def _makefile_syn_tcl(self): """Create a Xilinx synthesis project by TCL""" syn_properties = self.manifest_dict.get("syn_properties") project_new = [] project_tcl = self._tcl_controls["project"] if shell.check_windows(): tmp = 'project set "{0}" "{1}"' else: tmp = 'project set \\"{0}\\" \\"{1}\\"' properties = [ ['family', '$(SYN_FAMILY)'], ['device', '$(SYN_DEVICE)'], ['package', '$(SYN_PACKAGE)'], ['speed', '$(SYN_GRADE)'], ['Manual Implementation Compile Order', 'false'], ['Auto Implementation Top', 'false'], ['Create Binary Configuration File', 'true']] if not syn_properties is None: properties.extend(syn_properties) for prop in properties: project_new.append(tmp.format(prop[0], prop[1])) project_new.append('set compile_directory .') self._tcl_controls["project"] = project_tcl.format( "\n".join(project_new)) super(ToolISE, self)._makefile_syn_tcl()
def _makefile_syn_top(self): """Create the top part of the synthesis Makefile""" if shell.check_windows(): tcl_interpreter = self._tool_info["windows_bin"] else: tcl_interpreter = self._tool_info["linux_bin"] top_parameter = string.Template("""\ TOP_MODULE := ${top_module} PWD := $$(shell pwd) PROJECT := ${project_name} PROJECT_FILE := $$(PROJECT).${project_ext} TOOL_PATH := ${tool_path} TCL_INTERPRETER := ${tcl_interpreter} ifneq ($$(strip $$(TOOL_PATH)),) TCL_INTERPRETER := $$(TOOL_PATH)/$$(TCL_INTERPRETER) endif SYN_FAMILY := ${syn_family} SYN_DEVICE := ${syn_device} SYN_PACKAGE := ${syn_package} SYN_GRADE := ${syn_grade} """) self.writeln(top_parameter.substitute( tcl_interpreter=tcl_interpreter, project_name=os.path.splitext( self.manifest_dict["syn_project"])[0], project_ext=self._tool_info["project_ext"], syn_family=self.manifest_dict.get("syn_family", ''), syn_device=self.manifest_dict["syn_device"], syn_package=self.manifest_dict["syn_package"], syn_grade=self.manifest_dict["syn_grade"], tool_path=self.manifest_dict["syn_path"], top_module=self.manifest_dict["syn_top"]))
def _get_name_bin(self): """Get the name and binary values""" if shell.check_windows(): bin_name = self._tool_info['windows_bin'] else: bin_name = self._tool_info['linux_bin'] return bin_name
def _makefile_syn_build(self): """Generate the synthesis Makefile targets for handling design build""" stage_previous = "files.tcl" stage_list = ["project", "synthesize", "translate", "map", "par", "bitstream"] for stage in stage_list: if stage in self._tcl_controls: echo_command = '\t\techo {0} >> $@' tcl_command = [] for command in self._tcl_controls[stage].split('\n'): tcl_command.append(echo_command.format(command)) command_string = "\n".join(tcl_command) if shell.check_windows(): command_string = command_string.replace( "'", "") self.writeln("""\ {0}.tcl: {3} {0}: {1} {0}.tcl \t\t$(SYN_PRE_{2}_CMD) \t\t$(TCL_INTERPRETER) [email protected] \t\t$(SYN_POST_{2}_CMD) \t\t{4} $@ """.format(stage, stage_previous, stage.upper(), command_string, shell.touch_command())) stage_previous = stage
def write(self, line=None): """Write a string in the manifest, no new line""" if not self._initialized: self.initialize() if shell.check_windows(): self._file.write(line.replace('\\"', '"')) else: self._file.write(line)
def makefile_clean(self): """Print the Makefile target for cleaning intermediate files""" self.writeln("CLEAN_TARGETS := $(LIBS) " + ' '.join(self._clean_targets["clean"]) + "\n") self.writeln("clean:") tmp = "\t\t" + shell.del_command() + " $(CLEAN_TARGETS)" self.writeln(tmp) if shell.check_windows(): tmp = "\t\t@-" + shell.rmdir_command() + \ " $(CLEAN_TARGETS) >nul 2>&1" self.writeln(tmp)
def _makefile_syn_files(self): """Write the files TCL section of the Makefile""" ret = [] fileset_dict = {} sources_list = [] fileset_dict.update(self._hdl_files) fileset_dict.update(self._supported_files) for filetype in fileset_dict: file_list = [] for file_aux in self.fileset: if isinstance(file_aux, filetype): file_list.append(shell.tclpath(file_aux.rel_path())) if not file_list == []: ret.append( 'SOURCES_{0} := \\\n' '{1}\n'.format(filetype.__name__, ' \\\n'.join(file_list))) if not fileset_dict[filetype] is None: sources_list.append(filetype) self.writeln('\n'.join(ret)) self.writeln('files.tcl:') if "files" in self._tcl_controls: echo_command = '\t\t@echo {0} >> $@' tcl_command = [] for command in self._tcl_controls["files"].split('\n'): tcl_command.append(echo_command.format(command)) command_string = "\n".join(tcl_command) if shell.check_windows(): command_string = command_string.replace("'", "") self.writeln(command_string) for filetype in sources_list: filetype_string = ('\t\t@$(foreach sourcefile,' ' $(SOURCES_{0}), echo "{1}" >> $@ &)'.format( filetype.__name__, fileset_dict[filetype])) if shell.check_windows(): filetype_string = filetype_string.replace( '"', '') self.writeln(filetype_string) self.writeln()
def set_logging_level(options): """Set the log level and config (A.K.A. log verbosity)""" numeric_level = getattr(logging, options.log.upper(), None) if not isinstance(numeric_level, int): sys.exit('Invalid log level: %s' % options.log) if not shell.check_windows(): logging.basicConfig( format=colored( "%(levelname)s", "yellow") + colored( "\t%(filename)s:%(lineno)d: %(funcName)s()\t", "blue") + "%(message)s", level=numeric_level) else: logging.basicConfig( format="%(levelname)s" + "\t%(filename)s:%(lineno)d: %(funcName)s()\t" + "%(message)s", level=numeric_level) logging.debug(str(options))
def __get_xilinxsim_ini_dir(): """Get Xilinx ISim ini simulation file""" if "sim_path" in self.manifest_dict: xilinx_dir = str( os.path.join(self.manifest_dict["sim_path"], "..", "..")) else: logging.error("Cannot calculate xilinx tools base directory") quit() hdl_language = 'vhdl' # 'verilog' if shell.check_windows(): os_prefix = 'nt' else: os_prefix = 'lin' if shell.architecture() == 32: arch_sufix = '' else: arch_sufix = '64' xilinx_ini_path = str( os.path.join(xilinx_dir, hdl_language, "hdp", os_prefix + arch_sufix)) # Ensure the path is absolute and normalized return os.path.abspath(xilinx_ini_path)
class ToolISE(ToolSyn): """Class providing the methods to create and build a Xilinx ISE project""" TOOL_INFO = { 'name': 'ISE', 'id': 'ise', 'windows_bin': 'xtclsh.exe', 'linux_bin': 'xtclsh', 'project_ext': 'xise'} STANDARD_LIBS = ['ieee', 'ieee_proposed', 'iSE', 'simprims', 'std', 'synopsys', 'unimacro', 'unisim', 'XilinxCoreLib'] SUPPORTED_FILES = { UCFFile: 'xfile add $(sourcefile)', CDCFile: 'xfile add $(sourcefile)', NGCFile: 'xfile add $(sourcefile)'} HDL_FILES = { VHDLFile: 'xfile add $(sourcefile)', VerilogFile: 'xfile add $(sourcefile)', SVFile: 'xfile add $(sourcefile)'} CLEAN_TARGETS = {'clean': ["xst", "xlnx_auto_0_xdb", "iseconfig _xmsgs", "_ngo", "*.b", "*_summary.html", "*.bld", "*.cmd_log", "*.drc", "*.lso", "*.ncd", "*.ngc", "*.ngd", "*.ngr", "*.pad", "*.par", "*.pcf", "*.prj", "*.ptwx", "*.stx", "*.syr", "*.twr", "*.twx", "*.gise", "*.gise", "*.bgn", "*.unroutes", "*.ut", "*.xpi", "*.xst", "*.xise", "*.xwbt", "*_envsettings.html", "*_guide.ncd", "*", "*_map.mrp", "*_map.ncd", "*_map.ngm", "*_map.xrpt", "*_ngdbuild.xrpt", "*_pad.csv", "*_pad.txt", "*_par.xrpt", "*_summary.xml", "*_usage.xml", "*_xst.xrpt", "usage_statistics_webtalk.html", "webtalk.log", "par_usage_statistics.html", "webtalk_pn.xml"], 'mrproper': ["*.bit", "*.bin", "*.mcs"]} _ISE_RUN = '''\ $(TCL_OPEN) set process {{{0}}} process run '$$'process set result [process get '$$'process status] if {{ '$$'result == \\"errors\\" }} {{ exit 1 }} $(TCL_SAVE) $(TCL_CLOSE)''' TCL_CONTROLS = { 'create': 'project new $(PROJECT_FILE)', 'open': 'project open $(PROJECT_FILE)', 'save': 'project save', 'close': 'project close', 'project': '$(TCL_CREATE)\n' 'source files.tcl\n' '{0}\n' 'project set top $(TOP_MODULE)\n' '$(TCL_SAVE)\n' '$(TCL_CLOSE)', 'synthesize': _ISE_RUN.format("Synthesize - XST"), 'translate': _ISE_RUN.format("Translate"), 'map': _ISE_RUN.format("Map"), 'par': _ISE_RUN.format("Place " + ("^&" if shell.check_windows() else "'&'") + " Route"), 'bitstream': _ISE_RUN.format("Generate Programming File"), 'install_source': "*.bit *.bin"} def __init__(self): super(ToolISE, self).__init__() self._tool_info.update(ToolISE.TOOL_INFO) self._hdl_files.update(ToolISE.HDL_FILES) self._supported_files.update(ToolISE.SUPPORTED_FILES) self._standard_libs.extend(ToolISE.STANDARD_LIBS) self._clean_targets.update(ToolISE.CLEAN_TARGETS) self._tcl_controls.update(ToolISE.TCL_CONTROLS) def _makefile_syn_top(self): """Create the top part of the synthesis Makefile for ISE""" syn_family = self.manifest_dict.get("syn_family", None) if syn_family is None: syn_family = FAMILY_NAMES.get( self.manifest_dict["syn_device"][0:4].upper()) if syn_family is None: logging.error( "syn_family is not defined in" " and can not be guessed!") quit(-1) self.manifest_dict["syn_family"] = syn_family super(ToolISE, self)._makefile_syn_top() def _makefile_syn_tcl(self): """Create a Xilinx synthesis project by TCL""" syn_properties = self.manifest_dict.get("syn_properties") project_new = [] project_tcl = self._tcl_controls["project"] if shell.check_windows(): tmp = 'project set "{0}" "{1}"' else: tmp = 'project set \\"{0}\\" \\"{1}\\"' properties = [ ['family', '$(SYN_FAMILY)'], ['device', '$(SYN_DEVICE)'], ['package', '$(SYN_PACKAGE)'], ['speed', '$(SYN_GRADE)'], ['Manual Implementation Compile Order', 'false'], ['Auto Implementation Top', 'false'], ['Create Binary Configuration File', 'true']] if not syn_properties is None: properties.extend(syn_properties) for prop in properties: project_new.append(tmp.format(prop[0], prop[1])) project_new.append('set compile_directory .') self._tcl_controls["project"] = project_tcl.format( "\n".join(project_new)) super(ToolISE, self)._makefile_syn_tcl()