Пример #1
    def bench_doublebuffer_conversion():
        """test bench for conversion"""

        clock = Signal(bool(0))
        reset = ResetSignal(0, active=1, async=True)

        buffer_sel = Signal(bool(0))

        width_data = 20
        width_depth = 64
        # instantiation of fifo-bus, clock and rledoublefifo
        dfifo_bus = FIFOBus(width=width_data)

        inst = doublefifo(
            clock, reset, dfifo_bus, buffer_sel, depth=width_depth)

        inst_clock = clock_driver(clock)
        inst_reset = reset_on_start(reset, clock)

        def tbstim():
            """some tests for conversion purpose"""

            # select first buffer
            buffer_sel.next = False
            yield clock.posedge

            # write first data into double buffer
            dfifo_bus.write.next = True

            # convert signed number to unsigned
            dfifo_bus.write_data.next = 3
            yield clock.posedge
            dfifo_bus.write.next = False
            yield clock.posedge
            assert dfifo_bus.empty

            yield clock.posedge
            print ("Conversion done!!")
            raise StopSimulation

        return tbstim, inst, inst_clock, inst_reset
Пример #2
    def bench_doublebuffer_conversion():
        """ test bench """

        clock = Signal(bool(0))
        reset = ResetSignal(0, active=1, async=True)

        width = 20
        dfifo_bus = DoubleFifoBus(width=width)

        inst = doublefifo(clock, reset, dfifo_bus, width=width, depth=64)
        inst_clock = clock_driver(clock)
        inst_reset = reset_on_start(reset, clock)

        def tbstim():

            yield clock.posedge
            print ("Conversion done!!")
            raise StopSimulation

        return tbstim, inst, inst_clock, inst_reset
Пример #3
def rlencoder(clock, reset, datastream, bufferdatabus, rleconfig):
    The top module connects rle core and rle double buffer

    I/O Ports:

    datastream      : input datastream bus
    buffer data bus : output data bus
    rleconfig       : configuration bus


    width_data      : input data width
    width_addr      : address width
    width_size      : width of register to store amplitude size
    max_addr_cnt    : maximum address of the block being processed
    width_runlength : width of runlength value that can be stored
    limit           : value of maximum runlength value
    width_depth     : width of the FIFO Bus


    assert isinstance(datastream, DataStream)
    assert isinstance(bufferdatabus, BufferDataBus)
    assert isinstance(rleconfig, RLEConfig)

    # width of input data
    width_data = len(datastream.data_in)

    # width of the address register
    width_addr = len(datastream.read_addr)

    # width of register to store amplitude size
    width_size = len(bufferdatabus.size)

    # width to store the runlength value
    width_runlength = len(bufferdatabus.runlength)

    # maximum address of block
    max_addr_cnt = int((2**(width_addr)) - 1)

    # depth of the FIFO
    width_depth = max_addr_cnt + 1

    # Signals used to temporarily process data
    rlesymbols_temp = RLESymbols(
        width_data, width_size, width_runlength)
    assert isinstance(rlesymbols_temp, RLESymbols)

    # maximum number of zeroes that can be count
    limit = int((2**width_runlength) - 1)

    # width of data to be stored in rle double fifo
    width_dbuf_data = width_data + width_size + width_runlength

    # instantiation of double buffer bus
    dfifo = FIFOBus(width_dbuf_data)
    assert isinstance(dfifo, FIFOBus)

    buffer_sel = Signal(bool(0))

    # maximum number of pixels that can be processes for one time
    wr_cnt = Signal(modbv(0)[width_addr:])

    def assign0():
        """assign data to the output bus"""

        buffer_sel.next = bufferdatabus.buffer_sel
        dfifo.read.next = bufferdatabus.read_enable
        bufferdatabus.fifo_empty.next = dfifo.empty

    def assign1():
        """runlength, size and amplitude read from double buffer"""

        bufferdatabus.runlength.next = dfifo.read_data[(

        bufferdatabus.size.next = dfifo.read_data[(

        bufferdatabus.amplitude.next = dfifo.read_data[width_data:0].signed()

    # send the inputdata into rle core
    rle_core = rle(clock, reset, datastream, rlesymbols_temp, rleconfig)

    # write the processed data to rle double fifo
    rle_doublefifo = doublefifo(
        clock, reset, dfifo, buffer_sel, depth=width_depth)

    def assign3():
        """write data into the FIFO Bus"""

        dfifo.write_data.next = concat(
            rlesymbols_temp.runlength, rlesymbols_temp.size,

        dfifo.write.next = rlesymbols_temp.dovalid

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def seq1():
        """process the block using rlecore"""

        rleconfig.ready.next = False
        if rleconfig.start:
            wr_cnt.next = 0

        # select the data to be written
        if rlesymbols_temp.dovalid:
            if (rlesymbols_temp.runlength == limit) and (
                    rlesymbols_temp.size == 0):

                wr_cnt.next = wr_cnt + limit + 1

                wr_cnt.next = wr_cnt + 1 + rlesymbols_temp.runlength

            if dfifo.write_data == 0 and wr_cnt != 0:
                rleconfig.ready.next = True
                if (wr_cnt + rlesymbols_temp.runlength) == max_addr_cnt:
                    rleconfig.ready.next = True

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def assign3_buf():
        """Input buffer selection"""
        if rleconfig.start:
            datastream.buffer_sel.next = not datastream.buffer_sel

    def assign4():
        """output data valid signal generation"""
        bufferdatabus.dovalid.next = bufferdatabus.read_enable

    return (assign0, assign1, rle_core, rle_doublefifo,
            assign3, seq1, assign3_buf, assign4)
Пример #4
    def bench_doublebuffer():
        """This bench is used to send test cases into module"""

        # instantiation of clock and reset
        clock = Signal(bool(0))
        reset = ResetSignal(0, active=1, async=True)

        # buffer selection port instantiation
        buffer_sel = Signal(bool(0))

        # input data width and depth of FIFO(double)
        width_data = 20
        width_depth = 64

        # instantiation of FIFOBus, clock and rledoublefifo
        dfifo_bus = FIFOBus(width=width_data)

        inst = doublefifo(
            clock, reset, dfifo_bus, buffer_sel, depth=width_depth)

        inst_clock = clock_driver(clock)

        def tbstim():
            """write data inputs to double buffer"""

            print("start simulation")

            # disable read and write
            dfifo_bus.write.next = False
            dfifo_bus.read.next = False

            # reset before sending data
            yield pulse_reset(reset, clock)

            # check if FIFO is empty
            assert dfifo_bus.empty

            # select first buffer
            buffer_sel.next = False
            yield clock.posedge

            # write first data into double buffer
            dfifo_bus.write.next = True

            # convert signed number to unsigned
            dfifo_bus.write_data.next = -1 and 0xFF
            yield clock.posedge
            dfifo_bus.write.next = False
            yield clock.posedge
            assert dfifo_bus.empty

            # write data into double buffer
            dfifo_bus.write.next = True
            dfifo_bus.write_data.next = 0xA1
            yield clock.posedge
            dfifo_bus.write.next = False
            yield clock.posedge
            assert dfifo_bus.empty

            # write data into rle double buffer
            dfifo_bus.write.next = True
            dfifo_bus.write_data.next = 0x11
            yield clock.posedge
            dfifo_bus.write.next = False
            yield clock.posedge

            # write data into rle double buffer
            dfifo_bus.write.next = True
            dfifo_bus.write_data.next = 0x101
            yield clock.posedge
            dfifo_bus.write.next = False
            yield clock.posedge

            # write data into rle double buffer
            for test_cases in range(64):
                if test_cases < 28:
                    buffer_sel.next = False
                    yield clock.posedge
                    buffer_sel.next = True
                    yield clock.posedge

                dfifo_bus.write.next = True
                dfifo_bus.write_data.next = test_cases
                yield clock.posedge
                dfifo_bus.write.next = False
                yield clock.posedge

            # read data from rle double buffer
            dfifo_bus.read.next = True
            yield clock.posedge
            assert dfifo_bus.read_data and -1 == -1
            dfifo_bus.read.next = False

            buffer_sel.next = True
            yield clock.posedge

            # read data from rle double buffer
            dfifo_bus.read.next = True
            yield clock.posedge
            assert dfifo_bus.read_data == 0xA1
            dfifo_bus.read.next = False

            buffer_sel.next = True
            yield clock.posedge

            # read data from rle double buffer
            dfifo_bus.read.next = True
            yield clock.posedge
            assert dfifo_bus.read_data == 0x11
            dfifo_bus.read.next = False

            buffer_sel.next = True
            yield clock.posedge

            # read data from rle double buffer
            dfifo_bus.read.next = True
            yield clock.posedge
            assert dfifo_bus.read_data == 0x101
            dfifo_bus.read.next = False

            # read data from rle double buffer
            for test_cases in range(64):
                if test_cases < 28:
                    buffer_sel.next = True
                    yield clock.posedge
                    buffer_sel.next = False
                    yield clock.posedge

                dfifo_bus.read.next = True
                yield clock.posedge
                assert dfifo_bus.read_data == test_cases
                dfifo_bus.read.next = False

            yield clock.posedge

            assert dfifo_bus.empty

            raise StopSimulation

        return inst, inst_clock, tbstim
Пример #5
    def bench_doublebuffer():

        clock = Signal(bool(0))
        reset = ResetSignal(0, active=1, async=True)

        # instantiation of fifo-bus, clock and rledoublefifo
        dfifo_bus = DoubleFifoBus(20)
        # @todo: remove "width" from doublefifo parameter, it is redundant
        #        `doublefifo` can get it from the DoubleFifoBus (and
        #        (DoubleFifoBus is reduntant, use FIFOBus)
        inst = doublefifo(clock, reset, dfifo_bus, width=20, depth=64)
        inst_clock = clock_driver(clock)

        def tbstim():
            """write data inputs to double buffer"""

            print("start simulation")

            # disable read and write
            dfifo_bus.write_enable.next = False
            dfifo_bus.read_req.next = False

            # reset before sending data
            yield pulse_reset(reset, clock)
            assert dfifo_bus.fifo_empty

            # select first buffer
            dfifo_bus.buffer_sel.next = False
            yield clock.posedge

            # write first data into rle double buffer
            dfifo_bus.write_enable.next = True
            dfifo_bus.data_in.next = -1 and 0xFF
            yield clock.posedge
            dfifo_bus.write_enable.next = False
            yield clock.posedge
            assert dfifo_bus.fifo_empty

            # write data into rle double buffer
            dfifo_bus.write_enable.next = True
            dfifo_bus.data_in.next = 0xA1
            yield clock.posedge
            dfifo_bus.write_enable.next = False
            yield clock.posedge
            assert dfifo_bus.fifo_empty

            # write data into rle double buffer
            dfifo_bus.write_enable.next = True
            dfifo_bus.data_in.next = 0x11
            yield clock.posedge
            dfifo_bus.write_enable.next = False
            yield clock.posedge

            # write data into rle double buffer
            dfifo_bus.write_enable.next = True
            dfifo_bus.data_in.next = 0x101
            yield clock.posedge
            dfifo_bus.write_enable.next = False
            yield clock.posedge

            # write data into rle double buffer
            for test_cases in range(64):
                if test_cases < 28:
                    dfifo_bus.buffer_sel.next = False
                    yield clock.posedge
                    dfifo_bus.buffer_sel.next = True
                    yield clock.posedge

                dfifo_bus.write_enable.next = True
                dfifo_bus.data_in.next = test_cases
                yield clock.posedge
                dfifo_bus.write_enable.next = False
                yield clock.posedge

            # read data from rle double buffer
            dfifo_bus.read_req.next = True
            yield clock.posedge
            assert dfifo_bus.data_out and -1 == -1
            dfifo_bus.read_req.next = False

            dfifo_bus.buffer_sel.next = True
            yield clock.posedge

            # read data from rle double buffer
            dfifo_bus.read_req.next = True
            yield clock.posedge
            assert dfifo_bus.data_out == 0xA1
            dfifo_bus.read_req.next = False

            dfifo_bus.buffer_sel.next = True
            yield clock.posedge

            # read data from rle double buffer
            dfifo_bus.read_req.next = True
            yield clock.posedge
            assert dfifo_bus.data_out == 0x11
            dfifo_bus.read_req.next = False

            dfifo_bus.buffer_sel.next = True
            yield clock.posedge

            # read data from rle double buffer
            dfifo_bus.read_req.next = True
            yield clock.posedge
            assert dfifo_bus.data_out == 0x101
            dfifo_bus.read_req.next = False

            # read data from rle double buffer
            for test_cases in range(64):
                if test_cases < 28:
                    dfifo_bus.buffer_sel.next = True
                    yield clock.posedge
                    dfifo_bus.buffer_sel.next = False
                    yield clock.posedge

                dfifo_bus.read_req.next = True
                yield clock.posedge
                assert dfifo_bus.data_out == test_cases
                dfifo_bus.read_req.next = False

            yield clock.posedge

            assert dfifo_bus.fifo_empty

            raise StopSimulation

        return inst, inst_clock, tbstim
Пример #6
def rlencoder(clock, reset, datastream, bufferdatabus, rleconfig):
    The top module connects rle core and rle double buffer

    I/O Ports:

    datastream      : input datastream bus
    buffer data bus : output data bus
    rleconfig       : configuration bus


    width_data      : input data width
    width_addr      : address width
    width_size      : width of register to store amplitude size
    max_addr_cnt    : maximum address of the block being processed
    width_runlength : width of runlength value that can be stored
    limit           : value of maximum runlength value
    width_depth     : width of the FIFO Bus


    assert isinstance(datastream, DataStream)
    assert isinstance(bufferdatabus, BufferDataBus)
    assert isinstance(rleconfig, RLEConfig)

    # width of input data
    width_data = len(datastream.data_in)

    # width of the address register
    width_addr = len(datastream.read_addr)

    # width of register to store amplitude size
    width_size = len(bufferdatabus.size)

    # width to store the runlength value
    width_runlength = len(bufferdatabus.runlength)

    # maximum address of block
    max_addr_cnt = int((2**(width_addr)) - 1)

    # depth of the FIFO
    width_depth = max_addr_cnt + 1

    # Signals used to temporarily process data
    rlesymbols_temp = RLESymbols(width_data, width_size, width_runlength)
    assert isinstance(rlesymbols_temp, RLESymbols)

    # maximum number of zeroes that can be count
    limit = int((2**width_runlength) - 1)

    # width of data to be stored in rle double fifo
    width_dbuf_data = width_data + width_size + width_runlength

    # instantiation of double buffer bus
    dfifo = FIFOBus(width_dbuf_data)
    assert isinstance(dfifo, FIFOBus)

    buffer_sel = Signal(bool(0))

    # maximum number of pixels that can be processes for one time
    wr_cnt = Signal(modbv(0)[width_addr:])

    def assign0():
        """assign data to the output bus"""

        buffer_sel.next = bufferdatabus.buffer_sel
        dfifo.read.next = bufferdatabus.read_enable
        bufferdatabus.fifo_empty.next = dfifo.empty

    def assign1():
        """runlength, size and amplitude read from double buffer"""

        bufferdatabus.runlength.next = dfifo.read_data[(
            width_data + width_size + width_runlength):(width_data +

        bufferdatabus.size.next = dfifo.read_data[(width_data +

        bufferdatabus.amplitude.next = dfifo.read_data[width_data:0].signed()

    # send the inputdata into rle core
    rle_core = rle(clock, reset, datastream, rlesymbols_temp, rleconfig)

    # write the processed data to rle double fifo
    rle_doublefifo = doublefifo(clock,

    def assign3():
        """write data into the FIFO Bus"""

        dfifo.write_data.next = concat(rlesymbols_temp.runlength,

        dfifo.write.next = rlesymbols_temp.dovalid

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def seq1():
        """process the block using rlecore"""

        rleconfig.ready.next = False
        if rleconfig.start:
            wr_cnt.next = 0

        # select the data to be written
        if rlesymbols_temp.dovalid:
            if (rlesymbols_temp.runlength == limit) and (rlesymbols_temp.size
                                                         == 0):

                wr_cnt.next = wr_cnt + limit + 1

                wr_cnt.next = wr_cnt + 1 + rlesymbols_temp.runlength

            if dfifo.write_data == 0 and wr_cnt != 0:
                rleconfig.ready.next = True
                if (wr_cnt + rlesymbols_temp.runlength) == max_addr_cnt:
                    rleconfig.ready.next = True

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def assign3_buf():
        """Input buffer selection"""
        if rleconfig.start:
            datastream.buffer_sel.next = not datastream.buffer_sel

    def assign4():
        """output data valid signal generation"""
        bufferdatabus.dovalid.next = bufferdatabus.read_enable

    return (assign0, assign1, rle_core, rle_doublefifo, assign3, seq1,
            assign3_buf, assign4)