class LiveVis(object): '''Runs the demo''' def __init__(self, settings): self.settings = settings self.bindings = bindings self.app_classes = OrderedDict() self.apps = OrderedDict() for module_path, app_name in settings.installed_apps: module = importlib.import_module(module_path) print 'got module', module app_class = getattr(module, app_name) print 'got app', app_class self.app_classes[app_name] = app_class for app_name, app_class in self.app_classes.iteritems(): app = app_class(settings, self.bindings) self.apps[app_name] = app self.help_mode = False self.window_name = 'Deep Visualization Toolbox' self.quit = False self.debug_level = 0 self.debug_pane_defaults = { 'face': getattr(cv2, self.settings.help_face), 'fsize': self.settings.help_fsize, 'clr': pane_debug_clr, 'thick': self.settings.help_thick } self.help_pane_defaults = { 'face': getattr(cv2, self.settings.help_face), 'fsize': self.settings.help_fsize, 'clr': to_255(self.settings.help_clr), 'thick': self.settings.help_thick } def init_window(self): cv2.namedWindow(self.window_name) max_i, max_j = 0, 0 if len(self.settings.window_panes) == 0: raise ImproperlyConfigured('settings.window_panes is empty.') self.panes = OrderedDict() for pane_name, pane_dimensions in self.settings.window_panes: if len(pane_dimensions) != 4: raise ImproperlyConfigured('pane dimensions should be a tuple of length 4, but it is "%s"' % repr(pane_dimensions)) i_begin, j_begin, i_size, j_size = pane_dimensions max_i = max(max_i, i_begin + i_size) max_j = max(max_j, j_begin + j_size) if pane_name in self.panes: raise Exception('Duplicate pane name in settings: %s' % pane_name) self.panes[pane_name] = Pane(i_begin, j_begin, i_size, j_size) self.buffer_height = max_i self.buffer_width = max_j self.window_buffer = np.tile(np.array(np.array(self.settings.window_background) * 255, 'uint8'), (max_i,max_j,1)) #print 'BUFFER IS:', self.window_buffer.shape, self.window_buffer.min(), self.window_buffer.max() for _,pane in self.panes.iteritems(): = self.window_buffer[pane.i_begin:pane.i_end, pane.j_begin:pane.j_end] # Allocate help pane for ll in self.settings.help_pane_loc: assert ll >= 0 and ll <= 1, 'help_pane_loc values should be in [0,1]' self.help_pane = Pane(int(self.settings.help_pane_loc[0]*max_i), int(self.settings.help_pane_loc[1]*max_j), int(self.settings.help_pane_loc[2]*max_i), int(self.settings.help_pane_loc[3]*max_j)) self.help_buffer = self.window_buffer.copy() # For rendering help mode = self.help_buffer[self.help_pane.i_begin:self.help_pane.i_end, self.help_pane.j_begin:self.help_pane.j_end] def run_loop(self): self.quit = False # Setup self.init_window() #cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.settings.capture_device) self.input_updater = InputImageFetcher(self.settings) self.input_updater.bind_camera() self.input_updater.start() heartbeat_functions = [self.input_updater.heartbeat] for app_name, app in self.apps.iteritems(): print 'Starting app:', app_name app.start() heartbeat_functions.extend(app.get_heartbeats()) ii = 0 since_keypress = 999 since_redraw = 999 since_imshow = 0 last_render = time.time() - 999 latest_frame_idx = None latest_frame_data = None frame_for_apps = None redraw_needed = True # Force redraw the first time imshow_needed = True while not self.quit: # Call any heartbeats for heartbeat in heartbeat_functions: #print 'Heartbeat: calling', heartbeat heartbeat() # Handle key presses keys = [] # Collect key presses (multiple if len(range)>1) for cc in range(1): with WithTimer('LiveVis:waitKey', quiet = self.debug_level < 2): key = cv2.waitKey(self.settings.main_loop_sleep_ms) if key == -1: break else: keys.append(key) #print 'Got key:', key now = time.time() #print 'Since last:', now - last_render skip_imshow = False #if now - last_render > .05 and since_imshow < 1: # skip_imshow = True if skip_imshow: since_imshow += 1 else: since_imshow = 0 last_render = now #print ' Number of keys:', len(keys) for key in keys: since_keypress = 0 #print 'Got Key:', key key,do_redraw = self.handle_key_pre_apps(key) redraw_needed |= do_redraw imshow_needed |= do_redraw for app_name, app in self.apps.iteritems(): with WithTimer('%s:handle_key' % app_name, quiet = self.debug_level < 1): key = app.handle_key(key, self.panes) key = self.handle_key_post_apps(key) if self.quit: break for app_name, app in self.apps.iteritems(): redraw_needed |= app.redraw_needed() # Grab latest frame from input_updater thread fr_idx,fr_data = self.input_updater.get_frame() is_new_frame = (fr_idx != latest_frame_idx and fr_data is not None) if is_new_frame: latest_frame_idx = fr_idx latest_frame_data = fr_data frame_for_apps = fr_data if is_new_frame: with WithTimer('LiveVis.display_frame', quiet = self.debug_level < 1): self.display_frame(latest_frame_data) imshow_needed = True do_handle_input = (ii == 0 or since_keypress >= self.settings.keypress_pause_handle_iterations) if frame_for_apps is not None and do_handle_input: # Pass frame to apps for processing for app_name, app in self.apps.iteritems(): with WithTimer('%s:handle_input' % app_name, quiet = self.debug_level < 1): app.handle_input(latest_frame_data, self.panes) frame_for_apps = None # Tell each app to draw do_redraw = (redraw_needed and (since_keypress >= self.settings.keypress_pause_redraw_iterations or since_redraw >= self.settings.redraw_at_least_every)) if redraw_needed and do_redraw: for app_name, app in self.apps.iteritems(): with WithTimer('%s:draw' % app_name, quiet = self.debug_level < 1): imshow_needed |= app.draw(self.panes) redraw_needed = False since_redraw = 0 # Render buffer if imshow_needed: # Only redraw pane debug if display will be updated if hasattr(self.settings, 'debug_window_panes') and self.settings.debug_window_panes: for pane_name,pane in self.panes.iteritems(): print pane_name, pane[:] = * .5 line = [FormattedString('%s |' % pane_name, self.debug_pane_defaults), FormattedString('pos: %d,%d |' % (pane.i_begin, pane.j_begin), self.debug_pane_defaults), FormattedString('shape: %d,%d' % (pane.i_size, pane.j_size), self.debug_pane_defaults)] cv2_typeset_text(, line, (5,20), line_spacing = 5, wrap = True)[:1,:] = pane_debug_clr[-1:,:] = pane_debug_clr[:,:1] = pane_debug_clr[:,-1:] = pane_debug_clr with WithTimer('LiveVis:imshow', quiet = self.debug_level < 1): if self.help_mode: # Copy main buffer to help buffer self.help_buffer[:] = self.window_buffer[:] self.draw_help() cv2_imshow_rgb(self.window_name, self.help_buffer) else: cv2_imshow_rgb(self.window_name, self.window_buffer) imshow_needed = False ii += 1 since_keypress += 1 since_redraw += 1 if ii % 2 == 0 and self.settings.print_dots: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() # Extra sleep just for debugging. In production all main loop sleep should be in cv2.waitKey. #time.sleep(2) print '\n\nTrying to exit run_loop...' self.input_updater.quit = True self.input_updater.join(.01 + float(self.settings.input_updater_sleep_after_read_frame) * 5) if self.input_updater.is_alive(): raise Exception('Could not join self.input_updater thread') else: self.input_updater.free_camera() for app_name, app in self.apps.iteritems(): print 'Quitting app:', app_name app.quit() print 'Input thread joined and apps quit; exiting run_loop.' def handle_key_pre_apps(self, key): tag = self.bindings.get_tag(key) if tag == 'freeze_cam': self.input_updater.freeze_cam = not self.input_updater.freeze_cam elif tag == 'toggle_input_mode': self.input_updater.toggle_input_mode() elif tag == 'static_file_increment': if self.input_updater.static_file_mode: self.input_updater.increment_static_file_idx(1) else: self.input_updater.static_file_mode = True elif tag == 'static_file_decrement': if self.input_updater.static_file_mode: self.input_updater.increment_static_file_idx(-1) else: self.input_updater.static_file_mode = True elif tag == 'help_mode': self.help_mode = not self.help_mode elif tag == 'stretch_mode': self.input_updater.toggle_stretch_mode() print 'Stretch mode is now', self.input_updater.static_file_stretch_mode elif tag == 'debug_level': self.debug_level = (self.debug_level + 1) % 3 for app_name, app in self.apps.iteritems(): app.set_debug(self.debug_level) else: return key, False return None, True def handle_key_post_apps(self, key): tag = self.bindings.get_tag(key) if tag == 'quit': self.quit = True elif key == None: pass else: key_label, masked_vals = self.bindings.get_key_label_from_keycode(key, extra_info = True) masked_vals_pp = ', '.join(['%d (%s)' % (mv, hex(mv)) for mv in masked_vals]) if key_label is None: print 'Got key code %d (%s), did not match any known key (masked vals tried: %s)' % (key, hex(key), masked_vals_pp) elif tag is None: print 'Got key code %d (%s), matched key "%s", but key is not bound to any function' % (key, hex(key), key_label) else: print 'Got key code %d (%s), matched key "%s", bound to "%s", but nobody handled "%s"' % ( key, hex(key), key_label, tag, tag) def display_frame(self, frame): frame_disp = cv2.resize(frame[:], self.panes['input'].data.shape[:2][::-1]) self.panes['input'].data[:] = frame_disp def draw_help(self): self.help_buffer[:] = self.help_buffer[:] * .7[:] =[:] * .7 loc = self.settings.help_loc[::-1] # Reverse to OpenCV c,r order defaults = self.help_pane_defaults lines = [] lines.append([FormattedString('~ ~ ~ Deep Visualization Toolbox ~ ~ ~', defaults, align='center', width=self.help_pane.j_size)]) lines.append([FormattedString('', defaults)]) lines.append([FormattedString('Base keys', defaults)]) for tag in ('help_mode', 'freeze_cam', 'toggle_input_mode', 'static_file_increment', 'static_file_decrement', 'stretch_mode', 'quit'): key_strings, help_string = self.bindings.get_key_help(tag) label = '%10s:' % (','.join(key_strings)) lines.append([FormattedString(label, defaults, width=120, align='right'), FormattedString(help_string, defaults)]) locy = cv2_typeset_text(, lines, loc, line_spacing = self.settings.help_line_spacing) for app_name, app in self.apps.iteritems(): locy = app.draw_help(self.help_pane, locy)
class LiveVis(object): '''Runs the demo''' def __init__(self, settings): self.settings = settings self.bindings = bindings self.app_classes = OrderedDict() self.apps = OrderedDict() for module_path, app_name in settings.installed_apps: module = importlib.import_module(module_path) print('got module: {}'.format(module)) app_class = getattr(module, app_name) print('got app: {}'.format(app_class)) self.app_classes[app_name] = app_class for app_name, app_class in iter(self.app_classes.items()): app = app_class(settings, self.bindings) self.apps[app_name] = app self.help_mode = False self.window_name = 'Deep Visualization Toolbox | Model: %s' % (settings.model_to_load) self.quit = False self.debug_level = 0 self.debug_pane_defaults = { 'face': getattr(cv2, self.settings.help_face), 'fsize': self.settings.help_fsize, 'clr': pane_debug_clr, 'thick': self.settings.help_thick } self.help_pane_defaults = { 'face': getattr(cv2, self.settings.help_face), 'fsize': self.settings.help_fsize, 'clr': to_255(self.settings.help_clr), 'thick': self.settings.help_thick } def init_window(self): cv2.namedWindow(self.window_name) max_i, max_j = 0, 0 if len(self.settings.window_panes) == 0: raise ImproperlyConfigured('settings.window_panes is empty.') self.panes = OrderedDict() for pane_name, pane_dimensions in self.settings.window_panes: if len(pane_dimensions) != 4: raise ImproperlyConfigured('pane dimensions should be a tuple of length 4, but it is "%s"' % repr(pane_dimensions)) i_begin, j_begin, i_size, j_size = pane_dimensions max_i = max(max_i, i_begin + i_size) max_j = max(max_j, j_begin + j_size) if pane_name in self.panes: raise Exception('Duplicate pane name in settings: %s' % pane_name) self.panes[pane_name] = Pane(i_begin, j_begin, i_size, j_size) self.buffer_height = max_i self.buffer_width = max_j self.window_buffer = np.tile(np.array(np.array(self.settings.window_background) * 255, 'uint8'), (max_i,max_j,1)) #print 'BUFFER IS:', self.window_buffer.shape, self.window_buffer.min(), self.window_buffer.max() for _,pane in iter(self.panes.items()): = self.window_buffer[pane.i_begin:pane.i_end, pane.j_begin:pane.j_end] # Allocate help pane for ll in self.settings.help_pane_loc: assert ll >= 0 and ll <= 1, 'help_pane_loc values should be in [0,1]' self.help_pane = Pane(int(self.settings.help_pane_loc[0]*max_i), int(self.settings.help_pane_loc[1]*max_j), int(self.settings.help_pane_loc[2]*max_i), int(self.settings.help_pane_loc[3]*max_j)) self.help_buffer = self.window_buffer.copy() # For rendering help mode = self.help_buffer[self.help_pane.i_begin:self.help_pane.i_end, self.help_pane.j_begin:self.help_pane.j_end] # add listener for mouse clicks cv2.setMouseCallback(self.window_name, self.on_mouse_click) def on_mouse_click(self, event, x, y, flags, param): ''' Handle all button presses. ''' if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP: for app_name, app in iter(self.apps.items()): with WithTimer('%s:on_mouse_click' % app_name, quiet=self.debug_level < 1): key = app.handle_mouse_left_click(x, y, flags, param, self.panes) def check_for_control_height_update(self): if hasattr(self.settings, '_calculated_control_pane_height') and \ self.settings._calculated_control_pane_height != self.panes['caffevis_control'].i_size: self.panes['caffevis_control'].reset( self.settings.window_panes[4][1][0], self.settings.window_panes[4][1][1], self.settings._calculated_control_pane_height, self.settings.window_panes[4][1][3]) self.panes['caffevis_layers'].reset( self.settings._calculated_control_pane_height, self.settings.window_panes[5][1][1], self.settings.window_panes[5][1][2] + 3*20 - self.settings._calculated_control_pane_height, self.settings.window_panes[5][1][3]) for _, pane in iter(self.panes.items()): = self.window_buffer[pane.i_begin:pane.i_end, pane.j_begin:pane.j_end] return True else: return False pass def run_loop(self): self.quit = False # Setup self.init_window() #cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.settings.capture_device) from input_fetcher import InputImageFetcher self.input_updater = InputImageFetcher(self.settings) self.input_updater.bind_camera() self.input_updater.start() heartbeat_functions = [self.input_updater.heartbeat] for app_name, app in iter(self.apps.items()): print('Starting app: {}'.format(app_name)) app.start(self) heartbeat_functions.extend(app.get_heartbeats()) ii = 0 since_keypress = 999 since_redraw = 999 since_imshow = 0 last_render = time.time() - 999 latest_frame_idx = None latest_frame_data = None frame_for_apps = None redraw_needed = True # Force redraw the first time imshow_needed = True while not self.quit: # Call any heartbeats for heartbeat in heartbeat_functions: #print 'Heartbeat: calling', heartbeat heartbeat() # Handle key presses keys = [] # Collect key presses (multiple if len(range)>1) for cc in range(1): with WithTimer('LiveVis:waitKey', quiet = self.debug_level < 2): key = cv2.waitKey(self.settings.main_loop_sleep_ms) if key == -1: break else: if (key != 255): keys.append(key) #print 'Got key:', key now = time.time() #print 'Since last:', now - last_render skip_imshow = False #if now - last_render > .05 and since_imshow < 1: # skip_imshow = True if skip_imshow: since_imshow += 1 else: since_imshow = 0 last_render = now #print ' Number of keys:', len(keys) for key in keys: since_keypress = 0 #print 'Got Key:', key key,do_redraw = self.handle_key_pre_apps(key) redraw_needed |= do_redraw imshow_needed |= do_redraw for app_name, app in iter(self.apps.items()): with WithTimer('%s:handle_key' % app_name, quiet = self.debug_level < 1): key = app.handle_key(key, self.panes) key = self.handle_key_post_apps(key) if self.quit: break for app_name, app in iter(self.apps.items()): redraw_needed |= app.redraw_needed() redraw_needed |= self.check_for_control_height_update() # Grab latest frame from input_updater thread fr_idx,fr_data,fr_label,fr_filename = self.input_updater.get_frame() is_new_frame = (fr_idx != latest_frame_idx and fr_data is not None) if is_new_frame: latest_frame_idx = fr_idx latest_frame_data = fr_data latest_label = fr_label latest_filename = fr_filename frame_for_apps = fr_data if is_new_frame: with WithTimer('LiveVis.display_frame', quiet = self.debug_level < 1): self.display_frame(latest_frame_data) imshow_needed = True do_handle_input = (ii == 0 or since_keypress >= self.settings.keypress_pause_handle_iterations) if frame_for_apps is not None and do_handle_input: # Pass frame to apps for processing for app_name, app in iter(self.apps.items()): with WithTimer('%s:handle_input' % app_name, quiet = self.debug_level < 1): app.handle_input(latest_frame_data, latest_label, latest_filename, self.panes) frame_for_apps = None # Tell each app to draw do_redraw = (redraw_needed and (since_keypress >= self.settings.keypress_pause_redraw_iterations or since_redraw >= self.settings.redraw_at_least_every)) if redraw_needed and do_redraw: for app_name, app in iter(self.apps.items()): with WithTimer('%s:draw' % app_name, quiet = self.debug_level < 1): imshow_needed |= app.draw(self.panes) redraw_needed = False since_redraw = 0 # Render buffer if imshow_needed: # Only redraw pane debug if display will be updated if hasattr(self.settings, 'debug_window_panes') and self.settings.debug_window_panes: for pane_name,pane in iter(self.panes.items()): print([pane_name, pane])[:] = * .5 line = [FormattedString('%s |' % pane_name, self.debug_pane_defaults), FormattedString('pos: %d,%d |' % (pane.i_begin, pane.j_begin), self.debug_pane_defaults), FormattedString('shape: %d,%d' % (pane.i_size, pane.j_size), self.debug_pane_defaults)] cv2_typeset_text(, line, (5,20), line_spacing = 5, wrap = True)[:1,:] = pane_debug_clr[-1:,:] = pane_debug_clr[:,:1] = pane_debug_clr[:,-1:] = pane_debug_clr with WithTimer('LiveVis:imshow', quiet = self.debug_level < 1): if self.help_mode: # Copy main buffer to help buffer self.help_buffer[:] = self.window_buffer[:] self.draw_help() cv2_imshow_rgb(self.window_name, self.help_buffer) else: cv2_imshow_rgb(self.window_name, self.window_buffer) imshow_needed = False ii += 1 since_keypress += 1 since_redraw += 1 if ii % 2 == 0 and self.settings.print_dots: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() # Extra sleep just for debugging. In production all main loop sleep should be in cv2.waitKey. #time.sleep(2) print('\n\nTrying to exit run_loop...') self.input_updater.quit = True self.input_updater.join(.01 + float(self.settings.input_updater_sleep_after_read_frame) * 5) if self.input_updater.is_alive(): raise Exception('Could not join self.input_updater thread') else: self.input_updater.free_camera() for app_name, app in iter(self.apps.items()): print('Quitting app: {}'.format(app_name)) app.quit() print('Input thread joined and apps quit; exiting run_loop.') def handle_key_pre_apps(self, key): tag = self.bindings.get_tag(key) if tag == 'freeze_cam': self.input_updater.freeze_cam = not self.input_updater.freeze_cam elif tag == 'toggle_input_mode': self.input_updater.toggle_input_mode() elif tag == 'static_file_increment': self.input_updater.next_image() elif tag == 'static_file_decrement': self.input_updater.prev_image() elif tag == 'help_mode': self.toggle_help_mode() elif tag == 'stretch_mode': self.input_updater.toggle_stretch_mode() print('Stretch mode is now {}'.format(self.input_updater.static_file_stretch_mode)) elif tag == 'debug_level': self.debug_level = (self.debug_level + 1) % 3 for app_name, app in iter(self.apps.items()): app.set_debug(self.debug_level) else: return key, False return None, True def handle_key_post_apps(self, key): tag = self.bindings.get_tag(key) if tag == 'quit': self.set_quit_flag() elif key == None: pass else: key_label, masked_vals = self.bindings.get_key_label_from_keycode(key, extra_info = True) masked_vals_pp = ', '.join(['%d (%s)' % (mv, hex(mv)) for mv in masked_vals]) if key_label is None: print('Got key code %d (%s), did not match any known key (masked vals tried: %s)' % (key, hex(key), masked_vals_pp)) elif tag is None: print('Got key code %d (%s), matched key "%s", but key is not bound to any function' % (key, hex(key), key_label)) else: print('Got key code %d (%s), matched key "%s", bound to "%s", but nobody handled "%s"' % ( key, hex(key), key_label, tag, tag)) def display_frame(self, frame): full_pane_shape = self.panes['input'].data.shape[:2][::-1] if self.settings.is_siamese and ((type(frame),len(frame)) == (tuple,2)): frame1 = frame[0] frame2 = frame[1] half_pane_shape = (full_pane_shape[0], full_pane_shape[1]/2) frame_disp1 = ensure_uint255_and_resize_without_fit(frame1[:], half_pane_shape) frame_disp2 = ensure_uint255_and_resize_without_fit(frame2[:], half_pane_shape) frame_disp = np.concatenate((frame_disp1, frame_disp2), axis=1) else: frame_disp = ensure_uint255_and_resize_without_fit(frame[:], full_pane_shape) if self.settings._calculated_is_gray_model: frame_disp = gray_to_color(frame_disp) self.panes['input'].data[:] = frame_disp def draw_help(self): self.help_buffer[:] = self.help_buffer[:] * .7[:] =[:] * .7 loc = self.settings.help_loc[::-1] # Reverse to OpenCV c,r order defaults = self.help_pane_defaults lines = [] lines.append([FormattedString('~ ~ ~ Deep Visualization Toolbox ~ ~ ~', defaults, align='center', width=self.help_pane.j_size)]) locy, boxes = cv2_typeset_text(, lines, loc, line_spacing = self.settings.help_line_spacing) for app_name, app in iter(self.apps.items()): locy = app.draw_help(self.help_pane, locy) def toggle_help_mode(self): self.help_mode = not self.help_mode def set_quit_flag(self): self.quit = True
def run_loop(self): self.quit = False # Setup self.init_window() #cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.settings.capture_device) self.input_updater = InputImageFetcher(self.settings) self.input_updater.bind_camera() self.input_updater.start() heartbeat_functions = [self.input_updater.heartbeat] for app_name, app in self.apps.iteritems(): print 'Starting app:', app_name app.start() heartbeat_functions.extend(app.get_heartbeats()) ii = 0 since_keypress = 999 since_redraw = 999 since_imshow = 0 last_render = time.time() - 999 latest_frame_idx = None latest_frame_data = None frame_for_apps = None redraw_needed = True # Force redraw the first time imshow_needed = True while not self.quit: # Call any heartbeats for heartbeat in heartbeat_functions: #print 'Heartbeat: calling', heartbeat heartbeat() # Handle key presses keys = [] # Collect key presses (multiple if len(range)>1) for cc in range(1): with WithTimer('LiveVis:waitKey', quiet = self.debug_level < 2): key = cv2.waitKey(self.settings.main_loop_sleep_ms) if key == -1: break else: keys.append(key) #print 'Got key:', key now = time.time() #print 'Since last:', now - last_render skip_imshow = False #if now - last_render > .05 and since_imshow < 1: # skip_imshow = True if skip_imshow: since_imshow += 1 else: since_imshow = 0 last_render = now #print ' Number of keys:', len(keys) for key in keys: since_keypress = 0 #print 'Got Key:', key key,do_redraw = self.handle_key_pre_apps(key) redraw_needed |= do_redraw imshow_needed |= do_redraw for app_name, app in self.apps.iteritems(): with WithTimer('%s:handle_key' % app_name, quiet = self.debug_level < 1): key = app.handle_key(key, self.panes) key = self.handle_key_post_apps(key) if self.quit: break for app_name, app in self.apps.iteritems(): redraw_needed |= app.redraw_needed() # Grab latest frame from input_updater thread fr_idx,fr_data = self.input_updater.get_frame() is_new_frame = (fr_idx != latest_frame_idx and fr_data is not None) if is_new_frame: latest_frame_idx = fr_idx latest_frame_data = fr_data frame_for_apps = fr_data if is_new_frame: with WithTimer('LiveVis.display_frame', quiet = self.debug_level < 1): self.display_frame(latest_frame_data) imshow_needed = True do_handle_input = (ii == 0 or since_keypress >= self.settings.keypress_pause_handle_iterations) if frame_for_apps is not None and do_handle_input: # Pass frame to apps for processing for app_name, app in self.apps.iteritems(): with WithTimer('%s:handle_input' % app_name, quiet = self.debug_level < 1): app.handle_input(latest_frame_data, self.panes) frame_for_apps = None # Tell each app to draw do_redraw = (redraw_needed and (since_keypress >= self.settings.keypress_pause_redraw_iterations or since_redraw >= self.settings.redraw_at_least_every)) if redraw_needed and do_redraw: for app_name, app in self.apps.iteritems(): with WithTimer('%s:draw' % app_name, quiet = self.debug_level < 1): imshow_needed |= app.draw(self.panes) redraw_needed = False since_redraw = 0 # Render buffer if imshow_needed: # Only redraw pane debug if display will be updated if hasattr(self.settings, 'debug_window_panes') and self.settings.debug_window_panes: for pane_name,pane in self.panes.iteritems(): print pane_name, pane[:] = * .5 line = [FormattedString('%s |' % pane_name, self.debug_pane_defaults), FormattedString('pos: %d,%d |' % (pane.i_begin, pane.j_begin), self.debug_pane_defaults), FormattedString('shape: %d,%d' % (pane.i_size, pane.j_size), self.debug_pane_defaults)] cv2_typeset_text(, line, (5,20), line_spacing = 5, wrap = True)[:1,:] = pane_debug_clr[-1:,:] = pane_debug_clr[:,:1] = pane_debug_clr[:,-1:] = pane_debug_clr with WithTimer('LiveVis:imshow', quiet = self.debug_level < 1): if self.help_mode: # Copy main buffer to help buffer self.help_buffer[:] = self.window_buffer[:] self.draw_help() cv2_imshow_rgb(self.window_name, self.help_buffer) else: cv2_imshow_rgb(self.window_name, self.window_buffer) imshow_needed = False ii += 1 since_keypress += 1 since_redraw += 1 if ii % 2 == 0 and self.settings.print_dots: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() # Extra sleep just for debugging. In production all main loop sleep should be in cv2.waitKey. #time.sleep(2) print '\n\nTrying to exit run_loop...' self.input_updater.quit = True self.input_updater.join(.01 + float(self.settings.input_updater_sleep_after_read_frame) * 5) if self.input_updater.is_alive(): raise Exception('Could not join self.input_updater thread') else: self.input_updater.free_camera() for app_name, app in self.apps.iteritems(): print 'Quitting app:', app_name app.quit() print 'Input thread joined and apps quit; exiting run_loop.'
def run_loop(self): self.quit = False # Setup self.init_window() #cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.settings.capture_device) from input_fetcher import InputImageFetcher self.input_updater = InputImageFetcher(self.settings) self.input_updater.bind_camera() self.input_updater.start() heartbeat_functions = [self.input_updater.heartbeat] for app_name, app in iter(self.apps.items()): print('Starting app: {}'.format(app_name)) app.start(self) heartbeat_functions.extend(app.get_heartbeats()) ii = 0 since_keypress = 999 since_redraw = 999 since_imshow = 0 last_render = time.time() - 999 latest_frame_idx = None latest_frame_data = None frame_for_apps = None redraw_needed = True # Force redraw the first time imshow_needed = True while not self.quit: # Call any heartbeats for heartbeat in heartbeat_functions: #print 'Heartbeat: calling', heartbeat heartbeat() # Handle key presses keys = [] # Collect key presses (multiple if len(range)>1) for cc in range(1): with WithTimer('LiveVis:waitKey', quiet = self.debug_level < 2): key = cv2.waitKey(self.settings.main_loop_sleep_ms) if key == -1: break else: if (key != 255): keys.append(key) #print 'Got key:', key now = time.time() #print 'Since last:', now - last_render skip_imshow = False #if now - last_render > .05 and since_imshow < 1: # skip_imshow = True if skip_imshow: since_imshow += 1 else: since_imshow = 0 last_render = now #print ' Number of keys:', len(keys) for key in keys: since_keypress = 0 #print 'Got Key:', key key,do_redraw = self.handle_key_pre_apps(key) redraw_needed |= do_redraw imshow_needed |= do_redraw for app_name, app in iter(self.apps.items()): with WithTimer('%s:handle_key' % app_name, quiet = self.debug_level < 1): key = app.handle_key(key, self.panes) key = self.handle_key_post_apps(key) if self.quit: break for app_name, app in iter(self.apps.items()): redraw_needed |= app.redraw_needed() redraw_needed |= self.check_for_control_height_update() # Grab latest frame from input_updater thread fr_idx,fr_data,fr_label,fr_filename = self.input_updater.get_frame() is_new_frame = (fr_idx != latest_frame_idx and fr_data is not None) if is_new_frame: latest_frame_idx = fr_idx latest_frame_data = fr_data latest_label = fr_label latest_filename = fr_filename frame_for_apps = fr_data if is_new_frame: with WithTimer('LiveVis.display_frame', quiet = self.debug_level < 1): self.display_frame(latest_frame_data) imshow_needed = True do_handle_input = (ii == 0 or since_keypress >= self.settings.keypress_pause_handle_iterations) if frame_for_apps is not None and do_handle_input: # Pass frame to apps for processing for app_name, app in iter(self.apps.items()): with WithTimer('%s:handle_input' % app_name, quiet = self.debug_level < 1): app.handle_input(latest_frame_data, latest_label, latest_filename, self.panes) frame_for_apps = None # Tell each app to draw do_redraw = (redraw_needed and (since_keypress >= self.settings.keypress_pause_redraw_iterations or since_redraw >= self.settings.redraw_at_least_every)) if redraw_needed and do_redraw: for app_name, app in iter(self.apps.items()): with WithTimer('%s:draw' % app_name, quiet = self.debug_level < 1): imshow_needed |= app.draw(self.panes) redraw_needed = False since_redraw = 0 # Render buffer if imshow_needed: # Only redraw pane debug if display will be updated if hasattr(self.settings, 'debug_window_panes') and self.settings.debug_window_panes: for pane_name,pane in iter(self.panes.items()): print([pane_name, pane])[:] = * .5 line = [FormattedString('%s |' % pane_name, self.debug_pane_defaults), FormattedString('pos: %d,%d |' % (pane.i_begin, pane.j_begin), self.debug_pane_defaults), FormattedString('shape: %d,%d' % (pane.i_size, pane.j_size), self.debug_pane_defaults)] cv2_typeset_text(, line, (5,20), line_spacing = 5, wrap = True)[:1,:] = pane_debug_clr[-1:,:] = pane_debug_clr[:,:1] = pane_debug_clr[:,-1:] = pane_debug_clr with WithTimer('LiveVis:imshow', quiet = self.debug_level < 1): if self.help_mode: # Copy main buffer to help buffer self.help_buffer[:] = self.window_buffer[:] self.draw_help() cv2_imshow_rgb(self.window_name, self.help_buffer) else: cv2_imshow_rgb(self.window_name, self.window_buffer) imshow_needed = False ii += 1 since_keypress += 1 since_redraw += 1 if ii % 2 == 0 and self.settings.print_dots: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() # Extra sleep just for debugging. In production all main loop sleep should be in cv2.waitKey. #time.sleep(2) print('\n\nTrying to exit run_loop...') self.input_updater.quit = True self.input_updater.join(.01 + float(self.settings.input_updater_sleep_after_read_frame) * 5) if self.input_updater.is_alive(): raise Exception('Could not join self.input_updater thread') else: self.input_updater.free_camera() for app_name, app in iter(self.apps.items()): print('Quitting app: {}'.format(app_name)) app.quit() print('Input thread joined and apps quit; exiting run_loop.')