Пример #1
    def test_named_rules(self):
        # Store a copy of the default rules from the config, so we can reference it later
        config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
        config = config_builder.build()
        default_rules = copy.deepcopy(config.rules)
        self.assertEqual(default_rules, config.rules)  # deepcopy should be equal

        # Add a named rule by setting an option in the config builder that follows the named rule pattern
        # Assert that whitespace in the rule name is stripped
        rule_qualifiers = [u'T7:my-extra-rüle', u' T7 :   my-extra-rüle  ', u'\tT7:\tmy-extra-rüle\t',
                           u'T7:\t\n  \tmy-extra-rüle\t\n\n', "title-match-regex:my-extra-rüle"]
        for rule_qualifier in rule_qualifiers:
            config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
            config_builder.set_option(rule_qualifier, 'regex', "föo")

            expected_rules = copy.deepcopy(default_rules)
            my_rule = rules.TitleRegexMatches({'regex': "föo"})
            my_rule.id = rules.TitleRegexMatches.id + ":my-extra-rüle"
            my_rule.name = rules.TitleRegexMatches.name + ":my-extra-rüle"
            expected_rules._rules[u'T7:my-extra-rüle'] = my_rule
            self.assertEqual(config_builder.build().rules, expected_rules)

            # assert that changing an option on the newly added rule is passed correctly to the RuleCollection
            # we try this with all different rule qualifiers to ensure they all are normalized and map
            # to the same rule
            for other_rule_qualifier in rule_qualifiers:
                cb = config_builder.clone()
                cb.set_option(other_rule_qualifier, 'regex', other_rule_qualifier + "bōr")
                # before setting the expected rule option value correctly, the RuleCollection should be different
                self.assertNotEqual(cb.build().rules, expected_rules)
                # after setting the option on the expected rule, it should be equal
                my_rule.options['regex'].set(other_rule_qualifier + "bōr")
                self.assertEqual(cb.build().rules, expected_rules)
Пример #2
    def test_clone(self):
        config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
        config_builder.set_option('general', 'verbosity', 2)
        config_builder.set_option('title-max-length', 'line-length', 100)
        expected = {'title-max-length': {'line-length': 100}, 'general': {'verbosity': 2}}
        self.assertDictEqual(config_builder._config_blueprint, expected)

        # Clone and verify that the blueprint is the same as the original
        cloned_builder = config_builder.clone()
        self.assertDictEqual(cloned_builder._config_blueprint, expected)

        # Modify the original and make sure we're not modifying the clone (i.e. check that the copy is a deep copy)
        config_builder.set_option('title-max-length', 'line-length', 120)
        self.assertDictEqual(cloned_builder._config_blueprint, expected)