Пример #1
def astar(problem, heuristic):
    A* graph search algorithm
    returns a solution for the given search problem
    problem (a Problem object) representing the quest
            see Problem class definition in spartanquest.py
    heuristic (a function) the heuristic function to be used
    :return: list of actions representing the solution to the quest
                or None if there is no solution
    # Enter your code here and remove the pass statement below
    closed = set()  # keep track of our explored states
    fringe = data_structures.PriorityQueue()
    state = problem.start_state()
    root = data_structures.Node(state, None, None)
    fringe.push(root, root.cumulative_cost + heuristic(state, problem))
    while not fringe.is_empty():
        node = fringe.pop()
        if problem.is_goal(node.state):
            return node.solution()  # we found a solution
        if node.state not in closed:  # we are implementing graph search
            for child_state, action, action_cost in problem.expand(node.state):
                child_node = data_structures.Node(child_state, node, action)
                child_node.cumulative_cost = node.cumulative_cost + action_cost
                fringe.push(child_node, child_node.cumulative_cost + heuristic(child_state, problem))
    return None  # Failure -  no solution was found
Пример #2
def ucs(problem):
    Uniform cost first graph search algorithm
    returns a solution for the given search problem
    problem (a Problem object) representing the quest
            see Problem class definition in spartanquest.py)
    :return: list of actions representing the solution to the quest
    closed = set()
    frontier = data_structures.PriorityQueue()
    state = problem.start_state()
    root = data_structures.Node(state)
    frontier.push(root, 0)

    while True:
        if frontier.is_empty():
            return None
        node = frontier.pop()  # remove s with smallest priority from frontier
        if node.state not in closed:
            closed.add(node.state)  # add s to explored
            if problem.is_goal(node.state):
                return node.solution()
            for child_state, action, action_cost in problem.successors(
                child_node = data_structures.Node(child_state, node, action)
                child_node.cumulative_cost = node.cumulative_cost + action_cost
                # update frontier with node and priority + cost
                frontier.push(child_node, child_node.cumulative_cost)
def ucs(problem):
    Uniform cost first graph search algorithm
    returns a solution for the given search problem
    problem (a Problem object) representing the quest
            see Problem class definition in spartanquest.py)
    :return: list of actions representing the solution to the quest
    # Enter your code here and remove the pass statement below

    closed = set()  # keep track of our explored states
    fringe = data_structures.PriorityQueue()  # for UCS, the fringe is a ????
    state = problem.start_state()
    root = data_structures.Node(state)
    fringe.push(root, root.cumulative_cost)
    while True:
        if fringe.is_empty():
            return None  # Failure - fringe is empty and no solution was found

        node = fringe.pop()

        if problem.is_goal(node.state):
            return node.solution()

        if node.state not in closed:  # we are implementing graph search

            for child_state, action, action_cost in problem.successors(
                child_node = data_structures.Node(
                    child_state, node, action,
                    (node.cumulative_cost + action_cost))
                fringe.push(child_node, child_node.cumulative_cost)
Пример #4
def ucs(problem):
    Uniform cost first graph search algorithm
    returns a solution for the given search problem
    problem (a Problem object) representing the quest
            see Problem class definition in spartanquest.py)
    :return: list of actions representing the solution to the quest
    # Enter your code here and remove the pass statement below
    closed = set()
    fringe = data_structures.PriorityQueue()
    state = problem.start_state()
    root = data_structures.Node(state)
    fringe.push(root, 0)

    while True:
        if fringe.is_empty():
            return None
        node = fringe.pop()
        if problem.is_goal(node.state):
            return node.solution()
        if node.state not in closed:
            for child_state, action, action_cost in problem.successors(
                child_node = data_structures.Node(child_state, node, action)
                child_node.cumulative_cost = node.cumulative_cost + action_cost
                fringe.push(child_node, child_node.cumulative_cost)
def ucs(problem):
    Uniform cost first graph search algorithm
    returns a solution for the given search problem
    problem (a Problem object) representing the quest
            see Problem class definition in spartanquest.py)
    :return: list of actions representing the solution to the quest
    closed = set()  # keep track of our explored
    fringe = data_structures.PriorityQueue(
    )  # for ucs, the fringe is a Priority queue
    state = problem.start_state()
    root = data_structures.Node(state, None, None)
    fringe.push(root, root.cumulative_cost)
    while not fringe.is_empty():
        node = fringe.pop()
        if problem.is_goal(node.state):
            return node.solution()  # we found a solution
        if node.state not in closed:  # we are implementing graph search
            for child_state, action, action_cost in problem.expand(node.state):
                child_node = data_structures.Node(
                    child_state, node, action,
                    node.cumulative_cost + action_cost)
                fringe.push(child_node, child_node.cumulative_cost)
    return None
Пример #6
def astar(problem, heuristic):
    A* graph search algorithm
    returns a solution for the given search problem
    problem (a Problem object) representing the quest
            see Problem class definition in spartanquest.py
    heuristic (a function) the heuristic function to be used
    :return: list of actions representing the solution to the quest
                or None if there is no solution
    # Enter your code here and remove the pass statement below
    closed = set()
    fringe = data_structures.PriorityQueue()
    state = problem.start_state()
    root = data_structures.Node(state)
    fringe.push(root, heuristic(state, problem))

    while True:
        if fringe.is_empty():
            return None
        node = fringe.pop()
        if problem.is_goal(node.state):
            return node.solution()
        if node.state not in closed:
            for child_state, action, action_cost in problem.successors(
                # Tie Breaking
                h = heuristic(child_state, problem)
                # goal = problem.medals.copy().pop()
                # start = problem.start_state()[0]
                # dx1 = state[0][0] - goal[0]
                # dy1 = state[0][1] - goal[1]
                # dx2 = start[0] - goal[0]
                # dy2 = start[1] - goal[1]
                # cross = abs(dx1*dy2 - dx2*dy1)

                # h += cross*0.001

                h *= (1.0 + (1 / 100))
                # if child_state not in closed:
                child_node = data_structures.Node(
                    child_state, node, action,
                    action_cost + node.cumulative_cost)
                f = child_node.cumulative_cost + h
                fringe.push(child_node, f)
Пример #7
assert dequewithwrapper.size() == 3

# test object reference is returned
dequewithobj = ds.Deque([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]])  # deque of lists
(dequewithobj.peek_first())[0] = 6
assert (dequewithobj.peek_first())[0] == 6
assert (dequewithobj.poll())[0] == 6

(dequewithobj.peek_last())[0] = 10
assert (dequewithobj.peek_last())[0] == 10
assert (dequewithobj.pop())[0] == 10

#           HEAP TESTS
heap = ds.PriorityQueue()
assert heap.size() == 0
assert heap.isEmpty()


# check correct order
largerpoll = chr(ord('z') + 1)  # guaranteed to be larger than 'z'
while (not heap.isEmpty()):
    smallerpoll = heap.poll()