAT_ID'), video=tmp, ) elif gag.kind == 'article': self.engine.telegram.sendPhoto( chat_id=configurator.get('CHAT_ID'), photo=gag.img['href'], caption=u'Full version: {}'.format( ) # print '' self.start_later(3) except: traceback.print_exc() self.start_later(60)
def subreddit(self, source, engine, message, cmd, args): engine.telegram.sendChatAction(message.chat_id, telegram.ChatAction.TYPING) client = ImgurClient(configurator.get('IMGUR_KEY'), configurator.get('IMGUR_SECRET')) gallery = client.subreddit_gallery(source, sort='new', window='all', page=int(random() * 30)) gallery = filter(lambda item: hasattr(item, 'size') and item.size > 0, gallery) print(gallery) attempt = 0 while attempt < 3: item = choice(gallery) engine.telegram.sendChatAction(message.chat_id, telegram.ChatAction.UPLOAD_PHOTO) print(message.chat_id) print( print(item.title) tf = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False,'.')[-1]) img = urllib2.urlopen( tf.write(img) tf.close() try: engine.telegram.sendPhoto( chat_id=message.chat_id, photo=open(, 'r'), # photo='', # caption=item.title ) os.unlink( return True except: os.unlink( attempt += 1 engine.telegram.sendMessage(chat_id=message.chat_id, text='Я тричі спробувала отримати картинку, але сталася якась помилка в API telegram :(') return True
def on_pre_enter(self): """Before the Screen loads, read the configuration file to get the current list of notes. Show the default buttons.""" # Get notes from config file notes = config.get('notes', { "pretest": [], "posttest": [], "bank": [] }) # Set the data self.ids['pretest'].list_data = notes["pretest"] self.ids['posttest'].list_data = notes["posttest"] self.ids['bank'].list_data = notes["bank"] # Add Buttons self.default_buttons()
def save(self): notes = config.get('notes', { "pretest": [], "posttest": [], "bank": [] }) input = self.ids['note'] note = input.text valid = input.validate() exists = (note in notes['pretest']) or (note in notes['posttest']) \ or (note in notes['bank']) if valid and not exists: notes['bank'].append(input.text) config.set('notes', notes) return True else: input.show_invalid() input.focus = True return False
def run(self): channels = ('DotaCinema', 'WronchiAnimation') for channel in channels: try: videos = video = videos[0] last_video_id = get_var('youtube.{}.last_id'.format(channel), '') if != last_video_id: set_var('youtube.{}.last_id'.format(channel), print 'New video: {}'.format(str(video)) self.engine.telegram.sendPhoto( chat_id=configurator.get('CHAT_ID'), photo=video.img, caption=u'{}: {}'.format(, video.url)) # match ='SELECT * FROM youtube WHERE id="{}"'.format( except: traceback.print_exc() self.start_later(60)
def run(self): channels = ('DotaCinema', 'WronchiAnimation') for channel in channels: try: videos = video = videos[0] last_video_id = get_var('youtube.{}.last_id'.format(channel), '') if != last_video_id: set_var('youtube.{}.last_id'.format(channel), print 'New video: {}'.format(str(video)) self.engine.telegram.sendPhoto( chat_id=configurator.get('CHAT_ID'), photo=video.img, caption=u'{}: {}'.format(, video.url) ) # match ='SELECT * FROM youtube WHERE id="{}"'.format( except: traceback.print_exc() self.start_later(60)
def on_pre_enter(self): """Before the Screen loads, read the configuration file to get the current operator and set the TextInput text.""" input = self.ids['operator'] input.text = str(config.get('operator', "Default User")) input.validate()
def on_pre_enter(self): """Before the Screen loads, read the configuration file to get the current height.""" input = self.ids['height'] input.text = str(config.get('height', 0)) input.validate()
def __init__(self): self.telegram = telegram.Bot(token=configurator.get('TOKEN')) self.initial = True = 0 self.handlers = [] self.terminated = False
def on_pre_enter(self): """Before the Screen loads, read the configuration file to get the current list of notes. Show the default buttons.""" self.height_num = str(config.get('height', 0)) self.plot = str(config.get('plot_num', 0)) self.operator = str(config.get('operator', 'N/A'))
def on_pre_enter(self): """Before the Screen loads, read the configuration file to get the current plot number.""" input = self.ids['plot_num'] input.text = str(config.get('plot_num', 1)) input.validate()
def __init__(self): self.config_data = config.get('sensors', {}) try: self.offset = self.config_data['IMU Angle']['offset'] except: self.offset = 0
def request(self, command, data=None): request = urllib2.Request('{}'.format(command), urllib.urlencode(data) if data else None) request.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic {}'.format(b64encode('{}:{}'.format(configurator.get('UT_ADMIN_LOGIN'), configurator.get('UT_ADMIN_PASSWORD'))))) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) return BeautifulSoup(, 'lxml')
def handle_say_admin(self, engine, message, cmd, args): engine.telegram.sendMessage( chat_id=configurator.get('CHAT_ID'), text=args )
def handle_inline(self, engine, inline_query): text = inline_query.query # parts = filter(None, message.text.split(' ')) # if len(parts) < 3: # engine.telegram.sendMessage( # text='Інструкція:\n/gen image_name Текст для відображення.\nДоступні зображення:\n{}'.format( # '\n'.join('{}'.format('.'.join(x.split('.')[:-1])) for x in os.listdir('./memes')) # ), # chat_id=message.chat_id, # reply_to_message=message.message_id, # reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardHide( # selective=True # ) # ) # return URL = '' engine.telegram.answerInlineQuery(, [ InlineQueryResultAudio(long(time.time() * 1000000), URL, 'audio/mp3', 'Test', 'Song123!') ]) return parts = text.split(' ') if len(parts) < 2: engine.telegram.answerInlineQuery(, [ InlineQueryResultArticle(long(time.time() * 1000000), 'Можливий варіант: ' + '.'.join(x.split('.')[:-1]), ':/') for x in os.listdir('./memes') ]) return True name = parts[0] texts = filter(None, [x.strip() for x in ' '.join(parts[1:]).split(';')]) try: meta_file = open('./memes/{}.json'.format(name)) meta = json.loads( meta_file.close() except: engine.telegram.answerInlineQuery(, [ InlineQueryResultArticle(long(time.time() * 1000000), 'Зображення "{}" не знайдено :('.format(name), ':/') ]) return img =['src']) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) text_color = meta['textColor'] font_size = meta['fontSize'] iw, ih = img.size font = ImageFont.truetype('./fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf', size=font_size) # font = ImageFont.load('./fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf') rects = meta['rects'] for i, text in enumerate(texts): try: x, y, w, h = rects[i] except: continue avg_width = draw.textsize(text, font)[0] / len(text) chars_per_line = w / avg_width multiline = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(text, width=chars_per_line)) mw, mh = draw.multiline_textsize(multiline, font) draw.multiline_text((x + w / 2 - mw / 2, y + h / 2 - mh / 2), multiline, fill=text_color, font=font, align='center') # # img.drawText() # tf = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.jpg') #, format='JPEG', quality=92) # tf.close() # # f = open(, 'rb') s = str(long(time.time() * 1000000)) img_name_full = '{}.jpeg'.format(s) img_name_thumb = '{}_thumb.jpeg'.format(s) img_path_full = configurator.get('IMG_DIR') + img_name_full img_path_thumb = configurator.get('IMG_DIR') + img_name_thumb img.thumbnail((160, 160), Image.LINEAR) # engine.telegram.sendPhoto( #, # photo=f # ) # print(dict( # photo_url=configurator.get('IMG_HOST') + img_name_full, # thumb_url=configurator.get('IMG_HOST') + img_name_thumb, # )) engine.telegram.answerInlineQuery(, [ InlineQueryResultPhoto( long(time.time() * 1000000), photo_url=configurator.get('IMG_HOST') + img_name_full, thumb_url=configurator.get('IMG_HOST') + img_name_thumb, photo_width=iw, photo_height=ih ) ]) # os.unlink( return True
def save_test(self): """Save all test data to csv file""" barcode = self.ids['barcode'] ts = TestSingleton() self.datasets = ts.get_datasets() ts.set_break_height(str(config.get('break_height', 0))) #Prepare the notes notes = config.get('notes', {"pretest": [], "bank": []}) pre_notes = notes["pretest"] post_notes = ts.get_post_notes() dt = # Sets the filename to save the csv file as config.set('curr_test_num', (config.get('curr_test_num', 0) + 1)) filename = 'Tests/' + dt.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S') + '_P' + str(config.get('plot_num', 0)) \ + '_T' + str(config.get('curr_test_num', 0)).zfill(2) + '.csv' try: gps.update() except: pass sensor = Sensor() sensor.get_header_data() sensor_data = sensor.get_sensor_data() temperature = str(sensor_data["Temperature"]) humidity = str(sensor_data["Humidity"]) location = [ str("%.7f" % sensor_data["Location"][0]), str("%.7f" % sensor_data["Location"][1]) ] self.config_data = config.get('sensors', {}) self.NAMES = [ 'X Load', 'Y Load', 'IMU Angle', 'Pot Angle', 'Temperature', 'Humidity' ] self.SENSOR = ['LOAD_X', 'LOAD_Y', 'IMU', 'POT', 'TEMP', 'HUM'] self.UNITS = ['Pounds', 'Pounds', 'Deg', 'Deg', 'C', '%'] self.IDS = ['loadx1', 'loady1', 'imu1', 'pot1', 'temp1', 'hum1'] with open(filename, 'w+', newline='') as csvFile: writer = csv.writer(csvFile) writer.writerow(['----------META DATA----------']) writer.writerow(['SOFTWARE VERSION', '2.3.0']) writer.writerow( ['DEVICE OPERATOR', str(config.get('operator', 0))]) writer.writerow(['----------TEST ATTRIBUTES----------']) writer.writerow(['FIELD', 'VALUE', 'UNIT']) writer.writerow(['YEAR', dt.strftime("%Y")]) writer.writerow(['MONTH', dt.strftime("%m")]) writer.writerow(['DAY', dt.strftime("%d")]) writer.writerow( ['TIME', dt.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), 'Local Time Zone']) writer.writerow(['PLOT', str(config.get('plot_num', 0)), '#']) writer.writerow(['HEIGHT', str(config.get('height', 0)), 'cm']) writer.writerow(['BARCODE', str(barcode.text)]) writer.writerow(['TEMPERATURE', temperature, 'C']) writer.writerow(['HUMIDITY', humidity, '%']) writer.writerow(['LATITUDE', location[0], 'angular degrees']) writer.writerow(['LONGITUDE', location[1], 'angular degrees']) writer.writerow(['----------OPTIONAL DATA----------']) for i in range(5): try: writer.writerow( ['PRE_TEST_NOTE_' + str(i + 1), pre_notes[i]]) except: writer.writerow(['PRE_TEST_NOTE_' + str(i + 1), '']) for i in range(5): try: writer.writerow( ['POST_TEST_NOTE_' + str(i + 1), post_notes[i]]) except: writer.writerow(['POST_TEST_NOTE_' + str(i + 1), '']) writer.writerow( ['BREAK_HEIGHT', str(config.get('break_height', 0)), 'cm']) writer.writerow(['LCA_WEIGTH', '0', 'g']) writer.writerow([ '----------SENSOR CALIBRATION DATA (stored_value*A + B = raw_data)------' ]) writer.writerow(['SENSOR', 'A', 'B', 'UNIT', 'ID']) for j in range(len(self.NAMES)): try: writer.writerow([ self.SENSOR[j], self.config_data[self.NAMES[j]]['slope'], self.config_data[self.NAMES[j]]['intercept'], self.UNITS[j], self.IDS[j] ]) except: writer.writerow( [self.SENSOR[j], '1', '0', self.UNITS[j], self.IDS[j]]) writer.writerow(['----------TEST DATA-----------']) writer.writerow([ 'TIME (milliseconds)', 'ANGLE_POT', 'ANGLE_IMU', 'LOAD_X', 'LOAD_Y' ]) datasets = ts.get_datasets() for ds in datasets: writer.writerow([(ds.timestamp * 1000), ds.pot_angle, ds.imu_angle, ds.x_load, ds.y_load]) csvFile.close()