def __init__(self, component, otype="svg", osize="Letter", title="", projno="", drgno="", qty="", customer="", material="", bonding="", finish="", servicetemp="", checkedby=""): """ Initializes a DrawingPage instance. Arguments: component -- the component to draw otype -- format of desired output, "pdf", or "svg". osize -- desired output size, "A4" or "Letter" title, projno, drgno, qty, customer, material, bonding, finish, servicetemp, checkby -- miscellaneous information """ # Page dimensions and properties self.client = "Clientname Limited" self.page_margin = 50 self.page_inner_margin = 10 self.page_inner_margin_x = 0 self.page_inner_margin_y = 0 self.page_infoboxheight = 100 self.page_infoboxspacing = 5 self.page_line_width = 0.5 self.line_color = (0, 0, 0) self.scale_p = Point(0, 0) self.output_type = otype self.component = component self.text = {"info": TextInfo(face="Arial", size=8, padding=3, color=(0, 0, 0)), "copyright": TextInfo(face="Arial", size=8, padding=3, color=(0.757, 0, 0.702)), "title": TextInfo(face="Arial", size=10, padding=3, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.4)), "client": TextInfo(face="Arial", bold=True, size=12, padding=3, color=(0.757, 0, 0.702)), "notice": TextInfo(face="Arial", size=10, padding=3, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))} # Set page dimensions in points if osize == "A4": self.page_width = 596 self.page_height = 843 elif osize == "Letter": self.page_width = 612 self.page_height = 792 # Drawing information now = date_label = "%d/%d/%d" % (, now.month, now.year) self.drg_info = {"title": LabeledValue("Title", title), "cust": LabeledValue("Customer", customer), "projno": LabeledValue("Proj. No.", projno), "drgno": LabeledValue("DRG No.", drgno), "qty": LabeledValue("Qty", "%d off" % (qty)), "mat": LabeledValue("Material", material), "bond": LabeledValue("Bonding sys.", bonding), "finish": LabeledValue("Finish", finish), "svctemp": LabeledValue("Svc. temp.", servicetemp), "date": LabeledValue("Date", date_label), "scale": LabeledValue("Scale", ""), "drwnby": LabeledValue("Drawn by", "JobCalc v1.0"), "chkby": LabeledValue("Checked by", checkedby)}
class DrawingPage: """ Drawing page class, provides a page to frame the drawn component. """ def __init__(self, component, otype="svg", osize="Letter", title="", projno="", drgno="", qty="", customer="", material="", bonding="", finish="", servicetemp="", checkedby=""): """ Initializes a DrawingPage instance. Arguments: component -- the component to draw otype -- format of desired output, "pdf", or "svg". osize -- desired output size, "A4" or "Letter" title, projno, drgno, qty, customer, material, bonding, finish, servicetemp, checkby -- miscellaneous information """ # Page dimensions and properties self.client = "Clientname Limited" self.page_margin = 50 self.page_inner_margin = 10 self.page_inner_margin_x = 0 self.page_inner_margin_y = 0 self.page_infoboxheight = 100 self.page_infoboxspacing = 5 self.page_line_width = 0.5 self.line_color = (0, 0, 0) self.scale_p = Point(0, 0) self.output_type = otype self.component = component self.text = {"info": TextInfo(face="Arial", size=8, padding=3, color=(0, 0, 0)), "copyright": TextInfo(face="Arial", size=8, padding=3, color=(0.757, 0, 0.702)), "title": TextInfo(face="Arial", size=10, padding=3, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.4)), "client": TextInfo(face="Arial", bold=True, size=12, padding=3, color=(0.757, 0, 0.702)), "notice": TextInfo(face="Arial", size=10, padding=3, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))} # Set page dimensions in points if osize == "A4": self.page_width = 596 self.page_height = 843 elif osize == "Letter": self.page_width = 612 self.page_height = 792 # Drawing information now = date_label = "%d/%d/%d" % (, now.month, now.year) self.drg_info = {"title": LabeledValue("Title", title), "cust": LabeledValue("Customer", customer), "projno": LabeledValue("Proj. No.", projno), "drgno": LabeledValue("DRG No.", drgno), "qty": LabeledValue("Qty", "%d off" % (qty)), "mat": LabeledValue("Material", material), "bond": LabeledValue("Bonding sys.", bonding), "finish": LabeledValue("Finish", finish), "svctemp": LabeledValue("Svc. temp.", servicetemp), "date": LabeledValue("Date", date_label), "scale": LabeledValue("Scale", ""), "drwnby": LabeledValue("Drawn by", "JobCalc v1.0"), "chkby": LabeledValue("Checked by", checkedby)} def draw(self, outfile): """ Master function for creating the drawing. This is the only public drawing function. """ if self.output_type == "pdf": surface = cairo.PDFSurface(outfile, self.page_width, self.page_height) elif self.output_type == "svg": surface = cairo.SVGSurface(outfile, self.page_width, self.page_height) elif self.output_type == "png": surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, self.page_width, self.page_height) self.ctx = cairo.Context(surface) if self.output_type == "png": self.ctx.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) self.ctx.paint() self.ctx.restore() self.draw_base_page() self.draw_drawing_info() self.draw_component() if self.output_type == "pdf" or self.output_type == "svg": surface.show_page() elif self.output_type == "png": imgfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile() surface.write_to_png(imgfile) outfile.write( imgfile.close() def draw_base_page(self): """ Draws the base page. """ pw = self.page_width - self.page_margin * 2 ph = self.page_height - self.page_margin * 2 self.ctx.translate(self.page_margin, self.page_margin) self.ctx.set_line_width(self.page_line_width) self.ctx.set_source_rgb(*self.line_color) # Draw main margins self.ctx.rectangle(0, 0, pw, ph) self.ctx.stroke() # Draw dimension information and bounding box # pylint: disable=W0612 (bw, bh, fps) = draw_text_box(ctx=self.ctx, topright=Point(pw, 0), labels=["ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN mm"], textinfo=self.text["notice"], noborder=True) # pylint: enable=W0612 self.ctx.move_to(pw - bw, 0) self.ctx.line_to(pw - bw, bh) self.ctx.line_to(pw, bh) self.ctx.stroke() self.page_inner_margin_y += bh self.ctx.restore() def draw_drawing_info(self): """ Draws the information boxes. """ pw = self.page_width - self.page_margin * 2 ph = self.page_height - self.page_margin * 2 ibs = self.page_infoboxspacing self.ctx.translate(self.page_margin, self.page_margin) self.ctx.set_line_width(self.page_line_width) self.ctx.set_source_rgb(*self.line_color) # Calculate info box widths self.ctx.select_font_face(*self.text["client"].face) self.ctx.set_font_size(self.text["client"].size) # pylint: disable=W0612 (bx, by, w, h, dx, dy) = self.ctx.text_extents(self.client) # pylint: enable=W0612 cbw = w + self.text["client"].padding * 2 ibw = (pw - cbw - ibs * 5) / 3 # Draw main info boxes x = ibs y = ph - ibs keys = [["cust", "projno", "drgno", "qty"], ["mat", "bond", "finish", "svctemp"], ["date", "scale", "drwnby", "chkby"]] for k in keys: labels, fields = zip(*[(self.drg_info[j].label, self.drg_info[j].value) for j in k]) # pylint: disable=W0612 (bw, bh, fps) = draw_text_box(ctx=self.ctx, bottomleft=Point(x, y), labels=labels, fields=fields, textinfo=self.text["info"], width=ibw) # pylint: enable=W0612 if k[1] == "scale": self.scale_p = fps[1] x += (ibw + ibs) # Draw copyright box x = ibs y -= ibs + bh width = ibw * 3 + ibs * 2 (bw, bh, fps) = draw_text_box(ctx=self.ctx, bottomleft=Point(x, y), width=width, labels=["Industrial copyright " + self.client], textinfo=self.text["copyright"], center=True) # Draw title box y -= ibs + bh (bw, bh, fps) = draw_text_box(ctx=self.ctx, bottomleft=Point(x, y), width=width, labels=[self.drg_info["title"].value], textinfo=self.text["title"], center=True) # Set info box height self.page_infoboxheight = ph - (y - ibs - bh) ibh = self.page_infoboxheight # Draw Omegaslate box self.ctx.select_font_face(*self.text["client"].face) self.ctx.set_font_size(self.text["client"].size) (bx, by, w, h, dx, dy) = self.ctx.text_extents(self.client) x = pw - ibs - w - self.text["client"].padding y = ph - ibh + ibs + self.text["client"].padding + h self.ctx.move_to(x, y) self.ctx.set_source_rgb(*self.text["client"].color) self.ctx.show_text(self.client) self.ctx.set_source_rgb(*self.line_color) self.ctx.rectangle(x - self.text["client"].padding, y - h - self.text["client"].padding, cbw, ibh - ibs * 2) self.ctx.stroke() olabs = ["Address 1", "Address 2", "Company Tag Line", "Telephone and Fax"] self.ctx.select_font_face(*self.text["info"].face) self.ctx.set_font_size(self.text["info"].size) self.ctx.set_source_rgb(*self.text["info"].color) for row, lstr in zip(range(len(olabs)), olabs): if row == 2 or row == 3: mult = 2.5 else: mult = 1 y += (h + self.text["client"].padding) * mult (bx, by, w, h, dx, dy) = self.ctx.text_extents(lstr) x = pw - ibs - (cbw / 2) - (w / 2) self.ctx.move_to(x, y) self.ctx.show_text(lstr) # Draw infobox divider self.ctx.set_source_rgb(*self.line_color) self.ctx.move_to(0, ph - ibh) self.ctx.line_to(pw, ph - ibh) self.ctx.stroke() self.ctx.restore() def draw_component(self): """ Sets the drawing area and calls the component's draw method. """ m = self.page_margin + self.page_inner_margin x = m + self.page_inner_margin_x y = m + self.page_inner_margin_y w = self.page_width - m * 2 h = self.page_height - self.page_infoboxheight - y * 2 self.ctx.translate(x, y) p_scale = self.component.draw(self.ctx, w, h) self.ctx.restore() # Format and show drawing scale # # Each pixel in device space is one point, of which there are # 72 in an inch. Nominal measurements are in millimeters, so # to get the scale convert millimeters to points -- 1mm is # 72/25.4 points -- and multiply by 100 to avoid showing a # ratio containing decimals. p_scale = (7200.0 / 25.4) / p_scale self.drg_info["scale"].value = "100:%d" % (round(p_scale)) self.ctx.set_line_width(self.page_line_width) self.ctx.set_source_rgb(*self.line_color) self.ctx.select_font_face(*self.text["info"].face) self.ctx.set_font_size(self.text["info"].size) self.ctx.move_to(*self.scale_p.t()) self.ctx.show_text(self.drg_info["scale"].value) self.ctx.restore()