def send_mail_to_user(reciever_email, confirmation_url): cons = Constant() sendgrid_object = sendgrid.SendGridAPIClient(apikey=cons.sendgrid_API_key) data = { "personalizations": [ { "to": [ { "email": reciever_email } ], "subject": "Confirm account" } ], "from": { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Svoop" }, "content": [ { "type": "text/html", "value": cons.email_template(confirmation_url) } ] } response =
def udp_server_concurrency(self): while True: recv_msg, recv_addr = self.udp_socket.recvfrom(1024) msg = recv_msg.decode('utf-8') self.msg = '来自IP:{}端口:{}:\n{}\n'.format(recv_addr[0], recv_addr[1], msg) self.signal_write_msg.emit("写入") Constant.parse_receive(self.msg)
def __init__(self): """ Inicializa los scopes de las variables : Temporales, Globales, Locales y Constantes. """ self.tmp = Temporal() self.glob = Globs() self.loc = Local() self.const = Constant() self.max_memory = 20000 self.current_used_memory = 0
def load_exec(path): with open(path, 'rb') as f: # TODO implement an actual binary format for key, value in pickle.load(f): key = (Constant(key[0]), key[1]) if key[0] == Constant.SYMBOL: value = (Constant(value[0]), value[1]) elif key[0] == Constant.CODE and len(value) == 2: value = tuple(value) + (dict(), ) # Auto-upgrade elif key[0] == Constant.CODE: value = (value[0], value[1], dict(value[2])) yield (key, value)
def __init__(self, memoryFile): self.nCycles = 0 # Used to hold number of clock cycles spent executing instructions # Fetch self.PCMux = Mux() self.ProgramC = PC(long(0xbfc00200)) self.InstMem = InstructionMemory(memoryFile) self.IFadder = Add() self.JMux = Mux() self.IFaddconst = Constant(4) self.IF_ID_Wall = Wall() self.fetchgroup = {} # Decode self.register = RegisterFile() self.signext = SignExtender() self.control = ControlElement() self.jmpCalc = JumpCalc() self.ID_EX_Wall = Wall() # Execute self.EXadder = Add() self.shiftL = LeftShifter() self.ALogicUnit = ALU() self.ALUSrcMux = Mux() self.RegDstMux = Mux() self.ALUctrl = AluControl() self.EX_MEM_Wall= Wall() # Memory = DataMemory(memoryFile) self.brnch = Branch() self.MEM_WB_Wall= Wall() # Write Back self.WBmux = Mux() self.ProgramC self.elements1 = [self.InstMem, self.IFaddconst, self.IFadder, self.PCMux, self.JMux] self.elements2 = [self.control, self.register, self.signext, self.jmpCalc] self.elements3 = [self.shiftL, self.ALUSrcMux, self.RegDstMux, self.ALUctrl, self.ALogicUnit, self.EXadder] self.elements4 = [self.brnch,] self.elementsboot = [self.IFaddconst, self.IFadder, self.InstMem, self.IF_ID_Wall, self.register, self.signext, self.control, self.jmpCalc, self.ID_EX_Wall, self.RegDstMux, self.shiftL, self.EXadder, self.ALUSrcMux, self.ALUctrl, self.ALogicUnit, self.EX_MEM_Wall, self.brnch,, self.MEM_WB_Wall, self.WBmux, self.PCMux, self.JMux] self.walls = [self.MEM_WB_Wall, self.EX_MEM_Wall, self.ID_EX_Wall, self.IF_ID_Wall] self._connectCPUElements()
def check_term_valid(self, term): """ Check if term is syntax and semantic valid Term include 'const', '*', '/' return : True, value of term if 'term' is valid False, None if 'term' is not valid """ term_stars = term.split("*") # IF term is const if (len(term_stars) == 1): # term == const term_value = term_stars[0] is_constant = Constant().check_constant_valid(term_value) if is_constant == False: return False, None else: return True, term_value # IF term is not const for term_star_idx in range(len(term_stars)): term_star = term_stars[term_star_idx] term_splashes = term_star.split("/") for term_splash_idx in range(len(term_splashes)): # Check syntax term_splash = term_splashes[term_splash_idx] if (Constant().check_constant_valid(term_splash) == False): return False, None else: # Check if term_splash must be a number try: term_splash = float(term_splash) except: return False, None # Check semantic if (term_splash_idx == 0): term_star_value = term_splash else: term_star_value = term_star_value / term_splash # Check semantic if (term_star_idx == 0): term_value = term_star_value else: term_value = term_value * term_star_value return True, term_value
def __init__(self, memoryFile): self.nCycles = 0 # Used to hold number of clock cycles spent executing instructions self.adder = Add() self.branchAdder = Add() self.alu = Alu() self.aluControl = AluControl() self.branchNE = BranchNotEqual() self.branch = Branch() self.constant = Constant(4) self.control = Control() self.dataMemory = DataMemory(memoryFile) self.instructionMemory = InstructionMemory(memoryFile) self.regMux = Mux() self.aluMux = Mux() self.dmMux = Mux() self.branchMux = Mux() self.jmpMux = Mux() self.registerFile = RegisterFile() self.shiftLeft2 = ShiftLeft2() self.signExtend = SignExtend() self.jump = Jump() self.leftShift2 = ShiftLeft2() self.leftShift2Jump = ShiftLeft2Jump() self.IFID = IFID() self.IDEX = IDEX() self.EXMEM = EXMEM() self.MEMWB = MEMWB() self.pc = PC(0xbfc00200) # hard coded "boot" address self.IFIDelements = [ self.constant, self.branchMux, self.jmpMux, self.instructionMemory, self.adder ] self.IDEXelements = [ self.control, self.registerFile, self.signExtend, self.leftShift2Jump, self.jump ] self.EXMEMelements = [ self.regMux, self.aluControl, self.aluMux, self.alu, self.shiftLeft2, self.branchAdder, self.branchNE, self.branch ] self.MEMWBelements = [ self.dataMemory ] self.WBelements = [ self.dmMux ] self.elements = [ self.IFIDelements, self.IDEXelements, self.EXMEMelements, self.WBelements] self.pipes = [ self.IFID, self.IDEX, self.EXMEM, self.MEMWB] self._connectCPUElements()
def tcp_client_concurrency(self): """ 功能函数,用于TCP客户端创建子线程的方法,阻塞式接收 :return: """ while True: recv_msg = self.tcp_socket.recv(1024) if recv_msg: msg = recv_msg.decode('utf-8') self.msg = '来自IP:{}端口:{}:\n{}\n'.format( self.address[0], self.address[1], msg) self.signal_write_msg.emit("写入") Constant.parse_receive(self.msg) else: self.tcp_socket.close() self.reset() self.msg = '从服务器断开连接\n' self.signal_write_msg.emit("写入") break
def __init__(self, memoryFile): self.nCycles = 0 # Used to hold number of clock cycles spent executing instructions self.dataMemory = DataMemory(memoryFile) self.instructionMemory = InstructionMemory(memoryFile) self.registerFile = RegisterFile() self.constant3 = Constant(3) self.constant4 = Constant(4) self.randomControl = RandomControl() self.mux = Mux() self.adder = Add() self.pc = PC(0xbfc00000) # hard coded "boot" address self.elements = [ self.constant3, self.constant4, self.randomControl, self.adder, self.mux ] self._connectCPUElements()
def web_server_concurrency(self): """ 功能函数,供创建线程的方法; 使用子线程用于监听并创建连接,使主线程可以继续运行,以免无响应 使用非阻塞式并发用于接收客户端消息,减少系统资源浪费,使软件轻量化 :return:None """ while True: try: self.client_socket, self.client_address = self.tcp_socket.accept( ) except Exception as ret: pass else: self.client_socket.setblocking(False) # 将创建的客户端套接字存入列表 self.client_socket_list.append( (self.client_socket, self.client_address)) self.msg = 'WEB服务端已连接浏览器,IP:%s端口:%s\n' % self.client_address self.signal_write_msg.emit("写入") # 轮询客户端套接字列表,接收数据 for client, address in self.client_socket_list: try: recv_msg = client.recv(1024) except Exception as ret: pass else: if recv_msg: msg = recv_msg.decode('utf-8') msg_lines = msg.splitlines() msg_dir = re.match(r"[^/]+(/[^ ]*)", msg_lines[0]) self.msg_dir = self.msg = '来自IP:{}端口:{}:\n请求路径:{}\n'.format( address[0], address[1], self.msg_dir) self.signal_write_msg.emit("写入") Constant.parse_receive(self.msg) self.web_client_socket = client self.all_send() else: client.close() self.client_socket_list.remove((client, address))
def __init__(self, memoryFile): self.nCycles = 0 # Used to hold number of clock cycles spent executing instructions self.datamemory = DataMemory(memoryFile) self.instructionmemory = InstructionMemory(memoryFile) self.registerfile = RegisterFile() self.constant4 = Constant(4) self.alu = Alu() self.controlunit = ControlUnit() self.shift2 = Shift2() self.shift16 = Shift16() self.signextend = SignExtend() self.alterand = Alterand() self.altershift = Altershift() self.mux_writereg = Mux() # 6 multiplexors self.mux_regoutput = Mux() self.mux_jump = Mux() self.mux_branch = Mux() self.mux_datamem = Mux() self.mux_shift16 = Mux() self.adderpc = Add() # 2 adders self.addershift = Add() self.pc = PC(0xbfc00000) # hard coded "boot" address self.elements = [ self.constant4, self.adderpc, self.instructionmemory, self.controlunit, self.altershift, self.mux_writereg, self.registerfile, self.shift16, self.signextend, self.shift2, self.addershift, self.mux_regoutput, self.alu, self.alterand, self.mux_branch, self.mux_jump, self.datamemory, self.mux_datamem, self.mux_shift16, self.registerfile ] self._connectCPUElements()
def main(): symbol_table = SymbolTable() v1 = Identifier('a', 5) v2 = Identifier('b', 7) v3 = Identifier('c', 12) v4 = Identifier('a', 14) c1 = Constant('d', 7) symbol_table.add(v1) symbol_table.add(v2) symbol_table.add(v3) symbol_table.add(c1) symbol_table.add(v4) v2.set_value(42) symbol_table.add(v2) c2 = Constant('c', 17) symbol_table.add(c2) symbol_table.print_symbol_table()
def __init__(self, memoryFile): self.nCycles = 0 # Used to hold number of clock cycles spent executing instructions self.dataMemory = DataMemory(memoryFile) self.instructionMemory = InstructionMemory(memoryFile) self.registerFile = RegisterFile() self.alu = ALU() self.mainControl = MainControl() self.splitter = Splitter() self.signExtender = SignExtender() self.andGate = AndGate() self.breaker = Breaker() self.constant4 = Constant(4) # self.randomControl = RandomControl() self.pcMux1 = Mux() self.pcMux2 = Mux() self.regMux = Mux() self.aluMux = Mux() self.resultMux = Mux() self.luiMux = Mux() self.adder = Add() self.branchAdder = Add() self.jumpAddress = JMPAddress() self.shiftBranch = LeftShiftTwo() self.shiftJump = LeftShiftTwo() self.pc = PC(hex(0xbfc00000)) # hard coded "boot" address self.elements = [self.constant4, self.adder, self.instructionMemory, self.breaker, self.splitter, self.shiftJump, self.mainControl, self.regMux, self.signExtender, self.luiMux, self.registerFile, self.jumpAddress, self.shiftBranch, self.branchAdder, self.aluMux, self.alu, self.dataMemory, self.andGate, self.pcMux1, self.pcMux2, self.resultMux, self.registerFile, self.pc] self._connectCPUElements()
def tcp_server_concurrency(self): """ 功能函数,供创建线程的方法; 使用子线程用于监听并创建连接,使主线程可以继续运行,以免无响应 使用非阻塞式并发用于接收客户端消息,减少系统资源浪费,使软件轻量化 :return:None """ while True: try: self.client_socket, self.client_address = self.tcp_socket.accept( ) except Exception as ret: pass else: self.client_socket.setblocking(False) # 将创建的客户端套接字存入列表 self.client_socket_list.append( (self.client_socket, self.client_address)) self.msg = 'TCP服务端已连接IP:%s端口:%s\n' % self.client_address self.signal_write_msg.emit("写入") # 轮询客户端套接字列表,接收数据 for client, address in self.client_socket_list: try: recv_msg = client.recv(1024) except Exception as ret: pass else: if recv_msg: msg = recv_msg.decode('utf-8') self.msg = '来自IP:{}端口:{}:\n{}\n'.format( address[0], address[1], msg) self.signal_write_msg.emit("写入") Constant.parse_receive(self.msg) else: client.close() self.client_socket_list.remove((client, address))
def main_menu(): global screen cons = Constant() menu_song =, "menu.mp3")) title = pygame.image.load(path.join(img_dir, "main.jpg")).convert() title = pygame.transform.scale(title, (cons.WIDTH, cons.HEIGHT), screen) screen.blit(title, (0,0)) draw_text(screen, "School Battle", 72, cons.WIDTH/2, cons.HEIGHT/2 - 80, cons.BLACK) pygame.display.update() while True: ev = pygame.event.poll() if ev.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if ev.key == pygame.K_RETURN: break elif ev.key == pygame.K_q: pygame.quit() quit() elif ev.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() quit() else: draw_text(screen, "Press [ENTER] To Begin", 30, cons.WIDTH/2, cons.HEIGHT/2, cons.BLACK) draw_text(screen, "or [Q] To Quit", 30, cons.WIDTH/2, (cons.HEIGHT/2)+40, cons.BLACK) draw_text(screen, "Press [SPACE] To Shoot", 30, cons.WIDTH/2, cons.HEIGHT/2 + 80, cons.BLACK) pygame.display.update() # Hide the mouse cursor. pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) screen.fill(cons.BLACK) screen.blit(background, background_rect) draw_text(screen, "GET READY!", 40, cons.WIDTH/2, cons.HEIGHT/2, cons.BLACK) pygame.display.update() pygame.event.pump() pygame.time.wait(1000) for i in range(3): screen.fill(cons.BLACK) screen.blit(background, background_rect) draw_text(screen, str(3 - i), 40, cons.WIDTH/2, cons.HEIGHT/2, cons.BLACK) pygame.display.update() pygame.event.pump() pygame.time.wait(1000)
def decode_constant_pool(data, count): # 0th entry is a sentinel, since constants are indexed 1..constant_pool_size constants = [None] offset = 0 skip = False for k in range(1, count): if skip: skip = False continue constant = Constant.parse(data[offset:]) constants.append(constant) offset += constant.size() # special cases for Long/Double constants! # if isinstance(constant, (LongConstant, DoubleConstant)): constants.append(None) # append a sentinel skip = True return constants, data[offset:]
def static_dielectric_constant(self): """Calculate relative static dielectric constant (w=0) Ref: Mol. Phys. 50, 841-858 (1983) Returns ------- dielec_const_vec : float[:], shape = (num_frame) relative dielectric constant. """ const = Constant() tot_dip_mat = self.total_dipole() run_avg_dip_vec = self._running_mean(np.sum(tot_dip_mat[:,:3], axis=1)) run_avg_sqr_dip_vec = self._running_mean(np.sum(tot_dip_mat[:,:3]**2, axis=1)) vol_vec = self._box_mat[:,0]*self._box_mat[:,1]*self._box_mat[:,2] dielec_const_vec = np.zeros(self._num_frame) dielec_const_vec.fill(4*np.pi/3) dielec_const_vec *= run_avg_sqr_dip_vec - run_avg_dip_vec**2 dielec_const_vec /= vol_vec*const.kB*300 dielec_const_vec /= const.eps0*1e-10/(1.602*1.602*1e-38) dielec_const_vec += 1 return(dielec_const_vec)
class World: def __init__(self): self.log = Logging() self.constant = Constant() self.maps = {} # ID(int), MAP(object) def createWorld(self): * '-')'Creation of the world begins:') # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Players data are loading here self.playersData = dataSource.PlayersData() self.playersData.load_in_to_class() self.playersData = self.playersData.get_player_data()'Player were loaded') # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Maps data are loaded here __mapData = dataSource.MapData() __mapData.load_in_to_class() __mapData = __mapData.get_map_data() for __mapId, __mapObject in __mapData.items(): self.add_map(__mapId, __mapObject) del __mapData, __mapId, __mapObject'Maps were loaded')'The world-server has finished loading') * '-') def add_map(self, id, mapObject): self.maps[id] = mapObject def get_map(self, id): return self.maps.get(id) def get_players(self): return self.playersData def get_players_by_accid(self, accId): __playerList = {} __position = 1 for player in self.playersData: if player.get_account_id() == accId: __playerList[__position] = player __position += 1 return __playerList def create_player(self, accId, name, pClass, sex, color1, color2, color3): __playerID = 0 for player in self.playersData: if player.get_id() > __playerID: __playerID = player.get_id() __playerID = __playerID + 1 __startMapCellList = self.constant.get_start_map_incarnam(pClass) player = Player( __playerID, name, accId, -1, # id, name, account, group, sex, pClass, color1, color2, color3, # sexe, pClass, color1-3, 0, 1, '', 10000, 1, # kamas, spellboost, capital, energy, level, #0, 100, pClass * 10 + sex, # xp, size, gfx, 0, 100, (pClass * 10 + sex), # xp, size, gfx, 0, 0, 0, 0, # alignement, honor, deshonor, alvl, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 1, 0, # stats(list), seeFriend, seeAlign, 0, '*#$p^', __startMapCellList[0], # seeSeller, channel, map, __startMapCellList[1], 100, # cell, pdvper, '141;', # spells <-- TODO placeholder '', '', # objets, storeObjets, str(__startMapCellList[0]) + ':' + str(__startMapCellList[1]), # savepos '', '', 0, # zaaps, jobs, mountxpgive, 0, 0, '0;0', # title, wife, morphMode, '', 0, 1, # emotes, prison, server, <-- TODO placeholder True, '', # logged allTitle '118,0;119,0;123,0;124,0;125,0;126,0', 0, 0, ) # parcho, timeDeblo, noall del __startMapCellList self.playersData.append(player) def delete_player(self, __playerID): # TODO remove player from his guild # TODO remove all his objets # determination of the list position __listPosition = 0 for player in self.playersData: if player.get_id() == __playerID: break else: __listPosition += 1 # delete list entry (in self.playersData) del self.playersData[__listPosition]
from averager import Averager from constant import Constant from julia import Competative from zeke import Zeke from regression import Regression from alice import Alice from julia import Julia from marginal import Marginal from julia import Julinear players = [ Laster(), Zeke(), Julia(), Julinear(), Constant(), Competative(), Marginal() ] TheGov = Gov(players, plant_groups) Plotter = MultiGraphPlotter(window=100) MoneyPlotter = PlayerStatePlotter(window=100) # The number of times to repeat the simulation. repeats = 50 # The number of rounds per simulation. rounds = 24 * 365 # Rather or not we should plot. plot = False
class MySimulator(): '''Main class for MIPS pipeline simulator. Provides the main method tick(), which runs pipeline for one clock cycle. ''' def __init__(self, memoryFile): self.nCycles = 0 # Used to hold number of clock cycles spent executing instructions self.datamemory = DataMemory(memoryFile) self.instructionmemory = InstructionMemory(memoryFile) self.registerfile = RegisterFile() self.constant4 = Constant(4) self.alu = Alu() self.controlunit = ControlUnit() self.shift2 = Shift2() self.shift16 = Shift16() self.signextend = SignExtend() self.alterand = Alterand() self.altershift = Altershift() self.mux_writereg = Mux() # 6 multiplexors self.mux_regoutput = Mux() self.mux_jump = Mux() self.mux_branch = Mux() self.mux_datamem = Mux() self.mux_shift16 = Mux() self.adderpc = Add() # 2 adders self.addershift = Add() self.pc = PC(0xbfc00000) # hard coded "boot" address self.elements = [ self.constant4, self.adderpc, self.instructionmemory, self.controlunit, self.altershift, self.mux_writereg, self.registerfile, self.shift16, self.signextend, self.shift2, self.addershift, self.mux_regoutput, self.alu, self.alterand, self.mux_branch, self.mux_jump, self.datamemory, self.mux_datamem, self.mux_shift16, self.registerfile ] self._connectCPUElements() def _connectCPUElements(self): self.constant4.connect([], ['constant'], [], []) self.controlunit.connect( [(self.instructionmemory, 'ins_31-26'), (self.instructionmemory, 'ins_5-0')], [], [], [ 'regdst', 'jump', 'branch', 'memread', 'memtoreg', 'aluop', 'memwrite', 'alusrc', 'regwrite', 'branchnotequal', 'loadui' ]) self.adderpc.connect([(self.pc, 'pcaddress'), (self.constant4, 'constant')], ['sum_pc'], [], []) self.instructionmemory.connect([(self.pc, 'pcaddress')], [ 'ins_31-26', 'ins_25-21', 'ins_20-16', 'ins_15-11', 'ins_15-0', 'ins_5-0', 'ins_25-0' ], [], []) self.altershift.connect([(self.instructionmemory, 'ins_25-0'), (self.adderpc, 'sum_pc')], ['jump_address'], [], []) self.signextend.connect([(self.instructionmemory, 'ins_15-0')], ['signextend_result'], [], []) self.shift2.connect([(self.signextend, 'signextend_result')], ['shift2_result'], [], []) self.addershift.connect([(self.adderpc, 'sum_pc'), (self.shift2, 'shift2_result')], ['sum_addershift'], [], []) self.mux_branch.connect([(self.adderpc, 'sum_pc'), (self.addershift, 'sum_addershift')], ['mux_branch_result'], [(self.alterand, 'alterand_result')], []) self.mux_jump.connect([(self.mux_branch, 'mux_branch_result'), (self.altershift, 'jump_address')], ['mux_jump_result'], [(self.controlunit, 'jump')], []) self.alterand.connect([], [], [(self.controlunit, 'branch'), (self.controlunit, 'branchnotequal'), (self.alu, 'alu_zero_result')], ['alterand_result']) self.mux_writereg.connect([(self.instructionmemory, 'ins_20-16'), (self.instructionmemory, 'ins_15-11')], ['mux_writereg_result'], [(self.controlunit, 'regdst')], []) self.registerfile.connect([(self.instructionmemory, 'ins_25-21'), (self.instructionmemory, 'ins_20-16'), (self.mux_writereg, 'mux_writereg_result'), (self.mux_shift16, 'mux_shift16_result')], ['reg_data1', 'reg_data2'], [(self.controlunit, 'regwrite')], []) self.mux_regoutput.connect([(self.registerfile, 'reg_data2'), (self.signextend, 'signextend_result')], ['mux_regoutput_result'], [(self.controlunit, 'alusrc')], []) self.alu.connect([(self.registerfile, 'reg_data1'), (self.mux_regoutput, 'mux_regoutput_result')], ['alu_result'], [(self.controlunit, 'aluop')], ['alu_zero_result']) self.datamemory.connect([(self.alu, 'alu_result'), (self.registerfile, 'reg_data2')], ['datamemory_result'], [(self.controlunit, 'memwrite'), (self.controlunit, 'memread')], []) self.mux_datamem.connect([(self.alu, 'alu_result'), (self.datamemory, 'datamemory_result')], ['mux_datamemory_result'], [(self.controlunit, 'memtoreg')], []) self.mux_shift16.connect([(self.mux_datamem, 'mux_datamemory_result'), (self.shift16, 'shift16_result')], ['mux_shift16_result'], [(self.controlunit, 'loadui')], []) self.shift16.connect([(self.instructionmemory, 'ins_15-0')], ['shift16_result'], [], []) self.pc.connect([(self.mux_jump, 'mux_jump_result')], ['pcaddress'], [], []) def clockCycles(self): '''Returns the number of clock cycles spent executing instructions.''' return self.nCycles def dataMemory(self): '''Returns dictionary, mapping memory addresses to data, holding data memory after instructions have finished executing.''' return self.dataMemory.memory def registerFile(self): '''Returns dictionary, mapping register numbers to data, holding register file after instructions have finished executing.''' return self.registerfile.register def printDataMemory(self): self.dataMemory.printAll() def printRegisterFile(self): self.registerfile.printAll() def tick(self): '''Execute one clock cycle of pipeline.''' self.nCycles += 1 # The following is just a small sample implementation self.pc.writeOutput() for elem in self.elements: elem.readControlSignals() elem.readInput() elem.writeOutput() elem.setControlSignals() self.pc.readInput()
import math, argparse import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_hub as hub import os import nltk'punkt')'averaged_perceptron_tagger')'universal_tagset') from nltk import pos_tag, word_tokenize, RegexpParser from constant import Constant const = Constant() const.MODULE_URL = "" #@param ["", ""] # os.environ['TFHUB_CACHE_DIR'] = '/tmp/tfhub_modules' print('start') embed = hub.load(const.MODULE_URL) def similarities(sentence, paraphrases): vectors = embed([sentence] + paraphrases) cosine_similarities = [] for v2 in vectors[1:]: cosine_similarities.append( cosine_similarity(np.array(vectors[0]), np.array(v2))) return cosine_similarities def similarity(sentence, paraphrase): vectors = embed([sentence, paraphrase])
class MIPSSimulator(): '''Main class for MIPS pipeline simulator. Provides the main method tick(), which runs pipeline for one clock cycle. ''' def __init__(self, memoryFile): self.nCycles = 1 # Used to hold number of clock cycles spent executing instructions self.adder = Add() self.branchAdder = Add() self.alu = Alu() self.aluControl = AluControl() self.branchNE = BranchNotEqual() self.branch = Branch() self.constant = Constant(4) self.control = Control() self.dataMemory = DataMemory(memoryFile) self.instructionMemory = InstructionMemory(memoryFile) self.regMux = Mux() self.aluMux = Mux() self.dmMux = Mux() self.branchMux = Mux() self.jmpMux = Mux() self.registerFile = RegisterFile() self.shiftLeft2 = ShiftLeft2() self.signExtend = SignExtend() self.jump = Jump() self.leftShift2 = ShiftLeft2() self.leftShift2Jump = ShiftLeft2Jump() self.pc = PC(0xbfc00000) # hard coded "boot" address self.elements = [ self.constant, self.adder, self.instructionMemory, self.control, self.regMux, self.leftShift2Jump, self.jump, self.registerFile, self.signExtend, self.shiftLeft2, self.branchAdder, self.aluMux, self.aluControl, self.alu, self.branchNE, self.branch, self.branchMux, self.jmpMux, self.dataMemory, self.dmMux ] self._connectCPUElements() def _connectCPUElements(self): self.pc.connect([(self.jmpMux, 'newAddress')], ['address'], [], []) self.constant.connect([], ['constant'], [], []) self.adder.connect([(self.constant, 'constant'), (self.pc, 'address')], ['sum'], [], []) self.instructionMemory.connect( [(self.pc, 'address')], ['op', 'rs', 'rt', 'rd', 'shamt', 'funct'], [], []) self.control.connect([(self.instructionMemory, 'op')], [], [], [ 'regDst', 'aluSrc', 'memtoReg', 'regWrite', 'memRead', 'memWrite', 'branch', 'aluOp1', 'aluOp0', 'bne', 'jump' ]) self.regMux.connect([(self.instructionMemory, 'rt'), (self.instructionMemory, 'rd')], ['wrSignal'], [(self.control, 'regDst')], []) self.leftShift2Jump.connect([(self.instructionMemory, 'rs'), (self.instructionMemory, 'rt'), (self.instructionMemory, 'rd'), (self.instructionMemory, 'shamt'), (self.instructionMemory, 'funct')], ['jmpAddress'], [], []) self.jump.connect([(self.leftShift2Jump, 'jmpAddress'), (self.adder, 'sum')], ['newJmp'], [], []) self.registerFile.connect([(self.instructionMemory, 'rs'), (self.instructionMemory, 'rt'), (self.regMux, 'wrSignal'), (self.dmMux, 'regWrite')], ['rd1', 'rd2'], [(self.control, 'regWrite')], []) self.signExtend.connect([(self.instructionMemory, 'rd'), (self.instructionMemory, 'shamt'), (self.instructionMemory, 'funct')], ['extendedOutput'], [], []) self.shiftLeft2.connect([(self.signExtend, 'extendedOutput')], ['toBAdder'], [], []) self.branchAdder.connect([(self.adder, 'sum'), (self.shiftLeft2, 'toBAdder')], ['bAdderResult'], [], []) self.aluMux.connect([(self.registerFile, 'rd1'), (self.signExtend, 'extendedOutput')], ['toAlu'], [(self.control, 'aluSrc')], []) self.aluControl.connect([(self.instructionMemory, 'funct')], [], [(self.control, 'aluOp0'), (self.control, 'aluOp1')], ['aluControlSignal']) self.alu.connect([(self.registerFile, 'rd1'), (self.aluMux, 'toAlu')], ['aluResult'], [(self.aluControl, 'aluControlSignal')], ['zero']) self.branchNE.connect([], [], [(self.control, 'bne'), (self.alu, 'zero')], ['inverted']) self.branch.connect([], [], [(self.control, 'branch'), (self.branchNE, 'inverted')], ['branched']) self.branchMux.connect([(self.adder, 'sum'), (self.branchAdder, 'bAdderResult')], ['bMuxOutput'], [(self.branch, 'branched')], []) self.jmpMux.connect([(self.branchMux, 'bMuxOutput'), (self.jump, 'newJmp')], ['newAddress'], [(self.control, 'jump')], []) self.dataMemory.connect([(self.alu, 'aluResult'), (self.registerFile, 'rd2')], ['rd'], [(self.control, 'memWrite'), (self.control, 'memRead')], []) self.dmMux.connect([(self.dataMemory, 'rd'), (self.alu, 'aluResult')], ['regWrite'], [(self.control, 'memtoReg')], []) def clockCycles(self): '''Returns the number of clock cycles spent executing instructions.''' return self.nCycles def dataMemory(self): '''Returns dictionary, mapping memory addresses to data, holding data memory after instructions have finished executing.''' return self.dataMemory.memory def registerFile(self): '''Returns dictionary, mapping register numbers to data, holding register file after instructions have finished executing.''' return self.registerFile.register def printDataMemory(self): self.dataMemory.printAll() def printRegisterFile(self): self.registerFile.printAll() def tick(self): '''Execute one clock cycle of pipeline.''' self.nCycles += 1 # The following is just a small sample implementation self.pc.writeOutput() for elem in self.elements: elem.readControlSignals() elem.readInput() elem.writeOutput() elem.setControlSignals() self.pc.readInput()
class memory_manager(): def __init__(self): """ Inicializa los scopes de las variables : Temporales, Globales, Locales y Constantes. """ self.tmp = Temporal() self.glob = Globs() self.loc = Local() self.const = Constant() self.max_memory = 20000 self.current_used_memory = 0 def increment_address_pointer(self, var_type, var_dir, offset): """ Almacenar y manejar direcciones de arreglos. Args: var_dir: Diccionario del tipo de dato. var_type: Tipo de dato de la variable. offset: Tamanio del arreglo. """ # Checar la direccion y si cabe dentro de los limites de la memoria entonces # incrementar el contador de ese scope en la cantidad de casillas del arreglo. if var_dir >= self.tmp.l_limit and var_dir <= self.tmp.u_limit: self.tmp.increment_address_pointer(var_dir, var_type, offset) elif var_dir >= self.glob.l_limit and var_dir <= self.glob.u_limit: self.glob.increment_address_pointer(var_dir, var_type, offset) elif var_dir >= self.loc.l_limit and var_dir <= self.loc.u_limit: self.loc.increment_address_pointer(var_dir, var_type, offset) elif var_dir >= self.const.l_limit and var_dir <= self.const.u_limit: self.const.increment_address_pointer(var_dir, var_type, offset) def set_val(self, var_dir, val, var_type): """ Asignar valor a las direcciones de cada scope. Args: var_dir: Direccion de la variable. val: Valor de la variable. var_type: Tipo de dato de la variable. """ # Checar la direccion y dependiendo del mismo asignarle el valor a la # direccion de la variable. if var_dir >= self.tmp.l_limit and var_dir <= self.tmp.u_limit: self.tmp.set_val(var_dir, val, var_type) elif var_dir >= self.glob.l_limit and var_dir <= self.glob.u_limit: self.glob.set_val(var_dir, val, var_type) elif var_dir >= self.loc.l_limit and var_dir <= self.loc.u_limit: self.loc.set_val(var_dir, val, var_type) elif var_dir >= self.const.l_limit and var_dir <= self.const.u_limit: self.const.set_val(var_dir, val, var_type) def free_memory(self, no_vars): """ Libera la memoria que ha sido utilizada por una llamada a funcion. Args: no_vars: Cantidad de variables de una funcion. """ self.current_used_memory -= no_vars def check_available_memory(self, no_vars): """ Pide la memoria que sera utilizada por una llamada a funcion. Args: no_vars: Cantidad de variables de una funcion. """ if self.current_used_memory + no_vars <= self.max_memory: self.current_used_memory += no_vars else: # muestra un error en caso de que ya no haya mas memoria. raise MemoryError("ERROR: ya no hay espacio en memoria.") def get_val_from_dir(self, address): """ Obtener el valor de una direccion. Args: address: Direccion de la cual se quiere obtener el valor. Return: Valor de la direccion """ # Checar si la direccion esta dentro de los limites para ver el scope # de dato que es para posteriormente obtener la direccion. # Usar en arreglos (numero) if str(address)[len(str(address)) - 1] == '_': return int(address[:len(str(address)) - 1]) # Apuntador a una direccion if str(address)[0] == '_': meta_address = self.get_val_from_dir(int(address[1:])) return self.get_val_from_dir(meta_address) if address >= self.tmp.l_limit and address <= self.tmp.u_limit: return self.tmp.get_val_from_dir(address) elif address >= self.glob.l_limit and address <= self.glob.u_limit: return self.glob.get_val_from_dir(address) elif address >= self.loc.l_limit and address <= self.loc.u_limit: return self.loc.get_val_from_dir(address) elif address >= self.const.l_limit and address <= self.const.u_limit: return self.const.get_val_from_dir(address) def set_val_from_dir(self, address, val): """ Asignar el valor a una direccion. Si no se encuentra la direccion entonces mostrar un error. Args: address: Direccion de la cual se quiere asignar el valor. val: Valor a asignar. """ # Checar si la direccion esta dentro de los limites para ver el scope # del dato que es para posteriormente asignarle un valor a la direccion. # Apuntador a una direccion if str(address)[0] == '_': address = self.get_val_from_dir(int(address[1:])) if address >= self.tmp.l_limit and address <= self.tmp.u_limit: self.tmp.set_val_from_dir(address, val) elif address >= self.glob.l_limit and address <= self.glob.u_limit: self.glob.set_val_from_dir(address, val) elif address >= self.loc.l_limit and address <= self.loc.u_limit: self.loc.set_val_from_dir(address, val) elif address >= self.const.l_limit and address <= self.const.u_limit: self.const.set_val_from_dir(address, val) def insert_variable(self, var_type, var_id, var_scope, var_val): """ Funcion exclusiva para agregar variables locales/globales Args: var_type: El tipo de la variable. var_id: Id de la variable. var_scope: Scope de la variable. var_val: Valor de la variable. """ global debug segment = self.check_variable_functionality(var_scope, var_id) if debug: print("llego la variable", var_id, "de tipo", var_type, "para el segmento de", segment) if var_type == "entero": return segment.insert_integer(var_val) elif var_type == "flotante": return segment.insert_float(var_val, var_id) elif var_type == "bool": return segment.insert_boolean(var_val) elif var_type == "caracter": return segment.insert_character(var_val) elif var_type == "cadena": return segment.insert_string(var_val) def check_variable_functionality(self, var_scope, var_id): """" Revisa si la variable es temporal, global o local Args: var_scope: Scope de la variable. var_id: id de la variable Regreso: El objeto correspondiente a la funcionalidad de la variable.""" if var_id == "const": return self.const elif var_id[0:2] == "t_": return self.tmp elif var_scope == "global": return self.glob else: return self.loc """
def addConst(self, val): if val not in self.consts: self.consts[val] = Constant(val) return self.consts[val]
import tensorflow_hub as hub import tensorflow as tf import zipfile import requests, zipfile, io import os import re import argparse import torch from transformers import T5ForConditionalGeneration, T5Tokenizer # pip install transformers==2.9.0 from constant import Constant from textual_similarity import similarities, minDistance, words_distance, tags_distance, has_NNP, count_NNP from bert_classifier import load_model, predict const = Constant() const.URL = "" const.MODEL_DIR = "~/Downloads/model_save1/" def get_pretrained_model(zip_file_url): """ @param zip_file_url: This url references to the download link of the pre-trained model @return: folder_path: path to store the pre-trained model """ model_name = zip_file_url.split("/")[-1].replace(".zip", "") folder_path = './{}'.format(model_name) print('Getting pretained model {}'.format(model_name)) if not os.path.exists(folder_path):
class MIPSSimulator(): '''Main class for MIPS pipeline simulator. Provides the main method tick(), which runs pipeline for one clock cycle. ''' def __init__(self, memoryFile): self.nCycles = 0 # Used to hold number of clock cycles spent executing instructions self.dataMemory = DataMemory(memoryFile) self.instructionMemory = InstructionMemory(memoryFile) self.registerFile = RegisterFile() self.alu = ALU() self.mainControl = MainControl() self.splitter = Splitter() self.signExtender = SignExtender() self.andGate = AndGate() self.breaker = Breaker() self.constant4 = Constant(4) # self.randomControl = RandomControl() self.pcMux1 = Mux() self.pcMux2 = Mux() self.regMux = Mux() self.aluMux = Mux() self.resultMux = Mux() self.luiMux = Mux() self.adder = Add() self.branchAdder = Add() self.jumpAddress = JMPAddress() self.shiftBranch = LeftShiftTwo() self.shiftJump = LeftShiftTwo() self.pc = PC(hex(0xbfc00000)) # hard coded "boot" address self.elements = [self.constant4, self.adder, self.instructionMemory, self.breaker, self.splitter, self.shiftJump, self.mainControl, self.regMux, self.signExtender, self.luiMux, self.registerFile, self.jumpAddress, self.shiftBranch, self.branchAdder, self.aluMux, self.alu, self.dataMemory, self.andGate, self.pcMux1, self.pcMux2, self.resultMux, self.registerFile, self.pc] self._connectCPUElements() def _connectCPUElements(self): self.constant4.connect( [], ['constant'], [], [] ) self.adder.connect( [(self.pc, 'pcAddress'), (self.constant4, 'constant')], ['sum'], [], [] ) self.pcMux2.connect( [(self.pcMux1, "ResultMux2"), (self.jumpAddress, "Result")], ['muxOut'], [(self.mainControl, "JmpCtrl")], [] ) self.pc.connect( [(self.pcMux2, 'muxOut')], ['pcAddress'], [], [] ) self.instructionMemory.connect( [(self.pc, "pcAddress")], ["instruction"], [], [] ) self.splitter.connect( [(self.breaker, "Instruction")], ["31-0", "25-21", "20-16", "15-11", "15-0", "25-0"], [], [] ) self.mainControl.connect( [(self.splitter, "31-0")], [], [], ["RegDst", "RegWrite", "ALUSrc", "ALUOp", "MemWrite", "MemtoReg", "MemRead", "ALUType", "AndGate", "JmpCtrl", "LuiCtrl"] ) self.regMux.connect( [(self.splitter, "20-16"), (self.splitter, "15-11")], ["WReg"], [(self.mainControl, "RegDst")], [] ) self.registerFile.connect( [(self.splitter, "25-21"), (self.splitter, "20-16"), (self.regMux, "WReg"), (self.resultMux, "WriteData")], ["Read1", "Read2"], [(self.mainControl, "RegWrite")], [] ) self.signExtender.connect( [(self.splitter, "15-0")], ["ExtendedValue"], [], [] ) self.aluMux.connect( [(self.registerFile, "Read2"), (self.luiMux, "LuiOutput")], ["RightOp"], [(self.mainControl, "ALUSrc")], [] ) self.alu.connect( [(self.registerFile, "Read1"), (self.aluMux, "RightOp")], ["Result"], [(self.mainControl, "ALUOp"), (self.mainControl, "ALUSrc")], ["Zero"] ) self.dataMemory.connect( [(self.alu, "Result"), (self.registerFile, "Read2")], ["ReadData"], [(self.mainControl, "MemWrite"), (self.mainControl, "MemRead")], [] ) self.resultMux.connect( [(self.alu, "Result"), (self.dataMemory, "ReadData")], ["WriteData"], [(self.mainControl, "MemtoReg")], [] ) self.andGate.connect( [], [], [(self.mainControl, "AndGate"), (self.alu, "Zero")], ["PCMuxSelect"] ) self.shiftBranch.connect( [(self.signExtender, "ExtendedValue")], ["ShiftedValue"], [], [] ) self.branchAdder.connect( [(self.adder, "sum"), (self.shiftBranch, "ShiftedValue")], ["branchSum"], [], [] ) self.pcMux1.connect( [(self.adder, "sum"), (self.branchAdder, "branchSum")], ["ResultMux2"], [(self.andGate, "PCMuxSelect")], [] ) self.shiftJump.connect( [(self.splitter, "25-0")], ["ShiftedValue"], [], [] ) self.jumpAddress.connect( [(self.shiftJump, "ShiftedValue"), (self.adder, "sum")], ["Result"], [], [] ) self.breaker.connect( [(self.instructionMemory, "instruction")], ["Instruction"], [], [] ) self.luiMux.connect( [(self.signExtender, "ExtendedValue"), (self.splitter, "15-0")], ["LuiOutput"], [(self.mainControl, "LuiCtrl")], [] ) def clockCycles(self): '''Returns the number of clock cycles spent executing instructions.''' return self.nCycles def dataMemory(self): '''Returns dictionary, mapping memory addresses to data, holding data memory after instructions have finished executing.''' return self.dataMemory.memory def registerFile(self): '''Returns dictionary, mapping register numbers to data, holding register file after instructions have finished executing.''' return self.registerFile.register #def printDataMemory(self): #self.dataMemory.printAll() #def printRegisterFile(self): #self.registerFile.printAll() def tick(self): '''Execute one clock cycle of pipeline.''' self.nCycles += 1 # The following is just a small sample implementation self.pc.writeOutput() for elem in self.elements: elem.readControlSignals() elem.readInput() elem.writeOutput() elem.setControlSignals() self.pc.readInput()
class MIPSSimulator(): '''Main class for MIPS pipeline simulator. Provides the main method tick(), which runs pipeline for one clock cycle. ''' def __init__(self, memoryFile): self.nCycles = 0 # Used to hold number of clock cycles spent executing instructions self.adder = Add() self.branchAdder = Add() self.alu = Alu() self.aluControl = AluControl() self.branchNE = BranchNotEqual() self.branch = Branch() self.constant = Constant(4) self.control = Control() self.dataMemory = DataMemory(memoryFile) self.instructionMemory = InstructionMemory(memoryFile) self.regMux = Mux() self.aluMux = Mux() self.dmMux = Mux() self.branchMux = Mux() self.jmpMux = Mux() self.registerFile = RegisterFile() self.shiftLeft2 = ShiftLeft2() self.signExtend = SignExtend() self.jump = Jump() self.leftShift2 = ShiftLeft2() self.leftShift2Jump = ShiftLeft2Jump() self.IFID = IFID() self.IDEX = IDEX() self.EXMEM = EXMEM() self.MEMWB = MEMWB() self.pc = PC(0xbfc00200) # hard coded "boot" address self.IFIDelements = [ self.constant, self.branchMux, self.jmpMux, self.instructionMemory, self.adder ] self.IDEXelements = [ self.control, self.registerFile, self.signExtend, self.leftShift2Jump, self.jump ] self.EXMEMelements = [ self.regMux, self.aluControl, self.aluMux, self.alu, self.shiftLeft2, self.branchAdder, self.branchNE, self.branch ] self.MEMWBelements = [ self.dataMemory ] self.WBelements = [ self.dmMux ] self.elements = [ self.IFIDelements, self.IDEXelements, self.EXMEMelements, self.WBelements] self.pipes = [ self.IFID, self.IDEX, self.EXMEM, self.MEMWB] self._connectCPUElements() def _connectCPUElements(self): ###################### IFID elements ############################### self.pc.connect( [(self.jmpMux, 'newAddr')], ['address'], [], [] ) self.constant.connect( [], ['Constant'], [], [] ) self.branchMux.connect( [(self.adder, 'toBranchSignal'), (self.EXMEM, 'branchMuxIn')], ['branchMuxOutput'], [(self.EXMEM, 'branchMuxControl')], [] ) self.jmpMux.connect( [(self.branchMux, 'branchMuxOutput'), (self.IDEX, 'newAddr')], ['newAddr'], [(self.IDEX, 'jump')], [] ) self.instructionMemory.connect( [(self.pc, 'address')], ['op', 'rs', 'rt', 'rd', 'shamt', 'funct'], [], [] ) self.adder.connect( [(self.pc, 'address'), (self.constant, 'Constant')], ['sum'], [], [] ) ###################### IDEX elements ############################### self.control.connect( [(self.IFID, 'op')], [], [], ['regDst', 'aluSrc', 'memtoReg', 'regWrite', 'memRead', 'memWrite', 'branch', 'aluOp1', 'aluOp0', 'bne', 'jump'] ) self.registerFile.connect( [(self.IFID, 'rs'), (self.IFID, 'rt'), (self.MEMWB, 'writeReg'), (self.dmMux, 'writeData')], ['rd1', 'rd2'], [(self.MEMWB, 'regWrite')], [] ) self.signExtend.connect( [(self.IFID, 'rd'), (self.IFID, 'shamt'), (self.IFID, 'funct')], ['aluMuxIn'], [], [] ) self.leftShift2Jump.connect( [(self.IFID, 'rs'), (self.IFID, 'rt'), (self.IFID, 'rd'), (self.IFID, 'shamt'), (self.IFID, 'funct')], ['jumpaddr'], [], [] ) self.jump.connect( [(self.leftShift2Jump, 'jumpaddr'), (self.IFID, 'sum')], ['newAddr'], [], [] ) ###################### EXMEM elements ############################### self.regMux.connect( [(self.IDEX, 'rt'), (self.IDEX, 'rd')], ['regMuxOutput'], [(self.IDEX, 'regDst')], [] ) self.aluControl.connect( [(self.IDEX, 'funct')], [], [(self.IDEX, 'aluOp1'), (self.IDEX, 'aluOp0')], ['aluOutSignal'] ) self.aluMux.connect( [(self.IDEX, 'rd2'), (self.IDEX, 'aluMuxIn')], ['aluSecIn'], [(self.IDEX, 'aluSrc')], [] ) self.alu.connect( [(self.IDEX, 'rd1'), (self.aluMux, 'aluSecIn')], ['aluOutput'], [(self.aluControl, 'aluOutSignal')], ['zero'] ) self.shiftLeft2.connect( [(self.IDEX, 'aluMuxIn')], ['toAdder'], [], [] ) self.branchAdder.connect( [(self.IDEX, 'sum'), (self.shiftLeft2, 'toAdder')], ['branchMuxIn'], [], [] ) self.branchNE.connect( [], [], [(self.IDEX, 'bne'), (self.alu, 'zero')], ['toBranchSignal'] ) self.branch.connect( [], [], [(self.IDEX, 'branch'), (self.alu, 'zero')], ['branchMuxControl'] ) ###################### MEMWB elements ############################### self.dataMemory.connect( [(self.EXMEM, 'aluOutput'), (self.EXMEM, 'rd2')], ['toFinalMux'], [(self.EXMEM, 'memRead'), (self.EXMEM, 'memWrite')], [] ) ###################### WB elements ############################### self.dmMux.connect( [(self.MEMWB, 'aluOutput'), (self.MEMWB, 'toFinalMux')], ['writeData'], [(self.MEMWB, 'memtoReg')], [] ) ###################### PIPE elements ############################### self.IFID.connect( [(self.adder, 'sum'), (self.instructionMemory, 'op'), (self.instructionMemory, 'rs'), (self.instructionMemory, 'rt'), (self.instructionMemory, 'rd'), (self.instructionMemory, 'shamt'), (self.instructionMemory, 'funct')], ['sum', 'op', 'rs', 'rt', 'rd', 'shamt', 'funct'], [], [] ) self.IDEX.connect( [(self.IFID, 'sum'), (self.IFID, 'op'), (self.IFID, 'rt'), (self.IFID, 'rd'), (self.IFID, 'shamt'), (self.IFID, 'funct'), (self.registerFile, 'rd1'), (self.registerFile, 'rd2'), (self.signExtend, 'aluMuxIn'), (self.jump, 'newAddr') ], ['sum', 'op', 'rt', 'rd', 'shamt', 'funct', 'rd1', 'rd2', 'aluMuxIn', 'newAddr' ], [(self.control, 'regDst'), (self.control, 'aluSrc'), (self.control, 'memtoReg'), (self.control, 'regWrite'), (self.control, 'memRead'), (self.control, 'memWrite'), (self.control, 'branch'), (self.control, 'aluOp1'), (self.control, 'aluOp0'), (self.control, 'bne'), (self.control, 'jump')], ['regDst', 'aluSrc', 'memtoReg', 'regWrite', 'memRead', 'memWrite', 'branch', 'aluOp1', 'aluOp0', 'bne', 'jump'] ) self.EXMEM.connect( [(self.IDEX, 'rd2'), (self.alu, 'aluOutput'), (self.regMux, 'writeReg'), (self.branchAdder, 'branchMuxIn')], ['rd2', 'aluOutput', 'writeReg', 'branchMuxIn'], [(self.IDEX, 'memtoReg'), (self.IDEX, 'memtoRead'), (self.IDEX, 'memWrite'), (self.branch ,'branchMuxControl'), (self.IDEX, 'regWrite')], ['memtoReg', 'memtoRead', 'memWrite', 'branchMuxControl', 'regWrite'] ) self.MEMWB.connect( [(self.EXMEM, 'writeReg'), (self.EXMEM, 'aluOutput'), (self.EXMEM, 'toFinalMux')], ['writeReg', 'aluOutput', 'toFinalMux'], [(self.EXMEM, 'memtoReg'), (self.EXMEM, 'regWrite')], ['memtoReg', 'regWrite'] ) def clockCycles(self): '''Returns the number of clock cycles spent executing instructions.''' return self.nCycles def dataMemory(self): '''Returns dictionary, mapping memory addresses to data, holding data memory after instructions have finished executing.''' return self.dataMemory.memory def registerFile(self): '''Returns dictionary, mapping register numbers to data, holding register file after instructions have finished executing.''' return self.registerFile.register def printDataMemory(self): self.dataMemory.printAll() def printRegisterFile(self): self.registerFile.printAll() def tick(self): '''Execute one clock cycle of pipeline.''' self.nCycles += 1 # The following is just a small sample implementation self.pc.writeOutput() for elem in self.elements: for e in elem: e.readControlSignals() e.readInput() e.writeOutput() e.setControlSignals() self.pc.readInput()
class MIPSSimulator(): '''Main class for MIPS pipeline simulator. Provides the main method tick(), which runs pipeline for one clock cycle. ''' def __init__(self, memoryFile): self.nCycles = 0 # Used to hold number of clock cycles spent executing instructions # Fetch self.PCMux = Mux() self.ProgramC = PC(long(0xbfc00200)) self.InstMem = InstructionMemory(memoryFile) self.IFadder = Add() self.JMux = Mux() self.IFaddconst = Constant(4) self.IF_ID_Wall = Wall() self.fetchgroup = {} # Decode self.register = RegisterFile() self.signext = SignExtender() self.control = ControlElement() self.jmpCalc = JumpCalc() self.ID_EX_Wall = Wall() # Execute self.EXadder = Add() self.shiftL = LeftShifter() self.ALogicUnit = ALU() self.ALUSrcMux = Mux() self.RegDstMux = Mux() self.ALUctrl = AluControl() self.EX_MEM_Wall= Wall() # Memory = DataMemory(memoryFile) self.brnch = Branch() self.MEM_WB_Wall= Wall() # Write Back self.WBmux = Mux() self.ProgramC self.elements1 = [self.InstMem, self.IFaddconst, self.IFadder, self.PCMux, self.JMux] self.elements2 = [self.control, self.register, self.signext, self.jmpCalc] self.elements3 = [self.shiftL, self.ALUSrcMux, self.RegDstMux, self.ALUctrl, self.ALogicUnit, self.EXadder] self.elements4 = [self.brnch,] self.elementsboot = [self.IFaddconst, self.IFadder, self.InstMem, self.IF_ID_Wall, self.register, self.signext, self.control, self.jmpCalc, self.ID_EX_Wall, self.RegDstMux, self.shiftL, self.EXadder, self.ALUSrcMux, self.ALUctrl, self.ALogicUnit, self.EX_MEM_Wall, self.brnch,, self.MEM_WB_Wall, self.WBmux, self.PCMux, self.JMux] self.walls = [self.MEM_WB_Wall, self.EX_MEM_Wall, self.ID_EX_Wall, self.IF_ID_Wall] self._connectCPUElements() def _connectCPUElements(self): # IF self.PCMux.connect( [(self.IFadder, "adderout"), (self.EX_MEM_Wall, "adderoutput")], ["PCmuxoutput"], [(self.brnch, "PCSrc")], [] ) self.JMux.connect( [(self.PCMux, "PCmuxoutput"), (self.jmpCalc, "output")], ["output"], [(self.control, "Jump")], [] ) self.IFaddconst.connect( [], ['constant'], [], [] ) self.ProgramC.connect( [(self.JMux, "output")], ["output"], [], [] ) self.InstMem.connect( [(self.ProgramC, "output")], ["opcode", "rs", "rt", "rd", "shamt", "funct", "imm", "addr"], [], [] ) self.IFadder.connect( [(self.ProgramC, "output"), (self.IFaddconst, "constant")], ["adderout"], [], [] ) self.IF_ID_Wall.connect( [(self.InstMem, "opcode"),(self.InstMem, "rs"), (self.InstMem, "rt"),(self.InstMem, "rd"), (self.InstMem, "shamt"), (self.InstMem, "funct"), (self.InstMem, "imm"), (self.InstMem, "addr"), (self.IFadder, "adderout")], ["opcode", "rs", "rt", "rd", "shamt", "funct", "imm", "addr", "adderout"], [], [] ) # IF # ID self.register.connect( [(self.IF_ID_Wall, "rs"), (self.IF_ID_Wall, "rt"), (self.MEM_WB_Wall, "regdstoutput"), (self.WBmux, "output")], ["Reg1", "Reg2"], [(self.MEM_WB_Wall, "RegWrite")], [] ) self.signext.connect( [(self.IF_ID_Wall, "imm")], ["extended"], [], [] ) self.control.connect( [(self.IF_ID_Wall, "opcode")], [], [], ["RegDst", "RegWrite", "ALUSrc", "MemtoReg", "MemWrite", "MemRead", "Branch", "ALUOp", "Jump"] ) self.jmpCalc.connect( [(self.IF_ID_Wall, "addr"), (self.IF_ID_Wall, "adderout")], ["output"], [], [] ) self.ID_EX_Wall.connect( [(self.register, "Reg1"), (self.register, "Reg2"), (self.signext, "extended"), (self.jmpCalc, "output"), (self.IF_ID_Wall, "adderout"), (self.IF_ID_Wall, "funct"), (self.IF_ID_Wall, "rd"), (self.IF_ID_Wall, "addr"), (self.IF_ID_Wall, "rt")], ["Reg1", "Reg2", "extended", "output", "adderout", "funct", "rd", "addr", "rt"], [(self.control, "RegDst"), (self.control, "RegWrite"), (self.control, "ALUSrc"), (self.control, "MemtoReg"), (self.control, "MemWrite"), (self.control, "MemRead"), (self.control, "Branch"), (self.control, "ALUOp"), (self.control, "Jump")], ["RegDst", "RegWrite", "ALUSrc", "MemtoReg", "MemWrite", "MemRead", "Branch", "ALUOp", "Jump"] ) #ID #EX self.EXadder.connect( [(self.ID_EX_Wall, "adderout"), (self.shiftL, "shifted")], ["output"], [], [] ) self.shiftL.connect( [(self.ID_EX_Wall, "extended")], ["shifted"], [], [] ) self.ALogicUnit.connect( [(self.ID_EX_Wall, "Reg1"), (self.ALUSrcMux, "output")], ["result"], [(self.ALUctrl, "ALUctrlsig")], ["zero"] ) self.ALUSrcMux.connect( [(self.ID_EX_Wall, "Reg2"), (self.ID_EX_Wall, "extended")], ["output"], [(self.ID_EX_Wall, "ALUSrc")], [] ) self.RegDstMux.connect( [(self.ID_EX_Wall, "rt"), (self.ID_EX_Wall, "rd")], ["RegDstoutput"], [(self.ID_EX_Wall, "RegDst")], [] ) self.ALUctrl.connect( [(self.ID_EX_Wall, "funct")], [], [(self.ID_EX_Wall, "ALUOp")], ["ALUctrlsig"] ) self.EX_MEM_Wall.connect( [(self.EXadder, "output"), (self.ALogicUnit, "result"), (self.ID_EX_Wall, "rt"), (self.RegDstMux, "RegDstoutput")], ["adderoutput", "result", "rt", "regdstoutput"], [(self.ID_EX_Wall, "RegWrite"), (self.ID_EX_Wall, "MemtoReg"), (self.ID_EX_Wall, "MemWrite"), (self.ID_EX_Wall, "MemRead"), (self.ID_EX_Wall, "Branch"), (self.ALogicUnit, "zero")], ["RegWrite", "MemtoReg", "MemWrite", "MemRead", "Branch", "zero"] ) #EX #MEM [(self.EX_MEM_Wall, "result"), (self.EX_MEM_Wall, "rt")], ["data"], [(self.EX_MEM_Wall, "MemWrite"), (self.EX_MEM_Wall, "MemRead")], [] ) self.brnch.connect( [], [], [(self.EX_MEM_Wall, "Branch"), (self.EX_MEM_Wall, "zero")], ["PCSrc"] ) self.MEM_WB_Wall.connect( [(self.EX_MEM_Wall, "adderoutput"), (, "data"), (self.EX_MEM_Wall, "regdstoutput")], ["adderoutput", "data", "regdstoutput"], [(self.EX_MEM_Wall, "RegWrite"), (self.EX_MEM_Wall, "MemtoReg")], ["RegWrite", "MemtoReg"] ) #MEM #WB self.WBmux.connect( [(self.MEM_WB_Wall, "adderoutput"), (self.MEM_WB_Wall, "data")], ["output"], [(self.MEM_WB_Wall, "MemtoReg")], [] ) def clockCycles(self): '''Returns the number of clock cycles spent executing instructions.''' return self.nCycles def dataMemory(self): '''Returns dictionary, mapping memory addresses to data, holding data memory after instructions have finished executing.''' return self.dataMemory.memory def registerFile(self): '''Returns dictionary, mapping register numbers to data, holding register file after instructions have finished executing.''' return self.registerFile.register def printDataMemory(self): self.dataMemory.printAll() def printRegisterFile(self): self.registerFile.printAll() def bootup(self): self.ProgramC.writeOutput() for elem in self.elementsboot: elem.readControlSignals() elem.readInput() elem.writeOutput() elem.setControlSignals() self.ProgramC.readInput() def tick(self): '''Execute one clock cycle of pipeline.''' self.nCycles += 1 self.ProgramC.writeOutput() for elem in self.walls: elem.writeOutput() elem.setControlSignals() self.WBmux.readControlSignals() self.WBmux.readInput() self.WBmux.writeOutput() self.WBmux.setControlSignals() for elem in self.elements4: elem.readControlSignals() elem.readInput() elem.writeOutput() elem.setControlSignals() for elem in self.elements3: elem.readControlSignals() elem.readInput() elem.writeOutput() elem.setControlSignals() for elem in self.elements2: elem.readControlSignals() elem.readInput() elem.writeOutput() elem.setControlSignals() for elem in self.elements1: elem.readControlSignals() elem.readInput() elem.writeOutput() elem.setControlSignals() for elem in self.walls: elem.readControlSignals() elem.readInput() self.register.printAll() self.ProgramC.readInput() print "number of cycles", self.nCycles, "\n"
import argparse import os import tensorflow as tf tf.compat.v1.enable_eager_execution() from paraphrase_questions import paraphrase_questions, get_pretrained_model, prepare_model, set_seed, pick_final_sentence, pick_final_sentence_advanced from constant import Constant const = Constant() seperator = "\t" const.URL = "" def batch_paraphrase(templates_path, model_dir): folder_path = get_pretrained_model(const.URL) set_seed(42) tokenizer, device, model = prepare_model(folder_path) dir = os.path.realpath(templates_path) with open(dir, "r") as lines: with open(dir + "_paraphrased", "w") as w: for line in lines: prop = line.strip("\n").split(seperator) question = prop[3] paraphrased_candidates = paraphrase_questions( tokenizer, device, model, question) paraphrased = pick_final_sentence(question, paraphrased_candidates) advanced = pick_final_sentence_advanced( device, question, paraphrased_candidates, model_dir) w.write(line) print("Original", line)
def __init__(self): self.log = Logging() self.constant = Constant() self.maps = {} # ID(int), MAP(object)