Пример #1
def app_list(request, domain, urlPath):
    preview = string_to_boolean(request.REQUEST.get("preview", "false"))
    language = request.couch_user.language or "en"
    def _app_latest_build_json(app_id):
        build = ApplicationBase.view('app_manager/saved_app',
                                     startkey=[domain, app["_id"], {}],
                                     endkey=[domain, app["_id"]],
        return build._doc if build else None
    if not preview:
        apps = get_cloudcare_apps(domain)
        # replace the apps with the last build of each app
        apps = [_app_latest_build_json(app["_id"])for app in apps]
        apps = ApplicationBase.view('app_manager/applications_brief', startkey=[domain], endkey=[domain, {}])
        apps = [app._doc for app in apps if app and app.application_version == "2.0"]
    # trim out empty apps
    apps = filter(lambda app: app, apps)
    return render_to_response(request, "cloudcare/cloudcare_home.html", 
                              {"domain": domain,
                               "language": language,
                               "apps": json.dumps(apps),
                               "apps_raw": apps,
                               "preview": preview,
                               "maps_api_key": settings.GMAPS_API_KEY })
Пример #2
def app_settings(request, domain):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        apps = get_cloudcare_apps(domain)
        access = ApplicationAccess.get_template_json(domain, apps)
        groups = Group.by_domain(domain)

        return render(request, 'cloudcare/config.html', {
            'domain': domain,
            'apps': apps,
            'groups': groups,
            'access': access,
    elif request.method == 'PUT':
        j = json.loads(request.raw_post_data)
        old = ApplicationAccess.get_by_domain(domain)
        new = ApplicationAccess.wrap(j)
        old.restrict = new.restrict
        old.app_groups = new.app_groups
            if old._rev != new._rev or old._id != new._id:
                raise ResourceConflict()
        except ResourceConflict:
            return HttpResponseConflict()
            return json_response({'_rev': old._rev})
Пример #3
def app_settings(request, domain):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        apps = get_cloudcare_apps(domain)
        access = ApplicationAccess.get_template_json(domain, apps)
        groups = Group.by_domain(domain)

        return render(request, 'cloudcare/config.html', {
            'domain': domain,
            'apps': apps,
            'groups': groups,
            'access': access,
    elif request.method == 'PUT':
        j = json.loads(request.raw_post_data)
        old = ApplicationAccess.get_by_domain(domain)
        new = ApplicationAccess.wrap(j)
        old.restrict = new.restrict
        old.app_groups = new.app_groups
            if old._rev != new._rev or old._id != new._id:
                raise ResourceConflict()
        except ResourceConflict:
            return HttpResponseConflict()
            return json_response({'_rev': old._rev})
Пример #4
 def page_context(self):
     apps = get_cloudcare_apps(self.domain)
     access = ApplicationAccess.get_template_json(self.domain, apps)
     groups = Group.by_domain(self.domain)
     return {
         'apps': apps,
         'groups': groups,
         'access': access,
Пример #5
 def page_context(self):
     apps = get_cloudcare_apps(self.domain)
     access = ApplicationAccess.get_template_json(self.domain, apps)
     groups = Group.by_domain(self.domain)
     return {
         'apps': apps,
         'groups': groups,
         'access': access,
Пример #6
def get_cloudcare_app():
    Total hack function to get direct links to the cloud care application pages

    def get_latest_build(domain, app_id):
        build = ApplicationBase.view('app_manager/saved_app',
                                     startkey=[domain, app_id, {}],
                                     endkey=[domain, app_id],
        return build._doc if build else None

    from corehq.apps.cloudcare import api
    apps = api.get_cloudcare_apps(PACT_DOMAIN)
    filtered_app = filter(lambda x: x['name']==PACT_CLOUD_APPNAME, apps)
    if len(filtered_app) != 1:
        raise Exception ("Your hacky assumption failed for pact!")

    app = api.look_up_app_json(PACT_DOMAIN, filtered_app[0]['_id'])
    app_id = app['_id']

    pact_cloudcare = filter(lambda x: x['name']['en'] == PACT_CLOUDCARE_MODULE, app['modules'])
    forms = pact_cloudcare[0]['forms']
    ret = dict((f['name']['en'], ix) for (ix, f) in enumerate(forms))

    url_root = '/a/%(domain)s/cloudcare/apps/view/%(build_id)s/%(module_id)s/%(form_id)s/case/%(case_id)s/enter/'
    ret['url_root'] = url_root
    ret['domain'] = PACT_DOMAIN
    ret['app_id'] = app_id
    latest_build = get_latest_build(PACT_DOMAIN, app_id)
    if latest_build is not None:
        latest_build_id = latest_build['_id']
        ret['build_id'] = latest_build_id
    ret['module_id'] = 0
    return ret
Пример #7
def cloudcare_main(request, domain, urlPath):
        preview = string_to_boolean(request.REQUEST.get("preview", "false"))
    except ValueError:
        # this is typically only set at all if it's intended to be true so this
        # is a reasonable default for "something went wrong"
        preview = True

    app_access = ApplicationAccess.get_by_domain(domain)
    def _app_latest_build_json(app_id):
        build = ApplicationBase.view('app_manager/saved_app',
                                     startkey=[domain, app_id, {}],
                                     endkey=[domain, app_id],
        return get_app_json(build) if build else None

    if not preview:
        apps = get_cloudcare_apps(domain)
        # replace the apps with the last build of each app
        apps = [_app_latest_build_json(app["_id"]) for app in apps]
        apps = ApplicationBase.view('app_manager/applications_brief', startkey=[domain], endkey=[domain, {}])
        apps = [get_app_json(app) for app in apps if app and app.application_version == V2]

    # trim out empty apps
    apps = filter(lambda app: app, apps)
    apps = filter(lambda app: app_access.user_can_access_app(request.couch_user, app), apps)
    def _default_lang():
        if apps:
            # unfortunately we have to go back to the DB to find this
            return Application.get(apps[0]["_id"]).build_langs[0]
            return "en"

    # default language to user's preference, followed by 
    # first app's default, followed by english
    language = request.couch_user.language or _default_lang()
    def _url_context():
        # given a url path, returns potentially the app and case, if they're
        # selected. the front end optimizes with these to avoid excess server
        # calls

        # there's an annoying dependency between this logic and backbone's
        # url routing that seems hard to solve well. this needs to be synced
        # with apps.js if anything changes

        # for apps anything with "view/app/" works

        # for cases it will be:
        # "view/:app/:module/:form/case/:case/"
        # could use regex here but this is actually simpler with the potential
        # absence of a trailing slash
        split = urlPath.split('/')
        app_id = split[1] if len(split) >= 2 else None
        case_id = split[5] if len(split) >= 6 else None
        app = None
        if app_id:
            if app_id in [a['_id'] for a in apps]:
                app = look_up_app_json(domain, app_id)
                messages.info(request, _("That app is no longer valid. Try using the "
                                         "navigation links to select an app."))
        if app is None and len(apps) == 1:
            app = look_up_app_json(domain, apps[0]['_id'])

        def _get_case(domain, case_id):
            case = CommCareCase.get(case_id)
            assert case.domain == domain, "case %s not in %s" % (case_id, domain)
            return case.get_json()
        case = _get_case(domain, case_id) if case_id else None
        return {
            "app": app,
            "case": case

    context = {
       "domain": domain,
       "language": language,
       "apps": apps,
       "apps_raw": apps,
       "preview": preview,
       "maps_api_key": settings.GMAPS_API_KEY
    return render(request, "cloudcare/cloudcare_home.html", context)
Пример #8
def get_apps_api(request, domain):
    return json_response(get_cloudcare_apps(domain))
Пример #9
def cloudcare_main(request, domain, urlPath):
        preview = string_to_boolean(request.REQUEST.get("preview", "false"))
    except ValueError:
        # this is typically only set at all if it's intended to be true so this
        # is a reasonable default for "something went wrong"
        preview = True

    app_access = ApplicationAccess.get_by_domain(domain)

    if not preview:
        apps = get_cloudcare_apps(domain)
        if request.project.use_cloudcare_releases:
            # replace the apps with the last starred build of each app, removing the ones that aren't starred
            apps = filter(lambda app: app.is_released, [get_app(domain, app['_id'], latest=True) for app in apps])
            # convert to json
            apps = [get_app_json(app) for app in apps]
            # legacy functionality - use the latest build regardless of stars
            apps = [get_app_json(ApplicationBase.get_latest_build(domain, app['_id'])) for app in apps]

        apps = ApplicationBase.view('app_manager/applications_brief', startkey=[domain], endkey=[domain, {}])
        apps = [get_app_json(app) for app in apps if app and app.application_version == V2]

    # trim out empty apps
    apps = filter(lambda app: app, apps)
    apps = filter(lambda app: app_access.user_can_access_app(request.couch_user, app), apps)
    def _default_lang():
        if apps:
            # unfortunately we have to go back to the DB to find this
            return Application.get(apps[0]["_id"]).build_langs[0]
            return "en"

    # default language to user's preference, followed by 
    # first app's default, followed by english
    language = request.couch_user.language or _default_lang()
    def _url_context():
        # given a url path, returns potentially the app, parent, and case, if
        # they're selected. the front end optimizes with these to avoid excess
        # server calls

        # there's an annoying dependency between this logic and backbone's
        # url routing that seems hard to solve well. this needs to be synced
        # with apps.js if anything changes

        # for apps anything with "view/app/" works

        # for cases it will be:
        # "view/:app/:module/:form/case/:case/"

        # if there are parent cases, it will be:
        # "view/:app/:module/:form/parent/:parent/case/:case/
        # could use regex here but this is actually simpler with the potential
        # absence of a trailing slash
        split = urlPath.split('/')
        app_id = split[1] if len(split) >= 2 else None

        if len(split) >= 5 and split[4] == "parent":
            parent_id = split[5]
            case_id = split[7] if len(split) >= 7 else None
            parent_id = None
            case_id = split[5] if len(split) >= 6 else None

        app = None
        if app_id:
            if app_id in [a['_id'] for a in apps]:
                app = look_up_app_json(domain, app_id)
                messages.info(request, _("That app is no longer valid. Try using the "
                                         "navigation links to select an app."))
        if app is None and len(apps) == 1:
            app = look_up_app_json(domain, apps[0]['_id'])

        def _get_case(domain, case_id):
            case = CommCareCase.get(case_id)
            assert case.domain == domain, "case %s not in %s" % (case_id, domain)
            return case.get_json()

        case = _get_case(domain, case_id) if case_id else None
        if parent_id is None and case is not None:
            parent_id = case.get('indices',{}).get('parent', {}).get('case_id', None)
        parent = _get_case(domain, parent_id) if parent_id else None

        return {
            "app": app,
            "case": case,
            "parent": parent

    context = {
       "domain": domain,
       "language": language,
       "apps": apps,
       "apps_raw": apps,
       "preview": preview,
       "maps_api_key": settings.GMAPS_API_KEY,
       'offline_enabled': toggles.OFFLINE_CLOUDCARE.enabled(request.user.username),
       'sessions_enabled': request.couch_user.is_commcare_user(),
       'use_cloudcare_releases': request.project.use_cloudcare_releases,
    return render(request, "cloudcare/cloudcare_home.html", context)
Пример #10
def cloudcare_main(request, domain, urlPath):
        preview = string_to_boolean(request.REQUEST.get("preview", "false"))
    except ValueError:
        # this is typically only set at all if it's intended to be true so this
        # is a reasonable default for "something went wrong"
        preview = True

    app_access = ApplicationAccess.get_by_domain(domain)

    if not preview:
        apps = get_cloudcare_apps(domain)
        if request.project.use_cloudcare_releases:
            # replace the apps with the last starred build of each app, removing the ones that aren't starred
            apps = filter(
                lambda app: app.is_released,
                [get_app(domain, app['_id'], latest=True) for app in apps])
            # convert to json
            apps = [get_app_json(app) for app in apps]
            # legacy functionality - use the latest build regardless of stars
            apps = [
                    ApplicationBase.get_latest_build(domain, app['_id']))
                for app in apps

        apps = ApplicationBase.view('app_manager/applications_brief',
                                    endkey=[domain, {}])
        apps = [
            get_app_json(app) for app in apps
            if app and app.application_version == V2

    # trim out empty apps
    apps = filter(lambda app: app, apps)
    apps = filter(
        lambda app: app_access.user_can_access_app(request.couch_user, app),

    def _default_lang():
        if apps:
            # unfortunately we have to go back to the DB to find this
            return Application.get(apps[0]["_id"]).build_langs[0]
            return "en"

    # default language to user's preference, followed by
    # first app's default, followed by english
    language = request.couch_user.language or _default_lang()

    def _url_context():
        # given a url path, returns potentially the app, parent, and case, if
        # they're selected. the front end optimizes with these to avoid excess
        # server calls

        # there's an annoying dependency between this logic and backbone's
        # url routing that seems hard to solve well. this needs to be synced
        # with apps.js if anything changes

        # for apps anything with "view/app/" works

        # for cases it will be:
        # "view/:app/:module/:form/case/:case/"

        # if there are parent cases, it will be:
        # "view/:app/:module/:form/parent/:parent/case/:case/

        # could use regex here but this is actually simpler with the potential
        # absence of a trailing slash
        split = urlPath.split('/')
        app_id = split[1] if len(split) >= 2 else None

        if len(split) >= 5 and split[4] == "parent":
            parent_id = split[5]
            case_id = split[7] if len(split) >= 7 else None
            parent_id = None
            case_id = split[5] if len(split) >= 6 else None

        app = None
        if app_id:
            if app_id in [a['_id'] for a in apps]:
                app = look_up_app_json(domain, app_id)
                    _("That app is no longer valid. Try using the "
                      "navigation links to select an app."))
        if app is None and len(apps) == 1:
            app = look_up_app_json(domain, apps[0]['_id'])

        def _get_case(domain, case_id):
            case = CommCareCase.get(case_id)
            assert case.domain == domain, "case %s not in %s" % (case_id,
            return case.get_json()

        case = _get_case(domain, case_id) if case_id else None
        if parent_id is None and case is not None:
            parent_id = case.get('indices', {}).get('parent',
                                                    {}).get('case_id', None)
Пример #11
def get_apps_api(request, domain):
    return json_response(get_cloudcare_apps(domain))
Пример #12
def cloudcare_main(request, domain, urlPath):
    preview = string_to_boolean(request.REQUEST.get("preview", "false"))
    app_access = ApplicationAccess.get_by_domain(domain)

    def _app_latest_build_json(app_id):
        build = ApplicationBase.view('app_manager/saved_app',
                                     startkey=[domain, app_id, {}],
                                     endkey=[domain, app_id],
        return build._doc if build else None

    if not preview:
        apps = get_cloudcare_apps(domain)
        # replace the apps with the last build of each app
        apps = [_app_latest_build_json(app["_id"]) for app in apps]

        apps = ApplicationBase.view('app_manager/applications_brief',
                                    endkey=[domain, {}])
        apps = [
            app._doc for app in apps
            if app and app.application_version == "2.0"

    # trim out empty apps
    apps = filter(lambda app: app, apps)
    apps = filter(
        lambda app: app_access.user_can_access_app(request.couch_user, app),

    def _default_lang():
        if apps:
            # unfortunately we have to go back to the DB to find this
            return Application.get(apps[0]["_id"]).build_langs[0]
            return "en"

    # default language to user's preference, followed by
    # first app's default, followed by english
    language = request.couch_user.language or _default_lang()

    def _url_context():
        # given a url path, returns potentially the app and case, if they're
        # selected. the front end optimizes with these to avoid excess server
        # calls

        # there's an annoying dependency between this logic and backbone's
        # url routing that seems hard to solve well. this needs to be synced
        # with apps.js if anything changes

        # for apps anything with "view/app/" works

        # for cases it will be:
        # "view/:app/:module/:form/case/:case/"

        # could use regex here but this is actually simpler with the potential
        # absence of a trailing slash
        split = urlPath.split('/')
        app_id = split[1] if len(split) >= 2 else None
        case_id = split[5] if len(split) >= 6 else None

        app = None
        if app_id:
            if app_id in [a['_id'] for a in apps]:
                app = get_app(domain, app_id)
                    _("That app is no longer valid. Try using the "
                      "navigation links to select an app."))
        if app == None and len(apps) == 1:
            app = get_app(domain, apps[0]['_id'])

        def _get_case(domain, case_id):
            case = CommCareCase.get(case_id)
            assert case.domain == domain, "case %s not in %s" % (case_id,
            return case.get_json()

        case = _get_case(domain, case_id) if case_id else None
        return {"app": app, "case": case}