def main(args): np.random.seed(0x1337) spi = spidev.SpiDev(), args.device) spi.max_speed_hz = args.speed spi.bits_per_word = 16 dt = np.dtype(np.uint16) dt = dt.newbyteorder('>') if args.send: data = np.array( [48713, 25935, 32857, 42796, 38931, 10992, 61444], dtype=np.uint16 ) #np.random.randint(0, 0xffff, size=7, dtype=dt) #np.arange(1, 8, dtype=dt) print(data) crc = 0xffff if args.crcerr else crc16.crc16xmodem(data.tobytes()) data = np.append(data, crc) data = data.astype(dt).tobytes() spi.writebytes(data) print(f"written {len(data)} bytes ({crc})") else: raw = bytes(spi.readbytes(16)) msg = np.frombuffer(raw, dtype=dt) crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(raw[:-2]) print(crc) if crc == msg[-1]: print(f"received {msg[:-1]} ({len(raw)} bytes) [OK]") else: print(f"crc error: {crc} != {msg[-1]} [FAIL]") spi.close()
def encodePacket(linenr, cmd, payload): assert (linenr > 0) assert (cmd > 0) result = nullByte header = struct.pack("<BBB", linenr, cmd, len(payload) + 0x01) result += header checksum = crc16.crc16xmodem(header) result += payload checksum = crc16.crc16xmodem(payload, checksum) # print "cflags, c1: 0x%x, 0x%x" % (cflags, checksum) cflags = 0x1 if checksum == 0: cflags = 0x4 checksum = 0x0101 elif (checksum & 0xFF00) == 0: cflags = 0x2 checksum = 0x0100 | (checksum & 0xFf) elif (checksum & 0x00FF) == 0: cflags = 0x3 checksum = 0x0001 | (checksum & 0xFF00) # print "c1 adjusted: 0x%x" % checksum result += struct.pack("<BH", cflags, checksum) return result
def callbackmotor1(data): vel_1 = motormath( if vel_1 < 0: vel_1_hex = hex((abs(vel_1) ^ 0xffffffff) +1)[2:].strip( 'L' ) else: vel_1_hex = hex(vel_1)[2:].zfill(8) vel_1_hex_int = int(vel_1_hex,16) # Converts the velocity hex value into the little endien format and puts it into the # proper hex format and gets the CRC value vel_1_final = struct.pack('<q', vel_1_hex_int).encode('hex')[:8] chk_sum_data = hex(crc16.crc16xmodem(binascii.a2b_hex(vel_1_final))).strip('0x').zfill(4) # Generates the word number value and calculates the CRC #cmd_word_count = "{0:0>2}".format(hex(int(math.floor(len(vel_1_final.rstrip('0'))/2))).strip( '0x' )) cmd_word_count = struct.pack('h', int(math.floor(len(vel_1_final.rstrip('0'))/2))).encode('hex')[:2] chk_sum_cmd = hex(crc16.crc16xmodem(vel_mode + binascii.a2b_hex(cmd_word_count))).strip('0x') motor_command_1 = binascii.b2a_hex(vel_mode) + chk_sum_cmd + vel_1_final + chk_sum_data print "Motor 1 Command:" print motor_command_1
def parse_tcp(packet_len, ip_packet, ts): source = socket.inet_ntoa(ip_packet['src']) #server dest = socket.inet_ntoa(ip_packet['dst']) #client global TIMEOUT global TABLE_SIZE key = dest + source if key in netassayTable: d = netassayTable[key] knownlistDict[d][1] = knownlistDict[d][1] + 1 knownlistDict[d][2] = knownlistDict[d][2] + packet_len serverIP32 = np.uint32( int.from_bytes(socket.inet_aton(source), byteorder='big')) clientIP32 = np.uint32( int.from_bytes(socket.inet_aton(dest), byteorder='big')) salt1 = np.uint32(134140211) salt2 = np.uint32(187182238) hash1 = crc16.crc16xmodem( np.uint32(serverIP32 + clientIP32 + salt1)) % TABLE_SIZE hash2 = crc16.crc16xmodem( np.uint32(serverIP32 + clientIP32 + salt2)) % TABLE_SIZE if hash1 in usedHash1 and usedHash1[hash1][1] == key: usedHash1[hash1][0] = ts elif hash2 in usedHash2 and usedHash2[hash2][1] == key: usedHash2[hash2][0] = ts else: print("error in hash storage") exit(-1)
def calc_crc(data): assert len(data) >= 16 crc = crc16xmodem(data[:4]) crc = crc16xmodem(b"\0\0", crc) crc = crc16xmodem(data[6:], crc) return crc
def __init__(self, numeroTramas, numeroTrama, BitsPorTrama, longitudCU, cargaUtil): self.numeroTramas = self.aBinario(numeroTramas, 8) self.numeroTrama = self.aBinario(numeroTrama, 8) self.cargaUtil = cargaUtil self.longitudCU = self.aBinario(cargaUtil.size, longitudCU) self.bitsRelleno = BitsPorTrama - cargaUtil.size self.CRC = self.aBinario(crc16.crc16xmodem(self.cargaUtil), 16) f = open('tramas.txt', 'a') f.write( '\n\n*****************************************************************\n' ) f.write('Tramas: ' + str(numeroTramas) + str(self.numeroTramas) + 'Longitud:' + str(self.numeroTramas.size) + '\n') f.write('Numero de trama: ' + str(numeroTrama) + str(self.numeroTrama) + 'Longitud:' + str(self.numeroTrama.size) + '\n') f.write('Longitud carga util: ' + str(self.longitudCU.size) + str(self.longitudCU) + '\n') f.write('Carga util: ' + str(self.cargaUtil.size) + str(type(self.cargaUtil)) + str(type(self.cargaUtil[2])) + '\n') f.write(str(self.cargaUtil) + '\n') f.write('Relleno: ' + str(self.bitsRelleno) + '\n') f.write('CRC: ' + str(crc16.crc16xmodem(self.cargaUtil)) + str(self.CRC) + str(type(self.CRC)) + str(self.CRC.dtype) + '\n\n') f.close()
def key_hash(self): crc = 0 for key in self.keys: crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(key, crc) crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(chr(0), crc) self.dbg("key hash %04X" % crc) return "%04X" % crc
def encodePacket(linenr, cmd, payload): assert(linenr > 0) assert(cmd > 0) result = nullByte header = struct.pack("<BBB", linenr, cmd, len(payload)+0x01) result += header checksum = crc16.crc16xmodem(header) result += payload checksum = crc16.crc16xmodem(payload, checksum) # print "cflags, c1: 0x%x, 0x%x" % (cflags, checksum) cflags = 0x1 if checksum == 0: cflags = 0x4 checksum = 0x0101 elif (checksum & 0xFF00) == 0: cflags = 0x2 checksum = 0x0100 | (checksum & 0xFf) elif (checksum & 0x00FF) == 0: cflags = 0x3 checksum = 0x0001 | (checksum & 0xFF00) # print "c1 adjusted: 0x%x" % checksum result += struct.pack("<BH", cflags, checksum) return result
def crc(self): b = self.bytes() # CRC is cal s = self.bytes_to_hex(b[2:]) print("crc", s) print("crc", crc16.crc16xmodem(s.decode("hex")), hex(crc16.crc16xmodem(s.decode("hex")))) return crc16.crc16xmodem(s.decode("hex"))
def _construct_cmd(self, _function_byte, _mode, _function_cmd='\x00'): # create function byte commands_struct._frame['function'] = commands_struct._function_code[_function_byte][0] # command mode if _mode not in commands_struct._function_code[_function_byte][1]: print "_mode not in commands_struct._function_code[_function_byte][1]\n" return False # create byte_count commands_struct._frame['byte_count'] = commands_struct._function_code[_function_byte][1][_mode] # Bytes 1 - 6 bytes_1to6 = commands_struct._frame['pcode'] + commands_struct._frame['status'] + \ commands_struct._frame['reserved'] + commands_struct._frame['function'] + \ commands_struct._frame['byte_count'] # calculate crc1 # crc16.crc16xmodem() returns int _crc1 = crc16.crc16xmodem(bytes_1to6) (_x, _y) = self.crc_to_hex(_crc1) commands_struct._frame['crc1'] = _x + _y # Data byte (payload) if _mode == 'set': commands_struct._frame['data'] = commands_struct._function_code[_function_byte][2][_function_cmd] # Bytes 1 - N bytes_1toN = commands_struct._frame['pcode'] + commands_struct._frame['status'] + \ commands_struct._frame['reserved'] + commands_struct._frame['function'] + \ commands_struct._frame['byte_count'] + commands_struct._frame['crc1'] + \ commands_struct._frame['data'] print "bytes_1toN: \n" for i in commands_struct._frame: print i + " : " + commands_struct._frame[i].encode('hex') print "\n" # calculate crc2 _crc2 = crc16.crc16xmodem(bytes_1toN) (_x, _y) = self.crc_to_hex(_crc2) commands_struct._frame['crc2'] = _x + _y # assemble command _cmd = commands_struct._frame['pcode'] + commands_struct._frame['status'] + \ commands_struct._frame['reserved'] + commands_struct._frame['function'] + \ commands_struct._frame['byte_count'] + commands_struct._frame['crc1'] + \ commands_struct._frame['data'] + commands_struct._frame['crc2'] # Debug print "Resp: " + commands_struct._function_code[_function_byte][1]['resp'].encode('hex') print "Resp Int: " + str(int(commands_struct._function_code[_function_byte][1]['resp'].encode('hex'))) return (_cmd, 10 + int(commands_struct._function_code[_function_byte][1]['resp'].encode('hex')))
def ReceiveFile(): seqno = 0 ackno = 0 expectedSeqNo = 0 #try: #filepath = filename filesize, ClientAddress = serverSocket.recvfrom(2048) #print(filesize) filesize = int(filesize) ReceivedBytes = 0 file = open('testfile', 'wb') # create local file in cwd while True: message, ClientAddress = serverSocket.recvfrom( 2048) # get up to 1K at a time #s = struct.Struct(RUPHeaderFormat) pktHeader, data = splitPacket(message) #print(checkSum(message)) if expectedSeqNo == pktHeader[0] and checkSum(message): ReceivedBytes = ReceivedBytes + len(data) #print("Data len : " + str(len(data))) #print("ReceivedBytes len : " + str(ReceivedBytes)) file.write(data) # write data in local file dat = "" header = makeHeader( 0, pktHeader[0], 0, 0, crc16.crc16xmodem( str(dat) + str(0) + str(pktHeader[0]) + str(0) + str(0))) #print ("Sending ack with " , pktHeader[0]) pkt = makePacket(header, dat) BadNet.transmit(serverSocket, pkt, ClientAddress[0], ClientAddress[1]) #BadNet.transmit(pkt,ClientAddress) expectedSeqNo = expectedSeqNo + 1 if ReceivedBytes == filesize: break # till file received fully else: dat = "" header = makeHeader( 0, expectedSeqNo - 1, 0, 0, crc16.crc16xmodem( str(dat) + str(0) + str(pktHeader[0]) + str(0) + str(0))) #print ("Sending dup ack with " , expectedSeqNo-1) pkt = makePacket(header, dat) BadNet.transmit(serverSocket, pkt, ClientAddress[0], ClientAddress[1]) file.close() print 'File Received.' return 0
def Gen(self): r = self.header2 + self.pck(self.number_of_records, 4) + self.some_junk k = '' for i in self.file_records: t = i.Gen() r += t[0] k += t[1] data = r + '\x00' * (self.header_padding_size - 2) self.crc16_header = crc16xmodem(data[:-2]) data += self.pck(self.crc16_header, 2) + k return self.header1 + self.pck(crc16xmodem(data), 2) + data
def main(): data = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb').read() crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(data) # print(crc) padded = data + bytes([crc >> 8, crc & 0xFF]) crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(padded) # print(crc) open(sys.argv[1], 'wb').write(padded)
def readResponse(self): s = self.readWithTimeout(1) # SOH # xxx loop til 0x0 found assert(s == cobs.nullByte) rc = self.readWithTimeout(1) # read response code crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(rc) cmd = ord(rc) l = self.readWithTimeout(1) # read length byte crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(l, crc) length = ord(l) - 1 self.gui.logRecv("Response 0x%x, reading %d b" % (cmd, length)) payload = "" if length: payload = self.readWithTimeout(length) # read payload crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(payload, crc) (cflags, checkSum) = struct.unpack("<BH", self.readWithTimeout(3)) if cflags == 0x2: checkSum -= 0x100; elif cflags == 0x3: checkSum -= 0x01; elif cflags == 0x4: checkSum -= 0x101; if checkSum != crc: print "RxChecksumError our: 0x%x, fw: 0x%x, payload: %s, cflags: 0x%x" % (crc, checkSum, (rc + l + payload).encode("hex"), cflags) """ # Drain input try: s = print "RxChecksumError, drain input: %s" % s.encode("hex") except SerialException: pass while s: try: s = print "drain input: %s" % s.encode("hex") except SerialException: pass """ raise RxChecksumError() # Decode COBS encode payload payload = cobs.decodeCobs(payload) return (cmd, payload)
def account_from_secret(secret): """Returns account-id given the secret""" key = base64.b32decode(secret) checksum = struct.pack('H', crc16.crc16xmodem(key[0:-2])) keytype = binascii.a2b_hex(KEY_TYPES['seed']) if key[0] != keytype or key[-2:] != checksum: raise Exception('Invalid Secret Key') signing_key = ed25519.SigningKey(key[1:-2]) payload = binascii.a2b_hex( KEY_TYPES['public']) + signing_key.get_verifying_key().to_bytes() checksum = crc16.crc16xmodem(payload) checksum = struct.pack('H', checksum) return base64.b32encode(payload + checksum)
def interpret_response (response, basic = False): """ Parse response from Aladdin pump. Returns a tuple (address, status, message) @param response: Message received. Should not include the start / termination characters. @param basic: Parse in basic mode (no checksum). """ # Reject empty response if len(response) == 0: raise SyntaxError # Basic mode response in format: # <address, 2 chars><status, one char><message> if basic: address = int(response[0:2]) status = response[2] msg = response[3:] # Safe mode response in format: # <address, 2 chars><status, one char><message><checksum, 2 chars> else: msg = response[:-2] crc = struct.unpack(">H", response[-2:])[0] # Check that the checksum is as expected if crc != crc16.crc16xmodem(msg): raise SyntaxError( "CRC does not match: %s, expected %s." % (crc, crc16.crc16xmodem(msg)) ) address = int(msg[0:2]) status = msg[2] msg = msg[3:] # Catch alarms if status == "A": raise Alarm(msg) # Catch errors if len(msg) > 0 and msg[0] == '?': raise CommandError(msg) return address, status, msg
def from_upgrade_file(cls, file_or_bytes): """ Factory method that creates a FirmwareFile from a FLIR Upgrade.bin. """ bytes_in = cls._bytearray_from_file_or_bytes(file_or_bytes) source = io.BytesIO(bytes_in) target = io.BytesIO() for chunk in cls.__read_in_blocks(source, cls.UPGRADE_BIN_SIZE_WITH_METADATA): # Every data chunk starts with two bytes of CRC16, then # two bytes of padding. The remainder of a chunk is data. checksum = chunk[0:2] padding = chunk[2:4] data = chunk[4:] # Check to make sure our padding are always zeroes. if padding != b"\x00\x00": issue = repr(padding) raise IOError("Data format error! Expected 0x0000, got {}\n".format(issue)) # Check to make sure the CRCs are valid. data_crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(data).to_bytes(2, byteorder='little') if checksum != data_crc: expected = repr(checksum) actual = repr(data_crc) raise IOError("CRC mismatch! Expected {}, got {}\n".format(expected, actual)) # Copy the unpacked data into our target object. target.write(data) return FirmwareFile(target.getvalue())
def __init__( self, messageType, session, payload=None ): MedtronicMessage.__init__( self, 0x05, session ) # FIXME - make this not be hard coded seqNo = 0x80 if messageType == 0x0403: seqNo = 2 elif messageType == 0x0112: seqNo = 3 elif messageType == 0x0115: seqNo = 4 elif messageType == 0x0114: seqNo = 5 elif messageType == 0x0200: seqNo = 6 encryptedPayload = struct.pack( '>BH', seqNo, messageType ) if payload: encryptedPayload += payload crc = crc16.crc16xmodem( encryptedPayload, 0xffff ) encryptedPayload += struct.pack( '>H', crc & 0xffff ) mmPayload = struct.pack( '<QBBB', self.session.pumpMAC, self.session.minimedSequenceNumber, 0x10, # Unknown byte len( encryptedPayload ) ) mmPayload += self.encrypt( encryptedPayload ) self.setPayload( mmPayload )
def processBuffer(buf, socket=None, channel=None, ser=None): bufTail = "" if len(buf) > 0: # print "Read %i bytes:" % (len(buf)) pduPos = string.find(buf,cSSNSTART) currentPos = pduPos if ((pduPos >= 0) and (len(buf)-pduPos)>=14): # process SSN PDU #/* -- SSN serial protocol description ----------------------------------------- # * # * Format: "===ssn1DDDDSSSSTTLLLL...CCCC" # * # * ===ssn1 - start packet (protocol version 1) # * DDDD - destination object (2 byte: hex chars - 0-9, A-F) # * SSSS - source object (2 byte: hex chars - 0-9, A-F) # * TT - message type (1 byte: hex chars - 0-9, A-F) # * LLLL - packet length (2 byte: hex chars - 0-9, A-F) # * ... data # * CCCC - CRC16 (2 byte: hex chars - 0-9, A-F) # * # * data sending in ascii format # * timeout = 2 sec # * # * */ destObj, srcObj, msgType, packetLen = \ struct.unpack_from('<4s4s2s4s', buf, pduPos + len(cSSNSTART)) try: # convert to integers destObj = int(destObj, 16) srcObj = int(srcObj, 16) msgType = int(msgType, 16) packetLen = int(packetLen, 16) pduDataPos = pduPos + len(cSSNSTART)+14 if ((pduDataPos+packetLen+4)<=len(buf)): pduData = buf[pduDataPos:pduDataPos+packetLen] pduCRC = struct.unpack_from('<4s', buf, pduDataPos+packetLen)[0] calcCRC = crc16.crc16xmodem(pduData, 0xffff) pduCRC = int(pduCRC, 16) if (calcCRC == pduCRC): tmpMsg = ssnMsg(destObj=destObj, srcObj=srcObj, msgType=msgType, msgID=None, msgData=pduData, msgChannel=channel, msgSocket=socket, msgSerial = ser) routeMessage(tmpMsg) currentPos = pduDataPos+packetLen+4 else: logWrite("CRC Error! dest[{}] src[{}] msg[{}...]".format(destObj,srcObj,pduData[0:20])) currentPos = pduDataPos+packetLen+4 # check buffer tail if (currentPos < len(buf)): logWrite("continue process buffer:"+buf[currentPos:]) bufTail = processBuffer(buf[currentPos:]) else: bufTail = buf[currentPos:] except Exception, e: currentPos = pduPos + 14 bufTail = buf[currentPos:] logWrite("Error processing SSN PDU"+str(e)) else: if (currentPos < 0): bufTail = "" else: bufTail = buf[currentPos:]
def add_mii(): form = MiiUploadForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): mii = if mii: data = mii_length = len(data) # An uploaded Mii can be with or without its checksum. # We'll insert one ourselves all the same. if mii_length == 74 or mii_length == 76: # If we do have a checksum, split it off. real_data = data[:74] checksum = crc16.crc16xmodem(real_data).to_bytes( length=2, byteorder="big") # Insert this to the database. full_mii = real_data + checksum insert_row = MiiData(data=full_mii) db.session.add(insert_row) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for("list_miis")) else: flash("Invalid Mii uploaded") else: flash("Error uploading Mii") return render_template("add_mii.html", form=form)
def check_if_packet(byte: bytes): self.bytes_received.append(byte) for start_index in self._get_all_start_bytes(): length = 0 try: length = self.bytes_received[start_index + 1] if (self.bytes_received[start_index + length + 4] != Macros.STOP_BYTE): continue except IndexError: continue # Packet slice packet = self.bytes_received[start_index:start_index + 4 + length] # Get data data = packet[2:length + 2] # Get checksum checksum = packet[length + 2] << 8 checksum = checksum | packet[length + 3] # Compare computed checksum with bytes_received if (crc16xmodem(packet[:length + 2]) == checksum): print(data) self.bytes_received = b''
def encodeHeaderMessage(data, crcCalcDataArray): """ The function encodes the arguments to a byte array with 8 bytes. Parameters ---------- data : dict instruction header dictionary crcCalcDataArray : list data for the calculation of the crc value Returns ------- headerMessage : bytearray encoded header message """ # provide raw header message headerMessage = bytearray(8) # Encode the UDT-Index headerMessage[0:2] = struct.pack('<H', data['UDT-Index']) # Encode the version number headerMessage[2:4] = struct.pack('<H', data['version']) # Encode the device ID headerMessage[4] = data['deviceId'] # Encode the number of instructions headerMessage[5] = data['numberOfInstructions'] # Calculate the crc value. Over instruction message 1-3 for all instructions. Header is ignored for CRC # calculation. initCrc = 0xFFFF calcCRC = crc16.crc16xmodem(bytes(crcCalcDataArray), initCrc) # Encode the crc value headerMessage[6:8] = struct.pack('<H', calcCRC) return headerMessage
def __init__(self, messageType, session, payload=None): MedtronicMessage.__init__(self, 0x05, session) # FIXME - make this not be hard coded if messageType == 0x0412: seqNo = self.session.sendSequenceNumber | 0x80 else: seqNo = self.session.sendSequenceNumber encryptedPayload = struct.pack('>BH', seqNo, messageType) if payload: encryptedPayload += payload crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(encryptedPayload, 0xffff) encryptedPayload += struct.pack('>H', crc & 0xffff) #print "### PAYLOAD" #print binascii.hexlify( encryptedPayload ) mmPayload = struct.pack( '<QBBB', self.session.pumpMAC, self.session.minimedSequenceNumber, 0x10, # Unknown byte len(encryptedPayload)) mmPayload += self.encrypt(encryptedPayload) self.setPayload(mmPayload) self.session.sendSequenceNumber += 1
def send_packet(self, data: bytes) -> bool: length = len(data) # Check that data is less than or equal to 255 bytes if (length > 255): return False # Start byte self.byte_layer.send_byte(Macros.START_BYTE) # Length self.byte_layer.send_byte(length) # Data for b in data: print(str(chr(b))) self.byte_layer.send_byte(b) # Checksum crc = crc16xmodem(bytes([Macros.START_BYTE, length]) + data) crc_top = crc >> 8 crc_bottom = crc & 0xFF self.byte_layer.send_byte(crc_top) self.byte_layer.send_byte(crc_bottom) # Stop byte self.byte_layer.send_byte(Macros.STOP_BYTE) return True
def build_send_str(string): str_arr = bytearray() dle = bool() crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(str(string), 0x0000) str_arr.append(STX) for c in string: if (c == DLE) | (c == STX) | (c == ETX): str_arr.append(DLE) str_arr.append(c) crcH = (crc >> 0 & 0xff) crcL = (crc >> 8 & 0xff) if (crcH == DLE) | (crcH == STX) | (crcH == ETX): str_arr.append(DLE) str_arr.append(crcH) if (crcL == DLE) | (crcL == STX) | (crcL == ETX): str_arr.append(DLE) str_arr.append(crcL) str_arr.append(ETX) #for c in str_arr: #print hex(c) return str_arr
def check_crc(string): ''' print "Komplette Daten:" for c in string: print "%#x" % ord(c) print "_________________________" print "Rohdaten:" for c in clean_data(string): print "%#x" % ord(c) ''' crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(clean_data(string), 0x0000) crc_arr = bytearray() crc_arr.append(crc >> 0 & 0xff) crc_arr.append(crc >> 8 & 0xff) recv_str_w_CRC = clean_data_w_CRC(string) recv_crcH = recv_str_w_CRC[recv_str_w_CRC.__len__() - 1] recv_crcL = recv_str_w_CRC[recv_str_w_CRC.__len__() - 2] ''' print "Empfangene CRC" print "%#x" % ord(recv_crcH) print "%#x" % ord(recv_crcL) print "Errechnete CRC" print "%#x" % crc_arr[0] print "%#x" % crc_arr[1] ''' if (crc_arr[0] == ord(recv_crcL)) & (crc_arr[1] == ord(recv_crcH)): return 1 else: return 0
def __init__(self): with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'config.json'), 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as file: _conf = json.load(file) uart_cfg = _conf.get('UART') uart_port_read = uart_cfg['port_read'] uart_port_write = uart_cfg['port_write'] uart_baudrate = uart_cfg['baudrate'] uart_timeout = uart_cfg['timeout'] socket_cfg = _conf.get('SOCKET') socket_port = socket_cfg['port'] socket_ip = socket_cfg['ip'] self.port = uart_port_read self.port_write = uart_port_write self.baudrate = uart_baudrate self.timeout = uart_timeout self.ser = serial.Serial(port=self.port, baudrate=self.baudrate, timeout=self.timeout) self.ser_write = serial.Serial(port=self.port_write, baudrate=self.baudrate, timeout=self.timeout) self.preamble = b'\x5A\x5A' self.size = 10 self.device_type = 255 self.device_id = 255 self.mess = 0 self.body = struct.pack('BBBB', self.size, self.device_type, self.device_id, self.mess) self.crc = (crc16.crc16xmodem(self.body)) self.postamble = b'\x7A\x7a'
def serial_transmit_message(msg): """Frame up and send a message to the badge The message should contain only printable characters. """ crc = '{0:04x}'.format(crc16.crc16xmodem(msg)).encode('ascii') uart.send(frame_flag + msg + crc + frame_flag)
def format_command(address, command): """ Format a command for transmission to Aladdin pump in Safe Mode. Result includes the length and checksum but not the start / termination characters (\x02 and \x03). @param address: Numeric address of the pump, 0-99, or None. @param command: Textual command to send. """ # Confirm address parameter if address > 99: raise SyntaxError("Invalid Address: %s" % address) if address is not None: command = "{:02d}{:s}".format(address, command) # Account for the length byte, the two crc bytes # and the termination byte length = len(command) + 4 if length > 255: raise SyntaxError("Command too long: %s" % command) crc = struct.pack(">H", crc16.crc16xmodem(command)) return "{:c}{:s}{:s}".format(length, command, crc)
def read_rs232_packet(): c = if c != b'\x00': # print("Not recv 00") # print(c) return None id = if id != b'\x50' and id != b'\x60' and id != b'\x70' : print("Not recv ID") print(id) return None len = struct.unpack('>B',[0] if len <= 2 : print("Len too short") return None packet = b'\x00' packet += id packet += struct.pack('>B', len) packet += crc_recv = struct.unpack('>H',[0] crc_calc = crc16.crc16xmodem(packet) if crc_recv != crc_calc : print("CRC fail") print(crc_recv, " ", crc_calc) return None # print_in_hex(packet[3:]) return packet+struct.pack('>H', crc_calc)
def verify_match(self, header, offset): """Verify DDR4 specific bit fields.""" # offset 0 is a candidate, no need to validate if self.blob_as_ord(offset + 1) == 0xff: return False if self.blob_as_ord(offset + 2) != 0x0c: return False if self.blob_as_ord(offset + 5) & 0xc0 > 0: return False if self.blob_as_ord(offset + 6) & 0xc > 0: return False if self.blob_as_ord(offset + 7) & 0xc0 > 0: return False if self.blob_as_ord(offset + 8) != 0: return False if self.blob_as_ord(offset + 9) & 0xf > 0: return False if self.verbose: print("%x: Looks like DDR4 SPD" % offset) crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(self.blob[offset:offset + 0x7d + 1]) # Vendors ignore the endianness... crc_spd1 = self.blob_as_ord(offset + 0x7f) crc_spd1 |= (self.blob_as_ord(offset + 0x7e) << 8) crc_spd2 = self.blob_as_ord(offset + 0x7e) crc_spd2 |= (self.blob_as_ord(offset + 0x7f) << 8) if crc != crc_spd1 and crc != crc_spd2: if self.verbose: print("%x: CRC16 doesn't match" % offset) if not self.ignorecrc: return False return True
def format_command (address, command): """ Format a command for transmission to Aladdin pump in Safe Mode. Result includes the length and checksum but not the start / termination characters (\x02 and \x03). @param address: Numeric address of the pump, 0-99, or None. @param command: Textual command to send. """ # Confirm address parameter if address > 99: raise SyntaxError("Invalid Address: %s" % address) if address is not None: command = "{:02d}{:s}".format(address, command) # Account for the length byte, the two crc bytes # and the termination byte length = len(command) + 4 if length > 255: raise SyntaxError("Command too long: %s" % command) crc = struct.pack(">H", crc16.crc16xmodem(command)) return "{:c}{:s}{:s}".format(length, command, crc)
def check_crc(string): ''' print "Komplette Daten:" for c in string: print "%#x" % ord(c) print "_________________________" print "Rohdaten:" for c in clean_data(string): print "%#x" % ord(c) ''' crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(clean_data(string), 0x0000) crc_arr = bytearray() crc_arr.append(crc >> 0 & 0xff) crc_arr.append(crc >> 8 & 0xff) recv_str_w_CRC = clean_data_w_CRC(string) recv_crcH = recv_str_w_CRC[recv_str_w_CRC.__len__()-1] recv_crcL = recv_str_w_CRC[recv_str_w_CRC.__len__()-2] ''' print "Empfangene CRC" print "%#x" % ord(recv_crcH) print "%#x" % ord(recv_crcL) print "Errechnete CRC" print "%#x" % crc_arr[0] print "%#x" % crc_arr[1] ''' if (crc_arr[0] == ord(recv_crcL)) & (crc_arr[1] == ord(recv_crcH)): return 1 else: return 0
def pos_range(filename): '''return min/max of lat/lon in a file''' fh = open(filename, 'rb') lat_min = None lat_max = None lon_min = None lon_max = None while True: buf = if len(buf) != IO_BLOCK_SIZE: break (bitmap, lat, lon, crc, version, spacing) = struct.unpack("<QiiHHH", buf[:22]) if (version != TERRAIN_GRID_FORMAT_VERSION): print("Bad version %u in %s" % (version, filename)) break buf = buf[:16] + struct.pack("<H", 0) + buf[18:] crc2 = crc16.crc16xmodem(buf[:IO_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE]) if crc2 != crc: print("Bad CRC in %s" % filename) break if lat_min is None: lat_min = lat lat_max = lat lon_min = lon lon_max = lon lat_min = min(lat_min, lat) lat_max = max(lat_max, lat) lon_min = min(lon_min, lon) lon_max = max(lon_max, lon) lat_min *= 1.0e-7 lat_max *= 1.0e-7 lon_min *= 1.0e-7 lon_max *= 1.0e-7 return lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max
def kill_app(): print "--> Kill Application now" print "-----------------------------------------------" send_data = bytearray() send_data.append(0xff) send_data.append(0x03) send_data.append(0xf5) crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(str(send_data), 0xffff) send_data.append(crc >> 8 & 0xff) send_data.append(crc >> 0 & 0xff) s.send(send_data) try: recv_data = s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) except socket.timeout: print "x" recv_data = "" if recv_data: print "Response from PIC:", recv_data
def mac_address_to_id(mac): """Converts a MAC address to an id used by the badges for the proximity pings. """ # convert hex to bytes and reverse macstr = mac.replace(':', '').decode('hex')[::-1] crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(macstr, 0xFFFF) return crc
def __init__(self, messageType, session, payload=None): MedtronicMessage.__init__(self, 0x05, session) # FIXME - make this not be hard coded seqNo = 0x80 if messageType == 0x0403: seqNo = 2 elif messageType == 0x0112: seqNo = 3 encryptedPayload = struct.pack('>BH', seqNo, messageType) if payload: encryptedPayload += payload crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(encryptedPayload, 0xffff) encryptedPayload += struct.pack('>H', crc & 0xffff) mmPayload = struct.pack( '<QBBB', self.session.pumpMAC, self.session.minimedSequenceNumber, 0x10, # Unknown byte len(encryptedPayload)) mmPayload += self.encrypt(encryptedPayload) self.setPayload(mmPayload)
def build_send_str(string): str_arr = bytearray() dle = bool() crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(str(string), 0x0000) str_arr.append(0x0f) for c in string: if (c == 0x05)|(c == 0x0f)|(c == 0x04): str_arr.append(0x05) str_arr.append(c) crcH = (crc >> 0 & 0xff) crcL = (crc >> 8 & 0xff) if (crcH == 0x05)|(crcH == 0x0f)|(crcH == 0x04): str_arr.append(0x05) str_arr.append(crcH) if (crcL == 0x05)|(crcL == 0x0f)|(crcL == 0x04): str_arr.append(0x05) str_arr.append(crcL) str_arr.append(0x04) #for c in str_arr: #print hex(c) return str_arr
def transfer_file(self): data = self.get_data_block() while len(data) > 0: crc = 0 for x in data: crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(str(x), crc) tmp = bytearray(2) tmp[0] = crc & 0xFF tmp[1] = (crc & 0xFF00) >> 8 result = 'NACK' while result == 'NACK': print "sending:BLK" self.port.write('BLK') print "sending data:",[str(x) for x in data] self.port.write(data) print "sending tmp:",[str(x) for x in tmp] self.port.write(tmp) result = self.wait_for_response() if result == 'PACK': data = self.get_data_block() else: #got something weird back, quit early return 'FAIL' self.port.write('EOF') return 'DONE'
def check_filled(block, lat_int, lon_int, grid_spacing): '''check a block for validity''' if len(block) != IO_BLOCK_SIZE - 227: print("Bad size {0} of {1}".format(len(block), IO_BLOCK_SIZE)) return False (bitmap, lat, lon, crc, version, spacing) = struct.unpack("<QiiHHH", block[:22]) if (lat == 0 and lon == 0 and crc == 0 and version == 0 and spacing == 0): #print("Empty block") return True if (str(version) != str(TERRAIN_GRID_FORMAT_VERSION)): print("Bad version: " + str(version)) return False if abs(lat_int - (lat / 1E7)) > 2 or abs(lon_int - (lon / 1E7)) > 2: print("Bad lat/lon: {0}, {1}".format((lat / 1E7), (lon / 1E7))) return False if spacing != 100: print("Bad spacing: " + str(spacing)) return False if bitmap != (1 << 56) - 1: print("Bad bitmap") return False block = block[:16] + struct.pack("<H", 0) + block[18:] crc2 = crc16.crc16xmodem(block[:1821]) if crc2 != crc: print("Bad CRC") return False # all is good, return lon/lat of block return (lat, lon)
def to_upgrade_file(self, file_or_filename): """ Packs a raw binary into a TG165 image. file_or_filename: The filename that should be written, or a file-like object to write to. """ close_needed = False source = io.BytesIO(self.raw_bytes) if isinstance(file_or_filename, str): target = open(file_or_filename, 'wb') close_needed = True else: target = file_or_filename for data in self.__read_in_blocks(source, self.UPGRADE_BIN_DATA_SIZE): # Compute the CRC of the chunk. data_crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(data).to_bytes(2, byteorder='little') # Write the chunk with checksum in the FLIR-expected format. target.write(data_crc) target.write(b"\x00\x00") target.write(data) if close_needed: target.close()
def build_send_str(string): str_arr = bytearray() dle = bool() crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(str(string), 0x0000) str_arr.append(STX) for c in string: if (c == DLE)|(c == STX)|(c == ETX): str_arr.append(DLE) str_arr.append(c) crcH = (crc >> 0 & 0xff) crcL = (crc >> 8 & 0xff) if (crcH == DLE)|(crcH == STX)|(crcH == ETX): str_arr.append(DLE) str_arr.append(crcH) if (crcL == DLE)|(crcL == STX)|(crcL == ETX): str_arr.append(DLE) str_arr.append(crcL) str_arr.append(ETX) #for c in str_arr: #print hex(c) return str_arr
def send(self, value): packet = self.build_packet(value) byte_str = ''.join([chr(b) for b in packet]) crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(byte_str) byte_str += struct.pack('H', crc) r = self.port.write(byte_str) self.port.flush() print 'Sent %s as %s bytes' % (value, r)
def run(self): self.stream_data = True ps = self.packet_size['ps'] read_size = 300 np = 0 data = b'' command = "wbaoms" res = send_command(self.faros_socket, command, 7) command = "wbaom7" res = send_command(self.faros_socket, command, 7) p_crc = Struct('packet_format', Array(1, ULInt16('crc'))) self.faros_socket.setblocking(True) while (self.stream_data): data += self.faros_socket.recv(read_size) if len(data) >= ps: packet = data[0:ps] data = data[ps:] signature = packet[0:3] try: crc_1 = p_crc.parse(packet[-2:])['crc'][0] crc_2 = crc16.crc16xmodem(packet[:-2]) except TypeError: crc_1 = 0 crc_2 = 1 if (signature == b'MEP') & (crc_1 == crc_2): unpack_data(packet = packet, packet_size = self.packet_size, p_header = self.p_header, p_ecg = self.p_ecg, p_acc = self.p_acc, p_marker = self.p_marker, p_rr = self.p_rr, p_temp = self.p_temp, outlet_ecg = self.outlet_ecg, outlet_acc = self.outlet_acc, outlet_marker = self.outlet_marker, outlet_rr = self.outlet_rr, outlet_temp = self.outlet_temp) # np += 1 else: while True: tmp = self.faros_socket.recv(read_size) if tmp[0:3] == b'MEP': data = tmp break
def buildBinaryCommand(self, binCmd, binPayload=None): payloadSize = 0 if binPayload: payloadSize = len(binPayload) # print "Send payload: %s" % binPayload.encode("hex") # print "Send payload: ", payloadSize, cobs.LenCobs assert(payloadSize <= cobs.LenCobs) # # Not block: SOH(1) line(1) cmd(1) size(4) [ data ] chksum(2) -> max payload = 254 (COBS) - 9 = 245 # Block: SOH(1) line(1) cmd(1) size(2) [ data ] chksum(2) # binary = struct.pack("<B", SOH) header = struct.pack("<BBB", self.lineNr, binCmd, payloadSize+0x01) binary += header checksum = crc16.crc16xmodem(header) if binPayload: binary += binPayload checksum = crc16.crc16xmodem(binPayload, checksum) # print "cflags, c1: 0x%x, 0x%x" % (cflags, checksum) cflags = 0x1 if checksum == 0: cflags = 0x4 checksum = 0x0101 elif (checksum & 0xFF00) == 0: cflags = 0x2 checksum = 0x0100 | (checksum & 0xFf) elif (checksum & 0x00FF) == 0: cflags = 0x3 checksum = 0x0001 | (checksum & 0xFF00) # self.gui.log("checkSum: ", checkSum, "0x%x" % checkSum) binary += struct.pack("<BH", cflags, checksum) # Store for later possible command resend self.lastCommands[self.lineNr] = binary self.incLineNumber() return binary
def decodePacket(packet, decodePacketNr=True): ofs = 0 assert(packet[ofs] == nullByte) ofs += 1 line = 0 if decodePacketNr: line = ord(packet[ofs]) ofs += 1 cmd = ord(packet[ofs]) ofs += 1 # n = ord(packet[3]) - 1 n = struct.unpack("<B", packet[ofs:ofs+LenLen])[0] - 0x01 ofs += LenLen if decodePacketNr: assert(len(packet) == n+LenHeader) else: if len(packet) != n+LenHeader-1: print "Packet len error: payload(0x%x)+HeaderSize(0x%x) 0x%x != packetLength(0x%x)" % (n, LenHeader-1, n+LenHeader-1, len(packet)) assert(0) # print "line, cmd, n:", line, cmd, n result = packet[ofs:ofs+n] ofs += n cflags = ord(packet[ofs]) ofs += 1 # c1 = crc16.crc16xmodem(packet[1:n+LenHeader-4]) c1 = crc16.crc16xmodem(packet[1:-3]) (c2, ) = struct.unpack("<H", packet[ofs:ofs+2]) assert (cflags in [0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4]) # print "cflags, c1, c2: 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x" % (cflags, c1, c2) # xxx if cflags == 0x2: c2 = c2 - 0x0100; elif cflags == 0x3: c2 = c2 - 0x1; elif cflags == 0x4: c2 = c2 - 0x0101; # print "c2 adjusted: 0x%x" % c2 assert(c1 == c2) return (line, cmd, n, result)
def check_CRC(self, message): ''' Given a message with a checksum as the last two bytes, this will return True or False if the checksum matches the given message. ''' msg_checksum = message[-2:] raw_message = message[:-2] crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(raw_message, 0xFFFF) # If the two match the message was correct if crc == struct.unpack('>H', msg_checksum)[0]: return True else: return False
def key2slot(key): """ Calculate keyslot for a given key. This also works for binary keys that is used in python 3. """ k = unicode(key) start = k.find("{") if start > -1: end = k.find("}", start + 1) if end > -1 and end != start + 1: k = k[start + 1:end] return crc16.crc16xmodem(k) % RedisClusterHashSlots
def check_crc(string): crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(clean_data(string), 0x0000) crc_arr = bytearray() crc_arr.append(crc >> 0 & 0xff) crc_arr.append(crc >> 8 & 0xff) recv_crcH = string[string.__len__()-2] recv_crcL = string[string.__len__()-3] #print "%#x" % ord(recv_crcH) #print "%#x" % ord(recv_crcL) #print "%#x" % crc_arr[0] #print "%#x" % crc_arr[1] if (crc_arr[0] == ord(recv_crcL)) & (crc_arr[1] == ord(recv_crcH)): return 1 else: return 0
def serialize(self, message): final_message = list() # prefix message final_message.append(kamstrup_constants.RESPONSE_MAGIC) final_message.append(self.communication_address) # add the original content for c in message: final_message.append(c) # generate and append checksum crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(b''.join([chr_py3(item) for item in final_message[1:]])) final_message.append(crc >> 8) final_message.append(crc & 0xff) # trailing magic final_message.append(kamstrup_constants.EOT_MAGIC) escaped_message = self.escape(final_message) return escaped_message
def build_packet(self, command, payload=None): #todo: In C#, they overload this function based on payload type. # no payload: num=6 # byte: num=7 # short/ushort: num=8 # int/uint: num=10 # long/ulong: num=14 # there's even a case for payload, payload2 MaxPayloadLength = 1584 MinPacketLength = 6 MaxPacketLength = 1590 packet = bytearray(1590) num = 6; packet[0] = 1 packet[1] = num packet[3] = command crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(str(packet)[0:num-2]) self.store_bytes(crc, packet, num-2) return packet
def get_register(self, register): message = [kamstrup_constants.REQUEST_MAGIC, self.comm_address, 0x10, 0x01, register >> 8, register & 0xff] crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(''.join([chr(item) for item in message[1:]])) message.append(crc >> 8) message.append(crc & 0xff) message_length = len(message) y = 1 while y < message_length: if message[y] in kamstrup_constants.NEED_ESCAPE: message[y] ^= 0xff message.insert(y, kamstrup_constants.ESCAPE) y += 1 message_length += 1 y += 1 message.append(kamstrup_constants.EOT_MAGIC) received_data = None while received_data is None: try: self._sock.send(bytearray(message)) received_data = self._sock.recv(1024) received_data = bytearray(received_data) except socket.error as socket_err: print('Error while communicating: {0}'.format(str(socket_err))) self._connect() data_length = len(received_data) # remove escaped bytes p = 0 while p < data_length: if received_data[p] is kamstrup_constants.ESCAPE: del received_data[p] received_data[p] ^= 0xff data_length -= 1 p += 1 return received_data
def _send_command(self, command): if self.safe_mode: encoded_command = command.encode('ascii') length = len(encoded_command) + 4 check_sum = crc16.crc16xmodem(encoded_command).to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') to_send = bytes([2, length]) + encoded_command + check_sum + b'\x03' add = '{:0>2}'.format(n).encode('ascii') to_send_add = add + to_send self.serial.write(to_send) time.sleep(0.5) waiting = self.serial.inWaiting() reply = # FIXME implement crc16 checksum check return reply.decode('ascii') else: formatted_command = command + "\r" self.serial.write(formatted_command.encode("ascii")) time.sleep(0.5) waiting = self.serial.inWaiting() reply = reply_unicode = reply.decode("ascii") return reply_unicode[4:-1]
def valid_crc(self, message): supplied_crc = message[-2] * 256 + message[-1] calculated_crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(''.join([chr(item) for item in message[:-2]])) return supplied_crc == calculated_crc
def calculateCcitt( self, data ): crc = crc16.crc16xmodem( data, 0xffff ) return crc & 0xffff
def encode( self ): # Increment the Minimed Sequence Number self.session.minimedSequenceNumber += 1 message = self.envelope + self.payload crc = struct.pack( '<H', crc16.crc16xmodem( message, 0xffff ) & 0xffff ) return message + crc