Пример #1
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import time
from ert.enkf import EnKFMain

# This will instantiate the EnkFMain object and create a handle to
# "everything" ert related for this instance.
ert = EnKFMain(sys.argv[1])
site_config = ert.siteConfig()

jobs = site_config.get_installed_jobs()
for job in jobs:
    print job.name()
    print "   config    : %s" % job.get_config_file()
    print "   executable: %s" % job.get_executable()
Пример #2
ert = EnKFMain( sys.argv[1] )
fs_manager = ert.getEnkfFsManager( )
fs = fs_manager.getCurrentFileSystem( )

# Initialize the realisations. 
for iens in range( ert.getEnsembleSize()):
    realisation = ert.getRealisation( iens )
    realisation.initialize( fs )

# Fetch out the job_queue from the SiteConfig object. In addition we
# create a JobQueueManager objects which wraps the queue. The purpose
# of this manager object is to let the queue run nonblocking in the
# background.
site_config = ert.siteConfig( )
queue_manager = JobQueueManager( site_config.getJobQueue( ) )
queue_manager.startQueue( ert.getEnsembleSize( ) , verbose = False )

# Create list of RunArg instances which hold metadata for one running
# realisation, create the directory where the simulation should run
# and submit the simulation.
path_fmt = "/tmp/run%d"
arg_list = [ RunArg.createEnsembleExperimentRunArg(fs, iens, path_fmt % iens) for iens in range(ert.getEnsembleSize()) ]
for arg in arg_list:
    ert.createRunPath( arg )
    ert.submitSimulation( arg )

while True: