Пример #1
def rama_sum_use_mobi_phi(n, m):

    a = gcd(n, m)
    N = n/a

    phi_n, coprime_list = eul_totie(n)
    phi_N, coprime_list = eul_totie(N)

    c_n_m = mobi_list[N - 1]*phi_n/phi_N

    return c_n_m
Пример #2
def detect_primes_using_ster_broc_mat_format(start_num, end_num):

    if(start_num%2 == 1):
        print "--- detect_primes_using_ster_broc_mat_format(), start_num needs to be even ------------------------------------------"

    # b is even number,
    b_list = np.arange(start_num, end_num, 2, dtype = int)

    print b_list
    for b in b_list:
        # print b

        # we are only interested in the case tht a is odd number, and a is smaller than b
        # so that we will get a/b
        a_list = np.arange(3, b, 2, dtype = int)
        # print a_list

        # find coprimes of b
        cnt, coprime_list = eul_totie(b)
        # print coprime_list

        for a in a_list:
            if a in coprime_list:

                # get count_fract for the input fraction a/b
                cf_list = get_cont_fract(a, b)

                # get the matrix format for a/b
                cf_mat_list, ster_brot_mat, a_b = ster_brot_mat_format_for_cont_fract(cf_list)

                # we can print out finding
                # print cf_mat_list, ster_brot_mat, a_b

                if a in prime_list:
                    sys.stdout.write("<================================== prime\n\n")
Пример #3
def F_N_a_q(MA_a_q_sorted_arr, N):

    print "MA_a_q_sorted_arr = ",  MA_a_q_sorted_arr

    total_cnt = len(MA_a_q_sorted_arr)

    a_q_list = []
    F_N_a_q_list = []

    for i in range(total_cnt):
        a = MA_a_q_sorted_arr[i][0]
        q = MA_a_q_sorted_arr[i][1]
        a_q = float(a)/q

        u_q = mobi_list[q - 1]
        phi_q, coprime_list = eul_totie(q)
        F_N_a_q = N*float(u_q)/phi_q


    print "a_q_list = ", np.asarray(a_q_list)
    print "F_N_a_q_list = ", F_N_a_q_list

    return a_q_list, F_N_a_q_list
Пример #4
def prim_roots(n, smllest_only = True):

    phi_i, coprime_list = eul_totie(n)
    prim_root_list = []

    # coprime_list include 1 as first element, skip it
    for g in coprime_list[1:]:

        for i in range(2, (phi_i + 1)):
            # g_power_i = int(round(np.power(g, i)))

            # g_power_i_mod_n = g_power_i%n

            g_power_i_mod_n = power_mod(g, i, n)
            if(g_power_i_mod_n == 1):

                # break i loop and go to another number
                if (i < phi_i):

                # break i loop
                if (i ==  phi_i):
                    # print 'prim_root_list: n = ', n, ' g = ', g, ' i = ', i,  ' g_power_i = ', g_power_i, ' g_power_i_mod_n = ', g_power_i_mod_n

        # if only want to find smallest option is on, break the loop if we find one
        if(smllest_only == True):

            # if find smallest prim_root, break the loop
            if (len(prim_root_list) != 0):

    return prim_root_list
Пример #5
def dirichi_char_for_n(n):

    prime_list = get_prime_list(n)
    factor_list = factor_a_number(n, prime_list)
    num_of_diff_primes = len(factor_list)

    # this will be a list of 2D matrix, each 2D matrix hold a dirich_char matrix for a prime
    dirich_char_mat_list =[]
    prim_char_stat_list = []

    # handle all prime factor
    for i in range(0, num_of_diff_primes):

        p = factor_list[i][0]
        l = factor_list[i][1]
        dirich_char_p_mat, phi_p_l, coprime_list, prim_char_stat = dirich_char_power_p(p, l)

        print 'p = ', p, ', l = ', l, np.asarray(dirich_char_p_mat).shape


        print prim_char_stat

    # form a product of all of above matrix
    tmp_mat = np.eye(1)

    for i in range(0, num_of_diff_primes):
        tmp_mat = dirich_char_mat_product(tmp_mat, dirich_char_mat_list[i])

    print 'n = ', n, ', matrix shape = ', np.asarray(tmp_mat).shape

    phi_p_n, coprime_list = eul_totie(n)

    # set initial default value for statistics count
    prim_char_stat_all = {}
    prim_char_stat_all['num_of_total_char'] = -1
    prim_char_stat_all['num_of_prim_char'] = -1
    prim_char_stat_all['num_of_non_prim_char'] = -1      # include principle char
    prim_char_stat_all['num_of_real_char'] = -1

    num_of_total_char_all = 1
    num_of_prim_char_all = 1
    num_of_prim_char_real = 1

    for i in range(0, num_of_diff_primes):

        num_of_total_char_all = num_of_total_char_all*prim_char_stat_list[i]['num_of_total_char']
        num_of_prim_char_all = num_of_prim_char_all*prim_char_stat_list[i]['num_of_prim_char']
        num_of_prim_char_real = num_of_prim_char_real*prim_char_stat_list[i]['num_of_real_char']

    prim_char_stat_all['num_of_total_char'] =  num_of_total_char_all
    prim_char_stat_all['num_of_prim_char'] = num_of_prim_char_all
    prim_char_stat_all['num_of_non_prim_char'] = num_of_total_char_all - num_of_prim_char_all
    prim_char_stat_all['num_of_real_char'] = num_of_prim_char_real

    print prim_char_stat_all

    return tmp_mat, phi_p_n, coprime_list, prim_char_stat_all
Пример #6
def verify_range_for_fixed_q():

    for q in range(1, 100):
        phi_q, coprime_list = eul_totie(q)

        for m in range(1, 100):
            c_q_m = rama_sum_use_mobi(q, m)
            assert(c_q_m <= phi_q)

    print 'verify_range_for_fixed_q: pass  ! '
Пример #7
def dirich_char_simple_simulation(n):

    # we include n = 1 for completeness, it is a trival character, it will fail the
    # assertion check in verify_orthogonality_simple for 1st column all be zero.
    if (n == 1):
        phi_n = 1
        dirich_char_mat=np.eye(1)           # this is a trival character, will fail assertion check for 1st column
        return dirich_char_mat, phi_n, unit_roots,  coprime_list

    phi_n, coprime_list = eul_totie(n)

    # the order of roots are not guranteed, except 1st one will be 1.
    unit_roots = nth_unit_root(phi_n)
    print "unit_roots: ",  unit_roots

    # initialize matrix with all zeros
    s = (phi_n, n)
    dirich_char_mat = np.zeros(s, dtype = np.complex64)
    # print dirich_char_mat

    # create number of row
    for i in range(phi_n):

        # pick a generate root, this will make sure each row will pick a different root
        # all together,  there will be phi_n unit roots. Those roots are all different.
        generate_root = unit_roots[i]

        for j in range(n):

            # only when j in coprime_list, character not zero
            if j in coprime_list:

                # find the index of each coprime in coprime_list
                # because the way we order roots,
                # 1 will be return as pos_in_coprime_list = 0
                pos_in_coprime_list = coprime_list.index(j)

                # we pick a root for each row, and get its power of i for other columns
                # we need to ensure X(1) = 1 for all characters. That is
                # dirich_char_mat[i, 1] = 1
                # In the following, when j = 1, pos_in_coprime_list = 0, phi_n - pos_in_coprime_list = phi_n
                # root^phi_n will guranteed to be 1 for any unit root.

                # __WARNING__, this implementation is NOT a correct implementation of Dirich_char,
                # it is just a simulation
                dirich_char_mat[i, j]  = np.power(generate_root, phi_n - pos_in_coprime_list)

            # if j is not co-prime, the column must be zero
                dirich_char_mat[i, j] = 0

    return dirich_char_mat, phi_n, coprime_list
Пример #8
def verify_c_q_q_same_as_phi_q():

    ALMOST_ZERO = 0.001

    for q in range(1, 100):

        c_q_q = rama_sum_use_mobi(q, q)
        phi_q, coprime_list = eul_totie(q)

        assert(c_q_q == phi_q)

    print 'verify_c_q_q_same_as_phi_q(): pass  ! '
Пример #9
def unit_test_dirich_char_simulation(n):

    print '\ndirich_char for n: ', n

    phi_i, coprime_list = eul_totie(n)
    unit_roots = nth_unit_root(phi_i)

    # print 'unit_roots = ', unit_roots

    dirich_char_mat, phi_n, coprime_list, prim_char_stat_all = dirich_char_simple_simulation(n)
    print dirich_char_mat
    verify_orthogonality_simple(dirich_char_mat, n, phi_i)
Пример #10
def detect_prime_pairs_using_ster_broc_mat_format_with_fix_denomi(fix_denomi):

    print '\n=== detect_prime_pairs_using_ster_broc_mat_format_with_fix_denomi = ', fix_denomi
    # a is odd number
    a_list = np.arange(3, fix_denomi, 2, dtype = int)
    b = fix_denomi
    # print a_list

    # find co-prime of b
    cnt, coprime_list = eul_totie(b)
    # print coprime_list

    display_option = False

    # a1 will be p
    for a1 in a_list:

        # we only need to check a in 1st half of a_list
        if(a1 > end_num/2):

        # if a1 is a coprime of b
        if a1 in coprime_list:

            # get count_fract for the input fraction a/b
            a1_cf_list = get_cont_fract(a1, b)

            # get the matrix format for a1/b
            a1_cf_mat_list, a1_ster_brot_mat, a1_b = ster_brot_mat_format_for_cont_fract(a1_cf_list, display_option)

            # since we are only interested in p + q = N, which is a1 + a2 = b,
            # therefore, a2 = b - a1
            a2 = b - a1

            # get count_fract for the input fraction a2/b
            a2_cf_list = get_cont_fract(a2, b)

            # get the matrix format for a2/b
            a2_cf_mat_list, a2_ster_brot_mat, a2_b = ster_brot_mat_format_for_cont_fract(a2_cf_list, display_option)

            # if a1 and a2 both are primes
            if (a1 in prime_list) and (a2 in prime_list):
                print a1_cf_list,  ", ", ", num_of_turns: ", len(a1_cf_list), ", num_of_prod: ", np.sum(a1_cf_list),    ", ", a1_b,  " <==== GBC"
                print a2_cf_list,  ", ", ", num_of_turns: ", len(a2_cf_list), ", num_of_prod: ", np.sum(a2_cf_list),    ", ", a2_b,  " <==== GBC"
                print a1_cf_list,  ", ", ", num_of_turns: ", len(a1_cf_list), ", num_of_prod: ", np.sum(a1_cf_list),    ", ", a1_b
                print a2_cf_list,  ", ", ", num_of_turns: ", len(a2_cf_list), ", num_of_prod: ", np.sum(a2_cf_list),    ", ", a2_b

            print a1_ster_brot_mat
            print a2_ster_brot_mat
Пример #11
def get_bn(n, l):

    bn_found = -1

    if(n%2 == 0):
        print 'get_bn only works for odd number'
        return bn_found

    if(l <= 2):
        print 'get_bn only works for l >= 3'
        return bn_found

    p_power_l = int(round(np.power(2, l)))
    # print 'l = ', l, ', p_power_l = ', p_power_l

    phi_p_l, coprime_list = eul_totie(p_power_l)

    up_bound = (phi_p_l)/2

    bn_found_cnt = 0

    for bn in range(1, up_bound + 1):

        tmp1 = int(round(np.power(-1, (n-1)/2)))
        tmp2 = power_mod(5, bn, p_power_l)

        tmp = tmp1*tmp2

        if((n - tmp)%(p_power_l) == 0):
            bn_found = bn
            bn_found_cnt += 1

            # if we do not break from here, we can check if the solution is unique
            # It turns out that solution is indeed unique

    if (bn_found == -1):
        print 'get_bn fail for n ', n, ', l = ', l, ', p_power_l = ', p_power_l
        # according to theorem, this should never happen

    # solution must be unique
    assert(bn_found_cnt == 1)

    # print 'get_bn: n ', n, ', l = ', l, ' bn = ', bn

    return bn_found
Пример #12
def indice_g_n(a, g, n):

    phi_n, coprime_list = eul_totie(n)
    indice = -1

    # if a is NOT co-prime with n,
    if ((a in coprime_list ) == False):
        return indice

    for i in range(phi_n):
        b = power_mod(g, i, n)

        if(a%n == b):
            indice = i

    return indice
Пример #13
def get_max_cheby_minus_x_phi_over_coprimes(x, q):

    phi_q, coprime_list = eul_totie(q)

    # cheby_mod_list will be list of list, 2D array
    cheby_mod_list = []

    # let's calculate cheby_lst_for_a mod(q) 1st
    for a in range(q):

        # only calculate when a and q is coprime, this is needed, because
        # only these choice will get something similar to x/phi_q
        if a in coprime_list:

            # we use the cheby_fun_q_a_integer_use_saved_von_mang() instead of the following function
            # to speed up calculation.
            # cheby_list_for_a =  cheby_fun_q_a_integer(x, q, a)                    # calculate von_mang every time.
            cheby_list_for_a = cheby_fun_q_a_integer_use_saved_von_mang(x, q, a)    # use cached von_mang

            tmp = deepcopy(cheby_list_for_a)

    num_of_coprimes = len(coprime_list)

    cheby_minus_x_phi_max = []

    for i in range(x):

        # initialize largest for each a, in the follow, i is actual x in
        # analytic formula, we just need to do (i+1) because array count start from 0
        x_phi_q = float(i + 1)/phi_q
        largest = np.absolute(cheby_mod_list[0][i] - x_phi_q )

        # loop for 1<= a <= q, (a, q) = 1
        for a in range(num_of_coprimes):
            tmp = np.absolute(cheby_mod_list[a][i] - x_phi_q)
            if(tmp > largest):
                largest = tmp


    return  cheby_minus_x_phi_max
Пример #14
def get_max_cheby_minus_x_phi_fast_simulation(x, q):

    print 'get_max_cheby_minus_x_phi use fast simulation. x = %d, q = %d'%(x, q)

    phi_q, coprime_list = eul_totie(q)

    a = 1
    cheby_list_for_a = cheby_fun_q_a_integer_use_saved_von_mang(x, q, a)

    cheby_minus_x_phi_max = []

    for i in range(x):

        # initialize largest for each a, in the follow, i is actual x in
        # analytic formula, we just need to do (i+1) because array count start from 0
        x_phi_q = float(i + 1)/phi_q
        largest = np.absolute(cheby_list_for_a[i] - x_phi_q )


    return  cheby_minus_x_phi_max
Пример #15
def F_N_x(MA_a_q_sorted_arr, MajorA_2d_sorted_arr, N, step):

    print "MA_a_q_sorted_arr = ",  MA_a_q_sorted_arr

    total_cnt = len(MA_a_q_sorted_arr)

    a_q_x_list = []
    F_N_a_q_x_list = []

    total_point_cnt = 0

    for i in range(total_cnt):
        a = MA_a_q_sorted_arr[i][0]
        q = MA_a_q_sorted_arr[i][1]
        a_q = float(a)/q

        arc_start = MajorA_2d_sorted_arr[i][0]
        arc_end = MajorA_2d_sorted_arr[i][1]

        assert(a_q >= arc_start ) and (a_q <= arc_end)

        u_q = mobi_list[q - 1]
        phi_q, coprime_list = eul_totie(q)

        arc_split_arr = np.arange(arc_start, arc_end, step )

        for x in arc_split_arr:
            beta = x - a_q
            F_N_a_q_x = u_beta(beta, N)*float(u_q)/phi_q


            total_point_cnt += 1

    # print "a_q_x_list = ", a_q_x_list
    # print "F_N_a_q_x_list = ", F_N_a_q_x_list
    print 'F_N_x, total_point_cnt = ', total_point_cnt

    return a_q_x_list, F_N_a_q_x_list
Пример #16
def s_k_N_q_l(k, K, N, q, l, e_itkl_2d_arr, error_option = 1):

    # since this function is based on sieg_walf, so it requires assert(q%K == 0)
    assert(q%K == 0)

    # print "l = ", l
    assert(gcd(l, q) == 1)

    # phase
    e_itkl = e_itkl_2d_arr[k, l]

    phi_q, coprime_list = eul_totie(q)
    assert(phi_q > 0)

    # main term, N/(log(N)*phi(q))
    main_term_no_phase = N/(np.log(N)*phi_q)

    # sieg_walf error term
    if(error_option == 1):
        # error term,  N/(log(N)^2*phi(q)), with extra log(N) in denominator
        error_term_no_phase = N/(((np.log(N))**2)*phi_q)

    # GRH error term
    elif (error_option == 2):
        # error term,  (np.sqrt(N)*np.log(N))/phi_q, with extra log(N) in numerator
        error_term_no_phase = (np.sqrt(N)*np.log(N))/phi_q

    # not support

    main_term_with_phase = e_itkl* main_term_no_phase
    error_term_with_phase = e_itkl*error_term_no_phase

    # print " main_term_no_phase = ",  main_term_no_phase, ", error_term_no_phase = ", error_term_no_phase

    assert(main_term_no_phase > error_term_no_phase)

    return main_term_with_phase, main_term_no_phase,  error_term_no_phase, error_term_with_phase
Пример #17
def dirich_char_power_2(l):

    # set initial default value for statistics count
    prim_char_stat = {}
    prim_char_stat['num_of_total_char'] = -1
    prim_char_stat['num_of_prim_char'] = -1
    prim_char_stat['num_of_non_prim_char'] = -1      # include principle char
    prim_char_stat['num_of_real_char'] = -1

    # hardcode when l = 1
    if (l == 1):

        phi_p_l = 1
        p_power_l = 2
        s = (phi_p_l, p_power_l)
        dirich_char_mat = np.zeros(s, dtype = np.complex64)

        dirich_char_mat[0][0] = 0
        dirich_char_mat[0][1] = 1

        prim_char_stat['num_of_total_char'] = 1
        prim_char_stat['num_of_prim_char'] = 1      # only one character, it is principle char and also prim char
        prim_char_stat['num_of_non_prim_char'] = 1  # include principle char
        prim_char_stat['num_of_real_char'] = 1

    # hardcode when l = 2
    if (l == 2):
        phi_p_l = 2
        p_power_l = 4
        s = (phi_p_l, p_power_l)
        dirich_char_mat = np.zeros(s, dtype = np.complex64)

        dirich_char_mat[0] = [0, 1, 0, 1]
        dirich_char_mat[1] = [0, 1, 0, -1]

        coprime_list=[1, 3]

        prim_char_stat['num_of_total_char'] = 2
        prim_char_stat['num_of_prim_char'] = 1          # WARNING: we set this to 1 for future muliptilcation
        prim_char_stat['num_of_non_prim_char'] = 1      # include principle char
        prim_char_stat['num_of_real_char'] = 2

        return dirich_char_mat, phi_p_l, coprime_list, prim_char_stat

    if (l >= 3):
        p_power_l = int(round(np.power(2, l)))
        phi_p_l, coprime_list = eul_totie(p_power_l)

        # dirich_char_mat is 2D matrix, shape:  phi_p_l, p_power_l.
        # for example, in case l = 6,  p_power_l = 2^6 = 32, phi_p_l = 16
        # all even columns 0, 2,..., will be zero
        s = (phi_p_l, p_power_l)

        dirich_char_mat = np.zeros(s, dtype = np.complex64)

        print 'p = ', 2, ', l = ', l,  ' phi_p_l = ', phi_p_l, ' , p_power_l = ', p_power_l

        num_of_prim_char = 0
        num_of_total_char = 0

        # a only can be 0 or 1
        for a in range(0, 2):

            # c can be 0, 1, 2, ..., phi/2 - 1, we choose this instead of
            # c can be 1, 2, ,,,  phi/2 so that principle character will be on 1st row
            for c in range(0, (phi_p_l/2)):

                # row index of matrix.
                row_index = a*phi_p_l/2 + c

                for n in range(p_power_l):

                    # will find value for all odd n
                    if(n%2 == 1):

                        # use the formula in hua's book.
                        # Apost book, Kalachuba book have same formula

                        # bn = get_bn(n, l)                 # do calculation at run time

                        bn = get_bn_from_saved(n, l)        # get bn_from_saved

                        tmp1 = int(round(np.power(-1, ((n-1)*a)/2)))
                        tmp2 = int(round(np.power(2, l-2)))
                        tmp3 = 1j*np.pi*2*bn*c/tmp2

                        tmp4 = np.exp(tmp3)
                        # print 'n = ', n, ' bn = ', bn,  'a = ', a, 'c = ', c,  ' tmp1 = ', tmp1, ', tmp2 = ', tmp2, ' tmp3 = ', tmp3, ' tmp4 = ', np.asarray(tmp4)
                        dirich_char_mat[row_index][n] = tmp1*tmp4

                # count prim_character
                # Xa,c(n) is a prim_char if and only if (c%2) != 0, in other words, c is odd
                if((c%2) != 0):
                    num_of_prim_char +=  1

                num_of_total_char += 1

        # prim_char_stat counting
        prim_char_stat['num_of_total_char'] = num_of_total_char
        prim_char_stat['num_of_prim_char'] = num_of_prim_char
        prim_char_stat['num_of_non_prim_char'] = num_of_total_char - num_of_prim_char      # include principle char
        prim_char_stat['num_of_real_char'] = 4  # according to theory

    return dirich_char_mat, phi_p_l, coprime_list, prim_char_stat
Пример #18
def dirich_char_power_p(p, l):

    # p == 2 need special handling, we process it and return
    if(p == 2):
        dirich_char_mat, phi_p_l, coprime_list, prim_char_stat = dirich_char_power_2(l)
        return dirich_char_mat, phi_p_l, coprime_list, prim_char_stat

    # if p not 2,
    p_power_l = int(round(np.power(p, l)))
    phi_p_l, coprime_list = eul_totie(p_power_l)

    print 'p = ', p, ', l = ', l,  ' phi_p_l = ', phi_p_l, ' , p_power_l = ', p_power_l

    #   set initial default value for statistics count
    prim_char_stat = {}
    prim_char_stat['num_of_total_char'] = -1
    prim_char_stat['num_of_prim_char'] = -1
    prim_char_stat['num_of_non_prim_char'] = -1      # include principle char
    prim_char_stat['num_of_real_char'] = -1
    num_of_prim_char = 0
    num_of_total_char = 0
    num_of_non_prim_char = 0

    # __WARNING__ we do NOT need this anymore, because we pre-calculate indn
    # get smallest prim root for p_power_l,
    # g_list = prim_roots(p_power_l, smllest_only = True)
    # g = g_list[0]

    s = (phi_p_l, p_power_l)
    dirich_char_mat = np.zeros(s, dtype = np.complex64)

    # a's value 0, 1,, 2, ,,,, phi_p_l - 1,
    # Note: in Hua's book, it uses, 1, 2, phi_p_l,
    # we choose above setting so that principle character will be 1st row of matrix.
    for a in range(0, phi_p_l):

        for n in range(p_power_l):

            # will find value for all co-prime with n
            if n in coprime_list:

                # The following is the normal way to get indn
                # we optimize it by pre-calculate all indn agaist smallest prim root
                # indn = indice_g_n(n, g, p_power_l)

                # indn is calculated against the smallest prim root of p_power_l
                indn = get_indice_from_saved(n, p_power_l)

                # use the formula in hua's book.
                tmp1 = 1j*np.pi*2*a*indn/phi_p_l
                tmp2 = np.exp(tmp1)

                dirich_char_mat[a][n] = tmp2

        # a character is non-prim if and only if p|a
        if((a%p) == 0):
            num_of_non_prim_char += 1

        num_of_total_char += 1

    num_of_prim_char = num_of_total_char - num_of_non_prim_char
    prim_char_stat['num_of_total_char'] = num_of_total_char
    prim_char_stat['num_of_prim_char'] = num_of_prim_char
    prim_char_stat['num_of_non_prim_char'] = num_of_non_prim_char       # include principle char
    prim_char_stat['num_of_real_char'] = 2          # according to theory

    return dirich_char_mat, phi_p_l, coprime_list, prim_char_stat