Пример #1
    def test_fcross_project_strain(self):
        """ Check consistency of project_strain() against antenna_pattern()

        coords = numpy.array([uniform(0,360), uniform(-90,90)])
        psi = math.radians(uniform(0,180))
        pt_eq = pb.skymaps.Skypoint(*numpy.radians(coords), COORD_SYS_EQUATORIAL)
        d = pb.detectors.Detector(random.choice(DETECTORS))
        antenna_pat = d.antenna_pattern(pt_eq, time=TIME, psi=psi)
        hplus = TimeSeries(ZEROS_1_SEC, sample_rate=SAMPLING_RATE).to_lal()
        hcross = TimeSeries(SIN_1_SEC, sample_rate=SAMPLING_RATE).to_lal()
        hplus.epoch = lal.LIGOTimeGPS(TIME)
        hcross.epoch = lal.LIGOTimeGPS(TIME)
        # Project wave onto detector
        response = d.project_strain(hplus, hcross, pt_eq, psi)
        # Generate support timeseries
        data = TimeSeries(ZEROS_5_SEC, \
                          sample_rate=SAMPLING_RATE, \
                          t0=TIME-2, unit=response._unit)

        # Inject signal into timeseries
        h = data.inject(response)

        if antenna_pat[1] > 0:
            estimated_pat = h.max().to_value()
            estimated_pat = h.min().to_value()

        print("Exact antenna pattern = {} ; Estimated pattern from amplitude = {}".format(antenna_pat[1], estimated_pat))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(antenna_pat[1], estimated_pat, places=2)
Пример #2
    def test_delay_project_strain(self):
        """ Check consistency of project_strain() against time_delay_earth_center()

        coords = numpy.array([uniform(0,360), uniform(-90,90)])
        pt_eq = pb.skymaps.Skypoint(*numpy.radians(coords), COORD_SYS_EQUATORIAL)
        d = pb.detectors.Detector(random.choice(DETECTORS))
        delay = d.time_delay_from_earth_center(pt_eq, TIME)
        hplus = TimeSeries(SIN_1_SEC, sample_rate=SAMPLING_RATE).to_lal()
        hcross = TimeSeries(ZEROS_1_SEC, sample_rate=SAMPLING_RATE).to_lal()
        hplus.epoch = lal.LIGOTimeGPS(TIME)
        hcross.epoch = lal.LIGOTimeGPS(TIME)

        # Project wave onto detector
        response = d.project_strain(hplus, hcross, pt_eq, 0)
        # Generate support timeseries
        data = TimeSeries(ZEROS_5_SEC, \
                          sample_rate=SAMPLING_RATE, \
                          t0=TIME-2, unit=response._unit)

        # Inject signal into timeseries
        h = data.inject(response)
        # Find end of the detector response
        ix, = numpy.where(numpy.abs(h) > numpy.max(h)/10)
        time_end = h.t0.value + ix[-1]/SAMPLING_RATE
        estimated_delay = float(time_end - (TIME+1))
        print("Exact delay = {} ; Estimated delay = {}".format(delay, estimated_delay))
        # Estimate delay from timeseries
        self.assertAlmostEqual(delay, estimated_delay, places=3)
Пример #3
def test_save_loudest_tile_features():
    # prepare input data
    channel = GW.channels[0]
    noise = TimeSeries(numpy.random.normal(loc=1, scale=.5, size=16384 * 68),
                       epoch=-34).zpk([], [0], 1)
    glitch = TimeSeries(signal.gausspulse(numpy.arange(-1, 1, 1. / 16384),
                        epoch=-1) * 1e-4
    in_ = noise.inject(glitch)
    _, _, _, qgram, _, _, _ = core.scan(gps=0,

    # test loudest tiles
    channel.save_loudest_tile_features(qgram, correlate=glitch)
    assert channel.Q == numpy.around(qgram.plane.q, 1)
    assert channel.energy == numpy.around(qgram.peak['energy'], 1)
    assert channel.snr == numpy.around(qgram.peak['snr'], 1)
    assert channel.t == numpy.around(qgram.peak['time'], 3)
    assert channel.f == numpy.around(qgram.peak['frequency'], 1)
    assert channel.corr == numpy.around(glitch.max().value, 1)
    assert channel.delay == 0.0
    assert channel.stdev == glitch.std().value
Пример #4
def test_save_loudest_tile_features():
    # prepare input data
    channel = GW.channels[0]
    noise = TimeSeries(
        numpy.random.normal(loc=1, scale=.5, size=16384 * 68),
        sample_rate=16384, epoch=-34).zpk([], [0], 1)
    glitch = TimeSeries(
        signal.gausspulse(numpy.arange(-1, 1, 1./16384), bw=100),
        sample_rate=16384, epoch=-1) * 1e-4
    in_ = noise.inject(glitch)
    _, _, _, qgram, _, _, _ = core.scan(
        gps=0, channel=channel, xoft=in_, resample=4096, fftlength=8)

    # test loudest tiles
    channel.save_loudest_tile_features(qgram, correlate=glitch)
    assert channel.Q == numpy.around(qgram.plane.q, 1)
    assert channel.energy == numpy.around(qgram.peak['energy'], 1)
    assert channel.snr == numpy.around(qgram.peak['snr'], 1)
    assert channel.t == numpy.around(qgram.peak['time'], 3)
    assert channel.f == numpy.around(qgram.peak['frequency'], 1)
    assert channel.corr == numpy.around(glitch.max().value, 1)
    assert channel.delay == 0.0
    assert channel.stdev == glitch.std().value
Пример #5
# Then we can download a simulation of the GW150914 signal from GWOSC:

from astropy.utils.data import get_readable_fileobj
url = ("https://www.gw-openscience.org/s/events/GW150914/P150914/"
with get_readable_fileobj(url) as f:
    signal = TimeSeries.read(f, format='txt')
signal.t0 = .5  # make sure this intersects with noise time samples

# Note, since this simulation cuts off before a certain time, it is
# important to taper its ends to zero to avoid ringing artifacts.
# We can accomplish this using the
# :meth:`~gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries.taper` method.

signal = signal.taper()

# Since the time samples overlap, we can inject this into our noise data
# using :meth:`~gwpy.types.series.Series.inject`:

data = noise.inject(signal)

# Finally, we can visualize the full process in the time domain:

from gwpy.plot import Plot
plot = Plot(noise, signal, data, separate=True, sharex=True, sharey=True)

# We can clearly see that the loud GW150914-like signal has been layered
# on top of Gaussian noise with the correct amplitude and phase evolution.
Пример #6
# Then we can download a simulation of the GW150914 signal from LOSC:

from astropy.utils.data import get_readable_fileobj
source = 'https://losc.ligo.org/s/events/GW150914/P150914/'
url = '%s/fig2-unfiltered-waveform-H.txt' % source
with get_readable_fileobj(url) as f:
    signal = TimeSeries.read(f, format='txt')
signal.t0 = .5  # make sure this intersects with noise time samples

# Note, since this simulation cuts off before a certain time, it is
# important to taper its ends to zero to avoid ringing artifacts.
# We can accomplish this using the
# :meth:`~gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries.taper` method.

signal = signal.taper()

# Since the time samples overlap, we can inject this into our noise data
# using :meth:`~gwpy.types.series.Series.inject`:

data = noise.inject(signal)

# Finally, we can visualize the full process in the time domain:

from gwpy.plot import Plot
plot = Plot(noise, signal, data, separate=True, sharex=True, sharey=True)

# We can clearly see that the loud GW150914-like signal has been layered
# on top of Gaussian noise with the correct amplitude and phase evolution.
Пример #7
from .. import (config, core, plot)

__author__ = 'Alex Urban <*****@*****.**>'

# global test objects


NOISE = TimeSeries(numpy.random.normal(loc=1, scale=.5, size=16384 * 68),
                   epoch=-34).zpk([], [0], 1)
GLITCH = TimeSeries(signal.gausspulse(numpy.arange(-1, 1, 1. / 16384), bw=100),
                    epoch=-1) * 1e-4

    'q-range': '3.3166,150',
    'frequency-range': '4.0,Inf',
    'plot-time-durations': '4',
    'always-plot': 'True',
CHANNEL = config.OmegaChannel(channelname='L1:TEST-STRAIN',

SERIES = core.scan(gps=0,
Пример #8
from .. import plot

__author__ = 'Alex Urban <*****@*****.**>'

# global test objects

TWOPI = 2 * numpy.pi
TIMES = numpy.arange(0, 16384 * 64)
NOISE = TimeSeries(
    numpy.random.normal(loc=1, scale=.5, size=16384 * 64),
    sample_rate=16384, epoch=-32).zpk([], [0], 1)
FRINGE = TimeSeries(
    numpy.cos(TWOPI * TIMES), sample_rate=16384, epoch=-32)
QSPECGRAM = DATA.q_transform(logf=True)

# -- make sure plots run end-to-end -------------------------------------------

def test_spectral_comparison(tmpdir):
    outdir = str(tmpdir)
    plot1 = os.path.join(outdir, 'test1.png')
    plot2 = os.path.join(outdir, 'test2.png')
    # test plotting
    plot.spectral_comparison(0, QSPECGRAM, FRINGE, plot1)
    plot.spectral_overlay(0, QSPECGRAM, FRINGE, plot2)
    # clean up
    shutil.rmtree(outdir, ignore_errors=True)