def test_add_del_effects(): parser = Parser("") def parse_problem(domain, problem): parser.domInput = domain parser.probInput = problem domain = parser.parse_domain(False) return parser.parse_problem(domain, False) dom_pddl = """ (define (domain dom) (:requirements :typing) (:predicates (ok ?v - object)) (:action theaction :parameters (?x - object) :precondition {0} :effect {1} ) ) """ prob_pddl = """ ;; See domain file for description of this test. (define (problem prob) (:domain dom) (:objects y - object) (:init) (:goal (ok y))) """ tests = [ # Only add effect ("(and)", "(ok ?x)", set(), {"(ok y)"}, set()), # Only delete effect ("(and)", "(and (not (ok ?x)))", set(), set(), {"(ok y)"}), # Both add and delete effect ("(and)", "(and (ok ?x) (not (ok ?x)))", set(), {"(ok y)"}, set()), # Precondition and add effect ("(and (ok ?x))", "(ok ?x)", {"(ok y)"}, set(), set()), # Precondition and delete effect ("(and (ok ?x))", "(and (not (ok ?x)))", {"(ok y)"}, set(), {"(ok y)"} ), # Precondition and both add and delete effect ("(and (ok ?x))", "(and (ok ?x) (not (ok ?x)))", {"(ok y)"}, set(), set()), ] for pre_in, eff_in, pre_exp, add_exp, del_exp in tests: dom = dom_pddl.format(pre_in, eff_in) problem = parse_problem(dom, prob_pddl) domain = problem.domain actions = domain.actions.values() predicates = domain.predicates.values() # Objects objects = problem.objects objects.update(domain.constants) # Get the names of the static predicates statics = grounding._get_statics(predicates, actions) # Create a map from types to objects type_map = grounding._create_type_map(objects) # Transform initial state into a specific init = grounding._get_partial_state(problem.initial_state) # Ground actions operators = grounding._ground_actions(actions, type_map, statics, init) assert len(operators) == 1 op = operators[0] assert op.preconditions == pre_exp assert op.add_effects == add_exp assert op.del_effects == del_exp
def test_add_del_effects(): parser = Parser('') def parse_problem(domain, problem): parser.domInput = domain parser.probInput = problem domain = parser.parse_domain(False) return parser.parse_problem(domain, False) dom_pddl = """ (define (domain dom) (:requirements :typing) (:predicates (ok ?v - object)) (:action theaction :parameters (?x - object) :precondition {0} :effect {1} ) ) """ prob_pddl = """ ;; See domain file for description of this test. (define (problem prob) (:domain dom) (:objects y - object) (:init) (:goal (ok y))) """ tests = [ # Only add effect ('(and)', '(ok ?x)', set(), {'(ok y)'}, set()), # Only delete effect ('(and)', '(and (not (ok ?x)))', set(), set(), {'(ok y)'}), # Both add and delete effect ('(and)', '(and (ok ?x) (not (ok ?x)))', set(), {'(ok y)'}, set()), # Precondition and add effect ('(and (ok ?x))', '(ok ?x)', {'(ok y)'}, set(), set()), # Precondition and delete effect ('(and (ok ?x))', '(and (not (ok ?x)))', {'(ok y)'}, set(), {'(ok y)'}), # Precondition and both add and delete effect ('(and (ok ?x))', '(and (ok ?x) (not (ok ?x)))', {'(ok y)'}, set(), set()), ] for pre_in, eff_in, pre_exp, add_exp, del_exp in tests: dom = dom_pddl.format(pre_in, eff_in) problem = parse_problem(dom, prob_pddl) domain = problem.domain actions = domain.actions.values() predicates = domain.predicates.values() # Objects objects = problem.objects objects.update(domain.constants) # Get the names of the static predicates statics = grounding._get_statics(predicates, actions) # Create a map from types to objects type_map = grounding._create_type_map(objects) # Transform initial state into a specific init = grounding._get_partial_state(problem.initial_state) # Ground actions operators = grounding._ground_actions(actions, type_map, statics, init) yield assert_equal, len(operators), 1 op = operators[0] yield assert_equal, op.preconditions, pre_exp yield assert_equal, op.add_effects, add_exp yield assert_equal, op.del_effects, del_exp
def test_operators(): # action with signature with 2 types action_drive_vehicle = get_action( "DRIVE-VEHICLE", [ ("vehicle", [types["car"], types["truck"]]), ("orig", [types["city"]]), ("dest", [types["city"]]), ], [predicate_veh_orig], [predicate_veh_dest], [predicate_veh_orig], ) # action with predicate in add & delete list action_add_delete = get_action( "STAY", [("car", [types["car"]]), ("in", [types["city"]])], [predicate_in], [predicate_in], [predicate_in], ) # action with constant input action_constant = get_action( "CONSTANT-ACTION", [("my_car", [types["my_car"]]), ("city", [types["city"]])], [], [ Predicate("in", [("basel", [types["city"]]), ("switzerland", [types["country"]])]) ], [], ) # action with only delete effects action_only_delete = get_action( "LEAVE", [("car", [types["car"]]), ("in", [types["city"]])], [predicate_in], [], [predicate_in], ) # action with delete effect which does not occur in precondition action_delete = get_action( "DELETE", [("car", [types["car"]]), ("orig", [types["city"]]), ("dest", [types["city"]])], [], [predicate_car_orig], [predicate_car_dest], ) type_map = grounding._create_type_map(objects) grounded_initial_state = grounding._get_partial_state(initial_state) grounded_drive_car = list( grounding._ground_action(action_drive_car, type_map, [], grounded_initial_state)) grounded_drive_vehicle = list( grounding._ground_action(action_drive_vehicle, type_map, [], grounded_initial_state)) grounded_add_delete = list( grounding._ground_action(action_add_delete, type_map, [], grounded_initial_state)) grounded_only_delete = list( grounding._ground_action(action_only_delete, type_map, [], grounded_initial_state)) grounded_delete = list( grounding._ground_action(action_delete, type_map, [], grounded_initial_state)) domain = Domain( "test_domain", types, { "in": Predicate("in", [("city", types["city"]), ("country", types["country"])]) }, {"action-constant": action_constant}, {"my_car": types["car"]}, ) problem = Problem("test_problem", domain, objects, initial_state, goal_state) task = grounding.ground(problem) expected = [ ("(DRIVE-CAR red_car freiburg basel)", grounded_drive_car), ("(DRIVE-VEHICLE blue_truck freiburg basel)", grounded_drive_vehicle), ("(STAY red_car freiburg)", grounded_add_delete), ("(LEAVE red_car freiburg)", grounded_only_delete), ("(DELETE red_car freiburg basel)", grounded_delete), ] for operator, grounded_operators in expected: assert any( == operator for op in grounded_operators)
def test_operators(): # action with signature with 2 types action_drive_vehicle = get_action("DRIVE-VEHICLE", [("vehicle", [types["car"], types["truck"]]), ("orig", [types["city"]]), ("dest", [types["city"]])], [predicate_veh_orig], [predicate_veh_dest], [predicate_veh_orig]) # action with predicate in add & delete list action_add_delete = get_action("STAY", [("car", [types["car"]]), ("in", [types["city"]])], [predicate_in], [predicate_in], [predicate_in]) # action with constant input action_constant = get_action("CONSTANT-ACTION", [("my_car", [types["my_car"]]), ("city", [types["city"]])], [], [Predicate("in", [("basel", [types["city"]]), ("switzerland", [types["country"]])])], []) # action with only delete effects action_only_delete = get_action("LEAVE", [("car", [types["car"]]), ("in", [types["city"]])], [predicate_in], [], [predicate_in]) # action with delete effect which does not occur in precondition action_delete = get_action("DELETE", [("car", [types["car"]]), ("orig", [types["city"]]), ("dest", [types["city"]])], [], [predicate_car_orig], [predicate_car_dest]) type_map = grounding._create_type_map(objects) grounded_initial_state = grounding._get_partial_state(initial_state) grounded_drive_car = list( grounding._ground_action(action_drive_car, type_map, [], grounded_initial_state)) grounded_drive_vehicle = list( grounding._ground_action(action_drive_vehicle, type_map, [], grounded_initial_state)) grounded_add_delete = list( grounding._ground_action(action_add_delete, type_map, [], grounded_initial_state)) grounded_only_delete = list( grounding._ground_action(action_only_delete, type_map, [], grounded_initial_state)) grounded_delete = list( grounding._ground_action(action_delete, type_map, [], grounded_initial_state)) domain = Domain("test_domain", types, {"in": Predicate("in", [("city", types["city"]), ("country", types["country"])])}, {"action-constant": action_constant}, {"my_car": types["car"]}) problem = Problem("test_problem", domain, objects, initial_state, goal_state) task = grounding.ground(problem) grounded_constant = task.operators expected = [("(DRIVE-CAR red_car freiburg basel)", grounded_drive_car), ("(DRIVE-VEHICLE blue_truck freiburg basel)", grounded_drive_vehicle), ("(STAY red_car freiburg)", grounded_add_delete), ("(LEAVE red_car freiburg)", grounded_only_delete), ("(DELETE red_car freiburg basel)", grounded_delete)] for operator, grounded_operators in expected: yield operator_grounded, operator, grounded_operators