Пример #1
def find_temp(images,
              maps_dir=home + 'temperature_maps/'):
    x, y = images[0].shape
    n_wlens = len(images)
    n_temps = int((7.0 - t0) / 0.01) + 1
    temp = np.arange(t0, 7.01, 0.01)

        if force_temp_scan:
            raise IOError
        model = np.memmap(filename=home + 'synth_emiss_1pars',
                          shape=(n_temps, n_wlens))
    except IOError:
        print 'No synthetic emission data found. Re-scanning temperature range.'
        resp = load_temp_responses()
        logt = np.arange(0, 15.05, 0.05)
        # Assume a width of the gaussian DEM distribution and normalise the height
        width = 0.1
        height = 1.0
        delta_t = logt[1] - logt[0]
        model = np.memmap(filename=home + 'synth_emiss_1pars',
                          shape=(n_temps, n_wlens))
        for t, meantemp in enumerate(temp):
            dem = gaussian(logt, meantemp, width, height)
            f = resp * dem
            model[t, :] = np.sum(f, axis=1) * delta_t  ### CHECK THIS AXIS!
            normmod = model[t, 2]
            model[t, :] = model[t, :] / normmod
    ims_array = np.array([im.data for im in images])
    print 'Calculating temperature values...',
    temps, fits = calc_fits(ims_array, model, temp, n_temps, n_wlens, x, y, 1)
    print 'Done.'
    tempmap = temps[:, :, 0], images[2].meta.copy(), fits
    # TODO: figure out how to change things in the header and save them.

    return tempmap
Пример #2
def find_temp(images, t0=5.6, force_temp_scan=False, maps_dir=home+'temperature_maps/'):
    x, y = images[0].shape
    n_wlens = len(images)
    n_temps = int((7.0 - t0) / 0.01) + 1
    temp = np.arange(t0, 7.01, 0.01)
        if force_temp_scan:
            raise IOError
        model = np.memmap(filename=home+'synth_emiss_1pars', dtype='float32',
                          mode='r', shape=(n_temps, n_wlens))
    except IOError:
        print 'No synthetic emission data found. Re-scanning temperature range.'
        resp = load_temp_responses()
        logt = np.arange(0, 15.05, 0.05)
        # Assume a width of the gaussian DEM distribution and normalise the height
        width = 0.1
        height = 1.0
        delta_t = logt[1] - logt[0]
        model = np.memmap(filename=home+'synth_emiss_1pars', dtype='float32',
                          mode='w+', shape=(n_temps, n_wlens))
        for t, meantemp in enumerate(temp):
            dem = gaussian(logt, meantemp, width, height)
            f = resp * dem
            model[t, :] = np.sum(f, axis=1) * delta_t ### CHECK THIS AXIS!
            normmod = model[t, 2]
            model[t, :] = model[t, :] / normmod
    ims_array = np.array([im.data for im in images])
    print 'Calculating temperature values...',
    temps, fits = calc_fits(ims_array, model, temp, n_temps, n_wlens, x, y, 1)
    print 'Done.'
    tempmap = temps[:, :, 0], images[2].meta.copy(), fits
    # TODO: figure out how to change things in the header and save them.
    return tempmap
Пример #3
        if verbose:
            print model.max(axis=0)
    model = None

model = comm.bcast(model, root=0)

if verbose:
    if rank == 0:
        print "Calculating temperature values..."
    print rank, images.shape, model.shape, parvals.shape, n_vals, n_wlens, x, y, n_params
    print [im.max() for im in images]
    print model.max(axis=0)
if n_params == 1:
    parvals = parvals[:, 0]
temps = calc_fits(images, model, parvals, n_vals, n_wlens, x, y, n_params)
# Convert EM values to log scale if there are any
if temps.shape[2] > 2:
    temps[..., 2] = np.log10(temps[..., 2])
if verbose:
    print "Done."

# Get data all back in one place and save it
temps = comm.gather(temps, root=0)
if rank == 0:
    if verbose:
        print len(temps), temps[0].shape
    temp = np.zeros(shape=(x, y * size, n_params + 1))
    for p in range(size):
        mini = (p / size) * temp.shape[1]
        maxi = ((p + 1) / size) * temp.shape[1]