Пример #1
    def test_ignore_named_rules(self):
        """ Test that named rules can be ignored """

        # Add named rule to lint config
        config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
        rule_id = TitleMustNotContainWord.id + u":my-ïd"
        config_builder.set_option(rule_id, "words", [u"Föo"])
        lint_config = config_builder.build()
        linter = GitLinter(lint_config)
        commit = self.gitcommit(u"WIP: Föo bar\n\nFoo bår hur dur bla bla")

        # By default, we expect both the violations of the regular rule as well as the named rule to show up
        violations = [
                          u"Title contains the word 'WIP' (case-insensitive)",
                          u"WIP: Föo bar", 1),
                          u"Title contains the word 'Föo' (case-insensitive)",
                          u"WIP: Föo bar", 1)
        self.assertListEqual(violations, linter.lint(commit))

        # ignore regular rule: only named rule violations show up
        lint_config.ignore = ["T5"]
        self.assertListEqual(violations[1:], linter.lint(commit))

        # ignore named rule by id: only regular rule violations show up
        lint_config.ignore = [rule_id]
        self.assertListEqual(violations[:-1], linter.lint(commit))

        # ignore named rule by name: only regular rule violations show up
        lint_config.ignore = [TitleMustNotContainWord.name + u":my-ïd"]
        self.assertListEqual(violations[:-1], linter.lint(commit))
Пример #2
    def test_named_rules(self):
        # Store a copy of the default rules from the config, so we can reference it later
        config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
        config = config_builder.build()
        default_rules = copy.deepcopy(config.rules)
        self.assertEqual(default_rules, config.rules)  # deepcopy should be equal

        # Add a named rule by setting an option in the config builder that follows the named rule pattern
        # Assert that whitespace in the rule name is stripped
        rule_qualifiers = [u'T7:my-extra-rüle', u' T7 :   my-extra-rüle  ', u'\tT7:\tmy-extra-rüle\t',
                           u'T7:\t\n  \tmy-extra-rüle\t\n\n', "title-match-regex:my-extra-rüle"]
        for rule_qualifier in rule_qualifiers:
            config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
            config_builder.set_option(rule_qualifier, 'regex', "föo")

            expected_rules = copy.deepcopy(default_rules)
            my_rule = rules.TitleRegexMatches({'regex': "föo"})
            my_rule.id = rules.TitleRegexMatches.id + ":my-extra-rüle"
            my_rule.name = rules.TitleRegexMatches.name + ":my-extra-rüle"
            expected_rules._rules[u'T7:my-extra-rüle'] = my_rule
            self.assertEqual(config_builder.build().rules, expected_rules)

            # assert that changing an option on the newly added rule is passed correctly to the RuleCollection
            # we try this with all different rule qualifiers to ensure they all are normalized and map
            # to the same rule
            for other_rule_qualifier in rule_qualifiers:
                cb = config_builder.clone()
                cb.set_option(other_rule_qualifier, 'regex', other_rule_qualifier + "bōr")
                # before setting the expected rule option value correctly, the RuleCollection should be different
                self.assertNotEqual(cb.build().rules, expected_rules)
                # after setting the option on the expected rule, it should be equal
                my_rule.options['regex'].set(other_rule_qualifier + "bōr")
                self.assertEqual(cb.build().rules, expected_rules)
Пример #3
    def test_rebuild_config(self):
        # normal config build
        config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
        config_builder.set_option('general', 'verbosity', 3)
        lint_config = config_builder.build()
        self.assertEqual(lint_config.verbosity, 3)

        # check that existing config changes when we rebuild it
        existing_lintconfig = LintConfig()
        existing_lintconfig.verbosity = 2
        lint_config = config_builder.build(existing_lintconfig)
        self.assertEqual(lint_config.verbosity, 3)
Пример #4
    def test_rebuild_config(self):
        # normal config build
        config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
        config_builder.set_option('general', 'verbosity', 3)
        lint_config = config_builder.build()
        self.assertEqual(lint_config.verbosity, 3)

        # check that existing config changes when we rebuild it
        existing_lintconfig = LintConfig()
        existing_lintconfig.verbosity = 2
        lint_config = config_builder.build(existing_lintconfig)
        self.assertEqual(lint_config.verbosity, 3)
Пример #5
    def test_general_option_after_rule_option(self):
        # We used to have a bug where we didn't process general options before setting specific options, this would
        # lead to errors when e.g.: trying to configure a user rule before the rule class was loaded by extra-path
        # This test is here to test for regressions against this.

        config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
        config_builder.set_option(u'my-üser-commit-rule', 'violation-count', 3)
        user_rules_path = self.get_sample_path("user_rules")
        config_builder.set_option('general', 'extra-path', user_rules_path)
        config = config_builder.build()

        self.assertEqual(config.extra_path, user_rules_path)
        self.assertEqual(config.get_rule_option(u'my-üser-commit-rule', 'violation-count'), 3)
Пример #6
    def test_rebuild_config(self):
        # normal config build
        config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
        config_builder.set_option('general', 'verbosity', 3)
        lint_config = config_builder.build()
        self.assertEqual(lint_config.verbosity, 3)

        # check that existing config gets overwritten when we pass it to a configbuilder with different options
        existing_lintconfig = LintConfig()
        existing_lintconfig.verbosity = 2
        lint_config = config_builder.build(existing_lintconfig)
        self.assertEqual(lint_config.verbosity, 3)
        self.assertEqual(existing_lintconfig.verbosity, 3)
Пример #7
    def test_named_rules_negative(self):
        # T7 = title-match-regex
        # Invalid rule name
        for invalid_name in [
                "", " ", "    ", "\t", "\n", u"å b", u"å:b", u"åb:", u":åb"
            config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
            config_builder.set_option(u"T7:{0}".format(invalid_name), 'regex',
            expected_msg = u"The rule-name part in 'T7:{0}' cannot contain whitespace, colons or be empty"
            with self.assertRaisesMessage(LintConfigError,

        # Invalid parent rule name
        config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
        config_builder.set_option(u"Ž123:foöbar", u"fåke-option",
        with self.assertRaisesMessage(
                u"No such rule 'Ž123' (named rule: 'Ž123:foöbar')"):

        # Invalid option name (this is the same as with regular rules)
        config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
        config_builder.set_option(u"T7:foöbar", u"blå", u"my-rëgex")
        with self.assertRaisesMessage(LintConfigError,
                                      u"Rule 'T7:foöbar' has no option 'blå'"):
Пример #8
    def test_clone(self):
        config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
        config_builder.set_option('general', 'verbosity', 2)
        config_builder.set_option('title-max-length', 'line-length', 100)
        expected = {'title-max-length': {'line-length': 100}, 'general': {'verbosity': 2}}
        self.assertDictEqual(config_builder._config_blueprint, expected)

        # Clone and verify that the blueprint is the same as the original
        cloned_builder = config_builder.clone()
        self.assertDictEqual(cloned_builder._config_blueprint, expected)

        # Modify the original and make sure we're not modifying the clone (i.e. check that the copy is a deep copy)
        config_builder.set_option('title-max-length', 'line-length', 120)
        self.assertDictEqual(cloned_builder._config_blueprint, expected)
Пример #9
    def test_set_option(self):
        config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
        config = config_builder.build()

        # assert some defaults
            config.get_rule_option('title-max-length', 'line-length'), 72)
            config.get_rule_option('body-max-line-length', 'line-length'), 80)
            config.get_rule_option('title-must-not-contain-word', 'words'),
        self.assertEqual(config.verbosity, 3)

        # Make some changes and check blueprint
        config_builder.set_option('title-max-length', 'line-length', 100)
        config_builder.set_option('general', 'verbosity', 2)
        config_builder.set_option('title-must-not-contain-word', 'words',
                                  ["foo", "bar"])
        expected_blueprint = {
            'title-must-not-contain-word': {
                'words': ['foo', 'bar']
            'title-max-length': {
                'line-length': 100
            'general': {
                'verbosity': 2

        # Build config and verify that the changes have occurred and no other changes
        config = config_builder.build()
            config.get_rule_option('title-max-length', 'line-length'), 100)
            config.get_rule_option('body-max-line-length', 'line-length'),
            80)  # should be unchanged
            config.get_rule_option('title-must-not-contain-word', 'words'),
            ["foo", "bar"])
        self.assertEqual(config.verbosity, 2)
Пример #10
def build_config(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        target, config_path, c, extra_path, ignore, contrib, ignore_stdin,
        staged, verbose, silent, debug):
    """ Creates a LintConfig object based on a set of commandline parameters. """
    config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
    # Config precedence:
    # First, load default config or config from configfile
    if config_path:
    elif os.path.exists(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE):

    # Then process any commandline configuration flags

    # Finally, overwrite with any convenience commandline flags
    if ignore:
        config_builder.set_option('general', 'ignore', ignore)

    if contrib:
        config_builder.set_option('general', 'contrib', contrib)

    if ignore_stdin:
        config_builder.set_option('general', 'ignore-stdin', ignore_stdin)

    if silent:
        config_builder.set_option('general', 'verbosity', 0)
    elif verbose > 0:
        config_builder.set_option('general', 'verbosity', verbose)

    if extra_path:
        config_builder.set_option('general', 'extra-path', extra_path)

    if target:
        config_builder.set_option('general', 'target', target)

    if debug:
        config_builder.set_option('general', 'debug', debug)

    if staged:
        config_builder.set_option('general', 'staged', staged)

    config = config_builder.build()

    return config, config_builder
Пример #11
def build_config(ctx, target, config_path, c, extra_path, ignore, verbose,
                 silent, debug):
    """ Creates a LintConfig object based on a set of commandline parameters. """
    config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
        # Config precedence:
        # First, load default config or config from configfile
        if config_path:
        elif os.path.exists(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE):

        # Then process any commandline configuration flags

        # Finally, overwrite with any convenience commandline flags
        if ignore:
            config_builder.set_option('general', 'ignore', ignore)
        if silent:
            config_builder.set_option('general', 'verbosity', 0)
        elif verbose > 0:
            config_builder.set_option('general', 'verbosity', verbose)

        if extra_path:
            config_builder.set_option('general', 'extra-path', extra_path)

        if target:
            config_builder.set_option('general', 'target', target)

        if debug:
            config_builder.set_option('general', 'debug', debug)

        config = config_builder.build()

        return config, config_builder
    except LintConfigError as e:
        click.echo(u"Config Error: {0}".format(ustr(e)))
    ctx.exit(CONFIG_ERROR_CODE)  # return CONFIG_ERROR_CODE on config error
Пример #12
def build_config(ctx, target, config_path, c, extra_path, ignore, verbose, silent, debug):
    """ Creates a LintConfig object based on a set of commandline parameters. """
    config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
        # Config precedence:
        # First, load default config or config from configfile
        if config_path:
        elif os.path.exists(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE):

        # Then process any commandline configuration flags

        # Finally, overwrite with any convenience commandline flags
        if ignore:
            config_builder.set_option('general', 'ignore', ignore)
        if silent:
            config_builder.set_option('general', 'verbosity', 0)
        elif verbose > 0:
            config_builder.set_option('general', 'verbosity', verbose)

        if extra_path:
            config_builder.set_option('general', 'extra-path', extra_path)

        if target:
            config_builder.set_option('general', 'target', target)

        if debug:
            config_builder.set_option('general', 'debug', debug)

        config = config_builder.build()
        if debug:
            click.echo(str(config), nl=True)

        return config, config_builder
    except LintConfigError as e:
        click.echo("Config Error: {0}".format(str(e)))
    ctx.exit(CONFIG_ERROR_CODE)  # return CONFIG_ERROR_CODE on config error