def send(account_id, __, ___): """ This function processes the content of the user confirmation message :param account_id: user account. """ status, __, type, message = get_user_status(account_id) if status != "done" or message is None: # todo add error prompt raise HTTPError(500, "user status error. status error") content = make_text( "Your question has been sent to the person in charge. \n\n" "The staff will answer your question as soon as possible.") content1 = make_text("If you have any additional questions, " "please select the task from below. " "If you want to go back to the initial stage, " "select [Go to Initial Menu] from the menu below.") content1["quickReply"] = create_quick_replay() title = "{type} inquiry details".format(type=type) prompt_message = yield create_articles(title, message, account_id) if prompt_message is not None: yield push_messages(account_id, [prompt_message]) return clean_user_status(account_id) yield push_messages(account_id, [content, content1])
def start_content(account_id): yield register_rich_menun(account_id) content1 = make_text("Hello. I’m FAQ Bot. " "I’m here to answer your office-related questions.") content2 = make_text("Please select an item from the menu below.") return [content1, content2]
def to_first(account_id, __, ___): process_flag = False if process_flag: content = make_text("Cannot be selected since you are currently " "in Initial Menu. \n\n" "Select it if you want to find FAQ or go back to " "Initial Menu while the person in charge is " "checking your question.") else: content = make_text("Moved to FAQ Initial Menu.") yield push_message(account_id, content)
def echo_display(message): """ Generate messages that require user confirmation. reference - `Common Message Property <>`_ Check also: faq_bot/model/ :param message: User input message. :return: Message to prompt users. """ text = "Do you want to send the following as your question? \n\n" \ "===\n{message}\n===".format(message=message) content = make_text(text) action0 = make_postback_action("send", label="Send", display_text="Send") item0 = make_quick_reply_item(action0) action1 = make_postback_action("modify", label="Modify", display_text="Modify") item1 = make_quick_reply_item(action1) action2 = make_postback_action("cancel", label="Cancel", display_text="Cancel") item2 = make_quick_reply_item(action2) quick_reply = make_quick_reply([item0, item1, item2]) content["quickReply"] = quick_reply return content
def query(account_id, __, ___): # todo # 此处查询用户的咨询状态,如果用户在 content1 = make_text("Please select an work-related item " "that you would like to know.") content2 = image_introduce() yield push_messages(account_id, [content1, content2])
def enquire_message(account_id, callback, __): """ This function prompts the user for a message. :param account_id: user account id. :param callback: Callback corresponding to business type. """ content1 = make_text("You have selected {type}. " "Please tell me your question.".format( type=TYPES[callback])) content2 = make_text("Only one message can be delivered. " "Please write your question at one go.") yield asyncio.sleep(0.5) set_replace_user_info(account_id, 'wait_in', 'doing', TYPES[callback]) yield push_messages(account_id, [content1, content2])
def enquire(account_id, __, ___): """ This function handles the user's selection of ask a person :param account_id: user account id. """ content = make_text("Select a task related to your question.") content["quickReply"] = create_quick_replay() yield push_message(account_id, content)
def transfer_message(account_id, callback, __): """ This function prompts the user to go to ask someone. :param account_id: user account id. :param callback: Business type. """ content1 = make_text( "Your question will be directly delivered to " "the person in charge of {type} " "to answer your question directly.".format(type=TYPES[callback])) content2 = make_text("Please tell me your question.\n" "Only one message can be delivered. " "Please write your question at one go.") yield asyncio.sleep(0.5) set_replace_user_info(account_id, 'wait_in', 'doing', TYPES[callback]) yield push_messages(account_id, [content1, content2])
def query_leave(account_id, __, ___): """ This function deals with the problems related to leave query. :param account_id: user account id. """ text = make_text("Here are FAQs about HR and leave.") replay = create_quick_replay_item("transfer_leave", "Ask a charge") labels = ["more", "more", "more", "more"] """ replay = create_quick_replay_item("transfer_leave", "Ask a person in charge") labels = ["See more", "See more", "See more", "See more"] titles = [ "I would like to know the types of leave.", "I would like to know how many days of leave I have.", "I would like to request a leave.", "I would like to cancel my leave request." ] """ titles = [ "I would of leave.", "I would leave I have.", "I would a leave.", "I would leave request." ] """ texts = [ "Leave including annual leave, paid leave, etc. " "is granted according to the Labor Standards Act.", "You can check the remaining days of your leave via " "the in-house browser.", "You can request a leave via the in-house browser.", "You can cancel your leave request via the in-house browser." ] """ texts = [ "Leave including to the Labor Standards Act.", "You can check the remain browser.", "You can request a leave via the in-house browser.", "You can cancel your leave in-house browser." ] carousel = create_carousel(labels, POST_BACK_URLS["leave"], texts, CAROUSEL["leave"], titles) carousel["quickReply"] = replay yield push_messages(account_id, [text, carousel])
def query_welfare(account_id, __, ___): """ This function deals with user query welfare related problems. :param account_id: user account id. """ text = make_text("Here are FAQs about welfare and work support.") replay = create_quick_replay_item("transfer_welfare", "Ask a charge") labels = ["more", "more", "more", "more"] """ labels = ["See more", "See more", "See more", "See more"] replay = create_quick_replay_item("transfer_welfare", "Ask a person in charge") titles = [ "I would like to know the types of in-house welfare.", "What kinds of in-house clubs are there?", "Can I use a company car?", "How can I receive office supplies?" ] """ titles = [ "I would welfare.", "What clubs are there?", "Can I company car?", "How can office supplies?" ] """ texts = [ "In-house welfare includes the four main insurances, " "medical checkup, in-house clubs, etc.", "The company is supporting a variety of club activities " "such as sports, self-development, etc.", "Contact the Work Support Team to request a company car.", "Visit the Work Support Team to receive office supplies." ] """ texts = [ "In-house welfare in-house clubs, etc.", "The company is self-development, etc.", "Contact the to request a company car.", "Visit the to receive office supplies." ] carousel = create_carousel(labels, POST_BACK_URLS["welfare"], texts, CAROUSEL["welfare"], titles) carousel["quickReply"] = replay yield push_messages(account_id, [text, carousel])
def cancel(account_id, __, ___): """ This function handles user cancellation inquiry. :param account_id: user account id. """ status, _, __, ___ = get_user_status(account_id) if status != "done": # todo add error prompt raise HTTPError(500, "user status error. status error") content = make_text("You have canceled your question. " "Please re-select the task from the menu below.") clean_user_status(account_id) yield push_message(account_id, content)
def storage_lack(): return make_text("Failed to complete posting. \n\n" "Ask the in-house manager if the public capacity is " "not enough or if the capacity available for " "domain use has been exceeded.")
def create_articles_failed(): return make_text("Failed to complete posting. \n\n" "Ask the FAQ Bot manager to check if the bulletin board " "number does not exist or if other " "items are set up incorrectly.")
def create_board_failed(): return make_text("Failed to create bulletin board. \n\n" "Ask the FAQ Bot manager to check if the bulletin board " "creation item has been set incorrectly or " "if the bulletin board title or description " "has exceeded the character limit.")
def invalid_message(): return make_text("I’m sorry. I couldn't understand the words. \n\n" "Please select the function you want " "from Bot Menu at the bottom of the chat window.")