Пример #1
 def test_000_register_new_time_repr(self, class_Time_resource):
     assert not hasattr(Time, 'test_1')
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
     Time.register_new_time('test_1', ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)
     assert hasattr(Time, 'test_1')
Пример #2
    def test_030_register_new_time_repr_invalid_time_repr_class(self):
        class NoFromTimeRepr:  # without from_rata_die
            def __init__(self, hour100, minute100):
                self.hour100 = hour100
                self.minute100 = minute100

            def to_day_frac(self):
                return Fraction(self.hour100 * 100 + self.minute100, 10000)

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            Time.register_new_time('test_1', NoFromTimeRepr)

        class NoToTimeRepr:  # without to_rata_die
            def __init__(self, hour100, minute100):
                self.hour100 = hour100
                self.minute100 = minute100

            def from_day_frac(cls, day_frac):
                minutes_tot = day_frac * 10000
                hour100 = int(minutes_tot / 100)
                return cls(hour100, minutes_tot - hour100 * 100)

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            Time.register_new_time('test_1', NoToTimeRepr)
Пример #3
 def test_017_invalid_argument_values_to_utc(self):
     """The resulting value must be equal or greater than -1 and less or equal to 1."""
     for par in (-100, -1.00001, 1.00000001, 100):
         with pytest.raises(ValueError):
             Time("0.5555", to_utc=par)
         with pytest.raises(ValueError):
             Time(2, 3, to_utc=par)
Пример #4
 def test_000_register_new_time_repr(self, class_Time_resource):
     assert not hasattr(Time, "test_1")
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
     Time.register_new_time("test_1", ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)
     assert hasattr(Time, "test_1")
Пример #5
    def test_040_registered_attribute_simple_class(self, class_Time_resource):
        Time.register_new_time('test_1', ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)

        # Time attribute type and metaclass are correct
        assert Time.test_1.__name__ == 'ExampleTestTimeRepresentationInTime'
        assert type(Time.test_1).__name__ == 'ModifiedClass'
        assert issubclass(Time.test_1, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)

        # constructed Time type and value are is correct
        t1a = Time.test_1(10, 8)
        assert type(t1a) == Time
        assert t1a.day_frac == Fraction(63, 625)

        # new attribute on Time instance, type and value are correct
        t1b = Time("963/1250")
        assert isinstance(t1b.test_1, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)
        assert type(t1b.test_1).__name__ == 'ExampleTestTimeRepresentationInTime'
        assert type(t1b.test_1.__class__).__name__ == 'ModifiedClass'
        assert t1b.test_1.hour100 == 77
        assert t1b.test_1.minute100 == 4

        # new attribute on Time instance build by another calendar, type and value are correct
        t1c = Time.western(10, 35, 15)
        assert isinstance(t1c.test_1, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)
        assert type(t1c.test_1).__name__ == 'ExampleTestTimeRepresentationInTime'
        assert type(t1c.test_1.__class__).__name__ == 'ModifiedClass'
        assert t1c.test_1.hour100 == 44
        assert t1c.test_1.minute100 == Fraction("275/24")
Пример #6
    def test_040_registered_attribute_simple_class(self, class_Time_resource):
        Time.register_new_time("test_1", ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)

        # Time attribute type and metaclass are correct
        assert Time.test_1.__name__ == "ExampleTestTimeRepresentationInTime"
        assert type(Time.test_1).__name__ == "ModifiedClass"
        assert issubclass(Time.test_1, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)

        # constructed Time type and value are is correct
        t1a = Time.test_1(10, 8)
        assert type(t1a) == Time
        assert t1a.day_frac == Fraction(63, 625)

        # new attribute on Time instance, type and value are correct
        t1b = Time("963/1250")
        assert isinstance(t1b.test_1, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)
        assert type(
            t1b.test_1).__name__ == "ExampleTestTimeRepresentationInTime"
        assert type(t1b.test_1.__class__).__name__ == "ModifiedClass"
        assert t1b.test_1.hour100 == 77
        assert t1b.test_1.minute100 == 4

        # new attribute on Time instance build by another calendar, type and value are correct
        t1c = Time.western(10, 35, 15)
        assert isinstance(t1c.test_1, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)
        assert type(
            t1c.test_1).__name__ == "ExampleTestTimeRepresentationInTime"
        assert type(t1c.test_1.__class__).__name__ == "ModifiedClass"
        assert t1c.test_1.hour100 == 44
        assert t1c.test_1.minute100 == Fraction("275/24")
Пример #7
    def test_030_register_new_time_repr_invalid_time_repr_class(self):
        class NoFromTimeRepr:  # without from_rata_die  TODO: shouldn't this comment be from_time_pair?
            def __init__(self, hour100, minute100):
                self.hour100 = hour100
                self.minute100 = minute100

            def to_time_pair(self):
                return Fraction(self.hour100 * 100 + self.minute100,
                                10000), None

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            Time.register_new_time("test_1", NoFromTimeRepr)

        class NoToTimeRepr:  # without to_rata_die
            def __init__(self, hour100, minute100):
                self.hour100 = hour100
                self.minute100 = minute100

            def from_time_pair(cls, day_frac):
                minutes_tot = day_frac * 10000
                hour100 = int(minutes_tot / 100)
                return cls(hour100, minutes_tot - hour100 * 100)

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            Time.register_new_time("test_1", NoToTimeRepr)
Пример #8
    def test_342_hash_equality_to_utc(self):
        """Time instances are immutable."""
        t1 = Time("3/5", to_utc=0.25)
        t2 = Time(4, 5, to_utc="1/20")
        assert hash(t1) == hash(t2)

        dic = {t1: 1}
        dic[t2] = 2
        assert len(dic) == 1
        assert dic[t1] == 2
        assert dic[t2] == 2

        t3 = Time(Decimal("0.2"), to_utc="-7/20")
        assert hash(t1) == hash(t3)

        dic[t3] = 2
        assert len(dic) == 1
        assert dic[t3] == 2

        t4 = Time("3/5", to_utc=0.75)
        assert hash(t1) == hash(t4)

        dic[t4] = 2
        assert len(dic) == 1
        assert dic[t4] == 2
Пример #9
    def test_030_now_with_argument(self):
        "Return an object that represents the current moment in the day."
        # for the time being, let's use the good old datetime module :-)
        import datetime

        # we must ensure that at least once in three times we get the same values in seconds
        count = 0
        while count < 3:
            datetime_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            datetime_frac_seconds = datetime_now.hour * 3600 + datetime_now.minute * 60 + datetime_now.second
            time_now = Time.now(to_utc=0)
            if int(time_now.day_frac * 86400) == datetime_frac_seconds:
            count += 1
        assert count < 3, "Unable to get at least one a correct Time.now(to_utc=0)"
        assert time_now.to_utc == 0

        # again but with class
        count = 0
        while count < 3:
            datetime_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            datetime_frac_seconds = datetime_now.hour * 3600 + datetime_now.minute * 60 + datetime_now.second
            time_now = Time.now(to_utc=DummyTZ(0, 1))
            if int(time_now.day_frac * 86400) == datetime_frac_seconds:
            count += 1
        assert count < 3, "Unable to get at least one a correct Time.now(to_utc=DummyTZ(0, 1))"
        assert time_now.to_utc == 0
Пример #10
 def test_350_bool(self):
     """In boolean contexts, all Time instances are considered to be true."""
     for day_frac, input_values in time_test_data:
         for input_value in input_values:
             assert Time(input_value)
     for day_frac, input_values in time_test_data_num_den:
         for input_value in input_values:
             assert Time(input_value[0], input_value[1])
Пример #11
 def test_010_invalid_argument_types(self):
     """A TypeError exception is raised if the argument type is not one of the accepted types."""
     # exception with no or three parameters
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
     # exception with non-numeric types
     for par in (1j, (1,), [1], {1: 1}, [], {}, None, (1, 2), (1, 2, 3)):
         with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Пример #12
 def test_011_invalid_num_den(self):
     """A TypeError exception is raised if the argument type is not one of the accepted types."""
     # exception with non-numeric types
     for par in (1j, (1,), [1], {1: 1}, [], {}, None, (1, 2), (1, 2, 3)):
         with pytest.raises(TypeError):
             Time(par, 2)
     # None is valid as second argument, so we are not testing it
     for par in (1j, (1,), [1], {1: 1}, [], {},       (1, 2), (1, 2, 3)):
         with pytest.raises(TypeError):
             Time(1, par)
Пример #13
 def test_400_relocate(self):
     "Return another Time instance that identifies the same time"
     # Im using a mix of values, then check that relocated instance is equal
     for day_frac, time_input_values in time_test_data:
         for to_utc_frac, utc_input_values in to_utc_test_data:
             first = Time(time_input_values[0], to_utc=utc_input_values[0])
             for new_utc_value in to_utc_strange_test_data:
                 second = first.relocate(new_utc_value)
                 diff = (first.day_frac + first.to_utc) - (second.day_frac + second.to_utc)
                 # Note that for some of the test value we have an overflow/underflow,
                 # so we must impement a precise test
                 assert diff == int(diff)
Пример #14
 def test_400_relocate(self):
     """Return another Time instance that identifies the same time"""
     # Im using a mix of values, then check that relocated instance is equal
     for day_frac, time_input_values in time_test_data:
         for to_utc_frac, utc_input_values in to_utc_test_data:
             first = Time(time_input_values[0], to_utc=utc_input_values[0])
             for new_utc_value in to_utc_strange_test_data:
                 second = first.relocate(new_utc_value)
                 diff = (first.day_frac + first.to_utc) - (
                         second.day_frac + second.to_utc
                 # Note that for some of the test value we have an overflow/underflow,
                 # so we must implement a precise test
                 assert diff == int(diff)  # ????
Пример #15
    def test_330_comparison_with_invalid_types(self):
        class SomeClass:

        t = Time(0)

        # exception with non-numeric types
        for par in ("1", (1,), [1], {1: 1}, (), [], {}, None, SomeClass()):
            assert not (t == par)
            assert t != par
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t < par
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t > par
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t <= par
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t >= par

        # exception with numeric types (all invalid) and other objects
        for par in (1, 1.0, Fraction(1, 1), Decimal(1), 1j, 1 + 1j, INF, NAN):
            assert not (t == par)
            assert t != par
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t < par
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t > par
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t <= par
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t >= par
Пример #16
    def test_046_registered_attribute_class_with_static_methods(
            self, class_Time_resource):
        class ExampleTestTimeRepresentation3(ExampleTestTimeRepresentation):
            def is_odd(number):
                return (number % 2) == 1

        Time.register_new_time("test_3", ExampleTestTimeRepresentation3)

        # Time attribute type and metaclass are correct
        assert Time.test_3.__name__ == "ExampleTestTimeRepresentation3InTime"
        assert type(Time.test_3).__name__ == "ModifiedClass"
        assert issubclass(Time.test_3, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)

        # constructed Time type and value are is correct
        t3a = Time.test_3(10, 8)
        assert type(t3a) == Time
        assert t3a.day_frac == Fraction(63, 625)

        # new attribute on Time instance, type and value are correct
        t3b = Time("963/1250")
        assert isinstance(t3b.test_3, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation3)
        assert type(
            t3b.test_3).__name__ == "ExampleTestTimeRepresentation3InTime"
        assert type(t3b.test_3.__class__).__name__ == "ModifiedClass"
        assert t3b.test_3.hour100 == 77
        assert t3b.test_3.minute100 == 4

        # new attribute on Time instance build by another calendar, type and value are correct
        t3c = Time.western(10, 35, 15)
        assert isinstance(t3c.test_3, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation3)
        assert type(
            t3c.test_3).__name__ == "ExampleTestTimeRepresentation3InTime"
        assert type(t3c.test_3.__class__).__name__ == "ModifiedClass"
        assert t3c.test_3.hour100 == 44
        assert t3c.test_3.minute100 == Fraction("275/24")

        # static method can be reached on the class and on all types of instance
        assert Time.test_3.is_odd(3)
        assert not Time.test_3.is_odd(4)
        assert t3a.test_3.is_odd(3)
        assert not t3a.test_3.is_odd(4)
        assert t3b.test_3.is_odd(3)
        assert not t3b.test_3.is_odd(4)
        assert t3c.test_3.is_odd(3)
        assert not t3c.test_3.is_odd(4)
Пример #17
 def test_900_pickling(self):
     for day_frac, input_values in time_test_data:
         for input_value in input_values:
             t = Time(input_value)
             for protocol in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
                 pickled = pickle.dumps(t, protocol)
                 derived = pickle.loads(pickled)
                 assert t == derived
Пример #18
 def test_100_write_attributes(self):
     "This attribute is read-only."
     t1 = Time('0.12345')
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
         t1.day_frac = Fraction(3, 7)
         t1.to_utc = Fraction(1, 11)
     t2 = Time('0.6789', to_utc='-1/2')
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
         t2.day_frac = Fraction(3, 7)
         t2.to_utc = Fraction(1, 11)
     t3 = Time('0.0123', to_utc=DummyTZ(-2, 3))
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
         t3.day_frac = Fraction(3, 7)
         t3.to_utc = Fraction(1, 11)
Пример #19
    def test_340_hash_equality(self):
        """Time instances are immutable."""
        t1 = Time("3/5")
        t2 = Time(3, 5)
        assert hash(t1) == hash(t2)

        dic = {t1: 1}
        dic[t2] = 2
        assert len(dic) == 1
        assert dic[t1] == 2
        assert dic[t2] == 2

        t3 = Time("7/20") + TimeDelta(0.25)
        assert hash(t1) == hash(t3)

        dic[t3] = 2
        assert len(dic) == 1
        assert dic[t3] == 2
Пример #20
 def test_110_get_unknown_attribute(self):
     """Time instances have one attribute."""
     # I want to do this, because Time will have attributes added at runtime
     # let's tests this both on class and instance
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
     t = Time("0.12345")
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
Пример #21
    def test_016_invalid_num_den(self):
        """The resulting value must be equal or greater than 0 and less than 1."""
        for num, den in (
                (1000, 1),
                (4, 2),
                (Fraction(1.000001), 1),
                (2, 2),
                (-1, -1),
                (Fraction(-0.000001), 1),
                (-1, 1000000),
                (-3, 3),
                (1000000, -2),
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                Time(num, den)

        # denominator should not be 0
        with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
            Time(2, 0)
Пример #22
    def test_046_registered_attribute_class_with_static_methods(self, class_Time_resource):
        class ExampleTestTimeRepresentation3(ExampleTestTimeRepresentation):
            def is_odd(number):
                return (number % 2) == 1

        Time.register_new_time('test_3', ExampleTestTimeRepresentation3)

        # Time attribute type and metaclass are correct
        assert Time.test_3.__name__ == 'ExampleTestTimeRepresentation3InTime'
        assert type(Time.test_3).__name__ == 'ModifiedClass'
        assert issubclass(Time.test_3, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)

        # constructed Time type and value are is correct
        t3a = Time.test_3(10, 8)
        assert type(t3a) == Time
        assert t3a.day_frac == Fraction(63, 625)

        # new attribute on Time instance, type and value are correct
        t3b = Time("963/1250")
        assert isinstance(t3b.test_3, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation3)
        assert type(t3b.test_3).__name__ == 'ExampleTestTimeRepresentation3InTime'
        assert type(t3b.test_3.__class__).__name__ == 'ModifiedClass'
        assert t3b.test_3.hour100 == 77
        assert t3b.test_3.minute100 == 4

        # new attribute on Time instance build by another calendar, type and value are correct
        t3c = Time.western(10, 35, 15)
        assert isinstance(t3c.test_3, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation3)
        assert type(t3c.test_3).__name__ == 'ExampleTestTimeRepresentation3InTime'
        assert type(t3c.test_3.__class__).__name__ == 'ModifiedClass'
        assert t3c.test_3.hour100 == 44
        assert t3c.test_3.minute100 == Fraction("275/24")

        # static method can be reached on the class and on all types of instance
        assert Time.test_3.is_odd(3)
        assert not Time.test_3.is_odd(4)
        assert t3a.test_3.is_odd(3)
        assert not t3a.test_3.is_odd(4)
        assert t3b.test_3.is_odd(3)
        assert not t3b.test_3.is_odd(4)
        assert t3c.test_3.is_odd(3)
        assert not t3c.test_3.is_odd(4)
Пример #23
    def test_308_operations_preserve_naivety(self):
        a = Time("3/8")
        b = Time(3, 4, to_utc="1/6")
        test_obj = DummyToUtc(-1, 8)
        c = Time(0.25, to_utc=test_obj)

        for td in (TimeDelta(0.5), TimeDelta(-0.25), TimeDelta(3), TimeDelta(-2.75)):
            res_a_plus = a + td
            assert res_a_plus.to_utc is None
            res_a_minus = a - td
            assert res_a_minus.to_utc is None
            res_b_plus = b + td
            assert res_b_plus.to_utc == Fraction(1, 6)
            res_b_minus = b - td
            assert res_b_minus.to_utc == Fraction(1, 6)
            res_c_plus = c + td
            assert res_c_plus.to_utc == Fraction(-1, 8)
            res_c_plus = c - td
            assert res_c_plus.to_utc == Fraction(-1, 8)
Пример #24
 def test_100_Time_has_attributes_but_instance_not(self):
     # the Time class aways has a registered attribute
     assert hasattr(Time, 'western')
     assert Time.western
     # an instance created with another calendar or by Time does not have
     #   the attribute; it is instead is reachable via the Time class
     t1 = Time('4/10')
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
     assert hasattr(t1, 'western')
     t2 = Time.internet(345)
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
     assert hasattr(t2, 'western')
     # a Time instance created via the calendar does have the same attribute
     t3 = Time.western(3, 4, 5)
     assert hasattr(t3, 'western')
Пример #25
 def test_100_Time_has_attributes_but_instance_not(self):
     # the Time class aways has a registered attribute
     assert hasattr(Time, "western")
     assert Time.western
     # an instance created with another calendar or by Time does not have
     #   the attribute; it is instead is reachable via the Time class
     t1 = Time("4/10")
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
     assert hasattr(t1, "western")
     t2 = Time.internet(345)
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
     assert hasattr(t2, "western")
     # a Time instance created via the calendar does have the same attribute
     t3 = Time.western(3, 4, 5)
     assert hasattr(t3, "western")
Пример #26
    def test_012_invalid_argument_types_to_utc(self):
        """A TypeError exception is raised if the argument type is not one of the accepted types."""
        # this object has a time_to_utc attribute, but is isn't callable
        class WrongObj:
            def __init__(self):
                self.time_to_utc = "foo"

        # exception with invalid parameter name
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            Time(1, foobar="barfoo")
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            Time(1, 2, foobar="barfoo")

        # to_utc must be explicit
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            Time(1, 2, 1)

        # exception with non-numeric types
        for par in (1j, (1,), [1], {1: 1}, [], {}, (1, 2), (1, 2, 3), WrongObj()):
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                Time("0.4444", to_utc=par)
Пример #27
    def test_500_repr(self):
        import datetime2

        for day_frac, input_values in time_test_data:
            for input_value in input_values:
                t = Time(input_value)
                time_repr = repr(t)
                names, args = time_repr.split("(")
                assert names.split(".") == ["datetime2", "Time"]
                args = args[:-1]  # drop ')'
                assert eval(args) == str(day_frac)
                assert t == eval(time_repr)
Пример #28
    def test_110_naivety_is_preserved(self):
        class NaivetyCheck:
            def __init__(self, hour100, minute100, to_utc=None):
                self.hour100 = hour100
                self.minute100 = minute100
                self.to_utc = to_utc

            def to_time_pair(self):
                return Fraction(self.hour100 * 100 + self.minute100,
                                10000), None

            def from_time_pair(cls, day_frac, to_utc=None):
                minutes_tot = day_frac * 10000
                hour100 = int(minutes_tot / 100)
                return cls(hour100, minutes_tot - hour100 * 100)

        Time.register_new_time("test_1", NaivetyCheck)

        t1 = Time("17/24")
        assert t1.test_1.to_utc is None

        t2 = Time("17/24", to_utc=0)
        assert t2.test_1.to_utc is not None

        t3 = Time.test_1(11, 12)
        assert t3.to_utc is None

        t4 = Time.test_1(11, 12, to_utc=0)
        assert t4.to_utc is not None
Пример #29
 def test_020_register_new_time_repr_invalid_attribute_name(self):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         Time.register_new_time("", ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         Time.register_new_time("123new", ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         Time.register_new_time(123, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)
Пример #30
 def test_020_register_new_time_repr_invalid_attribute_name(self):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         Time.register_new_time('', ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         Time.register_new_time('123new', ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         Time.register_new_time(123, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)
Пример #31
    def test_043_registered_attribute_class_with_other_constructors(
            self, class_Time_resource):
        class ExampleTestTimeRepresentation2(ExampleTestTimeRepresentation):
            def with_seconds(cls, hour100, minute100, second100):
                return cls(hour100, minute100 + Fraction(second100, 100))

        Time.register_new_time("test_2", ExampleTestTimeRepresentation2)

        # Time attribute type and metaclass are correct
        assert Time.test_2.__name__ == "ExampleTestTimeRepresentation2InTime"
        assert type(Time.test_2).__name__ == "ModifiedClass"
        assert issubclass(Time.test_2, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)

        # constructed Time type and value are is correct
        t2a = Time.test_2(10, 8)
        assert type(t2a) == Time
        assert t2a.day_frac == Fraction(63, 625)
        d2d = Time.test_2.with_seconds(40, 40, 40)
        assert type(d2d) == Time
        assert d2d.day_frac == Fraction("10101/25000")

        # new attribute on Time instance, type and value are correct
        t2b = Time("963/1250")
        assert isinstance(t2b.test_2, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation2)
        assert type(
            t2b.test_2).__name__ == "ExampleTestTimeRepresentation2InTime"
        assert type(t2b.test_2.__class__).__name__ == "ModifiedClass"
        assert t2b.test_2.hour100 == 77
        assert t2b.test_2.minute100 == 4

        # new attribute on Time instance build by another calendar, type and value are correct
        t2c = Time.western(10, 35, 15)
        assert isinstance(t2c.test_2, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation2)
        assert type(
            t2c.test_2).__name__ == "ExampleTestTimeRepresentation2InTime"
        assert type(t2c.test_2.__class__).__name__ == "ModifiedClass"
        assert t2c.test_2.hour100 == 44
        assert t2c.test_2.minute100 == Fraction("275/24")
Пример #32
    def test_410_relocate_invalid_type(self):
        "Return another Time instance that identifies the same time"
        class WrongObj:
            def __init__(self):
                self.time_to_utc = 'foo'

        t = Time('123/456', to_utc='-78/90')

        # exception with invalid parameter name
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            t.relocate(1, 2)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):

        # exception with non-numeric types
        for par in (1j, (1,), [1], {1:1}, [], {}, None, (1,2,3), WrongObj()):
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Пример #33
    def test_043_registered_attribute_class_with_other_constructors(self, class_Time_resource):
        class ExampleTestTimeRepresentation2(ExampleTestTimeRepresentation):
            def with_seconds(cls, hour100, minute100, second100):
                return cls(hour100, minute100 + Fraction(second100, 100))

        Time.register_new_time('test_2', ExampleTestTimeRepresentation2)

        # Time attribute type and metaclass are correct
        assert Time.test_2.__name__ == 'ExampleTestTimeRepresentation2InTime'
        assert type(Time.test_2).__name__ == 'ModifiedClass'
        assert issubclass(Time.test_2, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)

        # constructed Time type and value are is correct
        t2a = Time.test_2(10, 8)
        assert type(t2a) == Time
        assert t2a.day_frac == Fraction(63, 625)
        d2d = Time.test_2.with_seconds(40, 40, 40)
        assert type(d2d) == Time
        assert d2d.day_frac == Fraction("10101/25000")

        # new attribute on Time instance, type and value are correct
        t2b = Time("963/1250")
        assert isinstance(t2b.test_2, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation2)
        assert type(t2b.test_2).__name__ == 'ExampleTestTimeRepresentation2InTime'
        assert type(t2b.test_2.__class__).__name__ == 'ModifiedClass'
        assert t2b.test_2.hour100 == 77
        assert t2b.test_2.minute100 == 4

        # new attribute on Time instance build by another calendar, type and value are correct
        t2c = Time.western(10, 35, 15)
        assert isinstance(t2c.test_2, ExampleTestTimeRepresentation2)
        assert type(t2c.test_2).__name__ == 'ExampleTestTimeRepresentation2InTime'
        assert type(t2c.test_2.__class__).__name__ == 'ModifiedClass'
        assert t2c.test_2.hour100 == 44
        assert t2c.test_2.minute100 == Fraction("275/24")
Пример #34
    def test_030_now_with_argument(self):
        """Return an object that represents the current moment in the day."""
        # for the time being, let's use the good old datetime module :-)
        import datetime

        # we must ensure that at least once in three times we get the same values in seconds
        count = 0
        while count < 3:
            datetime_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            time_now = Time.now(to_utc=0)
            datetime_frac_seconds = (
                    datetime_now.hour * 3600
                    + datetime_now.minute * 60
                    + datetime_now.second
            if int(time_now.day_frac * 86400) == datetime_frac_seconds:
            count += 1
        assert count < 3, "Unable to get at least one a correct Time.now(to_utc=0)"
        assert time_now.to_utc == 0

        # again but with class
        count = 0
        while count < 3:
            datetime_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            time_now = Time.now(to_utc=DummyToUtc(0, 1))
            datetime_frac_seconds = (
                    datetime_now.hour * 3600
                    + datetime_now.minute * 60
                    + datetime_now.second
            if int(time_now.day_frac * 86400) == datetime_frac_seconds:
            count += 1
        assert count < 3, "Unable to get at least one a correct Time.now(to_utc=DummyToUtc(0, 1))"
        assert time_now.to_utc == 0
Пример #35
    def test_040_localnow(self):
        "Return an object that represents the current moment in the day."
        # for the time being, let's use the good old datetime module :-)
        import datetime

        # we must ensure that at least once in three times we get the same values in seconds
        count = 0
        while count < 3:
            datetime_now = datetime.datetime.now()
            datetime_frac_seconds = datetime_now.hour * 3600 + datetime_now.minute * 60 + datetime_now.second
            time_now = Time.localnow()
            if int(time_now.day_frac * 86400) == datetime_frac_seconds:
            count += 1
        assert count < 3, "Unable to get at least one a correct Time.localnow()"
        assert time_now.to_utc is None
Пример #36
    def test_920_subclass1(self):
        # check that there is no interference from the interface mechanism and from possible additional arguments
        class T(Time):
            the_answer = 42

            def __init__(self, *args, **kws):
                temp = kws.copy()
                self.extra = temp.pop("extra")
                Time.__init__(self, *args, **temp)

            def newmeth(self, start):
                return start + (self.day_frac * 3) // 2

        t1 = Time("3/8")
        t2 = T(0.375, extra=7)

        assert t2.the_answer == 42
        assert t2.extra == 7
        assert t1.day_frac == t2.day_frac
        assert t2.newmeth(-7) == (t1.day_frac * 3) // 2 - 7
Пример #37
    def test_040_localnow(self):
        """Return an object that represents the current moment in the day."""
        # for the time being, let's use the good old datetime module :-)
        import datetime

        # we must ensure that at least once in three times we get the same values in seconds
        count = 0
        while count < 3:
            datetime_now = datetime.datetime.now()
            time_now = Time.localnow()
            datetime_frac_seconds = (
                    datetime_now.hour * 3600
                    + datetime_now.minute * 60
                    + datetime_now.second
            if int(time_now.day_frac * 86400) == datetime_frac_seconds:
            count += 1
        assert count < 3, "Unable to get at least one a correct Time.localnow()"
        assert time_now.to_utc is None
Пример #38
    def test_310_disallowed_operations(self):
        a = Time("3/4")
        b = Time("2/5", to_utc="1/8")

        # Add/sub int, float, string, complex, specials and containers should be illegal
        for obj in (10, 34.5, "abc", 1 + 2j, INF, NAN, {}, [], ()):
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                a + obj
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                a - obj
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                obj + a
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                obj - a
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                b + obj
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                b - obj
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                obj + b
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                obj - b

        # Reverse operations
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            TimeDelta(-0.25) - a
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            TimeDelta(-0.25) - b

        for obj in (1, 1.1, Time("2/5")):
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                a * obj
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                obj * a
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                a / obj
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                obj / a
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                a // obj
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                obj // a
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                pow(a, obj)
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                pow(obj, a)
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                a ^ obj
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                obj ^ a
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                a >> obj
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                obj >> a
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                a << obj
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                obj << a
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                b * obj
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                obj * b
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                b / obj
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                obj / b
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                b // obj
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                obj // b
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                pow(b, obj)
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                pow(obj, b)
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                b ^ obj
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                obj ^ b
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                b >> obj
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                obj >> b
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                b << obj
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                obj << b

        # operations mixing naive and aware instances
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            a - b
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            b - a
Пример #39
    def test_320_comparisons(self):
        t1 = Time("3/8")
        t2 = Time(0.375)
        assert t1 == t2
        assert t1 <= t2
        assert t1 >= t2
        assert not (t1 != t2)
        assert not (t1 < t2)
        assert not (t1 > t2)

        t3 = Time("5/7")  # this is larger than t1
        assert t1 < t3
        assert t3 > t1
        assert t1 <= t3
        assert t3 >= t1
        assert t1 != t3
        assert t3 != t1
        assert not (t1 == t3)
        assert not (t3 == t1)
        assert not (t1 > t3)
        assert not (t3 < t1)
        assert not (t1 >= t3)
        assert not (t3 <= t1)

        # Reverse comparison mechanism
        class TimeLike:
            def __init__(self):
                self.day_frac = Fraction(3, 4)

            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.day_frac == other.day_frac

            def __ne__(self, other):
                return self.day_frac != other.day_frac

            def __lt__(self, other):
                return self.day_frac < other.day_frac

            def __le__(self, other):
                return self.day_frac <= other.day_frac

            def __gt__(self, other):
                return self.day_frac > other.day_frac

            def __ge__(self, other):
                return self.day_frac >= other.day_frac

        tl = TimeLike()
        t12 = Time(1, 2)
        t34 = Time("3/4")
        t45 = Time(4, 5)
        assert not (t12 == tl)
        assert t34 == tl
        assert not (t45 == tl)
        assert t12 != tl
        assert not (t34 != tl)
        assert t45 != tl
        assert t12 < tl
        assert not (t34 < tl)
        assert not (t45 < tl)
        assert t12 <= tl
        assert t34 <= tl
        assert not (t45 <= tl)
        assert not (t12 > tl)
        assert not (t34 > tl)
        assert t45 > tl
        assert not (t12 >= tl)
        assert t34 >= tl
        assert t45 >= tl
Пример #40
    def test_302_valid_operations_to_utc(self):
        a = Time(0, to_utc="1/3")
        b = Time(0.25, to_utc="-1/4")
        c = Time(0.75, to_utc="1/6")
        zero = TimeDelta(0)
        # note that TimeDelta is in days
        plus_half = TimeDelta(0.5)
        minus_half = TimeDelta(-1.5)
        integer = TimeDelta(3)

        # Addition between Time and TimeDelta
        # test with zero, negative and positive dates
        assert a + zero == Time(0, to_utc="1/3")
        assert a + plus_half == Time(0.5, to_utc="1/3")
        assert a + minus_half == Time(0.5, to_utc="1/3")
        assert a + integer == Time(0, to_utc="1/3")
        assert b + zero == Time(0.25, to_utc="-1/4")
        assert b + plus_half == Time(0.75, to_utc="-1/4")
        assert b + minus_half == Time(0.75, to_utc="-1/4")
        assert b + integer == Time(0.25, to_utc="-1/4")
        assert c + zero == Time(0.75, to_utc="1/6")
        assert c + plus_half == Time(0.25, to_utc="1/6")
        assert c + minus_half == Time(0.25, to_utc="1/6")
        assert c + integer == Time(0.75, to_utc="1/6")

        # Reversed addition between Time and TimeDelta
        # test with zero, negative and positive dates
        assert zero + a == Time(0, to_utc="1/3")
        assert plus_half + a == Time(0.5, to_utc="1/3")
        assert minus_half + a == Time(0.5, to_utc="1/3")
        assert integer + a == Time(0, to_utc="1/3")
        assert zero + b == Time(0.25, to_utc="-1/4")
        assert plus_half + b == Time(0.75, to_utc="-1/4")
        assert minus_half + b == Time(0.75, to_utc="-1/4")
        assert integer + b == Time(0.25, to_utc="-1/4")
        assert zero + c == Time(0.75, to_utc="1/6")
        assert plus_half + c == Time(0.25, to_utc="1/6")
        assert minus_half + c == Time(0.25, to_utc="1/6")
        assert integer + c == Time(0.75, to_utc="1/6")

        # subtraction between Time and TimeDelta, reverse is not defined
        # test with zero, negative and positive Times
        assert a - zero == Time(0, to_utc="1/3")
        assert a - plus_half == Time(0.5, to_utc="1/3")
        assert a - minus_half == Time(0.5, to_utc="1/3")
        assert a - integer == Time(0, to_utc="1/3")
        assert b - zero == Time(0.25, to_utc="-1/4")
        assert b - plus_half == Time(0.75, to_utc="-1/4")
        assert b - minus_half == Time(0.75, to_utc="-1/4")
        assert b - integer == Time(0.25, to_utc="-1/4")
        assert c - zero == Time(0.75, to_utc="1/6")
        assert c - plus_half == Time(0.25, to_utc="1/6")
        assert c - minus_half == Time(0.25, to_utc="1/6")
        assert c - integer == Time(0.75, to_utc="1/6")
Пример #41
    def test_322_comparisons_to_utc(self):
        t1 = Time("7/8", to_utc="5/6")  # These value have a lot of overflows and underflows
        t2 = Time(0.375, to_utc=Fraction(-2, 3))
        assert t1 == t2
        assert t1 <= t2
        assert t1 >= t2
        assert not (t1 != t2)
        assert not (t1 < t2)
        assert not (t1 > t2)

        t3 = Time("1/2", to_utc=0.25)  # this is larger than t1
        assert t1 < t3
        assert t3 > t1
        assert t1 <= t3
        assert t3 >= t1
        assert t1 != t3
        assert t3 != t1
        assert not (t1 == t3)
        assert not (t3 == t1)
        assert not (t1 > t3)
        assert not (t3 < t1)
        assert not (t1 >= t3)
        assert not (t3 <= t1)
        assert t2 < t3  # repeating the tests with an instance with negative to_utc
        assert t3 > t2
        assert t2 <= t3
        assert t3 >= t2
        assert t2 != t3
        assert t3 != t2
        assert not (t2 == t3)
        assert not (t3 == t2)
        assert not (t2 > t3)
        assert not (t3 < t2)
        assert not (t2 >= t3)
        assert not (t3 <= t2)

        # Reverse comparison mechanism
        class TimeLike:
            def __init__(self):
                self.day_frac = Fraction(3, 4)

            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.day_frac == other.day_frac

            def __ne__(self, other):
                return self.day_frac != other.day_frac

            def __lt__(self, other):
                return self.day_frac < other.day_frac

            def __le__(self, other):
                return self.day_frac <= other.day_frac

            def __gt__(self, other):
                return self.day_frac > other.day_frac

            def __ge__(self, other):
                return self.day_frac >= other.day_frac

        tl = TimeLike()
        # We need not implement naivety checks, which are delegated to the Time-like class, not under test
        t12 = Time(1, 2, to_utc="-1/3")
        t34 = Time("3/4", to_utc=0.25)
        t45 = Time(4, 5, to_utc=Fraction(-1, 8))
        assert not (t12 == tl)
        assert t34 == tl
        assert not (t45 == tl)
        assert t12 != tl
        assert not (t34 != tl)
        assert t45 != tl
        assert t12 < tl
        assert not (t34 < tl)
        assert not (t45 < tl)
        assert t12 <= tl
        assert t34 <= tl
        assert not (t45 <= tl)
        assert not (t12 > tl)
        assert not (t34 > tl)
        assert t45 > tl
        assert not (t12 >= tl)
        assert t34 >= tl
        assert t45 >= tl
Пример #42
 def test_100_write_attribute(self):
     "This attribute is read-only."
     t = Time('0.12345')
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
         t.day_frac = Fraction(3, 7)
Пример #43
 def test_010_register_new_time_repr_existing_time_repr_or_attribute(self):
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
         Time.register_new_time("western", ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
         Time.register_new_time("day_frac", ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)
Пример #44
 def test_010_register_new_time_repr_existing_time_repr_or_attribute(self):
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
         Time.register_new_time('western', ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
         Time.register_new_time('day_frac', ExampleTestTimeRepresentation)
Пример #45
 def __init__(self, *args, **kws):
     temp = kws.copy()
     self.extra = temp.pop('extra')
     Time.__init__(self, *args, **temp)