import sys sys.path.append('..') # add parent directory import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import satelliteParam as P from hw3.satelliteDynamics import satelliteDynamics from satelliteController import satelliteController from hw2.signalGenerator import signalGenerator from hw2.satelliteAnimation import satelliteAnimation from hw2.dataPlotter import dataPlotter from dataPlotterObserver import dataPlotterObserver # instantiate satellite, controller, and reference classes satellite = satelliteDynamics(alpha=0.0) controller = satelliteController() reference = signalGenerator(amplitude=15.0*np.pi/180.0, frequency=0.03) disturbance = signalGenerator(amplitude=1.0) noise_phi = signalGenerator(amplitude=0.01) noise_th = signalGenerator(amplitude=0.01) # instantiate the simulation plots and animation dataPlot = dataPlotter() dataPlotObserver = dataPlotterObserver() animation = satelliteAnimation() t = P.t_start # time starts at t_start y = satellite.h() # output of system at start of simulation while t < P.t_end: # main simulation loop # Propagate dynamics in between plot samples
import sys sys.path.append('..') # add parent directory import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import satelliteParam as P from hw3.satelliteDynamics import satelliteDynamics from satelliteController import satelliteController from hw2.signalGenerator import signalGenerator from hw2.satelliteAnimation import satelliteAnimation from hw2.dataPlotter import dataPlotter # instantiate satellite, controller, and reference classes satellite = satelliteDynamics() controller = satelliteController() reference = signalGenerator(amplitude=15.0*np.pi/180.0, frequency=0.02) disturbance = signalGenerator(amplitude=1.0) # instantiate the simulation plots and animation dataPlot = dataPlotter() animation = satelliteAnimation() t = P.t_start # time starts at t_start y = satellite.h() # output of system at start of simulation while t < P.t_end: # main simulation loop # Propagate dynamics in between plot samples t_next_plot = t + P.t_plot # updates control and dynamics at faster simulation rate while t < t_next_plot: