Пример #1
def test_getting_tail_of_list():
    """`tail` returns the tail of the list.

    The tail is the list retained after removing the first element."""

    assert_equals([2, 3], evaluate(parse("(tail '(1 2 3))"), Environment()))
    assert_equals([], evaluate(parse("(tail '(1))"), Environment()))
Пример #2
def test_lookup_missing_variable():
    """Referencing undefined variables should raise an appropriate exception.

    This test should already be working if you implemented the environment correctly."""

    with assert_raises_regexp(DiyLangError, "my-var"):
        evaluate("my-var", Environment())
def test_calling_atom_raises_exception():
    """TEST 5.15: A function call to a non-function should result in an error."""

    with assert_raises_regexp(DiyLangError, "not a function"):
        evaluate(parse("(#t 'foo 'bar)"), Environment())
    with assert_raises_regexp(DiyLangError, "not a function"):
        evaluate(parse("(42)"), Environment())
Пример #4
def test_calling_atom_raises_exception():
    """A function call to a non-function should result in an error."""

    with assert_raises_regexp(DiyLangError, "not a function"):
        evaluate(parse("(#t 'foo 'bar)"), Environment())
    with assert_raises_regexp(DiyLangError, "not a function"):
        evaluate(parse("(42)"), Environment())
Пример #5
def test_define_with_nonsymbol_as_variable():
    """TEST 4.13: Defines should evaluate the argument before storing it in
    the environment.

    env = Environment()
    evaluate(parse("(define x (+ 1 41))"), env)
    assert_equals(42, env.lookup("x"))
Пример #6
def test_variable_lookup_after_define():
    """Test define and lookup variable in same environment.

    This test should already be working when the above ones are passing."""

    env = Environment()
    evaluate(parse("(define foo (+ 2 2))"), env)
    assert_equals(4, evaluate("foo", env))
Пример #7
def test_lookup_missing_variable():
    """TEST 4.9: Referencing undefined variables should raise an appropriate exception.

    This test should already be working if you implemented the environment correctly.

    with assert_raises_regexp(DiyLangError, "my-var"):
        evaluate("my-var", Environment())
Пример #8
def test_calling_with_wrong_number_of_arguments():
    """Functions should raise exceptions when called with wrong number of arguments."""

    env = Environment()
    evaluate(parse("(define fn (lambda (p1 p2) 'whatever))"), env)
    error_msg = "wrong number of arguments, expected 2 got 3"
    with assert_raises_regexp(DiyLangError, error_msg):
        evaluate(parse("(fn 1 2 3)"), env)
def test_calling_with_wrong_number_of_arguments():
    """TEST 5.17: Functions should raise exceptions when called with wrong number of arguments."""

    env = Environment()
    evaluate(parse("(define fn (lambda (p1 p2) 'whatever))"), env)
    error_msg = "wrong number of arguments, expected 2 got 3"
    with assert_raises_regexp(DiyLangError, error_msg):
        evaluate(parse("(fn 1 2 3)"), env)
Пример #10
def test_lambda_arguments_are_lists():
    """The parameters of a `lambda` should be a list."""

    closure = evaluate(parse("(lambda (x y) (+ x y))"), Environment())

    with assert_raises(DiyLangError):
        evaluate(parse("(lambda not-a-list (body of fn))"), Environment())
def test_define_should_evaluate_the_argument():
    """TEST 4.13: Defines should evaluate the argument before storing it in
    the environment.

    env = Environment()
    evaluate(parse("(define x (+ 1 41))"), env)
    assert_equals(42, env.lookup("x"))
def test_lambda_arguments_are_lists():
    """TEST 5.4: The parameters of a `lambda` should be a list."""

    closure = evaluate(parse("(lambda (x y) (+ x y))"), Environment())

    with assert_raises(DiyLangError):
        evaluate(parse("(lambda not-a-list (body of fn))"), Environment())
Пример #13
def test_getting_tail_of_list():
    """TEST 6.7: `tail` returns the tail of the list.

    The tail is the list retained after removing the first element.

    assert_equals([2, 3], evaluate(parse("(tail '(1 2 3))"), Environment()))
    assert_equals([], evaluate(parse("(tail '(1))"), Environment()))
Пример #14
def test_variable_lookup_after_define():
    """TEST 4.14: Test define and lookup variable in same environment.

    This test should already be working when the above ones are passing.

    env = Environment()
    evaluate(parse("(define foo (+ 2 2))"), env)
    assert_equals(4, evaluate("foo", env))
Пример #15
def test_basic_if_statement():
    """If statements are the basic control structures.

    The `if` should first evaluate its first argument. If this evaluates to true, then
    the second argument is evaluated and returned. Otherwise the third and last argument
    is evaluated and returned instead."""

    assert_equals(42, evaluate(parse("(if #t 42 1000)"), Environment()))
    assert_equals(1000, evaluate(parse("(if #f 42 1000)"), Environment()))
    assert_equals(True, evaluate(parse("(if #t #t #f)"), Environment()))
Пример #16
def test_evaluating_quote():
    """TEST 2.3: When a call is done to the `quote` form, the argument should be 
    returned without being evaluated.

    (quote foo) -> foo

    assert_equals("foo", evaluate(["quote", "foo"], Environment()))
    assert_equals([1, 2, False], evaluate(["quote", [1, 2, False]], Environment()))
    assert_equals([], evaluate(["quote", []], Environment()))
def test_make_sure_arguments_are_evaluated_in_correct_environment():
    """Test 5.19: Function arguments should be evaluated in correct environment

    Function arguments should be evaluated in the environment where the
    function is called, and not in the environment captured by the function.

    env = Environment({'x': 3})
    evaluate(parse("(define foo (lambda (x) x))"), env)
    env = env.extend({'x': 4})
    assert_equals(evaluate(parse("(foo (+ x 1))"), env), 5)
def test_evaluating_quote():
    """TEST 2.3: When a call is done to the `quote` form, the argument should
    be returned without being evaluated.

    (quote foo) -> foo

    assert_equals("foo", evaluate(["quote", "foo"], Environment()))
    assert_equals([1, 2, False],
                  evaluate(["quote", [1, 2, False]], Environment()))
    assert_equals([], evaluate(["quote", []], Environment()))
Пример #19
def test_define():
    """Test of simple define statement.

    The `define` form is used to define new bindings in the environment.
    A `define` call should result in a change in the environment. What you
    return from evaluating the definition is not important (although it
    affects what is printed in the REPL)."""

    env = Environment()
    evaluate(parse("(define x 1000)"), env)
    assert_equals(1000, env.lookup("x"))
Пример #20
def test_call_to_function_should_evaluate_arguments():
    """Call to function should evaluate all arguments.

    When a function is applied, the arguments should be evaluated before being bound
    to the parameter names."""

    env = Environment()
    closure = evaluate(parse("(lambda (a) (+ a 5))"), env)
    ast = [closure, parse("(if #f 0 (+ 10 10))")]

    assert_equals(25, evaluate(ast, env))
Пример #21
def test_creating_closure_with_environment():
    """The function parameters must properly shadow the outer scope's bindings.

    When the same bindings exist in the environment and function parameters,
    the function parameters must properly overwrite the environment bindings."""

    env = Environment({ "a": 42, "b": "foo" })
    closure = evaluate(parse("(lambda (a b) (+ a b))"), env)
    ast = [closure, 4, 5]

    assert_equals(9, evaluate(ast, env))
def test_basic_if_statement():
    """TEST 3.2: If statements are the basic control structures.

    The `if` should first evaluate its first argument. If this evaluates to
    true, then the second argument is evaluated and returned. Otherwise the
    third and last argument is evaluated and returned instead.

    assert_equals(42, evaluate(parse("(if #t 42 1000)"), Environment()))
    assert_equals(1000, evaluate(parse("(if #f 42 1000)"), Environment()))
    assert_equals(True, evaluate(parse("(if #t #t #f)"), Environment()))
def test_make_sure_arguments_are_evaluated_in_correct_environment():
    """Test 5.19: Function arguments should be evaluated in correct environment

    Function arguments should be evaluated in the environment where the function
    is called, and not in the environment captured by the function.

    env = Environment({'x': 3})
    res = evaluate(parse("(define foo (lambda (x) x))"), env)
    env = env.extend({'x': 4})
    assert_equals(evaluate(parse("(foo (+ x 1))"), env), 5)
Пример #24
def test_evaluating_call_to_closure():
    """The first case we'll handle is when the AST is a list with an actual closure
    as the first element.

    In this first test, we'll start with a closure with no arguments and no free
    variables. All we need to do is to evaluate and return the function body."""

    closure = evaluate(parse("(lambda () (+ 1 2))"), Environment())
    ast = [closure]
    result = evaluate(ast, Environment())
    assert_equals(3, result)
Пример #25
def test_evaluating_call_to_closure_with_free_variables():
    """The body should be evaluated in the environment from the closure.

    The function's free variables, i.e. those not specified as part of the parameter list,
    should be looked up in the environment from where the function was defined. This is
    the environment included in the closure. Make sure this environment is used when
    evaluating the body."""

    closure = evaluate(parse("(lambda (x) (+ x y))"), Environment({"y": 1}))
    ast = [closure, 0]
    result = evaluate(ast, Environment({"y": 2}))
    assert_equals(1, result)
def test_call_to_function_should_evaluate_arguments():
    """TEST 5.10: Call to function should evaluate all arguments.

    When a function is applied, the arguments should be evaluated before being bound
    to the parameter names.

    env = Environment()
    closure = evaluate(parse("(lambda (a) (+ a 5))"), env)
    ast = [closure, parse("(if #f 0 (+ 10 10))")]

    assert_equals(25, evaluate(ast, env))
Пример #27
def test_evaluating_call_to_closure_with_arguments():
    """The function body must be evaluated in an environment where the parameters are bound.

    Create an environment where the function parameters (which are stored in the closure)
    are bound to the actual argument values in the function call. Use this environment
    when evaluating the function body."""

    env = Environment()
    closure = evaluate(parse("(lambda (a b) (+ a b))"), env)
    ast = [closure, 4, 5]

    assert_equals(9, evaluate(ast, env))
Пример #28
def test_define():
    """TEST 4.10: Test of simple define statement.

    The `define` form is used to define new bindings in the environment.
    A `define` call should result in a change in the environment. What you
    return from evaluating the definition is not important (although it
    affects what is printed in the REPL).

    env = Environment()
    evaluate(parse("(define x 1000)"), env)
    assert_equals(1000, env.lookup("x"))
Пример #29
def test_define_with_wrong_number_of_arguments():
    """Defines should have exactly two arguments, or raise an error.

    This type of check could benefit the other forms we implement as well,
    and you might want to add them elsewhere. It quickly get tiresome to
    test for this however, so the tests won't require you to."""

    with assert_raises_regexp(DiyLangError, "Wrong number of arguments"):
        evaluate(parse("(define x)"), Environment())

    with assert_raises_regexp(DiyLangError, "Wrong number of arguments"):
        evaluate(parse("(define x 1 2)"), Environment())
def test_evaluating_call_to_closure():
    """TEST 5.7: The first case we'll handle is when the AST is a list with an actual closure
    as the first element.

    In this first test, we'll start with a closure with no arguments and no free
    variables. All we need to do is to evaluate and return the function body.

    closure = evaluate(parse("(lambda () (+ 1 2))"), Environment())
    ast = [closure]
    result = evaluate(ast, Environment())
    assert_equals(3, result)
Пример #31
def test_evaluating_atom_function():
    """TEST 2.4: The `atom` form is used to determine whether an expression is an atom.

    Atoms are expressions that are not list, i.e. integers, booleans or symbols.
    Remember that the argument to `atom` must be evaluated before the check is done.

    assert_equals(True, evaluate(["atom", True], Environment()))
    assert_equals(True, evaluate(["atom", False], Environment()))
    assert_equals(True, evaluate(["atom", 42], Environment()))
    assert_equals(True, evaluate(["atom", ["quote", "foo"]], Environment()))
    assert_equals(False, evaluate(["atom", ["quote", [1, 2]]], Environment()))
def test_creating_closure_with_environment():
    """TEST 5.9: The function parameters must properly shadow the outer scope's bindings.

    When the same bindings exist in the environment and function parameters,
    the function parameters must properly overwrite the environment bindings.

    env = Environment({"a": 42, "b": "foo"})
    closure = evaluate(parse("(lambda (a b) (+ a b))"), env)
    ast = [closure, 4, 5]

    assert_equals(9, evaluate(ast, env))
Пример #33
def test_calling_very_simple_function_in_environment():
    """A call to a symbol corresponds to a call to its value in the environment.

    When a symbol is the first element of the AST list, it is resolved to its value in
    the environment (which should be a function closure). An AST with the variables
    replaced with its value should then be evaluated instead."""

    env = Environment()
    evaluate(parse("(define add (lambda (x y) (+ x y)))"), env)
    assert_is_instance(env.lookup("add"), Closure)

    result = evaluate(parse("(add 1 2)"), env)
    assert_equals(3, result)
Пример #34
def test_define_with_wrong_number_of_arguments():
    """TEST 4.11: Defines should have exactly two arguments, or raise an error.

    This type of check could benefit the other forms we implement as well,
    and you might want to add them elsewhere. It quickly get tiresome to
    test for this however, so the tests won't require you to.

    with assert_raises_regexp(DiyLangError, "Wrong number of arguments"):
        evaluate(parse("(define x)"), Environment())

    with assert_raises_regexp(DiyLangError, "Wrong number of arguments"):
        evaluate(parse("(define x 1 2)"), Environment())
def test_evaluating_call_to_closure_with_free_variables():
    """TEST 5.11: The body should be evaluated in the environment from the closure.

    The function's free variables, i.e. those not specified as part of the parameter list,
    should be looked up in the environment from where the function was defined. This is
    the environment included in the closure. Make sure this environment is used when
    evaluating the body.

    closure = evaluate(parse("(lambda (x) (+ x y))"), Environment({"y": 1}))
    ast = [closure, 0]
    result = evaluate(ast, Environment({"y": 2}))
    assert_equals(1, result)
def test_evaluating_atom_function():
    """TEST 2.4: The `atom` form is used to determine whether an expression is
    an atom.

    Atoms are expressions that are not list, i.e. integers, booleans or
    symbols. Remember that the argument to `atom` must be evaluated before the
    check is done.

    assert_equals(True, evaluate(["atom", True], Environment()))
    assert_equals(True, evaluate(["atom", False], Environment()))
    assert_equals(True, evaluate(["atom", 42], Environment()))
    assert_equals(True, evaluate(["atom", ["quote", "foo"]], Environment()))
    assert_equals(False, evaluate(["atom", ["quote", [1, 2]]], Environment()))
def test_calling_very_simple_function_in_environment():
    """TEST 5.12: A call to a symbol corresponds to a call to its value in the environment.

    When a symbol is the first element of the AST list, it is resolved to its value in
    the environment (which should be a function closure). An AST with the variables
    replaced with its value should then be evaluated instead.

    env = Environment()
    evaluate(parse("(define add (lambda (x y) (+ x y)))"), env)
    assert_is_instance(env.lookup("add"), Closure)

    result = evaluate(parse("(add 1 2)"), env)
    assert_equals(3, result)
def test_evaluating_call_to_closure_with_arguments():
    """TEST 5.8: The function body must be evaluated in an environment where the parameters are bound.

    Create an environment where the function parameters (which are stored in the closure)
    are bound to the actual argument values in the function call. Use this environment
    when evaluating the function body.

    Tip: The `zip` and `dict` functions should prove useful when constructing the new environment.

    env = Environment()
    closure = evaluate(parse("(lambda (a b) (+ a b))"), env)
    ast = [closure, 4, 5]

    assert_equals(9, evaluate(ast, env))
Пример #39
def test_calling_function_recursively():
    """Tests that a named function is included in the environment
    where it is evaluated."""

    env = Environment()
        (define my-fn
            ;; A meaningless, but recursive, function
            (lambda (x)
                (if (eq x 0)
                    (my-fn (- x 1)))))
    """), env)

    assert_equals(42, evaluate(parse("(my-fn 0)"), env))
    assert_equals(42, evaluate(parse("(my-fn 10)"), env))
Пример #40
def test_lambda_closure_holds_function():
    """The closure contains the parameter list and function body too."""

    closure = evaluate(parse("(lambda (x y) (+ x y))"), Environment())

    assert_equals(["x", "y"], closure.params)
    assert_equals(["+", "x", "y"], closure.body)
def test_lambda_closure_holds_function():
    """TEST 5.3: The closure contains the parameter list and function body too."""

    closure = evaluate(parse("(lambda (x y) (+ x y))"), Environment())

    assert_equals(["x", "y"], closure.params)
    assert_equals(["+", "x", "y"], closure.body)
Пример #42
def test_evaluating_eq_function():
    """TEST 2.5: The `eq` form is used to check whether two expressions are the same atom."""

    assert_equals(True, evaluate(["eq", 1, 1], Environment()))
    assert_equals(False, evaluate(["eq", 1, 2], Environment()))

    # From this point, the ASTs might sometimes be too long or cummbersome to
    # write down explicitly, and we'll use `parse` to make them for us.
    # Remember, if you need to have a look at exactly what is passed to `evaluate`,
    # just add a print statement in the test (or in `evaluate`).

    assert_equals(True, evaluate(parse("(eq 'foo 'foo)"), Environment()))
    assert_equals(False, evaluate(parse("(eq 'foo 'bar)"), Environment()))

    # Lists are never equal, because lists are not atoms
    assert_equals(False, evaluate(parse("(eq '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3))"), Environment()))
def test_calling_function_recursively():
    """TEST 5.20: Tests that a named function is included in the environment where
    it is evaluated.

    env = Environment()
        (define my-fn
            ;; A meaningless, but recursive, function
            (lambda (x)
                (if (eq x 0)
                    (my-fn (- x 1)))))
    """), env)

    assert_equals(42, evaluate(parse("(my-fn 0)"), env))
    assert_equals(42, evaluate(parse("(my-fn 10)"), env))
Пример #44
def test_evaluating_symbol():
    """Symbols (other than #t and #f) are treated as variable references.

    When evaluating a symbol, the corresponding value should be looked up in the

    env = Environment({"foo": 42})
    assert_equals(42, evaluate("foo", env))
Пример #45
def test_creating_longer_lists_with_only_cons():
    """`cons` needs to evaluate it's arguments.

    Like all the other special forms and functions in our language, `cons` is
    call-by-value. This means that the arguments must be evaluated before we
    create the list with their values."""

    result = evaluate(parse("(cons 3 (cons (- 4 2) (cons 1 '())))"), Environment())
    assert_equals(parse("(3 2 1)"), result)
def test_evaluating_eq_function():
    """TEST 2.5: The `eq` form is used to check whether two expressions are
    the same atom."""

    assert_equals(True, evaluate(["eq", 1, 1], Environment()))
    assert_equals(False, evaluate(["eq", 1, 2], Environment()))

    # From this point, the ASTs might sometimes be too long or cumbersome to
    # write down explicitly, and we'll use `parse` to make them for us.
    # Remember, if you need to have a look at exactly what is passed to
    # `evaluate`, just add a print statement in the test (or in `evaluate`).

    assert_equals(True, evaluate(parse("(eq 'foo 'foo)"), Environment()))
    assert_equals(False, evaluate(parse("(eq 'foo 'bar)"), Environment()))

    # Lists are never equal, because lists are not atoms
        False, evaluate(parse("(eq '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3))"), Environment()))
def test_creating_list_with_cons_does_not_modify_initial_list():
    """TEST 6.2.1: The `cons` functions prepends an element to the front of a list without modifying the intial list."""

    env = Environment({"initial_list": [1, 2, 3]})

    result = evaluate(parse("(cons 0 initial_list)"), env)
    assert_equals(parse("(0 1 2 3)"), result)

    assert_equals([1, 2, 3], env.lookup("initial_list"))
Пример #48
def test_calling_lambda_directly():
    """It should be possible to define and call functions directly.

    A lambda definition in the call position of an AST should be evaluated, and then
    evaluated as before."""

    ast = parse("((lambda (x) x) 42)")
    result = evaluate(ast, Environment())
    assert_equals(42, result)
Пример #49
def test_evaluating_symbol():
    """TEST 4.8: Symbols (other than #t and #f) are treated as variable references.

    When evaluating a symbol, the corresponding value should be looked up in the

    env = Environment({"foo": 42})
    assert_equals(42, evaluate("foo", env))
def test_lambda_evaluates_to_closure():
    """TEST 5.1: The lambda form should evaluate to a Closure

    Tip: You'll find the Closure class ready in types.py, just finish the constructor

    ast = ["lambda", [], 42]
    closure = evaluate(ast, Environment())
    assert_is_instance(closure, Closure)
def test_math_operators_only_work_on_numbers():
    """TEST 2.7: The math functions should only allow numbers as arguments."""

    with assert_raises(DiyLangError):
        evaluate(parse("(+ 1 'foo)"), Environment())
    with assert_raises(DiyLangError):
        evaluate(parse("(- 1 'foo)"), Environment())
    with assert_raises(DiyLangError):
        evaluate(parse("(/ 1 'foo)"), Environment())
    with assert_raises(DiyLangError):
        evaluate(parse("(mod 1 'foo)"), Environment())
Пример #52
def test_math_operators_only_work_on_numbers():
    """TEST 2.7: The math functions should only allow numbers as arguments."""

    with assert_raises(DiyLangError):
        evaluate(parse("(+ 1 'foo)"), Environment())
    with assert_raises(DiyLangError):
        evaluate(parse("(- 1 'foo)"), Environment())
    with assert_raises(DiyLangError):
        evaluate(parse("(/ 1 'foo)"), Environment())
    with assert_raises(DiyLangError):
        evaluate(parse("(mod 1 'foo)"), Environment())
Пример #53
def test_lambda_closure_keeps_defining_env():
    """The closure should keep a copy of the environment where it was defined.

    Once we start calling functions later, we'll need access to the environment
    from when the function was created in order to resolve all free variables."""

    env = Environment({"foo": 1, "bar": 2})
    ast = ["lambda", [], 42]
    closure = evaluate(ast, env)
    assert_equals(closure.env, env)
def test_if_with_sub_expressions():
    """TEST 3.4: A final test with a more complex if expression.
    This test should already be passing if the above ones are."""

    ast = parse("""
        (if (> 1 2)
            (- 1000 1)
            (+ 40 (- 3 1)))
    assert_equals(42, evaluate(ast, Environment()))
def test_calling_lambda_directly():
    """TEST 5.13: It should be possible to define and call functions directly.

    A lambda definition in the call position of an AST should be evaluated, and then
    evaluated as before.

    ast = parse("((lambda (x) x) 42)")
    result = evaluate(ast, Environment())
    assert_equals(42, result)
def test_lambda_evaluates_to_closure():
    """TEST 5.1: The lambda form should evaluate to a Closure

    Tip: You'll find the Closure class ready in types.py, just finish the

    ast = ["lambda", [], 42]
    closure = evaluate(ast, Environment())
    assert_is_instance(closure, Closure)
Пример #57
def test_basic_math_operators():
    """TEST 2.6: To be able to do anything useful, we need some basic math operators.

    Since we only operate with integers, `/` must represent integer division.
    `mod` is the modulo operator.

    assert_equals(4, evaluate(["+", 2, 2], Environment()))
    assert_equals(1, evaluate(["-", 2, 1], Environment()))
    assert_equals(3, evaluate(["/", 6, 2], Environment()))
    assert_equals(3, evaluate(["/", 7, 2], Environment()))
    assert_equals(6, evaluate(["*", 2, 3], Environment()))
    assert_equals(1, evaluate(["mod", 7, 2], Environment()))
    assert_equals(True, evaluate([">", 7, 2], Environment()))
    assert_equals(False, evaluate([">", 2, 7], Environment()))
    assert_equals(False, evaluate([">", 7, 7], Environment()))
Пример #58
def test_defining_lambda_with_error_in_body():
    """The function body should not be evaluated when the lambda is defined.

    The call to `lambda` should return a function closure holding, among other things
    the function body. The body should not be evaluated before the function is called."""

    ast = parse("""
            (lambda (x y)
                (function body ((that) would never) work))
    assert_is_instance(evaluate(ast, Environment()), Closure)
Пример #59
def test_that_quote_does_not_evaluate_its_argument():
    """Calling `quote`, should still return its argument without evaluating it.
    This test should already be passing, but lets just make sure that `quote` still works
    as intended now that we have a few more powerful features."""

    ast = parse("""
        '(if (> 1 50)
             (- 1000 1)
    assert_equals(['if', ['>', 1, 50], ['-', 1000, 1], False], evaluate(ast, Environment()))