Пример #1
    def test_round_trip(self):
        o = Analysis()
        o.source = Source()
        o.source.name = "ThreatExpert"
        o.source.organization = "ThreatExpert"
        o.source.method = "triage"
        o.source.url = "http://www.threatexpert.com"

        o.start_datetime = "2014-08-06T18:30:00"

        o2 = round_trip(o, True)

        self.assertEqual(o.to_dict(), o2.to_dict())
Пример #2
    def test_round_trip(self):
        o = Analysis()
        o.source = Source()
        o.source.name = "ThreatExpert"
        o.source.organization = "ThreatExpert"
        o.source.method = "triage"
        o.source.url = "http://www.threatexpert.com"

        o.start_datetime = "2014-08-06T18:30:00"

        o2 = round_trip(o, True)

        self.assertEqual(o.to_dict(), o2.to_dict())
Пример #3
 def generate_analysis(self, static_bundle):
     analysis = Analysis()
     analysis.type = 'triage'
     analysis.method = 'static'
     analysis.add_tool(ToolInformation.from_dict({'id': maec.utils.idgen.create_id(prefix="tool"),
             'vendor': 'Ero Carrera',
             'name': 'pefile'}))
     findings_bundle_reference = []
     if self.bundle_has_content(static_bundle):
     analysis.findings_bundle_reference = findings_bundle_reference
     return analysis
Пример #4
 def generate_analysis(self, static_bundle):
     analysis = Analysis()
     analysis.type = 'triage'
     analysis.method = 'static'
     analysis.add_tool(ToolInformation.from_dict({'id': maec.utils.idgen.create_id(prefix="tool"),
             'vendor': 'Ero Carrera',
             'name': 'pefile'}))
     findings_bundle_reference = []
     if self.bundle_has_content(static_bundle):
     analysis.findings_bundle_reference = findings_bundle_reference
     return analysis
# Code for MAEC Dynamic Analysis Idiom
from maec.package.package import Package
from maec.package.malware_subject import MalwareSubject
from maec.package.analysis import Analysis
from maec.bundle.bundle import Bundle
from maec.bundle.malware_action import MalwareAction
from cybox.core import Object, AssociatedObject, AssociatedObjects
from cybox.objects.win_executable_file_object import WinExecutableFile
from cybox.objects.win_mutex_object import WinMutex
from cybox.common import ToolInformation, VocabString

# Set up the necessary Package, Malware Subject, Analysis Bundle Instances
p = Package()
ms = MalwareSubject()
b = Bundle()
a = Analysis()

# Set the Malware_Instance_Object_Attributes on the Malware Subject
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes = Object()
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes.properties = WinExecutableFile()
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes.properties.size_in_bytes = "210564"

# Populate the Analysis with the metadata relating to the Analysis that was performed
a.method = "dynamic"
a.type_ = "triage"
t = ToolInformation()
# Code for MAEC Process Tree Idiom
from maec.package.package import Package
from maec.package.malware_subject import MalwareSubject
from maec.package.analysis import Analysis
from maec.bundle.bundle import Bundle
from maec.bundle.malware_action import MalwareAction
from maec.bundle.process_tree import ProcessTree, ProcessTreeNode
from cybox.core import Object, AssociatedObject, AssociatedObjects
from cybox.objects.win_executable_file_object import WinExecutableFile
from cybox.common import ToolInformation, VocabString

# Set up the necessary Package, Malware Subject, Analysis Bundle Instances
p = Package()
ms = MalwareSubject()
b = Bundle()
a = Analysis()

# Set the Malware_Instance_Object_Attributes on the Malware Subject
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes = Object()
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes.properties = WinExecutableFile()
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes.properties.size_in_bytes = "251904"

# Populate the Analysis with the metadata relating to the Analysis that was performed
a.method = "dynamic"
a.type_ = "triage"
t = ToolInformation()
t.name = "Anubis"
t.vendor = "ISECLab"
Пример #7
# Code for MAEC AV Classification Idiom
from maec.package.package import Package
from maec.package.malware_subject import MalwareSubject
from maec.package.analysis import Analysis
from maec.bundle.bundle import Bundle
from maec.bundle.av_classification import AVClassification
from cybox.core import Object
from cybox.objects.win_executable_file_object import WinExecutableFile

# Set up the necessary Package, Malware Subject, Analysis Bundle Instances
p = Package()
ms = MalwareSubject()
b = Bundle()
a = Analysis()

# Set the Malware_Instance_Object_Attributes on the Malware Subject
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes = Object()
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes.properties = WinExecutableFile()

# Populate the Analysis with the metadata relating to the Analysis that was performed
a.method = "static"
a.type_ = "triage"

# Set the requisite attributes on the Bundle
b.defined_subject = False
b.content_type = "static analysis tool output"

# Create the AV Classifications
Пример #8
from maec.package.analysis import Analysis
from maec.bundle.bundle import Bundle
from maec.bundle.malware_action import MalwareAction
from maec.bundle.process_tree import ProcessTree, ProcessTreeNode
from cybox.objects.win_executable_file_object import WinExecutableFile
from cybox.common import ToolInformation, VocabString

# サンプルの名前空間に(自動ID生成用の)IDジェネレータクラスをインスタンス化
NS = Namespace("http://example.com/", "example")

# インスタンス化:Bundle, Package, MalwareSubject, Analysis classes
bundle = Bundle(defined_subject=False)
package = Package()
subject = MalwareSubject()
analysis = Analysis()

# Populate the Analysis with the metadata relating to the Analysis that was performed
analysis.method = "dynamic"
analysis.type_ = "triage"
t = ToolInformation()
t.name = "APIMonitor"
t.vendor = "APIMonitor"

# Malware Instance Object Attribures内で使うためのオブジェクトを作成(マルウェアを含んだファイル?)
subject_object = Object() #オブジェクト
subject_object.properties = File() #ファイルオブジェクト
subject_object.properties.file_name = 'seminor.doc' # ファイル名(マルウェアを含んだファイル)
from maec.package.malware_subject import MalwareSubject
from maec.package.analysis import Analysis
from maec.bundle.bundle import Bundle, BehaviorReference
from maec.bundle.malware_action import MalwareAction
from maec.bundle.capability import Capability, CapabilityObjective, CapabilityList
from maec.bundle.behavior import Behavior, BehavioralActions, BehavioralActionReference
from cybox.core import Object, AssociatedObject, AssociatedObjects
from cybox.objects.win_executable_file_object import WinExecutableFile
from cybox.objects.win_hook_object import WinHook
from cybox.common import VocabString

# Set up the necessary Package, Malware Subject, Analysis Bundle Instances
p = Package()
ms = MalwareSubject()
b = Bundle()
a = Analysis()

# Set the Malware_Instance_Object_Attributes on the Malware Subject
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes = Object()
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes.properties = WinExecutableFile()
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes.properties.size_in_bytes = "210564"

# Populate the Analysis with the metadata relating to the Analysis that was performed
a.method = "static"
a.type_ = "in-depth"

# Set the requisite attributes on the Bundle and populate it with the In-depth Analysis findings
b.defined_subject = False
Пример #10
    def test_round_trip(self):
        o = Analysis()
        o2 = round_trip(o)

        self.assertEqual(o.to_dict(), o2.to_dict())
# Code for MAEC Static Analysis Idiom
from maec.package.package import Package
from maec.package.malware_subject import MalwareSubject
from maec.package.analysis import Analysis, Source
from cybox.core import Object
from cybox.objects.win_executable_file_object import WinExecutableFile, PEHeaders, PEOptionalHeader
from cybox.common import ToolInformation
from maec.bundle.bundle import Bundle

# Set up the necessary Package, Malware Subject, Analysis Bundle Instances
p = Package()
ms = MalwareSubject()
b = Bundle()
a = Analysis()

# Set the Malware_Instance_Object_Attributes on the Malware Subject
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes = Object()
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes.properties = WinExecutableFile()
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes.properties.file_name = "dg003_improve_8080_V132.exe"
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes.properties.size_in_bytes = "196608"

# Populate the Analysis with the metadata relating to the Analysis that was performed
a.method = "static"
a.type_ = "triage"
a.summary = "A basic static triage of the subject binary using PEiD."
a.source = Source()
a.source.name = "Frankie Li"
a.source.url = "http://www.sans.org/reading_room/whitepapers/malicious/detailed-analysis-advanced-persistent-threat-malware_33814"
t = ToolInformation()
Пример #12
# Code for MAEC Static Analysis Idiom
from maec.package.package import Package
from maec.package.malware_subject import MalwareSubject
from maec.package.analysis import Analysis, Source
from cybox.core import Object
from cybox.objects.win_executable_file_object import WinExecutableFile, PEHeaders, PEOptionalHeader
from cybox.common import ToolInformation
from maec.bundle.bundle import Bundle

# Set up the necessary Package, Malware Subject, Analysis Bundle Instances
p = Package()
ms = MalwareSubject()
b = Bundle()
a = Analysis()

# Set the Malware_Instance_Object_Attributes on the Malware Subject
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes = Object()
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes.properties = WinExecutableFile()
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes.properties.file_name = "dg003_improve_8080_V132.exe"
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes.properties.size_in_bytes = "196608"

# Populate the Analysis with the metadata relating to the Analysis that was performed
a.method = "static"
a.type_ = "triage"
a.summary = "A basic static triage of the subject binary using PEiD."
a.source = Source()
a.source.name = "Frankie Li"
a.source.url = "http://www.sans.org/reading_room/whitepapers/malicious/detailed-analysis-advanced-persistent-threat-malware_33814"
def vt_report_to_maec_package(vt_report_input, options = None):
    """Accept a VirusTotal report (as a Python structure) and return a corresponding MAEC Package API object."""
    NS = Namespace("https://github.com/MAECProject/vt-to-maec", "VirusTotalToMAEC")
    package = Package()

    # if only one result, make it a list of one result
    if type(vt_report_input) != list:
        vt_report_list = [vt_report_input]
        vt_report_list = vt_report_input

    for idx, vt_report in enumerate(vt_report_list):
        # if VirusTotal has never seen this MD5
        if vt_report["response_code"] == 0:
            sys.stderr.write("WARNING: Skipping file #" + str(idx+1) + " (" + vt_report["resource"] + "); this MD5 is unknown to VirusTotal\n")
        if vt_report["response_code"] == -1:
            sys.stderr.write("WARNING: VirusTotal had an unexpected error on file #" + str(idx+1) + " (" + vt_report["resource"] + "): " +
                             vt_report.get("verbose_message", "no message provided") + "\n")
        malware_subject = MalwareSubject()
        # create the file object and add hashes
        file_dict = {}
        file_dict['xsi:type'] = 'WindowsExecutableFileObjectType'
        file_dict['hashes'] = [
            {'type' : 'MD5', 'simple_hash_value': vt_report["md5"] },
            {'type' : 'SHA1', 'simple_hash_value': vt_report["sha1"] },
            {'type' : 'SHA256', 'simple_hash_value': vt_report["sha256"] }
        # set the object as the defined object
        object_dict = {}
        object_dict['id'] = maec.utils.idgen.create_id(prefix="object")
        object_dict['properties'] = file_dict
        # bind the object to the malware subject object
        # create the analysis and add it to the subject
        analysis = Analysis()
        analysis.type_ = 'triage'
        analysis.method = 'static'
        analysis.complete_datetime = vt_report["scan_date"].replace(" ", "T")
        analysis.add_tool(ToolInformation.from_dict({'id' : maec.utils.idgen.create_id(prefix="tool"),
                           'vendor' : 'VirusTotal',
                           'name' : 'VirusTotal' }))
        bundle_obj = Bundle()
        for vendor, scan in vt_report["scans"].items():
            if scan["result"] is not None:
                bundle_obj.add_av_classification(AVClassification.from_dict({ 'classification_name' : scan["result"], 'vendor' : vendor }))
        # add bundle to subject, bundle to analysis, and subject to package
        package.__input_namespaces__["https://github.com/MAECProject/vt-to-maec"] = "VirusTotalToMAEC"
        if options:
            if options.normalize_bundles:
            if options.deduplicate_bundles:
            if options.dereference_bundles:
    return package
Пример #14
# Code for MAEC Analysis Metadata Idiom
from maec.package.package import Package
from maec.package.malware_subject import MalwareSubject
from maec.package.analysis import Analysis
from cybox.core import Object
from cybox.common import ToolInformation, VocabString
from cybox.objects.win_executable_file_object import WinExecutableFile

# Set up the necessary Package, Malware Subject, Analysis instances
p = Package()
ms = MalwareSubject()
a1 = Analysis()
a2 = Analysis()

# Set the Malware_Instance_Object_Attributes on the Malware Subject
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes = Object()
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes.properties = WinExecutableFile()
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes.properties.size_in_bytes = "210564"

# Populate the PeID Analysis with its corresponding metadata
a1.method = "static"
a1.type_ = "triage"
t1 = ToolInformation()
t1.name = "PEiD"
t1.version = "0.94"

# Populate the Anubis Analysis with its corresponding metadata
a2.method = "dynamic"
a2.type_ = "triage"
Пример #15
 def test_id_autoset(self):
     o = Analysis()
     self.assertNotEqual(o.id_, None)
from maec.package.malware_subject import MalwareSubject
from maec.package.analysis import Analysis
from maec.bundle.bundle import Bundle, BehaviorReference
from maec.bundle.malware_action import MalwareAction
from maec.bundle.capability import Capability, CapabilityObjective, CapabilityList
from maec.bundle.behavior import Behavior, BehavioralActions, BehavioralActionReference
from cybox.core import Object, AssociatedObject, AssociatedObjects
from cybox.objects.win_executable_file_object import WinExecutableFile
from cybox.objects.win_hook_object import WinHook
from cybox.common import VocabString

# Set up the necessary Package, Malware Subject, Analysis Bundle Instances
p = Package()
ms = MalwareSubject()
b = Bundle()
a = Analysis()

# Set the Malware_Instance_Object_Attributes on the Malware Subject
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes = Object()
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes.properties = WinExecutableFile()
ms.malware_instance_object_attributes.properties.size_in_bytes = "210564"

# Populate the Analysis with the metadata relating to the Analysis that was performed
a.method = "static"
a.type_ = "in-depth"

# Set the requisite attributes on the Bundle and populate it with the In-depth Analysis findings
b.defined_subject = False
b.content_type = "manual analysis output"