Пример #1
def webtool_callback(func = None, require_login = True, do_lookup_user = False):
    lib.webtool - standard interface wrapper

    When calling this function without keyword arguments,
    you will want to keep the first argument None since this is a
    hack to make the function multisyntax compatible, see note at
    end of function code.

        When enabled, page will reject users without authorisation.
        Opposingly disabling will render the page without problems.
        When enabled, decorator will lookup the current user, and
        provide it as an additional argument.

    provides the following variables:
        evn['verified_user'] = Result of lookup_user operation.

    # All hail closures

    ### Optional arguments hack  ###
    def owhy(func):
        deep_func = detach_deep_func(func)

        # Validate env argument
        if inspect.getargspec(deep_func)[0][0] != 'env':
            raise AppSemanticException('webtool_callback', deep_func, [(0, 'env')])

        ### Actual wrapping function ###
        def webtool_func(env, *args, **key_args):
            webtool internal function wrapper

            # Force a login if necessary
            if require_login:
                if not loggedin_and_require(env):
                    return handle_login(env)

            # Lookup user
                user_name = env['beaker.session']['user_name']
                user = lookup_user(user_name)
            except KeyError, e:
                user = None
            env['verified_user'] = user

            # Pass argument if requested
            if do_lookup_user:
                key_args['user'] = user

            return func(env, *args, **key_args)

        return attach_deep_func(webtool_func, deep_func)
Пример #2
def require_rtorrent(func):
    Wrap a function requiring an RTorrent object.

    deep_func = detach_deep_func(func)

    # Validate torrent argument
    if 'rtorrent' not in inspect.getargspec(deep_func)[0]:
        raise AppStandardsViolation('require_rtorrent', deep_func, [(-1, 'rtorrent')])

    ### Actual wrapping function ###
    def rtorrent_func(env, *args, **key_args):
        webtool internal torrent argument wrapper

        # Setup torrent object.
        r = RTorrent(key_args['target'])
        key_args['rtorrent'] = r

        return func(env, *args, **key_args)

    return attach_deep_func(rtorrent_func, deep_func)
Пример #3
def require_torrent(func):
    Wrap a function working on a specific torrent.
    This decorator expects webtool to pass a 'torrent_hash' argument.


    deep_func = detach_deep_func(func)

    # Validate torrent argument
    if 'torrent' not in inspect.getargspec(deep_func)[0]:
        raise AppStandardsViolation('require_torrent', deep_func, [(-1, 'torrent')])

    ### Actual wrapping function ###
    def torrent_func(env, target, *args, **key_args):
        webtool internal torrent argument wrapper

        # Grab torrent_hash
        if not key_args.has_key('torrent_hash'):
            bugstr = "!!! BUG: Webtool is not passing a 'torrent_hash' " + \
                "argument like it should"
            print bugstr
            raise AppBugException(bugstr)

        # Build torrent object
        torrent_hash = key_args['torrent_hash']
        t = Torrent(target, torrent_hash)

        # torrent_hash is contained by torrent object and thus superfluous
        del key_args['torrent_hash']
        key_args['torrent'] = t

        return func(env, target = target, *args, **key_args)

    return attach_deep_func(torrent_func, deep_func)
Пример #4
def require_target(func):
    Wrap a function requiring a target client. Implements
    automatic rejection semantics to ensure user authorisation.

    deep_func = detach_deep_func(func)

    # Validate target argument
    if inspect.getargspec(deep_func)[0][1] != 'target':
        raise AppStandardsViolation('require_target', deep_func, [(1, 'env')])

    ### Actual wrapping function ###
    def target_func(env, target, *args, **key_args):
        webtool internal target argument wrapper.
        # Perform target lookup for callback function
        target = lookup_target(target)

        # Return 404 on target not found
        if target is None:
            return None # 404

        user = env['verified_user']

        # Reject user if not allowed to view this target
        if USE_AUTH:
            if user == None or target['name'] not in user.targets:
                return None # 404

        return func(env, target = target, *args, **key_args)

    return attach_deep_func(target_func, deep_func)