def handle_connect(self): self.keepalive() keypad.keypad(keypad.init_input(self.wsid), self) self.machine('') #-------------- self.pbmpkt_hdr = '' self.pbmpkt_buf = '' self.pbmpkt_len = 0
def keycontrol(self): mapping = { # KEY BINDINGS: key to function (with default value) # ROVER KEYS 'w': 'fw', 's': 'rw', 'a': 'left', 'd': 'right', ' ': 'stop', 'r': 'init_log', 't': 'save_log', # JIB KEYS 'i': 'jib.moveup', 'j': 'jib.moveleft', 'k': 'jib.movedw', 'l': 'jib.moveright', # MEASURE DISTANCE 'm': 'print_distance' } print "ROVER KEYPAD: initialized" keypad.keypad(self, mapping) print "ROVER KEYPAD: terminated"
def main(): ### KEYPAD INITIALIZATION ### kp = keypad(columnCount=4) digit = None #global target global target target = "" print("Enter your zip code or press '#' for Irvine: ") for i in range(5): digit = None while digit == None: digit = kp.getKey() if (digit == "#"): break print(digit) target = target + str(digit) time.sleep(0.4) ### END KEYPAD ### relay_motion.setup() current_hr = print(current_hr) mylcd = I2C_LCD_driver.lcd() #current_hr = 18 rpi_data.read_sensors(current_hr, mylcd)
def keycontrol(self): mapping = { # KEY BINDINGS: key to function (with default value) # ROVER KEYS "w": "fw", "s": "rw", "a": "left", "d": "right", " ": "stop", "r": "init_log", "t": "save_log", # JIB KEYS "i": "jib.moveup", "j": "jib.moveleft", "k": "jib.movedw", "l": "jib.moveright", # MEASURE DISTANCE "m": "print_distance", } print "ROVER KEYPAD: initialized" keypad.keypad(self, mapping) print "ROVER KEYPAD: terminated"
def handler(): mqttfunc(txt, 'open', 0, 0) kp = keypad(columnCount=3) print("Enter the amount of items inserted") digit1 = None while digit1 == None: digit1 = kp.getKey() time.sleep(0.2) digit2 = None while digit2 == None: digit2 = kp.getKey() time.sleep(0.2) digit3 = None while digit3 == None: digit3 = kp.getKey() time.sleep(0.2) try: conn = sqlite3.connect("mydb.db") print("Connected to database") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM counttable") res = cur.fetchall() for i in res: print(i) print("values of counttable") v1 = int(res[0][1]) v2 = int(res[0][2]) v3 = int(res[0][3]) cur.execute( "UPDATE counttable SET count1 = ?, count2 = ?, count3 = ? WHERE pkey=1;", (digit1, digit2, digit3)) conn.commit() cur.execute("Select * from counttable") result = cur.fetchall() for i in result: print(i) mqttfunc(txt, 'close', 0, 0) except: print("Error in Setting Data") #end of handler function
def getKeyPress(maxwait): #Set timeout for how long we wait for button press if maxwait == 0: timeout = 10000000 #about 110 days else: timeout = maxwait kp = keypad(columnCount = 4) digit = None starttime = time.perf_counter() while digit == None and time.perf_counter() - starttime <= timeout: digit = kp.getKey() time.sleep(0.02) if time.perf_counter() - starttime > timeout: #we timed out return -1 digit = '0123456789X#*ABCD'.find(str(digit)) playTouchTone(digit) return digit
import keypad import time import takePhoto import deal import threading import time import requests import stepMotor import postUnLock import postConfidence kp = keypad.keypad() global flag flag = False #flag some open method in proccess mutex = threading.Lock() global t t = False def faceOrKeyOpen(): global flag, mutex #time.sleep(1) while True: digit = None while digit == None: digit = kp.getKey() #print digit #face
#!/usr/bin/python3 import keypad import time keypad = keypad.keypad() while (True): time.sleep(1) print(keypad.getKey())
import I2C_LCD_driver import keypad import time import ServoLock as Lock import LockToggle_pushButton as LockToggle import LockIndicator_RGB as LockIndicator mylcd = I2C_LCD_driver.lcd() kp = keypad.keypad() fo = open("foo.txt", "r") RightPass = def getPassword(): password = '' char = '' while len(password) < 4 or (char != '#'): char = getChar() if char == '*': password = password[:-1] elif char == '#' or len(password) >= 4: pass else: password += str(char) mylcd.lcd_display_string((password + ' '), 2, 0) print(password) return password def getChar(): digit = None while digit == None: digit = kp.getKey()
update = json.loads(incoming) password_list.append((update['pwd'], update['min'], update['max'])) def valid_pwd(input): now = time.time() for entry in password_list: if (input == entry[0] and (now > entry[1] and now < entry[2] or entry[1] == entry[2] == 0)): return True return False broker_address = "" mqtt_pwd_update_t = "ECE/lockbox/updates/asd" foo = keypad() password_list = [([4, 5, 6, 7], 0, 0), ([7, 7, 7, 7], 0, 0)] client = mqtt.Client() client.on_message = on_message client.connect(broker_address) client.loop_start() client.subscribe(mqtt_pwd_update_t) def email_owner(body_text): send_email(sender="Tran <*****@*****.**>", recipients=['*****@*****.**'], subject="Lockbox notice!", body_text=body_text)
logging.basicConfig(filename=UID + '_dispenser_log_' + time.strftime("%Y%m%d") + '.csv', filemode='a', format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt="%Y-%m-%d; \t %H:%M:%S;", level=logging.INFO) logfile = open(UID + "_dispenser_log_" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d") + ".csv", "a") logfile.write( "Date; \tTime; \tMessage; \tQuantity; \tUnit; \tUID; \tStore; \tLocation; \tProduct; \tTransaction;\n" ) logfile.close() GPIO.setwarnings(False) kp = keypad(columnCount=3) def solenoidon(): GPIO.output(solenoid, GPIO.HIGH) def solenoidoff(): GPIO.output(solenoid, GPIO.LOW) def beepbeep(): noiseon() time.sleep(0.1) noiseoff() time.sleep(0.1)
#!/usr/bin/python import keypad as GPIO_Keypad import time try: keypad = GPIO_Keypad.keypad(columnCount=7) arrows = GPIO_Keypad.keypad(columnCount=2) # Loop while waiting for a keypress var = 1 while var == 1: digit = keypad.getKey() #arrows = keypad.getKey() if digit != None: print digit #if arrows != None: #print arrows if digit != None: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: # here you put any code you want to run before the program # exits when you press CTRL+C print "\n", counter # print value of counter GPIO_Keypad.cleanup() except: # this catches ALL other exceptions including errors. # You won't get any error messages for debugging
# if less than 4 enough numbers entered if pressed_key != passcode[len(current_code)]: # if passcode until now doesn't match passcode_is_incorrect() else: # if it does match, add to list current_code.append(pressed_key) elif pressed_key == "#" and "".join(current_code) == passcode: # if "#" is pressed and current passcode match our passcode passcode_is_correct() else: passcode_is_incorrect() # keypad keypad(handler=get_key) # perform get_key() function on keypress. try: # turn OFF, turns off fan GPIO.output(ledRed, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(ledBlu, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(ledGrn, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(fan, GPIO.LOW) # By default the address of LM75A is set to 0x48 # aka A0, A1, and A2 are set to GND (0v). address = 0x48 # Check if another address has been specified if 1 < len(sys.argv): address = int(sys.argv[1], 16)
from time import sleep from random import randint from keypad import keypad from datetime import datetime import threading import RPi.GPIO as GPIO app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) lcd = lcd_driver.lcd() reader = SimpleMFRC522() conn = Database(app, 'mct', 'mct', 'project', '') kp = keypad() # reads rfid card to unlock door def scan_unlock(): while True: print('READY FOR SCAN') try: # clear screen and display welcome message lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_display_string('SCAN 2 UNLOCK', 1, 1) # call reader to read id from rfid card card_id, text = print('ID: ') print(card_id)