Пример #1
class Price(object):
    gross = Decimal('NaN')
    net = Decimal('NaN')
    currency = None
    tax_name = None

    def __init__(self, net=None, gross=None, currency=None, tax_name=''):
        if net is not None:
            self.net = Decimal(net)
        if gross is None:
            self.gross = self.net
            self.gross = Decimal(gross)
        self.currency = currency
        self.tax_name = tax_name

    def __unicode__(self):
        if self.tax_name:
            return (u"net=%s,gross=%s (%s)" %
                    (self.net, self.gross, self.tax_name))
            return u"net=%s,gross=%s" % (self.net, self.gross)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "net=%s,gross=%s" % (self.net, self.gross)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Price):
            return (self.gross == other.gross and self.net == other.net
                    and self.currency == other.currency)
        return False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    def __mul__(self, other):
        price_net = self.net * other
        price_gross = self.gross * other
        return Price(net=price_net, gross=price_gross, tax_name=self.tax_name)

    def __add__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Price):
            raise TypeError("Cannot add %s object to Price" % type(other))
        if other.currency != self.currency:
            raise ValueError("Cannot add Price in %s to %s" %
                             (self.currency, other.currency))
        price_net = self.net + other.net
        price_gross = self.gross + other.gross
        if self.tax_name == other.tax_name:
            return Price(net=price_net,
        return Price(net=price_net, gross=price_gross, currency=self.currency)

    def has_value(self):
        return not (self.net.is_nan() and self.gross.is_nan())
Пример #2
class Price(object):
    gross = Decimal('NaN')
    net = Decimal('NaN')
    currency = None
    tax_name = None

    def __init__(self, net=None, gross=None, currency=None, tax_name=''):
        if net is not None:
            self.net = Decimal(net)
        if gross is None:
            self.gross = self.net
            self.gross = Decimal(gross)
        self.currency = currency
        self.tax_name = tax_name

    def __unicode__(self):
        if self.tax_name:
            return (u"net=%s,gross=%s (%s)" %
                    (self.net, self.gross, self.tax_name))
            return u"net=%s,gross=%s" % (self.net, self.gross)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "net=%s,gross=%s" % (self.net, self.gross)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Price):
            return (self.gross == other.gross and
                    self.net == other.net and
                    self.currency == other.currency)
        return False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    def __mul__(self, other):
        price_net = self.net * other
        price_gross = self.gross * other
        return Price(net=price_net, gross=price_gross, tax_name=self.tax_name)

    def __add__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Price):
            raise TypeError("Cannot add %s object to Price" % type(other))
        if other.currency != self.currency:
            raise ValueError("Cannot add Price in %s to %s" % (self.currency,
        price_net = self.net + other.net
        price_gross = self.gross + other.gross
        if self.tax_name == other.tax_name:
            return Price(net=price_net, gross=price_gross,
                         currency=self.currency, tax_name=self.tax_name)
        return Price(net=price_net, gross=price_gross, currency=self.currency)

    def has_value(self):
        return not (self.net.is_nan() and self.gross.is_nan())
Пример #3
 def write_output(self, key, value):
     if not str(key) in RCE_LIST_OUTPUTNAMES:
         raise ValueError("Output '" + str(key) + "' is not defined")
     elif (isinstance(value, complex)):
         raise ValueError("Value '" + str(value) + "' for Output '" + key +
                          "' is complex, which is not supported by RCE")
         from decimal import Decimal
         if (type(value) is Decimal and value == Decimal('Infinity')):
         elif (type(value) is Decimal and value == Decimal('-Infinity')):
         elif (type(value) is Decimal and Decimal.is_nan(value)):
         elif isinstance(value, list):
             for index, elem in enumerate(value):
                 if isinstance(elem, list):
                     for index2, elem2 in enumerate(elem):
                         if (type(elem2) is Decimal
                                 and elem2 == Decimal('Infinity')):
                             elem[index2] = "+Infinity"
                         elif (type(elem2) is Decimal
                               and elem2 == Decimal('-Infinity')):
                             elem[index2] = "-Infinity"
                         elif (type(elem2) is Decimal
                               and Decimal.is_nan(elem2)):
                             elem[index2] = float("nan")
                             if (type(elem) is Decimal
                                     and elem == Decimal('Infinity')):
                                 value[index] = "+Infinity"
                             if (type(elem) is Decimal
                                     and elem == Decimal('-Infinity')):
                                 value[index] = "-Infinity"
                             if (type(elem) is Decimal
                                     and Decimal.is_nan(elem)):
                                 value[index] = float("nan")
             if key in dictOut:
                 newlist = [value]
                 dictOut.update({key: newlist})
         elif key in dictOut:
             newlist = [value]
             dictOut.update({key: newlist})
Пример #4
 def to_bounded_decimal(value, what: str, lower_bounds: int, upper_bounds: int) -> Decimal:
         decimal_value = Decimal(value)
         if decimal_value.is_nan() or lower_bounds >= decimal_value or decimal_value >= upper_bounds:
             raise ValueError("{} must be between {} and {}.".format(what, lower_bounds, upper_bounds))
         return decimal_value
     except DecimalException as _:
         raise ValueError("The {} value '{}' is not valid.".format(what, value))
Пример #5
def format_decimal(obj: Decimal) -> str:
    if obj.is_nan():
        return "nan"
    if obj == Decimal("inf"):
        return "inf"
    if obj == Decimal("-inf"):
        return "-inf"
    return str(obj)
Пример #6
 def to_string(self, value: Decimal) -> str:
     if value.is_nan():
         raise ValueError("NaN values are not supported")
     if value.is_infinite():
         raise ValueError("Infinite values are not supported")
     if Decimal("0.0") > value:
         raise ValueError("Negative decimal are not supported")
     return str(value).rstrip("0").rstrip(".")
Пример #7
def test_load_numeric_binary(conn, expr):
    cur = conn.cursor(binary=1)
    res = cur.execute(f"select '{expr}'::numeric").fetchone()[0]
    val = Decimal(expr)
    if val.is_nan():
        assert res.is_nan()
        assert res == val
        if "e" not in expr:
            assert str(res) == str(val)
Пример #8
def test_roundtrip_numeric(conn, val, fmt_in, fmt_out):
    cur = conn.cursor(binary=fmt_out)
    val = Decimal(val)
    cur.execute(f"select %{fmt_in}", (val,))
    result = cur.fetchone()[0]
    assert isinstance(result, Decimal)
    if val.is_nan():
        assert result.is_nan()
        assert result == val
Пример #9
def test_roundtrip_numeric(conn, val):
    cur = conn.cursor()
    val = Decimal(val)
    cur.execute("select %s", (val,))
    result = cur.fetchone()[0]
    assert isinstance(result, Decimal)
    if val.is_nan():
        assert result.is_nan()
        assert result == val
Пример #10
	def write_output(self,key,value):
		if not str(key) in RCE_LIST_OUTPUTNAMES:
			raise ValueError("Output '" + str(key) + "' is not defined")
		elif(isinstance(value, complex)):
			raise ValueError("Value '" + str(value) + "' for Output '" + key + "' is complex, which is not supported by RCE")
		else :
			from decimal import Decimal
			if (type(value) is Decimal and value  == Decimal('Infinity')):
			elif (type(value) is Decimal and value  == Decimal('-Infinity')):
			elif (type(value) is Decimal and Decimal.is_nan(value)):
			elif isinstance(value, list):
				for index, elem in enumerate(value):
					if isinstance(elem, list):
						for index2, elem2 in enumerate(elem):
							if (type(elem2) is Decimal and elem2  == Decimal('Infinity')):
								elem[index2] = "+Infinity";
							elif(type(elem2) is Decimal and elem2  == Decimal('-Infinity')):
								elem[index2] = "-Infinity";
							elif(type(elem2) is Decimal and Decimal.is_nan(elem2)):
								elem[index2] = float("nan");
								if (type(elem) is Decimal and elem  == Decimal('Infinity')):
									value[index] = "+Infinity";
								if (type(elem) is Decimal and elem  == Decimal('-Infinity')):
									value[index] = "-Infinity";
								if (type(elem) is Decimal and Decimal.is_nan(elem)):
									value[index] = float ("nan"); 
				if key in dictOut:
					newlist = [value]
			elif key in dictOut:
				newlist = [value]
Пример #11
def test_numeric_as_float(conn, val):
    cur = conn.cursor()
    FloatLoader.register(conn.adapters.types["numeric"].oid, cur)

    val = Decimal(val)
    cur.execute("select %s as val", (val,))
    result = cur.fetchone()[0]
    assert isinstance(result, float)
    if val.is_nan():
        assert isnan(result)
        assert result == pytest.approx(float(val))

    # the customization works with arrays too
    cur.execute("select %s as arr", ([val],))
    result = cur.fetchone()[0]
    assert isinstance(result, list)
    assert isinstance(result[0], float)
    if val.is_nan():
        assert isnan(result[0])
        assert result[0] == pytest.approx(float(val))
 def verify_p_and_l(
         p_and_l: ProfitAndLoss,
         size: Decimal,
         p_l: Decimal,
         expected_taxed_p_l: Decimal = Decimal("NaN"),
 ) -> None:
     self.assertEqual(p_and_l.size, size)
     self.assertEqual(p_and_l.profit_and_loss, p_l)
     if expected_taxed_p_l.is_nan():
         self.assertEqual(p_and_l.taxed_profit_and_loss, p_l)
         self.assertEqual(p_and_l.taxed_profit_and_loss, expected_taxed_p_l)
Пример #13
def test_quote_numeric(conn, val, expr):
    val = Decimal(val)
    tx = Transformer()
    assert tx.get_dumper(val, Format.TEXT).quote(val) == expr

    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute(sql.SQL("select {v}, -{v}").format(v=sql.Literal(val)))
    r = cur.fetchone()

    if val.is_nan():
        assert isnan(r[0]) and isnan(r[1])
        assert r == (val, -val)
Пример #14
def _represent_decimal(self: ruamel.yaml.BaseRepresenter,
                       data: decimal.Decimal) -> ruamel.yaml.ScalarNode:
    if data.is_finite():
        s = str(
            _POINT_ZERO_DECIMAL + data
        )  # The zero addition is to force float-like string representation
    elif data.is_nan():
        s = ".nan"
    elif data.is_infinite():
        s = ".inf" if data > 0 else "-.inf"
        assert False
    return self.represent_scalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:float", s)
Пример #15
def get_exact_ln_modelCount(problem, SOLUTION_COUNTS_DIR = "/atlas/u/jkuck/learn_BP/data/exact_SAT_counts_noIndSets/"):
    count_file = problem_name + '.txt'        
    ###### get the exact log solution count ######
    exact_ln_solution_count = None
    with open(SOLUTION_COUNTS_DIR + "/" + count_file, 'r') as f_solution_count:
        for line in f_solution_count:
            if line.strip().split(" ")[0] == 'dsharp':
                dsharp_solution_count = Decimal(line.strip().split(" ")[4])
                dsharp_time = float(line.strip().split(" ")[6])
                if not Decimal.is_nan(dsharp_solution_count):
                    exact_ln_solution_count = float(dsharp_solution_count.ln())
    assert(exact_ln_solution_count is not None) #we should have the exact count for all problems in the training/test set
    return exact_ln_solution_count, dsharp_time
Пример #16
    def testInvalidConstruction(self):
        self.assertRaises(SimpleTypeValueError, xsd.decimal, 'bogus')

        nan = Decimal('NaN')
        self.assertEqual('NaN', str(nan))
        self.assertRaises(SimpleTypeValueError, xsd.decimal, nan)
        self.assertRaises(SimpleTypeValueError, xsd.decimal, 'NaN')

        inf = Decimal('Infinity')
        self.assertEqual('Infinity', str(inf))
        self.assertRaises(SimpleTypeValueError, xsd.decimal, inf)
        self.assertRaises(SimpleTypeValueError, xsd.decimal, 'Infinity')
Пример #17
    def testInvalidConstruction (self):
        self.assertRaises(SimpleTypeValueError, xsd.decimal, 'bogus')

        nan = Decimal('NaN')
        self.assertEqual('NaN', str(nan))
        self.assertRaises(SimpleTypeValueError, xsd.decimal, nan)
        self.assertRaises(SimpleTypeValueError, xsd.decimal, 'NaN')

        inf = Decimal('Infinity')
        self.assertEqual('Infinity', str(inf))
        self.assertRaises(SimpleTypeValueError, xsd.decimal, inf)
        self.assertRaises(SimpleTypeValueError, xsd.decimal, 'Infinity')
Пример #18
 def import_dict(self, Coindict):
     used for parsing data that comes from JSON type structure or DynamoDB
     for key in Coindict.keys():
         val = Coindict[key]
         classname = val.__class__.__name__
         if 'float' in classname:
             decvalue = Decimal(str(val))
             if decvalue.is_nan():
                 decvalue = Decimal(0)
             clean_value = decvalue
             clean_value = val
         self.__dict__[key] = clean_value
     if 'Benchmarks' not in self.__dict__:
         self.Benchmarks = []
Пример #19
def smart_round(value: Decimal, precision: Optional[int] = None) -> Decimal:
    if value is None or value.is_nan():
        return value
    if precision is not None:
        precision = 1 / (10**precision)
        return Decimal(str(value)).quantize(Decimal(str(precision)))
    step = Decimal("1")
    if Decimal("10000") > abs(value) > Decimal("100"):
        step = Decimal("0.1")
    elif Decimal("100") > abs(value) > Decimal("1"):
        step = Decimal("0.01")
    elif Decimal("1") > abs(value) > Decimal("0.01"):
        step = Decimal("0.0001")
    elif Decimal("0.01") > abs(value) > Decimal("0.0001"):
        step = Decimal("0.00001")
    elif Decimal("0.0001") > abs(value) > s_decimal_0:
        step = Decimal("0.00000001")
    return (value // step) * step
Пример #20
def test_nan_c():
    nan = float("nan")
    dumped = rj.Encoder()(nan)
    loaded = rj.Decoder()(dumped)

    assert math.isnan(nan)
    assert math.isnan(loaded)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    d = Decimal(nan)
    assert d.is_nan()

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    dumped = rj.Encoder(number_mode=rj.NM_DECIMAL|rj.NM_NAN)(d)
    loaded = rj.Decoder(number_mode=rj.NM_DECIMAL|rj.NM_NAN)(dumped)
    assert loaded.is_nan()
Пример #21
 def test_order_creation_with_default_values(self):
     order = LimitOrder(client_order_id="HBOT_1",
     self.assertEqual("HBOT_1", order.client_order_id)
     self.assertEqual("HBOT-USDT", order.trading_pair)
     self.assertEqual(False, order.is_buy)
     self.assertEqual("HBOT", order.base_currency)
     self.assertEqual("USDT", order.quote_currency)
     self.assertEqual(Decimal("100"), order.price)
     self.assertEqual(Decimal("1.5"), order.quantity)
     self.assertEqual(0, order.creation_timestamp)
     self.assertEqual(LimitOrderStatus.UNKNOWN, order.status)
     self.assertEqual(-1, order.age())
Пример #22
def smart_round(value: Decimal, precision: Optional[int] = None) -> Decimal:
    # AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'is_nan'
    # This happens when exporting history as json and one of the values is int instead of Decimal.
    if value is None or value.is_nan():
        return value
    if precision is not None:
        precision = 1 / (10**precision)
        return Decimal(str(value)).quantize(Decimal(str(precision)))
    step = Decimal("1")
    if Decimal("10000") > abs(value) > Decimal("100"):
        step = Decimal("0.1")
    elif Decimal("100") > abs(value) > Decimal("1"):
        step = Decimal("0.01")
    elif Decimal("1") > abs(value) > Decimal("0.01"):
        step = Decimal("0.0001")
    elif Decimal("0.01") > abs(value) > Decimal("0.0001"):
        step = Decimal("0.00001")
    elif Decimal("0.0001") > abs(value) > s_decimal_0:
        step = Decimal("0.00000001")
    return (value // step) * step
Пример #23
    def __new__(cls, value, dec_places=0):
        if dec_places < 0 or not isinstance(dec_places, int):
            raise ValueError('dec_places must be nonnegative integer')

        if isinstance(value, int):
            return _qpdf._new_real(value, 0)

        if isinstance(value, float) and isfinite(value):
            return _qpdf._new_real(value, dec_places)

            dec = Decimal(value)
        except InvalidOperation:
            raise TypeError(
                'Could not convert object to int, float or Decimal')

        if dec.is_infinite() or dec.is_nan():
            raise ValueError('NaN and infinity are not valid PDF objects')

        return _qpdf._new_real(str(dec))
Пример #24
 def from_decimal(cls, dec):
     """Converts a finite Decimal instance to a rational number, exactly."""
     from decimal import Decimal
     if isinstance(dec, numbers.Integral):
         dec = Decimal(int(dec))
     elif not isinstance(dec, Decimal):
         raise TypeError(
             "%s.from_decimal() only takes Decimals, not %r (%s)" %
             (cls.__name__, dec, type(dec).__name__))
     if dec.is_infinite():
         raise OverflowError(
             "Cannot convert %s to %s." % (dec, cls.__name__))
     if dec.is_nan():
         raise ValueError("Cannot convert %s to %s." % (dec, cls.__name__))
     sign, digits, exp = dec.as_tuple()
     digits = int(''.join(map(str, digits)))
     if sign:
         digits = -digits
     if exp >= 0:
         return cls(digits * 10 ** exp)
         return cls(digits, 10 ** -exp)
Пример #25
def test_nan_f():
    nan = float("nan")
    dumped = rj.dumps(nan)
    loaded = rj.loads(dumped)

    assert math.isnan(nan)
    assert math.isnan(loaded)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        rj.dumps(nan, number_mode=None)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        rj.dumps(nan, allow_nan=False)

    d = Decimal(nan)
    assert d.is_nan()

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        rj.dumps(d, number_mode=rj.NM_DECIMAL)

    dumped = rj.dumps(d, number_mode=rj.NM_DECIMAL|rj.NM_NAN)
    loaded = rj.loads(dumped, number_mode=rj.NM_DECIMAL|rj.NM_NAN)
    assert loaded.is_nan()
Пример #26
class Price(object):
    gross = Decimal('NaN')
    net = Decimal('NaN')
    currency = None
    tax_name = None

    def __init__(self, net=None, gross=None, currency=None, tax_name=''):
        if net is not None:
            self.net = Decimal(net)
        if gross is None:
            self.gross = self.net
            self.gross = Decimal(gross)
        self.currency = currency
        self.tax_name = tax_name

    def __repr__(self):
        return ("Price(net=%s, gross=%s, currency=%s)" %
                (repr(self.net), repr(self.gross), repr(self.currency)))

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Price):
            raise TypeError('Cannot compare Price to %s' % other)
        if self.currency != other.currency:
            raise ValueError('Cannot compare Prices in %s and %s' %
                             (self.currency, other.currency))
        if self.net < other.net:
            return -1
        elif self.net > other.net:
            return 1
        return 0

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Price):
            return (self.gross == other.gross and
                    self.net == other.net and
                    self.currency == other.currency)
        return False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    def __mul__(self, other):
        price_net = self.net * other
        price_gross = self.gross * other
        return Price(net=price_net, gross=price_gross, currency=self.currency,

    def __add__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Tax):
            return other.apply(self)
        if not isinstance(other, Price):
            raise TypeError("Cannot add %s object to Price" % type(other))
        if other.currency != self.currency:
            raise ValueError("Cannot add Price in %s to %s" % (self.currency,
        price_net = self.net + other.net
        price_gross = self.gross + other.gross
        if self.tax_name == other.tax_name:
            return Price(net=price_net, gross=price_gross,
                         currency=self.currency, tax_name=self.tax_name)
        return Price(net=price_net, gross=price_gross, currency=self.currency)

    def has_value(self):
        return not (self.net.is_nan() and self.gross.is_nan())

    def tax(self):
        return self.gross - self.net
Пример #27
    def adopt_values(fhz_row, fhz_preis, name, sth_printed, price_changed, sth_changed,
            wlb_neu, wlb_row, geaenderte_preise, irgendeine_aenderung, count):
        # adopt the rec. sales price and the "Lieferbarkeit" directly and completely
        # See
        # http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy,
        # very bottom
        wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Empf. VK-Preis'] = str(fhz_preis)
        wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Sofort lieferbar'] = fhz_row['Sofort lieferbar']
        wlb_preis = Decimal(wlb_row['VK-Preis'])
        setgroesse = int(wlb_row['Setgröße'])

        # adopt the sale price only if significantly changed:
        if not fhz_preis.is_nan() and not wlb_preis.is_nan():
            if (fhz_preis >= Decimal('2.')*wlb_preis) or (setgroesse > 1):
                # price is at least twice, this indicates that this is a set:
                print("Setgröße > 1 detektiert.")
                print("WLB-Preis:", wlb_preis, "FHZ-Preis:", fhz_preis,
                        "(%s)" % fhz_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'])
                fhz_preis = round(fhz_preis / setgroesse, 2)
                print("Alte (WLB) setgroesse:", setgroesse,
                        "   (Bitte prüfen, ob korrekt!)")
                print("FHZ-Preis wird zu FHZ-Preis / %s = %s" % (setgroesse,
                sth_printed = True
            fhz_preis = returnRoundedPrice(fhz_preis)
            #if ( abs(fhz_preis - wlb_preis) > 0.021 ):
            if ( abs(fhz_preis - wlb_preis) > 0. ):
                # price seems to deviate more than usual
                count += 1
                if wlb_row['Sortiment'] == 'Ja':
                    print("Alter (WLB) Preis: %s   Neuer (FHZ) Preis: %s\n"
                            "FHZ: %s   (%s)    Sortiment: %s\n"
                            "WLB: %s   (%s)    Sortiment: %s" % (wlb_preis, fhz_preis,
                                fhz_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], name, fhz_row['Sortiment'],
                                wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], name, wlb_row['Sortiment']))
                    print("Ändere Preis von:", str(wlb_preis), " zu:", str(fhz_preis))
                    sth_printed = True
                wlb_neu.loc[name, 'VK-Preis'] = str(fhz_preis)
                geaenderte_preise = geaenderte_preise.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                irgendeine_aenderung = irgendeine_aenderung.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                price_changed = True
                sth_changed = True

        if options.ADOPT_NAMES:
            #### adopt the article name
            wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Bezeichnung | Einheit'] = fhz_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit']

        # adopt VPE
        if fhz_row['VPE'] != wlb_row['VPE']:
            print("Ändere VPE für %s (%s) von %s (WLB) zu %s (FHZ)" % (name,
                wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], wlb_row['VPE'], fhz_row['VPE']))
            wlb_neu.loc[name, 'VPE'] = fhz_row['VPE']
            sth_printed = True
            if not sth_changed:
                irgendeine_aenderung = irgendeine_aenderung.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                sth_changed = True
                irgendeine_aenderung.loc[name, 'VPE'] = fhz_row['VPE']

        # adopt Menge
        fhz_menge = float(fhz_row['Menge (kg/l/St.)']) / setgroesse
        if fhz_menge != float(wlb_row['Menge (kg/l/St.)']):
            print("Ändere Menge für %s (%s) von %s (WLB) zu %s (FHZ)" % (name,
                    wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], float(wlb_row['Menge (kg/l/St.)']),
            wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Menge (kg/l/St.)'] = '%.5f' % fhz_menge
            sth_printed = True
            if not price_changed:
                geaenderte_preise = geaenderte_preise.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                price_changed = True
            if not sth_changed:
                irgendeine_aenderung = irgendeine_aenderung.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                sth_changed = True
                irgendeine_aenderung.loc[name, 'Menge (kg/l/St.)'] = '%.5f' % fhz_menge

        # adopt Einheit
        if fhz_row['Einheit'] != wlb_row['Einheit']:
            print("Ändere Einheit für %s (%s) von %s (WLB) zu %s (FHZ)" % (name,
                    wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], wlb_row['Einheit'], fhz_row['Einheit']))
            wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Einheit'] = fhz_row['Einheit']
            sth_printed = True
            if not sth_changed:
                irgendeine_aenderung = irgendeine_aenderung.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                sth_changed = True
                irgendeine_aenderung.loc[name, 'Einheit'] = fhz_row['Einheit']

        return (fhz_row, fhz_preis, name, sth_printed, price_changed, sth_changed,
                wlb_neu, wlb_row, geaenderte_preise, irgendeine_aenderung, count)
Пример #28
def main():

    from optparse import OptionParser

    # install parser
    usage = "Usage: %prog   [OPTIONS]"
    parser = OptionParser(usage)

    parser.add_option("--fhz", type="string",
            help="The path to FHZ .csv file.")
    parser.add_option("--wlb", type="string",
            help="The path to WLB .csv file.")
    parser.add_option("-n", action="store_true",
            help="Artikelnamen ('Bezeichnung | Einheit') vom FHZ übernehmen?")

    # get parsed args
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    # Load data #

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd

    fhz = pd.read_csv(options.FHZ, sep=';', dtype=str, index_col=(1, 2))
    #   input CSV list must contain only Lebensmittel and Getränke (LM) and not
    #   Kunsthandwerk and other (KHW), if that's the case also for the FHZ CSV list
    wlb = pd.read_csv(options.WLB, sep=';', dtype=str, index_col=(1, 2))

    # Check for duplicates in fhz:
    fhz_dup_indices = indexDuplicationCheck(fhz)
    print("Folgende Artikel kommen mehrfach in '%s' vor:" % options.FHZ)
    for i in fhz_dup_indices:

    # Check for duplicates in wlb:
    wlb_dup_indices = indexDuplicationCheck(wlb)
    print("Folgende Artikel kommen mehrfach in '%s' vor:" % options.WLB)
    for i in wlb_dup_indices:

    # Remove all newlines ('\n') from all fields
    fhz.replace(to_replace='\n', value=', ', inplace=True, regex=True)
    wlb.replace(to_replace='\n', value=', ', inplace=True, regex=True)
    fhz.replace(to_replace=';', value=',', inplace=True, regex=True)
    wlb.replace(to_replace=';', value=',', inplace=True, regex=True)

    # Homogenize data #

    # Remove all newlines ('\n') from all fields
    fhz.replace(to_replace='\n', value=', ', inplace=True, regex=True)
    wlb.replace(to_replace='\n', value=', ', inplace=True, regex=True)
    fhz.replace(to_replace=';', value=',', inplace=True, regex=True)
    wlb.replace(to_replace=';', value=',', inplace=True, regex=True)

    # homogenize Lieferanten:
    print("WLB:", sorted(set(map(lambda i: i[0], wlb.index))))
    print("FHZ:", set(map(lambda i: i[0], fhz.index)))
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('El Puente', i[1])
        if i[0] == 'EP' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('El Puente', i[1])
        if i[0] == 'EP\n(fairfood)' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('Fairtrade Center Breisgau', i[1])
        if i[0] == 'ftc' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('Café Libertad', i[1])
        if i[0] == 'Café\nLibertad' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('Ethiquable', i[1])
        if i[0] == 'ethiquable' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('Libera Terra', i[1])
        if i[0] == 'Libera\nTerra' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('WeltPartner', i[1])
        if i[0] == 'Welt Partner' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('WeltPartner', i[1])
        if i[0] == 'Welt\nPartner' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('FAIR Handelshaus Bayern', i[1])
        if i[0] == 'Fair Han-delshaus Bayern' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('unbekannt', i[1])
        if type(i[0]) == float and np.isnan(i[0]) else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('FHZ Rheinland', i[1])
        if i[0] == 'unbekannt' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    print("FHZ neu:", sorted(set(map(lambda i: i[0], fhz.index))))

    # add '-' sign to article numbers in FHZ:
    # El Puente:
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('El Puente', convert_art_number_ep(i[1]))
        if i[0] == 'El Puente' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    # wp:
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('WeltPartner', convert_art_number_wp(i[1]))
        if i[0] == 'WeltPartner' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)

    # Make all article numbers lower case for better comparison:
      # First store the original article numbers:
    fhz = fhz.rename(columns={'Artikelnummer': 'Artikelnummer kleingeschrieben'})
    wlb = wlb.rename(columns={'Artikelnummer': 'Artikelnummer kleingeschrieben'})
    fhz.index.names = ['Lieferant', 'Artikelnummer kleingeschrieben']
    wlb.index.names = ['Lieferant', 'Artikelnummer kleingeschrieben']
    fhz['Artikelnummer'] = list(map(lambda i: i[1], fhz.index.tolist()))
    wlb['Artikelnummer'] = list(map(lambda i: i[1], wlb.index.tolist()))
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: (i[0], i[1].lower()),
        fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    wlb.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: (i[0], i[1].lower()),
        wlb.index.tolist())), names=wlb.index.names)

    # Adopt values from FHZ (for existing articles) #

    def adopt_values(fhz_row, fhz_preis, name, sth_printed, price_changed, sth_changed,
            wlb_neu, wlb_row, geaenderte_preise, irgendeine_aenderung, count):
        # adopt the rec. sales price and the "Lieferbarkeit" directly and completely
        # See
        # http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy,
        # very bottom
        wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Empf. VK-Preis'] = str(fhz_preis)
        wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Sofort lieferbar'] = fhz_row['Sofort lieferbar']
        wlb_preis = Decimal(wlb_row['VK-Preis'])
        setgroesse = int(wlb_row['Setgröße'])

        # adopt the sale price only if significantly changed:
        if not fhz_preis.is_nan() and not wlb_preis.is_nan():
            if (fhz_preis >= Decimal('2.')*wlb_preis) or (setgroesse > 1):
                # price is at least twice, this indicates that this is a set:
                print("Setgröße > 1 detektiert.")
                print("WLB-Preis:", wlb_preis, "FHZ-Preis:", fhz_preis,
                        "(%s)" % fhz_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'])
                fhz_preis = round(fhz_preis / setgroesse, 2)
                print("Alte (WLB) setgroesse:", setgroesse,
                        "   (Bitte prüfen, ob korrekt!)")
                print("FHZ-Preis wird zu FHZ-Preis / %s = %s" % (setgroesse,
                sth_printed = True
            fhz_preis = returnRoundedPrice(fhz_preis)
            #if ( abs(fhz_preis - wlb_preis) > 0.021 ):
            if ( abs(fhz_preis - wlb_preis) > 0. ):
                # price seems to deviate more than usual
                count += 1
                if wlb_row['Sortiment'] == 'Ja':
                    print("Alter (WLB) Preis: %s   Neuer (FHZ) Preis: %s\n"
                            "FHZ: %s   (%s)    Sortiment: %s\n"
                            "WLB: %s   (%s)    Sortiment: %s" % (wlb_preis, fhz_preis,
                                fhz_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], name, fhz_row['Sortiment'],
                                wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], name, wlb_row['Sortiment']))
                    print("Ändere Preis von:", str(wlb_preis), " zu:", str(fhz_preis))
                    sth_printed = True
                wlb_neu.loc[name, 'VK-Preis'] = str(fhz_preis)
                geaenderte_preise = geaenderte_preise.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                irgendeine_aenderung = irgendeine_aenderung.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                price_changed = True
                sth_changed = True

        if options.ADOPT_NAMES:
            #### adopt the article name
            wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Bezeichnung | Einheit'] = fhz_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit']

        # adopt VPE
        if fhz_row['VPE'] != wlb_row['VPE']:
            print("Ändere VPE für %s (%s) von %s (WLB) zu %s (FHZ)" % (name,
                wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], wlb_row['VPE'], fhz_row['VPE']))
            wlb_neu.loc[name, 'VPE'] = fhz_row['VPE']
            sth_printed = True
            if not sth_changed:
                irgendeine_aenderung = irgendeine_aenderung.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                sth_changed = True
                irgendeine_aenderung.loc[name, 'VPE'] = fhz_row['VPE']

        # adopt Menge
        fhz_menge = float(fhz_row['Menge (kg/l/St.)']) / setgroesse
        if fhz_menge != float(wlb_row['Menge (kg/l/St.)']):
            print("Ändere Menge für %s (%s) von %s (WLB) zu %s (FHZ)" % (name,
                    wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], float(wlb_row['Menge (kg/l/St.)']),
            wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Menge (kg/l/St.)'] = '%.5f' % fhz_menge
            sth_printed = True
            if not price_changed:
                geaenderte_preise = geaenderte_preise.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                price_changed = True
            if not sth_changed:
                irgendeine_aenderung = irgendeine_aenderung.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                sth_changed = True
                irgendeine_aenderung.loc[name, 'Menge (kg/l/St.)'] = '%.5f' % fhz_menge

        # adopt Einheit
        if fhz_row['Einheit'] != wlb_row['Einheit']:
            print("Ändere Einheit für %s (%s) von %s (WLB) zu %s (FHZ)" % (name,
                    wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], wlb_row['Einheit'], fhz_row['Einheit']))
            wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Einheit'] = fhz_row['Einheit']
            sth_printed = True
            if not sth_changed:
                irgendeine_aenderung = irgendeine_aenderung.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                sth_changed = True
                irgendeine_aenderung.loc[name, 'Einheit'] = fhz_row['Einheit']

        return (fhz_row, fhz_preis, name, sth_printed, price_changed, sth_changed,
                wlb_neu, wlb_row, geaenderte_preise, irgendeine_aenderung, count)

    count = 0
    wlb_neu = wlb.copy()
    geaenderte_preise = pd.DataFrame(columns=wlb_neu.columns,
            index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('','')], names=wlb_neu.index.names))
    irgendeine_aenderung = pd.DataFrame(columns=wlb_neu.columns,
            index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('','')], names=wlb_neu.index.names))
    # Loop over fhz numerical index
    for i in range(len(fhz)):
        fhz_row = fhz.iloc[i]
        fhz_preis = Decimal(fhz_row['Empf. VK-Preis'])
        name = fhz_row.name
        sth_printed = False
        price_changed = False
        sth_changed = False
            wlb_match = wlb_neu.loc[name]
            if type(wlb_match) == pd.DataFrame:
                for j in range(len(wlb_match)):
                    wlb_row = wlb_match.iloc[j]
                    (fhz_row, fhz_preis, name, sth_printed, price_changed,
                            sth_changed, wlb_neu, wlb_row, geaenderte_preise,
                            irgendeine_aenderung, count) = adopt_values(
                                    fhz_row, fhz_preis, name, sth_printed,
                                    price_changed, sth_changed, wlb_neu, wlb_row,
                                    geaenderte_preise, irgendeine_aenderung, count)
                (fhz_row, fhz_preis, name, sth_printed, price_changed,
                        sth_changed, wlb_neu, wlb_match, geaenderte_preise,
                        irgendeine_aenderung, count) = adopt_values(
                                fhz_row, fhz_preis, name, sth_printed,
                                price_changed, sth_changed, wlb_neu, wlb_match,
                                geaenderte_preise, irgendeine_aenderung, count)

        except KeyError:
        if sth_printed:
            # this ends processing of this article
    print(count, "Artikel haben geänderten Preis.")

    # Round up all articles' prices #

    # Round up all articles' prices:
    count = 0
    for i in range(len(wlb_neu)):
        wlb_row = wlb_neu.iloc[i]
        name = wlb_row.name
        alter_preis = Decimal(wlb_row['VK-Preis'])
        neuer_preis = returnRoundedPrice(alter_preis)
        if (not alter_preis.is_nan() and not neuer_preis.is_nan() and
                neuer_preis != alter_preis):
            count += 1
            print("Runde Preis von:", str(alter_preis), " zu:", str(neuer_preis),
                    '(%s, %s)' % (wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'],
            wlb_neu.loc[name, 'VK-Preis'] = str(neuer_preis)
            geaenderte_preise = geaenderte_preise.append(wlb_row)
            irgendeine_aenderung = irgendeine_aenderung.append(wlb_row)
    print(count, "VK-Preise wurden gerundet.")
    geaenderte_preise = removeEmptyRow(geaenderte_preise)
    irgendeine_aenderung = removeEmptyRow(irgendeine_aenderung)

    # Check for duplicates in geaenderte_preise:
    gp_dup_indices = indexDuplicationCheck(geaenderte_preise)
    print("Folgende Artikel kommen mehrfach in 'geaenderte_preise' vor:")
    for i in gp_dup_indices:

    writeOutAsCSV(geaenderte_preise, 'preisänderung_geänderte_preise.csv', only_index=True)
    mask = geaenderte_preise['Sortiment'] == 'Ja'
    gp_sortiment = geaenderte_preise[mask]
    writeOutAsCSV(gp_sortiment, 'preisänderung_geänderte_preise_sortiment.csv',
    # Check for duplicates in irgendeine_aenderung:
    gp_dup_indices = indexDuplicationCheck(irgendeine_aenderung)
    print("Folgende Artikel kommen mehrfach in 'irgendeine_aenderung' vor:")
    for i in gp_dup_indices:

    writeOutAsCSV(irgendeine_aenderung, 'preisänderung_irgendeine_änderung.csv')

    # Consistency check #

    count = 0
    for i in range(len(fhz)):
        fhz_row = fhz.iloc[i]
        name = fhz_row.name
        fhz_preis = Decimal(fhz_row['Empf. VK-Preis'])
            wlb_match = wlb_neu.loc[name]
            if type(wlb_match) == pd.DataFrame:
                for j in range(len(wlb_match)):
                    wlb_row = wlb_match.iloc[j]
                    wlb_preis = Decimal(wlb_row['Empf. VK-Preis'])
                wlb_preis = Decimal(wlb_match['Empf. VK-Preis'])
        except KeyError:
            wlb_preis = Decimal(np.nan)
        if ( not fhz_preis.is_nan() and not wlb_preis.is_nan() and
                #abs(fhz_preis - wlb_preis) > 0.021 ):
                abs(fhz_preis - wlb_preis) > 0. ):
            count += 1
            print('FHZ: %s WLB: %s' % (fhz_preis, wlb_preis),
                    '(%s) (%s)' % (fhz_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'],
                        wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit']))
    print(count, "Differenzen gefunden.")
    writeOutAsCSV(wlb_neu, 'preisänderung.csv')

    # Articles not in WLB #

    # Add new, so far unknown articles from FHZ
    print("Neue Artikel (in FHZ vorhanden, nicht in WLB):")
    # Get empty df:
    wlb_neue_artikel = pd.DataFrame(columns=wlb_neu.columns,
            index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('','')], names=wlb_neu.index.names))
    count = 0
    for i in range(len(fhz)):
        fhz_row = fhz.iloc[i]
        fhz_preis = Decimal(fhz_row['Empf. VK-Preis'])
        name = fhz_row.name
        except KeyError:
            count += 1
            # From:
            # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10715965/add-one-row-in-a-pandas-dataframe
            wlb_neue_artikel = wlb_neue_artikel.append(fhz_row)
            fhz_preis = returnRoundedPrice(fhz_preis)
            wlb_neue_artikel.loc[name, 'VK-Preis'] = str(fhz_preis)
            print('"%s" nicht in WLB. (%s)' % (fhz_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], name))
    print(count, "Artikel nicht in WLB.")
    wlb_neue_artikel = removeEmptyRow(wlb_neue_artikel)
    writeOutAsCSV(wlb_neue_artikel, 'preisänderung_neue_artikel.csv')

    # Articles not in FHZ #

    # Show list of articles missing in FHZ (so not orderable!)
    print("Alte Artikel (in WLB vorhanden, nicht in FHZ, können nicht mehr bestellt werden!):")
    # Get empty df:
    wlb_alte_artikel = pd.DataFrame(columns=wlb_neu.columns,
            index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('','')], names=wlb_neu.index.names))
    count = 0
    # Loop over wlb numerical index
    for i in range(len(wlb_neu)):
        wlb_row = wlb_neu.iloc[i]
        name = wlb_row.name
        except KeyError:
            count += 1
            wlb_alte_artikel = wlb_alte_artikel.append(wlb_row)
            # Change 'popularity' to 'ausgelistet' so that it will not be ordered any more:
            wlb_alte_artikel.loc[name, 'Beliebtheit'] = 'ausgelistet'
            print('"%s" nicht in FHZ. (%s)' % (wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], name))
    print(count, "Artikel nicht in FHZ.")
    wlb_alte_artikel = removeEmptyRow(wlb_alte_artikel)
    writeOutAsCSV(wlb_alte_artikel, 'preisänderung_alte_artikel.csv')
Пример #29
    fhz_row = fhz.iloc[i]
    fhz_preis = Decimal(fhz_row["Empf. VK-Preis"])
    name = fhz_row.name
        wlb_row = wlb_neu.loc[name]
        # adopt the rec. sale price and the "Lieferbarkeit" directly and completely
        # See
        # http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy,
        # very bottom
        wlb_neu.loc[name, "Empf. VK-Preis"] = str(fhz_preis)
        wlb_neu.loc[name, "Sofort lieferbar"] = fhz_row["Sofort lieferbar"]
        wlb_preis = Decimal(wlb_row["VK-Preis"])
        setgroesse = int(wlb_row["Setgröße"])

        # adopt the sale price only if significantly changed:
        if not fhz_preis.is_nan() and not wlb_preis.is_nan():
            if (fhz_preis >= Decimal("2.") * wlb_preis) or (setgroesse > 1):
                # price is at least twice, this indicates that this is a set:
                print("Setgröße > 1 detektiert.")
                print("WLB-Preis:", wlb_preis, "FHZ-Preis:", fhz_preis, "(%s)" % fhz_row["Bezeichnung | Einheit"])
                fhz_preis = round(fhz_preis / setgroesse, 2)
                print("Alte (WLB) setgroesse:", setgroesse, "   (Bitte prüfen, ob korrekt!)")
                print("Ändere FHZ-Preis zu FHZ-Preis / %s = %s" % (setgroesse, fhz_preis))
            if abs(fhz_preis - wlb_preis) > 0.021:
                # price seems to deviate more than usual
                count += 1
                if wlb_row["Sortiment"] == "Ja":
                        "Alter (WLB) Preis: %s   Neuer (FHZ) Preis: %s\n"
                        "FHZ: %s   (%s)    Sortiment: %s\n"
Пример #30
    def adopt_values(fhz_row, fhz_preis, name, sth_printed, price_changed, sth_changed,
            wlb_neu, wlb_row, geaenderte_preise, irgendeine_aenderung, count):
        # adopt the rec. sales price and the "Lieferbarkeit" directly and completely
        # See
        # http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy,
        # very bottom
        wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Empf. VK-Preis'] = str(fhz_preis)
        wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Sofort lieferbar'] = fhz_row['Sofort lieferbar']
        wlb_preis = Decimal(wlb_row['VK-Preis'])
        setgroesse = int(wlb_row['Setgröße'])

        # adopt the sale price only if significantly changed:
        if not fhz_preis.is_nan() and not wlb_preis.is_nan():
            if (fhz_preis >= Decimal('2.')*wlb_preis) or (setgroesse > 1):
                # price is at least twice, this indicates that this is a set:
                print("Setgröße > 1 detektiert.")
                print("WLB-Preis:", wlb_preis, "FHZ-Preis:", fhz_preis,
                        "(%s)" % fhz_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'])
                fhz_preis = round(fhz_preis / setgroesse, 2)
                print("Alte (WLB) setgroesse:", setgroesse,
                        "   (Bitte prüfen, ob korrekt!)")
                print("FHZ-Preis wird zu FHZ-Preis / %s = %s" % (setgroesse,
                sth_printed = True
            fhz_preis = returnRoundedPrice(fhz_preis)
            #if ( abs(fhz_preis - wlb_preis) > 0.021 ):
            if ( abs(fhz_preis - wlb_preis) > 0. ):
                # price seems to deviate more than usual
                count += 1
                if wlb_row['Sortiment'] == 'Ja':
                    print("Alter (WLB) Preis: %s   Neuer (FHZ) Preis: %s\n"
                            "FHZ: %s   (%s)    Sortiment: %s\n"
                            "WLB: %s   (%s)    Sortiment: %s" % (wlb_preis, fhz_preis,
                                fhz_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], name, fhz_row['Sortiment'],
                                wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], name, wlb_row['Sortiment']))
                    print("Ändere Preis von:", str(wlb_preis), " zu:", str(fhz_preis))
                    sth_printed = True
                wlb_neu.loc[name, 'VK-Preis'] = str(fhz_preis)
                geaenderte_preise = geaenderte_preise.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                irgendeine_aenderung = irgendeine_aenderung.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                price_changed = True
                sth_changed = True

        if options.ADOPT_NAMES:
            #### adopt the article name
            wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Bezeichnung | Einheit'] = fhz_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit']

        # adopt VPE
        if fhz_row['VPE'] != wlb_row['VPE']:
            print("Ändere VPE für %s (%s) von %s (WLB) zu %s (FHZ)" % (name,
                wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], wlb_row['VPE'], fhz_row['VPE']))
            wlb_neu.loc[name, 'VPE'] = fhz_row['VPE']
            sth_printed = True
            if not sth_changed:
                irgendeine_aenderung = irgendeine_aenderung.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                sth_changed = True
                irgendeine_aenderung.loc[name, 'VPE'] = fhz_row['VPE']

        # adopt Menge
        fhz_menge = float(fhz_row['Menge (kg/l/St.)']) / setgroesse
        if fhz_menge != float(wlb_row['Menge (kg/l/St.)']):
            print("Ändere Menge für %s (%s) von %s (WLB) zu %s (FHZ)" % (name,
                    wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], float(wlb_row['Menge (kg/l/St.)']),
            wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Menge (kg/l/St.)'] = '%.5f' % fhz_menge
            sth_printed = True
            if not price_changed:
                geaenderte_preise = geaenderte_preise.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                price_changed = True
            if not sth_changed:
                irgendeine_aenderung = irgendeine_aenderung.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                sth_changed = True
                irgendeine_aenderung.loc[name, 'Menge (kg/l/St.)'] = '%.5f' % fhz_menge

        # adopt Einheit
        if fhz_row['Einheit'] != wlb_row['Einheit']:
            print("Ändere Einheit für %s (%s) von %s (WLB) zu %s (FHZ)" % (name,
                    wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], wlb_row['Einheit'], fhz_row['Einheit']))
            wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Einheit'] = fhz_row['Einheit']
            sth_printed = True
            if not sth_changed:
                irgendeine_aenderung = irgendeine_aenderung.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                sth_changed = True
                irgendeine_aenderung.loc[name, 'Einheit'] = fhz_row['Einheit']

        return (fhz_row, fhz_preis, name, sth_printed, price_changed, sth_changed,
                wlb_neu, wlb_row, geaenderte_preise, irgendeine_aenderung, count)
Пример #31
def main():

    from optparse import OptionParser

    # install parser
    usage = "Usage: %prog   [OPTIONS]"
    parser = OptionParser(usage)

    parser.add_option("--fhz", type="string",
            help="The path to FHZ .csv file.")
    parser.add_option("--wlb", type="string",
            help="The path to WLB .csv file.")
    parser.add_option("-n", action="store_true",
            help="Artikelnamen ('Bezeichnung | Einheit') vom FHZ übernehmen?")

    # get parsed args
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    # Load data #

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd

    fhz = pd.read_csv(options.FHZ, sep=';', dtype=str, index_col=(1, 2))
    #   input CSV list must contain only Lebensmittel and Getränke (LM) and not
    #   Kunsthandwerk and other (KHW), if that's the case also for the FHZ CSV list
    wlb = pd.read_csv(options.WLB, sep=';', dtype=str, index_col=(1, 2))

    # Check for duplicates in fhz:
    fhz_dup_indices = indexDuplicationCheck(fhz)
    print("Folgende Artikel kommen mehrfach in '%s' vor:" % options.FHZ)
    for i in fhz_dup_indices:

    # Check for duplicates in wlb:
    wlb_dup_indices = indexDuplicationCheck(wlb)
    print("Folgende Artikel kommen mehrfach in '%s' vor:" % options.WLB)
    for i in wlb_dup_indices:

    # Remove all newlines ('\n') from all fields
    fhz.replace(to_replace='\n', value=', ', inplace=True, regex=True)
    wlb.replace(to_replace='\n', value=', ', inplace=True, regex=True)
    fhz.replace(to_replace=';', value=',', inplace=True, regex=True)
    wlb.replace(to_replace=';', value=',', inplace=True, regex=True)

    # Homogenize data #

    # Remove all newlines ('\n') from all fields
    fhz.replace(to_replace='\n', value=', ', inplace=True, regex=True)
    wlb.replace(to_replace='\n', value=', ', inplace=True, regex=True)
    fhz.replace(to_replace=';', value=',', inplace=True, regex=True)
    wlb.replace(to_replace=';', value=',', inplace=True, regex=True)

    # homogenize Lieferanten:
    print("WLB:", sorted(set(map(lambda i: i[0], wlb.index))))
    print("FHZ:", set(map(lambda i: i[0], fhz.index)))
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('El Puente', i[1])
        if i[0] == 'EP' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('Bannmühle', i[1])
        if i[0] == 'Bannmühle/dwp' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('Fairtrade Center Breisgau', i[1])
        if i[0] == 'ftc' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('Café Libertad', i[1])
        if i[0] == 'Café\nLibertad' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('Ethiquable', i[1])
        if i[0] == 'ethiquable' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('Libera Terra', i[1])
        if i[0] == 'Libera\nTerra' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('unbekannt', i[1])
        if type(i[0]) == float and np.isnan(i[0]) else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('FHZ Rheinland', i[1])
        if i[0] == 'unbekannt' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    print("FHZ neu:", sorted(set(map(lambda i: i[0], fhz.index))))

    # add '-' sign to article numbers in FHZ:
    # El Puente:
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('El Puente', convert_art_number_ep(i[1]))
        if i[0] == 'El Puente' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    # dwp:
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: ('dwp', convert_art_number_dwp(i[1]))
        if i[0] == 'dwp' else i, fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)

    # Make all article numbers lower case for better comparison:
      # First store the original article numbers:
    fhz = fhz.rename(columns={'Artikelnummer': 'Artikelnummer kleingeschrieben'})
    wlb = wlb.rename(columns={'Artikelnummer': 'Artikelnummer kleingeschrieben'})
    fhz.index.names = ['Lieferant', 'Artikelnummer kleingeschrieben']
    wlb.index.names = ['Lieferant', 'Artikelnummer kleingeschrieben']
    fhz['Artikelnummer'] = list(map(lambda i: i[1], fhz.index.tolist()))
    wlb['Artikelnummer'] = list(map(lambda i: i[1], wlb.index.tolist()))
    fhz.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: (i[0], i[1].lower()),
        fhz.index.tolist())), names=fhz.index.names)
    wlb.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(map(lambda i: (i[0], i[1].lower()),
        wlb.index.tolist())), names=wlb.index.names)

    # Adopt values from FHZ (for existing articles) #

    def adopt_values(fhz_row, fhz_preis, name, sth_printed, price_changed, sth_changed,
            wlb_neu, wlb_row, geaenderte_preise, irgendeine_aenderung, count):
        # adopt the rec. sales price and the "Lieferbarkeit" directly and completely
        # See
        # http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy,
        # very bottom
        wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Empf. VK-Preis'] = str(fhz_preis)
        wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Sofort lieferbar'] = fhz_row['Sofort lieferbar']
        wlb_preis = Decimal(wlb_row['VK-Preis'])
        setgroesse = int(wlb_row['Setgröße'])

        # adopt the sale price only if significantly changed:
        if not fhz_preis.is_nan() and not wlb_preis.is_nan():
            if (fhz_preis >= Decimal('2.')*wlb_preis) or (setgroesse > 1):
                # price is at least twice, this indicates that this is a set:
                print("Setgröße > 1 detektiert.")
                print("WLB-Preis:", wlb_preis, "FHZ-Preis:", fhz_preis,
                        "(%s)" % fhz_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'])
                fhz_preis = round(fhz_preis / setgroesse, 2)
                print("Alte (WLB) setgroesse:", setgroesse,
                        "   (Bitte prüfen, ob korrekt!)")
                print("FHZ-Preis wird zu FHZ-Preis / %s = %s" % (setgroesse,
                sth_printed = True
            fhz_preis = returnRoundedPrice(fhz_preis)
            #if ( abs(fhz_preis - wlb_preis) > 0.021 ):
            if ( abs(fhz_preis - wlb_preis) > 0. ):
                # price seems to deviate more than usual
                count += 1
                if wlb_row['Sortiment'] == 'Ja':
                    print("Alter (WLB) Preis: %s   Neuer (FHZ) Preis: %s\n"
                            "FHZ: %s   (%s)    Sortiment: %s\n"
                            "WLB: %s   (%s)    Sortiment: %s" % (wlb_preis, fhz_preis,
                                fhz_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], name, fhz_row['Sortiment'],
                                wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], name, wlb_row['Sortiment']))
                    print("Ändere Preis von:", str(wlb_preis), " zu:", str(fhz_preis))
                    sth_printed = True
                wlb_neu.loc[name, 'VK-Preis'] = str(fhz_preis)
                geaenderte_preise = geaenderte_preise.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                irgendeine_aenderung = irgendeine_aenderung.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                price_changed = True
                sth_changed = True

        if options.ADOPT_NAMES:
            #### adopt the article name
            wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Bezeichnung | Einheit'] = fhz_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit']

        # adopt VPE
        if fhz_row['VPE'] != wlb_row['VPE']:
            print("Ändere VPE für %s (%s) von %s (WLB) zu %s (FHZ)" % (name,
                wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], wlb_row['VPE'], fhz_row['VPE']))
            wlb_neu.loc[name, 'VPE'] = fhz_row['VPE']
            sth_printed = True
            if not sth_changed:
                irgendeine_aenderung = irgendeine_aenderung.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                sth_changed = True
                irgendeine_aenderung.loc[name, 'VPE'] = fhz_row['VPE']

        # adopt Menge
        fhz_menge = float(fhz_row['Menge (kg/l/St.)']) / setgroesse
        if fhz_menge != float(wlb_row['Menge (kg/l/St.)']):
            print("Ändere Menge für %s (%s) von %s (WLB) zu %s (FHZ)" % (name,
                    wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], float(wlb_row['Menge (kg/l/St.)']),
            wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Menge (kg/l/St.)'] = '%.5f' % fhz_menge
            sth_printed = True
            if not price_changed:
                geaenderte_preise = geaenderte_preise.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                price_changed = True
            if not sth_changed:
                irgendeine_aenderung = irgendeine_aenderung.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                sth_changed = True
                irgendeine_aenderung.loc[name, 'Menge (kg/l/St.)'] = '%.5f' % fhz_menge

        # adopt Einheit
        if fhz_row['Einheit'] != wlb_row['Einheit']:
            print("Ändere Einheit für %s (%s) von %s (WLB) zu %s (FHZ)" % (name,
                    wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], wlb_row['Einheit'], fhz_row['Einheit']))
            wlb_neu.loc[name, 'Einheit'] = fhz_row['Einheit']
            sth_printed = True
            if not sth_changed:
                irgendeine_aenderung = irgendeine_aenderung.append(wlb_neu.loc[name])
                sth_changed = True
                irgendeine_aenderung.loc[name, 'Einheit'] = fhz_row['Einheit']

        return (fhz_row, fhz_preis, name, sth_printed, price_changed, sth_changed,
                wlb_neu, wlb_row, geaenderte_preise, irgendeine_aenderung, count)

    count = 0
    wlb_neu = wlb.copy()
    geaenderte_preise = pd.DataFrame(columns=wlb_neu.columns,
            index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('','')], names=wlb_neu.index.names))
    irgendeine_aenderung = pd.DataFrame(columns=wlb_neu.columns,
            index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('','')], names=wlb_neu.index.names))
    # Loop over fhz numerical index
    for i in range(len(fhz)):
        fhz_row = fhz.iloc[i]
        fhz_preis = Decimal(fhz_row['Empf. VK-Preis'])
        name = fhz_row.name
        sth_printed = False
        price_changed = False
        sth_changed = False
            wlb_match = wlb_neu.loc[name]
            if type(wlb_match) == pd.DataFrame:
                for j in range(len(wlb_match)):
                    wlb_row = wlb_match.iloc[j]
                    (fhz_row, fhz_preis, name, sth_printed, price_changed,
                            sth_changed, wlb_neu, wlb_row, geaenderte_preise,
                            irgendeine_aenderung, count) = adopt_values(
                                    fhz_row, fhz_preis, name, sth_printed,
                                    price_changed, sth_changed, wlb_neu, wlb_row,
                                    geaenderte_preise, irgendeine_aenderung, count)
                (fhz_row, fhz_preis, name, sth_printed, price_changed,
                        sth_changed, wlb_neu, wlb_match, geaenderte_preise,
                        irgendeine_aenderung, count) = adopt_values(
                                fhz_row, fhz_preis, name, sth_printed,
                                price_changed, sth_changed, wlb_neu, wlb_match,
                                geaenderte_preise, irgendeine_aenderung, count)

        except KeyError:
        if sth_printed:
            # this ends processing of this article
    print(count, "Artikel haben geänderten Preis.")

    # Round up all articles' prices #

    # Round up all articles' prices:
    count = 0
    for i in range(len(wlb_neu)):
        wlb_row = wlb_neu.iloc[i]
        name = wlb_row.name
        alter_preis = Decimal(wlb_row['VK-Preis'])
        neuer_preis = returnRoundedPrice(alter_preis)
        if (not alter_preis.is_nan() and not neuer_preis.is_nan() and
                neuer_preis != alter_preis):
            count += 1
            print("Runde Preis von:", str(alter_preis), " zu:", str(neuer_preis),
                    '(%s, %s)' % (wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'],
            wlb_neu.loc[name, 'VK-Preis'] = str(neuer_preis)
            geaenderte_preise = geaenderte_preise.append(wlb_row)
            irgendeine_aenderung = irgendeine_aenderung.append(wlb_row)
    print(count, "VK-Preise wurden gerundet.")
    geaenderte_preise = removeEmptyRow(geaenderte_preise)
    irgendeine_aenderung = removeEmptyRow(irgendeine_aenderung)

    # Check for duplicates in geaenderte_preise:
    gp_dup_indices = indexDuplicationCheck(geaenderte_preise)
    print("Folgende Artikel kommen mehrfach in 'geaenderte_preise' vor:")
    for i in gp_dup_indices:

    writeOutAsCSV(geaenderte_preise, 'preisänderung_geänderte_preise.csv', only_index=True)
    mask = geaenderte_preise['Sortiment'] == 'Ja'
    gp_sortiment = geaenderte_preise[mask]
    writeOutAsCSV(gp_sortiment, 'preisänderung_geänderte_preise_sortiment.csv',
    # Check for duplicates in irgendeine_aenderung:
    gp_dup_indices = indexDuplicationCheck(irgendeine_aenderung)
    print("Folgende Artikel kommen mehrfach in 'irgendeine_aenderung' vor:")
    for i in gp_dup_indices:

    writeOutAsCSV(irgendeine_aenderung, 'preisänderung_irgendeine_änderung.csv')

    # Consistecy check #

    count = 0
    for i in range(len(fhz)):
        fhz_row = fhz.iloc[i]
        name = fhz_row.name
        fhz_preis = Decimal(fhz_row['Empf. VK-Preis'])
            wlb_match = wlb_neu.loc[name]
            if type(wlb_match) == pd.DataFrame:
                for j in range(len(wlb_match)):
                    wlb_row = wlb_match.iloc[j]
                    wlb_preis = Decimal(wlb_row['Empf. VK-Preis'])
                wlb_preis = Decimal(wlb_match['Empf. VK-Preis'])
        except KeyError:
            wlb_preis = Decimal(np.nan)
        if ( not fhz_preis.is_nan() and not wlb_preis.is_nan() and
                #abs(fhz_preis - wlb_preis) > 0.021 ):
                abs(fhz_preis - wlb_preis) > 0. ):
            count += 1
            print('FHZ: %s WLB: %s' % (fhz_preis, wlb_preis),
                    '(%s) (%s)' % (fhz_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'],
                        wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit']))
    print(count, "Differenzen gefunden.")
    writeOutAsCSV(wlb_neu, 'preisänderung.csv')

    # Articles not in WLB #

    # Add new, so far unknown articles from FHZ
    print("Neue Artikel (in FHZ vorhanden, nicht in WLB):")
    # Get empty df:
    wlb_neue_artikel = pd.DataFrame(columns=wlb_neu.columns,
            index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('','')], names=wlb_neu.index.names))
    count = 0
    for i in range(len(fhz)):
        fhz_row = fhz.iloc[i]
        fhz_preis = Decimal(fhz_row['Empf. VK-Preis'])
        name = fhz_row.name
        except KeyError:
            count += 1
            # From:
            # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10715965/add-one-row-in-a-pandas-dataframe
            wlb_neue_artikel = wlb_neue_artikel.append(fhz_row)
            fhz_preis = returnRoundedPrice(fhz_preis)
            wlb_neue_artikel.loc[name, 'VK-Preis'] = str(fhz_preis)
            print('"%s" nicht in WLB. (%s)' % (fhz_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], name))
    print(count, "Artikel nicht in WLB.")
    wlb_neue_artikel = removeEmptyRow(wlb_neue_artikel)
    writeOutAsCSV(wlb_neue_artikel, 'preisänderung_neue_artikel.csv')

    # Articles not in FHZ #

    # Show list of articles missing in FHZ (so not orderable!)
    print("Alte Artikel (in WLB vorhanden, nicht in FHZ, können nicht mehr bestellt werden!):")
    count = 0
    # Loop over wlb numerical index
    for i in range(len(wlb_neu)):
        wlb_row = wlb_neu.iloc[i]
        name = wlb_row.name
        except KeyError:
            count += 1
            print('"%s" nicht in FHZ. (%s)' % (wlb_row['Bezeichnung | Einheit'], name))
    print(count, "Artikel nicht in FHZ.")
def step_gradient(k1_current, k2_current, k3_current, points, learningRate):
    k1_gradient = decimal.Decimal(0.0)
    k2_gradient = decimal.Decimal(0.0)
    k3_gradient = decimal.Decimal(0.0)
    N = decimal.Decimal( float(len(points)) )
    for i in range(0, len(points)):
        x = decimal.Decimal( points[i, 0] )
        y = decimal.Decimal( points[i, 1] )
            common_part_1 = -(2/N) * (y - (k1_current + k2_current * x) ** k3_current)
        except Exception as e:
            print('Exception #1')
            print('(y - (k1_current + k2_current * x)) : ', (y - (k1_current + k2_current * x)))
            print('k3_current : ', k3_current)
            common_part_2 = (k3_current * (k1_current + k2_current * x) ** (k3_current - 1))
        except Exception as e:
            print('Exception #2')
            print('x : ', x)
            print('k3_current - 1 : ', (k3_current - 1))
            print('k3_current * (k1_current + k2_current * x) : ', (k3_current * (k1_current + k2_current * x)))
            common_part_3 = decimal.Decimal.ln( k1_current + k2_current * x)
        except Exception as e:
            print('Exception #3')
            print('x : ', x)
            print('k1_current + k2_current * x : ', (k1_current + k2_current * x))
            common_part_4 = (k1_current + k2_current * x) ** k3_current
        except Exception as e:
            print('Exception #4')
            print('x : ', x)
            print('k3_current : ', k3_current)
            print('k1_current + k2_current * x : ', (k1_current + k2_current * x))
#         common_part_1 = -(2/N) * (y - (k1_current + k2_current * x) ** k3_current)
#         common_part_2 = (k3_current * (k1_current + k2_current * x) ** (k3_current - 1))
#         common_part_3 = decimal.Decimal.ln( k1_current + k2_current * x)
#         common_part_4 = (k1_current + k2_current * x) ** k3_current
        k1_gradient += common_part_1 * common_part_2
        k2_gradient += common_part_1 * common_part_2 * x
        k3_gradient += common_part_1 * common_part_3 * common_part_4
#         k1_gradient += -(2/N) * (y - (k1_current + k2_current * x) ** k3_current) * (k3_current * (k1_current + k2_current * x) ** (k3_current - 1))
#         k2_gradient += -(2/N) * (y - (k1_current + k2_current * x) ** k3_current) * (k3_current * (k1_current + k2_current * x) ** (k3_current - 1)) * x
#         k3_gradient += -(2/N) * (y - (k1_current + k2_current * x) ** k3_current) * np.log(k1_current + k2_current * x) * (k1_current + k2_current * x) ** k3_current
        if(dc.is_nan(k1_gradient) or dc.is_nan(k2_gradient) or dc.is_nan(k1_gradient) or
           dc.is_infinite(k1_gradient) or dc.is_infinite(k2_gradient) or dc.is_infinite(k1_gradient)): 
            print('   i=', i)
            print('   x = ', x, ',  y = ', y)
            print('   comPart_2_1 = ', (k3_current * (k1_current + k2_current * x)))
            print('   comPart_2_2 = ', (k3_current - 1))
            print('   comPart_2_3 = ', k3_current * (k1_current + k2_current * x) ** (k3_current - 1))
            print('   k1_cur=', k1_current, '  k2_cur=', k2_current, '  k3_cur=', k3_current)
            print('   common_part_1 = ', common_part_1)
            print('   common_part_2 = ', common_part_2)
            print('   common_part_3 = ', common_part_3)
            print('   k1_gradient = ', k1_gradient)
            print('   k2_gradient = ', k2_gradient) 
            print('   k3_gradient = ', k3_gradient, '\n')
            k1_gradient = 1001.0
    new_k1 = k1_current - (learningRate * k1_gradient)
    new_k2 = k2_current - (learningRate * k2_gradient)
    new_k3 = k3_current - (learningRate * k3_gradient)
    return [new_k1, new_k2, new_k3, k1_gradient, k2_gradient, k3_gradient]
Пример #33
 def format_fiat(self, value: Decimal) -> str:
     if value.is_nan():
         return _("No data")
     return "%s" % (self.ccy_amount_str(value, True))
Пример #34
class ComplexDecimal(object):
    def __init__(self,real,i="0.0"):
        if type(real) != Decimal: self.real = Decimal(real)
        else: self.real = real
        if type(i) != Decimal: self.imaginary = Decimal(i)
        else: self.imaginary = i

        self.e = constants.e
        self.pi = constants.pi
    #Basic mathamtical functions ----------------------------------------
    def conj(self):
        """Returns the conjugate for a number"""
        return ComplexDecimal(self.real,-self.imaginary)
    def re(self):
        """Returns real portion"""
        return self.real
    def im(self):
        """Returns imaginary portion"""
        return self.imaginary
    def floor(self):
        """Floors a number"""
        return ComplexDecimal(self.real.to_integral(), self.imaginary.to_integral())
    def ceil(self):
        """Ceilings a number"""
        return ComplexDecimal(math.ceil(self.real),math.ceil(self.imaginary))
    def round(self,prec=0):
        """Rounds a number to prec decimal places"""
        return ComplexDecimal(round(self.real,prec),round(self.imaginary,prec))
    def exp(self):
        """Returns e^self"""
        if self.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(str(self.e ** self.real ))
        return ComplexDecimal(self.e**(self.real) * Decimal(self.cos_raw(self.imaginary)), self.e**(self.real) * Decimal(self.sin_raw(self.imaginary)))
    def isPrime_raw(self,x):
        if x<=1: return False
        for i in range(2,int(math.floor(math.sqrt(x))) + 1):
            if x%i==0: return False
        return True
    def isPrime(self):
        """Gets if self is prime"""
        if self.imaginary == 0: 
            return self.isPrime_raw(self.real)
        if self.real == 0:
            return self.isPrime_raw(abs(self.imaginary))
        return self.isPrime_raw(self.real * self.real + self.imaginary*self.imaginary)
    def phase(self):
        """Returns angle between x axis"""
        return Decimal(math.atan2(self.imaginary , self.real))
    def polar(self): #Converts to polar
        return (abs(self), self.phase())
    def toRect(self,r,phi):
        return ComplexDecimal(r) * ComplexDecimal(self.cos_raw(phi) , self.sin_raw(phi))
    #Trig --------------------------------------------
    #1/functions, log, 
    def cos_raw(self,x,prec=Decimal("0.0000000000000000000001")):
        """Raw cosine function for real numbers only"""
        p = Decimal("0")
        s = t = Decimal("1.0")
        while abs(t/s) > prec:
            t = (-t * x * x) / ((Decimal("2") * p - Decimal("1")) * (Decimal("2") * p))
            s += t
        if round(s,50) in [1,0,-1]: #If it's close enough round to get perfect answers (No one likes 1E-70 as cos(pi))
            return Decimal(round(s,50))
        return s
    def sin_raw(self,x,prec=Decimal("0.00000000000000000000001")):
        return self.cos_raw(x+self.pi/Decimal("2"))
    def tan_raw(self,x,prec=Decimal("0.00000000000000000000001")):
        return self.sin_raw(x,prec) / self.cos_raw(x,prec)
    def atan_raw(self,x): #Not relatively accurate
        returned = Decimal("0")
        for j in range(0,50):
            i = Decimal(j)
            a = Decimal("-1")**i * x ** (Decimal("2")*i + Decimal("1"))
            b = Decimal("2")*i + Decimal("1")
            returned += a/b
        return returned
    def cos(self):
        """Compute cos of self"""
        if self.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(self.cos_raw(self.real))
            returned = ComplexDecimal(
                self.cos_raw(self.real) * ComplexDecimal(self.imaginary).cosh().real,
                -self.sin_raw(self.real) * ComplexDecimal(self.imaginary).sinh().real
            returned.imaginary = -returned.imaginary
            return returned
        except: return ComplexDecimal("inf")
    def sin(self):
        """Compute sin of self"""
        if self.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(self.sin_raw(self.real))
            returned = ComplexDecimal(
                self.sin_raw(self.real) * ComplexDecimal(self.imaginary).cosh().real,
                -self.cos_raw(self.real) * ComplexDecimal(self.imaginary).sinh().real
            returned.imaginary = -returned.imaginary
            return returned
        except: return ComplexDecimal("inf")
    def tan(self):
        """Compute tangent of self"""
        try: return self.sin() / self.cos()
        except: return ComplexDecimal("inf")
    def acos(self):
        """Attempt to compute arcosine"""
        if self.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(math.acos(self))
        A = ComplexDecimal(((Decimal(1) + self.real)**Decimal(2) + self.imaginary**Decimal(2))**Decimal(0.5) - ((Decimal(1) - self.real)**Decimal(0.5) + self.imaginary**Decimal(2))**Decimal(0.5)) / ComplexDecimal(2)
        B = ComplexDecimal(((Decimal(1) + self.real)**Decimal(2) + self.imaginary**Decimal(2))**Decimal(0.5) + ((Decimal(1) - self.real)**Decimal(0.5) + self.imaginary**Decimal(2))**Decimal(0.5)) / ComplexDecimal(2)
        return ComplexDecimal(A.acos(), -(B+(B*B - ComplexDecimal(1))**ComplexDecimal(0.5)).ln() )
    def asin(self):
        """Attempt to compute arcsine"""
        if self.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(math.asin(self))
        A = ComplexDecimal(((Decimal(1) + self.real)**Decimal(2) + self.imaginary**Decimal(2))**Decimal(0.5) - ((Decimal(1) - self.real)**Decimal(0.5) + self.imaginary**Decimal(2))**Decimal(0.5)) / ComplexDecimal(2)
        B = ComplexDecimal(((Decimal(1) + self.real)**Decimal(2) + self.imaginary**Decimal(2))**Decimal(0.5) + ((Decimal(1) - self.real)**Decimal(0.5) + self.imaginary**Decimal(2))**Decimal(0.5)) / ComplexDecimal(2)
        return ComplexDecimal(A.asin(), (B+(B*B - ComplexDecimal(1))**ComplexDecimal(0.5)).ln() )
    def atan(self):
        """Attempt to compute arctangent"""
        result = (ComplexDecimal(0,1)+self) / (ComplexDecimal(0,1) - self)
        return ComplexDecimal(0,0.5) * result.ln()
    def sinh(self):
        """Hyperbolic sine of self"""
        returned = (self.exp() - (-self).exp()) / ComplexDecimal("2")
        returned.imaginary = -returned.imaginary
        return returned
    def cosh(self):
        """Hyperbolic cosine of self"""
        returned = (self.exp() + (-self).exp()) / ComplexDecimal("2")
        returned.imaginary = -returned.imaginary
        return returned
    def tanh(self):
        """Hyperbolic tangent of self"""
        return self.sinh()/self.cosh()
    def acosh(self):
        """Arc hyperbolic cosine"""
        returned = self + (self*self - ComplexDecimal(1))**0.5
        return returned.ln()
    def asinh(self):
        """Arc hyperbolic sine"""
        returned = self + (self*self + ComplexDecimal(1))**0.5
        return returned.ln()
    def atanh(self):
        """Arc hyperbolic  tan"""
        a = (ComplexDecimal(1)+self).ln() - (ComplexDecimal(1)-self).ln()
        return ComplexDecimal(0.5) * a
    def ln_raw(self,x):
        returned = Decimal("0")
        for i in range(0,25):
            a = Decimal("1") / (Decimal(i) * Decimal("2") + Decimal("1"))
            b = ( (x - Decimal("1"))/(x + Decimal("1")) ) ** (Decimal(i) * Decimal("2") + Decimal("1"))
            returned += a*b
        return returned*2
    def ln(self):
        """Natural logarithim of self"""
        if self.imaginary == 0:
            try: return ComplexDecimal(self.ln_raw(self.real))
            except: pass
        p = self.polar()
        return ComplexDecimal(self.ln_raw(p[0]), p[1])
    def log(self,x=None):
        """Compute log of number in base x"""
        if not x: x = self.e
        if self.imaginary == 0:
            try: return ComplexDecimal(math.log(self.real,x))
            except: pass
        p = self.polar()
        return ComplexDecimal(math.log(p[0],x), p[1])
    def log10(self):
        """Compute log base 10"""
        if self.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(math.log10(self.real))
        return self.ln() / ComplexDecimal("10").ln()
    #Replace builtins --------------------------------
    # power, comparasion,
    #To float, int, complex
    def __str__(self):
        """Converts to str"""
        if self.imaginary == 0:
            return str(self.real)
        return (str(self.real)+"+"+str(self.imaginary)+"i").replace("+-","-")
    def __abs__(self):
        """Absolute value"""
        return (self.real**2 + self.imaginary**2).sqrt()
    def __add__(self,other):
        """Add 2 numbers together"""
        return ComplexDecimal(self.real+other.real, self.imaginary+other.imaginary)
    def __sub__(self,other):
        """Subtract 2 numbers"""
        return ComplexDecimal(self.real-other.real, self.imaginary-other.imaginary)
    def __mul__(self,other):
        """Multiply 2 numbers"""
        if self.imaginary == 0 and other.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(self.real*other.real,"0")
        return ComplexDecimal( self.real*other.real - self.imaginary*other.imaginary,self.real*other.imaginary + self.imaginary*other.real )
    def __div__(self,other):
        """Divide 2 numbers"""
        if self.imaginary == 0 and other.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(self.real/other.real,"0")
        a = (self.real*other.real + self.imaginary*other.imaginary)/(other.real*other.real + other.imaginary*other.imaginary)
        b = (self.imaginary*other.real - self.real*other.imaginary)/(other.real*other.real + other.imaginary*other.imaginary)
        return ComplexDecimal(a,b)
    def __truediv__(self,other):
        """Divide 2 numbers"""
        if self.imaginary == 0 and other.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(self.real/other.real,"0")
        a = (self.real*other.real + self.imaginary*other.imaginary)/(other.real*other.real + other.imaginary*other.imaginary)
        b = (self.imaginary*other.real - self.real*other.imaginary)/(other.real*other.real + other.imaginary*other.imaginary)
        return ComplexDecimal(a,b)
    def __neg__(self):
        """Negates a number"""
        return ComplexDecimal(-self.real,-self.imaginary)
    def __pos__(self):
        """Positive number"""
        return ComplexDecimal(abs(self.real),abs(self.imaginary))
    def __inverse__(self):
        """1/ number"""
        return ComplexDecimal(1)/self
    def __mod__(self,other):#a%b = a + b * ciel(-a/b) 
        return self+ other* ((-self/other).ceil())
    def __pow__(self,other):
        """Powers :D"""
        if self.imaginary == 0 and other.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(self.real**other.real)
        if other.imaginary == 0:
            polar = self.polar()
            return self.toRect(polar[0]**other.real, polar[1]*other.real)
        elif other.real == 0:
            a = ComplexDecimal(self.real); b = ComplexDecimal(self.imaginary)
            c = ComplexDecimal(other.real); d = ComplexDecimal(other.imaginary)
            x = (-d * (b/a).atan()).exp() * ((a*a+b*b).ln() * d / ComplexDecimal(2)).cos() 
            y = ComplexDecimal(0,1) * (-d * (b/a).atan()).exp() * ((a*a+b*b).ln() * d / ComplexDecimal(2)).sin()
            return x+y

        b = other.real; c = other.imaginary
        returned = self**(ComplexDecimal(b)) * self**(ComplexDecimal(0,1) * ComplexDecimal(c))
        returned.imaginary = -returned.imaginary
        return returned
    #Additional conversions
    def __complex__(self): 
        """Convert to complex"""
        return complex(float(self.real),float(self.imaginary))
    def __int__(self):
        """Convert to int"""
        return int(self.real)
    def __float__(self):
        """Convert to float"""
        return float(self.real)
    def __lt__(self,other): #>
        if self.imaginary != 0 or other.imaginary != 0:
            raise errors.ComparasionError("Complex comparasion is not supported")
        return self.real < other.real
    def __le__(self,other): #>=
        if self.imaginary != 0 or other.imaginary != 0:
            raise errors.ComparasionError("Complex comparasion is not supported")
        return self.real <= other.real
    def __eq__(self,other): #==
        if self.real == other.real and self.imaginary == other.imaginary:
            return True
        return False
    def __ne__(self,other): #!=
        return not self.__eq__(other)
    def __gt__(self,other): #<
        if self.imaginary != 0 or other.imaginary != 0:
            raise errors.ComparasionError("Complex comparasion is not supported")
        return self.real > other.real
    def __ge__(self,other): #<=
        if self.imaginary != 0 or other.imaginary != 0:
            raise errors.ComparasionError("Complex comparasion is not supported")
        return self.real >= other.real
    #Some things reimplemented from decimal class for complex ComplexDecimals
    def copy_abs(self): return abs(self)
    def copy_negate(self): return -self
    def copy_sign(self,other):
        if other < 0:
            return -abs(self)
        return abs(self)
    def is_finite(self):
        return self.real.is_finite() and self.imaginary.is_finite()
    def is_infinite(self):
        return not self.is_finite()
    def is_nan(self):
        return self.real.is_nan() or self.imaginary.is_nan()
    def is_signed(self):
        return self < ComplexDecimal(0)
    def is_zero(self):
        return self.real.is_zero() and self.imaginary.is_zero()
    def radix(self): return Decimal(10)
    def sqrt(self): 
        if self.imaginary.is_zero():
            return ComplexDecimal(self.real.sqrt())
        return self ** ComplexDecimal("0.5")
    def to_eng_string(self): 
        returned = self.real.to_eng_string() + " + " + self.imaginary.to_eng_string + "i"
        return returned.replace(" + -"," - ")
Пример #35
def get_SATproblems_list(problems_to_load,
    - problems_to_load (list of strings): problems to load
    - problems_dir_name (string): directory containing problems in cnf form 
    - counts_dir_name (string): directory containing .txt files with model counts for problems
        File name format: problem1.txt
        File content format: "sharpSAT time_out: False solution_count: 2097152 sharp_sat_time: 0.0"

    - begin_idx: (int) discard the first begin_idx problems, e.g. for validation
    - epsilon (float): set factor states with potential 0 to epsilon for numerical stability
    - max_factor_dimensions (int): do not construct a factor graph if the largest factor (clause) contains
        more than this many variables        
    sat_problems = []
    ln_solution_counts = []

    discarded_count = 0

    load_failure_count = 0  # the number of SAT problems we failed to load properly
    no_solution_count = 0  # the number of SAT problems with no solutions
    unsolved_count = 0  # the number of SAT problems that we don't have an exact solution count for
    factors_to_large_count = 0  # the number of SAT problems with more than max_factor_dimensions variables in a clause
    dsharp_sharpsat_disagree = 0  # the number of SAT problems where dsharp and sharpsat disagree on the number of satisfying solutions

    problems_in_cnf_dir = os.listdir(problems_dir_name)
    # print("problems_in_cnf_dir:", problems_in_cnf_dir)
    problems_in_counts_dir = os.listdir(counts_dir_name)

    for problem_name in problems_to_load:
        if len(sat_problems) == dataset_size:
        # problem_file = problem_name[:-19] + '.cnf'
        problem_file = problem_name + '.cnf.gz.no_w.cnf'
        if problem_file not in problems_in_cnf_dir:
            if verbose:
                print('no corresponding cnf file for', problem_file,
                      "problem_name:", problem_name)
        count_file = problem_name + '.txt'
        if count_file not in problems_in_counts_dir:
            if verbose:
                print('no corresponding sat count file for', count_file,
                      "problem_name:", problem_name)

        with open(counts_dir_name + "/" + count_file, 'r') as f_solution_count:
            sharpSAT_solution_count = None
            dsharp_solution_count = None
            for line in f_solution_count:
                #Only use dsharp counts because dsharp and sharpSAT seem to disagree on some benchmarks
                #dsharp is consistent with randomized hashing methods while sharpSAT is not
                #this is with sampling sets removed, not sure what is going on with sharpSAT
                #                 if line.strip().split(" ")[0] == 'sharpSAT':
                #                     sharpSAT_solution_count = Decimal(line.strip().split(" ")[4])
                #                     if Decimal.is_nan(sharpSAT_solution_count):
                #                         sharpSAT_solution_count = None
                if line.strip().split(" ")[0] == 'dsharp':
                    dsharp_solution_count = Decimal(line.strip().split(" ")[4])
                    if Decimal.is_nan(dsharp_solution_count):
                        dsharp_solution_count = None

            if (dsharp_solution_count is not None) and (sharpSAT_solution_count
                                                        is not None):
                # assert(dsharp_solution_count == sharpSAT_solution_count), (dsharp_solution_count, sharpSAT_solution_count)
                if dsharp_solution_count != sharpSAT_solution_count:
                    dsharp_sharpsat_disagree += 1
            if dsharp_solution_count is not None:
                solution_count = dsharp_solution_count
            elif sharpSAT_solution_count is not None:
                solution_count = sharpSAT_solution_count
                solution_count = None

        # assert(solution_count is not None)
        if solution_count is None:
            unsolved_count += 1

        if solution_count == 0:
            no_solution_count += 1
        ln_solution_count = float(solution_count.ln())
        n_vars, clauses, load_successful = parse_dimacs(problems_dir_name +
                                                        "/" + problem_file)
        if not load_successful:
            load_failure_count += 1
        # print("factor_graph:", factor_graph)
        if discarded_count == begin_idx:
            # print('using problem:', problem_file)
            factor_graph = build_factorgraph_from_SATproblem(
            if factor_graph is None:  #largest clause contains too many variables
                factors_to_large_count += 1
            print("successfully loaded:", problem_name)
            discarded_count += 1
        assert (discarded_count <= begin_idx)
    assert (len(ln_solution_counts) == len(sat_problems))
    print(len(ln_solution_counts), "SAT problems loaded successfully")
    print(unsolved_count, "unsolved SAT problems")
    print(no_solution_count, "SAT problems with no solution (not loaded)")
    print(load_failure_count, "SAT problems failed to load properly")
          "SAT problems have more than 5 variables in a clause")
    if return_logZ_list:
        return sat_problems, ln_solution_counts
        return sat_problems
Пример #36
def format_picture(conv, value, picture):
    monetary = False
    decimal_point = conv['decimal_point']
    thousands_sep = conv[monetary and 'mon_thousands_sep' or 'thousands_sep']
    percent = '%'
    per_mille = '\u2030'
    minus_sign = '-'
    #grouping = conv[monetary and 'mon_grouping' or 'grouping']

    if isinstance(value, float):
        value = Decimal.from_float(value)
    elif isinstance(value, _STR_NUM_TYPES):
        value = Decimal(value)
    elif not isinstance(value, Decimal):
        raise ValueError(_('Picture requires a number convertable to decimal or float').format(picture))
    if value.is_nan():
        return 'NaN'
    isNegative = value.is_signed()
    pic, sep, negPic = picture.partition(';')
    if negPic and ';' in negPic:
        raise ValueError(_('Picture contains multiple picture sepearators {0}').format(picture))
    if isNegative and negPic:
        pic = negPic
    if len([c for c in pic if c in (percent, per_mille) ]) > 1:
        raise ValueError(_('Picture contains multiple percent or per_mille charcters {0}').format(picture))
    if percent in pic:
        value *= 100
    elif per_mille in pic:
        value *= 1000
    intPart, sep, fractPart = pic.partition(decimal_point)
    prefix = ''
    numPlaces = 0
    intPlaces = 0
    grouping = 0
    fractPlaces = 0
    suffix = ''
    if fractPart:
        if decimal_point in fractPart:
            raise ValueError(_('Sub-picture contains decimal point sepearators {0}').format(pic))
        for c in fractPart:
            if c.isdecimal():
                numPlaces += 1
                fractPlaces += 1
                if suffix:
                    raise ValueError(_('Sub-picture passive character {0} between active characters {1}').format(c, fractPart))
                suffix += c

    intPosition = 0                
    for c in reversed(intPart):
        if c.isdecimal() or c == '#' or c == thousands_sep:
            if prefix:
                raise ValueError(_('Sub-picture passive character {0} between active characters {1}').format(c, intPart))
        if c.isdecimal():
            numPlaces += 1
            intPlaces += 1
            intPosition += 1
            prefix = ''
        elif c == '#':
            numPlaces += 1
            intPosition += 1
        elif c == thousands_sep:
            if not grouping:
                grouping = intPosition
            prefix = c + prefix

    if not numPlaces and prefix != minus_sign:
            raise ValueError(_('Sub-picture must contain at least one digit position or sign character {0}').format(pic))
    if intPlaces == 0 and fractPlaces == 0:
        intPlaces = 1
    return format_decimal(value, intPlaces=intPlaces, fractPlaces=fractPlaces, 
                          sep=thousands_sep, dp=decimal_point, grouping=grouping,
                          neg=prefix if negPic else prefix + minus_sign,
Пример #37
class ComplexDecimal(object):
    def __init__(self, real, i="0.0"):
        if type(real) != Decimal: self.real = Decimal(real)
        else: self.real = real
        if type(i) != Decimal: self.imaginary = Decimal(i)
        else: self.imaginary = i

        self.e = constants.e
        self.pi = constants.pi

    #Basic mathamtical functions ----------------------------------------
    def conj(self):
        """Returns the conjugate for a number"""
        return ComplexDecimal(self.real, -self.imaginary)

    def re(self):
        """Returns real portion"""
        return self.real

    def im(self):
        """Returns imaginary portion"""
        return self.imaginary

    def floor(self):
        """Floors a number"""
        return ComplexDecimal(self.real.to_integral(),

    def ceil(self):
        """Ceilings a number"""
        return ComplexDecimal(math.ceil(self.real), math.ceil(self.imaginary))

    def round(self, prec=0):
        """Rounds a number to prec decimal places"""
        return ComplexDecimal(round(self.real, prec),
                              round(self.imaginary, prec))

    def exp(self):
        """Returns e^self"""
        if self.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(str(self.e**self.real))
        return ComplexDecimal(
            self.e**(self.real) * Decimal(self.cos_raw(self.imaginary)),
            self.e**(self.real) * Decimal(self.sin_raw(self.imaginary)))

    def isPrime_raw(self, x):
        if x <= 1: return False
        for i in range(2, int(math.floor(math.sqrt(x))) + 1):
            if x % i == 0: return False
        return True

    def isPrime(self):
        """Gets if self is prime"""
        if self.imaginary == 0:
            return self.isPrime_raw(self.real)
        if self.real == 0:
            return self.isPrime_raw(abs(self.imaginary))
        return self.isPrime_raw(self.real * self.real +
                                self.imaginary * self.imaginary)

    def phase(self):
        """Returns angle between x axis"""
        return Decimal(math.atan2(self.imaginary, self.real))

    def polar(self):  #Converts to polar
        return (Decimal(abs(self).real), self.phase())

    def toRect(self, r, phi):
        return ComplexDecimal(r) * ComplexDecimal(self.cos_raw(phi),

    #Trig --------------------------------------------
    #1/functions, log,

    def cos_raw(self, x, prec=Decimal("0.0000000000000000000001")):
        """Raw cosine function for real numbers only"""
        # p = Decimal("0")
        # s = t = Decimal("1.0")
        # while abs(t/s) > prec:
        #     p+=Decimal("1")
        #     t = (-t * x * x) / ((Decimal("2") * p - Decimal("1")) * (Decimal("2") * p))
        #     s += t
        # if round(s,50) in [1,0,-1]: #If it's close enough round to get perfect answers (No one likes 1E-70 as cos(pi))
        #     return Decimal(round(s,50))
        # return s
        return Decimal(math.cos(x))

    def sin_raw(self, x, prec=Decimal("0.00000000000000000000001")):
        #return self.cos_raw(x+self.pi/Decimal("2"))
        return Decimal(math.sin(x))

    def tan_raw(self, x, prec=Decimal("0.00000000000000000000001")):
        return self.sin_raw(x, prec) / self.cos_raw(x, prec)

    def atan_raw(self, x):  #Not relatively accurate
        returned = Decimal("0")
        for j in range(0, 50):
            i = Decimal(j)
            a = Decimal("-1")**i * x**(Decimal("2") * i + Decimal("1"))
            b = Decimal("2") * i + Decimal("1")
            returned += a / b
        return returned

    def cos(self):
        """Compute cos of self"""
        if self.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(self.cos_raw(self.real))
            returned = ComplexDecimal(
                self.cos_raw(self.real) *
                -self.sin_raw(self.real) *
            returned.imaginary = -returned.imaginary
            return returned
            return ComplexDecimal("inf")

    def sin(self):
        """Compute sin of self"""
        if self.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(self.sin_raw(self.real))
            returned = ComplexDecimal(
                self.sin_raw(self.real) *
                -self.cos_raw(self.real) *
            returned.imaginary = -returned.imaginary
            return returned
            return ComplexDecimal("inf")

    def tan(self):
        """Compute tangent of self"""
            return self.sin() / self.cos()
            return ComplexDecimal("inf")

    def acos(self):
        """Attempt to compute arcosine"""
        if self.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(math.acos(self))
        A = ComplexDecimal((
            (Decimal(1) + self.real)**Decimal(2) +
            self.imaginary**Decimal(2))**Decimal(0.5) - (
                (Decimal(1) - self.real)**Decimal(0.5) +
                self.imaginary**Decimal(2))**Decimal(0.5)) / ComplexDecimal(2)
        B = ComplexDecimal((
            (Decimal(1) + self.real)**Decimal(2) +
            self.imaginary**Decimal(2))**Decimal(0.5) + (
                (Decimal(1) - self.real)**Decimal(0.5) +
                self.imaginary**Decimal(2))**Decimal(0.5)) / ComplexDecimal(2)
        return ComplexDecimal(
            -(B + (B * B - ComplexDecimal(1))**ComplexDecimal(0.5)).ln())

    def asin(self):
        """Attempt to compute arcsine"""
        if self.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(math.asin(self))
        A = ComplexDecimal((
            (Decimal(1) + self.real)**Decimal(2) +
            self.imaginary**Decimal(2))**Decimal(0.5) - (
                (Decimal(1) - self.real)**Decimal(0.5) +
                self.imaginary**Decimal(2))**Decimal(0.5)) / ComplexDecimal(2)
        B = ComplexDecimal((
            (Decimal(1) + self.real)**Decimal(2) +
            self.imaginary**Decimal(2))**Decimal(0.5) + (
                (Decimal(1) - self.real)**Decimal(0.5) +
                self.imaginary**Decimal(2))**Decimal(0.5)) / ComplexDecimal(2)
        return ComplexDecimal(
            (B + (B * B - ComplexDecimal(1))**ComplexDecimal(0.5)).ln())

    def atan(self):
        """Attempt to compute arctangent"""
        result = (ComplexDecimal(0, 1) + self) / (ComplexDecimal(0, 1) - self)
        return ComplexDecimal(0, 0.5) * result.ln()

    def sinh(self):
        """Hyperbolic sine of self"""
        returned = (self.exp() - (-self).exp()) / ComplexDecimal("2")
        returned.imaginary = -returned.imaginary
        return returned

    def cosh(self):
        """Hyperbolic cosine of self"""
        returned = (self.exp() + (-self).exp()) / ComplexDecimal("2")
        returned.imaginary = -returned.imaginary
        return returned

    def tanh(self):
        """Hyperbolic tangent of self"""
        return self.sinh() / self.cosh()

    def acosh(self):
        """Arc hyperbolic cosine"""
        returned = self + (self * self - ComplexDecimal(1))**0.5
        return returned.ln()

    def asinh(self):
        """Arc hyperbolic sine"""
        returned = self + (self * self + ComplexDecimal(1))**0.5
        return returned.ln()

    def atanh(self):
        """Arc hyperbolic  tan"""
        a = (ComplexDecimal(1) + self).ln() - (ComplexDecimal(1) - self).ln()
        return ComplexDecimal(0.5) * a

    def ln_raw(self, x):
        returned = Decimal("0")
        for i in range(0, 25):
            a = Decimal("1") / (Decimal(i) * Decimal("2") + Decimal("1"))
            b = ((x - Decimal("1")) /
                 (x + Decimal("1")))**(Decimal(i) * Decimal("2") +
            returned += a * b
        return returned * 2

    def ln(self):
        """Natural logarithim of self"""
        if self.imaginary == 0:
                return ComplexDecimal(self.ln_raw(self.real))
        p = self.polar()
        return ComplexDecimal(self.ln_raw(p[0]), p[1])

    def log(self, x=None):
        """Compute log of number in base x"""
        if not x: x = self.e
        if self.imaginary == 0:
                return ComplexDecimal(math.log(self.real, x))
        p = self.polar()
        return ComplexDecimal(math.log(p[0], x), p[1])

    def log10(self):
        """Compute log base 10"""
        if self.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(math.log10(self.real))
        return self.ln() / ComplexDecimal("10").ln()

    #Replace builtins --------------------------------
    # power, comparasion,
    #To float, int, complex

    def __str__(self):
        """Converts to str"""
        if self.imaginary == 0:
            return str(self.real)
        elif self.real == 0:
            if self.imaginary == 1: return "i"
            if self.imaginary == -1: return "-i"
            return str(self.imaginary) + "i"
        return (str(self.real) + "+" + str(self.imaginary) + "i").replace(
            "+-", "-")

    def __abs__(self):
        """Absolute value"""
        return ComplexDecimal((self.real**2 + self.imaginary**2).sqrt())

    def __add__(self, other):
        """Add 2 numbers together"""
        return ComplexDecimal(self.real + other.real,
                              self.imaginary + other.imaginary)

    def __sub__(self, other):
        """Subtract 2 numbers"""
        return ComplexDecimal(self.real - other.real,
                              self.imaginary - other.imaginary)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        """Multiply 2 numbers"""
        if self.imaginary == 0 and other.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(self.real * other.real, "0")
        return ComplexDecimal(
            self.real * other.real - self.imaginary * other.imaginary,
            self.real * other.imaginary + self.imaginary * other.real)

    def __div__(self, other):
        """Divide 2 numbers"""
        if self.imaginary == 0 and other.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(self.real / other.real, "0")
        a = (self.real * other.real + self.imaginary * other.imaginary) / (
            other.real * other.real + other.imaginary * other.imaginary)
        b = (self.imaginary * other.real - self.real * other.imaginary) / (
            other.real * other.real + other.imaginary * other.imaginary)
        return ComplexDecimal(a, b)

    def __truediv__(self, other):
        """Divide 2 numbers"""
        if self.imaginary == 0 and other.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(self.real / other.real, "0")
        a = (self.real * other.real + self.imaginary * other.imaginary) / (
            other.real * other.real + other.imaginary * other.imaginary)
        b = (self.imaginary * other.real - self.real * other.imaginary) / (
            other.real * other.real + other.imaginary * other.imaginary)
        return ComplexDecimal(a, b)

    def __neg__(self):
        """Negates a number"""
        return ComplexDecimal(-self.real, -self.imaginary)

    def __pos__(self):
        """Positive number"""
        return ComplexDecimal(abs(self.real), abs(self.imaginary))

    def __inverse__(self):
        """1/ number"""
        return ComplexDecimal(1) / self

    def __mod__(self, other):  #a%b = a + b * ciel(-a/b)
        return self + other * ((-self / other).ceil())

    def __pow__(self, other):
        """Powers :D"""
        if self.imaginary == 0 and other.imaginary == 0:
            return ComplexDecimal(self.real**other.real)
        if other.imaginary == 0:
            polar = self.polar()
            return self.toRect(polar[0]**other.real, polar[1] * other.real)
        elif other.real == 0:
            a = ComplexDecimal(self.real)
            b = ComplexDecimal(self.imaginary)
            c = ComplexDecimal(other.real)
            d = ComplexDecimal(other.imaginary)
            x = (-d * (b / a).atan()).exp() * (
                (a * a + b * b).ln() * d / ComplexDecimal(2)).cos()
            y = ComplexDecimal(0, 1) * (-d * (b / a).atan()).exp() * (
                (a * a + b * b).ln() * d / ComplexDecimal(2)).sin()
            return x + y

        b = other.real
        c = other.imaginary
        returned = self**(ComplexDecimal(b)) * self**(ComplexDecimal(0, 1) *
        returned.imaginary = -returned.imaginary
        return returned

    #Additional conversions
    def __complex__(self):
        """Convert to complex"""
        return complex(float(self.real), float(self.imaginary))

    def __int__(self):
        """Convert to int"""
        return int(self.real)

    def __float__(self):
        """Convert to float"""
        return float(self.real)

    def __lt__(self, other):  #>
        if self.imaginary != 0 or other.imaginary != 0:
            raise errors.ComparasionError(
                "Complex comparasion is not supported")
        return self.real < other.real

    def __le__(self, other):  #>=
        if self.imaginary != 0 or other.imaginary != 0:
            raise errors.ComparasionError(
                "Complex comparasion is not supported")
        return self.real <= other.real

    def __eq__(self, other):  #==
        if self.real == other.real and self.imaginary == other.imaginary:
            return True
        return False

    def __ne__(self, other):  #!=
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def __gt__(self, other):  #<
        if self.imaginary != 0 or other.imaginary != 0:
            raise errors.ComparasionError(
                "Complex comparasion is not supported")
        return self.real > other.real

    def __ge__(self, other):  #<=
        if self.imaginary != 0 or other.imaginary != 0:
            raise errors.ComparasionError(
                "Complex comparasion is not supported")
        return self.real >= other.real

    #Some things reimplemented from decimal class for complex ComplexDecimals
    def copy_abs(self):
        return abs(self)

    def copy_negate(self):
        return -self

    def copy_sign(self, other):
        if other < 0:
            return -abs(self)
        return abs(self)

    def is_finite(self):
        return self.real.is_finite() and self.imaginary.is_finite()

    def is_infinite(self):
        return not self.is_finite()

    def is_nan(self):
        return self.real.is_nan() or self.imaginary.is_nan()

    def is_signed(self):
        return self < ComplexDecimal(0)

    def is_zero(self):
        return self.real.is_zero() and self.imaginary.is_zero()

    def radix(self):
        return Decimal(10)

    def sqrt(self):
        if self.imaginary.is_zero():
                return ComplexDecimal(self.real.sqrt())
                return ComplexDecimal(0, (-self.real).sqrt())
        return self**ComplexDecimal("0.5")

    def to_eng_string(self):
        returned = self.real.to_eng_string(
        ) + " + " + self.imaginary.to_eng_string + "i"
        return returned.replace(" + -", " - ")
Пример #38
def format_picture(conv, value, picture):
    monetary = False
    decimal_point = conv['decimal_point']
    thousands_sep = conv[monetary and 'mon_thousands_sep' or 'thousands_sep']
    percent = '%'
    per_mille = '\u2030'
    minus_sign = '-'
    #grouping = conv[monetary and 'mon_grouping' or 'grouping']

    if isinstance(value, float):
        value = Decimal.from_float(value)
    elif isinstance(value, _STR_NUM_TYPES):
        value = Decimal(value)
    elif not isinstance(value, Decimal):
        raise ValueError(
            _('Picture requires a number convertable to decimal or float').

    if value.is_nan():
        return 'NaN'

    isNegative = value.is_signed()

    pic, sep, negPic = picture.partition(';')
    if negPic and ';' in negPic:
        raise ValueError(
            _('Picture contains multiple picture sepearators {0}').format(
    if isNegative and negPic:
        pic = negPic

    if len([c for c in pic if c in (percent, per_mille)]) > 1:
        raise ValueError(
            _('Picture contains multiple percent or per_mille charcters {0}').
    if percent in pic:
        value *= 100
    elif per_mille in pic:
        value *= 1000

    intPart, sep, fractPart = pic.partition(decimal_point)
    prefix = ''
    numPlaces = 0
    intPlaces = 0
    grouping = 0
    fractPlaces = 0
    suffix = ''
    if fractPart:
        if decimal_point in fractPart:
            raise ValueError(
                _('Sub-picture contains decimal point sepearators {0}').format(

        for c in fractPart:
            if c.isdecimal():
                numPlaces += 1
                fractPlaces += 1
                if suffix:
                    raise ValueError(
                        _('Sub-picture passive character {0} between active characters {1}'
                          ).format(c, fractPart))
                suffix += c

    intPosition = 0
    for c in reversed(intPart):
        if c.isdecimal() or c == '#' or c == thousands_sep:
            if prefix:
                raise ValueError(
                    _('Sub-picture passive character {0} between active characters {1}'
                      ).format(c, intPart))
        if c.isdecimal():
            numPlaces += 1
            intPlaces += 1
            intPosition += 1
            prefix = ''
        elif c == '#':
            numPlaces += 1
            intPosition += 1
        elif c == thousands_sep:
            if not grouping:
                grouping = intPosition
            prefix = c + prefix

    if not numPlaces and prefix != minus_sign:
        raise ValueError(
            _('Sub-picture must contain at least one digit position or sign character {0}'
    if intPlaces == 0 and fractPlaces == 0:
        intPlaces = 1

    return format_decimal(None,
                          neg=prefix if negPic else prefix + minus_sign,
Пример #39
    def __init__(
        amount: Optional[Union["Money", Decimal, int, float, str,
                               object]] = None,
        currency: Optional[Union[Type[DefaultCurrency], Currency,
                                 str]] = DefaultCurrency,
        is_cents: Optional[bool] = None,
        units: Optional[int] = None,
        nanos: Optional[int] = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> None:
        validate_amounts = []

        if units is not None or nanos is not None:
                units = units or 0
                nanos = nanos or 0
                if (units > 0 and nanos < 0) or (units < 0 and nanos > 0):
                    raise ValueError
                units_str = str(units).lstrip("-")
                nanos_str = str(nanos).lstrip("-").rjust(NANOS_LENGTH, "0")
                if len(units_str) > UNITS_MAX_LENGTH:
                    raise ValueError
                if len(nanos_str) != NANOS_LENGTH:
                    raise ValueError
                sign = "-" if nanos < 0 or units < 0 else ""
                new_amount = Decimal(f"{sign}{units_str}.{nanos_str}")
                if amount is None:
                    amount = new_amount
            except Exception:
                raise ConversionError("Invalid values for units and nanos")

        if amount is None:
            raise ConversionError("Missing input values for monetary amount")

        if (isinstance(amount, Money) and currency is DefaultCurrency
                and is_cents is None and units is None and nanos is None):
            object.__setattr__(self, "_amount", amount._amount)
            object.__setattr__(self, "_currency", amount._currency)

        if (currency is not DefaultCurrency and not isinstance(currency, str)
                and not isinstance(currency, Currency)
                and currency is not None):
            raise ConversionError("Invalid currency value")

        output_amount = None
        output_currency: Optional[Union[Currency, str]] = None
        if currency is not DefaultCurrency:
            if isinstance(currency, Currency):
                output_currency = currency
                output_currency = str(currency or "").strip().upper() or None

        if Money._is_unknown_amount_type(amount):
                match_amount = getattr(amount, "amount")
                match_amount = (match_amount(
                )) if match_amount and callable(match_amount) else match_amount
                if match_amount is None or Money._is_unknown_amount_type(
                    raise AttributeError

                match_currency = None
                    match_currency = getattr(amount, "currency")
                    match_currency = ((match_currency()) if match_currency
                                      and callable(match_currency) else
                    if not match_currency:
                        raise AttributeError
                except AttributeError:
                    matches = re.match(r"^(?:[-+]?[0-9.]+)[ ]+([a-zA-Z]+)$",
                    if not matches:
                        matches = re.match(
                            r"^([a-zA-Z]+)[ ]+(?:[-+]?[0-9.]+)$", str(amount))
                    if matches:
                        match_currency = matches.group(1)

                if match_currency is not None:
                    match_currency = str(match_currency).strip().upper()
                    if output_currency is not None and match_currency != output_currency:
                        raise ConversionError(
                            "Mismatching currency in input value and currency argument"
                    output_currency = output_currency if isinstance(
                        output_currency, Currency) else match_currency

                amount = match_amount
            except AttributeError:
                amount = str(amount)

        if amount is not None and isinstance(
                amount, int) and not isinstance(amount, bool):
            output_amount = Decimal(amount)
        elif amount is not None and isinstance(amount, float):
            output_amount = Decimal(str(amount))
        elif amount is not None and isinstance(amount, str) and amount.strip():
            amount = amount.strip()
            match_currency = None

            matches = re.match(
                r"^(?P<amount>[-+]?[0-9.]+)[ ]+(?P<currency>[a-zA-Z]+)$",
            if not matches:
                matches = re.match(
                    r"^(?P<currency>[a-zA-Z]+)[ ]+(?P<amount>[-+]?[0-9.]+)$",
            if matches:
                amount = matches.group("amount").strip()
                match_currency = matches.group("currency").strip().upper()

            if match_currency is not None:
                if output_currency is not None and match_currency != output_currency:
                    raise ConversionError(
                        "Mismatching currency in input value and currency argument"
                output_currency = output_currency if isinstance(
                    output_currency, Currency) else match_currency

                output_amount = Decimal(amount)
            except Exception:
                raise ConversionError(
                    "Value cannot be used as monetary amount")
        elif amount is not None and isinstance(amount, Money):
            if amount.currency and not output_currency and currency is not DefaultCurrency:
                output_currency = amount.currency

            output_amount = amount._amount
        elif amount is not None and isinstance(amount, Decimal):
            output_amount = amount

        if output_amount is None:
            raise ConversionError("Missing input values for monetary amount")

        if output_amount.is_infinite():
            raise ConversionError("Monetary amounts cannot be infinite")

        if output_amount.is_nan():
            raise ConversionError("Input amount is not a number")

        if is_cents:
            output_amount = output_amount / 100

        if output_amount > Decimal(HIGHEST_SUPPORTED_AMOUNT):
            raise ConversionError(
                f"Input amount is too high, max value is {HIGHEST_SUPPORTED_AMOUNT}"

        if output_amount < Decimal(LOWEST_SUPPORTED_AMOUNT):
            raise ConversionError(
                f"Input amount is too low, min value is {LOWEST_SUPPORTED_AMOUNT}"

        if output_currency and not re.match(r"^[A-Z]+$", str(output_currency)):
            raise ConversionError("Invalid currency")

        if output_amount == 0 and output_amount.is_signed():
            output_amount = Decimal(0)

        if any([output_amount != a for a in validate_amounts]):
            raise ConversionError("Input arguments does not match")

        object.__setattr__(self, "_amount", output_amount)
        object.__setattr__(self, "_currency", output_currency)
Пример #40
class PerpetualMarketMakingStrategy(StrategyPyBase):
    OPTION_LOG_ALL = 0x7fffffffffffffff
    _logger = None

    def logger(cls):
        if cls._logger is None:
            cls._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        return cls._logger

    def init_params(
        market_info: MarketTradingPairTuple,
        leverage: int,
        position_mode: str,
        bid_spread: Decimal,
        ask_spread: Decimal,
        order_amount: Decimal,
        long_profit_taking_spread: Decimal,
        short_profit_taking_spread: Decimal,
        stop_loss_spread: Decimal,
        time_between_stop_loss_orders: float,
        stop_loss_slippage_buffer: Decimal,
        order_levels: int = 1,
        order_level_spread: Decimal = s_decimal_zero,
        order_level_amount: Decimal = s_decimal_zero,
        order_refresh_time: float = 30.0,
        order_refresh_tolerance_pct: Decimal = s_decimal_neg_one,
        filled_order_delay: float = 60.0,
        order_optimization_enabled: bool = False,
        ask_order_optimization_depth: Decimal = s_decimal_zero,
        bid_order_optimization_depth: Decimal = s_decimal_zero,
        asset_price_delegate: AssetPriceDelegate = None,
        price_type: str = "mid_price",
        price_ceiling: Decimal = s_decimal_neg_one,
        price_floor: Decimal = s_decimal_neg_one,
        logging_options: int = OPTION_LOG_ALL,
        status_report_interval: float = 900,
        minimum_spread: Decimal = Decimal(0),
        hb_app_notification: bool = False,
        order_override: Dict[str, List[str]] = {},

        if price_ceiling != s_decimal_neg_one and price_ceiling < price_floor:
            raise ValueError(
                "Parameter price_ceiling cannot be lower than price_floor.")

        self._sb_order_tracker = PerpetualMarketMakingOrderTracker()
        self._market_info = market_info
        self._leverage = leverage
        self._position_mode = PositionMode.HEDGE if position_mode == "Hedge" else PositionMode.ONEWAY
        self._bid_spread = bid_spread
        self._ask_spread = ask_spread
        self._minimum_spread = minimum_spread
        self._order_amount = order_amount
        self._long_profit_taking_spread = long_profit_taking_spread
        self._short_profit_taking_spread = short_profit_taking_spread
        self._stop_loss_spread = stop_loss_spread
        self._order_levels = order_levels
        self._buy_levels = order_levels
        self._sell_levels = order_levels
        self._order_level_spread = order_level_spread
        self._order_level_amount = order_level_amount
        self._order_refresh_time = order_refresh_time
        self._order_refresh_tolerance_pct = order_refresh_tolerance_pct
        self._filled_order_delay = filled_order_delay
        self._order_optimization_enabled = order_optimization_enabled
        self._ask_order_optimization_depth = ask_order_optimization_depth
        self._bid_order_optimization_depth = bid_order_optimization_depth
        self._asset_price_delegate = asset_price_delegate
        self._price_type = self.get_price_type(price_type)
        self._price_ceiling = price_ceiling
        self._price_floor = price_floor
        self._hb_app_notification = hb_app_notification
        self._order_override = order_override

        self._cancel_timestamp = 0
        self._create_timestamp = 0
        self._all_markets_ready = False
        self._logging_options = logging_options
        self._last_timestamp = 0
        self._status_report_interval = status_report_interval
        self._last_own_trade_price = Decimal('nan')
        self._ts_peak_bid_price = Decimal('0')
        self._ts_peak_ask_price = Decimal('0')
        self._exit_orders = dict()
        self._next_buy_exit_order_timestamp = 0
        self._next_sell_exit_order_timestamp = 0


        self._close_order_type = OrderType.LIMIT
        self._time_between_stop_loss_orders = time_between_stop_loss_orders
        self._stop_loss_slippage_buffer = stop_loss_slippage_buffer

    def all_markets_ready(self):
        return all([market.ready for market in self.active_markets])

    def order_refresh_tolerance_pct(self) -> Decimal:
        return self._order_refresh_tolerance_pct

    def order_refresh_tolerance_pct(self, value: Decimal):
        self._order_refresh_tolerance_pct = value

    def order_amount(self) -> Decimal:
        return self._order_amount

    def order_amount(self, value: Decimal):
        self._order_amount = value

    def order_levels(self) -> int:
        return self._order_levels

    def order_levels(self, value: int):
        self._order_levels = value
        self._buy_levels = value
        self._sell_levels = value

    def buy_levels(self) -> int:
        return self._buy_levels

    def buy_levels(self, value: int):
        self._buy_levels = value

    def sell_levels(self) -> int:
        return self._sell_levels

    def sell_levels(self, value: int):
        self._sell_levels = value

    def order_level_amount(self) -> Decimal:
        return self._order_level_amount

    def order_level_amount(self, value: Decimal):
        self._order_level_amount = value

    def order_level_spread(self) -> Decimal:
        return self._order_level_spread

    def order_level_spread(self, value: Decimal):
        self._order_level_spread = value

    def bid_spread(self) -> Decimal:
        return self._bid_spread

    def bid_spread(self, value: Decimal):
        self._bid_spread = value

    def ask_spread(self) -> Decimal:
        return self._ask_spread

    def ask_spread(self, value: Decimal):
        self._ask_spread = value

    def order_optimization_enabled(self) -> bool:
        return self._order_optimization_enabled

    def order_optimization_enabled(self, value: bool):
        self._order_optimization_enabled = value

    def order_refresh_time(self) -> float:
        return self._order_refresh_time

    def order_refresh_time(self, value: float):
        self._order_refresh_time = value

    def filled_order_delay(self) -> float:
        return self._filled_order_delay

    def filled_order_delay(self, value: float):
        self._filled_order_delay = value

    def price_ceiling(self) -> Decimal:
        return self._price_ceiling

    def price_ceiling(self, value: Decimal):
        self._price_ceiling = value

    def price_floor(self) -> Decimal:
        return self._price_floor

    def price_floor(self, value: Decimal):
        self._price_floor = value

    def base_asset(self):
        return self._market_info.base_asset

    def quote_asset(self):
        return self._market_info.quote_asset

    def trading_pair(self):
        return self._market_info.trading_pair

    def get_price(self) -> float:
        if self._asset_price_delegate is not None:
            price_provider = self._asset_price_delegate
            price_provider = self._market_info
        if self._price_type is PriceType.LastOwnTrade:
            price = self._last_own_trade_price
            price = price_provider.get_price_by_type(self._price_type)
        if price.is_nan():
            price = price_provider.get_price_by_type(PriceType.MidPrice)
        return price

    def get_last_price(self) -> float:
        return self._market_info.get_last_price()

    def get_mid_price(self) -> Decimal:
        delegate: AssetPriceDelegate = self._asset_price_delegate
        if delegate is not None:
            mid_price = delegate.get_mid_price()
            mid_price = self._market_info.get_mid_price()
        return mid_price

    def active_orders(self) -> List[LimitOrder]:
        if self._market_info not in self._sb_order_tracker.market_pair_to_active_orders:
            return []
        return self._sb_order_tracker.market_pair_to_active_orders[

    def active_positions(self) -> Dict[str, Position]:
        return self._market_info.market.account_positions

    def active_buys(self) -> List[LimitOrder]:
        return [o for o in self.active_orders if o.is_buy]

    def active_sells(self) -> List[LimitOrder]:
        return [o for o in self.active_orders if not o.is_buy]

    def logging_options(self) -> int:
        return self._logging_options

    def logging_options(self, logging_options: int):
        self._logging_options = logging_options

    def asset_price_delegate(self) -> AssetPriceDelegate:
        return self._asset_price_delegate

    def asset_price_delegate(self, value):
        self._asset_price_delegate = value

    def perpetual_mm_assets_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        market, trading_pair, base_asset, quote_asset = self._market_info
        quote_balance = float(market.get_balance(quote_asset))
        available_quote_balance = float(
        data = [["", quote_asset], ["Total Balance",
                                    round(quote_balance, 4)],
                ["Available Balance",
                 round(available_quote_balance, 4)]]
        df = pd.DataFrame(data=data)
        return df

    def active_orders_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        price = self.get_price()
        active_orders = self.active_orders
        no_sells = len([o for o in active_orders if not o.is_buy])
        active_orders.sort(key=lambda x: x.price, reverse=True)
        columns = [
            "Level", "Type", "Price", "Spread", "Amount (Orig)",
            "Amount (Adj)", "Age"
        data = []
        lvl_buy, lvl_sell = 0, 0
        for idx in range(0, len(active_orders)):
            order = active_orders[idx]
            level = None
            if order.is_buy:
                level = lvl_buy + 1
                lvl_buy += 1
                level = no_sells - lvl_sell
                lvl_sell += 1
            spread = 0 if price == 0 else abs(order.price - price) / price
            age = "n/a"
            # // indicates order is a paper order so 'n/a'. For real orders, calculate age.
            if "//" not in order.client_order_id:
                age = pd.Timestamp(int(time.time()) -
                                   int(order.client_order_id[-16:]) / 1e6,
            amount_orig = "" if level is None else self._order_amount + (
                (level - 1) * self._order_level_amount)
                level, "buy" if order.is_buy else "sell",
                float(order.price), f"{spread:.2%}", amount_orig,
                float(order.quantity), age

        return pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=columns)

    def active_positions_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        columns = [
            "Symbol", "Type", "Entry Price", "Amount", "Leverage",
            "Unrealized PnL"
        data = []
        market, trading_pair = self._market_info.market, self._market_info.trading_pair
        for idx in self.active_positions.values():
            is_buy = True if idx.amount > 0 else False
            unrealized_profit = (
                (market.get_price(trading_pair, is_buy) - idx.entry_price) *
                idx.trading_pair, idx.position_side.name, idx.entry_price,
                idx.amount, idx.leverage, unrealized_profit

        return pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=columns)

    def market_status_data_frame(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        markets_data = []
        markets_columns = [
            "Exchange", "Market", "Best Bid", "Best Ask",
            f"Ref Price ({self._price_type.name})"
        if self._price_type is PriceType.LastOwnTrade and self._last_own_trade_price.is_nan(
            markets_columns[-1] = "Ref Price (MidPrice)"
        market_books = [(self._market_info.market,
        if type(self._asset_price_delegate) is OrderBookAssetPriceDelegate:
        for market, trading_pair in market_books:
            bid_price = market.get_price(trading_pair, False)
            ask_price = market.get_price(trading_pair, True)
            ref_price = float("nan")
            if market == self._market_info.market and self._asset_price_delegate is None:
                ref_price = self.get_price()
            elif market == self._asset_price_delegate.market and self._price_type is not PriceType.LastOwnTrade:
                ref_price = self._asset_price_delegate.get_price_by_type(
                market.display_name, trading_pair,
        return pd.DataFrame(data=markets_data,

    def format_status(self) -> str:
        if not self._all_markets_ready:
            return "Market connectors are not ready."
        lines = []
        warning_lines = []

        markets_df = self.market_status_data_frame()
        lines.extend(["", "  Markets:"] + [
            "    " + line
            for line in markets_df.to_string(index=False).split("\n")

        assets_df = map_df_to_str(self.perpetual_mm_assets_df())

        first_col_length = max(*assets_df[0].apply(len))
        df_lines = assets_df.to_string(index=False,
                                           0: ("{:<" + str(first_col_length) +
        lines.extend(["", "  Assets:"] + ["    " + line for line in df_lines])

        # See if there're any open orders.
        if len(self.active_orders) > 0:
            df = self.active_orders_df()
            lines.extend(["", "  Orders:"] + [
                "    " + line for line in df.to_string(index=False).split("\n")
            lines.extend(["", "  No active maker orders."])

        # See if there're any active positions.
        if len(self.active_positions) > 0:
            df = self.active_positions_df()
            lines.extend(["", "  Positions:"] + [
                "    " + line for line in df.to_string(index=False).split("\n")
            lines.extend(["", "  No active positions."])

        if len(warning_lines) > 0:
            lines.extend(["", "*** WARNINGS ***"] + warning_lines)

        return "\n".join(lines)

    def start(self, clock: Clock, timestamp: float):
        super().start(clock, timestamp)
        self._last_timestamp = timestamp
        self.apply_initial_settings(self.trading_pair, self._position_mode,

    def apply_initial_settings(self, trading_pair: str, position: Position,
                               leverage: int):
        market: ExchangeBase = self._market_info.market
        market.set_leverage(trading_pair, leverage)

    def tick(self, timestamp: float):
        market: ExchangeBase = self._market_info.market
        session_positions = [
            s for s in self.active_positions.values()
            if s.trading_pair == self.trading_pair
        current_tick = timestamp // self._status_report_interval
        last_tick = self._last_timestamp // self._status_report_interval
        should_report_warnings = ((current_tick > last_tick)
                                  and (self._logging_options
                                       & self.OPTION_LOG_STATUS_REPORT))
            if not self._all_markets_ready:
                self._all_markets_ready = all(
                    [market.ready for market in self.active_markets])
                if self._asset_price_delegate is not None and self._all_markets_ready:
                    self._all_markets_ready = self._asset_price_delegate.ready
                if not self._all_markets_ready:
                    # M({self.trading_pair}) Maker sell order {order_id}arkets not ready yet. Don't do anything.
                    if should_report_warnings:
                            "Markets are not ready. No market making trades are permitted."

            if should_report_warnings:
                if not all([
                        market.network_status is NetworkStatus.CONNECTED
                        for market in self.active_markets
                        "WARNING: Some markets are not connected or are down at the moment. Market "
                        "making may be dangerous when markets or networks are unstable."

            if len(session_positions) == 0:
                self._exit_orders = dict(
                )  # Empty list of exit order at this point to reduce size
                proposal = None
                if self._create_timestamp <= self.current_timestamp:
                    # 1. Create base order proposals
                    proposal = self.create_base_proposal()
                    # 2. Apply functions that limit numbers of buys and sells proposal
                    # 3. Apply functions that modify orders price
                    # 4. Apply budget constraint, i.e. can't buy/sell more than what you have.


                if self.to_create_orders(proposal):
                    self.execute_orders_proposal(proposal, PositionAction.OPEN)
                # Reset peak ask and bid prices
                self._ts_peak_ask_price = market.get_price(
                    self.trading_pair, False)
                self._ts_peak_bid_price = market.get_price(
                    self.trading_pair, True)
            self._last_timestamp = timestamp

    def manage_positions(self, session_positions: List[Position]):
        mode = self._position_mode

        proposals = self.profit_taking_proposal(mode, session_positions)
        if proposals is not None:
            self.execute_orders_proposal(proposals, PositionAction.CLOSE)

        # check if stop loss needs to be placed
        proposals = self.stop_loss_proposal(mode, session_positions)
        if proposals is not None:
            self.execute_orders_proposal(proposals, PositionAction.CLOSE)

    def profit_taking_proposal(self, mode: PositionMode,
                               active_positions: List) -> Proposal:

        market: ExchangeBase = self._market_info.market
        unwanted_exit_orders = [
            o for o in self.active_orders
            if o.client_order_id not in self._exit_orders.keys()
        ask_price = market.get_price(self.trading_pair, True)
        bid_price = market.get_price(self.trading_pair, False)
        buys = []
        sells = []

        if mode == PositionMode.ONEWAY:
            # in one-way mode, only one active position is expected per time
            if len(active_positions) > 1:
                    f"More than one open position in {mode.name} position mode. "
                    "Kindly ensure you do not interact with the exchange through "
                    "other platforms and restart this strategy.")
                # Cancel open order that could potentially close position before reaching take_profit_limit
                for order in unwanted_exit_orders:
                    if ((active_positions[0].amount < 0 and order.is_buy) or
                        (active_positions[0].amount > 0 and not order.is_buy)):
                            f"Initiated cancellation of {'buy' if order.is_buy else 'sell'} order "
                            f"{order.client_order_id} in favour of take profit order."

        for position in active_positions:
            if (ask_price > position.entry_price and position.amount > 0) or (
                    bid_price < position.entry_price and position.amount < 0):
                # check if there is an active order to take profit, and create if none exists
                profit_spread = self._long_profit_taking_spread if position.amount > 0 else self._short_profit_taking_spread
                take_profit_price = position.entry_price * (Decimal("1") + profit_spread) if position.amount > 0 \
                    else position.entry_price * (Decimal("1") - profit_spread)
                price = market.quantize_order_price(self.trading_pair,
                size = market.quantize_order_amount(self.trading_pair,
                old_exit_orders = [
                    o for o in self.active_orders
                    if ((o.price != price or o.quantity != size)
                        and o.client_order_id in self._exit_orders.keys() and (
                            (position.amount < 0 and o.is_buy) or
                            (position.amount > 0 and not o.is_buy)))
                for old_order in old_exit_orders:
                        f"Initiated cancellation of previous take profit order {old_order.client_order_id} in favour of new take profit order."
                exit_order_exists = [
                    o for o in self.active_orders if o.price == price
                if len(exit_order_exists) == 0:
                    if size > 0 and price > 0:
                        if position.amount < 0:
                            buys.append(PriceSize(price, size))
                            sells.append(PriceSize(price, size))
        return Proposal(buys, sells)

    def _should_renew_stop_loss(self, stop_loss_order: LimitOrder) -> bool:
        stop_loss_creation_timestamp = self._exit_orders.get(
        time_since_stop_loss = self.current_timestamp - stop_loss_creation_timestamp
        return time_since_stop_loss >= self._time_between_stop_loss_orders

    def stop_loss_proposal(self, mode: PositionMode,
                           active_positions: List[Position]) -> Proposal:
        market: ExchangeBase = self._market_info.market
        top_ask = market.get_price(self.trading_pair, False)
        top_bid = market.get_price(self.trading_pair, True)
        buys = []
        sells = []

        for position in active_positions:
            # check if stop loss order needs to be placed
            stop_loss_price = position.entry_price * (Decimal("1") + self._stop_loss_spread) if position.amount < 0 \
                else position.entry_price * (Decimal("1") - self._stop_loss_spread)
            existent_stop_loss_orders = [
                order for order in self.active_orders
                if order.client_order_id in self._exit_orders.keys() and (
                    (position.amount > 0 and not order.is_buy) or
                    (position.amount < 0 and order.is_buy))
            if (not existent_stop_loss_orders or
                previous_stop_loss_price = None
                for order in existent_stop_loss_orders:
                    previous_stop_loss_price = order.price
                    self.cancel_order(self._market_info, order.client_order_id)
                new_price = previous_stop_loss_price or stop_loss_price
                if (top_ask <= stop_loss_price and position.amount > 0):
                    price = market.quantize_order_price(
                        new_price *
                        (Decimal(1) - self._stop_loss_slippage_buffer))
                    take_profit_orders = [
                        o for o in self.active_orders
                        if (not o.is_buy and o.price > price
                            and o.client_order_id in self._exit_orders.keys())
                    # cancel take profit orders if they exist
                    for old_order in take_profit_orders:
                    size = market.quantize_order_amount(
                        self.trading_pair, abs(position.amount))
                    if size > 0 and price > 0:
                            "Creating stop loss sell order to close long position."
                        sells.append(PriceSize(price, size))
                elif (top_bid >= stop_loss_price and position.amount < 0):
                    price = market.quantize_order_price(
                        new_price *
                        (Decimal(1) + self._stop_loss_slippage_buffer))
                    take_profit_orders = [
                        o for o in self.active_orders
                        if (o.is_buy and o.price < price
                            and o.client_order_id in self._exit_orders.keys())
                    # cancel take profit orders if they exist
                    for old_order in take_profit_orders:
                    size = market.quantize_order_amount(
                        self.trading_pair, abs(position.amount))
                    if size > 0 and price > 0:
                            "Creating stop loss buy order to close short position."
                        buys.append(PriceSize(price, size))
        return Proposal(buys, sells)

    def create_base_proposal(self):
        market: ExchangeBase = self._market_info.market
        buys = []
        sells = []

        # First to check if a customized order override is configured, otherwise the proposal will be created according
        # to order spread, amount, and levels setting.
        order_override = self._order_override
        if order_override is not None and len(order_override) > 0:
            for key, value in order_override.items():
                if str(value[0]) in ["buy", "sell"]:
                    if str(value[0]) == "buy":
                        price = self.get_price() * (
                            Decimal("1") -
                            Decimal(str(value[1])) / Decimal("100"))
                        price = market.quantize_order_price(
                            self.trading_pair, price)
                        size = Decimal(str(value[2]))
                        size = market.quantize_order_amount(
                            self.trading_pair, size)
                        if size > 0 and price > 0:
                            buys.append(PriceSize(price, size))
                    elif str(value[0]) == "sell":
                        price = self.get_price() * (
                            Decimal("1") +
                            Decimal(str(value[1])) / Decimal("100"))
                        price = market.quantize_order_price(
                            self.trading_pair, price)
                        size = Decimal(str(value[2]))
                        size = market.quantize_order_amount(
                            self.trading_pair, size)
                        if size > 0 and price > 0:
                            sells.append(PriceSize(price, size))
            for level in range(0, self._buy_levels):
                price = self.get_price() * (Decimal("1") - self._bid_spread -
                                            (level * self._order_level_spread))
                price = market.quantize_order_price(self.trading_pair, price)
                size = self._order_amount + (self._order_level_amount * level)
                size = market.quantize_order_amount(self.trading_pair, size)
                if size > 0:
                    buys.append(PriceSize(price, size))
            for level in range(0, self._sell_levels):
                price = self.get_price() * (Decimal("1") + self._ask_spread +
                                            (level * self._order_level_spread))
                price = market.quantize_order_price(self.trading_pair, price)
                size = self._order_amount + (self._order_level_amount * level)
                size = market.quantize_order_amount(self.trading_pair, size)
                if size > 0:
                    sells.append(PriceSize(price, size))

        return Proposal(buys, sells)

    def apply_order_levels_modifiers(self, proposal: Proposal):

    def apply_price_band(self, proposal: Proposal):
        if self._price_ceiling > 0 and self.get_price() >= self._price_ceiling:
            proposal.buys = []
        if self._price_floor > 0 and self.get_price() <= self._price_floor:
            proposal.sells = []

    def apply_order_price_modifiers(self, proposal: Proposal):
        if self._order_optimization_enabled:

    def apply_budget_constraint(self, proposal: Proposal):
        checker = self._market_info.market.budget_checker

        order_candidates = self.create_order_candidates_for_budget_check(
        adjusted_candidates = checker.adjust_candidates(order_candidates,
            adjusted_candidates, proposal)

    def create_order_candidates_for_budget_check(self, proposal: Proposal):
        order_candidates = []

        is_maker = True
            ) for buy in proposal.buys
            ) for sell in proposal.sells
        return order_candidates

    def apply_adjusted_order_candidates_to_proposal(
            self, adjusted_candidates: List[PerpetualOrderCandidate],
            proposal: Proposal):
        for order in chain(proposal.buys, proposal.sells):
            adjusted_candidate = adjusted_candidates.pop(0)
            if adjusted_candidate.amount == s_decimal_zero:
                    f"Insufficient balance: {adjusted_candidate.order_side.name} order (price: {order.price},"
                    f" size: {order.size}) is omitted.")
                    "You are also at a possible risk of being liquidated if there happens to be an open loss."
                order.size = s_decimal_zero
        proposal.buys = [o for o in proposal.buys if o.size > 0]
        proposal.sells = [o for o in proposal.sells if o.size > 0]

    def filter_out_takers(self, proposal: Proposal):
        market: ExchangeBase = self._market_info.market
        top_ask = market.get_price(self.trading_pair, True)
        if not top_ask.is_nan():
            proposal.buys = [
                buy for buy in proposal.buys if buy.price < top_ask
        top_bid = market.get_price(self.trading_pair, False)
        if not top_bid.is_nan():
            proposal.sells = [
                sell for sell in proposal.sells if sell.price > top_bid

    # Compare the market price with the top bid and top ask price
    def apply_order_optimization(self, proposal: Proposal):
        market: ExchangeBase = self._market_info.market
        own_buy_size = s_decimal_zero
        own_sell_size = s_decimal_zero

        # If there are multiple orders, do not jump prices
        if self._order_levels > 1:

        for order in self.active_orders:
            if order.is_buy:
                own_buy_size = order.quantity
                own_sell_size = order.quantity

        if len(proposal.buys) == 1:
            # Get the top bid price in the market using order_optimization_depth and your buy order volume
            top_bid_price = self._market_info.get_price_for_volume(
                self._bid_order_optimization_depth + own_buy_size).result_price
            price_quantum = market.get_order_price_quantum(
                self.trading_pair, top_bid_price)
            # Get the price above the top bid
            price_above_bid = (ceil(top_bid_price / price_quantum) +
                               1) * price_quantum

            # If the price_above_bid is lower than the price suggested by the pricing proposal,
            # lower your price to this
            lower_buy_price = min(proposal.buys[0].price, price_above_bid)
            proposal.buys[0].price = market.quantize_order_price(
                self.trading_pair, lower_buy_price)

        if len(proposal.sells) == 1:
            # Get the top ask price in the market using order_optimization_depth and your sell order volume
            top_ask_price = self._market_info.get_price_for_volume(
                True, self._ask_order_optimization_depth +
            price_quantum = market.get_order_price_quantum(
                self.trading_pair, top_ask_price)
            # Get the price below the top ask
            price_below_ask = (floor(top_ask_price / price_quantum) -
                               1) * price_quantum

            # If the price_below_ask is higher than the price suggested by the pricing proposal,
            # increase your price to this
            higher_sell_price = max(proposal.sells[0].price, price_below_ask)
            proposal.sells[0].price = market.quantize_order_price(
                self.trading_pair, higher_sell_price)

    def did_fill_order(self, order_filled_event: OrderFilledEvent):
        order_id = order_filled_event.order_id
        market_info = self._sb_order_tracker.get_shadow_market_pair_from_order_id(

        if market_info is not None:
            if self._logging_options & self.OPTION_LOG_MAKER_ORDER_FILLED:
                    logging.INFO, f"({market_info.trading_pair}) Maker "
                    f"{'buy' if order_filled_event.trade_type is TradeType.BUY else 'sell'} order of "
                    f"{order_filled_event.amount} {market_info.base_asset} filled."

    def did_complete_buy_order(self,
                               order_completed_event: BuyOrderCompletedEvent):
        order_id = order_completed_event.order_id
        limit_order_record = self._sb_order_tracker.get_limit_order(
            self._market_info, order_id)
        if limit_order_record is None:

        # delay order creation by filled_order_delay (in seconds)
        self._create_timestamp = self.current_timestamp + self._filled_order_delay
        self._cancel_timestamp = min(self._cancel_timestamp,

        self._last_own_trade_price = limit_order_record.price

            logging.INFO, f"({self.trading_pair}) Maker buy order {order_id} "
            f"({limit_order_record.quantity} {limit_order_record.base_currency} @ "
            f"{limit_order_record.price} {limit_order_record.quote_currency}) has been completely filled."
            f"Maker BUY order {limit_order_record.quantity} {limit_order_record.base_currency} @ "
            f"{limit_order_record.price} {limit_order_record.quote_currency} is filled."

    def did_complete_sell_order(
            self, order_completed_event: SellOrderCompletedEvent):
        order_id = order_completed_event.order_id
        limit_order_record: LimitOrder = self._sb_order_tracker.get_limit_order(
            self._market_info, order_id)
        if limit_order_record is None:

        # delay order creation by filled_order_delay (in seconds)
        self._create_timestamp = self.current_timestamp + self._filled_order_delay
        self._cancel_timestamp = min(self._cancel_timestamp,

        self._last_own_trade_price = limit_order_record.price

            logging.INFO, f"({self.trading_pair}) Maker sell order {order_id} "
            f"({limit_order_record.quantity} {limit_order_record.base_currency} @ "
            f"{limit_order_record.price} {limit_order_record.quote_currency}) has been completely filled."
            f"Maker SELL order {limit_order_record.quantity} {limit_order_record.base_currency} @ "
            f"{limit_order_record.price} {limit_order_record.quote_currency} is filled."

    def is_within_tolerance(self, current_prices: List[Decimal],
                            proposal_prices: List[Decimal]) -> bool:
        if len(current_prices) != len(proposal_prices):
            return False
        current_prices = sorted(current_prices)
        proposal_prices = sorted(proposal_prices)
        for current, proposal in zip(current_prices, proposal_prices):
            # if spread diff is more than the tolerance or order quantities are different, return false.
            if abs(proposal -
                   current) / current > self._order_refresh_tolerance_pct:
                return False
        return True

    # Return value: whether order cancellation is deferred.
    def cancel_active_orders(self, proposal: Proposal):
        if self._cancel_timestamp > self.current_timestamp:

        to_defer_canceling = False
        if len(self.active_orders) == 0:
        if proposal is not None and self._order_refresh_tolerance_pct >= 0:

            active_buy_prices = [
                Decimal(str(o.price)) for o in self.active_orders if o.is_buy
            active_sell_prices = [
                Decimal(str(o.price)) for o in self.active_orders
                if not o.is_buy
            proposal_buys = [buy.price for buy in proposal.buys]
            proposal_sells = [sell.price for sell in proposal.sells]
            if self.is_within_tolerance(active_buy_prices, proposal_buys) and \
                    self.is_within_tolerance(active_sell_prices, proposal_sells):
                to_defer_canceling = True

        if not to_defer_canceling:
            for order in self.active_orders:
                self.cancel_order(self._market_info, order.client_order_id)
                f"Not cancelling active orders since difference between new order prices "
                f"and current order prices is within "
                f"{self._order_refresh_tolerance_pct:.2%} order_refresh_tolerance_pct"

    def cancel_orders_below_min_spread(self):
        price = self.get_price()
        for order in self.active_orders:
            negation = -1 if order.is_buy else 1
            if (negation *
                (order.price - price) / price) < self._minimum_spread:
                    f"Order is below minimum spread ({self._minimum_spread})."
                    f" Cancelling Order: ({'Buy' if order.is_buy else 'Sell'}) "
                    f"ID - {order.client_order_id}")
                self.cancel_order(self._market_info, order.client_order_id)

    def to_create_orders(self, proposal: Proposal) -> bool:
        return (self._create_timestamp < self.current_timestamp
                and proposal is not None and len(self.active_orders) == 0)

    def execute_orders_proposal(self, proposal: Proposal,
                                position_action: PositionAction):
        orders_created = False

        if len(proposal.buys) > 0:
            if position_action == PositionAction.CLOSE:
                if self.current_timestamp < self._next_buy_exit_order_timestamp:
                    self._next_buy_exit_order_timestamp = self.current_timestamp + self.filled_order_delay
            if self._logging_options & self.OPTION_LOG_CREATE_ORDER:
                price_quote_str = [
                    f"{buy.size.normalize()} {self.base_asset}, "
                    f"{buy.price.normalize()} {self.quote_asset}"
                    for buy in proposal.buys
                    f"({self.trading_pair}) Creating {len(proposal.buys)} {self._close_order_type.name} bid orders "
                    f"at (Size, Price): {price_quote_str} to {position_action.name} position."
            for buy in proposal.buys:
                bid_order_id = self.buy_with_specific_market(
                if position_action == PositionAction.CLOSE:
                    self._exit_orders[bid_order_id] = self.current_timestamp
                orders_created = True
        if len(proposal.sells) > 0:
            if position_action == PositionAction.CLOSE:
                if self.current_timestamp < self._next_sell_exit_order_timestamp:
                    self._next_sell_exit_order_timestamp = self.current_timestamp + self.filled_order_delay
            if self._logging_options & self.OPTION_LOG_CREATE_ORDER:
                price_quote_str = [
                    f"{sell.size.normalize()} {self.base_asset}, "
                    f"{sell.price.normalize()} {self.quote_asset}"
                    for sell in proposal.sells
                    f"({self.trading_pair}) Creating {len(proposal.sells)}  {self._close_order_type.name} ask "
                    f"orders at (Size, Price): {price_quote_str} to {position_action.name} position."
            for sell in proposal.sells:
                ask_order_id = self.sell_with_specific_market(
                if position_action == PositionAction.CLOSE:
                    self._exit_orders[ask_order_id] = self.current_timestamp
                orders_created = True
        if orders_created:

    def set_timers(self):
        next_cycle = self.current_timestamp + self._order_refresh_time
        if self._create_timestamp <= self.current_timestamp:
            self._create_timestamp = next_cycle
        if self._cancel_timestamp <= self.current_timestamp:
            self._cancel_timestamp = min(self._create_timestamp, next_cycle)

    def notify_hb_app(self, msg: str):
        if self._hb_app_notification:

    def get_price_type(self, price_type_str: str) -> PriceType:
        if price_type_str == "mid_price":
            return PriceType.MidPrice
        elif price_type_str == "best_bid":
            return PriceType.BestBid
        elif price_type_str == "best_ask":
            return PriceType.BestAsk
        elif price_type_str == "last_price":
            return PriceType.LastTrade
        elif price_type_str == 'last_own_trade_price':
            return PriceType.LastOwnTrade
        elif price_type_str == "custom":
            return PriceType.Custom
            raise ValueError(
                f"Unrecognized price type string {price_type_str}.")