Пример #1
def run_all_trials():
    # runs all the trials and writes out all data into a json string saved to results.json
    trials = db.get_all_trials()
    trialsData = {}

    # bits and pieces to let us print out something interesting
    trialNum = 0
    totalTrialNum = len(trials)
    times = []
    smallTrials = {};

    # the main loop that analyzes each trial also check time to run and whether the trial is shorter than expected
    for trial in trials:
        if len(trial['moves']) < 40:
            smallTrials[trial["_id"]] = len(trial['moves']);
        startTime = time.time()
        print "Runnning trial", trialNum, "of", totalTrialNum

        trial = compare_trial(trial["_id"], move_probability)

        # clean the trial so that it is serializable
        trial['_id'] = str(trial['_id'])
        trial['image_set'] = str(trial['image_set'].id)

        endTime = time.time()
        totalTime = endTime - startTime
        print "Completed trial", trialNum, "in", totalTime, "seconds"
        print ""
        trialNum += 1

    # print out some information about the calculation
    print "Done!"
    print "Average time per trial: ", sum(times)/totalTrialNum, "seconds"
    print "The following trials were smaller than expected: "
    for key, value in smallTrials.iteritems():
        print "\tTrial", key, "with", value, "moves"

    # find a results file that does not yet exist
    base = "./results"
    name = base
    number = 0
    while os.path.exists(name + ".json"):
        name = base + str(number)
        number += 1
    print "Saving results in", name, ".json"
    f = open(name + ".json", 'w')
    json.dump(trials, f)
Пример #2
def run_all_trials_for_params():
    # runs all the trials and writes out all data into a json string saved to results.json
    trials = db.get_all_trials()
    trialsData = {}
    for trial in trials:
        trial = compare_trial(trial['_id'], find_params_for_move)
    # find a results file that does not yet exist
    base = "./results"
    name = base
    number = 0
    while os.path.exists(name + ".json"):
        name = base + str(number)
        number += 1
    f = open(name + ".json", 'w')
    json.dump(trials, f)