def ReduceR(R): str = islMaptoOmegaStr(R) str = str.split(':')[0] str = str.replace('[', '') str = str.replace(']', '') str = str.replace('{', '') str = str.replace(' ', '') sets = str.split('->') inp = sets[0] outp = sets[1] inp = inp.split(',') outp = outp.split(',') exp = [] for s in inp: exp.append('_ex_' + s) isl_symb = R.get_var_names(isl.dim_type.param) symb = ','.join(isl_symb) R2 = '' # symbolic variables if (len(isl_symb) > 0): R2 = R2 + '[' + symb + '] -> { ' else: R2 = R2 + '{ ' # tuple variables R2 = R2 + '[' + ','.join(inp) + '] -> [' + ','.join(outp) + '] : ' if not R.is_empty(): R2 = R2 + copyconstr.GetConstrSet(inp, R.domain()) + ' && ' if not R.is_empty(): R2 = R2 + copyconstr.GetConstr(inp, outp, R) + ' && ' R2 = R2 + ' not ( Exists ' + ','.join(exp) + ' : ( ' R2 = R2 + tiling_v3.CreateLex(exp, inp) + ' && ' #if not R.is_empty(): # R2 = R2 + copyconstr.GetConstr(inp, exp, R.transitive_closure()[0]) + ' && ' R2 = R2 + copyconstr.GetConstr(exp, outp, R) R2 = R2 + ' )) }' R2 = isl.Map(R2).coalesce() return R2
def GetR2(re, rrplus): isl_symb = re.get_var_names(isl.dim_type.param) dim = rrplus.dim(isl.dim_type.out) in_ = [] out_ = [] ex_ = [] for i in range(0, dim): in_.append('_in' + str(i)) out_.append('_out' + str(i)) ex_.append('_ex' + str(i)) symb = ','.join(isl_symb) R2 = '' # symbolic variables if (len(isl_symb) > 0): R2 = R2 + '[' + symb + '] -> { ' else: R2 = R2 + '{ ' #tuple variables R2 = R2 + '[' + ','.join(in_) + '] -> [' + ','.join(out_) + '] : ' #s2 in Re(s1) if not re.is_empty(): R2 = R2 + copyconstr.GetConstr(in_, out_, re) + ' and ' # if not re.is_empty(): # R2 = R2 + copyconstr.GetConstr(out_, in_, re) + ' and ' #s2 in RR+(s1) if not rrplus.is_empty(): R2 = R2 + copyconstr.GetConstr(in_, out_, rrplus) + ' and ' #s1 in Domain(Re) if not re.is_empty(): R2 = R2 + copyconstr.GetConstrSet(in_, re.domain()) else: R2 = R2 + ' 1=1 ' R2 = R2 + '}' print R2 R2 = isl.Map(R2) #R2.coalesce() #print "### R2" #print R2 return R2
def Valid1(Rsched, symb, in_, out_, s_in, sout, loop): # dodatkowo ii <> ii' && i1 = i2 && ii,i1 , ii',i2 nalezy do VLDEXTY exists ma byc pusty VLD_VAL = Rsched.range() S_VALID = symb + '{[' + s_in + '] :' + copyconstr.GetConstrSet( in_, VLD_VAL) + ' && exists ' + sout + ' : (' + copyconstr.GetConstrSet( out_, VLD_VAL) + ' && ' for i in range(0, loop.maxl * 2): S_VALID += ' not ' + in_[i] + ' = ' + out_[i] + ' && ' for i in range(loop.maxl * 2, loop.maxl * 4 + 1): S_VALID += in_[i] + ' = ' + out_[i] + ' && ' S_VALID += ' 1=1 ) }' S_VALID = isl.Set(S_VALID) if (S_VALID.is_empty()): print colored('** Validation - no redundant statements in tiles - OK', 'green') else: print colored('Redundant statements in tiles - ERROR', 'red') sys.exit(0)
'ii,jj,kk,N,') TILE_VLD_EXT = tiling_v3.Project( TILE_VLD.apply(Rapply).coalesce(), ['ii', 'jj', 'kk']) Rmap = isl.Map( '{[ii,jj,kk,i,j,k,1] -> [0, ii,0, jj,0, kk,0, i,0, j,0,k,1]; [ii,jj,kk,i,j,k,2] -> [0, ii,0, jj,1, kk,0, i,0, j,1,k,2] } ' ) TILE_VLD_EXT = TILE_VLD_EXT.apply(Rmap).coalesce() RSched = '[N] -> {[i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9,i10,i11,i12,i13]->[i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,-i8,i9,i10,i11,i12,i13] : ' in_ = [ 'i1', 'i2', 'i3', 'i4', 'i5', 'i6', 'i7', 'i8', 'i9', 'i10', 'i11', 'i12', 'i13' ] RSched = RSched + copyconstr.GetConstrSet(in_, TILE_VLD_EXT) + "}" Rsched = isl.Map(RSched) else: Rapply = tiling_v3.GetRapply(['i', 'j', 'k'], ['ii', 'jj', 'kk'], 'ii,jj,kk,N,b1, b2, b3, iib1, jjb2, kkb3') TILE_VLD_EXT1 = tiling_v3.Project( TILE_VLD1.apply(Rapply).coalesce(), ['ii', 'jj', 'kk']) Rmap = isl.Map( '{[ii,jj,kk,i,j,k,1] -> [0, ii,0, jj,0, kk,0, i,0, j,0,k,1]; } ') TILE_VLD_EXT1 = TILE_VLD_EXT1.apply(Rmap).coalesce() TILE_VLD_EXT2 = tiling_v3.Project( TILE_VLD2.apply(Rapply).coalesce(), ['ii', 'jj', 'kk'])
def GetRTilePlus(rel_plus, isl_tilevld, sym_exvars, vars): isl_symb = rel_plus.get_var_names(isl.dim_type.param) symb = ','.join(isl_symb) Rel = '' # symbolic variables if (len(isl_symb) > 0): Rel = Rel + '[' + symb + '] -> { ' else: Rel = Rel + '{ ' sym_exvars_out = [] for s in sym_exvars: sym_exvars_out.append(s + "'") vars_set = vars #rel_plus.get_var_names(isl.dim_type.in_) vars_set.append('v') vars_setp = [] for s in vars_set: vars_setp.append(s + "'") w1 = sym_exvars[:] w2 = sym_exvars_out[:] w1.append('v') w2.append('v\'') #tuple variables Rel = Rel + '[' + ','.join(sym_exvars) + ',v] -> [' + ','.join( sym_exvars_out) + ',v\'] : ' Rel = Rel + tiling_v3.CreateLex(w2, w1) + ' && exists ' Rel = Rel + ','.join(vars_set[:-1]) + ',' + ','.join( vars_setp[:-1]) + ' : ( ' if not rel_plus.is_empty(): Rel = Rel + copyconstr.GetConstr(vars_set, vars_setp, rel_plus) + ' and ' VLD = isl_tilevld[0] for v in isl_tilevld: VLD = VLD.union(v).coalesce() if not VLD.is_empty(): Rel = Rel + copyconstr.GetConstrSet(vars_set, VLD) + ' and ' # VLD' zamien II na II' VLDP = VLD isl_symb = VLDP.get_var_names(isl.dim_type.param) for s in sym_exvars: for i in range(0, len(isl_symb)): if (s == isl_symb[i]): VLDP = VLDP.set_dim_name(isl.dim_type.param, i, s + '\'') if not VLD.is_empty(): Rel = Rel + copyconstr.GetConstrSet(vars_setp, VLDP) Rel = Rel + ' ) }' Rel = isl.Map(Rel) return Rel
def tile(plik, block, permute, output_file="", L="0", SIMPLIFY="False", perfect_mode=False, parallel_option=False, rplus_mode='', cpus=2): print '' print colored('/\__ _\ /\ == \ /\ __ \ /\ ___\ /\ __ \ ', 'green') print colored('\/_/\ \/ \ \ __< \ \ __ \ \ \ \____ \ \ \/\ \ ', 'green') print colored(' \ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \ \_____\ \ \_____\ ', 'green') print colored(' \/_/ \/_/ /_/ \/_/\/_/ \/_____/ \/_____/ ', 'green') print '' print ' An Automatic Parallelizer and Optimizer' print 'based on the ' + colored('TRA', 'green') + 'nsitive ' + colored( 'C', 'green') + 'l' + colored('O', 'green') + 'sure of dependence graphs' print ' ' print '' DEBUG = True AGGRESSIVE_SIMPLIFY = False # TODO simpl_ub VALIDATION = 0 # levels FSSCHEDULE = 1 # RTILE expermiental INVERSE_TILING = 0 LPetit = "tmp/tmp_petit" + L + ".t" BLOCK = block.split(',') for i in range(len(BLOCK), 10): BLOCK.append(BLOCK[len(BLOCK) - 1]) BLOCK2 = [0, 6, 6] # BLOCK2 = BLOCK linestring = open(plik, 'r').read() lines = linestring.split('\n') if AGGRESSIVE_SIMPLIFY: petit_loop = convert_loop.convert_loop(lines, BLOCK2) BLOCK2 = map(str, BLOCK2) else: petit_loop = convert_loop.convert_loop(lines) file = open(LPetit, 'w') imperf = 0 endloop = 0 startloop = 0 for line in petit_loop: #sprawdz przy okazji jaka petla idealnie czy nie if 'for' in line and not 'endfor' in line: if startloop == 2: imperf = 1 startloop = 1 else: if startloop == 1: startloop = 2 if 'endfor' in line: endloop = 1 if endloop == 1 and 'endfor' not in line and not line.isspace( ) and line != '': imperf = 1 file.write(line + '\n') file.close() start = time.time() loop = Dependence.Kernel_Loop(LPetit) loop.Load_Deps() loop.Load_instrukcje() loop.Preprocess('0') loop.Get_Arrays() end = time.time() elapsed = end - start print "Dependence analysis: time taken: ", elapsed, "seconds." print colored('R', 'green') print loop.isl_rel print colored('domain R', 'green') print loop.isl_rel.domain() print colored('range R', 'green') print loop.isl_rel.range() IS = loop.isl_rel.domain().union(loop.isl_rel.range()) #s = IS.compute_schedule(loop.isl_rel, loop.isl_rel) #print s #sys.exit(0) print loop.dane cl = clanpy.ClanPy() cl.loop_path = plik cl.Load() ################################## # move to clanpy # combine clan with Dependence arr = map(int, loop.dane) arr = sorted(list(set(arr))) i = 0 for i in range(0, len(cl.statements)): cl.statements[i].petit_line = arr[i] cl.statements[i].bounds = GetBounds(petit_loop, cl.statements[i].petit_line, BLOCK2, AGGRESSIVE_SIMPLIFY) i = i + 1 ############################################################ ### R^+ isl_rel = loop.isl_rel #for i in range(0, len(cl.statements)): # print cl.statements[i].petit_line start = time.time() # ************************************************************************** RPLUSUNION = True #RPLUSUNION = False # NESTED strong experimental with Pugh only Valid why? exact_rplus = '-1' isl_relclosure = isl_rel if (RPLUSUNION): islrp = True if (rplus_mode == 'iterate'): islrp = False exact_rplus = True if not isl_rel.is_empty() and rplus_mode != 'remote': if islrp: isl_relclosure = isl_rel.transitive_closure() exact_rplus = isl_relclosure[1] isl_relclosure = isl_relclosure[0] else: isl_relclosure = relation_util.oc_IterateClosure(isl_rel) exact_rplus = True else: #R_UNDER still experimental, requires testing ############################################################################# print colored('R_UNDER', 'green') stline = [] subgraphs = [] isl_relclosure = isl.Map('{[i]->[i] : 1=0}').coalesce() for st in cl.statements: stline.append(st.petit_line) stline.sort() for i in range(0, len(stline)): w = 0 for sg in subgraphs: if stline[i] in sg: # it was used w = 1 if (w == 1): continue mylist = [] mylist.append(stline[i]) for j in range(i + 1, len(stline)): cutrel = '{[' + ','.join([ "a%d" % l for l in range(0, loop.maxl) ]) + ',' + str(stline[i]) + ']->[' + ','.join([ "b%d" % l for l in range(0, loop.maxl) ]) + ',' + str(stline[j]) + '];' cutrel += '[' + ','.join([ "a%d" % l for l in range(0, loop.maxl) ]) + ',' + str(stline[j]) + ']->[' + ','.join([ "b%d" % l for l in range(0, loop.maxl) ]) + ',' + str(stline[i]) + ']}' cutrel = isl.Map(cutrel) cutrel = isl_rel.intersect(cutrel).coalesce() if not cutrel.is_empty(): mylist.append(stline[j]) #mylist.append(maxst) subgraphs.append(mylist) print subgraphs for item in stline: count = 0 for sg in subgraphs: if item in sg: count = count + 1 if count > 1 and item != max(stline): print 'R_UNDER untested, switch RPLUSUNION to true' #exit(1) ii = 0 for sg in subgraphs: # calculate R_UNDER and its R+ ii = ii + 1 print str(ii) + "/" + str(len(subgraphs)) grel = '{' for i in sg: for j in sg: grel += '[' + ','.join([ "a%d" % l for l in range(0, loop.maxl) ]) + ',' + str(i) + ']->[' + ','.join( ["b%d" % l for l in range(0, loop.maxl)]) + ',' + str(j) + '];' grel += '}' grel = isl.Map(grel) grel = isl_rel.intersect(grel).coalesce() gp = grel.transitive_closure() if not gp[1]: print "NOT EXEACT R+" # print "iterate required" # gp = relation_util.oc_IterateClosure(grel) # iterate #else: gp = gp[0] if isl_relclosure.is_empty(): isl_relclosure = gp else: isl_relclosure = isl_relclosure.union(gp).coalesce() ############################################################################# if rplus_mode == 'remote': isl_relclosure, exact_rplus = agent.remote_tc(isl_rel) # ************************************************************************** isl_relplus = isl_relclosure print 'Rplus before' print isl_relplus # lata Pugh - eksperymentalnie #isl_rel = isl_rel.subtract(isl_relplus.apply_range(isl_rel)) print isl_rel #isl_relclosure = isl_rel.transitive_closure()[0] #isl_relplus = isl_relclosure # --------- print 'Rplus after' print isl_relplus end = time.time() elapsed = end - start print "Transitive closure: time taken: ", elapsed, "seconds." isl_ident = isl_rel if not isl_rel.is_empty: isl_ident = isl_rel.identity(isl_rel.get_space()) if (DEBUG and 1 == 0): print 'R+' print isl_relclosure #isl_relclosure = rpp if (DEBUG): color = 'red' if (exact_rplus): color = 'yellow' print colored("!! exact_rplus " + str(exact_rplus), color) isl_relclosure = isl_relclosure.union(isl_ident).coalesce() # R* = R+ u I if (INVERSE_TILING): isl_relclosure = isl_relclosure.fixed_power_val(-1).coalesce() if (DEBUG): print colored("R*", 'green') print isl_relclosure # ************************************************************************** start = time.time() B = (["b%d" % i for i in range(0, loop.maxl)]) vars = [] for st in cl.statements: if (len(st.original_iterators) == loop.maxl): vars = st.original_iterators break if (len(vars) == 0): print 'error 12, propably clan does not work' exit(12) # TODO to make abstract variubles bounds with variables must be also corrected sym_exvars = [] sym_exvars_p = [] print vars for v in vars: sym_exvars.append(v * 2) sym_exvars_p.append(v * 2 + 'p') if (DEBUG and 1 == 0): print sym_exvars print vars isl_symb = isl_rel.get_var_names(isl.dim_type.param) BLOCK = block.split(',') for i in range(len(BLOCK), 10): BLOCK.append(BLOCK[len(BLOCK) - 1]) # ************************************************************************** TILE = [] #isl TILE_STR = [] #string for st in cl.statements: if len(isl_symb) == 0: isl_symb = isl.Map(st.domain_map).get_var_names(isl.dim_type.param) tile = MakeTile(st, vars, sym_exvars, isl_symb, B) tile = ReplaceB(tile, BLOCK) TILE_STR.append(tile) tile = isl.Set(tile) # if statements before st domainv = isl.Set(st.domain_map) print domainv #if len(TILE) == 0: # domainv = isl.Set('[N] -> {[i, j, k, m]: N > 0 and 0 <= i <= -2 + N and 2 + i <= j < N and i < k <= -2 + j and k < m <= -3 - i + j + k and m < j and k < m and j-m < 30}') dimdom = domainv.dim(isl.dim_type.set) domainv = domainv.insert_dims(isl.dim_type.set, dimdom, loop.maxl + 1 - dimdom) tile = tile.intersect(domainv).coalesce() TILE.append(tile) if (DEBUG): DebugPrint('TILE', TILE, cl.statements) # ************************************************************************** TILE_LT = [] TILE_GT = [] for i in range(0, len(cl.statements)): TILE_LT_I = '' TILE_GT_I = '' for j in range(0, len(cl.statements)): l = CompareScat(cl.statements[i].scatering, cl.statements[j].scatering, len(vars)) tile_j = TILE_STR[j] PARTS = tile_j.split(':') for k in range(0, len(sym_exvars)): PARTS[1] = PARTS[1].replace(sym_exvars[k], sym_exvars_p[k]) PARTS[1] = PARTS[1].replace('}', ')}') lex_s_lt = MakeCustomLex( sym_exvars, sym_exvars_p, 'LT', l, cl.statements[i].petit_line > cl.statements[j].petit_line) lex_s_gt = MakeCustomLex( sym_exvars, sym_exvars_p, 'GT', l, cl.statements[i].petit_line < cl.statements[j].petit_line) join_LT = ': exists ' + ','.join( sym_exvars_p) + ' : ( ' + lex_s_lt join_GT = ': exists ' + ','.join( sym_exvars_p) + ' : ( ' + lex_s_gt TILE_LT_IJ = PARTS[0] + join_LT + PARTS[1] TILE_GT_IJ = PARTS[0] + join_GT + PARTS[1] #print TILE_LT_IJ TILE_LT_IJ = isl.Set(TILE_LT_IJ) TILE_GT_IJ = isl.Set(TILE_GT_IJ) if (j == 0): TILE_LT_I = TILE_LT_IJ TILE_GT_I = TILE_GT_IJ else: TILE_LT_I = TILE_LT_I.union(TILE_LT_IJ).coalesce() TILE_GT_I = TILE_GT_I.union(TILE_GT_IJ).coalesce() TILE_LT.append(TILE_LT_I) TILE_GT.append(TILE_GT_I) if (DEBUG): DebugPrint('TILE_LT', TILE_LT, cl.statements) DebugPrint('TILE_GT', TILE_GT, cl.statements) if (INVERSE_TILING): tmpx = TILE_LT[:] TILE_LT = TILE_GT TILE_GT = tmpx # ************************************************************************** TILE_ITR = [] for i in range(0, len(cl.statements)): if not isl_relclosure.is_empty(): TILE_ITRI = TILE[i].subtract( TILE_GT[i].apply(isl_relclosure)).coalesce() else: TILE_ITRI = TILE[i] if (SIMPLIFY): TILE_ITRI = imperf_tile.SimplifySlice(TILE_ITRI) TILE_ITR.append(TILE_ITRI) #print 'R+(TILE_GT)*TILE[i]' #print i # print TILE_GT[i].apply(isl_relclosure).intersect(TILE[i]) if (DEBUG): DebugPrint('TILE_ITR', TILE_ITR, cl.statements) # ************************************************************************** TVLD_LT = [] if not isl_relclosure.is_empty(): for i in range(0, len(cl.statements)): TVLD_LTI = (TILE_LT[i].intersect( TILE_ITR[i].apply(isl_relclosure))).subtract( TILE_GT[i].apply(isl_relclosure)).coalesce() TVLD_LT.append(TVLD_LTI) if (DEBUG): DebugPrint('TVLD_LT', TVLD_LT, cl.statements) # ************************************************************************** TILE_VLD = [] for i in range(0, len(cl.statements)): if not isl_relclosure.is_empty(): TILE_VLDI = TVLD_LT[i].union(TILE_ITR[i]).coalesce() else: TILE_VLDI = TILE_ITR[i] if (SIMPLIFY): TILE_VLDI = imperf_tile.SimplifySlice(TILE_VLDI) TILE_VLD.append(TILE_VLDI) if (DEBUG): DebugPrint('TILE_VLD', TILE_VLD, cl.statements) # ************************************************************************** TILE_VLD_EXT = [] Rapply = tiling_v3.GetRapply(vars, sym_exvars, ','.join(isl_symb + sym_exvars) + ',') for i in range(0, len(cl.statements)): TILE_VLD_EXTI = tiling_v3.Project(TILE_VLD[i].apply(Rapply).coalesce(), sym_exvars) ##################################################################################################################### if AGGRESSIVE_SIMPLIFY: cor_set = '' if (len(isl_symb) > 0): cor_set = '[' + ','.join(isl_symb) + '] -> ' else: cor_set = '' cor_set = cor_set + '{[' + ','.join(sym_exvars) + ',' + ','.join( vars) + ',' + 'v] : ' for k in range(0, i + 1): for j in range(0, len(cl.statements[k].bounds)): compar = ' <= ' add1 = ' - ' add2 = ' + ' if cl.statements[k].bounds[j]['step'] == '-1': add1 = ' + ' add2 = ' - ' compar = ' >= ' cor_set = cor_set + vars[j] + compar + cl.statements[ k].bounds[j]['ub'] + add1 + BLOCK2[j] + " && " cor_set = cor_set + cl.statements[k].bounds[j][ 'lb'] + add2 + BLOCK2[j] + compar + vars[j] + " && " cor_set = cor_set + "(" cor_set = cor_set + " v = " + str( cl.statements[i].petit_line) + " " cor_set = cor_set + ")}" print cor_set cor_set = isl.Set(cor_set) print '**************************' TILE_VLD_EXTI = TILE_VLD_EXTI.intersect(cor_set) ##################################################################################################################### TILE_VLD_EXT.append(TILE_VLD_EXTI) if (DEBUG): DebugPrint('TILE_VLD_EXT', TILE_VLD_EXT, cl.statements) # ************************************************************************** # TIME TO SCATTER - TO HONOUR ORDER OF STATEMENTS IN IMPERFECTLY NESTED LOOPS RMaps = [] for i in range(0, len(cl.statements)): RMap = '{' lbx = 0 ubx = i + 1 if (INVERSE_TILING): lbx = i ubx = len(cl.statements) for j in range(lbx, ubx): # to przy odwrotnym tilngu moze trzeba poprawic RMap = RMap + '[' + ','.join(sym_exvars + vars) + ',' + str( cl.statements[j].petit_line) + '] -> [' scati = fix_scat(cl.statements[i].scatering, loop.maxl) scatj = fix_scat(cl.statements[j].scatering, loop.maxl) combo = [ x for t in zip(scati + scatj, sym_exvars + vars) for x in t ] # obled RMap = RMap + ','.join(combo) + ',' + str( cl.statements[j].petit_line) + ']; ' # normalize j RMap = RMap[:-2] + '}' Rmap = isl.Map(RMap) RMaps.append(Rmap) if (DEBUG): DebugPrint('RMaps', RMaps, cl.statements) # ************************************************************************** for i in range(0, len(cl.statements)): TILE_VLD_EXT[i] = TILE_VLD_EXT[i].apply(RMaps[i]).coalesce() if (DEBUG): DebugPrint('TILE_VLD_EXT after Map', TILE_VLD_EXT, cl.statements) TILE_VLD_EXT_union = TILE_VLD_EXT[0] for i in range(1, len(cl.statements)): TILE_VLD_EXT_union = TILE_VLD_EXT_union.union( TILE_VLD_EXT[i]).coalesce() if (DEBUG): print colored('TILE_VLD_EXT to CodeGen', 'green') print TILE_VLD_EXT_union #if(SIMPLIFY): #TILE_VLD_EXT_union= imperf_tile.SimplifySlice(TILE_VLD_EXT_union) # ************************************************************************** # Optional Schedule s = ','.join(["i%d" % i for i in range(1, loop.maxl * 4 + 2)]) # RFS ss = s in_ = s.split(',') symb = '' if (len(isl_symb) > 0): symb += '[' + ','.join(isl_symb) + ']' + '->' RSched = symb + '{[' + s + '] -> [' RValid = RSched # RFS RFS = RSched # ***************************************************** LOOP SKEWING print colored('Loop skewing testing...', 'green') sdel = isl_rel.deltas() inp = [] for i in range(0, sdel.dim(isl.dim_type.set)): inp.append("i" + str(i)) stest = "{[" + ",".join(inp) + "] : " + inp[1] + " < 0 }" stest = isl.Set(stest) sdel = stest.intersect(sdel).coalesce() if (sdel.is_empty()): print colored('Found: i2 -> i2 + i4', 'yellow') s = s.replace('i2', 'i2 + i4') else: print colored('Failed.', 'yellow') #s = s.replace('i4', 'i6') #s = s.replace('i2', 'i2 + 2*i4') #s = s.replace('i', 'i8') #s = s.replace('i10', 'i10 + i8') #s = s.replace('i6', '2*i2 + i4 + i6') # ***************************************************** LOOP SKEWING # ***************************************************** DECREMENTATION index_arr = numpy.zeros(shape=(len(cl.statements), loop.maxl)) for k in range(0, loop.maxl): for i in range(0, len(cl.statements)): if (k < len(cl.statements[i].bounds)): index_arr[i][k] = cl.statements[i].bounds[k]['step'] print colored('step array (st,loop)', 'green') print numpy.matrix(index_arr) for k in range(0, loop.maxl): vec = index_arr[:, k] dec = 1 for i in range(0, len(cl.statements)): if (vec[i] != -1): dec = 0 break if (dec == 0): continue ind = str(2 * loop.maxl + 2 * (k + 1)) print colored('decrementation on ' + str(k + 1) + ' loop', 'yellow') s = s.replace('i' + ind, '-i' + ind) # TODO rozdzielic na gniazda i v w przyszlosci # ***************************************************** RSched += s + '] : ' RFS += ss + '] : 1=1 }' RSched = RSched + copyconstr.GetConstrSet(in_, TILE_VLD_EXT_union) + " }" print 'RSCHEDULE' print RSched Rsched = isl.Map(RSched) print 'VALIDATION CHECKING ' if (not isl_rel.is_empty() and 1 == 1): s_in = ','.join(["i%d" % i for i in range(1, loop.maxl * 4 + 2)]) sout = ','.join(["i%d'" % i for i in range(1, loop.maxl * 4 + 2)]) out_ = sout.split(',') i1 = in_[2 * loop.maxl + 1:4 * loop.maxl + 1:2] + [in_[loop.maxl * 4]] i2 = out_[2 * loop.maxl + 1:4 * loop.maxl + 1:2] + [in_[loop.maxl * 4]] RValid += sout + '] : ' DomR = isl_rel.domain() RValid += copyconstr.GetConstrSet( i1, DomR) + ' && ' + copyconstr.GetConstr(i1, i2, isl_rel) s_in_ex = ','.join(["ex%d" % i for i in range(1, loop.maxl * 4 + 2)]) s_out_ex = ','.join(["ex%d'" % i for i in range(1, loop.maxl * 4 + 2)]) ex_sin = s_in_ex.split(',') ex_sout = s_out_ex.split(',') RValid += ' && exists ' + s_in_ex + ',' + s_out_ex + ' : (' RValid += ' ( ' + tiling_v3.CreateLex(ex_sin, ex_sout) + ' ) && ' RValid += ' ( ' + copyconstr.GetConstr(in_, ex_sin, Rsched) + ' ) && ' RValid += ' ( ' + copyconstr.GetConstr(out_, ex_sout, Rsched) + ' ) ' RValid += ' ) }' RValid = isl.Map(RValid).coalesce() if (RValid.is_empty()): print colored('*** VALIDATION OK ***', 'green') else: print colored('*** VALIDADION FAILED ***', 'red') print colored(RValid, 'green') if (FSSCHEDULE == 0): print RValid sys.exit(0) for st in cl.statements: z = st.domain_map z = isl.Set(z) # czy wszystkie z domain sa w TVLD_EXT VLDUNION RELATION == v # I nalezy do TVLD_EXT and exists i,j,v i nalezy do domain_map i i,j,v != I ma byc pusty VLD_VAL = Rsched.range() if (VALIDATION > 0): tiling5_valid.Valid1(Rsched, symb, in_, out_, s_in, sout, loop) else: print "OK" # ************************************************************************** #### DISCOVER PARALLELISM -- empty # ii, jj -> ii, jj' : not jj = jj' print colored('Parallelism searching', 'green') s = ','.join(["i%d" % i for i in range(1, loop.maxl * 4 + 2)]) in_ = s.split(',') sprim = ','.join(["i%d'" % i for i in range(1, loop.maxl * 4 + 2)]) out_ = sprim.split(',') Rel_base = symb + '{[' + s + '] -> [' + sprim + '] : ' #i1 = domain R 12 = R(i1) ii,i1 nalezy do VLD_EXT i'i',i2 nalezy do VLDEXT i ogr. ponizej np ii2 <> ii2' ii1 = ii1' relacja par_loop = [] if (not isl_rel.is_empty() and 1 == 1): delta = isl_rel.deltas() chkc = isl.Set("{[0," + ",".join(vars) + "]}") delta = delta.subtract(chkc) for i in range(0, loop.maxl * 4, 2): j = -1 print 'c' + str(i + 1), Rel = Rel_base tmp = '' for j in range(0, i): tmp += in_[j] + ' = ' + out_[j] + ' && ' tmp += ' not ( ' + in_[j + 1] + ' = ' + out_[ j + 1] + ' && ' + in_[j + 2] + ' = ' + out_[j + 2] + ' ) && ' Rel += tmp Rel += copyconstr.GetConstrSet( i1, DomR) + ' && ' + copyconstr.GetConstr(i1, i2, isl_rel) Rel += ' && ( ' + copyconstr.GetConstrSet(in_, VLD_VAL) + ' ) && ' Rel += ' ( ' + copyconstr.GetConstrSet(out_, VLD_VAL) + ' ) ' Rel += ' }' #print Rel Rel = isl.Map(Rel) if (i == 0): Rel = delta if (Rel.is_empty()): print colored('found!', 'green') par_loop.append('c' + str(i + 1)) # break else: print 'no!' end = time.time() elapsed = end - start print "Algorithm: time taken: ", elapsed, "seconds." # ************************************************************************** vars = map(str, vars) start = time.time() ast = 0 if (ast == 1): loop_x = iscc.isl_ast_codegen_map(Rsched) else: loop_x = iscc.iscc_communicate("L :=" + str(Rsched) + "; codegen L;") print loop_x # ************************************************************************** lines = loop_x.split('\n') loop_str = [] for line in lines: if line.endswith(');'): tab = imperf_tile.get_tab(line) line = line.replace(' ', '') line = line[:-2] line = line[1:] arr = line.split(',') petit_st = arr[4 * loop.maxl] s = '' for i in range(0, len(cl.statements)): # TODO if petit_st has 'c' get all statements make if from petit_line and insert to s, solution for loop over st if 'c' in petit_st: combo_st = '{' for j in range(0, len(cl.statements)): combo_st += '\n' + tab combo_st += 'if( ' + petit_st + ' == ' + str( cl.statements[j].petit_line ) + ' ) ' + cl.statements[j].body s = combo_st + '\n' + tab + '}' elif cl.statements[i].petit_line == int( petit_st): # st.petit_line s = cl.statements[i].body for i in range( 0, len(vars) ): # todo oryginal iterators for loops with mixed indexes subt = arr[2 * loop.maxl + 2 * i + 1] if (('+' in subt) or ('-' in subt)): subt = '(' + subt + ')' s = re.sub(r'\b' + vars[i] + r'\b', subt, s) loop_str.append(tab + s) else: line = line.replace('for (int', 'for(') loop_str.append(line) end = time.time() elapsed = end - start print "Code Generation: time taken: ", elapsed, "seconds.\n\n" #loop_str = '\n'.join(loop_str) filePaths = glob.glob(plik) if (output_file != ""): nazwa = output_file else: for filePath in filePaths: base = os.path.basename(filePath) nazwa = os.path.splitext(base)[0] + "_tiling" + os.path.splitext( base)[1] text_file = open(nazwa, "w") for line in loop_str: if (len(par_loop) > 0): if ('for( ' + par_loop[0] + ' ' in line): print imperf_tile.get_tab(line) + colored( '#pragma omp parallel for', 'green') text_file.write( imperf_tile.get_tab(line) + '#pragma omp parallel for' + '\n') print line text_file.write(line + '\n') text_file.close() print 'Output written to: ' + nazwa for d in loop.Deps: del d.Relation sys.exit(0) ################################################################################################### if (FSSCHEDULE): rtile = tiling_schedule.get_RTILE(TILE_VLD_EXT_union, sym_exvars, isl_rel, True) #Rsched.Range() rtile_ii = rtile #print rtile_ii for i in range(0, loop.maxl): rtile_ii = rtile_ii.remove_dims(isl.dim_type.in_, 2 * loop.maxl - i * 2 - 2, 1) rtile_ii = rtile_ii.remove_dims(isl.dim_type.out, 2 * loop.maxl - i * 2 - 2, 1) print colored('RTILE', 'green') print rtile sys.exit(0) if islrp: rtileplus, exact = rtile.transitive_closure() else: rtileplus = relation_util.oc_IterateClosure(rtile) exact = 1 print colored('RTILE+', 'green') print rtileplus if (exact != 1): print colored('RTILE+ approx', 'yellow') else: print colored('RTILE+ exact', 'green') # tiling_v2.DynamicRTILE(rtile, Rsched.range(), loop.maxl, cl, vars, RFS) try: p = int(cpus) # or int except ValueError: print 'Bad cpus parameter. ' sys.exit(0) FI = symb + ' {[' + ','.join( sym_exvars) + ',v] -> [p] : (exists k : (' item = '' for i in range(0, p): item = item + ' (p=' + str(i) + ' ' + ' && ' + sym_exvars[ 0] + ' - (2k + ' + str(i) + ') = 0 ) || ' FI += item[:-3] + ' )) &&' vv = ["i%d" % i for i in range(1, loop.maxl * 4 + 2)] s_in = ','.join(vv) s_out = ','.join(["i%d" % i for i in range(2, loop.maxl * 2 + 1, 2) ]) + ',' + vv[len(vv) - 1] rmap_fi = '{[' + s_in + '] -> [' + s_out + ']}' rmap_fi = isl.Map(rmap_fi) II_SET = TILE_VLD_EXT_union.apply(rmap_fi).coalesce() print colored('II_SET', 'green') print II_SET FI += copyconstr.GetConstrSet(sym_exvars + ['v'], II_SET) + '}' FI = isl.Map(FI).coalesce() print colored('FI', 'green') print FI RPROC = symb + '{[' + ','.join(sym_exvars) + ',v] -> [' + ','.join( sym_exvars_p) + ',vp] : ' domRTILE = rtile_ii.domain().coalesce() RPROC += copyconstr.GetConstrSet( sym_exvars + ['v'], domRTILE) + ' && ' + copyconstr.GetConstr( sym_exvars + ['v'], sym_exvars_p + ['vp'], rtile_ii) RPROC += ' && exists p,pp : ( not(p=pp) && ' + copyconstr.GetConstr( sym_exvars + ['v'], ['p'], FI) + ' && ' + copyconstr.GetConstr( sym_exvars_p + ['vp'], ['pp'], FI) + ' ) }' #print RPROC RPROC = isl.Map(RPROC).coalesce() print colored('RPROC', 'green') print RPROC s = ','.join(["i%d" % i for i in range(0, loop.maxl + 1)]) sv = s.split(',') s1 = ','.join(["o%d" % i for i in range(0, loop.maxl + 1)]) sv1 = s1.split(',') s2 = ','.join(["ex%d" % i for i in range(0, loop.maxl + 1)]) sve = s2.split(',') R_RESIDUAL = symb + '{[' + s + '] -> [' + s1 + '] : ' R_RESIDUAL += copyconstr.GetConstrSet( sv, RPROC.domain().coalesce()) + '&& ' R_RESIDUAL += copyconstr.GetConstr( sv, sv1, RPROC) + '&& not exists ' + s2 + ' : (' R_RESIDUAL += tiling_v3.CreateLex( sve, sv) + ' && ' + copyconstr.GetConstr(sve, sv1, RPROC) + ')}' R_RESIDUAL = isl.Map(R_RESIDUAL).coalesce() print colored('R_RESIDUAL', 'green') print R_RESIDUAL irp = R_RESIDUAL.fixed_power_val(-1) R_P_RESIDUAL = symb + '{[' + ','.join( sym_exvars) + ',v] -> [p,' + ','.join(sym_exvars_p) + ',vp] : ' R_P_RESIDUAL += copyconstr.GetConstr( sym_exvars_p + ['vp'], ['p'], FI) + ' && ' + copyconstr.GetConstr( sym_exvars + ['v'], sym_exvars_p + ['vp'], irp) + ' }' R_P_RESIDUAL = isl.Map(R_P_RESIDUAL) print colored('R_P_RESIDUAL', 'green') print R_P_RESIDUAL