Пример #1
    def __init__(self):
        self.integration_targets = list(walk_integration_targets())
        self.module_targets = list(walk_module_targets())
        self.compile_targets = list(walk_compile_targets())
        self.units_targets = list(walk_units_targets())
        self.sanity_targets = list(walk_sanity_targets())

        self.compile_paths = set(t.path for t in self.compile_targets)
        self.units_modules = set(t.module for t in self.units_targets if t.module)
        self.units_paths = set(a for t in self.units_targets for a in t.aliases)
        self.sanity_paths = set(t.path for t in self.sanity_targets)

        self.module_names_by_path = dict((t.path, t.module) for t in self.module_targets)
        self.integration_targets_by_name = dict((t.name, t) for t in self.integration_targets)
        self.integration_targets_by_alias = dict((a, t) for t in self.integration_targets for a in t.aliases)

        self.posix_integration_by_module = dict((m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets
                                                if 'posix/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules)
        self.windows_integration_by_module = dict((m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets
                                                  if 'windows/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules)
        self.network_integration_by_module = dict((m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets
                                                  if 'network/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules)

        self.prefixes = load_integration_prefixes()

        self.python_module_utils_imports = {}  # populated on first use to reduce overhead when not needed
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, args):
        :type args: TestConfig
        self.args = args
        self.integration_all_target = get_integration_all_target(self.args)

        self.integration_targets = list(walk_integration_targets())
        self.module_targets = list(walk_module_targets())
        self.compile_targets = list(walk_compile_targets())
        self.units_targets = list(walk_units_targets())
        self.sanity_targets = list(walk_sanity_targets())
        self.powershell_targets = [t for t in self.sanity_targets if os.path.splitext(t.path)[1] == '.ps1']

        self.units_modules = set(t.module for t in self.units_targets if t.module)
        self.units_paths = set(a for t in self.units_targets for a in t.aliases)
        self.sanity_paths = set(t.path for t in self.sanity_targets)

        self.module_names_by_path = dict((t.path, t.module) for t in self.module_targets)
        self.integration_targets_by_name = dict((t.name, t) for t in self.integration_targets)
        self.integration_targets_by_alias = dict((a, t) for t in self.integration_targets for a in t.aliases)

        self.posix_integration_by_module = dict((m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets
                                                if 'posix/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules)
        self.windows_integration_by_module = dict((m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets
                                                  if 'windows/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules)
        self.network_integration_by_module = dict((m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets
                                                  if 'network/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules)

        self.prefixes = load_integration_prefixes()
        self.integration_dependencies = analyze_integration_target_dependencies(self.integration_targets)

        self.python_module_utils_imports = {}  # populated on first use to reduce overhead when not needed
        self.powershell_module_utils_imports = {}  # populated on first use to reduce overhead when not needed
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, args):
        :type args: TestConfig
        self.args = args
        self.integration_all_target = get_integration_all_target(self.args)

        self.integration_targets = list(walk_integration_targets())
        self.module_targets = list(walk_module_targets())
        self.compile_targets = list(walk_compile_targets())
        self.units_targets = list(walk_units_targets())
        self.sanity_targets = list(walk_sanity_targets())
        self.powershell_targets = [t for t in self.sanity_targets if os.path.splitext(t.path)[1] == '.ps1']

        self.units_modules = set(t.module for t in self.units_targets if t.module)
        self.units_paths = set(a for t in self.units_targets for a in t.aliases)
        self.sanity_paths = set(t.path for t in self.sanity_targets)

        self.module_names_by_path = dict((t.path, t.module) for t in self.module_targets)
        self.integration_targets_by_name = dict((t.name, t) for t in self.integration_targets)
        self.integration_targets_by_alias = dict((a, t) for t in self.integration_targets for a in t.aliases)

        self.posix_integration_by_module = dict((m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets
                                                if 'posix/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules)
        self.windows_integration_by_module = dict((m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets
                                                  if 'windows/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules)
        self.network_integration_by_module = dict((m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets
                                                  if 'network/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules)

        self.prefixes = load_integration_prefixes()
        self.integration_dependencies = analyze_integration_target_dependencies(self.integration_targets)

        self.python_module_utils_imports = {}  # populated on first use to reduce overhead when not needed
        self.powershell_module_utils_imports = {}  # populated on first use to reduce overhead when not needed
Пример #4
    def __init__(self):
        self.integration_targets = list(walk_integration_targets())
        self.module_targets = list(walk_module_targets())
        self.compile_targets = list(walk_compile_targets())
        self.units_targets = list(walk_units_targets())
        self.sanity_targets = list(walk_sanity_targets())

        self.compile_paths = set(t.path for t in self.compile_targets)
        self.units_modules = set(t.module for t in self.units_targets
                                 if t.module)
        self.units_paths = set(a for t in self.units_targets
                               for a in t.aliases)
        self.sanity_paths = set(t.path for t in self.sanity_targets)

        self.module_names_by_path = dict(
            (t.path, t.module) for t in self.module_targets)
        self.integration_targets_by_name = dict(
            (t.name, t) for t in self.integration_targets)
        self.integration_targets_by_alias = dict(
            (a, t) for t in self.integration_targets for a in t.aliases)

        self.posix_integration_by_module = dict(
            (m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets
            if 'posix/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules)
        self.windows_integration_by_module = dict(
            (m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets
            if 'windows/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules)
        self.network_integration_by_module = dict(
            (m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets
            if 'network/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules)

        self.prefixes = load_integration_prefixes()
Пример #5
def command_compile(args):
    :type args: CompileConfig
    changes = get_changes_filter(args)
    require = (args.require or []) + changes
    include, exclude = walk_external_targets(walk_compile_targets(),
                                             args.include, args.exclude,

    if not include:
        raise AllTargetsSkipped()

    if args.delegate:
        raise Delegate(require=changes)


    version_commands = []

    for version in COMPILE_PYTHON_VERSIONS:
        # run all versions unless version given, in which case run only that version
        if args.python and version != args.python:

        # optional list of regex patterns to exclude from tests
        skip_file = 'test/compile/python%s-skip.txt' % version

        if os.path.exists(skip_file):
            with open(skip_file, 'r') as skip_fd:
                skip_paths = skip_fd.read().splitlines()
            skip_paths = []

        # augment file exclusions
        skip_paths += [e.path for e in exclude]

        skip_paths = sorted(skip_paths)

        python = 'python%s' % version
        cmd = [python, '-m', 'compileall', '-fq']

        if skip_paths:
            cmd += ['-x', '|'.join(skip_paths)]

        cmd += [
            target.path if target.path == '.' else './%s' % target.path
            for target in include

        version_commands.append((version, cmd))

    for version, command in version_commands:
        display.info('Compile with Python %s' % version)
        run_command(args, command)
Пример #6
def command_compile(args):
    :type args: CompileConfig
    changes = get_changes_filter(args)
    require = (args.require or []) + changes
    include, exclude = walk_external_targets(walk_compile_targets(), args.include, args.exclude, require)

    if not include:
        raise AllTargetsSkipped()

    if args.delegate:
        raise Delegate(require=changes)


    version_commands = []

    for version in COMPILE_PYTHON_VERSIONS:
        # run all versions unless version given, in which case run only that version
        if args.python and version != args.python:

        # optional list of regex patterns to exclude from tests
        skip_file = 'test/compile/python%s-skip.txt' % version

        if os.path.exists(skip_file):
            with open(skip_file, 'r') as skip_fd:
                skip_paths = skip_fd.read().splitlines()
            skip_paths = []

        # augment file exclusions
        skip_paths += [e.path for e in exclude]

        skip_paths = sorted(skip_paths)

        python = 'python%s' % version
        cmd = [python, '-m', 'compileall', '-fq']

        if skip_paths:
            cmd += ['-x', '|'.join(skip_paths)]

        cmd += [target.path if target.path == '.' else './%s' % target.path for target in include]

        version_commands.append((version, cmd))

    for version, command in version_commands:
        display.info('Compile with Python %s' % version)
        run_command(args, command)
Пример #7
def command_compile(args):
    :type args: CompileConfig
    changes = get_changes_filter(args)
    require = (args.require or []) + changes
    include, exclude = walk_external_targets(walk_compile_targets(),
                                             args.include, args.exclude,

    if not include:
        raise AllTargetsSkipped()

    if args.delegate:
        raise Delegate(require=changes)


    total = 0
    failed = []

    for version in COMPILE_PYTHON_VERSIONS:
        # run all versions unless version given, in which case run only that version
        if args.python and version != args.python:

        display.info('Compile with Python %s' % version)

        result = compile_version(args, version, include, exclude)

        total += 1

        if isinstance(result, TestFailure):
            failed.append('compile --python %s' % version)

    if failed:
        message = 'The %d compile test(s) listed below (out of %d) failed. See error output above for details.\n%s' % (
            len(failed), total, '\n'.join(failed))

        if args.failure_ok:
            raise ApplicationError(message)
Пример #8
def command_compile(args):
    :type args: CompileConfig
    changes = get_changes_filter(args)
    require = (args.require or []) + changes
    include, exclude = walk_external_targets(walk_compile_targets(), args.include, args.exclude, require)

    if not include:
        raise AllTargetsSkipped()

    if args.delegate:
        raise Delegate(require=changes)


    total = 0
    failed = []

    for version in COMPILE_PYTHON_VERSIONS:
        # run all versions unless version given, in which case run only that version
        if args.python and version != args.python:

        display.info('Compile with Python %s' % version)

        result = compile_version(args, version, include, exclude)

        total += 1

        if isinstance(result, TestFailure):
            failed.append('compile --python %s' % version)

    if failed:
        message = 'The %d compile test(s) listed below (out of %d) failed. See error output above for details.\n%s' % (
            len(failed), total, '\n'.join(failed))

        if args.failure_ok:
            raise ApplicationError(message)
Пример #9
    def __init__(self):
        self.integration_targets = list(walk_integration_targets())
        self.module_targets = list(walk_module_targets())
        self.compile_targets = list(walk_compile_targets())
        self.units_targets = list(walk_units_targets())
        self.sanity_targets = list(walk_sanity_targets())

        self.compile_paths = set(t.path for t in self.compile_targets)
        self.units_modules = set(t.module for t in self.units_targets if t.module)
        self.units_paths = set(a for t in self.units_targets for a in t.aliases)
        self.sanity_paths = set(t.path for t in self.sanity_targets)

        self.module_names_by_path = dict((t.path, t.module) for t in self.module_targets)
        self.integration_targets_by_name = dict((t.name, t) for t in self.integration_targets)

        self.posix_integration_by_module = dict((m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets
                                                if 'posix/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules)
        self.windows_integration_by_module = dict((m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets
                                                  if 'windows/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules)
        self.network_integration_by_module = dict((m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets
                                                  if 'network/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules)
Пример #10
def command_coverage_combine(args):
    """Patch paths in coverage files and merge into a single file.
    :type args: CoverageConfig
    :rtype: list[str]
    coverage = initialize_coverage(args)

    modules = dict((t.module, t.path) for t in list(walk_module_targets()))

    coverage_files = [os.path.join(COVERAGE_DIR, f) for f in os.listdir(COVERAGE_DIR) if '=coverage.' in f]

    ansible_path = os.path.abspath('lib/ansible/') + '/'
    root_path = os.getcwd() + '/'

    counter = 0
    groups = {}

    if args.all or args.stub:
        sources = sorted(os.path.abspath(target.path) for target in walk_compile_targets())
        sources = []

    if args.stub:
        groups['=stub'] = dict((source, set()) for source in sources)

    for coverage_file in coverage_files:
        counter += 1
        display.info('[%4d/%4d] %s' % (counter, len(coverage_files), coverage_file), verbosity=2)

        original = coverage.CoverageData()

        group = get_coverage_group(args, coverage_file)

        if group is None:
            display.warning('Unexpected name for coverage file: %s' % coverage_file)

        if os.path.getsize(coverage_file) == 0:
            display.warning('Empty coverage file: %s' % coverage_file)

        except Exception as ex:  # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, broad-except

        for filename in original.measured_files():
            arcs = set(original.arcs(filename) or [])

            if not arcs:
                # This is most likely due to using an unsupported version of coverage.
                display.warning('No arcs found for "%s" in coverage file: %s' % (filename, coverage_file))

            if '/ansible_modlib.zip/ansible/' in filename:
                new_name = re.sub('^.*/ansible_modlib.zip/ansible/', ansible_path, filename)
                display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3)
                filename = new_name
            elif '/ansible_module_' in filename:
                module = re.sub('^.*/ansible_module_(?P<module>.*).py$', '\\g<module>', filename)
                if module not in modules:
                    display.warning('Skipping coverage of unknown module: %s' % module)
                new_name = os.path.abspath(modules[module])
                display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3)
                filename = new_name
            elif re.search('^(/.*?)?/root/ansible/', filename):
                new_name = re.sub('^(/.*?)?/root/ansible/', root_path, filename)
                display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3)
                filename = new_name

            if group not in groups:
                groups[group] = {}

            arc_data = groups[group]

            if filename not in arc_data:
                arc_data[filename] = set()


    output_files = []

    for group in sorted(groups):
        arc_data = groups[group]

        updated = coverage.CoverageData()

        for filename in arc_data:
            if not os.path.isfile(filename):
                display.warning('Invalid coverage path: %s' % filename)

            updated.add_arcs({filename: list(arc_data[filename])})

        if args.all:
            updated.add_arcs(dict((source, []) for source in sources))

        if not args.explain:
            output_file = COVERAGE_FILE + group

    return sorted(output_files)
Пример #11
def command_coverage_combine(args):
    """Patch paths in coverage files and merge into a single file.
    :type args: CoverageConfig
    :rtype: list[str]
    coverage = initialize_coverage(args)

    modules = dict((t.module, t.path) for t in list(walk_module_targets()))

    coverage_files = [os.path.join(COVERAGE_DIR, f) for f in os.listdir(COVERAGE_DIR) if '=coverage.' in f]

    ansible_path = os.path.abspath('lib/ansible/') + '/'
    root_path = os.getcwd() + '/'

    counter = 0
    groups = {}

    if args.all or args.stub:
        sources = sorted(os.path.abspath(target.path) for target in walk_compile_targets())
        sources = []

    if args.stub:
        groups['=stub'] = dict((source, set()) for source in sources)

    for coverage_file in coverage_files:
        counter += 1
        display.info('[%4d/%4d] %s' % (counter, len(coverage_files), coverage_file), verbosity=2)

        original = coverage.CoverageData()

        group = get_coverage_group(args, coverage_file)

        if group is None:
            display.warning('Unexpected name for coverage file: %s' % coverage_file)

        if os.path.getsize(coverage_file) == 0:
            display.warning('Empty coverage file: %s' % coverage_file)

        except Exception as ex:  # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, broad-except

        for filename in original.measured_files():
            arcs = set(original.arcs(filename) or [])

            if not arcs:
                # This is most likely due to using an unsupported version of coverage.
                display.warning('No arcs found for "%s" in coverage file: %s' % (filename, coverage_file))

            if '/ansible_modlib.zip/ansible/' in filename:
                new_name = re.sub('^.*/ansible_modlib.zip/ansible/', ansible_path, filename)
                display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3)
                filename = new_name
            elif '/ansible_module_' in filename:
                module_name = re.sub('^.*/ansible_module_(?P<module>.*).py$', '\\g<module>', filename)
                if module_name not in modules:
                    display.warning('Skipping coverage of unknown module: %s' % module_name)
                new_name = os.path.abspath(modules[module_name])
                display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3)
                filename = new_name
            elif re.search('^(/.*?)?/root/ansible/', filename):
                new_name = re.sub('^(/.*?)?/root/ansible/', root_path, filename)
                display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3)
                filename = new_name

            if group not in groups:
                groups[group] = {}

            arc_data = groups[group]

            if filename not in arc_data:
                arc_data[filename] = set()


    output_files = []

    for group in sorted(groups):
        arc_data = groups[group]

        updated = coverage.CoverageData()

        for filename in arc_data:
            if not os.path.isfile(filename):
                display.warning('Invalid coverage path: %s' % filename)

            updated.add_arcs({filename: list(arc_data[filename])})

        if args.all:
            updated.add_arcs(dict((source, []) for source in sources))

        if not args.explain:
            output_file = COVERAGE_FILE + group

    return sorted(output_files)
Пример #12
def command_coverage_combine(args):
    """Patch paths in coverage files and merge into a single file.
    :type args: CoverageConfig
    :rtype: list[str]
    coverage = initialize_coverage(args)

    modules = dict((t.module, t.path) for t in list(walk_module_targets())
                   if t.path.endswith('.py'))

    coverage_files = [
        os.path.join(COVERAGE_DIR, f) for f in os.listdir(COVERAGE_DIR)
        if '=coverage.' in f

    ansible_path = os.path.abspath('lib/ansible/') + '/'
    root_path = data_context().content.root + '/'

    counter = 0
    groups = {}

    if args.all or args.stub:
        sources = sorted(
            os.path.abspath(target.path) for target in walk_compile_targets())
        sources = []

    if args.stub:
        stub_group = []
        stub_groups = [stub_group]
        stub_line_limit = 500000
        stub_line_count = 0

        for source in sources:
            with open(source, 'r') as source_fd:
                source_line_count = len(source_fd.read().splitlines())

            stub_line_count += source_line_count

            if stub_line_count > stub_line_limit:
                stub_line_count = 0
                stub_group = []

        for stub_index, stub_group in enumerate(stub_groups):
            if not stub_group:

            groups['=stub-%02d' % (stub_index + 1)] = dict(
                (source, set()) for source in stub_group)

    if data_context().content.collection:
        collection_search_re = re.compile(
            r'/%s/' % data_context().content.collection.directory)
        collection_sub_re = re.compile(
            r'^.*?/%s/' % data_context().content.collection.directory)
        collection_search_re = None
        collection_sub_re = None

    for coverage_file in coverage_files:
        counter += 1
        display.info('[%4d/%4d] %s' %
                     (counter, len(coverage_files), coverage_file),

        original = coverage.CoverageData()

        group = get_coverage_group(args, coverage_file)

        if group is None:
            display.warning('Unexpected name for coverage file: %s' %

        if os.path.getsize(coverage_file) == 0:
            display.warning('Empty coverage file: %s' % coverage_file)

        except Exception as ex:  # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, broad-except
            display.error(u'%s' % ex)

        for filename in original.measured_files():
            arcs = set(original.arcs(filename) or [])

            if not arcs:
                # This is most likely due to using an unsupported version of coverage.
                display.warning('No arcs found for "%s" in coverage file: %s' %
                                (filename, coverage_file))

            if '/ansible_modlib.zip/ansible/' in filename:
                # Rewrite the module_utils path from the remote host to match the controller. Ansible 2.6 and earlier.
                new_name = re.sub('^.*/ansible_modlib.zip/ansible/',
                                  ansible_path, filename)
                display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3)
                filename = new_name
            elif collection_search_re and collection_search_re.search(
                new_name = os.path.abspath(collection_sub_re.sub('', filename))
                display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3)
                filename = new_name
            elif re.search(r'/ansible_[^/]+_payload\.zip/ansible/', filename):
                # Rewrite the module_utils path from the remote host to match the controller. Ansible 2.7 and later.
                new_name = re.sub(r'^.*/ansible_[^/]+_payload\.zip/ansible/',
                                  ansible_path, filename)
                display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3)
                filename = new_name
            elif '/ansible_module_' in filename:
                # Rewrite the module path from the remote host to match the controller. Ansible 2.6 and earlier.
                module_name = re.sub('^.*/ansible_module_(?P<module>.*).py$',
                                     '\\g<module>', filename)
                if module_name not in modules:
                    display.warning('Skipping coverage of unknown module: %s' %
                new_name = os.path.abspath(modules[module_name])
                display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3)
                filename = new_name
            elif re.search(
                # Rewrite the module path from the remote host to match the controller. Ansible 2.7 and later.
                # AnsiballZ versions using zipimporter will match the `.zip` portion of the regex.
                # AnsiballZ versions not using zipimporter will match the `_[^/]+` portion of the regex.
                module_name = re.sub(
                    '\\g<module>', filename).rstrip('_')
                if module_name not in modules:
                    display.warning('Skipping coverage of unknown module: %s' %
                new_name = os.path.abspath(modules[module_name])
                display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3)
                filename = new_name
            elif re.search('^(/.*?)?/root/ansible/', filename):
                # Rewrite the path of code running on a remote host or in a docker container as root.
                new_name = re.sub('^(/.*?)?/root/ansible/', root_path,
                display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3)
                filename = new_name
            elif '/.ansible/test/tmp/' in filename:
                # Rewrite the path of code running from an integration test temporary directory.
                new_name = re.sub(r'^.*/\.ansible/test/tmp/[^/]+/', root_path,
                display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3)
                filename = new_name

            if group not in groups:
                groups[group] = {}

            arc_data = groups[group]

            if filename not in arc_data:
                arc_data[filename] = set()


    output_files = []
    invalid_path_count = 0
    invalid_path_chars = 0

    for group in sorted(groups):
        arc_data = groups[group]

        updated = coverage.CoverageData()

        for filename in arc_data:
            if not os.path.isfile(filename):
                invalid_path_count += 1
                invalid_path_chars += len(filename)

                if args.verbosity > 1:
                    display.warning('Invalid coverage path: %s' % filename)


            updated.add_arcs({filename: list(arc_data[filename])})

        if args.all:
            updated.add_arcs(dict((source, []) for source in sources))

        if not args.explain:
            output_file = COVERAGE_FILE + group

    if invalid_path_count > 0:
            'Ignored %d characters from %d invalid coverage path(s).' %
            (invalid_path_chars, invalid_path_count))

    return sorted(output_files)