Пример #1
class Response(StandardError):
    """Represent an HTTP Response message.

    def __init__(self, code=200, body='', headers=None):
        """Takes an int, a string, and a dict.

            - code        an HTTP response code, e.g., 404
            - body        the message body as a string
            - headers     a dictionary of HTTP headers (or list of tuples)

        Body is second because one more often wants to specify a body without
        headers, than a header without a body.

        if not isinstance(code, int):
            raise TypeError("'code' must be an integer")
        elif not isinstance(body, basestring):
            raise TypeError("'body' must be a string")
        elif headers is not None and not isinstance(headers, (dict, list)):
            raise TypeError("'headers' must be a dictionary or a list of " +

        self.code = code
        self.body = body
        self.headers = Message()
        if headers:
            if isinstance(headers, dict):
                headers = headers.items()
            for k, v in headers:
                self.headers[k] = v

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Response: %s>" % str(self)

    def __str__(self):
        return "%d %s" % (self.code, self._status()[0])

    def _status(self):
        return _responses.get(self.code, ('???','Unknown HTTP status'))

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        """We ourselves are a WSGI app.

        XXX: WSGI exception handling?

        _status = self._status()

        status = "%d %s" % (self.code, _status[0])
        headers = [(str(k), str(v)) for k,v in self.headers.items()]
        body = [self.body and self.body or _status[1]]

        start_response(status, headers)
        return body
Пример #2
class Response(StandardError):
    """Represent an HTTP Response message.
    def __init__(self, code=200, body='', headers=None):
        """Takes an int, a string, and a dict.

            - code        an HTTP response code, e.g., 404
            - body        the message body as a string
            - headers     a dictionary of HTTP headers (or list of tuples)

        Body is second because one more often wants to specify a body without
        headers, than a header without a body.

        if not isinstance(code, int):
            raise TypeError("'code' must be an integer")
        elif not isinstance(body, basestring):
            raise TypeError("'body' must be a string")
        elif headers is not None and not isinstance(headers, (dict, list)):
            raise TypeError("'headers' must be a dictionary or a list of " +

        self.code = code
        self.body = body
        self.headers = Message()
        if headers:
            if isinstance(headers, dict):
                headers = headers.items()
            for k, v in headers:
                self.headers[k] = v

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Response: %s>" % str(self)

    def __str__(self):
        return "%d %s" % (self.code, self._status()[0])

    def _status(self):
        return _responses.get(self.code, ('???', 'Unknown HTTP status'))

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        """We ourselves are a WSGI app.

        XXX: WSGI exception handling?

        _status = self._status()

        status = "%d %s" % (self.code, _status[0])
        headers = [(str(k), str(v)) for k, v in self.headers.items()]
        body = [self.body and self.body or _status[1]]

        start_response(status, headers)
        return body
Пример #3
def construct_message(imap, msg_format, msg_to, msg_from, msg_date, msg_subject, msg_body):
	msg = Message()
	msg.add_header('Date', formatdate(time.mktime(msg_date.timetuple())))
	msg.add_header('Message-Id', create_id(msg_date, msg_from))
	msg.add_header('To', msg_to)
	msg.add_header('From', msg_from)
	msg.add_header('MIME-Version', '1.0')
	msg.add_header('Subject', msg_subject)
	payload = Message()
	payload.add_header('Content-Type', msg_format)
	if msg_format in ('text/html', 'text/plain'):
		payload.add_header('Content-Transfer-Encoding', '8bit')
		payload.add_header('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'base64')
		payload.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % msg_subject)
	for item in payload.items():
		msg.add_header(item[0], item[1])
	except Exception, e:
		print e
Пример #4
class SmartMessage:
    """Uproszczony interfejs dla bibliotek Pythona, który potrafi tworzyæ
    wiadomoœci tekstowe i z za³¹cznikami MIME."""
    def __init__(self, fromAddr, toAddrs, subject, body, enc='iso-8859-2'):
        """Zacznij od za³o¿enia, i¿ bêdzie to prosta wiadomoœæ tekstowa
        zgodna z RFC 2822 i bez MIME."""
        self.msg = Message()
        self['Subject'] = subject
        self.hasAttachments = False
        self.enc = enc

    def setFrom(self, fromAddr):
        "Ustawia adres nadawcy wiadomoœci."
        if not fromAddr or not type(fromAddr) == type(''):
            raise Exception, 'Wiadomoœæ musi mieæ jednego i tylko jednego nadawcê.'
        self['From'] = fromAddr

    def setTo(self, to):
        "Ustawia adresy osób, które maj¹ otrzymaæ wiadomoœæ."
        if not to:
            raise Exception, 'Wiadomoœæ musi mieæ co najmniej jednego odbiorcê.'
        self._addresses(to, 'To')

        #Dodatkowo przechowuj adresy jako listê. Byæ mo¿e
        #skorzysta z niej kod, który zajmie siê wysy³aniem wiadomoœci.
        self.to = to

    def setCc(self, cc):
        """Ustawia adresy osób, które maj¹ otrzymaæ kopiê wiadomoœc. choæ
        nie jest ona adresowana do nich w sposób bezpoœredni."""
        self._addresses(cc, 'Cc')

    def addAttachment(self, attachment, filename, mimetype=None):
        "Do³¹cza do wiadomoœci wskazany plik."

        #Odgadnij g³ówny i dodatkowy typ MIME na podstawie nazwy pliku.
        if not mimetype:
            mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0]
        if not mimetype:
            raise Exception, "Nie uda³o siê okreœliæ typu MIME dla", filename
        if '/' in mimetype:
            major, minor = mimetype.split('/')
            major = mimetype
            minor = None

        #Wiadomoœæ by³a konstruowana z za³o¿eniem, i¿ bêdzie zawieraæ
        #tylko i wy³¹cznie tekst. Poniewa¿ wiem, ¿e bêdzie zawieraæ
        #co najmniej jeden za³¹cznik, musimy zmieniæ j¹ na wiadomoœæ
        #wieloczêœciow¹ i wkleiæ tekst jako pierwsz¹ czêœæ.
        if not self.hasAttachments:
            body = self.msg.get_payload()
            newMsg = MIMEMultipart()
            newMsg.attach(MIMEText(body, 'plain', self.enc))
            #Skopiuj stare nag³ówki do nowego obiektu.
            for header, value in self.msg.items():
                newMsg[header] = value
            self.msg = newMsg
            self.hasAttachments = True
        subMessage = MIMENonMultipart(major, minor, name=filename)

        #Zakoduj teksty jako quoted printable natomiast wszystkie
        #inne typy jako base64.
        if major == 'text':
            encoder = Encoders.encode_quopri
            encoder = Encoders.encode_base64

        #Powi¹¿ fragment MIME z g³ówn¹ wiadomoœci¹.

    def _addresses(self, addresses, key):
        """Ustawia zawartoœæ nag³ówka na podstawie listy przekazanych adresów."""
        if hasattr(addresses, '__iter__'):
            addresses = ', '.join(addresses)
        self[key] = addresses

    #Kilka metod dodatkowych umo¿liwiaj¹cych traktowanie klasy w podobny
    #sposób, jak klasy Message lub MultipartMessage, stosuj¹c odpowiedni¹
    #delegacjê poleceñ do tych klas.
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        "Zwróæ nag³ówek o podanym kluczu."
        return self.msg[key]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        "Ustaw nag³ówek o wskazanej nazwie."
        self.msg[key] = value

    def __getattr__(self, key):
        return getattr(self.msg, key)

    def __str__(self):
        "Zwróæ tekstow¹ reprezentacjê wiadomoœci."
        return self.msg.as_string()