Пример #1
	def update_initramfs(self):
		Updates the initramfs.
		m.verbose("Updating the initramfs...")
		m.sexec("update-initramfs -u -k all")
Пример #2
	def rename(self, new):
		"""Renames the Volume Group.
		new is the new group's name."""
		m.sexec("vgrename %(name)s %(new)s" % {"name":self.name, "new":new})
		self.name = new
Пример #3
def format_partition_for_real(obj, fs):
	""" Uses mkfs.* to format partition. """	

	# Get an appropriate frontend
	frontend = get_supported_filesystems()[fs]
	_app = frontend[0] # Application (e.g /sbin/mkfs.ext4)
	_opt = frontend[1] # Options of the application.
	# Umount...
	if is_mounted(obj.path):
	_opt = "%s %s" % (obj.path, _opt)
	# In some cases, a freshly committed Disk object will temporairly
	# make the partitions unavailable.
	# Running partprobe resolves this, but will slow down the process
	# a bit.
	# BEGIN FORMATTING!!!!111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111
	mkfs = m.execute("%s %s" % (_app, _opt))
	mkfs.start() # START!!!111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111
	# Return object to frontend, it should handle all.
	return mkfs
Пример #4
	def create(self, size):
		"""Creates the logical volume on self.vgroup with size 'size'."""
		# Size comes in as MB (S.I.), we need to transform them to kibibytes...
		size *= 1000 # KB
		size /= 1.024 # KiB
		size = int(size)-1 # round and ensure we aren't in excess
		#size = str(size) + "K"
		# Do the same with the extents
		unit = self.vgroup.infos["extentsize"]
		unit *= 1000 # KB
		unit /= 1.024 # KiB
		unit = int(unit)-1 # round and ensure we aren't in excess
		free = int(self.vgroup.infos["extentfree"])*unit
		# Compare the size with the unit
		if size > free:
			# More than free, use the maximum allowed
			size = free
		size = str(size) + "k"
		m.sexec("lvcreate --name %(name)s --size %(size)s %(vgroup)s" % {"name":self.name, "size":size, "vgroup":self.vgroup.name})
Пример #5
def umount(parted_part=None, path=None, tries=0):
	""" Unmounts a partition. You can use parted_part or path.
	parted_part is a Partition object of pyparted.
	path is a str that contains the device in /dev (e.g. '/dev/sda1')
	# Check args
	if parted_part:
		path = parted_part.path
	elif not path:
		# Not parted_part, nor path.
		raise m.UserError("mount_partition called without parted_part and without path!")
	# Check if it is mounted...
	if not is_mounted(path): raise m.UserError("%s is not mounted!" % path)
	# Unmount.
		m.sexec("umount %s" % path)
	except m.CmdError, e:
		# Failed, retry after two seconds
		if tries < 5:
			# max 5 tries
			return umount(parted_part=parted_part, path=path, tries=tries+1)
			raise e
Пример #6
	def rename(self, new):
		"""Renames the Logical Volume.
		new is the new volume's name."""
		m.sexec("lvrename %(vgroup)s %(name)s %(new)s" % {"vgroup":self.vgroup.name, "name":self.name, "new":new})
		self.name = new
Пример #7
	def format(self):
		""" Formats the previously created persistent filesystem. """
		path = self.main_settings["target"] + self.settings["path"] # os.path.join doesn't work if second argument begins with /
		image = os.path.join(path, "persistence-%s" % (self.settings["suffix"]))
		# Format
		m.sexec("mkfs.ext2 -F %s" % image)
Пример #8
	def disable(self):
		""" Disables the LogicalVolume. """
		if os.path.exists(self.path):
			# Ensure it is umounted...
			if is_mounted(self.mapper_path): umount(path=self.mapper_path)
			m.sexec("lvchange -a n %s" % self.path)
Пример #9
	def enable(self):
		""" Enables the VolumeGroup. """
		if not os.path.exists(self.path):
			m.sexec("vgchange -a y %s" % self.name)
			# Enable every LV...
			for lv in self.logicalvolumes:
Пример #10
	def create_ssl_certs(self):
		Creates the missing SSL certs.
		if os.path.exists("/var/lib/dpkg/info/ssl-cert.list"):
			# FIXME: saner check?
			m.verbose("Creating SSL certs...")
			m.sexec("make-ssl-cert generate-default-snakeoil --force-overwrite")
Пример #11
	def disable(self):
		""" Disables the VolumeGroup. """
		if os.path.exists(self.path):
			m.sexec("vgchange -a n %s" % self.name)

			# Disable every LV...
			for lv in self.logicalvolumes:
Пример #12
	def create(self):
		"""Creates the Physical Volume."""
		if type(self.pv) == pa.Disk:
			# If we are initializing a disk, we need to erase the partition table
			# Using the good old dd to do so.
			m.sexec("dd if=/dev/zero of=%s bs=512 count=1" % self.pv)
		m.sexec("pvcreate --force %s" % self.pv)
Пример #13
	def user_commit(self):
		""" Creates the user. """
		# Create and chmod /etc/passwd- (temporary workaround)
		asd = open("/etc/passwd-","w")
		# Ok... now invoking user-setup to make the changes we defined before...
Пример #14
	def close(self):
		""" Closes the device. """
		# Bugfix
		if not self.path: return
		# Ensure we have it unmounted...
		if lib.is_mounted(self.path): lib.umount(path=self.path)
		# Then close...
		m.sexec("cryptsetup luksClose %s" % self.path)
Пример #15
	def zramcfg(self):
		""" Configures zram via zramcfg. """
		# Get TotalMem size
		with open("/proc/meminfo") as mem:
			MemTotal = int(mem.readline().rstrip("\n").split(" ")[-2])/1024
		if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/zramcfg") or not self.moduleclass.settings["zram"] or not MemTotal <= ZRAM_LIMIT:
Пример #16
	def remove_virtualbox(self):
		""" Removes VirtualBox-related packages. """
		# FIXME: New releases of linstaller should handle better the package checking.
			for pkg in self.settings["remove-virtualbox.inst"].split(" "):
				m.sexec("dpkg -l %s &> /dev/null" % pkg, shell=True)
		m.sexec("apt-get remove --yes --force-yes --purge %s" % self.settings["remove-virtualbox"])
Пример #17
	def autoremove(self):
		""" Mark lvm2 as manually installed for now, and run apt-get autoremove """

			m.sexec("apt-mark manual lvm2")

		if not self.moduleclass.settings["autoremove"]:
			m.sexec("apt-get autoremove --yes")	
Пример #18
	def select(self, set, isLast=False):
		""" Selects the fastest mirror using mirrorselect. """
		verbose("Running mirrorselect with set %s..." % set)
		# Create arguments
		args = []
		args.append("-s %s" % set) # Set
		args.append("-n") # Non-interactive
		if self.moduleclass.modules_settings["mirrorselect"]["enable_sources"]: args.append("-o") # Enable sources
		if not isLast: args.append("-u") # Do not apt-get update
		m.sexec("/usr/bin/mirrorselect %s" % " ".join(args))
Пример #19
	def resize(self, size, type):
		"""Resizes the Logical Volume."""

		# Size comes in as MB (S.I.), we need to transform them to kibibytes...
		size *= 1000 # KB
		size /= 1.024 # KiB
		size = int(size)-1 # round and ensure we aren't in excess
		#size = str(size) + "K"
		size = str(size) + "k"
		m.sexec("lvresize --force --size %(size)s %(path)s" % {"size":size, "path":self.path})
Пример #20
	def install(self):
		""" Installs the bootloader on the specified device. """
		target = self.settings["target"]
		if not target:
			# No target, we should get one.
				target = self.modules_settings["partdisks"]["root"]
				# We can't get a target
				raise m.UserError("Please specify target device.")
		# Get partition
		part = lib.return_partition(target)
		if part == None:
			raise m.UserError("Target device %s not found." % target)
		directory = os.path.join(self.main_settings["target"], "syslinux")
		bootloader = self.settings["bootloader"]
		if not bootloader:
			# We should get the bootloader ourselves.
			# What this means? We need to check for the partition type and set the appropiate bootloader.
			fs = part.fileSystem.type
			if fs in ("fat32"):
				bootloader = "syslinux"
			elif fs in ("ext2","ext3","ext4"):
				args = "-i '%(location)s'" % {"location":target}
				bootloader = "extlinux"
		if bootloader == "syslinux":
			args = "-i -d '%(dir)s' '%(location)s'" % {"dir":directory,"location":target}
		elif bootloader == "extlinux":
			# Generate extlinux configuration file (FIXME)
			with open(os.path.join(directory, "extlinux.cfg"), "w") as f:
				f.write("include syslinux.cfg\n")
			# Install MBR (warning: we do not make backups! Are they needed on USB drives MBR?)
			# FIXME: maybe find a cooler way to do this?
			m.sexec("dd if=/usr/lib/extlinux/mbr.bin of='%s' bs=440 count=1" % lib.return_device(target))
			args = "-i '%(dir)s'" % {"dir":directory}
		verbose("Selected location: %s" % target)
		m.sexec("%(bootloader)s %(args)s" % {"bootloader":bootloader, "args":args})
		# Make partition bootable...
		verbose("Making partition bootable...")
		lib.setFlag(part, "boot")
		lib.commit(part, (target)) # Commit
Пример #21
	def format(self, password, cipher="aes-xts-plain64", keysize=512):
		""" Formats the device and sets password as the drive's password. """
		# Umount
		# Try to close
		except m.CmdError:
		# Ugly as hell
		m.sexec("echo '%(password)s' | cryptsetup luksFormat --cipher %(cipher)s --key-size %(keysize)s %(device)s" % {"password":password, "device":self.string_device, "cipher":cipher, "keysize":keysize})
Пример #22
	def prechecks(self):
		""" Checks if mirrorselect exists and a working internet connection is present. """
		if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/mirrorselect"):
			verbose("mirrorselect is not installed.")
			return False
			m.sexec("ping -c1 www.google.com")
			# No connection
			verbose("A working internet connection is not present.")
			return False
		return True
Пример #23
    def random_fill(self, type=FillQuality.LOW):
        """ Fills the device with random data.
		type is an object from the FillQuality enum.
		It returns the process object to the frontend.

        # Umount

        if type == FillQuality.LOW:
            m.sexec("badblocks -c 10240 -s -w -t random -v %s" % self.string_device)
        elif type == FillQuality.HIGH:
            m.sexec("dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s" % self.string_device)
Пример #24
	def on_module_change(self):
		""" Seeds items when we change module. """
		# Preseed changes
		self.settings["language"] = self.get_selected_locale()
		self.settings["layout"] = self.get_selected_layouts()
		self.settings["model"] = self.get_selected_model()
		self.settings["variant"] = self.get_selected_variant()

		# The following is commented because it doesn't work fully.
		# (Yeah, this is a subtler way to say FIXME!!!111!!one!!eleven!)
		# Set language, if we should
		#norm = locale.get_best_locale(self.settings["language"])
		#current = locale_module.getlocale()
		#if current == (None, None):
		#	current = None
		#	current = ".".join(current)
		#if current != norm:
		#	try:
		#		verbose("Setting installer language to %s (normalized: %s, current: %s)" % (self.settings["language"], norm, current))
		#		locale.set(norm, generateonly=True)
		#		os.environ["LANG"] = norm
		#		# Also rebuild pages
		#		self.objects["parent"].build_pages(replacepage=True, newlocale=norm)
		#	except:
		#		verbose("Unable to set locale to %s, leaving locale unchanged." % norm)

		# Set keyboard layout
		kargs = ["setxkbmap", self.settings["layout"][0]]
		if self.settings["model"]: kargs.append("-model %s" % self.settings["model"])
		if self.settings["variant"]: kargs.append("-variant %s" % self.settings["variant"])

			# Warning: this will change the keyboard layout *globally*
			sexec(" ".join(kargs), shell=False)
			verbose("Unable to change the keyboard layout.")
		verbose("Selected language: %s" % self.settings["language"])
		verbose("Selected keyboard: %s (model %s, variant %s)" % (self.settings["layout"], self.settings["model"], self.settings["variant"]))
Пример #25
	def extend(self, devices):
		"""Extends the Volume Group.
		devices is a tuple which contains the list of devices to include into the VG."""

		if not type(devices) == tuple and not type(devices) == list: devices = (devices,)
		_devices = []
		for device in devices:
			if type(device) == str:
				name = device
				name = device.pv
		m.sexec("vgextend %(name)s %(devices)s" % {"name":self.name, "devices":" ".join(_devices)})
Пример #26
	def reduce(self, devices):
		"""Reduces the Volume Group.
		devices is a tuple which contains the list of devices to remove from the VG."""

		if not type(devices) == tuple and not type(devices) == list: devices = (devices,)
		_devices = []
		for device in devices:
			if type(device) == str:
				name = device
				name = device.pv
		m.sexec("vgreduce %(name)s %(devices)s" % {"name":self.name, "devices":" ".join(_devices)})
Пример #27
    def set_kernel(self):
        """ Final set-up of the kernel """

        # Get the kernel package installed
        kernel_package = False
        re_minimal = re.compile("^linux-image-\d+\.\d+\.\d+\-\d+-.*$")
        for pkg in cache.keys():
            if re_minimal.match(pkg) and cache[pkg].is_installed:
                kernel_package = pkg

        if not kernel_package:
            raise m.UserError("Unable to determine the correct kernel.")

        # Rename the generic vmlinuz that we previously copied to /boot
        version = kernel_package.replace("linux-image-", "")
        shutil.move("/boot/vmlinuz", "/boot/vmlinuz-%s" % version)

        # Update initramfs
        m.sexec("update-initramfs -c -k %s" % version)
Пример #28
	def bootstrap(self):
		""" Actually run the bootstrap. """
		is_insecure = self.modules_settings["thewall"]["insecure"]
		is_foreign = False # FIXME!
		arch = self.modules_settings["thewall"]["arch"]
		areas = self.settings["areas"].split(" ")
		bootstrap_args = ["--arch=%s" % arch, "--components=%s" % ",".join(areas)]
		if is_foreign: bootstrap_args.append("--foreign")
		if is_insecure: bootstrap_args.append("--no-check-gpg")
		# Execute debootstrap...
		verbose("Executing debootstrap...")
		m.sexec("debootstrap %(options)s \"%(distro)s\" \"%(target)s\" \"%(mirror)s\"" %
				"options":" ".join(bootstrap_args),
		if is_foreign:
			# FIXME!
		# Remove newly created hosts file...
		os.remove(os.path.join(self.main_settings["target"], "etc/hosts"))
		# Remove package cache...
		base = os.path.join(self.main_settings["target"], "var/cache/apt/archives")
		for item in os.listdir(base):
			if item.endswith(".deb"):
				os.remove(os.path.join(base, item))
Пример #29
	def crypttab(self):
		""" Generates /etc/crypttab. """
		if len(crypt.LUKSdevices) == 0:
		with open("/etc/crypttab", "w") as f:
			for device, obj in crypt.LUKSdevices.items():
				# See if the device is a physical volume, otherwise
				# we will not touch it...
				if not obj.mapper_path in lvm.PhysicalVolumes:
				UUID = lib.get_UUID(device)
				f.write("%(name)s UUID=%(UUID)s none luks\n" % {"name":obj.crypt_name, "UUID":UUID})
		# Set proper owner and permissions on the file
		os.chown("/etc/crypttab", 0, 0)
		os.chmod("/etc/crypttab", 0744)
		# Also update-initramfs to make sure we include cryptsetup & family
		# into the initramfs
		m.sexec("update-initramfs -u -k all")
Пример #30
def mount_partition(parted_part=None, path=None, opts=False, typ=None, target=False, check=True):
	""" Mounts a partition. You can use parted_part or path.
	parted_part is a Partition object of pyparted.
	path is a str that contains the device in /dev (e.g. '/dev/sda1')
	# Check args
	if parted_part:
		path = parted_part.path
	elif not path:
		# Not parted_part, nor path.
		raise m.UserError("mount_partition called without parted_part and without path!")
	# Check if path exists...
	if path.startswith("/") and not os.path.exists(path): raise m.UserError("%s does not exist!" % path)
	# Generate a mount point
	_directory = path.replace("/","") # Strip all /. We should have something like this: devsda1.
	_mountpoint = os.path.join("/linstaller/mountpoints", _directory)
	if target:
		# Supersede _mountpoint with target
		_mountpoint = target
	if not os.path.exists(_mountpoint):
		os.makedirs(_mountpoint) # Create directory
		# Mountpoint already exists. See if it is mounted...
		if os.path.ismount(_mountpoint) and check:
			# Check if the _mountpoint is the place of the partition we want.
			infos = is_mounted(path)
			if not infos:
				# Not mounted. Here is mounted *another* partition
				raise m.CmdError("in %s there is mounted another partition!" % _mountpoint)
			# It is mounted. We can directly return this mountpoint.
			if opts:
				for opt in opts.split(","):
					if not opt in is_mounted(path)["options"]:
						# It is mounted, but the options are not here
						# Remount.
						m.sexec("mount -o %s,remount %s %s" % (opts, path, _mountpoint))
			return _mountpoint
	# Check if the partition is already mounted on another mountpoint.
	if is_mounted(path) and check:
		# It is mounted.
		_mountpoint = is_mounted(path)["mountpoint"]
		if opts:
			for opt in opts.split(","):
				if not opt in is_mounted(path)["options"]:
					# It is mounted, but the options are not here
					# Remount.
					m.sexec("mount -o %s,remount %s %s" % (opts, path, _mountpoint))
		return _mountpoint
	# Mount. Finally!
	if opts:
		opts = "-o %s" % opts
		opts = ""
	if typ:
		typ = "-t %s" % typ
		typ = ""
	m.sexec("mount %s %s %s %s" % (typ, opts, path, _mountpoint))
	# Return mountpoint
	return _mountpoint