def failure_rate(previous_results, current_results, real_rate=REAL_REGRESSION_RATE, confidence=CONFIDENCE): if confidence is None: #USED FOR TESTING for page_name, results in previous_results.items(): results["failure_probability"] = float(results["total_fail"]) / (results["total_pass"] + results["total_fail"]) else: for page_name, results in previous_results.items(): results["failure_probability"] = confident_fail_rate(results["total_fail"], results["total_pass"], confidence) result = real_rate for page_name, results in current_results.items(): p = previous_results[page_name]["failure_probability"] for i in range(results["total_fail"]): result = Math.bayesian_add(result, 1 - p) for i in range(results["total_pass"]): result = Math.bayesian_add(result, p) return result
def __init__(self, db): = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=1) self.recent_past = - timedelta(hours=1) self.far_past = - timedelta(days=2) self.db = db # self.uid=None self.series = 0 self.reason = "used for testing 1" self.high_severity = 0.7 self.high_confidence = 0.9 self.important = Math.bayesian_add(self.high_severity, self.high_confidence) self.low_severity = 0.5 self.low_confidence = 0.7
def send_alerts(settings, db): """ BLINDLY SENDS ALERTS FROM THE ALERTS TABLE, ASSUMING ALL HAVE THE SAME STRUCTURE. """ debug = settings.param.debug db.debug = debug #TODO: REMOVE, LEAVE IN DB if db.debug: db.execute("update reasons set email_subject={{subject}}, email_template={{template}} where code={{reason}}", { "template": CNV.object2JSON(TEMPLATE), "subject": CNV.object2JSON(SUBJECT), "reason": REASON }) db.flush() try: new_alerts = db.query(""" SELECT alert_id, a.reason, r.description, a.details, a.severity, a.confidence, a.revision, r.email_template, r.email_subject FROM alerts a JOIN reasons r on r.code = a.reason WHERE a.last_sent IS NULL AND a.status <> 'obsolete' AND math.bayesian_add(a.severity, a.confidence) > {{alert_limit}} AND a.solution IS NULL AND a.reason in {{reasons}} AND a.create_time > {{min_time}} ORDER BY math.bayesian_add(a.severity, a.confidence) DESC, json.number(left(details, 65000), "diff_percent") DESC LIMIT 10 """, { "last_sent": datetime.utcnow() - RESEND_AFTER, "alert_limit": ALERT_LIMIT - EPSILON, "min_time": datetime.utcnow()-LOOK_BACK, "reasons": SQL("("+", ".join(db.quote_value(v) for v in SEND_REASONS)+")") }) if not new_alerts: if debug: Log.note("Nothing important to email") return for alert in new_alerts: #poor souls that signed up for emails listeners = ";".join(db.query("SELECT email FROM listeners WHERE reason={{reason}}", {"reason": alert.reason}).email) body = [HEADER] if alert.confidence >= 1: alert.confidence = 0.999999 alert.details = CNV.JSON2object(alert.details) try: alert.revision = CNV.JSON2object(alert.revision) except Exception, e: pass alert.score = str(-log(1.0-Math.bayesian_add(alert.severity, alert.confidence), 10)) #SHOW NUMBER OF NINES alert.details.url = alert.details.page_url example = alert.details.example for e in alert.details.tests.example + [example]: if e.push_date_min: e.push_date_max = (2 * e.push_date) - e.push_date_min e.date_range = (datetime.utcnow()-CNV.milli2datetime(e.push_date_min)).total_seconds()/(24*60*60) #REQUIRED FOR DATAZILLA B2G CHART REFERENCE e.date_range = nvl(nvl(*[v for v in (7, 30, 60) if v > e.date_range]), 90) #PICK FIRST v > CURRENT VALUE subject = expand_template(CNV.JSON2object(alert.email_subject), alert) body.append(expand_template(CNV.JSON2object(alert.email_template), alert)) body = "".join(body)+FOOTER if debug: Log.note("EMAIL: {{email}}", {"email": body}) if len(body) > MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH: Log.note("Truncated the email body") suffix = "... (has been truncated)" body = body[0:MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH - len(suffix)] + suffix #keep it reasonable"mail.send", ( listeners, #to subject, body, #body None )) #I HOPE I CAN SEND ARRAYS OF NUMBERS db.execute( "UPDATE alerts SET last_sent={{time}} WHERE {{where}}", { "time": datetime.utcnow(), "where": esfilter2sqlwhere(db, {"terms": {"id":, "alert_id")}}) }) except Exception, e: Log.error("Could not send alerts", e)
from math import log from dzAlerts.daemons import b2g_alert_revision, talos_alert_revision from dzAlerts.daemons.email_send import email_send from dzAlerts.daemons.talos_alert_revision import TEMPLATE, SUBJECT, REASON from dzAlerts.util.cnv import CNV from dzAlerts.util.env import startup from dzAlerts.util.queries import Q from dzAlerts.util.queries.db_query import esfilter2sqlwhere from dzAlerts.util.strings import expand_template from dzAlerts.util.maths import Math from dzAlerts.util.env.logs import Log from dzAlerts.util.sql.db import DB, SQL from dzAlerts.util.struct import nvl from dzAlerts.util.env.emailer import Emailer ALERT_LIMIT = Math.bayesian_add(0.90, 0.70) #SIMPLE severity*confidence LIMIT (FOR NOW) HEADER = "<h3>Performance Regression Alert</h3>" FOOTER = "<hr><a style='font-size:70%' href=''>Understanding this alert</a>" #TBPL link: #TBPL test results: #HG: #BZ: #DZ: # "product":v.product, # "branch":v.branch, # "branch_version":v.branch_version, # "revision":v.revision SEPARATOR = "<hr>\n" RESEND_AFTER = timedelta(days=7) LOOK_BACK = timedelta(days=30)