def __init__(self): "Class constructor." config = DriveConfig() pidfile = config.getPidFile() loglevel = config.getLogLevel() logfile = config.getLogFile() super(DriveDaemon, self).__init__(pidfile, loglevel, logfile)
def md5(argv): """Print the MD5 checksums of the local and remote copies of the specified remote file path. gdrive md5 <path> prints the local and remote MD5 checksums of the specified path. """ path = None if len(argv) == 0: return usage() else: path = argv[0] config = DriveConfig() rhash = session.getRemoteFileChecksum(path) lpath = config.getLocalPath(path) lhash = session.getLocalFileChecksum(lpath) print "Local: path=%s md5=%s Remote: path=%s md5=%s" % (lpath, lhash, path, rhash)
def __init__(self, verbose=False, debug=False, logger=None): "Class constructor." self._debug = debug self._verbose = verbose self._config = DriveConfig(verbose, debug, logger) self._token = None ## OAuth 2,0 token object. self._client = None ## Google Docs API client object. self._metadata = {} ## Metadata dict. self._metadata[ "changestamp"] = 0 ## Stores the last changestamp, if any. self._metadata["map"] = {} self._metadata["map"]["bypath"] = DirectoryTree( ) ## Maps paths to resource IDs. self._metadata["map"]["byid"] = {} ## Maps resource IDs to paths. self._folder_count = 0 self._file_count = 0 self._bar = None self._authorise() if self._token == None: # TODO: throw exception. sys.exit("Error: failed to authorise with service!") self._setup() if self._client == None: # TODO: throw exception. sys.exit("Error: failed to create Docs client!") # Load cached metadata, if any. loaded = self._load() if not loaded: # Initialise metadata. self._walk() # Save metadata to cache. self._save() # Ensure local storage tree is available. self._config.checkLocalRoot()
def __init__(self, verbose=False, debug=False, logger=None): "Class constructor." self._debug = debug self._verbose = verbose self._config = DriveConfig(verbose, debug, logger) self._token = None ## OAuth 2,0 token object. self._client = None ## Google Docs API client object. self._metadata = {} ## Metadata dict. self._metadata["changestamp"] = 0 ## Stores the last changestamp, if any. self._metadata["map"] = {} self._metadata["map"]["bypath"] = DirectoryTree() ## Maps paths to resource IDs. self._metadata["map"]["byid"] = {} ## Maps resource IDs to paths. self._folder_count = 0 self._file_count = 0 self._bar = None self._authorise() if self._token == None: # TODO: throw exception. sys.exit("Error: failed to authorise with service!") self._setup() if self._client == None: # TODO: throw exception. sys.exit("Error: failed to create Docs client!") # Load cached metadata, if any. loaded = self._load() if not loaded: # Initialise metadata. self._walk() # Save metadata to cache. self._save() # Ensure local storage tree is available. self._config.checkLocalRoot()
class Session(object): def __init__(self, verbose=False, debug=False, logger=None): "Class constructor." self._debug = debug self._verbose = verbose self._config = DriveConfig(verbose, debug, logger) self._token = None ## OAuth 2,0 token object. self._client = None ## Google Docs API client object. self._metadata = {} ## Metadata dict. self._metadata[ "changestamp"] = 0 ## Stores the last changestamp, if any. self._metadata["map"] = {} self._metadata["map"]["bypath"] = DirectoryTree( ) ## Maps paths to resource IDs. self._metadata["map"]["byid"] = {} ## Maps resource IDs to paths. self._folder_count = 0 self._file_count = 0 self._bar = None self._authorise() if self._token == None: # TODO: throw exception. sys.exit("Error: failed to authorise with service!") self._setup() if self._client == None: # TODO: throw exception. sys.exit("Error: failed to create Docs client!") # Load cached metadata, if any. loaded = self._load() if not loaded: # Initialise metadata. self._walk() # Save metadata to cache. self._save() # Ensure local storage tree is available. self._config.checkLocalRoot() def reset(self): "Reset local cached metadata." self._metadata = {} self._metadata["changestamp"] = 0 self._metadata["map"] = {} self._metadata["map"]["bypath"] = DirectoryTree() self._metadata["map"]["byid"] = {} self._walk() self._save() self._folder_count = 0 self._file_count = 0 self._num_folders = 0 self._num_files = 0 self._bar = None def _authorise(self): "Perform OAuth 2.0 authorisation." saved_auth = False # Try to read saved auth blob. tokenfile = self._config.getTokenFile() if os.path.exists(tokenfile): logging.debug("Reading token...") f = open(tokenfile, 'r') blob = f.close() if blob: self._token = gdata.gauth.token_from_blob(blob) if self._token: saved_auth = True # Generate the OAuth 2.0 request token."Generating the request token...") if saved_auth: self._token = gdata.gauth.OAuth2Token( client_id=self._config.CLIENT_ID, client_secret=self._config.CLIENT_SECRET, scope=" ".join(self._config.SCOPES), user_agent=self._config.USER_AGENT, refresh_token=self._token.refresh_token) else: self._token = gdata.gauth.OAuth2Token( client_id=self._config.CLIENT_ID, client_secret=self._config.CLIENT_SECRET, scope=" ".join(self._config.SCOPES), user_agent=self._config.USER_AGENT) # Authorise the OAuth 2.0 request token. print 'Visit the following URL in your browser to authorise this app:' print str( self._token.generate_authorize_url( redirect_url=self._config.REDIRECT_URI)) print 'After agreeing to authorise the app, copy the verification code from the browser.' access_code = raw_input('Please enter the verification code: ') # Get the OAuth 2.0 Access Token. self._token.get_access_token(access_code) # Save the refresh token. if self._token.refresh_token and not saved_auth: logging.debug("Saving token...") f = open(tokenfile, 'w') blob = gdata.gauth.token_to_blob(self._token) f.write(blob) f.close() def _setup(self): "Setup Google Docs session." # Create the Google Documents List API client."Creating the Docs client...") self._client = source=self._config.APP_NAME) #client.ssl = True # Force HTTPS use. #client.http_client.debug = True # Turn on HTTP debugging. # Authorise the client."Authorising the Docs client API...") self._client = self._token.authorize(self._client) # Wrapper for def _getAllResources(self, uri): "Get all resources, with exponential backoff and retry." for n in range(0, 5): try: items = self._client.GetAllResources(uri=uri) return items except: time.sleep((2**n) + (random.randint(0, 1000) / 1000)) logging.fatal( "An error occurred contacting the Google servers, the request never succeeded, aborting." ) return None # Wrapper for def _getResourceById(self, res_id, show_root=True): "Get resource by ID, with exponential backoff and retry." for n in range(0, 5): try: resource = self._client.GetResourceById(res_id, show_root=show_root) return resource except: time.sleep((2**n) + (random.randint(0, 1000) / 1000)) logging.fatal( "An error occurred contacting the Google servers, the request never succeeded, aborting." ) return None # Wrapper for def _getResourceBySelfLink(self, href, show_root=True): "Get resource by self link, with exponential backoff and retry." for n in range(0, 5): try: resource = self._client.GetResourceBySelfLink( href, show_root=show_root) return resource except: time.sleep((2**n) + (random.randint(0, 1000) / 1000)) logging.fatal( "An error occurred contacting the Google servers, the request never succeeded, aborting." ) return None # Wrapper for def _getChanges(self, changestamp=None, max_results=100, show_root=True): "Get a change feed, with exponential backoff and retry." for n in range(0, 5): try: feed = self._client.GetChanges(changestamp, max_results, show_root) return feed except: time.sleep((2**n) + (random.randint(0, 1000) / 1000)) logging.fatal( "An error occurred contacting the Google servers, the request never succeeded, aborting." ) return None # Wrapper for def _getNext(self, feed): "Get next chink of entries from feed, with exponential backoff and retry." for n in range(0, 5): try: feed = self._client.GetNext(feed) return feed except: time.sleep((2**n) + (random.randint(0, 1000) / 1000)) logging.fatal( "An error occurred contacting the Google servers, the request never succeeded, aborting." ) return None # Wrapper for def _getRevisions(self, resource): "Get a revisions feed, with exponential backoff and retry." for n in range(0, 5): try: revisions = self._client.GetRevisions(resource) return revisions except gdata.client.Unauthorized: logging.warn("Unauthorised error on resource") return None except: time.sleep((2**n) + (random.randint(0, 1000) / 1000)) logging.fatal( "An error occurred contacting the Google servers, the request never succeeded, aborting." ) return None def getMetadata(self): "Return Google Docs user metadata." metadata = self._client.GetMetadata() metadict = { 'quota': { 'total': metadata.quota_bytes_total.text, 'used': metadata.quota_bytes_used.text, 'trashed': metadata.quota_bytes_used_in_trash.text }, 'import': [ "%s to %s" % (input_format.source, for input_format in metadata.import_formats ], 'export': [ "%s to %s" % (export_format.source, for export_format in metadata.export_formats ], 'features': [ for feature in metadata.features] } metadict["upload_sizes"] = {} for upload_size in metadata.max_upload_sizes: metadict["upload_sizes"][upload_size.kind] = upload_size.text for child in metadata.children: if child.tag == "largestChangestamp": metadict["changestamp"] = int(child.attributes["value"]) break return metadict def _printresource(self, resource): "Print debugging information about a resource." logging.debug("Resource: id=%s type=%s updated=%s name=%s" % (, resource.content.type, resource.updated.text, resource.title.text)) def _resourceToUri(self, resource): "Get the URI for a resource." return resource.content.src def _resourceIdToPath(self, resource_id): "Get the path for a resource ID." try: path = self._metadata["map"]["byid"][resource_id] except KeyError: path = None return path def _pathToUri(self, path): "Get the URI for a path." if path == '/': uri = self._config.ROOT_FEED_URI else: if path in self._metadata["map"]["bypath"]: uri = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"][path]["uri"] else: # TODO: try to handle this better. logging.error("Path \"%s\" is unknown!" % path) raise KeyError return uri def _pathToResourceId(self, path): "Get the resource ID for a path." root = self._config.getLocalRoot() if path.startswith(root): path = path[len(root):] if path == '/': res_id = "folder:root" else: if path in self._metadata["map"]["bypath"]: res_id = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"][path]["resource_id"] else: # TODO: try to handle this better. logging.error("Path \"%s\" is unknown!" % path) raise KeyError return res_id def _readFolder(self, path): "Read the contents of a folder." logging.debug("Reading folder \"%s\"" % path) uri = self._pathToUri(path) items = self._getAllResources(uri) folders = [] files = [] for entry in items: itempath = os.path.join(path, entry.title.text) itemid = entry.resource_id.text item = { "path": itempath, "resource_id": itemid, "uri": entry.content.src, "size": entry.quota_bytes_used.text } item["shared"] = "false" if entry.get_resource_type() == 'folder': item["type"] = "folder" folders.append(itempath) else: files.append(itempath) item["type"] = "file" logging.debug("Getting metadata for path %s" % itempath) metadata = self._getResourceMetadata(entry) if metadata: item.update(metadata) else: logging.warn( "No metadata found for path %s, assuming shared resource" % itempath) item["shared"] = "true" self._metadata["map"]["bypath"].add(itempath, item) self._metadata["map"]["byid"][itemid] = itempath folders.sort() files.sort() return folders, files def readFolder(self, path): "Get the list of items in the specified folder." return self._readFolder(path) def readRoot(self): "Get the list of items in the root folder." return self._readFolder('/') def _walk(self, root='/'): "Walk the server-side tree, populating the local maps." folders, files = self._readFolder(root) for folder in folders: self._walk(root=folder) def _load(self): "Load metadata from local file, if it exists." metafile = self._config.getMetadataFile() if os.path.exists(metafile): logging.debug("Reading cached metadata...") f = open(metafile, 'rb') self._metadata = pickle.load(f) f.close() return True return False def _save(self): "Save metadata to local file." metafile = self._config.getMetadataFile() logging.debug("Saving metadata...") f = open(metafile, 'wb') pickle.dump(self._metadata, f) f.close() def isFolder(self, path): "Return true if the specified path is a folder." if path in self._metadata["map"]["bypath"]: if self._metadata["map"]["bypath"][path]["type"] == "folder": return True else: return False elif path == '/': return True else: # TODO: Handle this better. Raise an exception? return False #sys.exit("Error: path \"%s\" is unknown!" % path) def isFile(self, path): "Return true if the specified path is a file." return not self.isFolder(path) def _getResourceMetadata(self, resource): metadata = {} revisions = self._getRevisions(resource) if revisions == None or len(revisions.entry) == 0: logging.warn("No revisions found for resource!") return None revision = revisions.entry[0] metadata["author"] = "" metadata["email"] = "" if len( > 0: metadata["author-name"] =[0].name.text metadata["author-email"] =[0].email.text metadata["updated"] = revision.updated.text for child in revision.children: if child.tag == "edited": metadata["edited"] = child.text if child.tag == "md5Checksum": metadata["md5checksum"] = child.text return metadata def getRemoteFileAuthor(self, path): "Return the author of the specified remote path, if it is a file." author = {} if not self.isFolder(path): if path.startswith(self._config.getLocalRoot()): path = self._config.getRemotePath(path) try: author["name"] = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"][path][ "author-name"] author["email"] = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"][path][ "author-email"] except KeyError: author["name"] = None author["email"] = None return author def getLocalFileDate(self, path): "Return the last modified date of the specified local path, if it is a file." date = None if os.path.exists(path) and not os.path.isdir(path): size = os.path.getmtime(path) return date def getRemoteFileDate(self, path): "Return the last modified date of the specified remote path, if it is a file." date = None if not self.isFolder(path): if path.startswith(self._config.getLocalRoot()): path = self._config.getRemotePath(path) try: date = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"][path]["updated"] except KeyError: pass return date def getFileDate(self, path): "Return the last modified date of the specified local or remote path, if it is a file." date = None if os.path.exists(path): date = self.getLocalFileDate(path) else: date = self.getRemoteFileDate(path) return date def getLocalFileSize(self, path): "Return the size in bytes of the specified local path, if it is a file." size = 0 if os.path.exists(path) and not os.path.isdir(path): size = os.path.getsize(path) return size def getRemoteFileSize(self, path): "Return the size in bytes of the specified remote path, if it is a file." size = 0 if not self.isFolder(path): if path.startswith(self._config.getLocalRoot()): path = self._config.getRemotePath(path) try: size = int(self._metadata["map"]["bypath"][path]["size"]) except KeyError: pass return size def getFileSize(self, path): "Return the size in bytes of the specified local or remote path, if it is a file." size = 0 if os.path.exists(path): size = self.getLocalFileSize(path) else: size = self.getRemoteFileSize(path) return size def getLocalFileChecksum(self, path): "Return the MD5 checksum of the specified local path, if it is a file." checksum = None logging.debug("Getting MD5 for %s..." % path) if os.path.exists(path) and not os.path.isdir(path): f = open(path, 'rb') m = hashlib.md5() while True: data = * 1024) if not data: break m.update(data) checksum = m.hexdigest() return checksum def getRemoteFileChecksum(self, path): "Return the MD5 checksum of the specified remote path, if it is a file." checksum = None logging.debug("Getting MD5 for %s..." % path) if not self.isFolder(path): if path.startswith(self._config.getLocalRoot()): path = self._config.getRemotePath(path) if path not in self._metadata["map"][ "bypath"] or "md5checksum" not in self._metadata["map"][ "bypath"][path]: shared = None try: shared = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"][path]["shared"] except KeyError: # This will really only happen if the metadata is from an old version of the app. pass if shared: return None parent = '/' + '/'.join(path.split('/')[:-2]) self._readFolder(parent) try: checksum = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"][path]["md5checksum"] except KeyError: logging.error("Path \"%s\" is not recognised!" % path) return checksum def getFileChecksum(self, path): "Return the MD5 checksum of the specified local or remote path, if it is a file." checksum = None if os.path.exists(path): checksum = self.getLocalFileChecksum(path) else: checksum = self.getRemoteFileChecksum(path) return checksum def _getLargestChangestamp(self): "Returns the largest changestamp." metadict = self.getMetadata() logging.debug("Max changestamp: %d" % metadict["changestamp"]) return metadict["changestamp"] def _getChangeList(self, changestamp=0): "Get a list of resource IDs that have changed since the specified changestamp." changes = [] resource_ids = [] if changestamp == 0: logging.debug("Getting all changes...") feed = self._getChanges(max_results=self._config.MAX_RESULTS, show_root=True) else: logging.debug("Getting changes since changestamp=%s..." % changestamp) feed = self._getChanges(changestamp=str(changestamp), max_results=self._config.MAX_RESULTS, show_root=True) if feed: changes.extend(feed.entry) while feed and len(feed.entry) == self._config.MAX_RESULTS: feed = self._getNext(feed) changes.extend(feed.entry) if len(changes) > 0: # Save a changestamp of one beyond the last. self._metadata["changestamp"] = int( changes[-1].changestamp.value) + 1 logging.debug("Got %d changes, last changestamp is %d" % (len(changes), self._metadata["changestamp"])) for change in changes: resource_ids.append(change.resource_id.text) else: logging.debug("No changes found") return resource_ids def update(self, path='/', download=False, interactive=True): "Update the local tree at the specified path to match the server." logging.debug("Updating %s ..." % path) localpath = self._config.getLocalPath(path) if path == '/' or not os.path.exists(localpath): logging.debug("Local copy does not exist, fetching..."), localpath, overwrite=True, interactive=interactive) else: # Request change feed from the last changestamp. # If no stored changestamp, then start at the beginning. if self._metadata["changestamp"] == 0: logging.debug( "Stored changestamp is zero, walking the tree...") self._metadata["changestamp"] = self._getLargestChangestamp( ) + 1 self._walk(root=path) if download:, localpath, overwrite=True, interactive=interactive) # Now check for changes again, since before we walked. resource_ids = self._getChangeList(self._metadata["changestamp"]) if len(resource_ids) > 0: # Iterate over the changes, downloading each resource. for res_id in resource_ids: res_path = self._resourceIdToPath(res_id) if res_path == None: logging.debug("No local path for resource ID %s" % res_id) # The resource is not in our cache. resource = self._getResourceById(res_id, show_root=True) if not resource: # TODO: This should never fail. logging.error("Failed to get resource \"%s\"" % res_id) break self._printresource(resource) # Repeatedly get the parent until we find one in our cache, or else reach the root, # which should always exist. If it has no parent, and is not in root, then it must # be shared. # TODO: support shared resources somehow. parents = resource.InCollections() for parent in parents: logging.debug("parent: %s" % parent.href) if parent.href == self._config.ROOT_FOLDER_HREF: logging.debug("Parent is root folder") top_path = '/' else: parent_resource = self._getResourceBySelfLink( parent.href, show_root=True) parent_resid = parent_resource.resource_id.text logging.debug("Parent resource ID %s" % parent_resid) parent_resids = [parent_resid] while parent_resid not in self._metadata[ "map"]["byid"]: logging.debug( "Parent resource ID %s not in cache" % parent_resid) parent = parent.InCollections() parent_resource = self._getResourceBySelfLink( parent.href, show_root=True) parent_resid = parent_resource.resource_id.text parent_resids.insert(0, parent_resid) top_path = self._resourceIdToPath(parent_resid) logging.debug( "Found parent path %s in cache for resource ID %s" % (top_path, parent_resid)) self._walk(top_path) # Download the top_path subtree here. if download: top_path, self._config.getLocalPath(top_path), overwrite=True, interactive=interactive) res_path = self._resourceIdToPath(res_id) if res_path == None: logging.warn( "No parent path found, must be a shared resource, skipping..." ) continue # Check if resource path is in the path specified. if res_path.startswith(path): logging.debug("Get resource %s (%s)" % (res_id, res_path)) if download:, self._config.getLocalPath(res_path), overwrite=True, interactive=interactive) else: logging.debug( "Ignoring change to path %s, not in target path %s" % (res_path, path)) self._save() def getNumResources(self, path=None): "Returns the total number of resources (files, folders) in the specified path, and all subtrees." return len(self._metadata["map"]["bypath"].keys(path)) def getNumRemoteFolders(self, path=None): "Returns the total number of folders in the specified remote path, and all subtrees." count = 0 if path == '/': values = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"].itervalues() else: values = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"].itervalues(path) for value in values: if value["type"] == "folder": count += 1 return count def getNumRemoteFiles(self, path=None): "Returns the total number of files in the specified remote path, and all subtrees." count = 0 if path == '/': values = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"].itervalues() else: values = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"].itervalues(path) for value in values: if value["type"] != "folder": count += 1 return count def getNumLocalFolders(self, path): "Returns the total number of folders in the specified local path, and all subtrees." count = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): count += len(dirs) return count def getNumLocalFiles(self, path): "Returns the total number of files in the specified local path, and all subtrees." count = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): count += len(files) return count def _download(self, path, localpath, overwrite=False): "Download a file." entry = None if path != '/': entry = self._getResourceById(self._pathToResourceId(path)) if not entry: logging.error("Failed to download path \"%s\"" % path) return False if self.isFolder(path): if not self._config.checkLocalFolder(localpath, overwrite): logging.error("Cannot overwrite local path \"%s\", exiting!" % localpath) return"Downloading folder %s (%d of %d)..." % (localpath, self._folder_count, self._num_folders)) (folders, files) = self._readFolder(path) for fname in files: lpath = os.path.join(localpath, os.path.basename(fname)) self._download(fname, lpath, overwrite) self._file_count += 1 for folder in folders: lpath = os.path.join(localpath, os.path.basename(folder)) self._download(folder, lpath, overwrite) self._folder_count += 1 else:"Downloading file %s (%d bytes) (%d of %d)..." % (localpath, self.getRemoteFileSize(path), self._file_count, self._num_files)) if self._bar: self._bar.render(self._file_count * 100 / self._num_files, localpath) if not self._config.checkLocalFile(localpath, overwrite): return False self._client.DownloadResource(entry, localpath) os.chmod(localpath, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH) return True def download(self, path, localpath=None, overwrite=False, interactive=False): "Download a file or a folder tree." self._folder_count = 1 self._num_folders = self.getNumRemoteFolders(path) self._file_count = 1 self._num_files = self.getNumRemoteFiles(path) if interactive: if self._num_folders + self._num_files > 2: self._bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(width=80) if localpath is None: localpath = self._config.getLocalPath(path) logging.debug("Using local path %s" % localpath) for exclude in self._config.getExcludes(): if path == '/' + exclude: logging.debug("Skipping folder on exclude list") return self._download(path, localpath, overwrite) self._folder_count = 0 self._file_count = 0 def _upload(self, localpath, path): "Upload a file." logging.error("Upload is not yet implemented!") def upload(self, localpath, path=None, interactive=False): "Upload a file or a folder tree." if path is None: if localpath.startswith(self._config.getLocalRoot()): path = localpath[len(self._config.getLocalRoot()):] else: path = '/' self._folder_count = 1 self._num_folders = self.getNumLocalFolders(path) self._file_count = 1 self._num_files = self.getNumLocalFiles(path) if interactive: if self._num_folders + self._num_files > 2: self._bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(width=80) self._upload(localpath, path) self._folder_count = 0 self._file_count = 0 def getInfo(self): "Return general information." userdata = self.getMetadata() userdata["Total resources"] = self.getNumResources() return userdata def dump(self): "Dump metadata." pprint.pprint(self._metadata, indent=2) def filestatus(self, path, interactive=False): "Get the status of a file." res_id = self._pathToResourceId(path) resource = self._getResourceById(res_id, show_root=True) if not resource: logging.error("Failed to get resource \"%s\"" % res_id) return self._getResourceMetadata(resource)
class Session(object): def __init__(self, verbose=False, debug=False, logger=None): "Class constructor." self._debug = debug self._verbose = verbose self._config = DriveConfig(verbose, debug, logger) self._token = None ## OAuth 2,0 token object. self._client = None ## Google Docs API client object. self._metadata = {} ## Metadata dict. self._metadata["changestamp"] = 0 ## Stores the last changestamp, if any. self._metadata["map"] = {} self._metadata["map"]["bypath"] = DirectoryTree() ## Maps paths to resource IDs. self._metadata["map"]["byid"] = {} ## Maps resource IDs to paths. self._folder_count = 0 self._file_count = 0 self._bar = None self._authorise() if self._token == None: # TODO: throw exception. sys.exit("Error: failed to authorise with service!") self._setup() if self._client == None: # TODO: throw exception. sys.exit("Error: failed to create Docs client!") # Load cached metadata, if any. loaded = self._load() if not loaded: # Initialise metadata. self._walk() # Save metadata to cache. self._save() # Ensure local storage tree is available. self._config.checkLocalRoot() def reset(self): "Reset local cached metadata." self._metadata = {} self._metadata["changestamp"] = 0 self._metadata["map"] = {} self._metadata["map"]["bypath"] = DirectoryTree() self._metadata["map"]["byid"] = {} self._walk() self._save() self._folder_count = 0 self._file_count = 0 self._num_folders = 0 self._num_files = 0 self._bar = None def _authorise(self): "Perform OAuth 2.0 authorisation." saved_auth = False # Try to read saved auth blob. tokenfile = self._config.getTokenFile() if os.path.exists(tokenfile): logging.debug("Reading token...") f = open(tokenfile, 'r') blob = f.close() if blob: self._token = gdata.gauth.token_from_blob(blob) if self._token: saved_auth = True # Generate the OAuth 2.0 request token."Generating the request token...") if saved_auth: self._token = gdata.gauth.OAuth2Token(client_id=self._config.CLIENT_ID, client_secret=self._config.CLIENT_SECRET, scope=" ".join(self._config.SCOPES), user_agent=self._config.USER_AGENT, refresh_token=self._token.refresh_token) else: self._token = gdata.gauth.OAuth2Token(client_id=self._config.CLIENT_ID, client_secret=self._config.CLIENT_SECRET, scope=" ".join(self._config.SCOPES), user_agent=self._config.USER_AGENT) # Authorise the OAuth 2.0 request token. print 'Visit the following URL in your browser to authorise this app:' print str(self._token.generate_authorize_url(redirect_url=self._config.REDIRECT_URI)) print 'After agreeing to authorise the app, copy the verification code from the browser.' access_code = raw_input('Please enter the verification code: ') # Get the OAuth 2.0 Access Token. self._token.get_access_token(access_code) # Save the refresh token. if self._token.refresh_token and not saved_auth: logging.debug("Saving token...") f = open(tokenfile, 'w') blob = gdata.gauth.token_to_blob(self._token) f.write(blob) f.close() def _setup(self): "Setup Google Docs session." # Create the Google Documents List API client."Creating the Docs client...") self._client = #client.ssl = True # Force HTTPS use. #client.http_client.debug = True # Turn on HTTP debugging. # Authorise the client."Authorising the Docs client API...") self._client = self._token.authorize(self._client) # Wrapper for def _getAllResources(self, uri): "Get all resources, with exponential backoff and retry." for n in range(0, 5): try: items = self._client.GetAllResources(uri=uri) return items except: time.sleep((2 ** n) + (random.randint(0, 1000) / 1000)) logging.fatal("An error occurred contacting the Google servers, the request never succeeded, aborting.") return None # Wrapper for def _getResourceById(self, res_id, show_root=True): "Get resource by ID, with exponential backoff and retry." for n in range(0, 5): try: resource = self._client.GetResourceById(res_id, show_root=show_root) return resource except: time.sleep((2 ** n) + (random.randint(0, 1000) / 1000)) logging.fatal("An error occurred contacting the Google servers, the request never succeeded, aborting.") return None # Wrapper for def _getResourceBySelfLink(self, href, show_root=True): "Get resource by self link, with exponential backoff and retry." for n in range(0, 5): try: resource = self._client.GetResourceBySelfLink(href, show_root=show_root) return resource except: time.sleep((2 ** n) + (random.randint(0, 1000) / 1000)) logging.fatal("An error occurred contacting the Google servers, the request never succeeded, aborting.") return None # Wrapper for def _getChanges(self, changestamp=None, max_results=100, show_root=True): "Get a change feed, with exponential backoff and retry." for n in range(0, 5): try: feed = self._client.GetChanges(changestamp, max_results, show_root) return feed except: time.sleep((2 ** n) + (random.randint(0, 1000) / 1000)) logging.fatal("An error occurred contacting the Google servers, the request never succeeded, aborting.") return None # Wrapper for def _getNext(self, feed): "Get next chink of entries from feed, with exponential backoff and retry." for n in range(0, 5): try: feed = self._client.GetNext(feed) return feed except: time.sleep((2 ** n) + (random.randint(0, 1000) / 1000)) logging.fatal("An error occurred contacting the Google servers, the request never succeeded, aborting.") return None # Wrapper for def _getRevisions(self, resource): "Get a revisions feed, with exponential backoff and retry." for n in range(0, 5): try: revisions = self._client.GetRevisions(resource) return revisions except gdata.client.Unauthorized: logging.warn("Unauthorised error on resource") return None except: time.sleep((2 ** n) + (random.randint(0, 1000) / 1000)) logging.fatal("An error occurred contacting the Google servers, the request never succeeded, aborting.") return None def getMetadata(self): "Return Google Docs user metadata." metadata = self._client.GetMetadata() metadict = { 'quota': { 'total': metadata.quota_bytes_total.text, 'used': metadata.quota_bytes_used.text, 'trashed': metadata.quota_bytes_used_in_trash.text }, 'import': [ "%s to %s" % (input_format.source, for input_format in metadata.import_formats ], 'export': [ "%s to %s" % (export_format.source, for export_format in metadata.export_formats ], 'features': [ for feature in metadata.features ] } metadict["upload_sizes"] = {} for upload_size in metadata.max_upload_sizes: metadict["upload_sizes"][upload_size.kind] = upload_size.text for child in metadata.children: if child.tag == "largestChangestamp": metadict["changestamp"] = int(child.attributes["value"]) break return metadict def _printresource(self, resource): "Print debugging information about a resource." logging.debug("Resource: id=%s type=%s updated=%s name=%s" % (, resource.content.type, resource.updated.text, resource.title.text)) def _resourceToUri(self, resource): "Get the URI for a resource." return resource.content.src def _resourceIdToPath(self, resource_id): "Get the path for a resource ID." try: path = self._metadata["map"]["byid"][resource_id] except KeyError: path = None return path def _pathToUri(self, path): "Get the URI for a path." if path == '/': uri = self._config.ROOT_FEED_URI else: if path in self._metadata["map"]["bypath"]: uri = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"][path]["uri"] else: # TODO: try to handle this better. logging.error("Path \"%s\" is unknown!" % path) raise KeyError return uri def _pathToResourceId(self, path): "Get the resource ID for a path." root = self._config.getLocalRoot() if path.startswith(root): path = path[len(root):] if path == '/': res_id = "folder:root" else: if path in self._metadata["map"]["bypath"]: res_id = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"][path]["resource_id"] else: # TODO: try to handle this better. logging.error("Path \"%s\" is unknown!" % path) raise KeyError return res_id def _readFolder(self, path): "Read the contents of a folder." logging.debug("Reading folder \"%s\"" % path) uri = self._pathToUri(path) items = self._getAllResources(uri) folders = [] files = [] for entry in items: itempath = os.path.join(path, entry.title.text) itemid = entry.resource_id.text item = { "path": itempath, "resource_id": itemid, "uri": entry.content.src, "size": entry.quota_bytes_used.text } item["shared"] = "false" if entry.get_resource_type() == 'folder': item["type"] = "folder" folders.append(itempath) else: files.append(itempath) item["type"] = "file" logging.debug("Getting metadata for path %s" % itempath) metadata = self._getResourceMetadata(entry) if metadata: item.update(metadata) else: logging.warn("No metadata found for path %s, assuming shared resource" % itempath) item["shared"] = "true" self._metadata["map"]["bypath"].add(itempath, item) self._metadata["map"]["byid"][itemid] = itempath folders.sort() files.sort() return folders, files def readFolder(self, path): "Get the list of items in the specified folder." return self._readFolder(path) def readRoot(self): "Get the list of items in the root folder." return self._readFolder('/') def _walk(self, root='/'): "Walk the server-side tree, populating the local maps." folders, files = self._readFolder(root) for folder in folders: self._walk(root=folder) def _load(self): "Load metadata from local file, if it exists." metafile = self._config.getMetadataFile() if os.path.exists(metafile): logging.debug("Reading cached metadata...") f = open(metafile, 'rb') self._metadata = pickle.load(f) f.close() return True return False def _save(self): "Save metadata to local file." metafile = self._config.getMetadataFile() logging.debug("Saving metadata...") f = open(metafile, 'wb') pickle.dump(self._metadata, f) f.close() def isFolder(self, path): "Return true if the specified path is a folder." if path in self._metadata["map"]["bypath"]: if self._metadata["map"]["bypath"][path]["type"] == "folder": return True else: return False elif path == '/': return True else: # TODO: Handle this better. Raise an exception? return False #sys.exit("Error: path \"%s\" is unknown!" % path) def isFile(self, path): "Return true if the specified path is a file." return not self.isFolder(path) def _getResourceMetadata(self, resource): metadata = {} revisions = self._getRevisions(resource) if revisions == None or len(revisions.entry) == 0: logging.warn("No revisions found for resource!") return None revision = revisions.entry[0] metadata["author"] = "" metadata["email"] = "" if len( > 0: metadata["author-name"] =[0].name.text metadata["author-email"] =[0].email.text metadata["updated"] = revision.updated.text for child in revision.children: if child.tag == "edited": metadata["edited"] = child.text if child.tag == "md5Checksum": metadata["md5checksum"] = child.text return metadata def getRemoteFileAuthor(self, path): "Return the author of the specified remote path, if it is a file." author = {} if not self.isFolder(path): if path.startswith(self._config.getLocalRoot()): path = self._config.getRemotePath(path) try: author["name"] = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"][path]["author-name"] author["email"] = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"][path]["author-email"] except KeyError: author["name"] = None author["email"] = None return author def getLocalFileDate(self, path): "Return the last modified date of the specified local path, if it is a file." date = None if os.path.exists(path) and not os.path.isdir(path): size = os.path.getmtime(path) return date def getRemoteFileDate(self, path): "Return the last modified date of the specified remote path, if it is a file." date = None if not self.isFolder(path): if path.startswith(self._config.getLocalRoot()): path = self._config.getRemotePath(path) try: date = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"][path]["updated"] except KeyError: pass return date def getFileDate(self, path): "Return the last modified date of the specified local or remote path, if it is a file." date = None if os.path.exists(path): date = self.getLocalFileDate(path) else: date = self.getRemoteFileDate(path) return date def getLocalFileSize(self, path): "Return the size in bytes of the specified local path, if it is a file." size = 0 if os.path.exists(path) and not os.path.isdir(path): size = os.path.getsize(path) return size def getRemoteFileSize(self, path): "Return the size in bytes of the specified remote path, if it is a file." size = 0 if not self.isFolder(path): if path.startswith(self._config.getLocalRoot()): path = self._config.getRemotePath(path) try: size = int(self._metadata["map"]["bypath"][path]["size"]) except KeyError: pass return size def getFileSize(self, path): "Return the size in bytes of the specified local or remote path, if it is a file." size = 0 if os.path.exists(path): size = self.getLocalFileSize(path) else: size = self.getRemoteFileSize(path) return size def getLocalFileChecksum(self, path): "Return the MD5 checksum of the specified local path, if it is a file." checksum = None logging.debug("Getting MD5 for %s..." % path) if os.path.exists(path) and not os.path.isdir(path): f = open(path, 'rb') m = hashlib.md5() while True: data = * 1024) if not data: break m.update(data) checksum = m.hexdigest() return checksum def getRemoteFileChecksum(self, path): "Return the MD5 checksum of the specified remote path, if it is a file." checksum = None logging.debug("Getting MD5 for %s..." % path) if not self.isFolder(path): if path.startswith(self._config.getLocalRoot()): path = self._config.getRemotePath(path) if path not in self._metadata["map"]["bypath"] or "md5checksum" not in self._metadata["map"]["bypath"][path]: shared = None try: shared = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"][path]["shared"] except KeyError: # This will really only happen if the metadata is from an old version of the app. pass if shared: return None parent = '/' + '/'.join(path.split('/')[:-2]) self._readFolder(parent) try: checksum = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"][path]["md5checksum"] except KeyError: logging.error("Path \"%s\" is not recognised!" % path) return checksum def getFileChecksum(self, path): "Return the MD5 checksum of the specified local or remote path, if it is a file." checksum = None if os.path.exists(path): checksum = self.getLocalFileChecksum(path) else: checksum = self.getRemoteFileChecksum(path) return checksum def _getLargestChangestamp(self): "Returns the largest changestamp." metadict = self.getMetadata() logging.debug("Max changestamp: %d" % metadict["changestamp"]) return metadict["changestamp"] def _getChangeList(self, changestamp=0): "Get a list of resource IDs that have changed since the specified changestamp." changes = [] resource_ids = [] if changestamp == 0: logging.debug("Getting all changes...") feed = self._getChanges(max_results=self._config.MAX_RESULTS, show_root=True) else: logging.debug("Getting changes since changestamp=%s..." % changestamp) feed = self._getChanges(changestamp=str(changestamp), max_results=self._config.MAX_RESULTS, show_root=True) if feed: changes.extend(feed.entry) while feed and len(feed.entry) == self._config.MAX_RESULTS: feed = self._getNext(feed) changes.extend(feed.entry) if len(changes) > 0: # Save a changestamp of one beyond the last. self._metadata["changestamp"] = int(changes[-1].changestamp.value) + 1 logging.debug("Got %d changes, last changestamp is %d" % (len(changes), self._metadata["changestamp"])) for change in changes: resource_ids.append(change.resource_id.text) else: logging.debug("No changes found") return resource_ids def update(self, path='/', download=False, interactive=True): "Update the local tree at the specified path to match the server." logging.debug("Updating %s ..." % path) localpath = self._config.getLocalPath(path) if path == '/' or not os.path.exists(localpath): logging.debug("Local copy does not exist, fetching..."), localpath, overwrite=True, interactive=interactive) else: # Request change feed from the last changestamp. # If no stored changestamp, then start at the beginning. if self._metadata["changestamp"] == 0: logging.debug("Stored changestamp is zero, walking the tree...") self._metadata["changestamp"] = self._getLargestChangestamp() + 1 self._walk(root=path) if download:, localpath, overwrite=True, interactive=interactive) # Now check for changes again, since before we walked. resource_ids = self._getChangeList(self._metadata["changestamp"]) if len(resource_ids) > 0: # Iterate over the changes, downloading each resource. for res_id in resource_ids: res_path = self._resourceIdToPath(res_id) if res_path == None: logging.debug("No local path for resource ID %s" % res_id) # The resource is not in our cache. resource = self._getResourceById(res_id, show_root=True) if not resource: # TODO: This should never fail. logging.error("Failed to get resource \"%s\"" % res_id) break self._printresource(resource) # Repeatedly get the parent until we find one in our cache, or else reach the root, # which should always exist. If it has no parent, and is not in root, then it must # be shared. # TODO: support shared resources somehow. parents = resource.InCollections() for parent in parents: logging.debug("parent: %s" % parent.href) if parent.href == self._config.ROOT_FOLDER_HREF: logging.debug("Parent is root folder") top_path = '/' else: parent_resource = self._getResourceBySelfLink(parent.href, show_root=True) parent_resid = parent_resource.resource_id.text logging.debug("Parent resource ID %s" % parent_resid) parent_resids = [parent_resid] while parent_resid not in self._metadata["map"]["byid"]: logging.debug("Parent resource ID %s not in cache" % parent_resid) parent = parent.InCollections() parent_resource = self._getResourceBySelfLink(parent.href, show_root=True) parent_resid = parent_resource.resource_id.text parent_resids.insert(0, parent_resid) top_path = self._resourceIdToPath(parent_resid) logging.debug("Found parent path %s in cache for resource ID %s" % (top_path, parent_resid)) self._walk(top_path) # Download the top_path subtree here. if download:, self._config.getLocalPath(top_path), overwrite=True, interactive=interactive) res_path = self._resourceIdToPath(res_id) if res_path == None: logging.warn("No parent path found, must be a shared resource, skipping...") continue # Check if resource path is in the path specified. if res_path.startswith(path): logging.debug("Get resource %s (%s)" % (res_id, res_path)) if download:, self._config.getLocalPath(res_path), overwrite=True, interactive=interactive) else: logging.debug("Ignoring change to path %s, not in target path %s" % (res_path, path)) self._save() def getNumResources(self, path=None): "Returns the total number of resources (files, folders) in the specified path, and all subtrees." return len(self._metadata["map"]["bypath"].keys(path)) def getNumRemoteFolders(self, path=None): "Returns the total number of folders in the specified remote path, and all subtrees." count = 0 if path == '/': values = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"].itervalues() else: values = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"].itervalues(path) for value in values: if value["type"] == "folder": count += 1 return count def getNumRemoteFiles(self, path=None): "Returns the total number of files in the specified remote path, and all subtrees." count = 0 if path == '/': values = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"].itervalues() else: values = self._metadata["map"]["bypath"].itervalues(path) for value in values: if value["type"] != "folder": count += 1 return count def getNumLocalFolders(self, path): "Returns the total number of folders in the specified local path, and all subtrees." count = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): count += len(dirs) return count def getNumLocalFiles(self, path): "Returns the total number of files in the specified local path, and all subtrees." count = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): count += len(files) return count def _download(self, path, localpath, overwrite=False): "Download a file." entry = None if path != '/': entry = self._getResourceById(self._pathToResourceId(path)) if not entry: logging.error("Failed to download path \"%s\"" % path) return False if self.isFolder(path): if not self._config.checkLocalFolder(localpath, overwrite): logging.error("Cannot overwrite local path \"%s\", exiting!" % localpath) return"Downloading folder %s (%d of %d)..." % (localpath, self._folder_count, self._num_folders)) (folders, files) = self._readFolder(path) for fname in files: lpath = os.path.join(localpath, os.path.basename(fname)) self._download(fname, lpath, overwrite) self._file_count += 1 for folder in folders: lpath = os.path.join(localpath, os.path.basename(folder)) self._download(folder, lpath, overwrite) self._folder_count += 1 else:"Downloading file %s (%d bytes) (%d of %d)..." % (localpath, self.getRemoteFileSize(path), self._file_count, self._num_files)) if self._bar: self._bar.render(self._file_count * 100 / self._num_files, localpath) if not self._config.checkLocalFile(localpath, overwrite): return False self._client.DownloadResource(entry, localpath) os.chmod(localpath, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH) return True def download(self, path, localpath=None, overwrite=False, interactive=False): "Download a file or a folder tree." self._folder_count = 1 self._num_folders = self.getNumRemoteFolders(path) self._file_count = 1 self._num_files = self.getNumRemoteFiles(path) if interactive: if self._num_folders + self._num_files > 2: self._bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(width=80) if localpath is None: localpath = self._config.getLocalPath(path) logging.debug("Using local path %s" % localpath) for exclude in self._config.getExcludes(): if path == '/' + exclude: logging.debug("Skipping folder on exclude list") return self._download(path, localpath, overwrite) self._folder_count = 0 self._file_count = 0 def _upload(self, localpath, path): "Upload a file." # # The default root collection URI uri = '' # if collection path is set if path <> "/": resources = self._client.GetAllResources(uri='' + path + '&title-exact=true') uri = resources[0].get_resumable_create_media_link().href # Make sure Google doesn't try to do any conversion on the upload (e.g. convert images to documents) uri += '?convert=false' # Create an uploader and upload the file # Hint: it should be possible to use UploadChunk() to allow display of upload statistics for large uploads t1 = time.time() fh = open(localpath) import magic import atom file_type = magic.Magic(mime=True).from_file( file_size = os.path.getsize("Uploading...") uploader = gdata.client.ResumableUploader(self._client, fh, file_type, file_size, chunk_size=1048576, res = uploader.UploadFile(uri,'Uploaded', '{0:.2f}'.format(file_size / 1024 / 1024) + ' MiB in ' + str(round(time.time() - t1, 2)) + ' seconds')"Created: %s" % res) #logging.error("Upload is not yet implemented!") def upload(self, localpath, path=None, interactive=False): "Upload a file or a folder tree." if path is None: if localpath.startswith(self._config.getLocalRoot()): path = localpath[len(self._config.getLocalRoot()):] else: path = '/' self._folder_count = 1 self._num_folders = self.getNumLocalFolders(path) self._file_count = 1 self._num_files = self.getNumLocalFiles(path) if interactive: if self._num_folders + self._num_files > 2: self._bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(width=80) self._upload(localpath, path) self._folder_count = 0 self._file_count = 0 def getInfo(self): "Return general information." userdata = self.getMetadata() userdata["Total resources"] = self.getNumResources() return userdata def dump(self): "Dump metadata." pprint.pprint(self._metadata, indent=2) def filestatus(self, path, interactive=False): "Get the status of a file." res_id = self._pathToResourceId(path) resource = self._getResourceById(res_id, show_root=True) if not resource: logging.error("Failed to get resource \"%s\"" % res_id) return self._getResourceMetadata(resource)