def main(argv): app = QApplication(argv) #Early so that QT is initialized before other imports app.setWindowIcon(resourceIcon("application/window_icon_cutout")) if len(argv) == 1: sys.stderr.write("Missing configuration file") sys.exit(1) config_file = argv[1] strict = True if not os.path.exists(config_file): print("Can not run without a configuration file.") sys.exit(1) if os.path.isdir(config_file): print("The specified configuration file is a directory!") sys.exit(1) splash = ErtSplash() splash.version = "Version %s" % Version.getVersion() splash.timestamp = Version.getBuildTime() splash.repaint() now = time.time() ert = EnKFMain(config_file, strict=strict, verbose=False) ert_gui.configureErtNotifier(ert, config_file) window = PlotWindow(ert, None) sleep_time = 2 - (time.time() - now) if sleep_time > 0: time.sleep(sleep_time) splash.finish(window) window.activateWindow() window.raise_() finished_code = app.exec_() sys.exit(finished_code)
def main(argv): app = QApplication( argv) #Early so that QT is initialized before other imports app.setWindowIcon(util.resourceIcon("application/window_icon_cutout")) if len(argv) == 1: sys.stderr.write("Missing configuration file") sys.exit(1) config_file = argv[1] strict = True if not os.path.exists(config_file): print("Can not run without a configuration file.") sys.exit(1) if os.path.isdir(config_file): print("The specified configuration file is a directory!") sys.exit(1) splash = ErtSplash() splash.version = "Version %s" % Version.getVersion() splash.timestamp = Version.getBuildTime() splash.repaint() now = time.time() ert = EnKFMain(config_file, strict=strict, verbose=False) ErtConnector.setErt(ert) window = PlotWindow(ert, None) sleep_time = 2 - (time.time() - now) if sleep_time > 0: time.sleep(sleep_time) splash.finish(window) window.activateWindow() window.raise_() finished_code = app.exec_() sys.exit(finished_code)
def __init__(self, config, host="localhost", port=0, log_requests=False, verbose_queue=False): SimpleXMLRPCServer.__init__(self, (host, port), allow_none=True, logRequests=log_requests) self._host = host self._verbose_queue = verbose_queue # https: server.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(srv.socket, ...) if isinstance(config, EnKFMain): self._config = config self._config_file = config.getUserConfigFile() else: if os.path.exists(config): self._config = EnKFMain(config) self._config_file = config else: raise IOError("The ert config file: %s does not exist" % config) self._session = Session() self.register_function(self.ertVersion) self.register_function(self.getTimeMap) self.register_function(self.isRunning) self.register_function(self.isInitializationCaseAvailable) self.register_function(self.startSimulationBatch) self.register_function(self.addSimulation) self.register_function(self.isRealizationFinished) self.register_function(self.didRealizationSucceed) self.register_function(self.didRealizationFail) self.register_function(self.getGenDataResult) self.register_function(self.getCustomKWResult) self.register_function(self.isCustomKWKey) self.register_function(self.isGenDataKey) self.register_function(self.prototypeStorage) self.register_function(self.storeGlobalData) self.register_function(self.storeSimulationData)
def do_load_config(self, config_file): if os.path.exists(config_file) and os.path.isfile(config_file): self.shellContext().setErt(EnKFMain(config_file)) ert_gui.configureErtNotifier(self.shellContext().ert(), config_file) else: self.lastCommandFailed("Config file '%s' not found!\n" % config_file)
class ErtServer(object): DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' site_config = None def __init__(self, config_file, logger): installAbortSignals() self.queue_lock = threading.Lock() self.ert_handle = None self.logger = logger if os.path.exists(config_file): else: raise IOError("The config file:%s does not exist" % config_file) self.initCmdTable() self.run_context = None self.init_fs = None self.run_fs = None self.run_count = 0 def SUCCESS(self, res): self.logger.debug("Success: returning: %s", res) return SUCCESS(res) def ERROR(self, res): self.logger.debug("ERROR: returning: %s", res) return ERROR(res) def initCmdTable(self): self.cmd_table = { "STATUS": self.handleSTATUS, "INIT_SIMULATIONS": self.handleINIT_SIMULATIONS, "ADD_SIMULATION": self.handleADD_SIMULATION, "GET_RESULT": self.handleGET_RESULT, "TIME_STEP": self.handleTIMESTEP } def open(self, config_file): self.config_file = config_file self.ert_handle = EnKFMain(config_file)"Have connect ert handle to:%s", config_file) def close(self): # More cleanup first ..."Shutting down ert handle") self.ert_handle = None def isConnected(self): if self.ert_handle: return True else: return False def __del__(self): if self.isConnected(): self.close() def evalCmd(self, cmd_expr): cmd = cmd_expr[0] func = self.cmd_table.get(cmd)"Received command: %s" % cmd) if func: return func(cmd_expr[1:]) else: raise KeyError("The command:%s was not recognized" % cmd) def handleSTATUS(self, args): if self.isConnected(): if self.run_context is None: return self.SUCCESS(["READY"]) else: if self.run_context.isRunning(): if len(args) == 0: return self.SUCCESS([ "RUNNING", self.run_context.getNumRunning(), self.run_context.getNumComplete() ]) else: iens = args[0] if self.run_context.realisationComplete(iens): return self.SUCCESS(["COMPLETE"]) else: return self.SUCCESS(["RUNNING"]) else: return self.SUCCESS(["COMPLETE"]) else: return self.SUCCESS(["CLOSED"]) def initSimulations(self, args): run_size = args[0] init_case = str(args[1]) run_case = str(args[2]) fs_manager = self.ert_handle.getEnkfFsManager() self.run_fs = fs_manager.getFileSystem(run_case) self.init_fs = fs_manager.getFileSystem(init_case) fs_manager.switchFileSystem(self.run_fs) self.run_context = RunContext(self.ert_handle, run_size, self.run_fs, self.run_count) self.run_count += 1 return self.handleSTATUS([]) def restartSimulations(self, args): return self.initSimulations(args) def handleINIT_SIMULATIONS(self, args): if len(args) == 3: result = [] with self.queue_lock: if self.run_context is None: self.initSimulations(args) else: if not self.run_context.isRunning(): self.restartSimulations(args) result = ["OK"] return self.SUCCESS(result) else: raise IndexError( "The INIT_SIMULATIONS command expects three arguments: [ensemble_size , init_case, run_case]" ) def handleGET_RESULT(self, args): iens = args[0] kw = str(args[2]) try: year, month, day = args[1] time_map = self.run_fs.getTimeMap() report_step = time_map.lookupTime(, month, day), tolerance_seconds_before=24 * 3600, tolerance_seconds_after=24 * 3600) except TypeError: report_step = args[1] ensembleConfig = self.ert_handle.ensembleConfig() if kw in ensembleConfig: state = self.ert_handle.getRealisation(iens) node = state[kw] gen_data = node.asGenData() fs = self.ert_handle.getEnkfFsManager().getCurrentFileSystem() node_id = NodeId(report_step, iens, EnkfStateType.FORECAST) if node.tryLoad(fs, node_id): data = gen_data.getData() return self.SUCCESS(["OK"] + data.asList()) else: raise Exception("Loading iens:%d report:%d kw:%s failed" % (iens, report_step, kw)) else: raise KeyError("The keyword:%s is not recognized" % kw) # ["ADD_SIMULATION" , 0 , 1 , 1 [ ["KW1" , ...] , ["KW2" , ....]]] def handleADD_SIMULATION(self, args): geo_id = args[0] pert_id = args[1] iens = args[2] self.logger.debug("ADD_SIMULATION geo_id:%d pert_id:%d iens:%d" % (geo_id, pert_id, iens)) kw_list = args[3] state = self.ert_handle.getRealisation(iens) state.addSubstKeyword("GEO_ID", "%d" % geo_id) elco_kw = [l[0] for l in kw_list] ens_config = self.ert_handle.ensembleConfig() for kw in ens_config.getKeylistFromVarType(EnkfVarType.PARAMETER): if not kw in elco_kw: node = state[kw] init_id = NodeId(0, geo_id, EnkfStateType.ANALYZED) run_id = NodeId(0, iens, EnkfStateType.ANALYZED) node.load(self.init_fs, init_id), run_id) for kw_arg in kw_list: kw = str(kw_arg[0]) data = kw_arg[1:] self.logger.debug("ADD_SIMULATION %s : %s" % (kw, data)) node = state[kw] gen_kw = node.asGenKw() gen_kw.setValues(data) run_id = NodeId(0, iens, EnkfStateType.ANALYZED), run_id) self.run_fs.fsync() state_map = self.run_fs.getStateMap() state_map[iens] = RealizationStateEnum.STATE_INITIALIZED self.run_context.startSimulation(iens) return self.handleSTATUS([]) def handleTIMESTEP(self, args): enkf_fs_manager = self.ert_handle.getEnkfFsManager() enkf_fs = enkf_fs_manager.getCurrentFileSystem() time_map = enkf_fs.getTimeMap() time_steps = [ ts.datetime().strftime(ErtServer.DATE_FORMAT) for ts in time_map ] return self.SUCCESS(time_steps)
def main(argv): app = QApplication(argv) #Early so that QT is initialized before other imports app.setWindowIcon(util.resourceIcon("application/window_icon_cutout")) splash = QSplashScreen(resourceImage("newsplash"), Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) splash.showMessage("Starting up...", Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.white) app.processEvents() help_center = HelpCenter("ERT") help_center.setHelpLinkPrefix(os.getenv("ERT_SHARE_PATH") + "/gui/help/") help_center.setHelpMessageLink("welcome_to_ert") splash.showMessage("Bootstrapping...", Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.white) app.processEvents() strict = True site_config = os.getenv("ERT_SITE_CONFIG") if len(argv) == 1: print("-----------------------------------------------------------------") print("-- You must supply the name of configuration file as the first --") print("-- commandline argument: --") print("-- --") print("-- bash% gert <config_file> --") print("-- --") print("-- If the configuration file does not exist, gert will create --") print("-- create a new configuration file. --") print("-----------------------------------------------------------------") else: enkf_config = argv[1] if not os.path.exists(enkf_config): print("Trying to start new config") new_configuration_dialog = NewConfigurationDialog(enkf_config) success = new_configuration_dialog.exec_() if not success: print("Can not run without a configuration file.") sys.exit(1) else: enkf_config = new_configuration_dialog.getConfigurationPath() first_case_name = new_configuration_dialog.getCaseName() dbase_type = new_configuration_dialog.getDBaseType() num_realizations = new_configuration_dialog.getNumberOfRealizations() storage_path = new_configuration_dialog.getStoragePath() EnKFMain.createNewConfig(enkf_config, storage_path, first_case_name, dbase_type, num_realizations) strict = False ert = Ert(EnKFMain(enkf_config, site_config=site_config, strict=strict)) ErtConnector.setErt(ert.ert()) splash.showMessage("Creating GUI...", Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.white) app.processEvents() window = GertMainWindow() window.setWidget(SimulationPanel()) help_tool = HelpTool("ERT", window) window.addDock("Configuration Summary", SummaryPanel(), area=Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea) window.addTool(IdeTool(os.path.basename(enkf_config), ert.reloadERT, help_tool)) window.addTool(PlotTool()) window.addTool(ExportTool()) window.addTool(WorkflowsTool()) window.addTool(ManageCasesTool()) window.addTool(help_tool) splash.showMessage("Communicating with ERT...", Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.white) app.processEvents() splash.finish(window) sys.exit(app.exec_())
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import time from ert.enkf import EnKFMain # This will instantiate the EnkFMain object and create a handle to # "everything" ert related for this instance. ert = EnKFMain(sys.argv[1]) site_config = ert.siteConfig() jobs = site_config.get_installed_jobs() for job in jobs: print print " config : %s" % job.get_config_file() print " executable: %s" % job.get_executable() print
class ErtServer(object): site_config = None def __init__(self , config_file = None): self.ert_handle = None if config_file: if os.path.exists(config_file): config_file ) else: raise IOError("The config file:%s does not exist" % config_file) self.initCmdTable() self.run_context = None def initCmdTable(self): self.cmd_table = {"STATUS" : self.handleSTATUS , "INIT_SIMULATIONS" : self.handleINIT_SIMULATIONS , "ADD_SIMULATION" : self.handleADD_SIMULATION , "SET_VARIABLE" : self.handleSET_VARIABLE , "GET_RESULT" : self.handleGET_RESULT } def open(self , config_file): self.config_file = config_file self.ert_handle = EnKFMain( config_file , ErtServer.site_config ) def close(self): # More cleanup first ... self.ert_handle = None def isConnected(self): if self.ert_handle: return True else: return False def __del__(self): if self.isConnected(): self.close() def evalCmd(self , cmd_expr): cmd = cmd_expr[0] func = self.cmd_table.get(cmd) if func: return func(cmd_expr[1:]) else: raise ErtCmdError("The command:%s was not recognized" % cmd) def handleSTATUS(self , args): if self.isConnected(): if self.run_context is None: return ["READY"] else: return ["RUNNING" , self.run_context.getNumRunning() , self.run_context.getNumComplete()] else: return ["CLOSED"] def handleINIT_SIMULATIONS(self , args): if len(args) == 2: if self.run_context is None: run_size = args[0] init_case = args[1] self.run_context = RunContext(self.ert_handle , run_size , init_case) return self.handleSTATUS([]) else: raise ErtCmdError("The ert server has already started simulations") else: raise ErtCmdError("The INIT_SIMULATIONS command expects two arguments: [ensemble_size , init_case]") def handleGET_RESULT(self , args): iens = args[0] report_step = args[1] kw = str(args[2]) ensembleConfig = self.ert_handle.ensembleConfig() if ensembleConfig.hasKey( kw ): state = self.ert_handle[iens] node = state[kw] gen_data = node.asGenData() fs = self.ert_handle.getEnkfFsManager().getCurrentFileSystem() node_id = NodeId(report_step , iens , EnkfStateType.FORECAST ) if node.tryLoad( fs , node_id ): data = gen_data.getData() return json.dumps( ["OK"] + data.asList() ) else: raise ErtCmdError("Loading iens:%d report:%d kw:%s failed" % (iens , report_step , kw)) else: raise ErtCmdError("The keyword:%s is not recognized" % kw) def handleSET_VARIABLE(self , args): geo_id = args[0] pert_id = args[1] iens = args[2] kw = str(args[3]) ensembleConfig = self.ert_handle.ensembleConfig() if ensembleConfig.hasKey(kw): state = self.ert_handle[iens] node = state[kw] gen_kw = node.asGenKw() gen_kw.setValues(args[4:]) fs = self.ert_handle.getEnkfFsManager().getCurrentFileSystem() node_id = NodeId(0 , iens , EnkfStateType.ANALYZED ) fs , node_id ) else: raise ErtCmdError("The keyword:%s is not recognized" % kw) def handleADD_SIMULATION(self , args): iens = args[0] self.run_context.startSimulation( iens )
class ErtServer(object): DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' site_config = None def __init__(self , config_file , logger): installAbortSignals() self.queue_lock = threading.Lock() self.ert_handle = None self.logger = logger if os.path.exists(config_file): config_file ) else: raise IOError("The config file:%s does not exist" % config_file) self.initCmdTable() self.run_context = None self.init_fs = None self.run_fs = None self.run_count = 0 def SUCCESS(self , res): self.logger.debug("Success: returning: %s" , res) return SUCCESS(res) def ERROR(self , res): self.logger.debug("ERROR: returning: %s" , res) return ERROR(res) def initCmdTable(self): self.cmd_table = {"STATUS" : self.handleSTATUS , "INIT_SIMULATIONS" : self.handleINIT_SIMULATIONS , "ADD_SIMULATION" : self.handleADD_SIMULATION , "GET_RESULT" : self.handleGET_RESULT , "TIME_STEP": self.handleTIMESTEP } def open(self , config_file): self.config_file = config_file self.ert_handle = EnKFMain( config_file )"Have connect ert handle to:%s" , config_file) def close(self): # More cleanup first ..."Shutting down ert handle") self.ert_handle = None def isConnected(self): if self.ert_handle: return True else: return False def __del__(self): if self.isConnected(): self.close() def evalCmd(self , cmd_expr): cmd = cmd_expr[0] func = self.cmd_table.get(cmd)"Received command: %s" % cmd) if func: return func(cmd_expr[1:]) else: raise KeyError("The command:%s was not recognized" % cmd) # The STATUS action can either report results for the complete # simulation set, or it can report the status of one particular # realisation. If the function is called with zero arguments it # will return the global status, if called with one argument it # will return the status for that realisation. def handleSTATUS(self , args): if self.isConnected(): if self.run_context is None: return self.SUCCESS(["READY"]) else: if len(args) == 0: if self.run_context.isRunning(): return self.SUCCESS(["RUNNING" , self.run_context.getNumRunning() , self.run_context.getNumSuccess() , self.run_context.getNumFailed()]) else: return self.SUCCESS(["COMPLETE" , self.run_context.getNumRunning() , self.run_context.getNumSuccess() , self.run_context.getNumFailed()]) else: iens = args[0] if self.run_context.realisationRunning(iens): return self.SUCCESS(["RUNNING"]) elif self.run_context.realisationFailed(iens): return self.SUCCESS(["FAILED"]) elif self.run_context.realisationSuccess(iens): return self.SUCCESS(["SUCCESS"]) else: return self.SUCCESS(["CLOSED"]) def initSimulations(self , args): run_size = args[0] init_case = str(args[1]) run_case = str(args[2]) fs_manager = self.ert_handle.getEnkfFsManager() self.run_fs = fs_manager.getFileSystem( run_case ) self.init_fs = fs_manager.getFileSystem( init_case ) fs_manager.switchFileSystem( self.run_fs ) self.run_context = RunContext(self.ert_handle , run_size , self.run_fs , self.run_count) self.run_count += 1 return self.handleSTATUS([]) def restartSimulations(self , args): return self.initSimulations(args) def handleINIT_SIMULATIONS(self , args): if len(args) == 3: result = [] with self.queue_lock: if self.run_context is None: self.initSimulations( args ) else: if not self.run_context.isRunning(): self.restartSimulations( args ) result = ["OK"] return self.SUCCESS(result) else: raise IndexError("The INIT_SIMULATIONS command expects three arguments: [ensemble_size , init_case, run_case]") def handleGET_RESULT(self , args): iens = args[0] kw = str(args[2]) try: year,month,day = args[1] time_map = self.run_fs.getTimeMap( ) report_step = time_map.lookupTime( year , month , day) , tolerance_seconds_before = 24*3600 , tolerance_seconds_after = 24*3600) except TypeError: report_step = args[1] ensembleConfig = self.ert_handle.ensembleConfig() if kw in ensembleConfig: state = self.ert_handle.getRealisation( iens ) node = state[kw] gen_data = node.asGenData() fs = self.ert_handle.getEnkfFsManager().getCurrentFileSystem() node_id = NodeId(report_step , iens , EnkfStateType.FORECAST ) if node.tryLoad( fs , node_id ): data = gen_data.getData() return self.SUCCESS( ["OK"] + data.asList() ) else: raise Exception("Loading iens:%d report:%d kw:%s failed" % (iens , report_step , kw)) else: raise KeyError("The keyword:%s is not recognized" % kw) # ["ADD_SIMULATION" , 0 , 1 , 1 [ ["KW1" , ...] , ["KW2" , ....]]] def handleADD_SIMULATION(self , args): geo_id = args[0] pert_id = args[1] iens = args[2] self.logger.debug("ADD_SIMULATION geo_id:%d pert_id:%d iens:%d" % (geo_id , pert_id , iens)) kw_list = args[3] state = self.ert_handle.getRealisation( iens ) state.addSubstKeyword( "GEO_ID" , "%d" % geo_id ) elco_kw = [ l[0] for l in kw_list ] ens_config = self.ert_handle.ensembleConfig() for kw in ens_config.getKeylistFromVarType( EnkfVarType.PARAMETER ): if not kw in elco_kw: node = state[kw] init_id = NodeId(0 , geo_id , EnkfStateType.ANALYZED ) run_id = NodeId(0 , iens , EnkfStateType.ANALYZED ) node.load( self.init_fs , init_id ) self.run_fs , run_id ) for kw_arg in kw_list: kw = str(kw_arg[0]) data = kw_arg[1:] self.logger.debug("ADD_SIMULATION %s : %s" % (kw , data)) node = state[kw] gen_kw = node.asGenKw() gen_kw.setValues(data) run_id = NodeId(0 , iens , EnkfStateType.ANALYZED ) self.run_fs , run_id ) self.run_fs.fsync() state_map = self.run_fs.getStateMap() state_map[iens] = RealizationStateEnum.STATE_INITIALIZED self.run_context.startSimulation( iens ) return self.handleSTATUS([]) def handleTIMESTEP(self, args): enkf_fs_manager = self.ert_handle.getEnkfFsManager() enkf_fs = enkf_fs_manager.getCurrentFileSystem() time_map = enkf_fs.getTimeMap() time_steps = [ ts.datetime().strftime(ErtServer.DATE_FORMAT) for ts in time_map ] return self.SUCCESS(time_steps)
class ErtServer(object): site_config = None def __init__(self, config_file, logger): installAbortSignals() self.queue_lock = threading.Lock() self.ert_handle = None self.logger = logger if os.path.exists(config_file): else: raise IOError("The config file:%s does not exist" % config_file) self.initCmdTable() self.run_context = None self.init_fs = None self.run_fs = None self.run_count = 0 def SUCCESS(self, res): self.logger.debug("Success: returning: %s", res) return SUCCESS(res) def ERROR(self, res): self.logger.debug("ERROR: returning: %s", res) return ERROR(res) def initCmdTable(self): self.cmd_table = { "STATUS": self.handleSTATUS, "INIT_SIMULATIONS": self.handleINIT_SIMULATIONS, "ADD_SIMULATION": self.handleADD_SIMULATION, "GET_RESULT": self.handleGET_RESULT, } def open(self, config_file): self.config_file = config_file self.ert_handle = EnKFMain(config_file, ErtServer.site_config)"Have connect ert handle to:%s", config_file) def close(self): # More cleanup first ..."Shutting down ert handle") self.ert_handle = None def isConnected(self): if self.ert_handle: return True else: return False def __del__(self): if self.isConnected(): self.close() def evalCmd(self, cmd_expr): cmd = cmd_expr[0] func = self.cmd_table.get(cmd)"Received command: %s" % cmd) if func: return func(cmd_expr[1:]) else: raise KeyError("The command:%s was not recognized" % cmd) def handleSTATUS(self, args): if self.isConnected(): if self.run_context is None: return self.SUCCESS(["READY"]) else: if self.run_context.isRunning(): if len(args) == 0: return self.SUCCESS( ["RUNNING", self.run_context.getNumRunning(), self.run_context.getNumComplete()] ) else: iens = args[0] if self.run_context.realisationComplete(iens): return self.SUCCESS(["COMPLETE"]) else: return self.SUCCESS(["RUNNING"]) else: return self.SUCCESS(["COMPLETE"]) else: return self.SUCCESS(["CLOSED"]) def initSimulations(self, args): run_size = args[0] init_case = str(args[1]) run_case = str(args[2]) fs_manager = self.ert_handle.getEnkfFsManager() self.run_fs = fs_manager.getFileSystem(run_case) self.init_fs = fs_manager.getFileSystem(init_case) fs_manager.switchFileSystem(self.run_fs) self.run_context = RunContext(self.ert_handle, run_size, self.run_fs, self.run_count) self.run_count += 1 return self.handleSTATUS([]) def restartSimulations(self, args): return self.initSimulations(args) def handleINIT_SIMULATIONS(self, args): if len(args) == 3: result = [] with self.queue_lock: if self.run_context is None: self.initSimulations(args) else: if not self.run_context.isRunning(): self.restartSimulations(args) result = ["OK"] return self.SUCCESS(result) else: raise IndexError( "The INIT_SIMULATIONS command expects three arguments: [ensemble_size , init_case, run_case]" ) def handleGET_RESULT(self, args): iens = args[0] report_step = args[1] kw = str(args[2]) ensembleConfig = self.ert_handle.ensembleConfig() if ensembleConfig.hasKey(kw): state = self.ert_handle.getRealisation(iens) node = state[kw] gen_data = node.asGenData() fs = self.ert_handle.getEnkfFsManager().getCurrentFileSystem() node_id = NodeId(report_step, iens, EnkfStateType.FORECAST) if node.tryLoad(fs, node_id): data = gen_data.getData() return self.SUCCESS(["OK"] + data.asList()) else: raise Exception("Loading iens:%d report:%d kw:%s failed" % (iens, report_step, kw)) else: raise KeyError("The keyword:%s is not recognized" % kw) # ["ADD_SIMULATION" , 0 , 1 , 1 [ ["KW1" , ...] , ["KW2" , ....]]] def handleADD_SIMULATION(self, args): geo_id = args[0] pert_id = args[1] iens = args[2] kw_list = args[3] state = self.ert_handle.getRealisation(iens) state.addSubstKeyword("GEO_ID", "%s" % geo_id) elco_kw = [l[0] for l in kw_list] ens_config = self.ert_handle.ensembleConfig() for kw in ens_config.getKeylistFromVarType(EnkfVarType.PARAMETER): if not kw in elco_kw: node = state[kw] init_id = NodeId(0, geo_id, EnkfStateType.ANALYZED) run_id = NodeId(0, iens, EnkfStateType.ANALYZED) node.load(self.init_fs, init_id), run_id) for kw_arg in kw_list: kw = str(kw_arg[0]) data = kw_arg[1:] node = state[kw] gen_kw = node.asGenKw() gen_kw.setValues(data) run_id = NodeId(0, iens, EnkfStateType.ANALYZED), run_id) state_map = self.run_fs.getStateMap() state_map[iens] = RealizationStateEnum.STATE_INITIALIZED self.run_context.startSimulation(iens) return self.handleSTATUS([])
def main(): QApplication.setGraphicsSystem("raster") app = QApplication(sys.argv) # Early so that QT is initialized before other imports splash = QSplashScreen(resourceImage("newsplash"), Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) splash.showMessage("Starting up...", Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.white) app.processEvents() HelpDock.setHelpLinkPrefix(os.getenv("ERT_SHARE_PATH") + "/gui/help/") splash.showMessage("Bootstrapping...", Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.white) app.processEvents() strict = True site_config = os.getenv("ERT_SITE_CONFIG") if len(sys.argv) == 1: print("-----------------------------------------------------------------") print("-- You must supply the name of configuration file as the first --") print("-- commandline argument: --") print("-- --") print("-- bash% gert <config_file> --") print("-- --") print("-- If the configuration file does not exist, gert will create --") print("-- create a new configuration file. --") print("-----------------------------------------------------------------") else: enkf_config = sys.argv[1] if not os.path.exists(enkf_config): print("Trying to start new config") new_configuration_dialog = NewConfigurationDialog(enkf_config) success = new_configuration_dialog.exec_() if not success: print("Can not run without a configuration file.") sys.exit(1) else: enkf_config = new_configuration_dialog.getConfigurationPath() firste_case_name = new_configuration_dialog.getCaseName() dbase_type = new_configuration_dialog.getDBaseType() num_realizations = new_configuration_dialog.getNumberOfRealizations() storage_path = new_configuration_dialog.getStoragePath() EnKFMain.createNewConfig(enkf_config, storage_path, firste_case_name, dbase_type, num_realizations) strict = False ert = EnKFMain(enkf_config, site_config=site_config, strict=strict) ErtConnector.setErt(ert) window = GertMainWindow() window.setSaveFunction(ert.saveConfig()) splash.showMessage("Creating GUI...", Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.white) app.processEvents() simulation_panel = SimulationPanel() window.addTab(simulation_panel.getName(), simulation_panel) configuration_panel = ConfigurationPanel() window.addTab(configuration_panel.getName(), configuration_panel) splash.showMessage("Communicating with ERT...", Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.white) app.processEvents() splash.finish(window) HelpDock.setHelpMessageLink("welcome_to_ert") sys.exit(app.exec_())
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import time from ert.enkf import EnKFMain, RunArg, NodeId from import EnkfNode from ert.job_queue import JobQueueManager ert = EnKFMain(sys.argv[1]) fs_manager = ert.getEnkfFsManager() fs = fs_manager.getCurrentFileSystem() # Initialize the realisations. for iens in range(ert.getEnsembleSize()): realisation = ert.getRealisation(iens) realisation.initialize(fs) # Fetch out the job_queue from the SiteConfig object. In addition we # create a JobQueueManager objects which wraps the queue. The purpose # of this manager object is to let the queue run nonblocking in the # background. site_config = ert.siteConfig() queue_manager = JobQueueManager(site_config.getJobQueue()) queue_manager.startQueue(ert.getEnsembleSize(), verbose=False) # Create list of RunArg instances which hold metadata for one running # realisation, create the directory where the simulation should run # and submit the simulation. path_fmt = "/tmp/run%d" arg_list = [ RunArg.createEnsembleExperimentRunArg(fs, iens, path_fmt % iens) for iens in range(ert.getEnsembleSize())
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import time from ert.enkf import EnKFMain # This will instantiate the EnkFMain object and create a handle to # "everything" ert related for this instance. ert = EnKFMain( sys.argv[1] ) site_config = ert.siteConfig( ) jobs = site_config.get_installed_jobs( ) for job in jobs: print print " config : %s" % job.get_config_file() print " executable: %s" % job.get_executable( ) print
def open(self , config_file): self.config_file = config_file self.ert_handle = EnKFMain( config_file , ErtServer.site_config )
def open(self, config_file): self.config_file = config_file self.ert_handle = EnKFMain(config_file)"Have connect ert handle to:%s", config_file)
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import time from ert.enkf import EnKFMain from ert.enkf.enums import ErtImplType # This will instantiate the EnkFMain object and create a handle to # "everything" ert related for this instance. ert = EnKFMain( sys.argv[1] ) # Ask the EnKFMain instance how many realisations it has. Observe that # the answer to this question is just the value of the # NUM_REALISATIONS setting in the configuration file. print("This instance has %d realisations" % ert.getEnsembleSize()) # Get the ensemble configuration object, and ask for all GEN_KW keys: ens_config = ert.ensembleConfig( ) for key in ens_config.getKeylistFromImplType(ErtImplType.GEN_KW): config_node = ens_config[key] # "Downcast" to GEN_KW configuration. gen_kw_config = config_node.getModelConfig( ) print("%s : %s" % (key , gen_kw_config.getKeyWords( )))
def main(argv): app = QApplication(argv) #Early so that QT is initialized before other imports app.setWindowIcon(util.resourceIcon("application/window_icon_cutout")) if len(argv) == 1: config_file = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, "Open Configuration File") config_file = str(config_file) if len(config_file) == 0: print("-----------------------------------------------------------------") print("-- You must supply the name of configuration file as the first --") print("-- commandline argument: --") print("-- --") print("-- bash% gert <config_file> --") print("-- --") print("-- If the configuration file does not exist, gert will create --") print("-- create a new configuration file. --") print("-----------------------------------------------------------------") sys.exit(1) else: config_file = argv[1] help_center = HelpCenter("ERT") help_center.setHelpLinkPrefix(os.getenv("ERT_SHARE_PATH") + "/gui/help/") help_center.setHelpMessageLink("welcome_to_ert") strict = True verbose = False verbose_var = os.getenv("ERT_VERBOSE", "False") lower_verbose_var = verbose_var.lower() if lower_verbose_var == "true": verbose = True if not os.path.exists(config_file): print("Trying to start new config") new_configuration_dialog = NewConfigurationDialog(config_file) success = new_configuration_dialog.exec_() if not success: print("Can not run without a configuration file.") sys.exit(1) else: config_file = new_configuration_dialog.getConfigurationPath() first_case_name = new_configuration_dialog.getCaseName() dbase_type = new_configuration_dialog.getDBaseType() num_realizations = new_configuration_dialog.getNumberOfRealizations() storage_path = new_configuration_dialog.getStoragePath() EnKFMain.createNewConfig(config_file, storage_path, first_case_name, dbase_type, num_realizations) strict = False if os.path.isdir(config_file): print("The specified configuration file is a directory!") sys.exit(1) splash = ErtSplash() splash.version = "Version %s" % Version.getVersion() splash.timestamp = Version.getBuildTime() splash.repaint() now = time.time() ert = Ert(EnKFMain(config_file, strict=strict, verbose=verbose)) ErtConnector.setErt(ert.ert()) window = GertMainWindow() window.setWidget(SimulationPanel()) plugin_handler = PluginHandler(ert.ert(), ert.ert().getWorkflowList().getPluginJobs(), window) help_tool = HelpTool("ERT", window) window.addDock("Configuration Summary", SummaryPanel(), area=Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea) window.addTool(IdeTool(os.path.basename(config_file), ert.reloadERT, help_tool)) window.addTool(PlotTool(ert.ert())) window.addTool(ExportTool()) window.addTool(WorkflowsTool()) window.addTool(ManageCasesTool()) window.addTool(PluginsTool(plugin_handler)) window.addTool(LoadResultsTool()) window.addTool(help_tool) sleep_time = 2 - (time.time() - now) if sleep_time > 0: time.sleep(sleep_time) splash.finish(window) window.activateWindow() window.raise_() finished_code = app.exec_() ert.ert().free() sys.exit(finished_code)
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import time from ert.enkf import EnKFMain, RunArg, NodeId from import EnkfNode from ert.job_queue import JobQueueManager ert = EnKFMain( sys.argv[1] ) fs_manager = ert.getEnkfFsManager( ) fs = fs_manager.getCurrentFileSystem( ) # Initialize the realisations. for iens in range( ert.getEnsembleSize()): realisation = ert.getRealisation( iens ) realisation.initialize( fs ) # Fetch out the job_queue from the SiteConfig object. In addition we # create a JobQueueManager objects which wraps the queue. The purpose # of this manager object is to let the queue run nonblocking in the # background. site_config = ert.siteConfig( ) queue_manager = JobQueueManager( site_config.getJobQueue( ) ) queue_manager.startQueue( ert.getEnsembleSize( ) , verbose = False ) # Create list of RunArg instances which hold metadata for one running # realisation, create the directory where the simulation should run # and submit the simulation. path_fmt = "/tmp/run%d"
def open(self , config_file): self.config_file = config_file self.ert_handle = EnKFMain( config_file )"Have connect ert handle to:%s" , config_file)
def main(argv): app = QApplication(argv) #Early so that QT is initialized before other imports app.setWindowIcon(util.resourceIcon("application/window_icon_cutout")) splash = ErtSplash() splash.version = "Version %s" % Version.getVersion() splash.timestamp = Version.getBuildTime() splash.repaint() now = time.time() help_center = HelpCenter("ERT") help_center.setHelpLinkPrefix(os.getenv("ERT_SHARE_PATH") + "/gui/help/") help_center.setHelpMessageLink("welcome_to_ert") strict = True site_config = os.getenv("ERT_SITE_CONFIG") if len(argv) == 1: print("-----------------------------------------------------------------") print("-- You must supply the name of configuration file as the first --") print("-- commandline argument: --") print("-- --") print("-- bash% gert <config_file> --") print("-- --") print("-- If the configuration file does not exist, gert will create --") print("-- create a new configuration file. --") print("-----------------------------------------------------------------") else: enkf_config = argv[1] if not os.path.exists(enkf_config): print("Trying to start new config") new_configuration_dialog = NewConfigurationDialog(enkf_config) success = new_configuration_dialog.exec_() if not success: print("Can not run without a configuration file.") sys.exit(1) else: enkf_config = new_configuration_dialog.getConfigurationPath() first_case_name = new_configuration_dialog.getCaseName() dbase_type = new_configuration_dialog.getDBaseType() num_realizations = new_configuration_dialog.getNumberOfRealizations() storage_path = new_configuration_dialog.getStoragePath() EnKFMain.createNewConfig(enkf_config, storage_path, first_case_name, dbase_type, num_realizations) strict = False ert = Ert(EnKFMain(enkf_config, site_config=site_config, strict=strict)) ErtConnector.setErt(ert.ert()) window = GertMainWindow() window.setWidget(SimulationPanel()) help_tool = HelpTool("ERT", window) window.addDock("Configuration Summary", SummaryPanel(), area=Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea) window.addTool(IdeTool(os.path.basename(enkf_config), ert.reloadERT, help_tool)) window.addTool(PlotTool()) window.addTool(ExportTool()) window.addTool(WorkflowsTool(ert.reloadERT)) window.addTool(ManageCasesTool()) window.addTool(LoadResultsTool()) window.addTool(help_tool) sleep_time = 2 - (time.time() - now) if sleep_time > 0: time.sleep(sleep_time) splash.finish(window) window.activateWindow() window.raise_() finished_code = app.exec_() ert.ert().free() sys.exit(finished_code)