class DlcQC(base.QC): """A class for computing camera QC metrics""" bbox = { 'body': { 'xrange': range(201, 500), 'yrange': range(81, 330) }, 'left': { 'xrange': range(301, 700), 'yrange': range(181, 470) }, 'right': { 'xrange': range(301, 600), 'yrange': range(110, 275) }, } dstypes = { 'left': ['_ibl_leftCamera.dlc.*', '_ibl_leftCamera.times.*', '_ibl_leftCamera.features.*'], 'right': ['_ibl_rightCamera.dlc.*', '_ibl_rightCamera.times.*', '_ibl_rightCamera.features.*'], 'body': ['_ibl_bodyCamera.dlc.*', '_ibl_bodyCamera.times.*'], } def __init__(self, session_path_or_eid, side, **kwargs): """ :param session_path_or_eid: A session eid or path :param side: The camera to run QC on :param log: A logging.Logger instance, if None the 'ibllib' logger is used :param one: An ONE instance for fetching and setting the QC on Alyx """ # Make sure the type of camera is chosen self.side = side # When an eid is provided, we will download the required data by default (if necessary) download_data = not is_session_path(session_path_or_eid) self.download_data = kwargs.pop('download_data', download_data) super().__init__(session_path_or_eid, **kwargs) = Bunch() # QC outcomes map self.metrics = None def load_data(self, download_data: bool = None) -> None: """Extract the data from data files Extracts all the required task data from the data files. Data keys: - camera_times (float array): camera frame timestamps extracted from frame headers - dlc_coords (dict): keys are the points traced by dlc, items are x-y coordinates of these points over time, those with likelihood <0.9 set to NaN :param download_data: if True, any missing raw data is downloaded via ONE. """ if download_data is not None: self.download_data = download_data if and not self._ensure_required_data() alf_path = self.session_path / 'alf' # Load times['camera_times'] = alfio.load_object(alf_path, f'{self.side}Camera')['times'] # Load dlc traces dlc_df = alfio.load_object(alf_path, f'{self.side}Camera', namespace='ibl')['dlc'] targets = np.unique(['_'.join(col.split('_')[:-1]) for col in dlc_df.columns]) # Set values to nan if likelihood is too low dlc_coords = {} for t in targets: idx = dlc_df.loc[dlc_df[f'{t}_likelihood'] < 0.9].index dlc_df.loc[idx, [f'{t}_x', f'{t}_y']] = np.nan dlc_coords[t] = np.array((dlc_df[f'{t}_x'], dlc_df[f'{t}_y']))['dlc_coords'] = dlc_coords # load pupil diameters if self.side in ['left', 'right']: features = alfio.load_object(alf_path, f'{self.side}Camera', namespace='ibl')['features']['pupilDiameter_raw'] = features['pupilDiameter_raw']['pupilDiameter_smooth'] = features['pupilDiameter_smooth'] def _ensure_required_data(self): """ Ensures the datasets required for QC are local. If the download_data attribute is True, any missing data are downloaded. If all the data are not present locally at the end of it an exception is raised. :return: """ for ds in self.dstypes[self.side]: # Check if data available locally if not next(self.session_path.rglob(ds), None): # If download is allowed, try to download if self.download_data is True: assert is not None, 'ONE required to download data' try:, ds, download_only=True) except ALFObjectNotFound: raise AssertionError(f'Dataset {ds} not found locally and failed to download') else: raise AssertionError(f'Dataset {ds} not found locally and download_data is False') def run(self, update: bool = False, **kwargs) -> (str, dict): """ Run DLC QC checks and return outcome :param update: if True, updates the session QC fields on Alyx :param download_data: if True, downloads any missing data if required :returns: overall outcome as a str, a dict of checks and their outcomes """'Running DLC QC for {self.side} camera, session {self.eid}') namespace = f'dlc{self.side.capitalize()}' if all(x is None for x in self.load_data(**kwargs) def is_metric(x): return isfunction(x) and x.__name__.startswith('check_') checks = getmembers(DlcQC, is_metric) self.metrics = {f'_{namespace}_' + k[6:]: fn(self) for k, fn in checks} values = [x if isinstance(x, str) else x[0] for x in self.metrics.values()] code = max(base.CRITERIA[x] for x in values) outcome = next(k for k, v in base.CRITERIA.items() if v == code) if update: extended = { k: None if v is None or v == 'NOT_SET' else base.CRITERIA[v] < 3 if isinstance(v, str) else (base.CRITERIA[v[0]] < 3, *v[1:]) # Convert first value to bool if array for k, v in self.metrics.items() } self.update_extended_qc(extended) self.update(outcome, namespace) return outcome, self.metrics def check_time_trace_length_match(self): ''' Check that the length of the DLC traces is the same length as the video. ''' dlc_coords =['dlc_coords'] times =['camera_times'] for target in dlc_coords.keys(): if times.shape[0] != dlc_coords[target].shape[1]: _log.warning(f'{self.side}Camera length of camera.times does not match ' f'length of camera.dlc {target}') return 'FAIL' return 'PASS' def check_trace_all_nan(self): ''' Check that none of the dlc traces, except for the 'tube' traces, are all NaN. ''' dlc_coords =['dlc_coords'] for target in dlc_coords.keys(): if 'tube' not in target: if all(np.isnan(dlc_coords[target][0])) or all(np.isnan(dlc_coords[target][1])): _log.warning(f'{self.side}Camera dlc trace {target} all NaN') return 'FAIL' return 'PASS' def check_mean_in_bbox(self): ''' Empirical bounding boxes around average dlc points, averaged across time and points; sessions with points out of this box were often faulty in terms of raw videos ''' dlc_coords =['dlc_coords'] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) x_mean = np.nanmean([np.nanmean(dlc_coords[k][0]) for k in dlc_coords.keys()]) y_mean = np.nanmean([np.nanmean(dlc_coords[k][1]) for k in dlc_coords.keys()]) xrange = self.bbox[self.side]['xrange'] yrange = self.bbox[self.side]['yrange'] if int(x_mean) not in xrange or int(y_mean) not in yrange: return 'FAIL' else: return 'PASS' def check_pupil_blocked(self): ''' Check if pupil diameter is nan for more than 60 % of the frames (might be blocked by a whisker) Check if standard deviation is above a threshold, found for bad sessions ''' if self.side == 'body': return 'NOT_SET' if np.mean(np.isnan(['pupilDiameter_raw'])) > 0.9: _log.warning(f'{self.eid}, {self.side}Camera, pupil diameter too often NaN') return 'FAIL' thr = 5 if self.side == 'right' else 10 if np.nanstd(['pupilDiameter_raw']) > thr: _log.warning(f'{self.eid}, {self.side}Camera, pupil diameter too unstable') return 'FAIL' return 'PASS' def check_lick_detection(self): ''' Check if both of the two tongue edge points are less than 10 % NaN, indicating that wrong points are detected (spout edge, mouth edge) ''' if self.side == 'body': return 'NOT_SET' dlc_coords =['dlc_coords'] nan_l = np.mean(np.isnan(dlc_coords['tongue_end_l'][0])) nan_r = np.mean(np.isnan(dlc_coords['tongue_end_r'][0])) if (nan_l < 0.1) and (nan_r < 0.1): return 'FAIL' return 'PASS' def check_pupil_diameter_snr(self): if self.side == 'body': return 'NOT_SET' thresh = 5 if self.side == 'right' else 10 if 'pupilDiameter_raw' not in or 'pupilDiameter_smooth' not in return 'NOT_SET' # compute signal to noise ratio between raw and smooth dia good_idxs = np.where(~np.isnan(['pupilDiameter_smooth']) & ~np.isnan(['pupilDiameter_raw']))[0] snr = (np.var(['pupilDiameter_smooth'][good_idxs]) / (np.var(['pupilDiameter_smooth'][good_idxs] -['pupilDiameter_raw'][good_idxs]))) if snr < thresh: return 'FAIL', float(round(snr, 3)) return 'PASS', float(round(snr, 3))
class MotionAlignment: roi = { 'left': ((800, 1020), (233, 1096)), 'right': ((426, 510), (104, 545)), 'body': ((402, 481), (31, 103)) } def __init__(self, eid=None, one=None, log=logging.getLogger('ibllib'), **kwargs): = one or ONE() self.eid = eid self.session_path = kwargs.pop('session_path', None) or self.ref = self.log = log self.trials = self.wheel = self.camera_times = None raw_cam_path = self.session_path.joinpath('raw_video_data') camera_path = list(raw_cam_path.glob('_iblrig_*Camera.raw.*')) self.video_paths = {vidio.label_from_path(x): x for x in camera_path} = Bunch() self.alignment = Bunch() def align_all_trials(self, side='all'): """Align all wheel motion for all trials""" if self.trials is None: self.load_data() if side == 'all': side = self.video_paths.keys() if not isinstance(side, str): # Try to iterate over sides [self.align_all_trials(s) for s in side] if side not in self.video_paths: raise ValueError(f'{side} camera video file not found') # Align each trial sequentially for i in np.arange(self.trials['intervals'].shape[0]): self.align_motion(i, display=False) @staticmethod def set_roi(video_path): """Manually set the ROIs for a given set of videos TODO Improve docstring TODO A method for setting ROIs by label """ frame = vidio.get_video_frame(str(video_path), 0) def line_select_callback(eclick, erelease): """ Callback for line selection. *eclick* and *erelease* are the press and release events. """ x1, y1 = eclick.xdata, eclick.ydata x2, y2 = erelease.xdata, erelease.ydata print("(%3.2f, %3.2f) --> (%3.2f, %3.2f)" % (x1, y1, x2, y2)) return np.array([[x1, x2], [y1, y2]]) plt.imshow(frame) roi = RectangleSelector( plt.gca(), line_select_callback, drawtype='box', useblit=True, button=[1, 3], # don't use middle button minspanx=5, minspany=5, spancoords='pixels', interactive=True) ((x1, x2, *_), (y1, *_, y2)) = roi.corners col = np.arange(round(x1), round(x2), dtype=int) row = np.arange(round(y1), round(y2), dtype=int) return col, row def load_data(self, download=False): """ Load wheel, trial and camera timestamp data :return: wheel, trials """ if download: =, 'wheel') =, 'trials') cam =, ['camera.times'], dclass_output=True) = { vidio.label_from_path(url): ts for ts, url in zip(, cam.url) } else: alf_path = self.session_path / 'alf' = alfio.load_object(alf_path, 'wheel', short_keys=True) = alfio.load_object(alf_path, 'trials') = { vidio.label_from_path(x): alfio.load_file_content(x) for x in alf_path.glob('*Camera.times*') } assert all(x is not None for x in def _set_eid_or_path(self, session_path_or_eid): """Parse a given eID or session path If a session UUID is given, resolves and stores the local path and vice versa :param session_path_or_eid: A session eid or path :return: """ self.eid = None if is_uuid_string(str(session_path_or_eid)): self.eid = session_path_or_eid # Try to set session_path if data is found locally self.session_path = elif is_session_path(session_path_or_eid): self.session_path = Path(session_path_or_eid) if is not None: self.eid = if not self.eid: self.log.warning( 'Failed to determine eID from session path') else: self.log.error( 'Cannot run alignment: an experiment uuid or session path is required' ) raise ValueError("'session' must be a valid session path or uuid") def align_motion(self, period=(-np.inf, np.inf), side='left', sd_thresh=10, display=False): # Get data samples within period wheel =['wheel'] self.alignment.label = side self.alignment.to_mask = lambda ts: np.logical_and( ts >= period[0], ts <= period[1]) camera_times =['camera_times'][side] cam_mask = self.alignment.to_mask(camera_times) frame_numbers, = np.where(cam_mask) if frame_numbers.size == 0: raise ValueError('No frames during given period') # Motion Energy camera_path = self.video_paths[side] roi = (*[slice(*r) for r in self.roi[side]], 0) try: # TODO Add function arg to make grayscale self.alignment.frames = \ vidio.get_video_frames_preload(camera_path, frame_numbers, mask=roi) assert self.alignment.frames.size != 0 except AssertionError: self.log.error('Failed to open video') return None, None, None self.alignment.df, stDev = video.motion_energy(self.alignment.frames, 2) self.alignment.period = period # For plotting # Calculate rotary encoder velocity trace x = camera_times[cam_mask] Fs = 1000 pos, t = wh.interpolate_position(wheel.timestamps, wheel.position, freq=Fs) v, _ = wh.velocity_smoothed(pos, Fs) interp_mask = self.alignment.to_mask(t) # Convert to normalized speed xs = np.unique([find_nearest(t[interp_mask], ts) for ts in x]) vs = np.abs(v[interp_mask][xs]) vs = (vs - np.min(vs)) / (np.max(vs) - np.min(vs)) # FIXME This can be used as a goodness of fit measure USE_CV2 = False if USE_CV2: # convert from numpy format to openCV format dfCV = np.float32(self.alignment.df.reshape((-1, 1))) reCV = np.float32(vs.reshape((-1, 1))) # perform cross correlation resultCv = cv2.matchTemplate(dfCV, reCV, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED) # convert result back to numpy array xcorr = np.asarray(resultCv) else: xcorr = signal.correlate(self.alignment.df, vs) # Cross correlate wheel speed trace with the motion energy CORRECTION = 2 self.alignment.c = max(xcorr) self.alignment.xcorr = np.argmax(xcorr) self.alignment.dt_i = self.alignment.xcorr - xs.size + CORRECTION f'{side} camera, adjusted by {self.alignment.dt_i} frames') if display: # Plot the motion energy fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex='all') y = np.pad(self.alignment.df, 1, 'edge') ax[0].plot(x, y, '-x', label='wheel motion energy') thresh = stDev > sd_thresh ax[0].vlines(x[np.array( np.pad(thresh, 1, 'constant', constant_values=False))], 0, 1, linewidth=0.5, linestyle=':', label=f'>{sd_thresh} s.d. diff') ax[1].plot(t[interp_mask], np.abs(v[interp_mask])) # Plot other stuff dt = np.diff(camera_times[[0, np.abs(self.alignment.dt_i)]]) fps = 1 / np.diff(camera_times).mean() ax[0].plot(t[interp_mask][xs] - dt, vs, 'r-x', label='velocity (shifted)') ax[0].set_title('normalized motion energy, %s camera, %.0f fps' % (side, fps)) ax[0].set_ylabel('rate of change (a.u.)') ax[0].legend() ax[1].set_ylabel('wheel speed (rad / s)') ax[1].set_xlabel('Time (s)') title = f'{self.ref}, from {period[0]:.1f}s - {period[1]:.1f}s' fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16) fig.set_size_inches(19.2, 9.89) return self.alignment.dt_i, self.alignment.c, self.alignment.df def plot_alignment(self, energy=True, save=False): if not self.alignment: self.log.error('No alignment data, run `align_motion` first') return # Change backend based on save flag backend = matplotlib.get_backend().lower() if (save and backend != 'agg') or (not save and backend == 'agg'): new_backend = 'Agg' if save else 'Qt5Agg' self.log.warning('Switching backend from %s to %s', backend, new_backend) matplotlib.use(new_backend) from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # Main animated plots fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2) title = f'{self.ref}' # ', from {period[0]:.1f}s - {period[1]:.1f}s' fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16) wheel =['wheel'] wheel_mask = self.alignment['to_mask'](wheel.timestamps) ts =['camera_times'][self.alignment['label']] frame_numbers, = np.where(self.alignment['to_mask'](ts)) if energy: self.alignment['frames'] = video.frame_diffs( self.alignment['frames'], 2) frame_numbers = frame_numbers[1:-1] data = {'frame_ids': frame_numbers} def init_plot(): """ Plot the wheel data for the current trial :return: None """ data['im'] = axes[0].imshow(self.alignment['frames'][0]) axes[0].axis('off') axes[0].set_title(f'adjusted by {self.alignment["dt_i"]} frames') # Plot the wheel position ax = axes[1] ax.clear() ax.plot(wheel.timestamps[wheel_mask], wheel.position[wheel_mask], '-x') ts_0 = frame_numbers[0] data['idx_0'] = ts_0 - self.alignment['dt_i'] ts_0 = ts[ts_0 + self.alignment['dt_i']] data['ln'] = ax.axvline(x=ts_0, color='k') ax.set_xlim([ts_0 - (3 / 2), ts_0 + (3 / 2)]) data['frame_num'] = 0 mkr = find_nearest(wheel.timestamps[wheel_mask], ts_0) data['marker'], = ax.plot(wheel.timestamps[wheel_mask][mkr], wheel.position[wheel_mask][mkr], 'r-x') ax.set_ylabel('Wheel position (rad))') ax.set_xlabel('Time (s))') return def animate(i): """ Callback for figure animation. Sets image data for current frame and moves pointer along axis :param i: unused; the current time step of the calling method :return: None """ if i < 0: data['frame_num'] -= 1 if data['frame_num'] < 0: data['frame_num'] = len(self.alignment['frames']) - 1 else: data['frame_num'] += 1 if data['frame_num'] >= len(self.alignment['frames']): data['frame_num'] = 0 i = data[ 'frame_num'] # NB: This is index for current trial's frame list frame = self.alignment['frames'][i] t_x = ts[data['idx_0'] + i] data['ln'].set_xdata([t_x, t_x]) axes[1].set_xlim([t_x - (3 / 2), t_x + (3 / 2)]) data['im'].set_data(frame) mkr = find_nearest(wheel.timestamps[wheel_mask], t_x) data['marker'].set_data(wheel.timestamps[wheel_mask][mkr], wheel.position[wheel_mask][mkr]) return data['im'], data['ln'], data['marker'] anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init_plot, frames=(range(len(self.alignment.df)) if save else cycle(range(60))), interval=20, blit=False, repeat=not save, cache_frame_data=False) anim.running = False def process_key(event): """ Callback for key presses. :param event: a figure key_press_event :return: None """ if event.key.isspace(): if anim.running: anim.event_source.stop() else: anim.event_source.start() anim.running = ~anim.running elif event.key == 'right': if anim.running: anim.event_source.stop() anim.running = False animate(1) fig.canvas.draw() elif event.key == 'left': if anim.running: anim.event_source.stop() anim.running = False animate(-1) fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', process_key) # init_plot() # while True: # animate(0) if save: filename = '%s_%c.mp4' % (self.ref, self.alignment['label'][0]) if isinstance(save, (str, Path)): filename = Path(save).joinpath(filename)'Saving to {filename}') # Set up formatting for the movie files Writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg'] writer = Writer(fps=24, metadata=dict(artist='Miles Wells'), bitrate=1800), writer=writer) else: